WORIOA :: Volume #6

#187: turbulent time( third)

Wu Ju follows to clap hands to say with a smile: Senior Sister Xu seriously intelligent excellent, not, if we also join in the fun, offers a strength?” 吴钜跟着抚掌笑道:“许师姐当真聪慧过人,不若我们也来凑个热闹,献上一份力气?” He is the weary, practice muddles along, but always has the talent at the matter of seeking personal gain, after seeing Gan Ruoxu to obtain Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning cares, found the opportunity deliberately to be then on good terms, even disclosed that the matter of handed down in the family treasure, has true Immortal Being to arrive at this world now, how could to flatter to flatter? 他为人惫懒,修炼得过且过,但在钻营之事上向来颇有天赋,看见甘若虚得到元始天尊眷顾后,一找到机会便刻意交好,甚至透露家传宝物之事,如今有真正仙人降临凡尘,岂能不去巴结讨好? Living exists does not compare can only cross coupling 12 Blessing of God and Immortal be strong? 活生生的存在不比仅能交感一二的护佑神仙强? But Fairy Chang'e is elegantly beautiful, compared with consecrating corresponding idol still beautiful three points, even if cannot obtain what advantage from her there, can still feast one's eyes on. 嫦娥仙子冷艳高贵,比供奉的对应神像犹美三分,即使未能从她那里得到什么好处,也可以一饱眼福。 Regarding arriving at the true fairy maiden of this world, Gan Ruoxu is also curious, echoes saying: Junior Sister Xu, we were born into this world the shock by the fairy maiden a moment ago, has the disrespectful number, just wants to pass to accompany is not.” 对于降临凡尘的真正仙子,甘若虚亦是好奇,附和道:“许师妹,刚才我们被仙子临凡震惊,有失礼数,正想过去陪个不是。” Where Xu Feiling can not know the Wu Ju wishful thinking, but opened the mouth as Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Favorer Gan Ruoxu, she is not also good to reject, said with a smile slightly: You help me act as lookout, cannot be caught by a food radish, exposed the fairy maiden.” 许飞翎哪会不知吴钜的小心思,但作为元始天尊眷者甘若虚都开口了,她亦不好拒绝,微微笑道:“那你们帮我把风,可不能被饭头菜头逮到,暴露了仙子。” To be honest, facing a descending to earth fairy maiden, where she will not have disturbedly, Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju from presented makes her steadfast bravely several points. 老实说,面对一位下凡仙子,她内心哪会没有忐忑,甘若虚吴钜的自告奉勇让她踏实了几分。 Had the experience that Gan Ruoxu divine ability and Wu Ju stole act slippery deceitfully, Xu Feiling submerged the kitchen smoothly, stole a rabbit of tomorrow's lunch use, held into the bosom, flew also to return to the courtyard. 有了甘若虚神通吴钜偷奸耍滑的经验,许飞翎顺利潜入了厨房,偷出了一只明日午饭使用的兔子,揣入怀中,飞也似地逃回了自身所处院落。 Looked at about the side building cautiously, went to sleep the same side Senior Sister younger sisters, Xu Feiling beckoned, lets Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju rubbed covertly. 小心翼翼看了看左右厢房,将同门师姐妹都已入睡,许飞翎招了招手,让甘若虚吴钜偷偷摸摸蹭了进来。 Opens the door, she then sees Fairy Chang'e empty to caress the string to the moon/month, is well-turned, is indistinct the dust, a pair of being in sharp contrast beautiful pupil also looked. 推开门,她便看见嫦娥仙子正对月虚抚琴弦,姿态优美,飘渺出尘,一双黑白分明的美眸随之望了过来。 Fairy maiden, I pick a arrived little fellow on the road.” The Xu Feiling smile is bright, was saying has prepared the good excuse, at the same time lifts that only to droop the rabbit of ear. “仙子,我在路上捡到了一个小家伙。”许飞翎笑容灿烂,道着早就准备好的说辞,同时举了举那只耷拉着耳朵的兔子。 Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju one after another echoes saying: Perhaps escapes from the kitchen, pitiful little fellow.” 甘若虚吴钜纷纷附和道:“或许是从厨房里逃出来的,多可怜的小家伙啊。” Hopes this white rabbit can let a fairy maiden show/unfolds smile. 希望这只白兔能让仙子一展笑颜。 Does not lose them to expect, in the line of sight the chilly refined fairy maiden nods gently, embroiders mouth slightly: Good, you think very thoroughly.” 不负他们期望,视线里清冷脱俗的仙子轻轻颔首,绣口微张:“不错,你们想得很周到。” Good? Thinks very thoroughly? The fairy maiden praised us! The Xu Feiling side and Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju looked at each other one respectively, the joy in the pupil not being able to constrain, grasped the fist in secret. 不错?想得很周到?仙子赞扬我们了!许飞翎侧头与甘若虚吴钜分别对视了一眼,瞳孔里是压抑不住的喜悦,暗中握了握拳头。 Then, they see Fairy Chang'e hand one move, the white rabbit to soar to fly, threw, sign that not divine ability shows. 接着,他们看见嫦娥仙子将手一招,白兔腾空飞去,投了过去,并无神通显露的迹象。 Worthily is Moon Fairy! 不愧是广寒仙子 In the dark to praise voice, they look with a smile the fairy maiden delicate hands were gentle, have caressed the neck of white rabbit. 暗赞声中,他们含笑看着仙子纤手温柔,抚过了白兔的脖子。 The fairy maiden really likes the jade rabbit, changed elegantly beautiful gently! 仙子果然喜欢玉兔,冷艳化作了温婉! The thought just got up, they saw the rabbit nape of the neck to locate a blood to spurt suddenly. 念头刚起,他们突地看见兔子脖颈处一股鲜血喷了出来。 The blood spurted, the blood spurted...... two male and one female three youngster as if got makes the ice sculpture, solidified same place. 鲜血喷了出来,鲜血喷了……两男一女三位少年仿佛变做冰雕,凝固在了原地。 The blood flies into the midair, the direct ablation, has not polluted the room, Xu Feiling and the others heard Moon Fairy clear coldly saying: If not net rabbit blood, is easy to keep the fishy smell, the pulp is bitter, wastes the food.” 鲜血飞入半空,直接消融,未曾污染房间,许飞翎等人听见“广寒仙子”清清冷冷说道:“若不净兔血,则易留腥味,肉质酸涩,浪费食材。” Yes.” Xu Feiling, Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju dull reply, in the mind is only reverberating a thought: She is saying anything...... “是。”许飞翎甘若虚吴钜呆呆回答,脑海里只回荡着一个念头:她在说些什么啊…… In their eye pupils, the Ruan Yushu stance is processing the rabbit gracefully, plucking the gutting were methodical, end in the ring from the hand took out the utensil and seasoning. 他们的眼眸里,阮玉书姿态优雅地处理着兔子,褪毛去脏等有条不紊,末了从手中指环内取出了器物和调料。 Roasting the rabbit is delicious, half of times lie in the souses, here just a arrived souse secret recipe, happen to tries today.” The voice of standard fairy maiden was saying lets Xu Feiling and the others the vacant words. “烤兔好不好吃,有一半工夫在于事前腌制,我这里刚得到了一个腌制秘方,今日正好试试。”标准仙子的嗓音说着让许飞翎等人茫然的话语。 Souse? Roasts the rabbit secret recipe? 事前腌制?烤兔秘方? Souse needs some double-hour, we while this opportunity preparation charcoal fire, need the smokeless dustlessness that.” Ruan Yushu said that while took out the Top Grade charcoal from storage ring. “腌制需要些时辰,我们趁此机会准备炭火,需要无烟无尘的那种。”阮玉书一边说,一边从芥子环内取出了极品木炭。 ...... …… Has not known how long, cold Yueqing reflected thoroughly the room, Xu Feiling, Gan Ruoxu and a Wu Ju row of platoon sits, in the hand takes together the rabbit meat respectively, the entrance is crisp, keeps the taste lips, is delicious makes one stop the non- lower jaw. 不知过了多久,冷月清辉照透房间,许飞翎甘若虚吴钜排排坐着,手里各自拿着一块兔肉,入口酥香,留味唇间,好吃得让人停不下嘴。 What kind of?” Ruan Yushu swallows to start finally together the rabbit meat, the vision anticipated that looks at opposite three people. “怎么样?”阮玉书吞下手中最后一块兔肉,目光期待地看着对面三人。 Xu Feiling was crowded the mouth by the rabbit meat, does not nod, hints the delicacy, Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju also makes noise respectively, commendation taste excellent. 许飞翎被兔肉塞满了嘴,唔唔点头,示意美味,甘若虚吴钜亦各自出声,称赞滋味绝佳。 Then they see the Fairy Chang'e corners of the mouth to bring back slightly, reveal the faint smile that wiped does not feel all right, is much more beautiful. 然后他们看见嫦娥仙子嘴角微微勾起,露出了一抹不太好意思的浅笑,美得惊心动魄。 „A fairy maiden show/unfolds smile......” the Xu Feiling three people were really out of sorts for a while. “仙子果然一展笑颜了……”许飞翎三人一时失神。 The goal was to achieve, but always thought where had is not right! 目标是达成了,但总觉得有哪里不对! ............ ………… Crossed on several th, view of Gan Ruoxu in Three Pure Ones Palace is thinking the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning idol, the main hall for him prohibits, to have nothing others specially, all around was empty, spooky deep, as if was in that to reside in high vast Jade Void Palace above 33 Layered Heavens. 过了几日,甘若虚正在三清殿里观想元始天尊神像,大殿专为他封禁,无有别人,四周空空荡荡,幽幽深深,仿佛身在那居于三十三重天之上的高渺玉虚宫 At this time, had the manpower to hold the Monastery Lord token to pass layer on layer/heavily forbidden technique, opened the front door, high noon the sunlight photo entered, sprinkles the next flake gold glow, scattered darkly, according to palace in thorough. 这时,有人手持观主令牌通过了重重禁法,推开了大门,正午阳光照入,洒下一片金芒,驱散了幽暗,照得殿中透彻。 Gan Ruoxu has not turned head, in the view thinks that his heart moves, like sees, blurted out: Junior Sister Xu.” 甘若虚没有回头,处于观想中的他心头一动,如同亲见,脱口而出:“许师妹。” Future Xu Feiling, her brow tip corner of the eye is all brimming with happy intent, even more appears young and good-looking, is adorable, pulls down the throat sound said: Fairy maiden must have my out traveling world, experience regional characters and styles, I found an excuse, already deceived Monastery Lord to comply.” 来者正是许飞翎,她眉梢眼角皆洋溢着喜意,愈发显得青春靓丽,灵气逼人,压低嗓音道:“仙子要带我游历天下,见识各地风情,我找了个借口,已经骗得观主答应。” She crosses the threshold has one year, according to God Connecting Technique the rapidness of progress, the strength can protect oneself reluctantly, this/should out traveling mortal world, fulfills the correspondence aids the immortal god say/way, deepens the cross coupling by this degree, obtains more strengths and divine ability. 她入门已有一年,按照“通神术”进展的飞速,实力能勉强自保了,正该游历红尘,践行对应护佑仙神的“道”,以此加深交感的程度,获得更多力量与神通 Gan Ruoxu envies, said heartfeltly: I also hope this, what a pity as Heavenly Lord Favorer, malicious really numerous, without the world's first -class strength, really does not dare to take a long journey, but this perhaps five years of even ten years of time.” 甘若虚一阵羡慕,由衷道:“我也希望这样,可惜身为天尊眷者,不怀好意者甚众,没有天下一流的实力,实在不敢远行,而这恐怕得五年甚至十年的时光。” You can follow we, has the fairy maiden, who dares to have your idea?” Xu Feiling high-spirited say/way. “你可以跟着我们啊,有仙子在,谁敢打你主意?”许飞翎意气风发道。 Can the fairy maiden near the dust, who the enemy? 仙子临尘,谁人能敌? Does the strength of immortal god God Connecting Technique borrows how could compare favorably with God and Immortal? 通神术借来的仙神之力又岂能比得上神仙本身? Gan Ruoxu sighed: I know that follows you to be all right, but Monastery Lord does not believe that you cannot expose existence of fairy maiden, he definitely is not allowed me to go out.” 甘若虚叹了口气:“我知道跟着你们没事,但观主不信啊,你又不能暴露仙子的存在,他肯定不准我外出。” Good, First Senior Brother takes care.” Xu Feiling said with a smile smart-alecky, looked like you are ten years cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine no one to know, a dynasty leaving the mountain world startled.” “好吧,大师兄保重。”许飞翎俏皮笑道,“看来你是‘十年修道无人知,一朝出山天下惊’。” Gazes after Xu Feiling to leave Three Pure Ones Palace, Gan Ruoxu heaves a deep sigh again, receives precious care, what kind of price must pay, the youth, will be far away with comfortably, recklessly, five years of painstaking cultivation, ten years of chill, will be the future life. 目送许飞翎离开三清殿,甘若虚再次长叹一声,受到何等珍贵的眷顾,就要付出怎样的代价,青春、自在、肆意等都将与自己远离,五载苦修,十年清寂,将是自己未来的人生。 But oneself are willing, satisfaction. 但自己心甘情愿,满意至极。 Bang! 砰! Xu Feiling closed the Three Pure Ones Palace front door, the light becomes dark, chilly lonely. 许飞翎重新关上了三清殿大门,光明变得幽暗,清冷寂寥。 Gan Ruoxu has turned around, sat before the double pupil profoundly, the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statues of two temple vicissitudes, closed the eye, sank to the view to think, one big was small, unsteady, but relatively sitting, formed the striking contrast, carried over some sacred meaning. 甘若虚转过身,重新坐在了双眸幽深、两鬓沧桑的元始天尊雕像前,闭上眼睛,沉入观想,一大一小,一高一低,相对而“坐”,形成了鲜明对比,带出了某种神圣意味。 Wants the great achievement, must endure the big aloneness! 想要多大的成就,就要忍受多大的孤寂! Hopes Country Protection Monastery wait/etc. protected the parents. 希望护国观等保护好自己爹娘。 ............ ………… Outside Capital City, a carriage speeds along, seems evading anything. 京城外,一辆马车飞驰而过,似乎在逃避着什么。 Inside sits a man and a woman, the female women's clothing is gorgeous, has the style of remote areas, in the hand is knocking the copper coin, dāng dāng, when sound, if has to resemble not to have, as if can drill into the hell, arrests the ghost thing. 里面坐着一男一女,女的衣裙艳丽,有着偏远地区的风貌,手中敲着铜板,当当当之声若有似无,仿佛能钻入地府,拘来鬼物。 But the male Gao Guan(high crown) profound robe, looks proud, just like is Black Emperor Zhenwu(True Martial) Favorer Lin Fengxiao! 而男的高冠玄袍,神情骄傲,俨然便是黑帝真武眷者林风啸 Young master wanted into our Five Doumi Cult, instantly then can lead the second tone to govern, does obeisance Sacrifice Wine.” The female of gorgeous women's clothing said with a smile. “公子只要入了我们五斗米教,即刻便能领阳平治,拜‘祭酒’。”艳丽衣裙的女子含笑说道。 The region of Five Doumi Cult rule is called the Heaven Master country, the theocracy, takes master Monarch as the highest leader, its under is divided into third-class 24 to govern the institute, every time governs is primarily Sacrifice Wine, called merit, 五斗米教统治的区域称为天师国,政教合一,以“师君”为最高首领,其下分为三等二十四治所,每治以“祭酒”为主,又称“都功”, The second tone governs is 24 governs the head in institute to govern, generally by master Monarch direct control, letting Lin Fengxiao becomes the second tone to govern the meaning of Sacrifice Wine to be self-evident. 阳平治便是二十四治所中的首治,一般由“师君”直接统御,让林风啸成为阳平治祭酒的意思不言而喻。 But the second tone governs the Sacrifice Wine official stamp also saying that second tone governs merit seal! 而阳平治祭酒官印又称“阳平治都功印”! Lin Fengxiao back is sitting well stiffly, slightly nod said: Country Protection Monastery is not willing to attach great importance, I just want to leave, but expensive/noble teaches the sincerity is very truly full.” 林风啸腰背挺直地端坐着,微微点头道:“护国观不愿重视,我正想离开,而贵教确实诚意很足。” As five side five emperors do Favorer, how could occupy under the person? 身为五方五帝之一的眷者,岂能屈居人下? The females smile, knocked the copper coin, closed eyes was inducing a say/way: „The Country Protection Monastery elder was really deceived by the day ghost, pursues mistakenly the direction.” 女子抿嘴一笑,敲着铜板,闭目感应了一阵道:“护国观长老果然被天鬼欺瞒,追错了方向。” ............ ………… Above boundless sea, dense fog core place, battleship that covered entirely forbidden technique calmly anchors, is on the first large ship, a female of black eyebrow phoenix eye crosses the hands behind the back to be built on the bow. 茫茫大海之上,迷雾核心处,一艘艘布满了禁法的战舰静静停泊,为首楼船上,一位黛眉凤眼的女子负手立于船头。 Not only there is a Zhenwu(True Martial) Favorer present world, the matter of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning kind consideration mortal?” This female wears the purple robe, the front piece flutters with the wind, the style is enormous. “不仅有真武眷者现世,还有元始天尊垂顾凡人之事?”这女子身着紫袍,衣襟随风飘荡,气派极大。 By her is setting up a aura fearful general, replied respectfully: Yes . Moreover the divine ability terrifying, can invert the life and death, now dives to cultivate/repair in Country Protection Monastery.” 她旁边立着一位气息可怕的将军,恭恭敬敬回答道:“是,而且神通恐怖,能颠倒生死,如今在护国观潜修。” Outside this general following cabin, is hanging a picture roll, just like is God and Immortal Position Chart. 这名将军后面的船舱外,悬挂着一副图卷,俨然便是一张神仙业位图 The purple garment female hehe smiles, vision blooming extraordinary splendor: Really is the world of big struggle, I want to disembark one by one to experience.” 紫衫女子呵呵一笑,目光绽放异彩:“果然是大争之世,我想登岸一一见识见识。” Finishes barely the words, she one step takes, has vanished in the dense fog, but on back that God and Immortal Position Chart, the second row of most central Celestial Emperor given name shines slightly, such as is echoing! 话音未落,她一步迈出,已然消失于了迷雾里,而背后那张神仙业位图上,第二排最中央的天帝名讳微微放光,如在呼应! ............ ………… In some profound peaceful room, yellow turbans deceive the forehead is also blindfolded the strange man who kneel to sit in the place, before the body, similarly is placing God and Immortal Position Chart. 某个幽深的静室内,一张黄巾蒙住额头也蒙住了眼睛的怪异男子跪坐于地,身前同样摆放着一张神仙业位图 This chart and has distinguished commonly, but difference only in one. 这张图与寻常有所区别,而区别只在一处。 Suddenly, the God and Immortal Position Chart second row of most important given name blooms Hui Guang(glowing light), sprinkles on the yellow turbans man. 突然,神仙业位图第二排最重要的名讳绽放出辉光,洒落黄巾男子身上。 This man raised the head, although the eye was being hoodwinked by the yellow turbans, but the vision just like the essence, talked to oneself in a low voice: 这男子抬起头,眼睛虽被黄巾蒙着,但目光却宛若实质,低声自语道: Spares nothing to strike to kill Primordial Beginning Favorer?” “不惜代价击杀元始眷者?” The shining given name is not Exalted Emperor Xuantian, is not the abbreviation Celestial Emperor, but is The Grand One Eastern Sovereign! 放光的名讳不是“玄天上帝”,也不是简称的“天帝”,而是“东皇太一”!
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