WORIOA :: Volume #4

#310: True body

The white snow piles up with the thick ice, the ice layer blockade lake surface , is as far as eyes can reach difficult to see varicolored, but white vague dark green scanty. 白雪堆满厚冰,冰层封锁湖面,一眼望去,难见杂色,白茫而苍寥。 This ice lake surrounding area far more than thousand li (500 km), several have the feeling of North Sea vastness, the sky continuously presents the explosion, the weather sometimes secretly sometimes bright, sometimes has the hot rain pouring, sometimes has the black and white Yuan magnetism to stir, approaches like the end. 这座冰湖方圆何止千里,几有北海汪洋之感,上空不断出现爆炸,天色时暗时明,时有火雨倾盆,时有黑白元磁鼓荡,如同末日来临。 Blue Moon Sword Sect Zeng Ruoxuan and Water Moon Small Temple bright method was led four Golden Horde warriors to encircle by Hass Wula, can only support by strenuous efforts. 碧月剑派曾若瑄水月庵明法被哈斯乌拉率领四位金帐武士团团围住,只能苦苦支撑。 Their double fist difficult enemy four, the defeat presently, how long as if not to can have wanted to suffer the disaster, but the mentality is gentle, is not flurried, because seizes the opportunity a moment ago, sent the requesting reinforcements signal, at each other distance, before oneself cannot support, at least can welcome over four helpers, counter-encircles Hass Wula and the others. 她们双拳难敌四手,败相已现,似乎要不了多久就会惨遭劫难,但心态平和,不慌不乱,因为刚才已抓住机会,放出了求援信号,以彼此的距离,在自身支撑不住前,至少能迎来四位以上的帮手,反包围哈斯乌拉等人。 Hass Wula is brandishing the saber, has not exposed shoots day bow in oneself fact, the patience is waiting for the opportunity, is waiting for the arrival of opposite party reinforcements, the more better! 哈斯乌拉挥舞着马刀,未曾暴露“射日弓”就在自己身上的事实,耐心等待着机会,等待着对方援军的到来,越多越好! The place that not far away, the frost mist winds around, a coffin bier static float, the blood is yellow, appears the serious iron black. 不远处,冰霜雾气缭绕的地方,一具棺柩静静漂浮,血黄内敛,现出沉重的铁黑色。 The upper air, a ray leaps up, explodes the brilliant fireworks, dazzling, surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) can see, like true meteor. 高空,一道光芒蹿起,炸成绚烂烟花,耀眼至极,方圆几千里都能看到,就像真正的流星。 Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi empty steps on the mud, searches for the element a virgin forest, suddenly the heart has a feeling, raise head towards sky, by the slit of branch leaf, looks at arrived that smoke and fire. 寒冰仙子叶玉琦正虚踩泥泞,搜素着一片原始森林,忽然心有所感,抬头望天,透过树枝树叶的缝隙,看到了那朵“烟火”。 Hass Wula and the others really counter-attack! Ye Yuqi knows that the opposite party Grandmaster population are many, the bright law and Zeng Ruoxuan situation of that direction are very perhaps dangerous, as the leader of this action, safeguards their securities to be duty-bound, cannot only want to pin on don't the group of Grandmaster prompt rescues. 哈斯乌拉等人果然有反扑!叶玉琦知道对方宗师人数不少,那个方向的明法与曾若瑄处境恐怕很危险,作为此次行动的领头者,保障她们的安全责无旁贷,不能只将希望寄托在别路宗师及时救援。 Read to leave, in her hand were many a three chi (0.33 m) three cuns (2.5 cm) three points of long transparent sword, as if by a section of ten thousand years of cold ice direct casting. Glittering and translucent carving, the reflection glimmer, the winding around cold air, many Dao rune seal characters are hidden ice, partly visible. Like the most beautiful pattern, as the white fog ascends to carry to sink to carry to float. 念动身动,她手中多了一口三尺三寸三分长的透明之剑,仿佛由一截万年寒冰直接铸造而成。晶莹剔透,反射微光,缭绕寒气,诸多道纹篆字则暗藏“冰”中,若隐若现。如同最美丽的花纹,随着白雾升腾而载沉载浮。 This long sword one presently, the Ye Yuqi under foot mud freeze, as if formed the earth of long freezing, changes to Extreme North Land. 这口长剑一现,叶玉琦脚下泥泞冻结,似乎形成了久冻之土,化作极北之地 It is divine armament that Ye Yuqi is laborious comes Soul-Freezing Cold Light Sword! 它正是叶玉琦辛苦得来的神兵冰魄寒光剑”! The cold glow shines, packages Ye Yuqi. Changes to the god light/only, goes to the ice lake position, she is urges to send divine armament, beyond speed shuttle of ultra normal half-step in void, during 2-3 breath on the induction arrived bright method and Zeng Ruoxuan. 寒芒亮起,包裹住叶玉琦。化作神光,投向冰湖位置,她已是催发了神兵,以远超正常半步的速度穿梭于虚空,2-3个呼吸间就感应到了明法与曾若瑄 Hass Wula and Grandmaster is going all out to act in a play hand/subordinate. So as to avoid opposite two Grandmaster saw that from having to retain, thus peeps the trap, sought a slim chance of survival at risk of life, no longer waited for the arrival of reinforcements, making the excellent situation waste. 哈斯乌拉和手下宗师正卖力演戏。免得对面两位宗师看出自身有所保留,从而窥出陷阱,拼死求一线生机,不再等待援军的到来,让大好形势白费。 At this moment, they only think that the chill in the air invades the body, like acupuncture, together clear beautiful cold light penetration void. Will leave group of Grandmaster to throw by far in behind, remote cuts itself and the others. 就在这时,他们只觉寒意侵体,如同针刺,一道晶莹美丽的寒光穿透虚空而来。将别路宗师远远抛在了后面,遥斩自己等人。 divine armament!” 神兵!” Ye Yuqi really has divine armament!” 叶玉琦竟然有神兵!” Hass Wula is startled and anger, the depressed sentiment tumbles in the heart. World divine armament have several, Huamei Villa was top sect of new promote, the accumulation are really also few, except for One Sword Heart that the Mister Lu Da life junction cultivated/repaired, was impossible also to have other divine armament, but Ye Yuqi really had divine armament! 哈斯乌拉又惊又怒,沮丧之情在心中翻滚。天下神兵有数,画眉山庄又是新晋的顶尖宗门,积累甚少,除了陆大先生性命交修的一心剑,不可能还有别的神兵,可叶玉琦真的有一口神兵 This really stemmed from itself and the others the expectations. Has divine armament to assist, beyond Ye Yuqi surpasses other Grandmaster speeds to help. Disrupted the plan completely. 这真是出乎了自己等人的预料。有神兵相助,叶玉琦以远超其他宗师的速度来援。完全打乱了计划。 At this time if opens Secret Realm, emits demon qi. Then can only two Grandmaster in Ye Yuqi and surrounding puts in the trap, other Grandmaster have not entered the area of influence, when the time comes, in them some people can contact Dharma Body take action, oneself and others feared that does not dare to delay the stay, encircles kills the Ye Yuqi three people, was equal to wasting the opportunity. 此时若打开秘境,放出魔气。则只能将叶玉琦与包围中的两位宗师置于陷阱,其他宗师都还未进入影响范围,到时候,他们之中有人可以联络法身出手,自己等怕是不敢拖延逗留,围杀叶玉琦三人,等于白费了机会。 But if not open Secret Realm, emits demon qi, divine armament suppresses in Half-Step Dharma Body of hand sufficiently also has divine armament, weakens other warrior, lets opportunity that another two Grandmaster find to turn defeat into victory, if nether world Emperor take action stops, is easy to expose the trap, lets the following Grandmaster enhancement alert, easily does not step into. 但要是不打开秘境,放出魔气,神兵在手的半步法身足以压制同样有神兵的自己,削弱别的武士,让另外两名宗师觅得反败为胜的机会,而若幽冥帝君出手阻拦,则容易暴露陷阱,让后续宗师提高戒备,不轻易踏入。 An unexpected variable almost ruins the plan! 一个始料未及的变数就几乎毁掉计划! Annoying, Hass Wula noticed that two judge pens depart, black manages white hair, galvanized iron pipe black wool, lives conceals dead, dies accumulated to live, the midair formed life and death circulation huge Primal Chaos Diagram, the point to that say/way clear cold light. 懊恼之中,哈斯乌拉看到两只判官笔飞出,一只黑管白毛,一只白管黑毛,生中藏死,死中蕴生,半空形成了一个生死流转的巨大太极图,点向那道晶莹寒光。 Nether world Emperor or take action. 幽冥帝君还是出手了。 Hass Wula inspires lightly, understands that the idea of nether world Emperor, Secret Realm does not know by the bystander, the opposite party does not know that trap where, even sees the nether world Emperor, detects strangely, there is a big opportunity to step into. 哈斯乌拉轻吸口气,明白幽冥帝君的想法,秘境并不为外人知晓,对方不知道陷阱在何方,即使看到幽冥帝君,察觉诡异,还是有不小机会踏入的。 Therefore, he restrains the mood, except for opening the god bow, the thriving full power, displays the pinnacle the speed truly, lets the bright law and Zeng Ruoxuan of discovery nether world Emperor is unable to run away, the patience waits for the prey to enter the trap mostly. 于是,他收敛心情,除了拉开神弓,真正勃发全力,将速度发挥到极致,让发现幽冥帝君的明法和曾若瑄无法逃遁,耐心等待着猎物大部分进入陷阱。 Ye Yuqi saw the black and white judge pen, in the heart has the vigilant, clear sword light has cut, opened whole body acupoint, departed Dharma Idol. 叶玉琦一见黑白判官笔,心中已然有了警惕,晶莹剑光一斩,将周身窍穴打开,将法相飞出。 immediately, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) become dark boundless, all around is completely stars, people as if by the teleportation arrived vast starry sky. 顿时,方圆百里变得幽暗无垠,四周尽是点点繁星,众人仿佛挪移到了浩瀚星空。 Stars by slightly are increased, from far to near, from day sparse, carefully looks, each stars are bright fine snowflake, contains the chill in the air, pulls out grows cold and gloomy sword qi. 一颗颗繁星由小变大,由远及近,从“天”寥落,仔细一看,每一颗星辰都是一朵剔透精致的雪花,蕴藏着浓浓寒意,抽长出森冷剑气 The storm flutters about, snowflake voluminous, at a rapid speed falls toward that is tumbling the coffin bier of blood yellow mist, falls toward Hass Wula and four Golden Horde warriors. 暴雪纷飞,一朵朵“雪花”洋洋洒洒,以飞快的速度落往那具重新翻滚着血黄雾气的棺柩,落往哈斯乌拉与四名金帐武士。 The snowflake is numerous, sword qi, the speed is extremely vertically and horizontally fast, a Golden Horde warrior prevents not entire, moves aside, was being scratched the left shoulder. 雪花众多,剑气纵横,速度极快,一位金帐武士阻挡不全,躲闪不及,被擦着了左肩。 In an instant, his left shoulder spills over gloomily blue, even/including meat/flesh brings the blood to contain the bone freeze. 刹那之间,他的左肩泛出幽蓝,已是连肉带血含骨冻结。 Clenches teeth, his right hand silver-white color claw turns, tears the left shoulder directly, lost with the left arm together. 一咬牙,他右手银白色爪子一扭,直接将左肩撕裂,与左臂一起丢了出去。 This arm falls to be quick, but has not hit the snow, has changed to the ice sculpture from beginning to end. 这条手臂下坠极快,但还未撞到积雪,已是从头到尾化作冰雕。 Bang, it breaks open the white snow, an cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, changes to the ice dregs. 砰,它砸开白雪,寸寸碎裂,化作冰渣。 Under a Ye Yuqi sword, not only nether world Emperor life and death pen is blocked, Hass Wula and other Grandmaster were affected enormously, bright law thousand arms series, Zeng Ruoxuan bluish green moon/month washes the blue sky, drew the situation instantaneously. 叶玉琦一剑之下,不仅幽冥帝君的“生死笔”受阻,就连哈斯乌拉等宗师都被极大影响,明法千臂连环,曾若瑄碧月洗青天,瞬间扳回了局势。 Half-Step Dharma Body, carves with the style adds divine armament to be able short anti- to live in Dharma Body expert! 半步法身、锲和招式加神兵都能短暂抗住法身高人的! Before Hass Wula body, sends out a long bow, plain heavy/thick, instead turns, is sending out the meaning of destruction. 哈斯乌拉身前发出一张长弓,古朴厚重,反扭而成,散发着毁灭之意。 The bowstring moves slightly, Great Sun appears, snowflake ablation. 弓弦微动,大日浮现,雪花消融。 But the iron black coffin bier that is winding around the blood yellow mist exudes the sound, revealed a slit. 而那口缭绕着血黄雾气的铁黑色棺柩发出扎扎之声,露出了一道缝隙。 A jet black gigantic palm built in the slit place, the back of the hand had white hair of thin secret to grow, making one be afraid. 啪,一只漆黑的硕大手掌搭在了缝隙处,手背有细秘的白毛长出,让人不寒而栗。 Bang! The coffin bier cover was raised flies, the gushed out blood yellow mist is similar to the hot spring, rumble, thick gloomy and cold. 砰!棺柩盖子被掀飞,涌出的血黄色雾气如同温泉,咕噜咕噜,浓厚阴冷。 In the mist, sat up huge figure, fully about ten zhang (3.33 m), how see the non- previous coffin bier to be able under the stopper. 雾气之中,坐起了一道巨大身影,足有十丈左右,怎么看都非之前的棺柩能够塞下。 This figure by the blood yellow mist package, can only see him to wear the black royal robes robe indistinctly, wears plain Gao Guan(high crown), is sits up this movement merely, void shakes fiercely, the heaven lost the color, the surrounding area in 200-300 li (0.5 km), does not have a vitality again, snow and ice Desolate Beast falls dead, the wood of Changqing withers, many strange insects explode directly. 这道身影被血黄色雾气包裹,只能隐约看到他穿着玄色衮袍,戴着古朴高冠,仅仅是坐起这个动作,虚空就剧烈震荡,苍天失去了颜色,方圆200-300里内,再无一丝生机,冰雪荒兽倒毙,长青之木枯萎,诸多奇怪虫豸直接爆裂。 The blood yellow illusory rivers do not know together from where beginning, where does not know to go into exile, highlights in huge figure behind, seems like his Dharma Idol. 一道血黄色的虚幻河流不知从何处始,不知流亡何方,凸显于巨大身影的后面,似乎是他的法相 Most mystical Half-Step Dharma Body nether world Emperor finally appeared his true body, Yun Han(contain) the terrifying was feeling, true body that as if comprised of divine armament! 最为神秘的半步法身“幽冥帝君”终于现出了他的真身,蕴含着恐怖感觉,仿佛由一口口神兵组成的真身! Huge does figure sway, the surroundings spill over the blood yellow luster void, the snowflake stars just entered, lost the vitality, is completely jet black, subsequently was scrubbed. 巨大身影摇摇晃晃,周围虚空泛出血黄色泽,雪花般的星辰刚入其中,就失去了生命力,完全漆黑,继而被洗刷一空。 His both hands find out, catch life and death pen, casts aside presses down firmly, one black one white, attacks to Ye Yuqi, seems judging her life and death. 他双手探出,接住“生死笔”,一撇一捺,一黑一白,攻向叶玉琦,似乎在宣判着她的生死。 The Ye Yuqi vision is dignified, knows that meets powerful enemy who the entire life only saw, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence compared with those, Dharma Body expert that many flaws can use is strong, but was unable to reveal from movement technique completely. 叶玉琦目光凝重,知道遇上了生平仅见的劲敌,比那些苟延残喘,有诸多破绽可以利用的法身高人强,而自身法相还无法完全显露。 Two people battle rapidly in together, the day startled earth movement, the ice lake splits, the monstrous waves are turbulent, rush to the midair, like fountain, but solidifies there, shape same ice sculpture. 两人迅速交战在一起,天惊地动,冰湖裂开,巨浪汹涌,冲上半空,如同喷泉,但又凝固在那里,形同冰雕。 In several breaths, Grandmaster help, including Eastern Sea Sword Villa He Xiu. 没过几息,一位位宗师来援,包括东海剑庄何休 Meng Qi just approached the ice lake, suddenly stop, because there are little dangerous premonitions. 孟奇刚临近冰湖,忽然停顿,因为有了少许危险预感。 His back Chen Zhao brings Liu Zejun to pursue to come, the vigorous sound loudly shouted: I am Extreme North Chen Zhao, may I ask the Gao given name, in the future will also ask for advice!” 他背后陈钊带着刘泽君追赶而来,疾声大呼:“我乃极北陈钊,敢问高姓大名,日后还来讨教!” Was not defeated ignominiously, the confidence suffers setbacks does not represent to lose the confidence, oneself can also grow, but can also promote, one day defeats the non- permanent defeat, but was defeated by the person of passing by conveniently, does not know the name that rather too hurt own mind. 被人击败不可耻,信心受挫不代表失去信心,自己还能成长,还能提升,一日之败非永久之败,但被路过之人随手击败,连名字都不知道,那就未免太伤害自己的心灵了。 At this time, saw most Grandmaster already acceptances, only then a few have not caught up either, either stopped in the edge, as if detected anything, nether world Emperor took the bull by the horns, in secret crumb a thing. 这时,见大部分宗师已经入围,只有少数几个要么还未赶来,要么停在边缘,似乎察觉了什么,“幽冥帝君”当机立断,暗中捏碎了一物。 Bang! 轰隆! The illusory loud sound treasure, the ice lake splits thoroughly, the jet black grave mist spreads rapidly. 虚幻巨响宝物,冰湖彻底裂开,漆黑深重的雾气迅速蔓延。 Suddenly, the nether world Emperor felt in own true body „the bone of Yellow Springs had some type to rouse with Demon Monarch demon qi, had the coffin bier to isolate entirely different from the past, immediately, the mist boundless tumbling, surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) went black completely, a suction drew lean unsteadily from side to side the people, covered the far ultra nether world Emperor own expectation of range! 突然,幽冥帝君感觉自己真身内的“黄泉之骨”与魔君魔气有了某种勾动,与以往有棺柩隔绝截然不同,顿时,雾气磅礴翻滚,方圆几千里完全陷入了黑暗,一股吸力将众人拉得东倒西歪,笼罩范围的远超幽冥帝君自己的预料! Meng Qi stopped in the safe distance, at this time also by the mist package, had a line of sight to see all dimly, twisted the uncertain disillusion, as if enters Nine Serenities truly, the mind slightly revealed fickle and impatient. 孟奇原本停在安全距离,此时亦被雾气包裹,有种视线所见皆朦朦胧胧,扭曲不定的幻灭感,仿佛真正进入了九幽,心灵略显浮躁 Illusion? Meng Qi knits the brows, Indestructible Primordial Beginning Idol of forehead pinches Origin Heart Seal secretly, in Primordial Spirit has the golden big buddha suppression, both eyes like the colored glaze, projects like the god of essence light/only, sweeps to the surroundings, penetrated the mist, penetrated dimly, looks at a arrived palatial peak, above has the sigh to transmit: 幻觉?孟奇皱了皱眉,眉心的不灭元始相暗捏元心印,元神内则有金色大佛镇压,双眼如同琉璃,射出如同实质的神光,扫向周围,穿透了雾气,穿透了昏暗,看到了一座巍峨高峰,上面有叹息传来: Unties finally difficultly, comparing broken life and death, died during meditation in this.” “解开最后疑难,勘破生死,坐化于此。” Chen Zhao protects Liu Zejun, the doubts is looking out in all directions, sound transmission said: junior sister, felt that this does look like with Ice and Snow Immortal Palace outer layer forbidden technique very much?” ( to be continued ) 陈钊护着刘泽君,疑惑四望,传音道:“师妹,有没有感觉这与冰雪仙宫外层禁法很像?”(未完待续) ps: First ~ ps:第一更~ ... ...
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