WORIOA :: Volume #6

#197: New style 20 years( third)

Had/Left Eastern Sea Dragon Palace, Meng Qi was treading the wave, looked for the place covert islands to sit down at will, both eyes ajar half whole, resembled the view to think. 出了东海龙宫,孟奇踏着波浪,随意找了处隐蔽岛屿坐下,双眼半开半阖,状似观想。 Suddenly, his body week floats off a brightness, the brilliance is pure, circles like 24 bead encirclements, puts on the flower to circle the tree. 忽然,他身周浮起点点灿烂,光彩纯净,如同二十四枚珠子环绕盘旋,穿花绕树。 This is not the Sea Calming Bead main body, but is its all sorts of relations and karma characteristics stimulates to movement manifestation phantom by way of Meng Qi, the satellite coils around, to assist deduce. 这不是定海珠的本体,而是它种种联系与因果特征经由孟奇催动显化虚影,卫星般盘绕,以辅助推衍 These 24 beads all are full clear, in chaos, sometimes has the density, such as including All Heavens, manifestation bright changes slowly, duplicate/restores makes the five colors rays of light all over the body, the dream is blurred, seriously dwelling place of celestial beings most precious object. 这二十四枚珠子皆是饱满圆润,内中混混沌沌,时有氤氲,如含诸天,外放的灿烂慢慢变化,复做通体的五色毫光,梦幻迷离,当真仙家至宝。 With Meng Qi revolution Cause of All Fruits and Jade Void Divine Deduction, these beads broke suddenly less than half, this was always remembered initially, had the incomplete clue part, was hard to be used to track down. 随着孟奇运转诸果之因玉虚神算,这一枚枚珠子突地破碎了小半,这是当初铭记不及,只得残缺线索的部分,难以用来追寻。 The five colors rays of light revolutions was more anxious, making around Meng Qi cover light screen, suddenly, about ten Sea Calming Bead phantom were silent, left the historical arena. 五色毫光越转越急,让孟奇周围蒙上了一层光幕,忽然,有近十颗定海珠虚影无声无息黯淡,退出了历史舞台。 They are the characteristics to be obvious, the whereabouts quite clear part, was so easy to find, how the possible wheel to obtain itself? The Meng Qi facial expression motionless slightest, has the screening means at heart early, what sure enough is, beginning some Sea Calming Bead clues when clear, deduce gets down actually often dense fog, surely is already is the Supreme level character obtained, some familiar inductions, indistinct are Lifeless Heaven! 它们属于特征明显,下落较为清楚的部分,如此容易找到,又怎么可能轮得到自己?孟奇神情不动分毫,心里早有筛选办法,果不其然的是,这部分定海珠线索初时清晰,推衍下去却往往一层迷雾,必定是已经大能级人物所得,其中一枚有些熟悉感应,隐约便是无生天 But this also confirmed the Meng Qi's idea in turn. 而这反过来也证实了孟奇的想法。 remainder 67 Sea Calming Bead continue to rotate, the five colors rays of light are getting more and more bright, two results present the dense fog shape similarly, is unfathomed, the Meng Qi preliminary suspicion also went well by Supreme or Great Divine Expert, temporarily puts on the side of arrived, in another four, has the clue respectively, non- is the dense fog, but some are indistinct, is unable to grasp by oneself current calculation ability. 剩余六七枚定海珠继续转动,五色毫光越来越亮,有两枚的结果同样呈现迷雾状,无法窥探,孟奇初步怀疑也是被大能大神通者得手了,暂时放到了一边,另外四枚里,各有线索,非是迷雾,但有的隐隐绰绰,以自家目前的推算能力无法把握。 Sea Calming Bead dimness, have two overlapping soaring finally before the Meng Qi body, belongs can that at present attempts to seek. 定海珠一枚枚黯淡,最终剩下两颗交叉飞翔于孟奇身前,都属于目前可以尝试寻找的那种。 Suddenly, Meng Qi extends the right hand, held phantom, leaps the body, escapes directly into the vast starry sky. 忽然,孟奇伸出右手,抓住了其中一枚虚影,将身一跃,直接遁入浩瀚星空。 All around like black ink, is embellishing stars jet black, the Meng Qi skin is superficial the pale gold/metal, is finding the clue, is crossing Star Sea, some deduce were away from or the heavenly body influence, must arrive at the vicinity to be able further downward. 四周漆黑如墨,点缀着颗颗繁星,孟奇皮肤泛着淡金,追寻着线索,横渡着星海,有的推衍被距离或天体影响,必须来到近处才能进一步往下。 Star Sea is boundless, hides is not knowing that many strip enormous and powerful galaxy, but each galaxy has the innumerable stars, each stars have over four most parts continents area, distance above this. 星海无垠,藏着不知多少条浩荡星河,而每一条星河都有数不清的星辰,每一颗星辰都多数有着超过四大部洲的面积,彼此间的距离更是远在这之上。 From time to time separates to land to be near, from time to time crosses the galaxy, Meng Qi does not know that passed by many not to have the star of vitality desolated, emits the boundless universe at heart spontaneously as if only then a loneliness of life. 时而隔空降临,时而横渡星系,孟奇不知路过了多少荒芜没有生机的星球,心里油然冒出茫茫宇宙似乎只有自己一个生灵的孤独感。 This roams through the mood that the starry sky has inevitably. 这是遨游星空必然存在的情绪。 Finally, he pressed down the escaping light, the distant place had a giant fireball of flaming combustion, all around let heavily curving, is evaporating scalding hot the myriad things. 终于,他按下了遁光,远方有一个熊熊燃烧的巨大火球,沉重让四周弯曲,灼热蒸发着万物。 But has the blackness that deeply most sinks in another side, slow revolving, as if must swallow the myriad things, is terrifying, then once for a while spurts the thin ray, probably after the monster ate human flesh, puts out the bone. 而在另外一边有最深最沉的漆黑,缓慢旋转,似乎要吞噬万物,非常恐怖,时不时则喷薄光线,像是怪物吃掉了人肉后吐出骨头。 According to the beforehand backward and deduce result, Meng Qi has 50% to grasp Sea Calming Bead to fall arrived this jet black blackhole. 根据之前的追溯和推衍的结果,孟奇有50%把握定海珠就落到了这漆黑混洞内部。 Because had its covering up, when it scatters hiding of clue, which Supreme by had not been paid attention, this preserves arrived now. 正因为有了它的遮掩,以及本身散落时线索的隐蔽,未曾被哪位大能关注,这才存留到了如今。 Separated very far distance, Meng Qi can feel that suction that capture, smile, oneself strove to excel to rush to black hole gently unexpectedly. 隔了很远很远很远很远的距离,孟奇都能感受到那股吸力那种捕获,不由轻轻一哂,自己竟然要强闯“黑洞”内部了。 He pushed leaf of cloud Guan, the body inflated suddenly, Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation, but whole body acupoint opened, a hole universe, strength of in addition numerous heavenly abode held, making the pale gold/metal ray even more present the appearance that impregnable, all generations did not rub. 他推了推扇云冠,身躯猛然膨胀,法天象地,而周身窍穴打开,一窍一宇宙,重重洞天之力加持,让淡金光芒愈发呈现牢不可破、万劫不磨的神彩。 Then, in Niwan Palace ran out of chaos profound celebration cloud, it hangs an evil ways dim light, the huge incomparable body will cover. 然后,泥丸宫内冲出了一朵混沌深邃的庆云,它垂下道道幽光,将庞大无比的身躯笼罩。 Meng Qi treads the previous step, went down to the black hole region, without the resistance suction, falls toward the deep place following the accretion, all around cannot see again luminously, from time to time can see the front to spurt the thin extraordinary splendor, Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud is melting the terrifying power of pulling the extrusion. 孟奇踏前一步,深入了黑洞区域,没有抵御吸力,顺着吸积往深处坠去,四周再看不到一点光亮,时而能见前方喷薄异彩,太上无极元始庆云则消融着拉扯挤压的恐怖力量。 This falling is not directly downward, but following rule of circling, is getting deeper and deeper, more and more black, Meng Qi only thinks own as if and mortal world earthliness isolated thoroughly, gradually was moving toward the death. 这种下坠不是直接往下,而是循着盘旋的规律,越来越深,越来越“黑”,孟奇只觉自身仿佛红尘俗世彻底隔绝了,在一步步地走向死亡。 The space and time confusion, has not known how long, the accretion is getting stronger and stronger, Primordial Beginning celebration cloud made squeak squeak giggle the sound, presented intermittent ripples. 时空混乱,不知过了多久,吸积越来越强,元始庆云发出了吱吱咯咯的声音,出现了一阵阵的涟漪。 This was...... the Meng Qi heart clearly became aware to the deep place, above celebration cloud crowded around at the same time ancient banner suddenly, ancient banner fell, coincided with Extreme Blade, was a blade wields. 这是到深处了……孟奇心头明悟,庆云之上突然簇拥出一面古幡,古幡落下,与绝刀相合,然后就是一刀挥出。 The blade light as if purple line, split the front directly. 刀光仿佛紫线,将前方直接裂开了。 Bang! 轰隆! Before chain reaction, Meng Qi seizes the opportunity, broke in the purple light slit. 连环反应之前,孟奇抓住机会,冲入了紫光缝隙。 At present the light shadow fluctuates, the space and time is even more chaotic, if not Meng Qi has Pāramitā Characteristic, perhaps will have the danger of losing. 眼前光影变幻,时空愈发混乱,若非孟奇彼岸特征,说不定会有迷失之危。 Suddenly, wiped to burst out luminously, illuminates thoroughly his field of vision, the front presented an attractive mountain unexpectedly. 突然,一抹光亮迸发,照透了他的视界,前方竟出现了一座灵秀之山。 Good familiar mountain? Meng Qi is frowning, flew, just about to falls, is startled fiercely, isn't this own Kunlun Mountain? Jade Void Palace not there? 好熟悉的山?孟奇皱着眉头,飞了过去,刚要落下,猛地怔住,这不就是自家的昆仑山吗?玉虚宫不就在那里? What's the matter? 怎么回事? How to go home across the black hole? 穿过黑洞怎么就回家了? Illusion? 幻境? He looks back to look, the clear and boundless sky, the deep blue piece, where also has what black hole? 他回首看去,晴空万里,蔚蓝一片,哪里还有什么黑洞? Under deduce, familiar Mister Lu Da, Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu and the others exist in this, karma is real, does not do false. 推衍之下,熟悉的陆大先生江芷微阮玉书等人都存在于此,因果真实,做不得假。 Meng Qi even more confused, does the black hole have this effect? 孟奇愈发迷惑了,黑洞还有这种效果? But the Sea Calming Bead clue actually interrupted! 定海珠的线索却中断了! Has mind filled in the guess, he prepares to press down the escaping light, at this moment, Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman resounds, is the telephone conversation request of Jiang Zhiwei. 满腹猜测里,他准备按下遁光,就在这时,万界通识符响起,是江芷微的通话请求。 „Did you go out finally?” Jiang Zhiwei asked with a smile, I discovered that Human World Righteous Path Have Great Change in palace, you were online status.” “你终于出关了?”江芷微含笑问道,“我发现‘人间正道是沧桑’殿堂里,你是在线状态。” Goes out? The Meng Qi brow slightly wrinkle, said with a smile intentionally: Yes, did you recently have to find the right trial sword opponent?” 出关?孟奇眉头微皱,故意笑道:“是啊,你最近有找到合适的试剑对手吗?” No, during that but you close up, my already stepped into Heavenly Immortal realm.” Jiang Zhiwei slightly appears intent to say. “没有,不过你闭关的当口,我已经踏入天仙境界了。”江芷微略显得意说道。 Heavenly Immortal? Can be so quick? Meng Qi has a scare, the night five years of spell of good or bad fortune, oneself became Heavenly Immortal speed already to be very astonishing, how many years did the Zhiwei card result in Dharma Body? 天仙?要不要这么快啊?孟奇吓了一跳,有一夜五年的际遇,自己成为天仙的速度已经很惊人了,芷微证得法身才几年? Surprised, had doubts, worried that and other mood exuded, he ambiguous several, in advance hangs up, planned that clarifies strangely from other place. 惊讶、疑惑、担忧等情绪泛起,他含糊了几句,先行挂断,打算从别的地方弄清楚诡异。 The escaping light falls, He Mu and Fang Huayin simultaneously comes out to greet. 遁光落下,何暮方华吟齐齐出来迎接。 Meng Qi nods with a smile: Good, cultivation base progresses very......” 孟奇含笑点头:“不错,修为进步很……” His words stop suddenly, in the vision were many stunned, makes a mistake, two disciples Half-Step Dharma Body! 他的话语戛然而止,目光里多了愕然,有没有搞错,两名弟子都半步法身了! How long do oneself go out? 自己才出去多久? Wasn't goes to Journey to the West to transfer? 不就是去西游转了一趟? Some disciple difficulties want to consult.” Fang Huayin accepted the praise of master, seizes the chance to say. “弟子有些疑难想要请教。”方华吟接受了师父的赞扬,趁机说道。 Meng Qi nods and speaks thoughtlessly the direction, while opens Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, spreads to look at the forum. 孟奇一边颔首并随口指点,一边打开万界通识符,遍览论坛。 Looks, his heart had the strong winds monstrous waves suddenly. 看着看着,他心底忽然起了狂风巨浪。 The year of because labelling is the new style 20 years! 因为标注的年份都是新历二十年! What is the new style, the north-south series is the new style! 什么是新历,南北一统才算新历! In other words, oneself arrive for more than ten years later, will arrive in the future! 换句话说,自己来到十几年后,来到未来了! Is the black hole really hiding the space and time tunnel? 黑洞真的藏着时空隧道? Although there are to return to the past experience, but the so strange matter made the Meng Qi mind difficult to decide, after replying the difficulty, sent two disciples, entered Jade Void Palace, arrived at the lotus flower pool. 虽然有回到过去的经历,但如此奇诡的事情还是让孟奇心神难定,回答完疑难后,打发走两名弟子,进入玉虚宫,来到莲花池畔。 Just close, his vision suddenly one cold, because the front stood is putting on figure of profound robe together, tall Shoudan was powerful. 刚刚靠近,他目光忽然一凛,因为前方站着一道穿着玄袍的身影,高瘦但充满力量。 Appears in front of oneself unexpectedly? 竟神不知鬼不觉出现于自己面前? „Is your excellency?” Meng Qi prepares take action, opens the mouth to ask. “阁下是?”孟奇做好出手准备,开口问道。 That profound robe figure aura restraining, has not turned head, said with the low and grating magnetic sound: This place regains consciousness from the deep sleep, hears the Cause of All Fruits present world, begs especially.” 那玄袍身影气息收敛,没有回头,用低哑磁性的声音道:“本座自沉睡中苏醒,听闻诸果之因现世,特来讨要。” His aura thrives fiercely, the gatherings of vast as if innumerable galaxy, press the Meng Qi Dao Power difficult revolutions, within the body heavenly abode to present the breakage. 他的气息猛地勃发,浩瀚仿佛无数星河的汇聚,压得孟奇道力难转,体内洞天出现破裂。 This is the prestige of legend! 这是传说之威! Covets Cause of All Fruits legend Supreme? Meng Qi inspires lightly, the thought revolve like lightning, is thinking the means of seeking a slim chance of survival. 觊觎诸果之因的传说大能孟奇轻吸了口气,念头电转,想着博取一线生机的办法。 At this moment, sky suddenly dark, presented the dense and numerous radiance, stars change, pull off pure paths, lets Star Sea such as in the rainstorm, too beautiful to behold. 就在这时,天空忽地黑暗,出现了密密麻麻的璀璨,一颗颗星辰变动,拖出一道道纯净轨迹,让星海如在暴雨,美不胜收。 This crashes the star meteor such as the rain to be different from Heavenly Court, the former is completely downward, here flies up at angle, there is a transverse shift. 这与天庭坠落中的星陨如雨有所不同,前者是完全往下,这里有斜飞,也有横移。 Deep sleep Supreme one after another reveals itself, the celestial phenomenon changes, natural star meteor like rain.” The profound robe figure revolutions is excessive, the strength of boundless terrifying just like the sunshine, embezzled Meng Qi, making him only see a pair of gold and silver crafty pupil with enough time. “沉睡大能纷纷出世,天象变化,自然星陨如雨。”玄袍身影转过了头,磅礴恐怖的力量宛若日照,将孟奇吞没了,让他只来得及看到一双金银诡瞳。 The pure strength, the complete suppression, Meng Qi put together completely the skills, is unable to resist, consciousness the little dissipation, the Dharma Body radical disintegration. 纯粹的力量,完全的压制,孟奇拼尽了浑身解数,也无法抵御,意识一点点消散,法身彻底崩解。 Does not have the great person to appear, as if had the strategic maneuvering secretly, some come to a consensus, some were intercepted by the halfway. 没有大人物出现,似乎幕后有了合纵连横,有的达成默契,有的被半途拦截。 All do not exist, at present is the eternally unchanging deathly stillness, suddenly, ray shines, unexpectedly from colored glaze ancient lamp! 一切不复存在,眼前是永恒不变的死寂,突然,一点光线亮起,竟来自一盏琉璃古灯 This lamp one presently, Meng Qi opened both eyes fiercely, the darkness removed, at present is the universe that a side galaxy hung upside down. 此灯一现,孟奇猛地睁开了双眼,黑暗褪去,眼前是一方星河倒挂的宇宙。 Universe micro, was being wrapped by blackhole. 宇宙微缩,被混洞包裹着。 „Is this black hole?” Meng Qi deeply inspires, to bitter experience quite lingering fear. “这才是黑洞内部?”孟奇深吸了口气,对刚才的遭遇颇为后怕。 It seems like when is pass through the black hole, by chaotic space and time feeling, marched into the time turbulent flow, experienced a future possibility, perhaps without the specialness of Cause of All Fruits, oneself will lose in this completely! 看来是自己穿过黑洞时,被混乱了时空感,步入了时光乱流,体验了未来一种可能,若没有诸果之因的特殊,自己恐怕会完全迷失于此! In that future, oneself cultivation base promotion, although is quick, but cannot catch up with Great Tribulation to march into the high tide the speed, cannot the achievement legend, therefore becomes the cannon fodder...... 在那个未来,自己修为提升虽然快,但赶不上大劫步入高潮的速度,没能成就传说,于是成为炮灰…… Who does that have gold and silver crafty pupil legend Supreme is? 那有着金银诡瞳的传说大能是谁? The sense of urgency arises spontaneously in Meng Qi at heart. 紧迫感在孟奇心里油然而生。 The restraining mind, he concentrates the eye to look, that micro universe is not a bead that is pasting the light five colors rays of light! 收敛心神,他凝目望去,那方微缩的宇宙不就是一枚流转着淡淡五色毫光的珠子吗!
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