WORIOA :: Volume #4

#314: Creation opportunity

As the powerhouse of Exterior Scenery peak, Hass Wula controls divine armament extremely is not strenuous, will not need the adjustment to be very long, will not draw the bowstring to be slow, once locked Crazy Blade Su Meng, the dark red near black destruction long arrow is the quick forming. 作为外景巅峰的强者,哈斯乌拉驾驭神兵并不会太过吃力,不会用一下得调整很久,不会拉动弓弦缓慢,一旦锁定了“狂刀苏孟,深红近黑的毁灭长箭是很快成形。 Many top aristocratic families and sect are the Exterior Scenery peak hold the divine armament suppression, might that obviously both match! 不少顶尖世家和宗门都是外景巅峰持神兵镇压,可见两者搭配的威力! Wept and wailed, begged for mercy, then died!” Hass Wula opens the bowstring thoroughly, prepares to drop, performs at heart is the happiness that the scrubbing shame, avenges a grievance. “哭喊吧,求饶吧,然后去死吧!”哈斯乌拉将弓弦彻底拉开,准备放手,心里尽是洗刷耻辱、报仇雪恨的痛快。 At this moment, he only thinks that Crazy Blade Su Meng figure and aura one slightly indistinct, oneself and his relation vanishes strangely, original locking is invalid immediately! 就在这时,他只觉“狂刀苏孟身影和气息一下略微飘渺,自己与他的“联系”诡异消失,原本的锁定当即无效! How can like this? Astonished Hass Wula there's not enough time changes at this time, had loosened the right hand, in the dark red near black destruction long arrow attracts the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) origin energy sea all integrates, formed an energy deficient region. 怎么会这样?惊愕的哈斯乌拉此时来不及变招,已松开了右手,深红近黑的毁灭长箭将方圆千里元气大海尽数吸纳入内,形成了一片能量匮乏的区域。 The surroundings void origin energy sea tumbling swamps into this region, formed the end terrifying storm. 周围虚空的元气大海翻滚涌入这片区域,形成了末日般的恐怖风暴。 But dark red projected, penetrated void, a twinkle narrowed half of distances. 而深红射出,穿透了虚空,一个闪烁就缩短了一半的距离。 The Meng Qi right hand holds the blade, the body inflated, shook off the fetter, displayed Treading Void Somersault Step, sharply flashed toward side. 孟奇右手持刀,身躯膨胀,挣脱了束缚,施展踏虚筋斗步,往旁边急闪。 Deep pierces the void sound to transmit, the dark red long arrow hit a target afterimage, hit a target a distant place peak. 深沉的洞穿虚空声音传来,深红长箭射中了残影,射中了远处一座高峰。 Bang! 轰隆! The giant fireball raised, embezzled nearby the mountain peak several hundred li (0.5 km), the incandescent % ⊙ ray swung in front of Hass Wula and the others, caressed the face scalding hot. 巨大的火球升起,吞没了山峰附近几百里,白炽的%⊙光芒远荡哈斯乌拉等人面前,灼热扑面。 While opportunity that the ray and air wave camouflage, Meng Qi concealment aura, hides toward the upper air. 趁光芒与气浪遮蔽的机会,孟奇隐匿气息,躲藏往高空。 divine armament is really fearful! 神兵真可怕! If not diving cultivating of front section date and time in three Xiandao One Dao Seal slightly had the attainment by oneself, although was unable to display, but can draw support from the specialness of Cause of All Fruits, lets others and own inner qi relation interrupts or deepens, thus gets rid of locking shortly, perhaps cannot dodge this arrow, but the words that keeps off hardly, the Exterior Scenery peak adds divine armament. Oneself exhaust to press the bottom method, will carry the severe wound, is absolutely difficult to keep off the second arrow. 若非前段时日在三仙岛的潜修让自己“道一印”略有心得,虽然还不能施展,但可以借助诸果之因的特殊,让别人与自己的气机联系中断或加深,从而短暂摆脱锁定,恐怕闪避不开这一箭,而硬挡的话,外景巅峰加神兵。自己用尽压箱底手段,也会身负重伤,绝对难挡第二箭。 But this has seems like that and deepens the relation with not the big interrupt the merit, there are both sides to be away from the far relations, otherwise oneself, even if can get rid of locking shortly, is unable the prompt make way to shoot the arrow of day. 而这有看似用出不大的中断和加深联系的功劳,也有双方距离较远的关系,否则自己即使能短暂摆脱锁定,也无法及时闪开射日之箭。 In this divine armament unexpectedly in Hass shakes hand! 神兵竟然在哈斯乌拉手里! The situation of before sneaking a peek at appeared in the Meng Qi heart lake, had understood the current condition. 之前窥见的局势浮现在孟奇心湖内,已是明白了当前的状况。 That has the terrifying monster of Yellow Springs aura to be the nether world Emperor, entire has the legend skeleton with carving with the promotion of divine armament, at present is close to the Nine Serenities environment, Cold Ice Fairy Maiden, even if completely unfolds oneself complete Dharma Idol. The use from the harvest of Six Paths of Reincarnation, definitely cannot do to him for a while. 那有黄泉气息的恐怖怪物应当是幽冥帝君,整具传说尸骸与锲和神兵的提升下,目前接近九幽的环境中,“寒冰仙子”即使尽展自身完整法相。使用得自六道轮回的收获,一时也肯定奈何不了他。 But The old mother of Mount Li bright law has been captured, only remains Blue Moon Sword Sect Zeng Ruoxuan, and grasps the divine armament Exterior Scenery peak facing four Grandmaster level Golden Horde warriors, the severe wound is grasped most things between 2-3 breath, when the time comes, Hass Wula took is shooting day bow to join the nether world Emperor and Cold Ice Fairy Maiden war, will make the potential of victory and defeat not have the suspense again, in addition this place was Secret Realm. Does not have slightly right, Ye Yuqi escapes cannot escape! 而“骊山老母”明法已被擒住,只剩碧月剑派曾若瑄,面对四位宗师金帐武士和手持神兵外景巅峰,重伤被抓最多2-3个呼吸间的事情,到时候,哈斯乌拉拿着“射日弓”加入幽冥帝君和寒冰仙子的战局,将让胜负之势再无悬念,加上此地又是秘境。稍有不对,叶玉琦逃都逃不掉! Situation suitable danger! 局势相当的危险! Do oneself want the take action rescue? Among the life and death, Meng Qi a little hesitates unavoidably, especially opposite party non- Senior Brother Qi, Jiang Zhiwei wait/etc. have also had the life friendship companion. 自己要不要出手救援?生死之间,孟奇难免有点犹豫,尤其对方还非齐师兄江芷微等有着过命交情的同伴。 Oneself have the Yellow Springs arm. Should be able to restrain the nether world Emperor refining up the Yellow Springs skeleton, coordinates Ye Yuqi, could make him stay here forever, but, once take action. Hass Wula is not an idiot, definitely first with shooting the day bow solved itself, cut off the hidden danger. 自己有黄泉手骨。应该能克制幽冥帝君炼化的黄泉尸骸,配合叶玉琦,说不定能让他永远留在这里,可自己一旦出手。哈斯乌拉绝非白痴,肯定先用射日弓解决自己,断绝隐患。 But joins Zeng Ruoxuan their war. By two pairs five, most powerhouse also grasps divine armament, oneself again are the anomaly in Grandmaster, cannot shoulder! 而加入曾若瑄他们的战局。以二对五,其中最强者还手持神兵,自己再是宗师里的变态,也扛不住啊! Once were locked by the short distance, even if oneself can lose the contact, still moves aside, when the time comes, likely loses this life! 一旦被短距离锁定,自己就算能断绝联系,也躲闪不及,到时候,很可能搭上这条命! But if sees somebody in danger and does nothing, first seeks for He Xiu and other Grandmaster, the set strength, Ye Yuqi likely falls from the sky, oneself in Xinhe secure? 可要是见死不救,先去寻找何休宗师,集合力量,叶玉琦很可能陨落,自己于心何安? The Mister Lu Da life-saving efforts, the sentiment of direction, oneself forever remember the heart, looks the family member who helplessly he only remains was killed, oneself really cannot accomplish. 陆大先生救命之恩,指点之情,自己始终牢记心头,眼睁睁看着他仅剩的亲人被杀,自己委实办不到。 If take action, opportunity where? 若是出手,机会在哪里? The enemy and ourselves situation appears instantaneously in the Meng Qi mind: 敌我情况瞬间浮现在孟奇脑海: After stepping over second Heavenly Stairway, oneself Eight-Nine Mysterious Art problem were few, Grandmaster adds the ordinary attack of High Grade treasured armament unable to break the pale gold/metal, namely used the Dharma Body style, even if urged round of Top Grade treasured armament, oneself can still reduce the wound significantly, was not injured by anything ; 迈过第二层天梯后,自己**玄功罩门再少一个,宗师上品宝兵的普通攻击根本破不了淡金,即使用法身招式,即使催发极品宝兵,自己也能大幅度减伤,不受什么伤害; If Zeng Ruoxuan goes all out, the short time in ties down two Grandmaster sufficiently ; 曾若瑄如果拼命,短时间足以内缠住两位宗师; Hass Wula speed is quick, blade technique is quick, is quite fearful, divine armament that but he currently uses was shoots day bow, cultivation technique did not match, the weapon while convenient, the speed advantage could not display many, if near body, he were connected including the above 50% strengths unable to display ; 哈斯乌拉速度很快,刀法很快,相当可怕,但他现在使用的神兵是“射日弓”,功法不匹配,兵器不趁手,速度优势发挥不了多少,若是近身,他连上次50%实力都发挥不出来; Underground spring arm restraint nether world Emperor. 黄泉手骨克制幽冥帝君。 Such a thinks, some opposite party also issues, if grasps, not necessarily does not have the opportunity. 这么一想,对方也有一些问题,若是把握住,未必没有机会。 Knows oneself and other side, can be ever-victorious! 知己知彼,方能百战百胜! But all guiding principles are: Quickly! Cannot be pestered, must fight a battle to force a quick decision! 而一切的指导原则是:快!不能被人纠缠住,必须速战速决! Among the electric light flint, Meng Qi made the resolution, fighting intent is strong, before many fights accumulated the faith penetration essence divine will that came, nearly formed to let probably win the imposing manner that the enemy trembled. 电光火石之间,孟奇做出了决断,战意浓烈,之前许多次战斗积累而来的信念贯通精气神意,近乎形成让敌人颤栗的必胜气势。 It is not right with Chen Zhao, Meng Qi also simulated the aggressive feeling. 陈钊不对,孟奇还模拟了一点霸气的感觉。 ............ ………… white Mangshao draws back, Hass Wula discovery Crazy Blade lost the trail, immediately became angry out of shame, will shoot Blue Moon Sword Sect Zeng Ruoxuan that the day bow direction struggled desperately. 白茫稍退,哈斯乌拉发现“狂刀”失去了踪迹,顿时恼羞成怒,将射日弓指向苦苦挣扎的碧月剑派曾若瑄 Suddenly, the person's shadow drops from the clouds together, left Jianyou the blade, the sword light divides into two, two are divided into four, four are divided into eight, as if Great Sun shines, the blade potential is serious, the tip has the vortex jet black pinhole, is sending out the heaviness and suction of terrifying. 突然,一道人影从天而降,左剑右刀,剑光一分为二,二分为四,四分为八,仿佛大日普照,刀势沉重,尖端有漩涡般的漆黑针孔,散发着恐怖的沉重和吸力。 Crazy Blade Su Meng! 狂刀苏孟 Hass Wula knows the Meng Qi method, in the heart one happy, understands that the opposite party wants the range attack, the manufacture confusion, thus rescues Zeng Ruoxuan. 哈斯乌拉知晓孟奇手段,心中一喜,明白对方要范围攻击,制造混乱,从而救出曾若瑄 At this time, his there's not enough time change locking, therefore starts movement technique, withdraws fast, avoids to affect, is waiting for the opportunity, once Crazy Blade Su Meng rescues the person from the confusion, immediately locks the fire, in this distance, he cannot avoid absolutely! 此时,他来不及改变锁定,于是发动身法,快速退后,避开波及,等待着机会,一旦“狂刀苏孟从混乱中救出人,立刻锁定射击,这个距离内,他绝对躲不开! This is the vicious choice. 这是老辣的选择。 Bang! 砰! The sword strikes in the midair junction, bursts out a piece of white light, the fireball by slightly increases, the tumbling swallowed the battlefield that Zeng Ruoxuan and four Golden Horde warriors fought, but Meng Qi did not have Hass Wula to expect, the aura went into hiding, did not know the trace. 刀剑于半空交击,迸发出一片白茫茫的光,火球由小变大,翻滚吞噬了曾若瑄和四位金帐武士交手的战场,而孟奇不出哈斯乌拉预料,气息隐匿,不知所踪。 Bang! 轰隆! In the loud sound, the wild shock-wave isolates with four Grandmaster Zeng Ruoxuan, the flame of tumbling will change to the sea of fire void, that fearful might makes the Golden Horde warriors have to first attempt the automorphy, but has had a safe distance, so as to avoid by the opposite party rare treasure or strange method one distance that covers 2-3 people but to be able the quick mutually aid. 巨响之中,狂暴的冲击波把曾若瑄与四位宗师隔绝,翻滚的火焰将虚空化作火海,那可怕的威力让金帐武士们不得不先图自守,而彼此间一直有个安全距离,免得被对方秘宝或诡异手段一下覆盖2-3人但又能很快互相援助的距离。 And a Golden Horde warrior comes prairie Buddhism, what cultivated/repaired is big Vajra Divine Power this Protector divine art, at this time, his back Vajra stands erect, an simultaneous/uniform eyebrow copper rod brandishes by the serious potential, lets flaming the flame and wild storm all curving deflection of white ray and high temperature. 其中一位金帐武士出身草原佛教,修的是“大金刚神力”这护法神功,此时,他背后金刚屹立,一根齐眉铜棍以沉重之势挥舞,让炽白的光芒、高温的火焰与狂暴的风浪尽数弯曲偏折。 At this moment, the ray separates, treads huge figure from the flame , over ten zhang (3.33 m), the muscle dragon knot, the boundless aura and terrifying imposing manner makes one stagnate, causes this Grandmaster pupil contraction. 就在这时,光芒分开,自火焰中踏出一道巨大身影,十丈以上,肌肉虬结,磅礴的气息和恐怖的气势让人为之一滞,使得这名宗师瞳孔收缩。 The body surface of this giant covered entirely the trace of flame ignition, many tear the part that and vanishes, he lifts in the hand the long blade, chops like the world collapse, all around is chaos, does not distinguish high and low, the energy condenses the fetter. 这巨人的体表布满了火焰灼烧的痕迹,有诸多撕裂和消失的部分,他抬起手中长刀,如同天地塌陷般劈下,四周混混沌沌,不辨上下,能量凝聚成束缚。 Crazy Blade Su Meng! 狂刀苏孟 He is going against unexpectedly such fearfully explosion to/clashes in front of arrived! 他竟然顶着这么可怕的“爆炸”冲到了自己面前! This Grandmaster there's not enough time dodges, can only close tightly jaw, simultaneous/uniform Meigun shakes, pokes the Meng Qi forehead. 这名宗师来不及闪避,只能咬紧牙关,齐眉棍一抖,直戳孟奇眉心。 His big Vajra Divine Power calculates the mortal body hard training reluctantly, naturally understands that the problem is, must compel Crazy Blade Su Meng to change. 他的大金刚神力勉强算肉身硬功,自然明白罩门所在,要逼得“狂刀苏孟自己变招。 , simultaneous/uniform Meigun pricked the Meng Qi forehead, destroyed the head, but the sword strap of that whereabouts the jet black pinhole vortex, is dividing on arrived this Grandmaster ruthlessly, leaned is cutting the neck. 噗,齐眉棍刺入了孟奇眉心,打碎了头颅,而那下落的一刀带着漆黑的针孔漩涡,狠狠劈到了这名宗师身上,侧着斩中了脖子。 Silent within, this Grandmaster exuded the golden neck to be torn by Dark Vortex, the wound spread rapidly, swallowed the flesh, twisted to break to pieces the mortal body. 无声无息间,这名宗师泛着金黄色脖子被漆黑漩涡撕裂了,伤口迅速蔓延,吞噬了血肉,绞碎了肉身。 His pupil contraction, cannot believe that Crazy Blade Su Meng chooses to perish together unexpectedly! 他的瞳孔收缩,不敢相信狂刀苏孟竟然选择同归于尽! However, he sees the Meng Qi neck place to have a blue lotus to be in full bloom, receives shrinks, had grown the head! 然而,他看见孟奇颈项处有一朵青莲盛开,一收一缩,已是长出了脑袋! ! Is unwilling to follow the body of being split up to be swallowed by Dark Vortex. 喀嚓!不甘伴随着四分五裂的身躯被漆黑漩涡吞噬。 Short instantaneous, Grandmaster fell from the sky! 短短瞬间,一名宗师就陨落了! Meng Qi has not stayed, while the complementary waves also, according to the position that remembered a moment ago, charged into another Grandmaster fiercely. 孟奇没有停留,趁余波还在,根据刚才记住的位置,猛地冲向了另外一位宗师 Because buries the galaxy the might to reduce, this Grandmaster discovered ahead of time, the make way, will actually see the opposite party to raise the sleeve robe. 由于葬星河的威力降低,这位宗师提前发现,正要闪开,却见对方扬起了袖袍。 He at present one black, only thinks all ignorantly, the world is chaos. 他眼前一黑,只觉一切浑浑噩噩,天地混混沌沌。 The complementary waves dissipate, Hass Wula saw Crazy Blade Su Meng, in non- long-distance range Crazy Blade Su Meng, in the heart the great happiness, the been ready long arrow projected. 余波消散,哈斯乌拉看见了“狂刀苏孟,在不远距离的“狂刀苏孟,心中大喜,早就蓄势待发的长箭射出。 With this at the same time, he discovered that only remains two, intercepts Zeng Ruoxuan, tries to attack the Crazy Blade Su Meng vest. 与此同时,他发现手下只剩两名,一个拦截曾若瑄,一个试图攻击狂刀苏孟背心。 Short instantaneous, Crazy Blade Su Meng got rid of two Grandmaster unexpectedly, today does not kill him, oneself again not peaceful day! 短短瞬间,“狂刀苏孟竟然干掉了两名宗师,今日不杀他,自己再无安宁之日! At this moment, he sees Meng Qi to reveal the faint smile the expression, the sleeve robe raises, a Golden Horde warrior welcomed is shooting the arrow of day bow to go! 就在这时,他看见孟奇露出似笑非笑的表情,袖袍一扬,一个金帐武士就迎着射日弓之箭而去! Oh no!( To be continued......) 糟糕!(未完待续……) ps: Is close to 3000 characters, was not 2000 that said over, late. ps:接近三千字,不是说的两千出头,迟了点。 Second delivers, before dawn has third ~ 第二更送上,凌晨有第三更~
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