WORIOA :: Volume #4

#309: The person of Extreme North

The canyon of winding like the wound in ground, the centipede lying in the snow white white snow, has for many years not the cold ice, is reflecting the clear ray. 蜿蜒的峡谷就像地面的一条伤口,蜈蚣般“趴”在皑皑白雪之中,多有积年不化的寒冰,反射着晶莹的光芒。 Above the left side cliff wall, is standing erect two people, the leader to Great Sun, the turnover sunlight, during the breath is flowing the partly visible flame. 左侧崖壁之上,屹立着两人,为首者面向大日,吞吐阳光,呼吸间流淌着若隐若现的火焰。 His appearance is young, 20 -year-old appearances, among the facial features are hiding several points of arrogance, wears the fur hat, wears the silver-white tight-fitting long gown, under Great Sun shines, glitters the glimmer, as if is sewing by scales, the aura links up the whole body, on coincides with Great Sun, below cancels boundless of bottom deep place, the end results in out of the ordinary. 他容貌年轻,二十来岁的样子,眉眼间藏着几分倨傲,头戴皮帽,身穿银白色紧身长袍,在大日照耀下,闪烁着微光,仿佛由一块块鳞片缝制而成,气息贯通全身,上与大日相合,下勾地底深处的磅礴,端得不凡 In him behind, is the women's clothing fiery red female, the feature is fine, the youth is just abundant, is vital. 在他身后,是位衣裙火红的女子,眉目精致,青春正盛,充满活力。 senior brother, all right?” The red skirt female concern asked one. “师兄,没事吧?”红裙女子关切问了一句。 The turnover sunlight young man both eyes is slightly small, to the person is always narrowing feeling, other five senses also not outstanding places, self-confident brilliance that but in that tyrannical aura, from the heart establishing contacts , the somewhat indescribable charm, particularly captures others' attention unexpectedly. 吞吐着阳光的年轻男子双眼略小,给人始终眯着的感觉,其余五官也无出众之处,但在那股强横的气息、发自内心的自信光辉“串连”下,竟有几分难以言喻的魅力,分外吸引别人的目光。 At this time, he said with a smile slightly: „An injury, the sunrise has turned round, the south side powerhouse are really many, has not disappointed me.” 此时,他微微笑道:“一点伤势,日出已复,南边果然强者不少,没让我失望。” Red skirt female slightly honk mouth: Your what had not said that I am going south on drawing, what actually wants to make?” 红裙女子微微嘟嘴:“你什么都没说就拉着我南下,到底想做什么?” Own Senior Brother Chen Zhao is the rare talent who the Extreme North Land non- world has, has not filled 30 to promote Grandmaster, moreover practice is considered that not suitable ice cold environment, in the gate the first several generations of founders by cultivation technique that give up, until now, the promotion the full five years, had just challenged all Grandmaster outside several old monster, the not necessarily defeat, are the pride of Sect, own pride, the only flaw is extremely along with the nature, thinks that anything is anything, frequently does not give the master to confess a sound on the thorough Extreme North core, anxious. 自家师兄陈钊极北之地不世出的奇才,未满三十就已晋升宗师,而且修炼的还是被认为不适合冰寒环境,遭门中前几代祖师放弃的功法,到如今,晋升刚满五年,已挑战过几位老怪物之外的所有宗师,未尝败绩,乃门派的骄傲,自己的骄傲,唯一的缺陷就是太过随性,想到什么是什么,常常不给师父交代一声就深入极北核心,让人担忧。 This time matter is also so, oneself just closed up, consolidated Exterior Scenery realm, was being drawn by the Senior Brother, goes south hurriedly, the front section date and time, happen to bumps into several escaping Grandmaster, almost falls into the tight encirclement hopeless situation, the good opposite party is not willing to pester, is not willing to stay, is not willing to make the big sound, has to fight slightly then departs hurriedly. 这次的事情亦是如此,自己刚闭关出来,稳固了外景境界,就被师兄拉着,匆匆忙忙南下,前段时日,正好碰到几位逃亡的宗师,差点陷入重围绝境,还好对方不愿纠缠,不愿停留,不愿制造大的动静,稍有交手便匆忙离去。 Chen Zhao narrowing the eyes „ the eye, was inhaling the mouth cold cool air as before gently, said careless: „ Couldn't have looked? Brings south your out traveling, looks for the powerhouse to challenge, polishes itself.” 陈钊依旧“眯“着眼睛,轻轻吸了口冷冽凉爽的空气,漫不经心道:“还看不出来吗?带你游历南边,寻找强者挑战,打磨自身。” South out traveling, challenges the powerhouse?” The red skirt female careful eyebrow shoulders, quite somewhat is astonished, Senior Brother, this, is this not quite good?” 游历南边,挑战强者?”红裙女子细眉挑起,颇有几分讶异,“师兄,这,这不太好吧?” Since the Medieval Demon Buddha tumultuous times, the Extreme North Land sect family few person has gone south out traveling, explores mysterious and unfathomable Extreme North core there's not enough time, why bother to pester with the outside world. 中古魔佛乱世以来,极北之地宗门家族已少有人南下游历,探索神秘莫测极北核心都来不及,何苦与外界纠缠。 Naturally, has the exceptional case, but some die on the way of out traveling, some return deeply disappointed, without many good end, therefore one generation to pass on one generation, is getting more and more abundant to the south demonization, youngster regards like the viper, does not dare to go south, waits for the achievement, may be called the powerhouse, then also did not have the vitality sharp qi, rather explores Extreme North, assumes a side , elsewhere does not want to mix the matter carelessly. 当然,其中也不是没有特例,但有的死于游历途中,有的深受打击返回,没多少好下场,于是一代传一代,对南边的妖魔化越来越盛,年轻人视如蛇蝎,不敢南下,等有了成就,堪称强者,则又没了朝气锐气,宁愿探索极北,坐镇一方,也不想胡乱掺合别处之事。 Chen Zhao laughs at one: What having isn't good? What is conservative and complacent well like the old men? In our Extreme North, tossing about is not the cold frost sword and ice soul god refers, is the Yuan magnetic palm and frozen divine blade, various school of names are different, elaborated that the Martial Dao tool is different, but actually also isn't the similar thing?” 陈钊嗤笑一声:“有什么不好?像老头子们那样固步自封有什么好的?在我们极北,翻来覆去不是寒霜剑、冰魄神指,就是元磁掌、冻神刀,各家各派名称不同,阐述武道的工具不同,但实际还不是相类的玩意?” His eye closes, the face is bathing the golden yellow sunlight, with nearly sleep talking language gas channel/angrily said: Big of the world, has the livelihood galaxy, has the vast heaven, since birth the numerous wood, had vast ocean, has the thunder, has the strong winds to howl, has the Evil Demon malicious ghost, has the outset and end, is not the monotonous cold ice and a Yuan magnetism, Martial Dao also works as so, elaborated the different natural justice, by a oneself mortal body, for a side world, assumed the extraordinary splendor respectively, had the characteristics respectively, had the tyrannical place respectively.” 他眼睛闭上,脸孔沐浴着金黄阳光,用一种近乎梦呓般的语气道:“天地之大,有日月星河,有浩瀚苍天,有生繁之木,有汪洋大海,有电闪雷鸣,有狂风呼啸,有邪魔恶鬼,有起始与终结,绝非单调的寒冰和元磁,武道亦当如此,阐述不同天理,以一己肉身,代一方天地,各呈异彩,各有特点,各有强横之处。” World is vast, Martial Dao is profound, is waiting for us to go to the experience to explore, light/only thinks, makes me one's blood bubbles up to the brim.” “天地辽阔壮丽,武道深邃多样,正等着我们去见识去探索,光是想一想,就让我热血沸腾。” His junior sister and fiancee Liu Zejun also hears a little to day-dream, she can in 27 or 28-year-old break through to Exterior Scenery, the itself talent and will not lack diligently, has the strong confidence to Martial Dao. 他的师妹兼未婚妻刘泽君亦听得有点悠然神往,她能在二十七八岁就突破至外景,本身天赋和努力都不会缺,对武道还有着强烈的信心。 But south side Martial Dao is it is said prosperous, natural talent overflowing emerges one after another incessantly, our Extreme North cannot compare, before had the senior to go south the out traveling challenge, but they often suffered the serious setback to come back, some lost Martial Dao to be self-confident, left the irreparable hidden danger...... Liu Zejun still a little to worry in the mind. “可据说南边武道昌盛,天资横溢者层出不穷,非我们极北可以比拟,以前不是没有前辈南下游历挑战,但他们往往遭受严重挫折回来,有的更是失去了武道自信,于心灵内留下无法弥补的隐患……”刘泽君尚有点担忧。 The Extreme North sect family more or less with coming Extreme North searches the heavenly materials and earthly treasures Exterior Scenery powerhouse to do, making them be insufficient to know nothing to the south side, but has a smattering of knowledge is the easy self- imagination, the senior who in addition somewhat fails badly as the example, forms subconscious closing the borders and practice isolationism unavoidably. 极北宗门家族或多或少与来极北寻觅天材地宝外景强者打过交道,让他们对南边不至于一无所知,但一知半解最是容易自我想象,加上有些遭受惨败的前辈作为例子,难免形成一种下意识的闭关自守。 Chen Zhao endures handsome, turns around to look to junior sister: Your doesn't don't tell me I have the confidence to the Senior Brother?” 陈钊忍俊不住,转身看向师妹:“你难道对师兄我没有信心?” Less than 30 Grandmaster, even in the Medieval ancient book records, is not still common, but our practice cultivation technique is not incomplete does not have the oversight, is the real Dharma Body inheritance, compared with the south side, without the significant difference, such being the case, with is Grandmaster, what kind of earth-shaking disparity can also have?” “不到三十的宗师,即使在中古典籍记载里,也绝非寻常,而我们修炼功法不残缺无疏漏,乃货真价实的法身传承,与南边相比,没有显著差异,既然如此,同为宗师,又能有怎样的翻天覆地差距?” Except for that several old men, other Grandmaster can depend the skill to be deeper at most pure, realm slightly wins 12, can fight to a draw with me, big of the world, do I have where to not?” “除了那几个老头子,其余宗师顶多能仗着功力更加深厚精纯,境界略胜一二,才能和我打成平手,天下之大,我有何处去不得?” He said is confident, quite high-spirited, looks at the junior sister Liu Zejun dizzy extraordinary splendor, this is the Senior Brother most attractive place. 他说得自信十足,相当的意气风发,看得师妹刘泽君目眩异彩,这就是师兄最有魅力的地方。 Moreover I suspected the senior who in the past the those disastrous defeat turned over to was because Extreme North was conservative and complacent, has never experienced other cultivation technique, but the south side powerhouse excelled at the cold ice many with the person of Yuan magnetism, each other not deficient similar experience, therefore after primary encountering, suffers a loss, lost the confidence and imposing manner, lost steadily, returned distressedly.” Chen Zhao deep suction port gas channel/angrily said, „, but I have been ready, the beforehand meeting engagement is the evident proof.” “而且我怀疑过去那些惨败而归的前辈就是因为极北固步自封,从未见识过别的功法,而南边强者不乏擅长寒冰与元磁之人,彼此不缺乏类似经验,所以在初次遭遇后,吃了大亏,失了信心和气势,以至于屡战屡败,狼狈回返。”陈钊深吸口气道,“而我已做好准备,之前的遭遇战便是明证。” The Liu Zejun attitude transforms quickly, smile bright say/way: South natural talent overflowing, although are many, but I believe that can surpass the Senior Brother your few, even if you are unable to sweep away with the generation and person with the realm, not with the outstanding person differs too.” 刘泽君态度很快转变,笑容灿烂道:“南边天资横溢者虽多,但我相信能超过师兄你的没有几个,你纵使无法横扫同代和同境界之人,也不会与其中佼佼者相差太多。” Chen Zhao slightly nod, the sigh said: 陈钊微微点头,叹息般道: Hopes that south Jiang Hu do not disappoint me, I anticipated very much.” “希望南边江湖不要让我失望,我很期待。” The self-confidence that the powerful imposing manner, victories accumulate, lets his essence divine will unified whole, admires the feeling. 强大的气势,一次次胜利累积的自信,让他的精气神意浑然一体,给人高山仰止的感觉。 Liu Zejun is not old, the temper is also lively, after putting down the concern, yearned that the journey of going south, spoke thoughtlessly saying: And other fellow apprentices you step into the peak, we first return to Extreme North, enters Ice and Snow Immortal Palace, watches what fortuitous encounter.” 刘泽君年纪不算大,性子也活泼,放下心事后,亦向往起南下之旅,随口说道:“等师兄你踏入巅峰,我们先回极北,进入冰雪仙宫,看有什么奇遇。” Chen Zhao is just about to reply, suddenly in the heart moves, looks back to look the direction to the canyon, sees only a black clothes vigor to install men's lost/carrying blade to come, the appearance is outstanding, the imposing manner somewhat is unexpectedly similar, powerful self-confident, lets the enemy imposing manner and mind suppressed self-confidence of after being that type defeats powerful enemies, to accumulate. 陈钊正要回答,忽然心中一动,回首看向峡谷东南方向,只见一位黑衣劲装男子负刀而来,卖相出众,气势与自己竟有几分类似,都是那种战胜过一位位强敌后累积的强大自信,让敌人气势和心灵被压制的自信。 Good opponent!” His face flood joyful, cross previous step, four items of looking at each other, inner qi immediately collides, has the spark production in middle unexpectedly, was served as contrast beyond the score by the white snow bright. “好对手!”他脸泛欣喜,跨前一步,四目对视,气机顿时碰撞,在中间处竟有火花产生,被白雪衬托得分外鲜明。 Meng Qi just started to go into hiding the aura, when discovered after non- is the Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman, is then frank and upright to inquire: „Can this friend, once see these Grandmaster?” 孟奇刚开始隐匿了气息,等发现非是金帐武士和长生教萨满后,遂光明正大过来询问:“这位朋友,可曾见过这几名宗师?” The midair frost cold air/Qi gathering, congeals drawings, just like is Hass Wula and the others the appearances. 半空霜寒之气汇聚,凝结成一张张图画,俨然便是哈斯乌拉等人的样子。 Chen Zhao laughs: Has fought shortly , to know that their whereabouts, first compare notes with me, looks at you to have this qualifications.” 陈钊哈哈一笑:“才交过手没多久,若想知道他们的行踪,就先与我切磋一番,看你有没有这个资格。” Solidifies me to hope, does not dare to invite the ear.” Discovered that the opposite party with is Grandmaster, similarly has that type powerful because of self-confident, Meng Qi that the experience comes somewhat fighting intent, the right hand in the future, has grasped to the hilt, is seemingly slow, but actually filled the air to cover the surroundings probably, the Yin-Yang pasted, is difficult to know what Weiben, what Weihua, was random and solid, is unable to estimate, until gripping hilt. “固我所愿,不敢请耳。”发现对方同为宗师,同样有着那种因经历而来的强大自信,孟奇早就有几分战意,右手往后,握向刀柄,看似缓慢,但却像是弥漫覆盖了周围,阴阳流转,难知何为本,何为化,随机而实,无法测度,直到握住了刀柄。 Chen Zhao eye one bright, the pressure rises steep: Good!” 陈钊眼睛一亮,压力陡升:“好!” He is critical situation, the back appears a fireball, the fireball of unceasing polymerization and eruption flame, Great Sun arrived here probably, at the same time, his whole body acupoint opens, each acupoint as if is hiding micro Great Sun, frequently keeps spurting to be thin the terrifying ability, the body surface is covering on a light scarlet fire. 他如临大敌,背后现出一个火球,不断聚合与喷发火焰的火球,像是大日降临此处,同时,他周身窍穴打开,每一个窍穴仿佛藏着微缩大日,时刻不停地喷薄着恐怖的能力,体表覆盖上一层薄薄的赤火。 In the Meng Qi eye, Chen Zhao looked like each acupoint to light a nuclear reactor, the graces have the terrifying strength and scalding hot. 孟奇眼里,陈钊就像是每个窍穴都点燃了一个核反应炉,举手投足有着恐怖的力量和灼热。 He is good at the strength martial artist...... this aware appearing in the Meng Qi mind instantaneously. 他是擅长力量的武者……这个了悟瞬间在孟奇脑海内出现。 Very good, I also excel at the strength just in time! 很好,正巧我也擅长力量! Meng Qi extracted Wound of Heaven, the body along with the blade potential, in an instant appears in front of Chen Zhao. 孟奇抽出了天之伤,身随刀势,刹那间就出现在陈钊面前。 In the Chen Zhao hand is grasping a long stick, not fancy, the concentration of efforts of whole body acupoint in both hands, chops ruthlessly. 陈钊手中握着一根长棍,没有花俏,将周身窍穴的力量集中于双手,狠狠劈下。 Bang! 砰! The blade stick clash, has the explosion same place directly, disrupted for many years the cold ice, collapsed some escarpments, tumbled the mushroom cloud. 刀棍相击,原地直接发生爆炸,碎裂了积年寒冰,垮塌了部分崖壁,翻滚出了蘑菇云。 The body circles the flame, by the shock-wave front surface washout, Meng Qi actually did not have the unusual condition, brandishes a blade to cut again. 身绕火焰,被冲击波迎面冲刷,孟奇竟然毫无异状,再次挥刀斩出。 From is very near, is very quick, Chen Zhao absolutely does not have the means make way, can only wield the stick to resist, retreats fighting. 距离很近,速度很快,陈钊完全没办法闪开,只能挥棍招架,且战且退。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The Meng Qi stride proceeds, the blade stick collides one after another, as the explosion withdrawing of Chen Zhao, strung together the flame mushroom forest continuously. 孟奇大步往前,刀棍接连碰撞,爆炸随着陈钊的退后,串成了此起彼伏的火焰蘑菇林。 Bang, bang, bang! Escarpment collapsing, the snow melts, the air current disperses. 轰隆,轰隆,轰隆!崖壁一段段垮塌,积雪融化,气流飞散。 Two people fight quickly, as if all by the strength, the Chen Zhao war are the heart startled, this is the monster where comes, really had shivering by own both hands, giving birth the feeling that is hard to resist, the strength of mortal body is simply unthinkable. 两人交手极快,似乎全凭力量,陈钊越战越是心惊,这是哪里来的怪物,竟然让自己双手有了颤抖,生出难以招架的感觉,肉身之力简直匪夷所思。 Moreover his blade technique unusual conditions, various mysterious styles have words at fingertips and write with facility, oneself will suppress firmly, only remains the ability to parry. 而且他刀法浑然天成,各种玄奥的招式信手拈来,将自己牢牢压制,只剩招架之功。 What is more fearful, the complementary waves and flame of explosion do not seem able to harm him, but oneself receive its evil repeatedly, the imposing manner drops slowly, hits, how long could not want to lose! 更为可怕的是,爆炸的余波和火焰似乎无法伤害到他,但自身屡受其害,气势缓缓下降,这么打下去,要不了多久就输了! Really is a draft animal! Chen Zhao since finishing an apprenticeship, has run into this time enemy for the first time, clenches teeth, can only display to press the bottom method, turns around the situation, launches a counter attack. 真是头牲口!陈钊自出师以来,首次遇到这次的敌人,咬了咬牙,只能施展压箱底手段,扭转战局,转守为攻了。 Meng Qi is with overpowering momentum, proceeds fierce, the collision of not caring at all blade stick, this is the forms of combat of mortal body tyrannical most give play to advantage. 孟奇气势磅礴,凶猛往前,毫不在意刀棍的碰撞,这是肉身强横者最发挥优势的战斗方式。 The Chen Zhao back fireball first sends out the high temperature, makes the furnace domain, but Meng Qi does not eat this set, the body flood pale gold/metal, such as Gods and Buddhas arrives, therefore, the fireball proceeds to fly, drilled into Chen Zhao within the body, concentrates the whole body acupoint strength. 陈钊背后的火球最先散发高温,制造熔炉领域,但孟奇丝毫不吃这套,体泛淡金,如神佛降临,于是,火球往前一飞,钻入了陈钊体内,将周身窍穴的力量凝成一股。 Opens!” Chen Zhao exhausts the full power, wielded the copper rod, almost can tear the expansive sky. “开!”陈钊用尽全力,挥出了铜棍,几乎能撕裂长空。 The Meng Qi body also inflates, Myriad Things Return Emptiness, under the long blade chops. 孟奇身躯随之膨胀,万物返虚,长刀下劈。 Bang! The world changes colors, as if only black and white, figure flies upside down together, the fingers/tiger mouth bleeds, is Chen Zhao. 轰隆!天地失色,仿佛只余黑白,一道身影倒飞出去,虎口流血,正是陈钊 Meng Qi when questioned, the distant place had the meteor to leap up suddenly. 孟奇正待问话,远处忽有流星蹿起。 Requesting reinforcements signal! 求援信号! Chen Zhao is filled with frustrate, stands firm figure, bright sound said: Your excellency honored name? I am Extreme North......” 陈钊满心挫败,稳住身形,朗声道:“阁下尊姓大名?我乃极北……” Finishes barely the words, he sees the black clothes vigor to install the man to disappear in same place, flies to escape in Northeast. 话音未落,他就看见黑衣劲装男子消失在原地,飞遁往东北方向。 I am Extreme North Chen Zhao......” Chen Zhao expression lifeless, muttering, the look is somewhat painful, is somewhat frantic. “我乃极北陈钊……”陈钊表情呆滞,喃喃自语,神色有几分痛苦,又有几分狂热。 With the past! 跟过去!
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