WORIOA :: Volume #4

#312: Supreme Heavenly Demon last words

Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation Peerless Divine Armament List ten big divine armament of home page, if to the Meng Qi opportunity choice, most does not want is Demon Sovereign's Claw and Nether Sea Sword, this type related to highest realm Evil Demon and Evil God weapon, will not pay attention slightly contamination, will change and twists the character and mind quietly, will become not like oneself, but will be Devil Sovereign and Taoist Heavenkiller replica, light/only will be thinks to be afraid, keeps at a respectful distance. 六道轮回之主绝世神兵谱”首页的十大神兵,若给孟奇机会挑选,最不想要的便是“魔皇爪”和“冥海剑”,这种涉及最高境界邪魔邪神的兵器,稍不留神就会污秽自身,悄然改变和扭曲性格、心灵,变得不像自己,而是魔皇天杀道人的复制品,光是想想就不寒而栗,敬而远之。 Therefore, at this very moment, Meng Qi not only does not have a heart heat, surges the expectation and earnestly seeking, instead the alert is deeper, related to Devil Path divine armament of this rank, where can a trick? 所以,此时此刻,孟奇不但没有心头一热,涌起期望和渴求,反而戒备更深,涉及这种等级的魔道神兵,哪会不出点幺蛾子? Bypasses evil sovereign, Meng Qi continues, circles upward for several weeks later, does not have/leave the accident/surprise to see the mist tumbling, separates jet black, the person's shadow crosses the hands behind the back to be built on by the say/way together, is overlooking below dimness, the profile line is firm, the distinct contour, the eyebrow is short and heavy, the eye is slightly hollow, in the vision has a not talking clearly extreme color, the clothes already not kind early period Medieval, there is a several points of scholarly condition. 绕过“邪皇”,孟奇继续前行,盘旋往上几周后,不出意外又看见了雾气翻滚,漆黑分开,一道人影负手立于道旁,俯视着下方的朦朦胧胧,侧脸线条刚硬,轮廓分明,眉毛短粗,眼睛略微凹陷,目光里有种说不清的偏激色彩,穿着打扮已经不类于中古早期,有了几分儒雅之态。 His leaning head, reveals the forehead together jet black demon mark slightly, loses to back both hands to have thickly only evil different, fills bloody, slaughters and degenerates, the above strange patterns make one have a dizzy spell. 他微微侧头,露出眉心一道漆黑魔痕,负于背后的双手有只粗大邪异,充满血腥、杀戮和堕落,上面一道道诡异花纹让人头晕目眩。 Demon Sovereign's Claw, Supreme Heavenly Demon Wu Daoming......” had the front example, Meng Qi has not spent small effort old book this person's shadow and record in history book to the number. 魔皇爪,‘太上天魔吴道明……”有前面的例子,孟奇没费吹灰之力就将这道人影与史书古籍中的记载对上了号。 Various Saint time, Human Clan is phenomenally prosperous, has the utensil control, the mortal can also flying escape, some all sorts of contending of thoughts, were born one after another saints and sages, every has the well water place, all can hear that the word of sage, the matter of humanizing, Wu Daoming was then born in such time, first along with the Benevolence Saint study Confucian, latter appears confusedly. Listens to another Ruism sage in secret Heart Saint lecture. 诸圣时代,人族空前繁盛,有器物驾驭,凡人亦能飞天遁地,有种种思想争鸣,诞生了一位又一位圣贤,凡有井水处,皆能闻圣人之言,有教化之事,吴道明便出生在这样的时代,先随仁圣学儒,后出现迷茫。暗中听另外一位儒门圣人“心圣”讲学。 Again later, he studies to pass through saying that but cannot untie in the heart the difficulty, departs from the classics and betrays principle more and more, does not accommodate in the world. 再之后,他学贯佛道,可始终未能解开心中疑难,越来越离经叛道,不容于世人。 In everyone thinks when he will go crazy finally. He arrived Demon Sovereign's Claw, becomes fifth-generation successor, studies the lifetime on the extreme path achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, ruins the body, remoulds Profound Entrance, in short sixty year cycle. The legend is then hopeful, thanked the heavenly book to be equivalent to evil sovereign, from number Supreme Heavenly Demon, reunified split many years of Demon Sect, startled picked simply certainly colorfully. 就在大家都认为他最终会发疯时。他得到了魔皇爪”,成为第五代传人,将毕生所学在偏激的道路上融会贯通,毁掉躯体,重塑玄关,短短一甲子内。便传说有望,与‘邪皇’谢天书相当,自号“太上天魔”,重新统一了分裂多年的魔门,简直惊采绝艳。 At that time also living many saints and sages left leeway the record. Thinks if millennium time grows to Supreme Heavenly Demon, not necessarily cannot have hated the elegant demeanor of day of Great Emperor past, even after is very long possibly reappears prestige of Demon Monarch and Demon Lord. 当时还活着的不少圣贤都留有记载。认为若给“太上天魔”千年时光成长,未必不能有昔日恨天大帝的风采,甚至在很久以后可能重现魔君魔主之威。 What a pity, when his body does not meet, lives with Overlord in the same time, becomes stepping-stone and foil of one generation of legends sorrowfully, can only leave behind the short several characters the results: 可惜,他身不逢时,与霸王活在同一个时代,悲哀地成为了一代传奇的垫脚石和衬托物,只能留下短短几个字的结局: Overlord extinguishing Supreme Heavenly Demon in the Eastern Sea Divine Mountain.” “‘霸王’灭‘太上天魔’于东海神山。” With true protagonist a sorrow of time.” Meng Qi sighed with emotion one, was a pity that Overlord does not have the result.” “与真正‘主角’一个时代的悲哀。”孟奇感慨了一句,“可惜霸王也没有好结局。” arrived this time. With the Meng Qi's experience, does not believe Overlord falls from the sky recorded related, except being born in antiquity last years. Growth in Medieval first year Saint Sovereign opens and hates the day of Great Emperor, Bhaiṣajyaguru that among the antiquity years had, as well as mysterious Demon Buddha wait/etc. beyond few several people, Overlord must be among the Medieval years only from card legend, but various Shengju recorded at most is the Heavenly Immortal peak. 到了今时今日。以孟奇的见识,早就不相信霸王陨落的相关记载了,除开出生于上古末年。成长于中古初年的‘圣皇’启、恨天大帝,上古年间就存在的药师如来,以及神秘的魔佛等寥寥数人外,霸王应当是中古年间唯一的自证传说者,而诸圣据记载顶多是天仙顶峰。 Even uses Dark Maiden as the bait, under arrange/cloth Legendary Level formation. By them and Overlord realm disparity, wants to encircle kills is also equal to fantasy story. Even if Wang Family Book of Luo wait/etc. regained consciousness completely, Overlord's Extreme Blade can in ten big divine armament. Also is not a vegetarian, doesn't the critical time, how could display the full power? 即使以玄女为饵,布下传说级大阵。以他们与霸王境界差距,想要围杀也等于天方夜谭。即使王家洛书等完全苏醒,霸王绝刀能在十大神兵之列。也绝非吃素的,危急时刻,岂能不发挥全力? Initially that fought the behind-the-scenes plotting numerous! 当初那一战黑幕重重! Meng Qi sighed, looked at this extreme melancholy makings Supreme Heavenly Demon, from his side process, continued to set out toward the peak. 孟奇叹了口气,看了一眼这位偏激中略带忧郁气质的“太上天魔”,从他身边经过,继续往峰顶进发。 Useless, destroys thoroughly, ends this era, can make all pure.” Supreme Heavenly Demon opens the mouth suddenly, in the tone is completely to be unwilling and sighs. “没用的,只有彻底毁灭,终结这个纪元,才能让一切清净。”太上天魔突然开口,语气里尽是不甘和叹息。 Meng Qi immediately halts, frowns, is he speaking these words to whom? 孟奇顿时止步,皱起了眉头,他是在对谁说这句话? Before front third-generation successor hates the day of Great Emperor and fourth-generation successor evil sovereign must be falls from the sky the remnant will souvenir photo, infers by this, Supreme Heavenly Demon are Wu Daoming these words say to Overlord? 前面的第三代传人“恨天大帝”和第四代传人“邪皇”应当是陨落前的残念留影,以此推断,“太上天魔吴道明这句话是对霸王所言? How to have a having same problem feeling? 怎么有种同病相怜的感觉? Perhaps others could not detect, when heard Supreme Heavenly Demon these words, in Meng Qi changed to savor from the slight tone exceptionally, arises spontaneously Gu Xiaosang has spoken those words: We are the same people. 别人或许察觉不了,但听到太上天魔这句话时,孟奇从细微语气变化里品味出异常,油然而生顾小桑说过的那句话:我们是同样的人。 He is not full of the hatred like the front two generations of Demon Sovereign's Claw masters, is hard to mediate, twisted the human nature completely...... 他不像前面两代魔皇爪主人一样充满恨意,难以排解,完全扭曲了人性…… , Meng Qi aspirates, is recalling Supreme Heavenly Demon entire life, but could not peep to have what issue, standard degeneration example. 呼,孟奇吐了口气,回想着“太上天魔”的生平,但窥不出有什么问题,标标准准的堕落例子。 If Demon Sovereign's Claw successor is also the fish, the standard of that fish was very fearful, before Demon Lord falls from the sky, already is one of the world's peak that several, half-step Dao Fruit, Demon Monarch also had almost in years past Blue Emperor Gold Sovereign level, hating the day of Great Emperor to surpass the legend, the evil sovereign and Supreme Heavenly Demon halted Heavenly Immortal. 魔皇爪传人也是鱼,那鱼的标准就很可怕了,魔主陨落前已经是天地间最顶尖的那几位之一,半步道果,魔君也差不多有昔年青帝金皇的水准,恨天大帝超过了传说,只有邪皇与太上天魔止步天仙 Front possibly how can some people take how many for the fish? 怎么可能有人能以前面几位为鱼? The Meng Qi thought revolve like lightning removed this idea, Demon Lord and Demon Monarch and hates day of Great Emperor this progression, is impossible to become the fish! 孟奇念头电转就排除了这个想法,魔主魔君和恨天大帝这个级数,不可能成为鱼! Does Mo Fei/could it be that only have Supreme Heavenly Demon is? 莫非只有太上天魔是? The doubts buried in the heart, Meng Qi crossed Demon Sovereign's Claw fifth generation master Supreme Heavenly Demon Wu Daoming, cautious vanguard, close to peak more dangers. 疑惑埋在心头,孟奇越过了魔皇爪第五代主人“太上天魔吴道明,小心翼翼前行,越靠近峰顶越多危险。 This time, good for a long time, when Meng Qi approaches the peak quickly, seeing to Demon Sovereign's Claw sixth generation of masters, is so far last generation of masters, immeasurable evil lord Yang Tongtian. 这一次,行了许久,孟奇快临近峰顶时,才“见”到魔皇爪第六代主人,也是目前为止的最后一代主人,“无量邪主”杨通天。 He is a facial expression callous middle-aged man, the royal robes robe obregonia, the right hand wears Demon Sovereign's Claw, the vision is cruel, performing is the meaning of destruction slaughtering. 他是一个神情冷酷的中年男子,衮袍帝冠,右手戴着魔皇爪,目光残忍,尽是毁灭杀戮之意。 The Demon Buddha tumultuous times later ten thousand years, the life between world is still licking to lick this wound, law principle is changing is still continuing, Martial Dao is depressed, the difficult name recent antiquity, at this time, immeasurable evil lord Yang Tongtian fortuitous encounter to obtain Demon Sovereign's Claw, for a while, becomes then most powerhouse vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, remainder several need to unite and defend stubbornly to contend reluctantly. 魔佛乱世之后万年,天地间的生灵还在舔舐着这个伤口,法理变化还在继续,武道凋敝,难称近古,这时,“无量邪主”杨通天奇遇得到“魔皇爪”,纵横一时,成为了当时的最强者,剩余几位需要联合和固守能勉强抗衡。 In order to break River East Wang Clan Heaven Circle Star Battle Formation, hoodwinks Book of Luo, Yang Tongtian explores some vestige, wants to obtain a treasure, finally encounters some position to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence until now Supreme from the antiquity, put together to perish together, since then Demon Sovereign's Claw did not know the trace. 为了打破江东王氏周天星斗大阵,蒙蔽洛书,杨通天探索某座遗迹,想获得一件宝物,结果遭遇了某位自上古苟延残喘至今的大能,拼了个同归于尽,从此“魔皇爪”不知所踪。 These are the news that River East Wang Clan spreads, some Unorthodox Path people confirmed indirectly Yang Tongtian falling from the sky, the special details how, Meng Qi is really hard to peep the truth from the sureproof written record. 这些都是江东王氏传出的消息,有部分左道人士间接确认了杨通天的陨落,具体情况如何,孟奇实在难以从白纸黑字的书面记载中窥出真相。 Has the remnant will souvenir photo including immeasurable evil lord, explainedDemon Sovereign's Claw once did return to here?” Meng Qi is assessing the situation, flashes through this corner, the front is a peak. “连‘无量邪主’都有残念留影,是否说明‘魔皇爪’曾经回到这里?”孟奇判断着情况,闪过这处拐角,前方已是峰顶。 From peak probably seven, Meng Qi stopped the footsteps, the vision institute , a needle jet black pine tree towering cliff side, bronze bronze coffin that covered entirely the decayed trace is placed under the tree, exceptionally serious feeling. 距离峰顶大概七步时,孟奇停住了脚步,目光所及,一株针叶漆黑的松树耸立悬崖之旁,一具布满了腐朽痕迹的青铜古棺摆在树下,给人异常沉重之感。 But all around is reverberating the sound of sigh: 而四周则回荡着叹息之声: Unties finally difficultly, comparing broken life and death, died during meditation in this.” “解开最后疑难,勘破生死,坐化于此。” Third, fourth, fifth, sixth generation of successor all presently, first-generation successor in the destroyed demon grave, inherits by Senior Brother Qi obtained, this is second-generation successor, the Devil Path beginning lord, unparalleled Demon Monarch? In the Meng Qi heart has the consideration. 第三、第四、第五、第六代传人皆现,第一代传人在已毁的魔坟,传承被齐师兄所得,这是第二代传人,魔道始主,盖世“魔君”?孟奇心中有着思量。 Ye Yuqi walked the trail, except that the Meng woman, did not see other figure again, at this time, she stood before the peak entrance, all around no one, is looking at that black pine tree and bronze bronze coffin with rapt attention. 叶玉琦走完了小径,除了孟婆,再未见到别的身影,此时,她站在峰顶入口前,四周无人,凝神望着那株黑松树与青铜古棺 Nether world Emperor huge body occupied peak entrance several hundred steps places completely, stares at that bronze bronze coffin, in the mouth was whispering: “幽冥帝君”庞大的身躯将峰顶入口几百步的地方完全占据,凝视着那具青铜古棺,口中低语了一句: Demon Monarch remains?” 魔君遗蜕?” Chen Zhao and Liu Zejun were also walk Ice Soul Heart Reflection Road, had obtained respectively, only thinks that the haze all saw, in the future must be able the one by one succinct, complete mind. 陈钊刘泽君亦是走完了“冰魄鉴心路”,各有所得,只觉阴霾皆见,日后必能一一洗练,圆满心灵。 Bronze bronze coffin?” Chen Zhao sees the coffin bier under pitch-black pine tree, blurted out. “青铜古棺?”陈钊看到深黑松树下的棺柩,脱口而出。 In Ice and Snow Immortal Palace, has such motley bronze bronze coffin, conceals in the core, occasionally sneaked a peek, but is unable to approach, the guess is the Ice and Snow Immortal Palace master, at least is Heavenly Immortal! 冰雪仙宫,亦有这么一具斑驳的青铜古棺,藏于核心,偶尔被人窥见,但无法靠近,猜测是冰雪仙宫的主人,至少是天仙 Cannot think of here also almost exactly the same coffin bier! 想不到这里也有一具几乎一模一样的棺柩! His brow deep lock, felt oneself were away from the fan of Ice and Snow Immortal Palace to be no longer remote. 他眉头深锁,觉得自己距离冰雪仙宫之迷不再遥远了。 At this time, Hass Wula and the others are good above the trail, in was also not together hostile, at present the same place, can see as before again each other. 此时,哈斯乌拉等人还行于小径之上,之前在一起又非敌对的,目前依旧再一起,能见彼此。 The sound reverberation, all around the Meng Qi thorough examination, has not detected forbidden technique and trap, therefore takes a step calm, reaches the peak. 声音回荡,孟奇仔细检查四周,没发觉禁法和陷阱,于是沉稳迈步,登上峰顶。 Under the jet black pine tree, that bronze bronze coffin is even more bright, the above motley verdigris is exceptionally conspicuous. 漆黑松树之下,那具青铜古棺愈发鲜明,上面的斑驳铜绿异常显眼。 Where did they go to?” The issue that Meng Qi appears at this time is actually Ye Yuqi and the others the whereabouts. ( to be continued ) “他们都去哪里了?”孟奇此时浮现的问题却是叶玉琦等人的下落。(未完待续) ... ...
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