WORIOA :: Volume #6

#188: Bosom world

The cold winter , the flying snow is floating, whole city clads in silvery white, was one year of offering sacrifice to heaven day. 寒冬已至,飞雪飘飘,满城银装素裹,又是一年祭天之日。 To God Favored Country based on God Connecting Technique, this is the prime importance grand occasion, not only the emperor wants the suburb sacrifice, but also Country Protection Monastery Monastery Lord must arrive, altogether offers sacrifice to Sovereign of Heaven Queen of the Earth, the hope blesses. 对以通神术为基础的神眷国而言,这是头等重要的盛事,不仅天子要郊祭,而且护国观观主也得亲临,共祀皇天后土,祈求庇佑。 Monastery Lord is not at with some strength tyrannical elders, Country Protection Monastery naturally opened formation completely, provides against contingencies, after all Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Favorer always annoys the person to covet, cannot obtain then wants to ruin, cannot let the Gan Ruoxu step Black Emperor Favorer Lin Fengxiao footsteps. 观主与部分实力强横的长老不在,护国观自然完全开启了大阵,以防万一,毕竟元始天尊眷者总是惹人觊觎,得不到便想毁掉,绝不能让甘若虚黑帝眷者林风啸的后尘。 The clear light drags, the seal script flows, many immortal god illusory images surround in the Country Protection Monastery midair, lets this place just like Heavenly Court, is tightly guarded, immovability. 清光摇曳,篆文流淌,诸多仙神幻影环绕于护国观半空,让此地宛若天庭,戒备森严,不动如山。 However again is the forbidden technique isolation, some people will go out or return, some especially disciples want to look on to offer sacrifice to heaven, looked whether to obtain Sovereign of Heaven to look upon with favor, deepens and aids the cross coupling of immortal god. 不过再是禁法隔绝,也会有人外出或归来,尤其部分弟子想要旁观祭天,看能否得到皇天垂青,加深与护佑仙神的交感。 Look covered the clear light of front door to crack a slit, at once the expansion full circle hole, making Wu Ju and other disciples go out, went to suburb Temple of Heaven swaggering. 这不,笼罩着大门的清光裂出了一道缝隙,旋即扩张成圆洞,让吴钜等几名弟子走出,大摇大摆前往郊外天坛。 The clear light central round hole restrains rapidly, in the as if water the ripples, will soon return to normal, at this moment, the wave light flashes, has shrunk to thumb size black hole it slowly suddenly 2-3 instantly, suddenly like the solidification. 清光中央的圆洞急速收敛,仿佛水里涟漪,即将平复,就在这时,波光一闪,已缩至一个拇指大小黑洞的它忽地迟缓了2-3个刹那,瞬息间如同凝固。 Exceptionally disappears for the first time presently for the first time, formation has nothing the response, the president had not detected, however near gate sunshine as if bright many. 异常乍现乍消,阵法无有反应,主持者也未察觉,然而门边的日照似乎一下明亮了不少。 By some Country Protection Monastery wall screening, the ray fluctuates, just like the wave, congealed rapidly female figure, wore the purple robe, beautiful hair pulled lightly, the style was great. 护国观某座照壁旁,光芒浮动,宛若水波,迅速凝成了一道女性身影,穿着紫袍,秀发轻挽,气派宏大。 The purple robe female black eyebrow stretches, the corners of the mouth have a smile, both hands lost/carrying after behind, however walk in Country Protection Monastery leisurely, why does not know, as long as bumps into her disciple, child Daoist novice and servants looks but not see, the part has the forbidden technique isolation place is one slow, did not have the hindrance to pass through by her. 紫袍女子黛眉舒展,嘴角含笑,双手负在身后,施施然行走于护国观内,不知为什么,但凡碰到她的弟子、道童和仆役都视而不见,部分有禁法隔绝的地方则皆是一缓,被她毫无阻碍般穿过。 Of Country Protection Monastery surrounding world several big influences went out of the feeling of several points of unmanned place by her unexpectedly. 天下几大势力之一的护国观外围竟被她走出了几分无人之地的感觉。 All various professions duplicate/restores all various professions, the purple robe female footsteps stop suddenly, front forbidden technique numerous, the murderous intention is dense, Three Pure Ones Palace and other places of a series of core with peripheral room partition. 行行复行行,紫袍女子脚步忽地停顿,前方禁法重重,杀机森然,将三清殿等一系列核心之地与外围隔断。 Good, is the inheritance is worthily remote, background deep Country Protection Monastery.” The purple robe female nods gently, the stance is calm, then lifted the right hand. “不错,不愧是传承久远,底蕴深厚的护国观。”紫袍女子轻轻颔首,姿态从容,然后抬起了右手。 This palm is bigger than the common female obviously, but is fair, slender gently beautiful, has feeling that the years dust accumulates. 这只手掌比寻常女子显大,但更加白皙,纤细柔美,有种岁月尘埃积淀的感觉。 arrived here, to go a step further, either has the planted agent, either can only rush! 到了这里,若想更进一步,要么有内应,要么只能强闯了! The purple robe female estimated offering sacrifice to heaven the ritual advancement and this place forbidden technique prestige energy, the plan that recombination experience, no longer hesitates, the right hand promotes slowly, the palm shines the clear wave light, formed rivers. 紫袍女子估算了一下祭天之礼的进程与该处禁法的威能,再结合自身只是见识见识的计划,不再犹豫,右手缓慢推出,掌心亮起粼粼波光,汇成了一条河流。 Her body as if overlapped with illusory figure of indistinct emperor! 她的身体似乎与一位飘渺帝者的虚幻身影重叠了! yellow heaven has fallen! 黄天已降! At this moment, front forbidden technique suddenly becomes dark, nighttime sky that as if deeply most sinks, is little highlights radiantly, became the vast celestial chart continually, dangled the immeasurable ray, falls above the long sword that a galaxy concentrates, divided fiercely to that wave light river. 就在这时,前方禁法突然变得黑暗,仿佛最深最沉的夜空,然后一点点璀璨凸显,连成了浩瀚星图,垂下了无量光芒,落于一口星河凝成的长剑之上,猛地劈向了那条波光长河。 ! 噗! In the sword the river, various all around colors remove, the white snow is pale, the nighttime sky is pitch-black, all just like stagnation, however the star light vitality is unceasing, slow, but has not solidified, depends on the strength of continuously welling up, destroyed the illusory river completely. 剑中长河,四周各种颜色褪去,白雪苍白,夜空深黑,一切宛若停滞,然而星光生机不断,迟缓但未曾凝固,靠着源源不断涌来的力量,将虚幻长河完全打碎了。 The world again becomes vivid, forbidden technique extinguished opened, grows continually, the purple robe female stopped the step of advance, confronted with clear and bright Daoist Priest of Three Pure Ones Palace midair. 天地再次变得生动,禁法灭了又启,生生不息,紫袍女子止住了前进的步伐,与三清殿半空的清朗道士对峙。 Monastery Lord Xu has not gone to offer sacrifice to heaven unexpectedly.” The purple robe female is not flurried, the right hand touches the waist, pulls out a Great Sun ray condensed the long blade slowly. 许观主竟然没去祭天。”紫袍女子并不慌乱,右手摸到腰间,缓缓抽出了一口大日光芒凝聚般的长刀。 Clear and bright Daoist Priest Country Protection Monastery Monastery Lord Xu Jingxu, his already leads many elders to go to the suburb obviously, participates to offer sacrifice to heaven. 清朗道士正是护国观观主许静虚,他明明已经率领诸多长老前往郊外,参与祭天。 The Xu Jingxu long sword refers to slantingly, said with a smile slightly: Old Daoist and Nandou Star Monarch cross coupling day, understood the vitality to be mysterious, has been able to cut Incarnation, the main body waits for Lord of Cloud Path specially here.” 许静虚长剑斜指,微微笑道:“老道南斗星君交感日甚,明了生机奥妙,已能斩出一具化身,本体专程在此等候云道主。” The purple robe female common name is unknown, said that Yun Gu, before has not filled 16 are advantageous for God and Immortal Position Chart, induces arrived Celestial Emperor, is not willing to attach to Yellow Turban Path and Country Protection Monastery wait/etc., the far escaping overseas, establish Sovereign of Heaven Path, from Ren Daozhu, was taught to arrest by various countries respectively can actually result in the escaping disaster throughout, the influence grows strong gradually, itself also becomes the world striving to improve powerful contender. 紫袍女子俗名不详,自称“云古”,未满十六便于神仙业位图前感应到了天帝,不肯依附黄巾道护国观等,远遁海外,建立皇天道,自任道主,被各国各教缉拿却始终能得逃大难,势力渐渐发展壮大,本身亦成为天下自强者有力的争夺者。 Often hears Monastery Lord Xu Star Monarch's Prestige, today happen to experiences.” In the purple robe female Yun Gu hand a long blade ball, is putting the strange path, to dissect the stance of the world, cut to Xu Jingxu. “常闻许观主星君之威,今日正好见识见识。”紫袍女子云古手中长刀一弹,划着奇异的轨迹,以解剖天地的姿态,斩向了许静虚 Before blade light, but after figure, Yun Gu such as empty as is imaginary, during the twinkles then penetrated peripheral layer on layer/heavily forbidden technique, must escape Country Protection Monastery. 刀光前,而身影后,云古如虚似幻,闪烁间便穿透了外围重重禁法,要遁出护国观 Taiping Path's Branch Lineage that Country Protection Monastery conquered the whole world in years past, the inheritance is remote, the foundation is solid, Yun Gu again is proud, did not think that places in opposite party forbidden technique also to contend with Xu Jingxu, moreover in the view the powerhouse also not only only has one. 护国观是昔年席卷天下的太平道支脉,传承久远,底蕴深厚,云古再是自傲,也不觉得身处对方禁法内还能抗衡许静虚,而且观中强者又不仅仅只有一位。 Did not walk cannot leave! 再不走就走不掉了! Xu Jingxu has not thought that Yun Gu is so decisive, draws back such rapidness, is not loathsome, the instinct launches sword technique, broke out blade light, the pursuit went. 许静虚没想到云古如此果断,退得如此之快,毫不拖泥带水,本能就展开剑法,劈开了刀光,追击而去。 Suddenly, Xu Jingxu and Yun Gu at the same time hear of arrived bell Ming. 突然,许静虚云古同时到了一声钟鸣。 When! 当! bell sound reverberation, vibration world, Country Protection Monastery this, when take action elders at the same time lives, dense formation outside Three Pure Ones view also stagnates. 钟声回荡,震动天地,护国观本待出手的长老们同时顿住,三清观外的森然阵法随之停滞。 Great Sage Heaven Master!” 大贤天师!” Zhang Buzhou!” 张不周!” Yun Gu and Xu Jingxu blurt respectively, are calling the different names, but is aiming at a person, Captain Yellow Turban Path, Great Sage Heaven Master Zhang Buzhou, The Grand One Eastern Sovereign Favorer, the world had not met the rival over the past 40 years vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the smallest and weakest Taiping Country domain will expand one time, recently ten years closed up cultivate/repair to hold, want to break the boundary, fall with the body of carrying/sustaining The Grand One Eastern Sovereign mortal god, sweep away the world, a series entire world. 云古许静虚各自脱口,叫着不同的称谓,但都是指向着一个人,黄巾道首领,大贤天师张不周,“东皇太一”的眷者,过去40年纵横天下未逢敌手,生生将最弱小的太平国版图扩大了一倍,最近十年闭关修持,欲突破界限,用凡人之躯承载东皇太一的神降,横扫天下,一统寰宇。 For these years, when Yun Gu was most prosperous, often thought back on the confrontation with Great Sage Heaven Master, the determination not necessarily defeats, but definitely did not win. 这几年,云古最鼎盛时,常遥想与大贤天师的交锋,自觉不一定败,但肯定胜不了。 Who once thinks that in the ten years does not tread on the Jiang Hu old monster to arrive at Country Protection Monastery unexpectedly towering! 谁曾想这十年不履江湖的老怪物竟然突兀来到护国观 bell sound is melodious, the stature strange tall person's shadow appears before Three Pure Ones Palace forbidden technique together strangely, the forehead is hoodwinking the extremely wide yellow turbans, blocked from the eye pupil. 钟声悠扬,一道身材奇高的人影诡异出现于三清殿禁法前,额头蒙着极宽的黄巾,将眼眸都遮住了。 His figure twinkle, penetrated stagnant forbidden technique instantaneously, the right hand stretched out, pressed distantly, tries to open the Three Pure Ones Palace front door. 身影闪烁,瞬间穿透了停滞的禁法,右手伸出,遥遥一按,试图推开三清殿大门。 In Three Pure Ones Palace, thought Gan Ruoxu in strange status to detect that in the view outside sound, somewhat was at first anxious, detects Monastery Lord to be careful, is ready in full battle array, after blocking Yun Gu, quietly relaxes, but the situation changed suddenly, Great Sage Heaven Master arrived unexpectedly, broke open forbidden technique, will soon enter Three Pure Ones Palace. 三清殿内,处于观想奇异状态里的甘若虚早就察觉到外面的动静,最初有些紧张,发觉观主小心谨慎,严阵以待,拦住了云古后,悄悄松了口气,可局势突变,大贤天师竟然神不知鬼不觉降临,破开了禁法,即将进入三清殿 What to do? What to do? Gan Ruoxu immediately flurried, the Great Sage Heaven Master Zhang Buzhou given name can stop the young child morbid night crying in God Favored Country, does not know that the nightmares of many people have him! 怎么办?怎么办?甘若虚顿时慌乱了起来,大贤天师张不周的名讳在神眷国可是能止小儿夜啼,不知多少人的噩梦有他! How many months oneself obtain Heavenly Lord to look upon with favor, comes to escape from him with what hand/subordinate? 自己得到天尊垂青不过几月,拿什么来从他手下逃生? Various thought come thick and fast, Gan Ruoxu as if was affected by bell sound, looks at dumbly in same place, the intense meaning makes his both legs become tender. 各种念头纷至沓来,甘若虚仿佛钟声影响,呆立于原地,紧张之意让他双腿发软。 At this moment, he only thinks that Primordial Beginning Daoist in mind opened both eyes fiercely, oneself luminous thorough heart lake is also dark, does not distinguish and , before difficult knowledge, and, in the past and future as if can in. 就在这时,他只觉脑海内的元始道人猛地睁开了双眼,自身光亮透彻的心湖随之幽暗,不辨上与下,难知前与后,过去与未来似乎可以同在。 Does Heavenly Lord lower the so boundless strength unexpectedly on own initiative to me? 天尊竟然主动降下如此磅礴的力量给我? This is cultivates to hold the situation that over five years senior God Connector can go to! 这是修持五年以上的资深通神者才能达到的地步! ! 扎扎扎! The Great Sage Heaven Master front Three Pure Ones Palace front door is incapable of preventing him, is dragging the grating sound, the speed to drop down quickly collapsed. 大贤天师前方的三清殿大门无力阻止他,拖着刺耳的响声,以快倒下的速度崩开了。 Then, Zhang Buzhou, Yun Gu and Xu Jingxu saw the scene in palace, Gan Ruoxu to sit cross-legged to sit, facing the front door, both eyes shut tightly, the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statue pupil was profound, the appearance was palatial, overlapped with his as if, serving as contrast the palace pavilion was distant and profound. 然后,张不周云古许静虚都看见了殿中的场景,甘若虚盘腿而坐,面对大门,双眼紧闭,身后元始天尊雕像眸子深邃,形貌巍峨古老,与他仿佛重叠,衬托得殿阁悠远而幽深。 Great Sage Heaven Master stares slightly, at once throws off various mood, tore off that yellow turbans fiercely, lets among that both eyes eyeball reappear in the world. 大贤天师微微一愣,旋即甩掉各种情绪,猛地扯下了那条黄巾,让那双眼重现于世间。 This is a white eye that does not have the pupil, the as if colored glaze was bright, shines upon ancient and honored emperor. 这是一双没有眸子的白色眼睛,仿佛琉璃般剔透,映照出了一位古老而尊贵的帝者。 Emperor figure is fuzzy, is difficult to distinguish the detail, just appears, entire Three Pure Ones Palace tumbles on the Corporeal and Incorporeal number dark wave light, time some little were quickly slow, formed the turbulent flow, is tearing the myriad things, must make Gan Ruoxu perish inexplicably! 帝者身影模糊,难辨细节,甫一出现,整个三清殿有无数幽暗波光翻滚,时光有的快有点慢,形成了乱流,撕扯着万物,要让甘若虚莫名而亡! The Yun Gu vision twinkle, looks at Great Sage Heaven Master divine ability dedicated, Xu Jingxu treats turns round to rescue, was blocked by bell sound, by ground effect, close, in the horizon, the heart is anxious, but helpless, as if can only look at Gan Ruoxu to perish in the eye of Zhang Buzhou helplessly. 云古目光闪烁,专注看着大贤天师神通,许静虚待回身救援,则被钟声所阻,被乱流影响,近在咫尺,远在天边,心头焦急但无能为力,似乎只能眼睁睁看着甘若虚亡于张不周之眼。 Suddenly, Gan Ruoxu raised the head slightly, both eyes shut tightly, as if is listening respectfully to behind Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning the sound of instruction, the body appeared together azure robe figure, five senses was delicate and pretty, the graying at the temples, was exactly the same as the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning idol! 突然,甘若虚微微扬起了头颅,双眼紧闭,仿佛在聆听身后元始天尊的教诲之音,身上则浮现出一道青袍身影,五官俊美,两鬓斑白,与元始天尊神像一模一样! Azure robe figure both hands opened, make to embrace the front movement, Gan Ruoxu also outstretched the both arms. 青袍身影双手张开,做出怀抱前方的动作,甘若虚也随之伸开了双臂。 Two figure as if overlap, the difficult minute/share each other, the face to face upward, both hands open, all around fell into immediately to the depth to the sinking darkness, everywhere is the chaos, the dim light, is subtly difficult to float, the time chaotic lingering spray has not aroused to fall into! 两道身影仿佛重叠,难分彼此,脸庞仰天,双手张开,四周当即陷入了至深至沉的黑暗,处处皆是混沌,幽光不起,微妙难浮,时光乱流连浪花都没激起就被陷入了进去! Limitless possesses forbearance, bosom world! 无极有容,怀抱天地! All exceptionally all fluctuations completely vanish! 所有的异常所有的波动完全消失! Xu Jingxu seized the opportunity, before catching up with arrived Three Pure Ones Palace, Great Sage Heaven Master Zhang Buzhou turns around to walk, does not dare to stay. 许静虚抓住了机会,赶到了三清殿前,大贤天师张不周转身就走,不敢停留。 The cross coupling Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning several months of Gan Ruoxu showed so divine ability unexpectedly, completely violated the God Connecting Technique truth, as if not need practice! 才交感了元始天尊几个月的甘若虚竟展现出了如此神通,完全违背了通神术的道理,似乎无需修炼 Is don't tell me this omnipotence of head of Three Pure Ones Dao Ancestor? 难道这就是三清道祖之首的无所不能? Yun Gu inspires lightly, the footsteps in the future, withdrew from Country Protection Monastery. 云古轻吸了口气,脚步往后,退出了护国观 When! 当! bell sound far, Zhang Buzhou vanishes strangely, Gan Ruoxu sits well in Three Pure Ones Palace as before, illusory figure has disappeared, the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statue timeless stands erect. 钟声远荡,张不周诡异消失,甘若虚依旧端坐三清殿内,虚幻身影已消,元始天尊雕像亘古不变般屹立。 ............ ………… Outside the God Favored Country Capital City, some secret is, Great Sage Heaven Master Zhang Buzhou crosses the hands behind the back to stand, in the mind is only azure robe figure bosom world grand mysterious scene. 神眷国京城外,某个隐秘所在,大贤天师张不周负手而立,脑海内仅是青袍身影“怀抱天地”的宏伟玄妙场景。 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Favorer really cannot by the common sense weight, this opportunity lose, wants to find again difficultly such as to ascend to heaven.” Zhang Buzhou is well aware, „can only the good final means.” 元始天尊眷者果然不能以常理衡量,这次机会失去,再想找到难如登天。”张不周心知肚明,“只能行最后办法了。” The so-called final means are to arrange the altar, implored Eastern Sovereign to arrive directly, but only needed his strength, this side world then could not withstand, the surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) unravelled inevitably, the entire world will also be turbulent, presents all sorts of Armageddon scenarios, was not necessarily able to stabilize to result. 所谓的最后办法就是布置祭坛,直接祈求东皇降临,而只需祂一丝力量,此方天地便承受不住,方圆万里必然灰飞烟灭,寰宇也将动荡,出现种种末日景象,未必能稳定得下来。 What is more important, who preside over the ceremony must die without doubt, naturally, Gan Ruoxu in nearby city similarly so. 更为重要的是,主持仪式的自己必死无疑,当然,附近城池内的甘若虚同样如此。 Since the Eastern Sovereign word spares nothing, that manages.” On the Great Sage Heaven Master face shows the firm and resolute facial expression. “既然东皇言不惜一切代价,那就这么办吧。”大贤天师脸上露出坚毅的神情。
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