WORIOA :: Volume #6

#186: Old pig it matter( second)

The silvery brilliance sprinkles the garden, the vegetation does not dye the dust, zither sound is indistinct, the light shadow such as the imaginary seems true|really, Gan Ruoxu, Xu Feiling and in the Wu Ju eye sees, in the ear heard, Immortal Realm in as if legend. 银辉洒满庭院,草木不染尘埃,琴声飘渺悠扬,光影如幻似真,甘若虚许飞翎吴钜眼中所见,耳中所闻,都仿佛传说中的仙界 Since is Immortal Realm, that hugs the ancient zither clear coldly female without a doubt is being Fairy Chang'e. 既然是“仙界”,那抱着古琴的清清冷冷女子毫无疑问是嫦娥仙子 Since Taiping Dao has created God Connecting Technique, regardless of Country Protection Monastery, Five Doumi Cult and Yellow Turban Path take what path respectively, only Wen borrows the strength of immortal god, never in every day/sees the sky Immortal Being arrives at this world directly! 太平道创出“通神术”以来,无论护国观五斗米教黄巾道各走什么路子,都只闻某某借来仙神之力,从未见天上仙人直接降临凡尘! at this very moment, Gan Ruoxu, Xu Feiling and the others the cognition seemed to be subverted, they look, does not have any action, in the eye the light shadow subsides, all around is pure, Fairy Chang'e revealed the elegantly beautiful refined appearance. 此时此刻,甘若虚许飞翎等人的认知似乎被颠覆了,以至于他们愣愣看着,没有任何举动,眼中光影平息,四周清净,嫦娥仙子露出了冷艳脱俗的容颜。 Is the channel that you open?” Fairy Chang'e embroiders the mouth to open, sends out delightfully like the sound that the zither | Jean said. “是你们打开的通道?”“嫦娥仙子”绣口张开,发出悦耳如同琴鸣的声音。 Xu Feiling hit to tremble, recovered fiercely, young girl temperament flinched, dreads the instinct to reappear, trembling say/way: Returns, returns to the fairy maiden, is channel that I open.” 许飞翎打了个寒颤,猛地回过神来,少女心性退缩,畏惧本能浮现,战战兢兢道:“回,回仙子,是我打开的通道。” Fairy Chang'e Ruan Yushu, changed core seal script forbidden technique to arrive with the aid of Meng Qi, hears word said lightly: Rests this matter to divulge to an outsider.” 嫦娥仙子正是阮玉书,借助孟奇改了核心篆文的禁法降临,闻言淡淡道:“休将此事外传。” She steps to cut down lightly, floating, if the immortal went out of formation, strolls to go toward here garden outside. 她轻移步伐,飘然若仙般走出了阵法,向着此处庭院外漫步而去。 Respectfully follows the fairy maiden instruction.” Xu Feiling complied without hesitation, Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju are absent-minded also nod. “谨遵仙子吩咐。”许飞翎毫不犹豫答应了下来,甘若虚吴钜恍恍惚惚间也点了头。 The voice in the future, Xu Feiling detected that Fairy Chang'e went out of the garden quickly, was anxious and doubts saying: Fairy maiden, you toward where?” 话音未来,许飞翎发觉嫦娥仙子快走出庭院了,又急又疑道:“仙子,您往何处去?” Ruan Yushu reviews looks like, the vision is earnest, why as if puzzled Xu Feiling has this question: Naturally is your room.” 阮玉书回眸看来,目光认真,似乎不解许飞翎为何有此疑问:“当然是你的房间。” Good, good, I guide to the fairy maiden.” The Xu Feiling heart blasted out the pleasant surprise suddenly, the half step with. “好,好的,我给仙子带路。”许飞翎心头陡然炸开了惊喜,快步跟了上去。 Looks that a back of big young two beautiful woman vanishes in the line of sight, Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju get back one's composure slowly, each other looks at each other one, all looks at the shock of arrived opposite party. 看着一大一小两名美女的背影消失于视线中,甘若虚吴钜才慢慢回神,彼此对视一眼,皆看到了对方的震惊。 Cannot think that Fairy Chang'e descended to earth...... Gan Ruoxu to sigh with emotion one directly, added on me to obtain Heavenly Lord to care, Great Emperor Zhenwu in Lin Fengxiao cross coupling five side five emperors, had the feeling that chaos neared seriously.” “想不到嫦娥仙子直接下凡了……”甘若虚感慨了一声,“加上我得到天尊眷顾,林风啸交感五方五帝中的真武大帝,当真有种大乱在即的感觉。” Wu Ju slightly nod, aspirates suddenly: Worthily is Fairy Chang'e, seriously glowing countenance! No wonder is honored as one of the Heavenly Court most beautiful woman immortals.” 吴钜微微点头,忽地吐了口气:“不愧是嫦娥仙子,当真容光照人!难怪被誉为天庭最美女仙之一。” Although Gan Ruoxu thought that own feeling is whistle jig to a milestone, but cannot bear nod the head the approval, Fairy Chang'e really lives up to reputation. 甘若虚虽然觉得自己的感慨是对牛弹琴,但还是忍不住颔首赞同,嫦娥仙子果然名不虚传。 After a little while, Wu Ju thorough clearly, patted own face fiercely, is employing professional mourners the say/way: First Senior Brother, your obtains Heavenly Lord to bestow the tablet, has the fairy maiden born into this world blesses, be only my so many years attempt to be harvestless repeatedly, person compared with popularity deceased person!” 少顷,吴钜彻底清晰,猛地拍了拍自己的脸庞,哭丧着道:“大师兄,你们一个得到天尊赐碑,一个有仙子临凡庇佑,只有我这么多年屡次尝试都毫无收获,人比人气死人啊!” When hears these words, Gan Ruoxu remembers suddenly obtains the stele, Heavenly Lord as if also has a thought to arrive at the heart, therefore hesitated evil ways: „When Junior Brother Wu, just now cross coupling Heavenly Lord, It has to lower the decree, the word not only grants the stele, time the opportunity of restoring the utensil, I observed your breaking thorn to wear down day, might as well this opportunity to you, even if unable from restore Nine-Toothed Rake small, can still bloom was glorious in those days.” 听到这句话,甘若虚忽然想起获得石碑时,天尊似乎还有股意念降临自己心头,于是沉吟了一下道:“吴师弟,适才交感天尊时,祂有降下旨意,言不仅赐予石碑,还有次修复器物的机会,我观你之断刺消磨日甚,不如将这个机会给你,即使无法从微小恢复成九齿钉耙,也可以重新绽放往日光辉。” World common saying Heaven's Will asked since old times highly difficult, Dao Ancestor Heavenly Lord of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning this progression is equal to Heaven's Will, their intention their ideas often asked highly difficult, was hard to estimate, but Heavenly Lord lowers the so explicit decree now unexpectedly, really made Gan Ruoxu find it strange, but he does not dare to question Heavenly Lord, felt strange that the feeling flashed to pass. 世人常言天意自古高难问,元始天尊这种级数的道祖天尊便等于天意,他们的意图他们的想法往往都“高难问”,难以揣摩,可如今天尊竟然降下如此明确的旨意,委实让甘若虚觉得奇怪,但他万万不敢质疑天尊,奇怪之感一闪而逝。 Wu Ju first is one happy, then hurries to beckon with the hand: How this causes! How this causes!” 吴钜先是一喜,接着慌忙摆手:“这怎么使得!这怎么使得!” Gan Ruoxu said with a smile: „When river bank assassin attacks, was you rescues my life, the life could not return the opportunity to be important? don't must say, hurries to break the thorn to put in formation, otherwise does not take me, when the brothers look.” 甘若虚笑道:“河上刺客来袭时,是你救了我一命,性命还不上机会重要?莫要多说,赶紧将断刺放入阵法,否则就是不拿我当兄弟看。” On this subject, Wu Ju was not good to reject again, in addition he it is glad very much, therefore yields with a show of reluctance saying: Little brother many thanks First Senior Brother.” 话说到这个份上了,吴钜自不好再拒绝,加上他心里本身就很乐意,因此半推半就道:“小弟多谢大师兄了。” He puts out to hoodwink the blue dim light sharp thorn, walks near arrived formation, when will put down, the heart flashes through suddenly hesitant, this is the guarding the clan treasure, what to do if lost may? 他拿出蒙着淡蓝幽光的尖刺,走到了阵法边,正要放下时,心头忽地闪过犹豫,这可是镇族镇家之宝,如果丢失了可怎么办? Just lived hesitant, his immediately self-ridicules smiles, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning what kind of character, situated in all God and Immortal above, is ancient most powerful Dao Ancestor, will also seek after Marshal Canopy slightly breaks punctures inadequately? 犹豫刚生,他顿时自嘲一笑,元始天尊何等人物,位居所有神仙之上,是最古老最强大的道祖,还会贪图天蓬元帅的小小断刺不成? A hand loosen, broke the thorn to fall on the formation center. 手一松,断刺落在了阵法中央。 Gan Ruoxu conducted the Incense Fire sacrificial offering and view again thinks that Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning two big steps, achieved wishes to see pure white gets up, formation changed to the starry sky. 甘若虚再次进行了香火祭祀和观想“元始天尊”两大步骤,如愿看到纯白又起,阵法化作了星空。 The restraining mind, he read silently the honorific titles. 收敛心神,他默诵起尊号。 The galaxy moves, like the radius arm, covered the sharp thorn, Gan Ruoxu suddenly feels at present suddenly profound, as if penetrated the numerous world, looks at arrived that attractive mountain peak, looks at the arrived Jade Void immortal palace, looked that the arrived azure robe Daoist image Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning separated took up that interruption thorn spatially, the both eyes deep place appeared one unable with plain Colored Glass Lamp that the color and language described, black and white split up the circulation unceasingly, to profound to wonderful to faint. 星河移动,如同旋臂,将尖刺笼罩了进去,甘若虚顿觉眼前忽地幽深,仿佛穿透了重重天地,看到了那座灵秀山峰,看到了玉虚仙宫,看到了青袍道人形象的元始天尊隔空拿起了那截断刺,双眼深处现出了一盏无法用颜色和语言来描述的古朴琉璃灯,黑白不断分化流转,至玄至妙至幽微。 Therefore, he low head , to continue to read silently the honorific titles: 于是,他低下了头颅,继续默诵尊号: Jade Purity Purple Void Masterly Supreme Primordial Sovereign Great Dao Monarch......” 玉清紫虚高妙太上元皇大道君……” Meng Qi takes Nine-Toothed Rake to break the thorn, is revolving Cause of All Fruits, tried to find the traces. 孟奇拿着九齿钉耙断刺,运转着诸果之因,试图找到蛛丝马迹。 Radiant stellar lines highlight, the vast starry sky arrives, if Karma World has to resemble not presents, broke the thorn to wrap Nine-Toothed Rake, changed to part, had because of then has the fruit, having the fruit must have, because. 根根璀璨星线凸显,浩瀚星空降临,因果世界若有似无呈现,将九齿钉耙断刺包裹了进去,化作其中一部分,有因便有果,有果必有因。 Following the stellar lines, in the Meng Qi eye flashed through Wu Ju, flashed through his some ancestor, finally framed when a giant fireball of flaming combustion, this roamed through the galaxy some stars that saw big did not know many times. 循着星线,孟奇眼中闪过了吴钜,闪过了他的某位祖宗,最后定格在了一个熊熊燃烧的巨大火球之上,这比自身遨游星河时见到的部分恒星大了不知多少倍。 Scalding hot and stuffed the field of vision brilliance, the pitiful yell that the startled anger shrinks together transmits suddenly: 灼热与光辉充塞了视界,一道惊怒畏缩的惨叫陡然传来: My anything does not know......” “我什么都不知道……” The sound stops suddenly, in the Meng Qi eye the Cause of All Fruits rotation, the preparation holds the relation to separate to land to be near, but the front actual situation is uncertain, high vast is only, did not have the means penetration and arrival by his current realm. 声音戛然而止,孟奇眼中诸果之因转动,准备抓住联系隔空降临,但前方虚实不定,高渺唯一,以他目前的境界还没办法穿透与抵达。 Really is the Great Sun star in Immortal Realm Heaven River, old pig being buried...... Meng Qi slightly nod, understands oneself are cut off by 9th Heavenly Layer. 果然是仙界天河里的大日恒星,老猪葬身之所……孟奇微微点头,明白自己是被九重天所阻隔。 But what does not know what matter that refers to? 而“什么都不知道”指的什么事情? Originally the death of old pig, his already has no suspicion, Demon Buddha Ānanda acknowledged personally when he is Nine Heavens Thunder God strikes old pig that kills, because betrays the matter of Celestial Emperor to be discovered ahead of time, but when the situation has not arrived at the change, must kill the pig to eliminate a potential informant. 本来老猪之死,他已经没有什么怀疑,魔佛阿难都亲口承认了他还是九天雷神时击杀的老猪,因为背叛天帝之事被提前发现,而局势又还未到变化之际,必须杀猪灭口。 But discovers the Wu Ju ancestor to be able unexpectedly after the old pig falls from the sky obtains the gracious gift of Nine-Toothed Rake fragment, Meng Qi raised again the doubts, reviewed this matter, discovered some issues: 但发现吴钜祖先竟然能在老猪陨落后得到九齿钉耙残片的恩赐后,孟奇再次升起了疑惑,重新回顾了这件事情,发现了一些问题: Initially Demon Buddha Ānanda had not acknowledged personally! 当初魔佛阿难并没有亲口承认! Oneself said the inference, he calmly is listening, shows neither approval nor disapproval, until mentioning Zhenwu(True Martial) said two! 只是自己说出了推断,他静静听着,不置可否,直到提及真武才说了两句! Moreover, to the prestige of Nine Heavens Thunder God Creator (good fortune), the most important thing is be able to ruin merely the old pig body of Heavenly Immortal at that time? 而且最为重要的是,以彼时九天雷神造化之威,会毁不掉仅仅天仙的老猪躯体? In the past oneself experienced insufficiently, saw the star not to burn the old pork body, thought that Nine Heavens Thunder God is unable to destroy for a while, matter was also urgent, the Heavenly Court war will soon start, cannot delay, therefore massacred Gao Cuilan conveniently, the forge murderer, view it, Nine Heavens Thunder God of Creator (good fortune) progression, can make the old pig vanished in a puff of smoke now, a trace is unable to stay behind! 过去自己见识不够,见恒星都烧不化老猪肉身,就觉得九天雷神一时无法摧毁,事情又紧迫,天庭大战即将开始,不能耽搁,于是顺手杀掉高翠兰,伪造凶手,如今观之,造化级数的九天雷神,举手投足间就能让老猪灰飞烟灭,一点痕迹都无法留下! The recombination Nine-Toothed Rake fragment with my anything does not know pitiful yell, matter perhaps is not such that imagine, has the fishy. 再结合九齿钉耙残片与“我什么都不知道”的惨叫,事情或许不是自己想象的那样,另有蹊跷。 Naturally, this cannot conclude that the old pig is also living, because the God Connecting Technique communication of that side universe in fact is the authority of brand mark or correspondence between Supreme residual world, is part of the world principle, when for example cross coupling Marshal Canopy, if the old pig is also living, obtained cultivation technique divine ability possibly is Heavenly Astral 36 Transformations, if old pig already falls from the sky, then can only cross coupling Marshal Canopy authority divine ability of this name correspondence- runs the Heaven River 100,000 sailors. 当然,这不能断定老猪还活着,因为那方宇宙的通神术沟通的实际上是大能残留天地间的烙印或对应的权柄,也就是天地法则的一部分,比如交感天蓬元帅时,若老猪还活着,那得到功法神通就可能是天罡三十六变,如果老猪已经陨落,则只能交感“天蓬元帅”这个称呼对应的权柄神通-掌管天河十万水军。 Celestial River True Law is truly hard to obtain the old pig also living the conclusion from Wu Ju divine ability, but Nine-Toothed Rake breaks the matter of thorn, the Meng Qi suspicion is because old pork body not thoroughly collapse to extinguish, following not new Marshal Canopy, therefore is also colluding the corresponding authority, when the Wu Ju ancestor implored the gracious gift, with the aid of this involvement, made a connection went to that to locate the path of Heaven River star, by Nine-Toothed Rake easily moved the part the mortal body pulls down. 吴钜神通天河真法”确实难以得到老猪还活着的结论,而九齿钉耙断刺之事,孟奇怀疑是因为老猪肉身未彻底崩灭,后续又无新的天蓬元帅,于是还勾连着相应权柄,吴钜祖上祈求恩赐时,借助这种勾连,打通了前往那处天河恒星的道路,将肉身旁边九齿钉耙容易被挪动的部分拉了下来。 This side universe somewhat mystical, the contact with Immortal Realm unexpectedly is so quite close.” Meng Qi strokes gently Nine-Toothed Rake to break the thorn, looking pensive thinking. “这方宇宙颇有几分神异,与仙界的联系竟如此紧密。”孟奇摩挲着九齿钉耙断刺,若有所思想着。 That involvement immortal god, formation of hope gracious gift, oneself has tried in Jade Void Palace, almost without effect, because 9th Heavenly Layer has fallen from the sky, Reality World and its gap are firm, are hard to penetrate, in universe that in Gan Ruoxu they are, this gap is quite frail, even many cracks, therefore has the effect so well God Connecting Technique. 那勾连仙神,祈求恩赐的阵法,自己在玉虚宫内试过,几乎没有效果,因为九重天已然陨落,真实界和它的间隔非常坚固,难以穿透,而在甘若虚他们所在的宇宙里,这种间隔就比较脆弱,甚至有诸多裂缝,因此才有效果如此不错的“通神术”。 What a pity is, oneself do not have the means to arrive at that universe, must try to find another way to enter Heaven River, attains the old pig corpse, looks for the clue. 可惜的是,自己没办法降临那处宇宙,得另想办法进入“天河”,拿到老猪尸体,寻找线索。 Until now, that once by oneself absolutely terrified, the giant star that can only wait and see from afar was unable to threaten itself! 时至今日,那曾经让自己毛骨悚然,只能远远观望的巨大恒星已无法威胁到自己了! The Yin-Yang circulation, the life and death inverts, Nine-Toothed Rake broke punctures gave full play to the vitality in Meng Qi, blue became profound, compared divine armament sharply. 阴阳流转,生死颠倒,九齿钉耙断刺在孟奇手里焕发了生机,淡蓝变得幽深,锋锐比拟神兵 Then he throws gently, will break the thorn to throw Reality World, threw the formation center. 然后他轻轻一扔,将断刺扔出了真实界,扔回了阵法中央。 Old Fifth Zhao retreats in order to advance, after becoming crown prince who the Great Zhou right of inheritance is the top position, the strength of all living things not only has not been weaken, increases on the contrary, but also put down the package, leads the way with light packs, the mind is clear and bright, if realm has the promotion, is starts to close up, attempts to attack the Dharma Body mountain pass, therefore contact, does not need ten years of time. 赵老五以退为进,成为大周继承权排在前列的亲王后,众生之力不仅没有减弱,反倒有所增加,而且放下了包裹,轻装前行,心灵圆润而剔透,境界如有提升,已是开始闭关,尝试着冲击法身关隘,所以联络不上,也无需十年时光。 ............ ………… The light shadow dissipates, the deep blue splendor blooms, fell into garden as if the water, is sparkling lake, the dream is charming. 光影消散,湛蓝之辉绽放,将庭院仿佛落入了水中,波光粼粼,梦幻迷人。 Was really fiercer!” The Wu Ju both eyes circle stares, the delighted meaning can be seen in speech and appearance. “真的更厉害了!”吴钜双目圆瞪,欢欣之意溢于言表。 Gan Ruoxu relaxes quietly, is enjoying the worship line of sight of Wu Ju. 甘若虚悄然松了口气,享受着吴钜的崇拜视线。 Two people see the time not early, hurried to clean up the aftermath, prepared to go to the room smooth, at this time, seeing Xu Feiling quickly to pass by. 两人见时候不早,赶紧收拾了残局,准备溜回房间,这时,看见许飞翎急急忙忙路过。 Senior Sister Xu, fairy maiden?” Wu Ju puts out a hand to block, asked one. 许师姐,仙子呢?”吴钜伸手拦住,问了一句。 Gan Ruoxu also said: Junior Sister Xu, didn't the fairy maiden go to your room? Why do you rush about outside?” 甘若虚也道:“许师妹,仙子不是去了你房中吗?你为何在外奔波?” The Xu Feiling smile said: Fairy maiden is chilly, is not quite intimate, I ponder diligently, tries to find a arrived good solution finally.” 许飞翎微笑道:“仙子清冷,不好亲近,我冥思苦想,总算想到了一个好办法。” What means?” Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju asked simultaneously. “什么办法?”甘若虚吴钜同声问道。 Xu Feiling said with a smile: I am thinking the fairy maiden has the jade rabbit when the Moon Palace is a partner, therefore planned that goes to the kitchen to steal a live rabbit, she loves it and everything that comes along with it, can definitely unfold the smile.” 许飞翎笑吟吟道:“我想着仙子在月宫时有玉兔为伴,于是打算去厨房偷一只活的兔子,她爱屋及乌,肯定会一展笑颜。” Good way.” Gan Ruoxu approved one. “好办法。”甘若虚赞了一句。
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