WORIOA :: Volume #6

#185: First Senior Brother( first)

Gan Ruoxu hears excited, to shake the head with a crash at once: This is not quite good, just accepted Heavenly Lord to care, obtains divine ability, immediately also implores the gracious gift treasure, is really insatiably greedy, perhaps annoys the Heavenly Lord dislike.” 甘若虚听得砰然心动,旋即又摇了摇头:“这不太好吧,刚接受天尊眷顾,得到神通,立刻又祈求恩赐宝物,实在贪得无厌,恐惹天尊厌恶。” Person who without whom will like being ignorant of the proper action to take! 没谁会喜欢不知进退的人! Wu Ju gawked staring, then gives the thumbs-up saying: Big Brother Gan, the little brother admires you seriously, can defeat the greed unexpectedly, in brief, I first teach you formation, in the future when will be useful did not need him to ask.” 吴钜愣了愣,然后竖起大拇指道:“甘大哥,小弟当真佩服你,竟然能战胜贪欲,总之,我先把阵法教给你,日后有用时就无需他求了。” Apologized for the brother in advance.” The Gan Ruoxu gratitude said. “为兄先行谢过。”甘若虚感激道。 Wu Ju takes out the written records, is describing formation, writes the seal script, is explaining the postil, does one's best to teach Gan Ruoxu. 吴钜取出纸笔,描绘着阵法,书写着篆文,讲解着批注,尽心尽力教导着甘若虚 Listens to listen, Gan Ruoxu is shocked suddenly, because in these seal script and mind forbidden technique talisman under Primordial Beginning Daoist place is similar! 听着听着,甘若虚忽然愣住,因为这些篆文与自己脑海内元始道人座下的禁法符篆非常类似! don't tell me does Heavenly Lord intend to grant me the treasure? His heart exudes fiercely wild with joy. 难道天尊有意赐予我宝物?他心头猛地泛起狂喜。 With the Wu Ju explanation deep place, Gan Ruoxu even more affirmed, has decided that arrived Capital City Country Protection Monastery, then begins to execute this matter immediately. 随着吴钜讲解深处,甘若虚愈发肯定,已是打定主意,到了京城护国观,立即便着手施行此事。 Among the train of thought vicissitudes, Sun Qian walked, sinking sound said: Favorer Gan, the assassin is patrolling of Taiping Country Yellow Turban Path causes, with our Country Protection Monastery is the mortal enemy, on the same day he witnessed exactly you obtain the different scenery that Heavenly Lord cares , after the inquiry is clear, ambushes the assassination in this specially.” 思绪浮沉间,孙乾走了进来,沉声道:“甘眷者,那刺客是太平国黄巾道的巡察使,与我们护国观是死敌,当日他恰好目睹你得到天尊眷顾的异景,打探清楚后,特异于此潜伏刺杀。” Yellow Turban Path? Gan Ruoxu nods gently, regarding this not unfamiliar. 黄巾道甘若虚轻轻点头,对此并不陌生 Exaggerates after God Favored Country year after year, Yellow Turban Path has become the Evil Demon outlet among the people, can stop the young child morbid night crying, they and Country Protection Monastery were in years past Taiping Path's Branch Lineage, yellow heaven already for heaven, yellow heaven but who the latter venerated was yellow day Queen of the Earth yellow heaven, but also called Sovereign of Heaven, but Yellow Turban Path yellow heaven was Middle Yellow Grand One, not only The Grand One Eastern Sovereign, therefore became the dead enmity. 经过神眷国年复一年地渲染,黄巾道早就在民众当中成为邪魔外道,能止小儿夜啼,他们与护国观都属昔年太平道支脉,黄天已代苍天,但后者尊崇的黄天是黄天后土的黄天,又称皇天,而黄巾道的黄天则是“中黄太一”,既东皇太一,于是成为死仇。 Old Daoist thinks that cannot delay again, immediately throws down the brigade to cross river, is protected Favorer to travel day and night to rush to the national capital by Old Daoist.” Sun Qian put forward own proposal. 老道认为不能再耽搁了,立刻丢下大队过河,由老道护着眷者日夜兼程赶往京师。”孙乾提出了自身的建议。 Gan Ruoxu does not dare to crack a joke with own life, looked at Wu Ju one, nodded the head to comply. 甘若虚可不敢拿自己的性命开玩笑,看了吴钜一眼,颔首答应了下来。 ............ ………… The day and night travels at double speed, the safe/without matter, after 3rd, Sun Qian delivered Country Protection Monastery of arrived east situated in Capital City Gan Ruoxu finally. 昼夜兼程,一路无事,经过三日,孙乾终于将甘若虚到了位于京城东面的护国观 Here pine and cypress evergreen, Yun He dances in the air, the place of as if extra mundane, at this time, middle-aged Daoist Priest of Zamu hairpin is situated in the entrance waiting. 这里松柏常青,云鹤飞舞,仿佛世外之地,此时,一位头扎木簪的中年道士正立于门口等待。 His five senses is clear and bright, the makings have the dust, is Country Protection Monastery Monastery Lord Xu Jingxu, what cross coupling is in God and Immortal Position Chart is located in fourth and other Nandou Star Monarch. 五官清朗,气质出尘,正是护国观观主许静虚,交感的是神仙业位图里位于第四等的南斗星君 Xu Jingxu behind also the feature nimble and resourceful young girl, is his lay family niece, direct disciple, last year cross coupling Fairy Chang'e Xu Feiling. 许静虚身后还有一位眉目灵动的少女,是他俗家侄女,嫡传弟子,去年交感了嫦娥仙子许飞翎 „The Three Pure Ones founder manifests a spirit, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning cares, the reality is toward being honored of this view.” After seeing Gan Ruoxu, Xu Jingxu smiles saying that respects the young, respects the young seriously.” 三清祖师显灵,元始天尊眷顾,实乃本朝本观之荣幸。”看到甘若虚后,许静虚笑眯眯说道,“后生可畏,当真后生可畏。” Facing such cultivates to hold many years of great person, Gan Ruoxu does not dare to have any neglecting, salutes saying: Has seen Monastery Lord Xu.” 面对此等修持多年的大人物,甘若虚不敢有任何怠慢,行礼道:“见过许观主。” Xu Jingxu slightly nod, then looks to Sun Qian: Grandson institute Lord was laborious, first takes a break, in the view must have the reward.” 许静虚微微点头,转而看向孙乾:“孙院主辛苦了,先去休息片刻,观中必有奖赏。” Monastery Lord spoke discreetly, should righteousness completely, what Xu reward?” Sun Qian polite, advanced Country Protection Monastery. 观主言重了,应尽之义,何需奖赏?”孙乾客气了一句,先进了护国观 All around immediately does not have the bystander again, Xu Jingxu says with a smile lightly: Favorer Gan, first along with this poor Daoist goes to Three Pure Ones Palace, has done obeisance three Dao Ancestor and all previous founders then included Country Protection Monastery.” 四周顿时再无外人,许静虚轻笑道:“甘眷者,先随贫道去三清殿,拜过三位道祖和历代祖师便算入了护国观。” Xu Feiling is saying in the view along the way with a smile the items and various legendvs, smoothed the Gan Ruoxu slightly tense state of mind, starts to have the home to return. 沿途许飞翎笑吟吟说着观中事项和各种轶闻,将甘若虚略显紧张的心绪抚平,开始有了归宿。 Just stepped into Three Pure Ones Palace, the Gan Ruoxu vision solidifies suddenly, because on most the head, resided in Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure and Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue central Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and former idol already had the difference, delicate and pretty five senses, the slightly graying double temple, the eye pupil of profound vicissitudes, with exactly the same that induced, the only difference was, the azure robe was extremely simple and elegant, situation that was not suitable to worship, Heavenly Lord as before was the plain grave wear. 刚踏入三清殿,甘若虚的目光突地凝固,因为最上首,居于灵宝天尊道德天尊中央的元始天尊与之前的神像已经有了差别,俊美的五官,略显斑白的双鬓,幽深沧桑的眼眸,都和自己感应到的一模一样,唯一的区别在于,青袍太过素雅,不适合祭拜的场合,天尊依旧是古朴庄重的穿着。 Just had the contact with both eyes of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning idol, Gan Ruoxu then as if comes the arrived vast starry sky from the palace pavilion, curls the light smoke that raises to make all appear fuzzy profound, probably immortal every between boundary. 元始天尊神像的双眼刚有接触,甘若虚便仿佛从殿阁来到了浩瀚星空,袅袅升起的青烟让一切显得模糊幽深,像是仙凡之间的界限。 Unconscious, the Gan Ruoxu facial expression becomes solemn and respectful, under the Xu Jingxu guidance, completed the basic ceremony before Country Protection Monastery many elders, then according to the confession of Xu Jingxu, closes up in Three Pure Ones Palace, cross coupling Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, polishes divine ability, enhances own strength as soon as possible. 不自觉中,甘若虚神情变得肃穆,在许静虚引导下,在护国观诸多长老面前完成了入门仪式,然后根据许静虚的交代,于三清殿内闭关,交感元始天尊,打磨神通,尽快提高自身的实力。 Hazy, does not know the years, Gan Ruoxu only thinks that Primordial Beginning Daoist in mind even more was close to the initial induction, from time to time will change will be azure robe say/way the image. 迷迷蒙蒙,不知岁月,甘若虚只觉脑海内的元始道人愈发接近当初的感应,时而会变做青袍道者的形象。 Sincere! 笃笃笃! Suddenly, the knock resounded, spread to the Gan Ruoxu ear, he thinks, the clear and resonant voice asked: Which?” 忽然,敲门声响起,传入了甘若虚耳朵,他想了想,朗声问道:“哪位?” Big Brother Gan, did you finish closing up?” The Wu Ju pleasantly surprised sound floats from the crack in a door. 甘大哥,你结束闭关了?”吴钜惊喜的声音从门缝中飘来。 Gan Ruoxu said with a smile: Just finished, your what arrives?” 甘若虚笑道:“刚好结束,你什么抵达的?” His hand extends, the palm is dark, front door calm from opening. 他手一伸,掌心幽暗,大门无风自开。 Arrived half a month, will knock quickly every several days knocks on a door, having a look at Big Brother Gan you to finish closing up, is not right, should call First Senior Brother.” The Wu Ju weary said with a smile. “快到半个月了,每隔几日就会来敲敲门,看看甘大哥你有没有结束闭关,不对,该叫大师兄了。”吴钜惫懒笑道。 First Senior Brother?” Gan Ruoxu stunned asked back. 大师兄?”甘若虚愕然反问。 Wu Ju follows behind Xu Feiling, her smile nimble and resourceful say/way: According to the Country Protection Monastery custom, the arrangement of fellow apprentices took crossing the threshold as the standard, but First Senior Brother exception, this will take over the Country Protection Monastery disciple title in the future.” 吴钜身后跟着许飞翎,她笑容灵动道:“根据护国观的规矩,师兄弟的排列以入门先后为准,但大师兄例外,这是日后接掌护国观的弟子称号。” Congratulates First Senior Brother, congratulates First Senior Brother.” Wu Ju said. “恭喜大师兄,贺喜大师兄。”吴钜接话道。 At this moment, out the Gan Ruoxu vision moves, goes, then heard a clear and melodious proud voice: I and others also pay a visit First Senior Brother.” 就在这时,甘若虚目光一移,投向门外,然后听见了一道清越骄傲的嗓音:“我等也来拜见大师兄。” Behind Wu Ju and Xu Feiling walked one group of Country Protection Monastery disciples, the leader wore the black Daoist robe, sent to tie Gao Guan(high crown), five senses remains the naivete, is brimming with proudly. 吴钜许飞翎背后走来了一帮护国观弟子,为首者穿着玄色道袍,发束高冠,五官残留着稚气,洋溢着骄傲。 Senior Brother Lin......” Wu Ju shouted one lowly, then winks to Gan Ruoxu hastily, Xu Feiling sound transmission said, was the cross coupling Great Emperor Zhenwu Lin Fengxiao Senior Brother Lin.” 林师兄……”吴钜低呼了一声,连忙回头对甘若虚挤眉弄眼,许飞翎传音道,“是交感了真武大帝林风啸林师兄。” Black Emperor Favorer? Beforehand First Senior Brother? The Gan Ruoxu heart has suddenly, this treats sets out to welcome, but after seeing the opposite party look, the youngster spirit outbreak, sits cross-legged as before, back to having palatial grand feeling Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning idol. 黑帝眷者?之前的大师兄甘若虚心有恍然,本待起身相迎,但看见对方神色后,少年意气发作,依旧盘坐,背部正对有着巍峨雄伟感的元始天尊神像。 Lin Fengxiao does not go, stands near the gate, said desolately: First Senior Brother can result in Three Pure Ones Dao Ancestor to look upon with favor, is really praiseworthy, junior brother my quite curious Heavenly Lord divine ability prestige energy, but also thinks that the Senior Brother directs 12.” 林风啸也不进去,立在门边,冷淡道:“大师兄能得三清道祖垂青,实在让人钦佩,师弟我则颇为好奇天尊神通的威能,还想师兄指点一二。” Wu Ju aiya, said immediately: First Senior Brother divine ability take action wants the deceased person, our fellow apprentices must injure not friendly.” 吴钜哎呀一声,当即道:“大师兄神通出手就要死人,我们师兄弟莫要伤了和气。” He is always afraid of getting into trouble timidly, is not willing to provoke troublesome. 他向来胆小怕事,不愿招惹麻烦。 Might as well, toward hears say/way, evening dead foot.” Lin Fengxiao vision brilliant, dies to stare at Gan Ruoxu. “无妨,朝闻道,夕死足矣。”林风啸目光灼灼,死盯着甘若虚 Gan Ruoxu is only a 16-year-old youngster, hears word says with a smile: Junior Brother Lin invited.” 甘若虚只是个16岁的少年,闻言笑道:“林师弟请。” Lin Fengxiao with one group of Country Protection Monastery disciple immediately dispersing that comes, is gazing in the field by the vision of anticipation, their prestige to the Blackwater big law can know it to well with the Senior Brother Lin practice talent, is quite confident, but facing Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Favorer, having the confidence turns over to confident, is unavoidably disturbed. 跟着林风啸来的一帮护国观弟子顿时散开,以期待的目光注视着场中,他们对黑水大法的威能和林师兄修炼天赋知之甚详,颇有信心,但面对元始天尊眷者,有信心归有信心,还是难免忐忑。 The Lin Fengxiao cross previous step, the back has phantom suddenly presents, that is an ancient sacred snake Itsukame, the snake entangles the turtle body, circle Blackwater, above is setting up a fuzzy dignified Great Emperor. 林风啸跨前一步,背后忽有虚影呈现,那是古老神圣的一蛇一龟,蛇缠龟身,周绕黑水,上面立着一尊模模糊糊的威严大帝。 Crash-bang, the Three Pure Ones Palace profound water emits baseless, tip, like the sea, the supple moisture infiltrates into, makes Gan Ruoxu unable unexpectedly the fluctuation Yin-Yang, inverts the life and death. 哗啦,三清殿玄水凭空冒出,点点滴滴,如同大海,阴柔水气渗透入内,竟然让甘若虚无法变幻阴阳,颠倒生死。 Very powerful! 好强! The Gan Ruoxu heart flashed through this thought that the going all out view wants to induce Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. 甘若虚心头闪过了这个念头,拼命观想感应着元始天尊 Lin Fengxiao lifts the hand, the snake spurts the black liquor, such as the arrow hit to Gan Ruoxu, but Gan Ruoxu sat cross-legged, does not have any action, seemed to be shocked completely. 林风啸将手一抬,蛇喷黑液,如箭打向了甘若虚,而甘若虚还是盘坐,没有任何举动,似乎被完全震慑住了。 Big Brother Gan!” Wu Ju called out in alarm one. 甘大哥!”吴钜惊呼了一声。 At this moment, he saw behind Gan Ruoxu to appear phantom similarly, the azure Daoist robe, delicate and pretty five senses, the graying temple, the vicissitudes double pupil, was almost exactly the same as the resembles of following palatial sacred Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning! 就在这时,他看见甘若虚背后同样现出了一道虚影,青色道袍,俊美五官,斑白鬓角,沧桑双眸,与后面巍峨神圣的元始天尊之像几乎一模一样! Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning! 元始天尊 Primordial Sovereign Great Dao Monarch! 元皇大道君 Country Protection Monastery disciples cannot help the low head. 一位位护国观弟子忍不住要低下头颅。 Gan Ruoxu is shutting both eyes, lifts the right hand, azure robe Daoist image Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning also followed to lift the right hand, most bottom Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statue also as if had the tremor, in Three Pure Ones Palace immediately was dark, deep profound distant, before the as if world opened, vast ocean profound water vanished without the trace, but that such as the arrow black liquor drilled into the Gan Ruoxu palm, was again unresponsive. 甘若虚闭着双眼,抬起右手,身后青袍道人形象的“元始天尊”也跟着抬起了右手,最底部的元始天尊雕像也仿佛有了颤动,三清殿顿时幽幽暗暗,深深邃邃,仿佛天地开辟之前,汪洋大海般的玄水消失无踪,而那股如箭黑液钻入了甘若虚掌心,再无反应。 All return to normal, Lin Fengxiao stands near the gate, the facial expression fluctuates, for a long time latter is clenching teeth saying: 一切恢复正常,林风啸立在门边,神情变幻,许久后才咬着牙道: Many thanks First Senior Brother advises.” “多谢大师兄指教。” Then, he turns around to walk. 说完,他转身就走。 First Senior Brother, you were getting more and more fierce!” Wu Ju sets upright the thumb to say. 大师兄,你越来越厉害了!”吴钜竖着大拇指道。 Gan Ruoxu stands up, the smile said: Is Heavenly Lord cares, can try that formation.” 甘若虚站起身,微笑道:“都是天尊眷顾,可以试试那个阵法了。” What formation?” Nearby Xu Feiling asked curiously. “什么阵法?”旁边的许飞翎好奇问道。 Opens the channel, accepts the gracious gift formation.” Gan Ruoxu explained one. “打开通道,接受恩赐的阵法。”甘若虚解释了一句。 Wu Ju hurriedly said: Okay good!” 吴钜忙不迭道:“好好好!” His quite curious Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning will bestow anything. 他颇为好奇元始天尊会赐下什么。 ............ ………… While night, Xu Feiling and Wu Ju these two famous expert study proband prepares formation. 趁着深夜,许飞翎吴钜这两名家学渊源者布置好了阵法 Gan Ruoxu first completed the Incense Fire ceremony, then stands in the formation edge, starts the view to think that Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, read aloud in a low voice discussed: 甘若虚先是完成了香火祭祀仪式,然后立在阵法边缘,开始观想元始天尊之相,低声诵念道: Jade Purity Purple Void Masterly Supreme Primordial Sovereign Great Dao Monarch......” 玉清紫虚高妙太上元皇大道君……” Pure Bai Liang get up, formation becomes like the starry sky, then the stellar lines have delimited the dark horizon together, crashed into the center. 一道道纯白亮起,阵法变得如同星空,然后一道星线划过幽暗天际,坠入了中央。 Gan Ruoxu concentrates the eye to look, the discovery is a stele, plain old, writes seven large killing characters, except for this seems to have no mystical. 甘若虚凝目看去,发现是一块石碑,古朴苍老,书写着七个斗大的杀字,除此以外似乎没有什么神异 What treasure is this?” Wu Ju collected. “这是什么宝贝?”吴钜凑了过来。 Gan Ruoxu shook the head at a loss, took up the stele, but the stele just started, whiz drilled into his within the body, entered forehead Ancestral Aperture. 甘若虚茫然摇头,拿起了石碑,可石碑刚刚入手,就嗖得一声钻入了他的体内,进入了眉心祖窍 Also must ponder over slowly.” Gan Ruoxu said looking pensive. “还得慢慢琢磨。”甘若虚若有所思道。 Heavenly Lord bestows, is surely extraordinary! 天尊所赐,必定非凡! At this time, Xu Feiling saw Gan Ruoxu really to seek the treasure, young girl temperament was also lively, brittle sound said: Or do I also try?” 这时,许飞翎甘若虚真的求来了宝贝,少女心性又活泼,脆声道:“要不我也试试?” Although in the view has similar formation, but the master always said own cultivation base also misses, not agrees makes himself use. 观中虽有类似阵法,可师父总说自己修为还差,不肯让自己使用。 Good.” Wu Ju and Gan Ruoxu raised the curious heart. “好啊。”吴钜甘若虚升起了好奇之心。 Xu Feiling stands before formation, starts the view to think that Fairy Chang'e , just like the starry sky formation scene , a bright moon raises gradually slowly, clear splendor sprinkles all around. 许飞翎站在阵法前,开始观想“嫦娥仙子”,渐渐的,宛若星空般的阵法场景内,一轮皓月冉冉升起,清辉洒落四周。 The light shadow changes, under silver Yue Luo(moon fall), spoken parts skirt figure highlights, is chilly the dust, embraces ancient zither. 光影变化,银月落下,一道白裙身影凸显,清冷出尘,怀抱古琴 The mouth of Xu Feiling, Wu Ju and Gan Ruoxu opens little, in the mind only has a thought: 许飞翎吴钜甘若虚的嘴巴一点点张开,脑海里只有一个念头: Fairy Chang'e has not granted the treasure, she descended to earth directly! 嫦娥仙子没有赐予宝物,她直接下凡了!
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