WORIOA :: Volume #4

#313: Being predestined friends

Oneself can ascertain the illusion, judged that this place is the cardinal is , the experience is richer and hand-held divine armament Ye Yuqi definitely, can with her contend , and dependence illusion establishes the opponent of trap, but how hasn't the least bit person's shadow seen? 自己能窥破幻境,判断出此地是枢机所在,经验更加丰富且手持神兵叶玉琦肯定也可以,能和她抗衡且依靠幻境设置陷阱的对手更加可以,但怎么半点人影都没看到? When is fall into this place the distance is recent, they encounter mutually, each other did the fight, delay the progress? 是自己陷入此地时距离最近,还是他们互相遭遇,彼此战斗,拖延了进度? Meng Qi opens the mental perception, pinches Jade Void Divine Deduction secretly , to promote the premonition of profound arts to danger to the current pinnacle, inspected a peak carefully, besides the black pine tree and bronze bronze coffin, does not have other discovery again. 孟奇打开慧眼,暗掐玉虚神算,将玄功对危险的预感提升到当前的极致,又仔仔细细检查了一遍峰顶,除了黑色松树与青铜古棺外,再没有别的发现。 He will worry about and seduce the pressure on change one's mind the bottom, before walking arrived bronze bronze coffin calm, confirmed after forbidden technique already dissipates, extended the left hand, touches to the coffin bier cover. 他将担忧与诱惑压回心底,沉稳走到了青铜古棺之前,确认禁法已经消散后,伸出了左手,触摸向棺柩盖子。 The Ye Yuqi women's clothing is floating, the right hand holds the sword, the left hand also reaches the coffin bier cover. 叶玉琦衣裙飘飘,右手持剑,左手亦伸向棺柩盖子。 The nether world Emperor giant body standing erect bronze bronze coffin front, double grasps to grasp the life and death pen, the abdomen blows up suddenly, wriggles is pregnant like October/ten months, then tumbled to grow an arm, did not have the blood-color arm palely, extended toward the bronze coffin lid. 幽冥帝君巨大的身体屹立青铜古棺前方,双手持握生死笔,腹部忽地鼓起,蠕动如同十月怀胎,然后翻滚长出了一只手臂,苍白没有血色的手臂,伸往青铜棺盖。 Fears to have the change, the Liu Zejun stand quite far, Chen Zhao around bronze bronze coffin good one week, acupoint opened, the as if type filled small Sun, brings vigorously to the Yang aura, slowly touching toward coffin bier cover. 怕有变化,刘泽君站得比较远,陈钊绕着青铜古棺行了一周,窍穴打开,仿佛种满了一轮轮小太阳般,带着蓬勃又至正至阳的气息,缓缓触摸往棺柩盖子。 The fingertip touches to be motley the verdigris cover edge, like touching the arrived illusion, penetrated the past directly, without the least bit substantive transmission returned. 指尖触及斑驳着铜绿的盖子边缘,如同摸到了镜花水月,直接穿透过去,没半点实质感传回。 Meng Qi, Ye Yuqi and nether world Emperor and Chen Zhao at the same time exuded the doubts, regardless of the spirit or the naked eye investigation, had the serious feeling and substantive feeling bronze bronze coffin unexpectedly is the illusory image? 孟奇叶玉琦、幽冥帝君和陈钊同时泛起了疑惑,无论精神还是肉眼探查,都有沉重感、实质感的青铜古棺竟然是幻影? Steps back, Meng Qi sizes up bronze bronze coffin up and down, only thinks that the rust is green, the years float wine cups. The bronze is heavy, standard stained the coffin bier of time dust, has the feeling bursting, no illusory sign! 退后一步,孟奇上下打量青铜古棺,只觉锈绿斑驳,岁月流觞。青铜沉重,标标准准的沾满了时光尘埃的棺柩,存在感爆棚,没一点虚幻的迹象! Meng Qi thinks, divided Wound of Heaven. However blade light also penetrates bronze bronze coffin, flew into the dark mist outside cliff. 孟奇想了想,劈出了天之伤。然而刀光同样透过青铜古棺,飞入了悬崖外的幽暗雾气。 Ye Yuqi and nether world Emperor tried several secret technique respectively, but cannot relieve this illusion, is unable to touch true bronze bronze coffin. 叶玉琦和幽冥帝君分别尝试了几种秘法,但既不能解除这幻觉,也无法触碰到真正的青铜古棺 A little meaning......” the Chen Zhao eye the color of thinking, hesitates to say presently, this bronze bronze coffin is truly mystical. Like that in Ice and Snow Immortal Palace, close at hand, how is actually not able to touch.” “有点意思……”陈钊眼现思索之色,沉吟道,“这青铜古棺确实神秘。就像冰雪仙宫内的那具一样,近在眼前,却怎么都无法触及。” senior brother, this place because of the mutation comes, to fear many dangers. We first left said again.” Liu Zejun is only First-Class Expert, filled to this Secret Realm that constrains with the scared atmosphere quite somewhat is afraid. “师兄,此地因异变而来,恐诸多危险。我们还是先离开再说。”刘泽君只是一流高手,对这充满了压抑和恐慌气氛的秘境颇有几分害怕。 Although she temper is lively, likes the tender love being angry, but will never show off power at this time for no reason. 她虽然性子活泼,爱娇爱嗔,但这种时候从来不会无端逞强。 Chen Zhao nods: This place is not truly suitable stays for a long time.” 陈钊点了点头:“此地确实不宜久留。” Bronze bronze coffin is so mystical, will not be taken by others mostly, perhaps obtains its means to from Ice and Snow Immortal Palace obtain.” “青铜古棺如此神秘,多半不会被别人取走,说不定得到它的办法要从冰雪仙宫获得。” Resembling of two places made Chen Zhao make this judgment. 两地的相像让陈钊做出了这个判断。 Therefore, he closes the eye, the left hand pinches fast. The footsteps resemble the unconsciousness to start to walk. 于是,他闭上眼睛,左手飞快掐动。脚步状似无意识迈开。 This is the Extreme North sect aristocratic family does not know after many generations explore Ice and Snow Immortal Palace outer layer forbidden technique , the departure method of gradually trying to find out. 这是极北宗门世家不知多少代探索冰雪仙宫外层禁法后逐渐摸索出来的离开法门。 immediately, the world revolves, the mountain peak sways. Upper air dark clouds must split layer upon layer. 顿时,天地旋转,山峰摇晃。高空层层黑云似要裂开。 Liu Zejun sees to leave the method to be effective, relaxes quietly. 刘泽君见离开法门有效,悄然松了口气。 Suddenly, „” sound spread to her and Chen Zhao ear. 突然,一阵“扎扎”声传入了她和陈钊的耳朵。 Two people open eyes turn the head, at the same time looked to bronze bronze coffin, saw only the coffin bier cover to move, already revealed a slit! 两人一睁眼一转头,同时望向了青铜古棺,只见棺柩盖子自行挪动,已经露出了一道缝隙! How can like this? Two people startled and surprised. But the curious heart is uncontainable, the vision is unable to put aside. Looks to the dark deep coffin bier. 怎么会这样?两人又惊又愕。但好奇之心难以克制,目光无法移开。直直看向幽暗深沉的棺柩内。 There is filling ice crystal mist. 那里弥漫着一层冰晶般的雾气。 , Ye Yuqi is just about to seek for the road of departure. Listens to the arrived serious fricative suddenly, during the induction, the bronze coffin lid seems like by something is promoted, puts aside slowly! 扎扎扎,叶玉琦正要寻找离开之路。忽地听到了沉重的摩擦声,感应之中,青铜棺盖像是被内中某物推动,缓慢移开! In an instant, how many Ye Yuqi has the feeling of whole body pore complete contraction, this does not know how many years in bronze bronze coffin will crawl what monster? 刹那间,叶玉琦几有周身毛孔全部收缩之感,这不知有多少年头的青铜古棺内会爬出什么怪物? Dharma Body and above body of sudden rising? 尸变的法身及以上躯体? Barely managing to maintain a feeble existence Supreme? 苟延残喘的大能 She has experienced the matter of being similar in Six Paths of Reincarnation, is not flurried, the right hand first gets hold of the sword hilt, then becomes affable, the entire god alerts, is locking the bronze coffin bier. 她在六道轮回之中见识过类似之事,并不算慌乱,右手先是握紧剑柄,接着变得舒缓,全神戒备,锁定着青铜棺柩。 The cover of motley verdigris puts aside, in gushed out jet black, but profound mist, as if midnight starry sky. 斑驳铜绿的盖子移开,内中涌出了漆黑但深邃的雾气,仿佛半夜的星空。 The nether world Emperor just prepared to put out Secret Realm related talisman, suddenly lived in the movement, seeing the bronze bronze coffin cover to exude the sound of appalling, carries over side fiercely. 幽冥帝君刚准备拿出秘境有关的符篆,忽然顿住了动作,看见青铜古棺的盖子发出让人毛骨悚然的扎扎之声,猛地移向旁边。 The blood yellow mist tumbles, is pasting the Yin-Yang and life and death. 血黄色雾气翻滚而出,流转着阴阳与生死。 Dizzy, the mountain peak rocks fiercely, the Meng Qi right hand long blade sagging, is ready, deals with the sudden change. 天旋地转,山峰剧烈晃动,孟奇右手长刀下垂,蓄势待发,应对突变。 At this time, the coffin bier cover was heavy, but the firm earth movement, the gloomy and cold evil aura filled the air, the sound of like the sound of rope soul. 这时,棺柩盖子沉重但坚定地动了,阴冷邪恶的气息弥漫而出,扎扎之声就像索魂之音。 Lying trough, which old monster will not meet not dead thoroughly......” the Meng Qi innermost feelings becomes dignified, the right hand blade, the left hand sword, the Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation twinkling may become. “卧槽,不会又遇到哪个老怪物没死透吧……”孟奇内心变得凝重,右手刀,左手剑,法天象地瞬息可成。 , The coffin bier cover moves slowly, constrains the urgent atmosphere to let the time just like the solidification. 扎扎扎,棺柩盖子缓慢移动,压抑紧迫的气氛让时光宛若凝固。 The slit appears, wiped dark red leapt forward the Meng Qi eye. 缝隙出现,一抹暗红跃入了孟奇眼睛。 The blood, splashes the blood, in the coffin bier does not have the corpse, only then smudges the dark red blood of front and left side! 鲜血,泼洒般的鲜血,棺柩内没有尸体,只有涂抹前侧与左侧的暗红鲜血! Their already was dry, lost the intelligence and strength, but that type most degenerated the bloodiest feeling to make the Meng Qi mind shake evilly, the nausea exuded, almost lay retches, had Only I Am Venerated and Origin Heart Seal fortunately. 它们已经干涸,失去了灵性和力量,但那种最邪恶最堕落最血腥的感觉还是让孟奇心神摇动,恶心泛起,几乎趴地干呕,还好有唯我独尊元心印 The coffin bier cover continues to move, the slit gradually increases, the slightly dark coffin bier completely exposed in the Meng Qi induction. 棺柩盖子继续移动,缝隙逐渐变大,略显幽暗的棺柩内部彻底暴露在了孟奇感应中。 The bottom is clean, only then on the position remains dozens drops of dark red dry blood, they become one row continually, as if outlined a mysterious path. 底部干净,只有偏上位置残留几十滴暗红干涸的鲜血,它们连成一排,似乎勾勒出了一道玄妙的轨迹。 But all around side, performing is the blood that splashes, drew bloody evil different ink picture scrolls, does not arrive at Exterior Scenery, light/only has a liking for one, will go crazy directly! 而前后左右侧,尽是泼洒来的鲜血,绘出了一幅幅血腥邪异的水墨画卷,不到外景,光是看上一眼,就会直接发疯! What is most serious is the inside coffin bier cover, smudged filled the blood, some places dark red near black, the light blood smell of sending out exceeded does not know that many were violently poisonous. 最为严重的是内侧的棺柩盖子,涂抹满了鲜血,部分地方暗红近黑,散发的淡淡血腥气味胜过不知多少剧毒。 During the blood smell surrounds, the coffin bier has breath all at once to make threatening gestures, arrogant, looks disdainfully, overbearing, as well as deep despising, it is sharp, is devastating the blood residual flavor. 鲜血气味环绕之中,棺柩内部有一股气息张牙舞爪,高傲,睥睨,霸道,以及深深的蔑视,它锋锐张狂,摧残着鲜血残留的味道。 This aura is so familiar, Meng Qi blurted out: 这股气息是如此熟悉,以至于孟奇脱口而出: Overlord!” 霸王!” This is Overlord adds the Extreme Blade aura, oneself have seen in Universe Fragment Ananda Pure Land. When sensing Six Chops of the Overlord has realized! 这是霸王绝刀的气息,自己在宙光碎片阿难净土见过。在感悟霸王六斩时体会过! He appears unexpectedly here, with bronze bronze coffin in mysterious deceased person has had fight, and cuts the wound or extermination the opposite party? 他竟然出现在这里,与青铜古棺内的“神秘死人”有过交手,并将对方斩伤或者诛灭? When Meng Qi vibration, was recalling the scene that saw a moment ago, judged the situation at that time fighting. 孟奇震动之余,回想着刚才见到的景象,判断当时交手的情况。 Bottom of the coffin bier is cleanest. Blood toward about around and above splashes, most serious is above, in other words, this blade considers from bottom to top, not from top to bottom or all around cuts. 棺柩底部最为干净。鲜血是向着左右前后及上方泼洒,最严重的则是上方,换句话说,这一刀当是自下而上,并未从上往下或者前后左右斩来。 The coffin bier is unabroken, inside the coffin bier cover has not seen the slash. This blade is wonderful, as if non- is the normal attack. 棺柩并无破损,棺柩盖子内侧也未见刀痕。这一刀神妙玄奥,似乎非是正常攻击。 The coffin bier is lying down is not Overlord, when the opposite party turns on the coffin bier cover does not brandish a sword, otherwise the cover inside and about around blood cannot be so many. 棺柩内部躺着的不是霸王,不是趁着对方打开棺柩盖子时挥刀,否则盖子内侧和左右前后的鲜血不会如此多。 How bottom that this blade can not destroy, from bottom to top? 那这一刀怎么能不破坏底部,由下而上? Removing each and every one is impossible. In the Meng Qi mind outlined a scene rapidly: 排除掉一个个不可能。孟奇脑海内迅速勾勒出了一副场景: The bronze bronze coffin static dummy pendulum under the black pine tree, does not know many years, is lying down mystically corpse, suddenly, mysterious relation of blade light in following darkness, boils up from the nihility in together, from bottom to top, cut this corpse. 青铜古棺静静摆在黑色松树之下,不知多少年,内中躺着一具神秘的“死尸”,忽然,一道刀光循着冥冥中的神秘联系,自虚无中迸出,由下往上,斩中了这具“死尸”。 In the past all sorts. vanish like smoke in thin air!” Meng Qi already understood this wonderful mysterious blade what's the matter! “过去种种。烟消云散!”孟奇已经明白这神妙玄奥的一刀是怎么回事了! This place is related with Demon Sovereign's Claw, Overlord had exterminated Supreme Heavenly Demon Wu Daoming, this blade was „the past all sorts. vanish like smoke in thin air...... in other words, possibly is Overlord with Supreme Heavenly Demon that this blade cuts to kill „”, and follows the relation, cuts arrived Wu Daoming Body of Past? 此地与魔皇爪有关,霸王曾经诛灭过“太上天魔吴道明,这一刀是“过去种种。烟消云散”……也就是说,可能是霸王用这一刀斩杀的“太上天魔”,并循着联系,斩到了吴道明的“过去之身”? Does that let Wu Daoming Body of Past that” wants to get rid? 那让吴道明想要摆脱的“过去之身”? That this mysterious corpse is injured merely, does not know the trace, was thorough vanish like smoke in thin air? 那这具“神秘死尸”是仅仅受伤,不知所踪,还是彻底烟消云散了? ............ ………… In Immortal Realm. Is consecrating in the Overlord's Extreme Blade palace, that dark heavy/thick long blade flashed through purple glow. 仙界内。供奉着霸王绝刀的殿堂中,那口黝黑厚重的长刀闪过了一丝紫芒。 ............ ………… By ice crystal mist. Chen Zhao discovers in the bronze coffin bier not the corpse, but some little familiar aura remain. 透过冰晶般的雾气。陈钊发现青铜棺柩内并无尸体,但有少许熟悉的气息残留。 Ice and Snow Immortal Venerated!” His as if confirmed anything said to Liu Zejun. 冰雪仙尊!”他仿佛证实了什么般对刘泽君道。 The Ice and Snow Immortal Palace master origin is unclear. Was politely called by them is Ice and Snow Immortal Venerated, thinks his at least Heavenly Immortal, hopeful legend. 冰雪仙宫的主人来历不详。被他们尊称为冰雪仙尊,认为他至少天仙,有望传说。 Liu Zejun just about to speaks, all around thick crafty fog splits, the mountain peak starts to crash, disintegrates illusory. 刘泽君刚要说话,四周浓厚黑雾裂开,山峰开始崩塌,虚幻瓦解。 With this at the same time, Ye Yuqi also discovered that under jet black profound mist, in the bronze coffin bier is empty, but that mist also ripples is being evil and extreme, making person unconsciously move toward the wrong road. 与此同时,叶玉琦也发现漆黑深邃的雾气下,青铜棺柩内空无一物,而那雾气还荡漾着邪恶与偏激,让人不知不觉走向歧途。 In the blood yellow mist, the nether world Emperor induces arrived dreadful hatred, but also has not discovered anything. 血黄色雾气内,幽冥帝君感应到了一股滔天的恨意,但同样没发现什么。 Does not seem like the Demon Monarch aura, was hates the day of Great Emperor, the evil sovereign or the immeasurable evil lord seem like......” nether world Emperor whispered one. “不像是魔君气息,倒像是恨天大帝、邪皇或者无量邪主……”幽冥帝君低语了一句。 Hass Wula and the others climbed up the peak with difficulty, sees only void cuns (2.5 cm) to disintegrate, the mountain peak starts to crash, a mysterious motley bronze bronze coffin cover is ajar. 哈斯乌拉等人千辛万苦攀上了峰顶,只见虚空一寸寸瓦解,山峰开始崩塌,一具神秘斑驳的青铜古棺盖子半开。 At this time, Hass Wula's pupil contracted fiercely, because the bronze bronze coffin edge stretched out one not to have the blood-color hand palely! 这时,哈斯乌拉的瞳孔剧烈收缩,因为青铜古棺边缘伸出了一只苍白没有血色的手! Bang! 轰隆! The mountain peak crashes thoroughly, bronze bronze coffin vanishes, Hass Wula and the others only think the space and time to fluctuate, during oneself return to arrived demon qi to cover, pitch-black tumbling, contamination evil different. 山峰彻底崩塌,青铜古棺消失,哈斯乌拉等人只觉时空变幻,自身又回到了魔气笼罩当中,深黑翻滚,污秽邪异。 In his side, four Golden Horde warrior Grandmaster separations, have not isolated, but the opposite is still thousand Bodhisattva bright law and Blue Moon Sword Sect Zeng Ruoxuan. 在他的身边,四位金帐武士宗师分立,并未隔离,而对面依然是“千手菩萨”明法和碧月剑派曾若瑄 Farther point place, the mist congealment falls, exposes the scene of fierce battle, Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi and nether world Emperor hits the arrived same place again, as if before returning to arrived to open Secret Realm . 更远一点的地方,雾气凝结下坠,暴露出激烈战斗的场景,“寒冰仙子叶玉琦和幽冥帝君再次撞到了一起,似乎回到了打开秘境之前。 at this very moment, Ye Yuqi discovered that Secret Realm isolated the contact with outside world, is unable to use the token that the brother-in-law gives, but before, she tied down by the nether world Emperor stubbornly, had not found with the opportunity of token. 此时此刻,叶玉琦发现“秘境”隔绝了与外界的联系,无法使用姐夫给的令牌,而之前,她被幽冥帝君死死缠住,没找到用出令牌的机会。 They seized that two Grandmaster, this/should you!” The nether world Emperor sinks the mute dignified sound to show several points of happy intent, has in the divine armament situation, oneself Yellow Springs skeleton refine into the body, one-on-one won Ye Yuqi steadily, when Hass Wula used divine armament to shoot day bow to tidy up the bright law and Zeng Ruoxuan fast, joined the regiment, not necessarily cannot take Ye Yuqi! “等他们擒下那两名宗师,就该你了!”幽冥帝君沉哑威严的声音透出几分喜意,都有神兵的情况下,自己黄泉尸骸炼入了身体,单对单稳胜叶玉琦,等到哈斯乌拉使用神兵“射日弓”快速收拾掉明法与曾若瑄,加入战团,未必不能拿下叶玉琦 Four Golden Horde warriors surrounded the bright law and Zeng Ruoxuan again, Hass Wula raise shoot day to bend, open the bowstring, the smile said: Everyone is predestined friends really!” 四名金帐武士再次围住明法与曾若瑄,哈斯乌拉提起射日弓,拉开了弓弦,微笑道:“大家真是有缘!” Except for Longevity Cult, prairie most popular is Hidden Buddha Sect. 除了长生教,草原最流行的就是秘佛教 The heavy/thick plain counter- tune long bow made an effort but to pull open by Hass Wula fast, the long arrow that twists together jet black takes shape slowly, lends the earth-shaking destruction aura, distant place as if has one day phantom to appear, falls directly. 厚重古朴的反曲长弓被哈斯乌拉用力但快速地拉开,一道漆黑扭曲的长箭徐徐成型,散发着惊天动地的毁灭气息,远处仿佛有一日虚影出现,直接下坠。 He locked the bright law, because of making an effort, but the back of the hand protrudes the blue vein, lets loose fiercely, whiz projected the long arrow. 他锁定了明法,因为用力而手背凸出青筋,猛地放开,嗖得一声射出了长箭。 The empty sound of bang, all around mist vanishes completely, the long arrow penetrates void, before shooting arrived bright Dharma Body . 轰的一声虚响,四周雾气全部消失,长箭穿透虚空,射到了法身前。 Bright law there's not enough time avoidance, was involved by other Golden Horde warriors, offers a sacrifice to the earthen bowl container shape the rare treasure, appears thousand Bodhisattva, displays Yuan magnetism Divine Palm, the stop pulls layer upon layer, several have the feeling of sun-blocking. 明法来不及躲避,又被其他金帐武士牵扯,祭出钵盂状的秘宝,现出千手菩萨相,施展元磁神掌,层层阻拦拉扯,几有遮天蔽日之感。 Bang! 轰隆! The earthen bowl container vanishes, thousand arms vanished, destroy the long arrow to pierce the bright law, tumbled the flame air wave, making the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) palace of the immortals clarify, scarlet rosy cloud ten thousand. 钵盂消失,千条手臂消失,毁灭长箭洞穿了明法,翻滚出火焰气浪,让方圆千里玉宇澄清,赤霞万道。 The bright law crashes, carries the severe wound, nearly stupor, if not Hass Wula intends to capture alive, she perhaps is difficult the escaping disaster, the disparity in strength makes all rare treasure secret techniques invalid! 明法啪的一声坠落,已是身负重伤,险些昏迷,若非哈斯乌拉有意生擒,她恐怕难逃劫难,力量上的差距让一切秘宝秘术无效! ............ ………… Meng Qi opens the mental perception, distinguishes inner qi to change, looks for the outlet in Secret Realm imaginary territory. 孟奇打开慧眼,辨别着气机变化,寻找秘境幻域之中的出路。 Suddenly, raids scalding hot, the mist tumbling vanishes, lets front clear, making Meng Qi look at arrived Hass Wula, looked that arrived he prohibits the bright law Primordial Spirit, looks at arrived Zeng Ruoxuan under four Grandmaster besiege in imminent danger, looked that arrived Ye Yuqi attempts the rescue, uses from the Six Paths of Reincarnation rare treasure, but is lending the Yellow Springs aura terrifying monster true body is extremely powerful, with the divine armament coordination, one by one reduces and solves unexpectedly, does not yield an inch. 突然,灼热袭来,雾气翻滚消失,让前方一片清晰,让孟奇到了哈斯乌拉,看到了他封禁明法的元神,看到了曾若瑄在四名宗师围攻下岌岌可危,看到了叶玉琦试图过来救援,使用出得自六道轮回的秘宝,但散发着黄泉气息的“恐怖怪物”真身极其强大,在神兵配合下,竟然一一化解,寸步不让。 Hass Wula heart has a feeling, the leaning head, looked suddenly arrived wears Meng Qi that the black clothes vigor installs, sense of stigma immediately that winding around heart, never forgets surges, cannot bear says with a smile ferociously: 哈斯乌拉心有所感,霍然侧头,看到了身穿黑衣劲装的孟奇,那缭绕心头,从未忘记的耻辱感顿时涌起,忍不住狞笑道: Really is predestined friends!” “真是有缘啊!” Finishes barely the words, he with the aid of shooting the day bow locked Meng Qi, opened the bowstring. 话音未落,他借助射日弓锁定了孟奇,拉开了弓弦。 The scalding hot contraction, one round of day phantom fell, lit all around void, condensed a dark red near black creeping motion long arrow, destruction aura that sent out the terrifying. 灼热收缩,一轮日虚影滑落,点燃了四周虚空,凝聚成一根深红近黑的蠕动长箭,散发出恐怖的毁灭气息。 Even the great distance is really far, Meng Qi also had Primordial Spirit to tremble, the hands and feet weak feeling, a back of the mountain swallowed day immemorial Desolate Beast to open the huge mouth to oneself probably, the serious solidification, just like the shackles, the additional body, the forehead stabbing pain was layer upon layer incomparable. 即使相隔甚远,孟奇亦有了元神颤栗,手脚无力的感觉,像是一头背山吞日的太古荒兽对自己张开了巨口,沉重凝固,宛若枷锁,层层加身,眉心刺痛无比。 Facing giving Meng Qi of oneself biggest shame, Hass Wula did not have the heart of capturing alive, only then before snow , the meaning of shame, all urged to send divine armament to shoot day bow! 面对给予了自身最大羞辱的孟奇,哈斯乌拉没有生擒之心,只有一雪前耻之意,全力催发了神兵“射日弓”! In the words of Central Plain is: „ It is not the enemy does not meet! 用中原的话说就是:“不是冤家不聚头! Today you ascend the sky enter roadless impossible! ( to be continued ) 今日你上天无路入地无门!(未完待续) ps: The first about 4000 characters, first renewed, about 7 : 30 also 2000 characters raise one's head second ~ ps:第一更近四千字,先更新了,七点半左右还有两千字出头的第二更~ ... ...
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