WORIOA :: Volume #6

#189: Beyond the Heaven flies

After the day of winter solstice, the national capital region weather does not see to change for the better, always has the lead cloud capping, the daytime just like the evening, flutters once for a while the snow in big flakes, covers muddy hard to pass the path. 冬至之日后,京畿地带天气不见好转,始终有铅云压顶,白昼宛若傍晚,时不时飘下鹅毛大雪,将道路覆盖得泥泞难行 In the royal government and Country Protection Monastery many Blessing of God and Immortal are the wind uncle rain master and azure female broad cold powerhouse one after another displays divine ability, plans to change the Capital City climate forcibly, however can only maintain the half day, how long could not want on the regression original condition, freezing cold, the cold wave surged. 朝廷与护国观内不少护佑神仙是风伯雨师、青女广寒的强者纷纷施展神通,打算强行改变京城气候,然而仅能维持半日,要不了多久就复归原状,滴水成冰,寒潮涌动。 In the Nandou Star Monarch palace, Xu Jingxu takes the bamboo tube containing lot for divination, revolution divine ability, with single-hearted devotion is shaking , a bamboo slip departs, falls the arrived ground. 南斗星君殿中,许静虚拿着签筒,运转神通,专心致志摇动,啪一声,其中一根竹签飞出,落到了地上。 Concentrates the eye to look, Xu Jingxu stands up suddenly, among the facial expressions is completely panic-stricken. 凝目看去,许静虚霍然站起,神情之间尽是惊恐。 The bamboo slip of one after next, the trillion of end! 下下之签,末日之兆! ............ ………… In God Favored Country national capital nearby remote mountain, the strong winds howl, dark cloud to turn into a dragon, danced in the air all over the sky, builds dark strange sky, can probably penetrate it to arrive in some terrifying to be. 神眷国京畿附近一座深山内,狂风呼啸,乌云成龙,满天飞舞,营造出了一片幽暗诡异的天空,像是能穿透它抵达某个恐怖所在。 But the strong winds core place, the brand-new altar towers palatially, but its shape is plain, felt the feeling of wild, the vicissitudes are remote, the highest place is hanging God and Immortal Position Chart, hoodwinked Three Pure Ones Dao Ancestor, the dizzy dyed The Grand One Eastern Sovereign the given name, the atmosphere of solemn silence naturally swung. 而狂风核心处,崭新的祭坛巍峨耸立,但其状古朴,充满了荒蛮之感,沧桑而久远,最高处悬挂着一张神仙业位图,蒙掉了三清道祖,晕染了“东皇太一”的名讳,庄严肃穆的氛围自然荡开。 Great Sage Heaven Master Zhang Buzhou no longer plays blindman's buff with the yellow turbans, without the colored glaze white of the eye as if both sides mirror of pupil, received in which with all around forbidden technique and the meter orbiter and offering sacrifices thing of the sacrificial altar completely. 大贤天师张不周不再用黄巾蒙眼,没有瞳孔的琉璃白眼珠仿佛两面镜子,将祭台与四周禁法、仪轨道器、献祭之物完全收入了其中。 Zhang Buzhou is treading strange Yu step, in knocks begins the copper bell, probably the big witch of Great Desolation time, by strange also has the way of exaggeration strength to conduct the ritual, how long has not known, as the snow in big flakes falls gently, the sacrificial altar covers white vague around, he completed this part, in reverberation melodious bell sound, low head, step by step ascended to sacrificial altar. 张不周踏着奇怪的禹步,敲着手里铜钟,像是洪荒时代的大巫,以奇诡又极具渲染力的方式进行着仪轨,不知过了多久,随着鹅毛大雪飘落,将祭台四周覆盖成白茫,他才完成了这个部分,在回荡的悠扬钟声里,低下头颅,一步步登临祭台。 One step, the national capital region is thorough, in the evening ahead of time arrives. 一步,京畿地带彻底昏暗,傍晚提前降临。 Two steps, the snow in big flakes congealed the hail, fell. 两步,鹅毛大雪凝成了冰雹,噼里啪啦落下。 Three steps, the strong winds get up, the tree wants to fold. 三步,狂风起,树欲折。 ...... …… When Zhang Buzhou stand arrived that God and Immortal Position Chart front, the God Favored Country entire national capital area was covered by the millennium rare snowstorms, the lights that in the darkness a point wants to extinguish served as contrast the Armageddon scenario, Xu Jingxu unite elder deduce to have the general reason finally: Great Sage Heaven Master is going to request Eastern Sovereign to arrive, cleans the contamination the world, ends up white one piece. 张不周到了那张神仙业位图前方时,神眷国整个京畿地区被千年难得一遇的暴风雪笼罩了,黑暗里点点欲灭的灯火衬托出末日景象,许静虚联合诸位长老总算推衍出了大概的缘由:大贤天师将要请求东皇降临,清洗污秽的人间,落得白茫茫一片。 „Was he insane?” Xu Jingxu with astonishment blurts. “他疯了吗?”许静虚惊愕脱口。 This matter kills the enemy 1000 absolutely, damages 800 fates, the great person of The Grand One Eastern Sovereign this progression, even if arrives at a strength directly, still made the calamity, the myriad things destruction, Yellow Turban Path to increase sufficiently in day, Zhang Buzhou broke through the mountain pass about, why can make this perished together the frenzied move? 这种事情绝对是杀敌一千,自损八百的下场,东皇太一这种级数的大人物,即使只是直接降临一丝力量,也足以弄得天塌地陷,万物毁灭,黄巾道正增增日上,张不周行将突破关隘,为何要做此同归于尽般的疯狂举动? He does not think clearly, does not want to understand, the urgent matter then prevents Great Sage Heaven Master! 他想不明白,也不想明白,当务之急便是阻止大贤天师 Walks, the place of bygone days imbalance seeks.” Xu Jingxu again unable to deal with other, passed on a message the imperial family, while is seeking toward the region of storm most hysterical/frenzy with the Country Protection Monastery elders. “走,往天地失衡之地寻找。”许静虚顾不得其他,一边传讯皇室,一边与护国观长老们往着暴风雨最狂乱的地带寻找。 The Sovereign of Heaven Path lord Yun Gu same sample near national capital left as before was not right, jumped to leap, following the wind language, flew to escape to the remote mountain. 依旧在京畿附近的皇天道道主云古同样品出了不对,纵身一跃,循着风语,向深山飞遁。 But at this very moment, Zhang Buzhou took down that yellow turbans that is covering the forehead, both hands hold, crawls in the place, offers before glittering Eastern Sovereign given name God and Immortal Position Chart. 此时此刻,张不周取下了那条覆盖着额头的黄巾,双手捧着,匍匐在地,献于闪烁着东皇名讳的神仙业位图前。 Bang! 轰隆! The winter has the thunder, the vibration vault of heaven, the dark cloud, as the midair of strong winds chaotic dance, a slight and dark slit highlights, probably is thin and long eye pupil! 冬日有雷,震动苍穹,乌云随着狂风乱舞的半空,一条细微又幽暗的缝隙凸显,像是一只又细又长的眼眸! Bang! 轰隆! In the snow in big flakes, purple electricity to become tree, falls loudly, Gan Ruoxu detected that arrived is not right, gets to the Three Pure Ones Palace entrance, looks the end approaches sky. 鹅毛大雪里,紫电成树,轰然落下,甘若虚察觉到了不对,走到三清殿门口,看着末日来临般的天空。 At this time, Primordial Beginning Daoist in his mind , if there is induction, opened the eye fiercely, karma interwove, deductive uncanny prediction. 就在这个时候,他脑海内的元始道人如有感应,猛地睁开了眼睛,因果交织,演绎神算。 In Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, sits well cloud bed the Meng Qi facial expression becomes dignified, in the vision has surprisedly also has the doubts: „Does Zhang Buzhou want to extinguish the world unexpectedly? Moreover really communicated so-called Eastern Sovereign, having the mysterious difficult word also to be ancient the overbearing Great Desolation aura presents.” 昆仑山玉虚宫内,端坐云床的孟奇神情变得凝重,目光之中有惊讶也有疑惑:“张不周竟然想灭世?而且真的沟通了所谓的‘东皇’,有玄妙难言又古老霸道的洪荒气息呈现。” He has not expected so-called The Grand One Eastern Sovereign unexpectedly makes Zhang Buzhou choose to extinguish the method that world type most renounces, seems like to prevent the restoration of Seven Kills Tablet! 他没料到所谓的“东皇太一”居然让张不周选择灭世这种最决绝的手段,看起来就是为了阻止自身七杀碑的恢复! don't tell me, that The Grand One Eastern Sovereign does not think that the Endless Abyss Sea mutation does withdraw? 难道,那位“东皇太一”不想无尽渊海异变退后? Actually is It who? 祂究竟是谁? The Grand One Eastern Sovereign fell from the sky in the hand of Exalted Emperor Haotian obviously, its menstruation era change did not extinguish, evolves Fusang Ancient Tree! 东皇太一明明陨落于了昊天上帝之手,其血经纪元更替而不灭,衍化出了扶桑古树 The thought wells up numerously, Meng Qi has not delayed own resolution, the sacrificial altar has stood, the ritual completely, arrived this situation, has wanted through borrowing again in the strength, making Gan Ruoxu go to prevent, obviously there's not enough time, contacted Little Glutton through Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, making her hurry to the sacrificial altar, is so. 念头纷涌间,孟奇并没有耽搁自身的决断,祭台已立,仪轨已尽,到了这个地步,再想通过借于力量,让甘若虚前去阻止,显然来不及了,通过万界通识符联络小吃货,让她赶去祭台,也是如此。 The chess misses one, it is expected that is less, then ends up the so passive aspect, whether or not really Eastern Sea, by such power and influence, even if a strength, makes the frail day landslide extinguish sufficiently! 棋差一着,预料不及,便落得如此被动的局面,无论是不是真的“东海”,以那样的威势,哪怕一丝力量,也足以让脆弱的天地崩灭! Only can make......” Meng Qi to sigh suddenly, Divine Consciousness colluded the brand mark of Gan Ruoxu within the body, he wants to observe again. “只能这么做了……”孟奇忽地叹了口气,神识勾连了甘若虚体内的自身烙印,他本来想再观察观察的。 Primordial Beginning Daoist figure both hands tie seal suddenly, all around appeared, if has Thread of Karma that resembles not to have, they are not themselves, but came from Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning in the projection of this side universe! 元始道人身影双手猛然结印,四周现出了一条条若有似无的因果之线,它们不属于自身,而是来自元始天尊在这方宇宙的投影! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Thunderous , the god family 18 states, five fights 24 govern, peaceful 36 sides, overseas 72 islands, all in Dao Monastery temples that are consecrating Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the statue all vibrates, as if obtains the life, their modeling their facial features change instantaneously, becoming the graying at the temples and both eyes was profound, five senses delicate and pretty! 雷鸣更甚,神眷十八州,五斗二十四治,太平三十六方,海外七十二岛,所有供奉着元始天尊道观神庙之内,雕像全部抖动,仿佛获得生命,它们的造型它们的面容瞬间变化,成了两鬓斑白、双目幽深、五官俊美之相! But all polite names turned into Jade Purity Purple Void Masterly Supreme Primordial Sovereign Great Dao Monarch all! 而一切尊称尽数变成了“玉清紫虚高妙太上元皇大道君”! Primordial Beginning change, at the beginning of all phenomena on earth! 元始更替,万象伊始! Meng Qi with own brand mark, through Cause of All Fruits, received the Primordial Beginning projection of this place not spirit wisdom. 孟奇以自身烙印,通过诸果之因,接收了此地没有灵智的元始投影。 at this very moment, he is this side universe true Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning! 此时此刻,他便是这方宇宙真正的元始天尊 Primordial Beginning Daoist in Gan Ruoxu mind sits cross-legged as before, but figure becomes the as if essence, even more probably time and void zero point. 甘若虚脑海内的元始道人依旧盘坐,但身影变得仿佛实质,愈发像是时光与虚空的原点。 Meng Qi lifts the hand, Primordial Beginning Daoist lifts the hand, Gan Ruoxu also follows to lift the hand, the innumerable Dao Monastery temples, the innumerable Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statues accumulated do not know that the strength of air/Qi and the Incense Fire many ten thousand years of Merit Virtue Daode(way of virtue) Blessing Virtue passed through void, selected the point to condense in Three Pure Ones Palace. 孟奇抬手,元始道人抬手,甘若虚也跟着抬手,无数道观神庙,无数元始天尊雕像积累了不知多少万年的功德道德福德之气与香火之力穿过虚空,点点凝聚于三清殿内。 Golden yellow and black and white and purple qi altogether flies, Incense Fire is indistinct and sacred, as Meng Qi, Primordial Beginning Daoist and Gan Ruoxu right hand at the same time grasps, they condense suddenly! 金黄、黑白与紫气共飞,香火飘渺又神圣,随着孟奇元始道人甘若虚右手同时一握,它们猛然凝聚! ............ ………… In the remote mountain near national capital, Zhang Buzhou offers to Eastern Sovereign front yellow turbans calm self-ignition, seeped out a blood. 京畿附近的深山里,张不周奉献于东皇面前的黄巾无风自燃,渗出了点点鲜血。 When! 当! Illusory bell sound highlights, just found this place Xu Jingxu and the others to solidify in the midair, in the line of sight the color passes, looks at Zhang Buzhou to kotow helplessly nine, completed the ritual last step, in the mouth shouted loudly: 虚幻钟声凸显,刚找到此地的许静虚等人凝固于半空,视线里色彩流逝,眼睁睁看着张不周叩首九下,完成了仪轨最后一步,口中高呼: Welcomed Eastern Sovereign!” “恭迎东皇!” In the midair that is thin and long eye pupil opens slowly, ancient wild and mysterious sacred aura, if has to resemble not presents, Yun Gu has the strength of certain resistance to bell sound, the purple skirt flies to swing, throws good-fittingly, blade light changes to the running water, is brutally washing out the front. 半空之中那又细又长的“眼眸”缓缓张开,古老荒蛮、玄妙神圣的气息若有似无呈现,云古钟声有一定的抵御之力,紫裙飞荡,合身扑下,刀光化作流水,无情冲刷着前方。 Zhang Buzhou coughed several, put out the fierce blood, looks at Yun Gu blade light, in the eye reveals wiped the happy expression, probably was saying that you came lately. 张不周咳嗽了几声,吐出了狰狞鲜血,看着云古刀光,眼中露出了一抹笑意,像是在说你来迟了。 The aura of ancient wild overflows, blade light silent collapse leisurely/scatter, Yun Gu as if fell into the swamp, rapidly slow, although the heart is anxious extremely, but does not have the good way. 古老荒蛮的气息横溢,刀光无声崩散,云古仿佛陷入了沼泽,越飞越慢,虽然心头焦急万分,但也没有好的办法。 All around had fearful cracks void, profound tall and slender eye in as if has what terrifying thing soon to show, brings the end of the world, bring is unable to say the despair of stating. 吱吱嘎嘎,四周虚空出现了一道道可怕裂缝,深邃细长“眼睛”内似乎有什么恐怖事物即将透出,带来天地的终结,带来无法言述的绝望。 At this moment, Xu Jingxu, Yun Gu and the others in the eye shine the purple white golden yellow ray suddenly, sees only sacred grave Three Treasures Ruyi to fly from Beyond the Heaven, is winding around the multi-colored sunlight extraordinary splendor, strikes tall and slender to that with the stance that is unable to stop eye pupil. 就在这时,许静虚云古等人眼中忽地亮起紫白金黄的光芒,只见一柄神圣庄重的三宝如意天外飞来,缭绕着霞光异彩,以无法阻拦的姿态击向那细长“眼眸”。 All around became quiet and peaceful, had recites indistinctly resounds: 四周变得清宁,有飘渺吟唱响起: Jade Purity Purple Void Masterly Supreme Primordial Sovereign Great Dao Monarch!” 玉清紫虚高妙太上元皇大道君!” Three Treasures Ruyi? 三宝如意 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning personally take action? 元始天尊亲自出手了? The Zhang Buzhou look filled panic-stricken, Yun Gu and Xu Jingxu and the others returned to normal, then looks that purple qi soared black and white hits that tall and slender that golden yellow wound around pleasant eye pupil. 张不周眼神充满了惊恐,云古许静虚等人恢复了正常,然后看着紫气飞腾、金黄缭绕的黑白如意打中了那条细长“眼眸”。 Bang! 砰! Eye pupil is shattered, the ancient sacred aura was stopped up, purple platinum Huang Daliang, scattered the dark cloud, terminated the storm. “眼眸”破灭,古老神圣的气息被堵了回去,紫白金黄大亮,驱散了乌云,终止了暴雪。 When the person of line of sight presence restores, the Armageddon scenario is normal, that Three Treasures Ruyi that Beyond the Heaven flies does not know the whereabouts. 等到在场之人视线恢复,末日景象已然正常,天外飞来的那柄三宝如意不知了去向。 Great Sage Heaven Master Zhang Buzhou controls forcefully scared, rings the refined copper bell, displays divine ability, receives the picture roll, escapes fast, making Xu Jingxu and the others grasp it less. 大贤天师张不周强行控制住恐慌,敲响铜钟,施展神通,收起图卷,飞快远遁,让许静虚等人抓之不及。 Does not know how long to escape, he escaped from the national capital region voluntarily, interrupts the escaping light, controls one's breathing the restoration, just now sacrifice to his consumption is exceptionally serious. 不知逃了多久,他自觉逃出了京畿地带,才中断遁光,调息恢复,适才的祭礼对他的消耗是异常严重。 At this time, melodious delightful zither sound suddenly resounded, Zhang Buzhou presents big young two females at present, overhead as if was born broadly coldly. 这时,悠扬悦耳的琴声突然响起,张不周眼前出现了一大一小两名女子,当头者仿佛广寒降世。 When! 当! Chimes Subduing Three Worlds, zither sound surges, Zhang Buzhou tastes the arrived similar divine ability hardship finally, looks helplessly weak weak were seized by the opposite party, uncovered specially-made God and Immortal Position Chart. 钟镇三界,琴声激荡,张不周终于尝到了类似神通的苦处,眼睁睁看着虚弱无力的自己被对方擒下,搜出了特制的神仙业位图 ............ ………… In Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, Meng Qi searches into formation the hand, grasped this picture roll. 昆仑山玉虚宫内,孟奇将手探入阵法,抓起了这张图卷。
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