WORIOA :: Volume #4

#311: Same road

The mountain peak is palatial, is all over the body jet black, just like tall tower, is hard to climb up smoothly, moreover all around is filling the feeling of imprisonment, keeping Meng Qi from flying, the arrived vicinity, falls directly, as if likes a stone dropped into the sea, bang steps on is growing the ground of dark green vine insanely, shook the land to rock several. , 山峰巍峨,通体漆黑,宛若高塔,光滑难以攀爬,而且四周弥漫着禁锢的感觉,让孟奇都无法飞行,到了近处,直接下坠,仿佛石沉大海,砰的一声踩在疯长着墨绿藤蔓的地面,震得大地晃动了几下。︽, The vine was stepped on, flows out park park the blood, bewitching brilliant red. 藤蔓被踩断,流出泊泊鲜血,妖异红艳。 Meng Qi raised the head upward, sees only this mountain peak to reach as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the peak enters the jet black clouds, the only channel is one winds trail upward, it around mountain peak, partly visible, such as the dragon circles. 孟奇抬头往上,只见这座山峰高达万丈,耸入漆黑云端,唯一的通道便是一条蜿蜒往上的小径,它绕着山峰,若隐若现,如龙盘旋。 As if entered another side world......” samsara experienced Meng Qi to knit the brows, is judging the current situation. “似乎进入了另外一方世界……”轮回经验丰富的孟奇皱了皱眉,判断着当前的处境。 Is Mo Fei/could it be that this then taking advantage that Hass Wula and the others counter-attacked? 莫非这便是哈斯乌拉等人反扑的依仗? If that is right, to leave or obtain actively, perhaps from the world cardinal's the gathering of change and inner qi, must reach the peak. 若是如此,要想离开或取得主动,从天地枢机的变化和气机的汇聚来看,恐怕得登上峰顶。 Meng Qi is observing the environment according to the experience and to world rule the assurance, while is making deduce with Jade Void Divine Deduction, at this time, dark green vines are insanely long, ties down his ankle area, an above sharp thorn opens, but how is unable to prick. 孟奇一边根据经验和对天地规律的把握观察着环境,一边用玉虚神算做着推衍,此时,一条条墨绿藤蔓疯长过来,缠住他的脚踝,上面根根尖刺张开,但怎么都无法刺入进去。 Somewhat feeling of Nine Serenities or Demon Realm.” Through the contrast, Meng Qi somewhat understands clearly, and Origin Heart Seal maintains with Only I Am Venerated is affected by the illusion, the mental perception sizes up all around, after confirming no one, starting to walk step, calm trend that mountain road. “有几分九幽魔界的感觉。”通过对比,孟奇有些了然,用“唯我独尊”和“元心印”保持着不被幻境影响,慧眼打量四周,确认无人后,迈开步伐,沉稳走向那条山路。 The mountain road both sides are the stance strange stone, after the as if each and every one Evil Demon malicious ghost die , let visit was afraid in this period. 山路两侧是姿态怪异的石头,仿佛一个个邪魔恶鬼死后所化,让踏足其间者不寒而栗。 The center slightly reveals the muddy the black earth, infiltrates dark red liquid that the flavor is irritating the nose. 中央则是略显泥泞的黑土,渗透着味道刺鼻的暗红液体。 Where did others go to?” Meng Qi recalled the situation at that time changing suddenly, thought had many Grandmaster to be involved, but this place did not have the trail. “其他人去了哪里?”孟奇回想当时突变的情况,觉得有不少宗师被卷入了,但此地毫无踪迹。 Can Mo Fei/could it be that this stretch of the world surpass the imagination greatly? 莫非这片天地大得超过想象? ............ ………… Chen Zhao brought junior sister Liu Zejun to arrive in the jet black sharp peak mountain peak, discovered that here cannot fly, only has a trail to lead to the peak. 陈钊带着师妹刘泽君抵达了漆黑尖耸的山峰,发现此处不能飞行,只有一条小径通向峰顶。 The trail both sides are the Evil Demon malicious ghost stone, dense strange, but central is spread by ten thousand years cold ice, braves the faint trace cold air. The crystal is bright, obviously oneself inverted image. 小径两侧是邪魔恶鬼般的石头,森然诡异,而中央由一块块万载寒冰铺成,冒着丝丝寒气。晶体剔透,可见自身倒影。 Ice Soul Heart Reflection Road......” Chen Zhao talked to oneself, junior sister, this really looks like with Ice and Snow Immortal Palace very much.” 冰魄鉴心路……”陈钊自语了一句,“师妹,这与冰雪仙宫真的很像。” The only difference is, Ice and Snow Immortal Palace warning idea by the imperial city gate to lead to the main hall, here scales the heights. 唯一的不同在于,冰雪仙宫的“鉴心路”是由宫门通向大殿,这里则是攀登高峰。 This place is mostly related with Ice and Snow Immortal Palace.” Liu Zejun has also entered Ice and Snow Immortal Palace, results in a arrived fortuitous encounter, regarding this not unfamiliar. “此地多半与冰雪仙宫有关。”刘泽君亦进过冰雪仙宫,得到了一份奇遇,对此并不陌生 Ice and Snow Immortal Palace is the Extreme North Land big secret, an immortal palace when is various sect families explores Extreme North core discovers after many generations, in grotesque and gaudy. Has various fortuitous encounters, but always no one can be truly thorough, is still so, is only the fortuitous encounter of surrounding, lets be predestined friends the entrant to benefit greatly, without dying in inside, often can the achievement, Chen Zhao be able less than 30 to step into Grandmaster, then has a large part of reasons in this. 冰雪仙宫极北之地的大秘密,是各宗门家族历经多代探索极北核心时发现的一座仙宫,内中光怪陆离。有着各种奇遇,但始终无人能够真正深入,犹是如此,光是外围的奇遇,就让有缘进入者受益匪浅,只要没死在里面,往往都能有一番成就,陈钊能不满三十踏入宗师,便有很大一部分原因在此。 Related to itself powerful. Various Extreme North sect families keep this secret tacitly, had never disclosed comes Extreme North to search the heavenly materials and earthly treasures south powerhouse. 事关自身强大。极北宗门家族都默契保守着这个秘密,从未透露过前来极北寻觅天材地宝的南边强者。 Chen Zhao laughs: Just met to frustrate, has this to meet, ascending the sky really waits me is not thin.” 陈钊哈哈一笑:“刚逢挫败,就有此遇,上天真是待我不薄。” The fortuitous encounter that possibly hides did not say. Only walks Ice Soul Heart Reflection Road, then can by own shadow clear exposition , helping mediate with completely. 可能潜藏的奇遇不说。光是走一趟冰魄鉴心路,便可以让自身阴影“清晰”暴露,有助于排解和圆满。 Liu Zejun obviously relaxes, congratulated one with a smile. Just now has the mood: That bladesman that passed by a moment ago is really tyrannical, does the south side run into a powerhouse so to be terrifying casually?” 刘泽君明显松了口气,笑吟吟恭喜了一声。方才有心情道:“刚才路过的那位刀客真是强横,南边随便遇到一位强者就如此恐怖吗?” Moreover observes its aura and appearance, could not say that are young! 而且观其气息和外貌,说不得比自己年纪还小! Chen Zhao gave a tongue-lashing giving a tongue-lashing: Such character. In the south perhaps is also extremely rare, but also really makes me understand, Beyond the Heaven has the day, outside the person has the person, being conservative and complacent and sits the well view day to be unrecommendable.” 陈钊呲了呲:“这样的人物。在南边恐怕也是凤毛麟角,不过也真的让我明白,天外有天,人外有人,固步自封和坐井观天都不可取。” He looks up to the summit, muttered: Such world, such Martial Dao, is interesting.” 他仰望山顶,喃喃自语:“这样的天地,这样的武道,才算有趣。” Finishes barely the words, he has drawn junior sister to step Ice Soul Heart Reflection Road. 话音未落,他已是拉着师妹踏上了“冰魄鉴心路”。 ............ ………… As high as ten ten feets, regards the average man such as the nether world Emperor of ants to stand before the winding trail, all had divine armament to shake the void feeling, taking the form of antiquity Supreme arrives. 高达十丈,视常人如蝼蚁的幽冥帝君站在蜿蜒小径之前,举手投足间皆有神兵震荡虚空之感,形似上古大能降临。 His each bone seems like the giant to have, is passing the illusory indistinct feeling, seems everywhere, is controlling the numerous universe life and death, is particularly scary, but this feeling has obvious incomplete, is unable to link up a body, everywhere falls the arrived tangible finally. 他的每一根骨头都像是巨人拥有,透着虚幻缥缈的感觉,似乎无处不在,掌控着重重宇宙的生死,分外骇人,但这种感觉有着明显的残缺,始终无法贯通一体,无处不在最终又落到了实处。 The blood yellow mist wound around, covered up figure and appearance, the nether world Emperor is raising black manages white hair and life and death pen of galvanized iron pipe black wool, looks at present the trail, resembled the has god light to project from the mist. 血黄雾气缭绕,遮掩了身影和容貌,幽冥帝君提着黑管白毛和白管黑毛的生死笔,看着眼前小径,似有神光自雾气中射出。 He has come this Secret Realm multiple, but never has meeting of today. 他来过这处秘境多次,但从未有今日之遇。 The skeleton of Netherworld True Body can rouse the Demon Monarch residual thought unexpectedly, results in the sudden change! 黄泉真身的骨骼竟然能勾动魔君残留的意念,引发突变! Impermanence of Life and Death Sect differentiation came from Primordial Devil Dao, what practice is Demon Monarch transforms Yellow Springs real law, but broke the inheritance afterward repeatedly, more than 3000 years of front has the founder fortuitous encounter to enter life and death variable day, reconstructed sect. 生死无常宗自“原始魔道”分化而来,修炼的是魔君改造的“黄泉真法”,但后来多次断了传承,三千多年前方有祖师奇遇进入“生死无常天”,重建了宗门 Also during this founder, through the usual channel Yellow Springs real law practice arrived Dharmakaya Level, inducing arrived is dark Yellow Springs skeleton, therefore after hard and dangerous, looked for the arrived Nine Serenities crack, in secret spot discovered Yellow Springs Evil God Supreme remains and refined secret technique of living corpse. 也正是这位祖师,通过正常途径将黄泉真法修炼到了法身级,感应到了冥冥之中的“黄泉尸骸”,于是历经艰险,找到了九幽裂缝,于某一层秘处发现了黄泉这位邪神的“大能遗蜕”和炼制活死人的秘法 From now, all previous Impermanence of Life and Death Sect Sect Master racks one's brains to want the Yellow Springs skeleton and Yellow Springs real law mixes to be one, before the generation, the improvement, what a pity old Sect Master longevity completely, has been hard to attempt finally, the nether world Emperor from making a debut to start, then continuously for this reason diligently, finally arrived final moment. 从此以后,历代生死无常宗宗主都殚精竭虑想要将黄泉尸骸与黄泉真法糅合为一,直到前代,总算完善,可惜老宗主寿元已尽,难以尝试,幽冥帝君从出道开始,便一直为此努力,终于到了最后的关头。 So long as fresh/live Dharma Body ** as the introduction, oneself then can melt Yin to Yang, transfers to live, proves unprecedentedly Netherworld True Body, after having the decay, is close to the body of legend as before, obtains some life and death lawful rights directly, half god half immortal, becoming to sweep away Earth Immortal special Human Immortal, and can in a short time break through the promotion, could not need many years is Heavenly Immortal, dominated the present age, established the ground Hades, controlled the life life or death. 只要一具鲜活的法身**作为引子,自身便能化阴为阳,转死为生,证得前无古人的“黄泉真身”,拥有衰变后依旧接近传说的躯体,直接获得部分生死权柄,半“神”半“仙”,成为能横扫地仙的“特殊人仙”,并且能在很短时间内突破晋升,要不了多少年就是天仙,称雄当代,建立地上冥府,掌控生灵存亡。 What a pity, repeatedly attempts unable successfully to catch Dharma Body, the buckle is on the contrary serious. 可惜,屡次尝试都未能成功抓到一位法身,反倒折损严重。 The past events flash past, the stone of nether world emperor's by the shape such as Evil Demon malicious ghost to the trail does not care at all, but flows in the trail central illusory blood yellow brook makes him slightly think discretely joyfully. 往事一闪而过,幽冥帝君对小径两旁形如邪魔恶鬼的石头毫不在意,但流淌在小径中央的虚幻血黄色溪流却让他谨慎又略觉欣喜。 „When the Mo Fei/could it be that peak had in years past Demon Monarch deduce Yellow Springs real law congealed Yellow Springs real water?” The nether world Emperor looks that flowed, life and death to have nothing to do and forget the past brook faintly, took the footsteps dignifiedly. 莫非峰顶有昔年魔君推衍黄泉真法时凝结的‘黄泉真水’?”幽冥帝君看着那淡漠流淌、生死无关、遗忘过去的溪流,凝重迈出了脚步。 ............ ………… Ye Yuqi walks on covering the trail of white snow, Soul-Freezing Cold Light Sword hangs down, the sword was being as if towed proceeding sharp, the both sides modeling made one such as stone as if of falling nightmare be given the freeze by the snow and ice strangely. 叶玉琦走在覆盖着白雪的小径上,“冰魄寒光剑”低垂,剑尖似乎被拖着往前,两侧造型古怪让人如陷噩梦的石头则仿佛被冰雪给冻结了。 Suddenly, the front presented a granny, the figure rickets. Face such as chicken skin, silver-haired, both eyes pollution. 突然,前方出现了一位老婆婆,身影佝偻。脸如鸡皮,白发苍苍,双眼浑浊。 By her puts a wooden barrel, in the hand holds gap stone bowl, the sound high-pitched and fine say/way: 她旁边放着一个木桶,手中捧着一个缺口石碗,声音尖细道: Ate this bowl of Meng Po’s soup, the past forgets in the present, the heartless man (Han), the fickle wife, said that Left Minister meets to be the passer-by, since then does not hear painstakingly and wound!” “喝了这碗孟婆汤,前尘往事今朝忘,负心汉,薄情妻,道左相逢做路人,从此不闻苦与伤!” Meng Po’s soup......” Ye Yuqi was startled being startled. The vision night and day is uncertain, the left hand lifts, ten fingers like the scallion section, extended slowly, as if wanted to receive this bowl of Meng Po’s soup. “孟婆汤……”叶玉琦怔了怔。眼光晦明不定,左手抬起,十指如同葱段,缓缓伸了过去,似乎想要接过这碗孟婆汤。 The fingertip touches, passing through, unexpectedly is illusory. 指尖触及,穿了过去,竟是虚幻。 The Ye Yuqi corners of the mouth bring back, reveal wipe the smile, several points of toil and suffering several points are willing. Receives to reach behind the back, moves toward the peak. 叶玉琦嘴角勾起,露出一抹浅浅笑容,几分苦累几分甘愿。收回手,走向峰顶。 ............ ………… Meng Qi treads slightly is revealing the muddy the black earth, worried that other Grandmaster has difficult, when is cautious. The step is relatively quick. 孟奇踏着略显泥泞的黑土,担忧别的宗师有难,小心翼翼之余。步伐相对较快。 Good, circled the mountain peak two weeks, the front black mist starts gravely, isolates the spirit. Camouflages the informer. 行了一阵,绕了山峰两周,前方黑色雾气开始深重,隔绝精神。遮蔽耳目。 Among the subconsciousness, Meng Qi slowed down the footsteps, the right hand blade. The left hand sword, no longer had hides contraband slightly, stepped into the mist. 下意识间,孟奇放缓了脚步,右手刀。左手剑,不再有丝毫藏私,踏入了雾气。 The mist tumbles, suddenly is separated, the person's shadow appears in Meng Qi together at present, his ancient Guankuan robe, the big sleeve is floating, makes the Medieval appearance, the body is high-spirited, hair pitch-black, grips the becoming enlightened hair bun, the boundless aura linked up the world unexpectedly, filled hated all colors, as to ruin the life, ruined the world, ruined itself! 雾气翻滚,突然分开,一道人影出现在孟奇眼前,他古冠宽袍,大袖飘飘,做中古打扮,身躯昂藏,头发乌黑,扎成道髻,磅礴的气息竟贯通了天地,充满了憎恨一切的色彩,似乎想毁掉生灵,毁掉世界,毁掉自身! This aura stained the dust of years, bridges over the time the river, making one unable to mention the heart of resistance. 这气息沾满了岁月的尘埃,跨过时光的长河,让人提不起抗拒之心。 He turns around slowly, reveals facial features, the right hand is thick, has average man two times, nail like the sword, the back of the hand covers entirely the pitch-black strange pattern, is full of the evil bloody and dreadful hatred. 他缓缓转身,露出一张奇古的面容,右手粗大,有常人两倍,指甲根根如剑,手背布满深黑诡异花纹,充满邪恶血腥和滔天恨意。 Demon Sovereign's Claw? Which is he for the master? Meng Qi has seen the Demon Sovereign's Claw general appearance outside the demon grave, sweeps slightly, the thought fluctuates. 魔皇爪?他是哪代主人?孟奇在魔坟外见过魔皇爪的大概模样,微微一扫,念头起伏。 This person's shadow expression is indifferent, both eyes has the hatred of eternal difficult, tranquil actually Yun Han(contain) kills intent to say infinitely: Opens, this place will tow you dead together.” 这道人影表情淡然,双眼有着万古难化的仇恨,平静却蕴含无穷杀意般道:“启,本座会拖着你一起死的。” Opens, does Saint Sovereign open? Meng Qi immediately understands that who this person is. 启,圣皇启?孟奇顿时明白此人是谁。 The Demon Sovereign's Claw third-generation master, hates the day of Great Emperor, obtains Demon Sovereign's Claw after Human Sovereign died during meditation, inherited Primordial Devil Dao, several hundred years later then starts flood Heavenly Demon tribulation, wanting to extinguish the world, but Saint Sovereign opened at that time reigns, the strength is tyrannical, God and Immortal Yun Ji, suppresses him. 魔皇爪的第三代主人,“恨天大帝”,在人皇坐化后得到魔皇爪,继承了“原始魔道”,几百年后便掀起滔天魔劫,欲要灭世,但当时圣皇启在位,实力强横,神仙云集,将他压制。 Finally, in the war of peak, he perishes in the hand of Saint Sovereign opening, but died during meditation that Saint Sovereign opens then three years later, nearly perishes together. 最终,巅峰之战里,他亡于圣皇启之手,而圣皇启的坐化便在三年之后,近乎同归于尽。 „Is here Saint Sovereign opens and hates the battlefield of day of Great Emperor?” The Meng Qi recollection knows, thought that the geographical position is not right, at that time they fought area Western Region Burial God Desert, but here North Pole icefield. “这里是圣皇启与恨天大帝的战场?”孟奇回忆所知,觉得地理位置不对,当时他们是在西域葬神沙漠一带交手,这里可是北极冰原。 If not for their battlefields, how will have to hate the aura of day of Great Emperor to remain, before dying, last few words? 若不是他们的战场,怎么会有恨天大帝的气息残留,还是死前最后一句话? The careful discernment, confirmed that hates the day of Great Emperor to be only the remaining projection, even the aura is not, Meng Qi has the doubts, circled. 仔细辨别,确认恨天大帝只是残余投影,连气息都算不上,孟奇带着疑惑,绕了过去。 Leads the way few steps, the mist tumbles to split again, figure sits well the front together, his hair snow white, hangs loose in the back, both eyes is scarlet, the hatred, the face is truthfully handsome, but shows several points of callousness, clothing Medieval, the right hand is also thick, covers entirely the pitch-black and evil different pattern, brims with hatred that is unable to explain. 前行没几步,雾气再次翻滚裂开,一道身影端坐前方,他头发雪白,披散在背,双眼猩红,恨意如实,脸庞英俊但透出几分冷酷,服饰中古,右手同样粗大,布满深黑又邪异的花纹,洋溢着无法言喻的恨意。 Is Demon Sovereign's Claw......” the Meng Qi vision sweeps, knew the status of opposite party probably. “又是魔皇爪……”孟奇目光一扫,大概知道了对方的身份。 The Demon Sovereign's Claw fourth generation master, evil sovereign thanked the heavenly book. 魔皇爪第四代主人,“邪皇”谢天书。 His talent is astonishing, is Righteous Path great hero, is once celebrated in Medieval, later various Saint the thought was inspired by him much, but does not know why degenerates suddenly, hatred veiled heart, betrayed Sect, becomes crazed, kills the master to kill the younger brother, the growth is the Unorthodox Path giant, later obtains Demon Sovereign's Claw, series Devil Path, opened dark years, until by the Medieval various Saint earliest several ends. 他才情惊人,原是正道大侠,在中古显赫一时,之后诸圣的思想不少受他启发,但不知为何突然堕落,恨意蒙心,背叛了门派,变得丧心病狂,杀师杀弟,成长为左道巨擘,之后得到魔皇爪,一统魔道,开启了一段黑暗岁月,直到被中古诸圣最早的几位终结。 Medieval Era, is Human Clan with the fighting age of demon. 中古时代,便是人族内部正与魔的争锋年代。 Hates! Evil sovereign thanks Tianshu face upwards the long and loud cry, was full of the unwilling sentiment. “恨啊!邪皇”谢天书仰天长啸,充满了不甘心之情。 Meng Qi inspires lightly, seen is the Demon Sovereign's Claw all previous generations master finally residual scenes, is Mo Fei/could it be that this place related with Demon Sovereign's Claw?( To be continued......) 孟奇轻吸口气,见到的都是魔皇爪历代主人最后残留的景象,莫非此地与魔皇爪有关?(未完待续……) ps: Second ~ ps:第二更~
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