WORIOA :: Volume #4

#308: The territory of imaginary demon

How should we do?” In the gloom of weak ray, Hass Wula has not intertwined other matter, asked straightforwardly. <-, “那我们该怎么做?”只有微弱光芒的阴暗之中,哈斯乌拉没纠结别的事情,直截了当问道。←, In nearby counter-attack is Impermanence of Life and Death Sect Sect Master nether world Emperor proposition, he naturally must ravel the concrete plan and taking advantage. 在附近反击是生死无常宗宗主“幽冥帝君”的提议,他自然得弄明白具体的计划和依仗。 The blood yellow mist tumbles, is making a sound indistinct sound of water of as if from another world, under the invisible strength influence, they twists the creeping motion, formed a map gradually, marks a map of surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) virgin forest, the frozen earth cold lake and mountains water current. 血黄色雾气翻滚,响着仿佛来自另外一个世界的飘渺水声,在无形之力影响下,它们扭曲蠕动,渐渐形成了一张地图,标识着方圆万里原始森林、冻土寒湖和山川水流的地图。 Specially the map northerly position, causes red, is the intersection point of here dense/woods Yoichi Hayashi place ten thousand years of frozen lake. 地图偏北位置,有一个特意弄出的红点,正是此处森林与一座万年冻湖的交汇处。 There is hiding Secret Realm, was the antiquity Demon Monarch dives last years the place of cultivating.” The voice of nether world Emperor is faint and gloomy and cold. “那里隐藏着一个秘境,乃上古末年魔君潜修之处。”幽冥帝君的声音淡漠而阴冷。 Demon Monarch?” Hass Wula has listened to this reputation, was the antiquity the legendary legend, after Demon Lord falls from the sky last years the Demon Sovereign's Claw master, grew from the Human Clan base and low slave for Devil Path Supreme step by step. 魔君?”哈斯乌拉听过这个名头,是上古末年赫赫有名的传奇,魔主陨落之后的魔皇爪主人,从人族卑微奴隶一步步成长为了魔道大能 When he is prosperous, Nine Serenities already from hidden, without the backing, closes right up against itself, in Monster Saint and Human Sovereign crevice, drew in large quantities of residual Evil Demon malicious ghosts forcefully, and to great wisdom transform Human Clan also to be able their bloodlines cultivation technique certainly practice divine art. 他鼎盛时,九幽已经自隐,没有后援,靠着自身,在妖圣人皇的夹缝里,硬生生收拢了大批残留的邪魔恶鬼,并以绝大智慧将它们的血脉功法改造成人族也能修炼神功 But Human Clan Demon Sect from now on the beginning, some people then divide the good and evil, is difficult to eradicate! 人族魔门自此而始,有人便分善恶,再难根除! Present Evil Demon Unorthodox Path, except for Luoism, Lust Path wait/etc., presents Demon Monarch is the Devil Path beginning lord, Heaven Extinguishing Gate, Bloodstained Church, No Benevolence Building, Asura Temple and Impermanence of Life and Death Sect wait/etc. traced upward, has the complicated relations with Primordial Devil Dao that” Demon Monarch establishes, some are the process splits up or the inheritance comes occasionally, when some are Devil Path cultivation technique that practice Demon Monarch transforms, had the relation with Nine Serenities Supreme that in the darkness corresponds, therefore is independent. 如今的邪魔左道,除了罗教**道等,都奉魔君魔道始主,灭天门血衣教不仁楼修罗寺生死无常宗等往上追溯,都与魔君创立的“原始魔道”有着千丝万缕的关系,有的是经过分化或偶得传承而来,有的是修炼魔君改造的魔道功法时,与冥冥中对应的九幽大能有了联系,于是独立出来。 But such Devil Path beginning Lord as before difficult escaping world changes, it is said long-lived completely died during meditation before Medieval, from him in the future, the Demon Sovereign's Claw master cannot reach so the altitude again, last perishes together with some barely managing to maintain a feeble existence Supreme. 但这样的魔道始主依旧难逃天地之变,据说寿尽坐化中古之前,自他往后,魔皇爪的主人再没能达到如此高度,最后一任更是与某位苟延残喘的大能同归于尽。 Cannot think that such great person does have to dive to cultivate/repair Ksitigarbha in the icefield? Golden Horde warriors have all been shocked and earnest. 想不到这样的大人物有潜修之地藏于冰原?一位位金帐武士皆有所震惊和热切。 The coffin bier is deep. The nether world Emperor said: This, although has had several calamities of inheritance cutting off, but is hiding hidden secret and cultivation technique place relative secret, preserves quite completely, can therefore know Demon Monarch to dive the place of cultivating.” 棺柩深沉。幽冥帝君道:“本门虽然有过几次传承断绝之祸,但藏着秘辛功法的地方相对隐秘,保存较为完好,故而能知魔君潜修之地。” There has no thing to preserve, when has Demon Monarch to deliberate and train the cultivation technique trace to at most to supply to comprehend, but if opens Secret Realm, and by the secret technique guidance, demon qi will gush out, the instantaneous influence surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) world rule, evolves the territory of imaginary demon. The isolation spirit and makes all sorts of illusion.” “那里没什么事物留存,顶多有魔君推敲和演练功法时的痕迹可供参悟,但若打开秘境,并以秘法引导,魔气将会涌出,瞬间影响方圆几百里的天地规则,衍化出幻魔之域。隔绝精神并制造种种幻境。” When the time comes, guides 1-2 Grandmaster hence, making them have the opportunity to request reinforcements, when other Grandmaster approach, opens Secret Realm, separates them by the territory of imaginary demon, then we again by ‚the numerous ice widowed, all defeats, finally copes with Huamei Villa Ye Yuqi. She has the Lu Da token in the body, must whole-heartedly, make full use of the imaginary territory, is likely to capture alive.” “到时候,先引1-2宗师至此,让他们有机会求援,等到其余宗师来临,就打开秘境,以幻魔之域将他们分隔,然后我们再以‘众’凌‘寡’,个个击破,最后对付画眉山庄叶玉琦。她有陆大的令牌在身,必须全力以赴,充分利用幻域,才有望生擒。” Hass Wula calmly listens. Thought that successful possibly big, the generation of opposite party non- making a debut, will definitely prevent itself and the others counter-attacks, the initial plan is also the set strength. Before other Grandmaster catch up aids, strikes to kill or capture alive 1-2 Grandmaster, hits the painful opposite party. Let them not dare to divide forces to search again, does not dare to force again in excess, thus thoroughly gets rid of the pursuing troops, now has the victory that Demon Monarch Secret Realm this opposite party was unexpected to cross the hands behind the back, as if can exit|to speak the foul odor ruthlessly, the heavily damaged Central Plain influence, resumes the little balances the Grandmaster level powerhouse's contrast, and air/Qi Mister Lu Da, had better be able be mad him to overstate. 哈斯乌拉静静听完。觉得成功可能不小,对方非初出茅庐之辈,肯定会预防自己等人的反扑,最初的打算也就是集合力量。在其余宗师赶来援助前,击杀或生擒1-2宗师,打痛对方。让他们不敢再分兵搜索,不敢再逼迫过甚,从而彻底摆脱追兵,如今有了魔君秘境这对方始料未及的胜负手,似乎能狠狠出口恶气,重创中原势力,将宗师级强者的对比恢复少许平衡,并气一气陆大先生,最好能气得他走火入魔。 No wonder the Emperor proposed that counter-attacks in the nearby.” Hass Wula sighed, „the opposite party is powerful, Grandmaster quantity far superegos, to swallow, must prepare complete, the troublesome Emperor leads us first to have a look at Secret Realm.” “难怪帝君提议在附近反击。”哈斯乌拉叹息了一声,“不过对方实力强大,宗师数量远超我们,要想一口吞下,必须得做好周全准备,麻烦帝君带我们先看看秘境。” The nether world Emperor had not said, the coffin bier flies, the cold wind rises from all directions, goes toward north. 幽冥帝君没有多说,棺柩飞去,阴风四起,往北而去。 Hass Wula looks to several other Grandmaster, secret sound transmission said: Under, no matter the nether world Emperor has anything to request, we cannot separate. Bright Grandmaster ** does not divide is just evil, does not divide the prairie or the Central Plain, guards against under him the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator.” 哈斯乌拉看向其余几位宗师,秘密传音道:“等下不管幽冥帝君有什么要求,我们都不能分开。鲜活的宗师**不分正邪,不分草原还是中原,提防他下黑手。” Coped with several stray cur to be possible provoking can bring in the Dharma Body expert Righteous Path influence more cost-effective than momentarily, Hass Wula believes that if not oneself one line of five Grandmaster, and took divine armament to shoot day bow, keeping nearly the nether world Emperor of loner from easily working, he will not choose the cooperation absolutely, but was direct selection, therefore, separated the action to bring about own destruction! 对付几条“丧家之犬”可比招惹随时能引来法身高人正道势力划算多了,哈斯乌拉相信,若非自己一行共五位宗师,且拿着神兵“射日弓”,让近乎孤家寡人的幽冥帝君无法轻易得逞,他绝对不会选择合作,而是直接“取材”,所以,分开行动是自寻死路! The Golden Horde warriors of Grandmaster level will not lack the experience, heard that said inwardly to nod, tightened the heartstrings. 宗师级的金帐武士都不会缺乏经验,闻言暗自点头,绷紧了心弦。 Hass Wula looked that they a little are anxious and anxious, haha said with a smile in sound transmission: Does not need extremely to be worried, Impermanence of Life and Death Sect lost for these years seriously, Grandmaster only remains one, but must guard headquarters, so as to avoid the living corpse revolts, now his Great Grandmaster and several living corpses, cannot do to us!” 哈斯乌拉看他们都有点紧张和不安,于传音里哈哈笑道:“不用太过担心,生死无常宗这几年损失惨重,宗师只剩一位,还得看守总坛,免得活死人造反,如今他一个大宗师和几名活死人,奈何不得我们!” He has divine armament, we have!” “他有神兵,我们也有!” Golden Horde warrior one after another aspirates, truly, Impermanence of Life and Death Sect already arrived must with fresh/live Grandmaster ** promotes 6th Heavenly Layer Top-Class Expert the situation of forcefully, but unusually promoting, does not need to dread like before again. 金帐武士纷纷吐了口气,确实,生死无常宗已经到了必须用鲜活宗师**强行提升六重天绝顶高手而非正常晋升的地步,无需再像以前那样畏惧。 Their methods, with the coffin bier that the blood yellow mist packages toward north, the distance maintains is not near, not by divine armament sudden attacks covers completely, can aid the companion fast. 他们各施手段,跟着血黄雾气包裹的棺柩往北,彼此间的距离保持得不远不近,既不会被神兵的突然打击全部覆盖,也能快速援助同伴。 ............ ………… The icefield clan and tribe hunters who several are binding the fur are ambushing the vanguard cautiously, is surrounding the prey from four positions. 几个裹着毛皮的冰原部族猎人正小心翼翼潜伏前行,从四个位置包围着猎物。 Their there are both men and women, is the generation of muscle solid or hidden unusual explosive force, some are raising the lance of cold light twinkle, some are emptying both hands, including two youngster, a man and a woman, are relatively thin, is delicate-looking, is completely curious, seems like follows the elder to go hunting to exercise own clan and tribe younger generation outstanding person. 他们有男有女,皆是肌肉结实或暗藏超凡爆发力之辈,有的提着寒光闪烁的长矛,有的空着双手,其中有两名少年,一男一女,相对瘦削,面容清秀,满是好奇,似乎是跟随长辈打猎以锻炼自身的部族年轻一代佼佼者。 The prey in surrounding is the silver scale big python, the bucket is thick or thin, over ten zhang (3.33 m), each scale has palm of the hand size, is sending out the faint trace cold air, with covering the trees of white snow was enhancing one another's beauty. 包围中的猎物是条银鳞大蟒,水桶粗细,十丈以上,每块鳞片都有巴掌大小,散发着丝丝寒气,与覆盖着白雪的树木等交相辉映。 It is spitting the bright red core, two dark red eyes show indifferent brutal meaning, is gobbling up a mountain goat leisurely and carefree, is violating the custom of ophidia hibernation, has not detected approaching of danger slightly. 它吐着鲜红的芯子,两只暗红眼睛透出冷漠残酷的意味,正悠闲地吞吃着一只雪羊,违背着蛇类冬眠的习惯,丝毫没察觉到危险的临近。 Suddenly, a lance flies, if quickly meteor, dark red of straight thrust silver scale big python back seven cuns (2.5 cm) places. 突然,一根长矛飞来,快若流星,直刺这条银鳞大蟒背部七寸处的一圈暗红。 When! The silver scale big python moved a body unhurriedly, that lance hitting a target body, such as strikes gold/metal iron, the pale pale mark has not stayed behind continually. 当!银鳞大蟒不慌不忙挪动了一下身体,那根长矛射中躯体,如击金铁,连淡淡白痕都没有留下。 It is suddenly straight half-length, the head clear ray twinkle, a small bulge grows slowly, opens the mouth to spurt, without venom, but is the cold current. 它忽地直起半身,头部晶莹光芒闪烁,一个微小的凸起徐徐长出,开口一喷,没有毒液,而是寒流。 A hunter was spouted by the cold current directly, the skin spills over blue, swiftly condenses the ice sculpture, does not have a vitality/angry again. 啪,一位猎人直接被寒流喷出,皮肤泛出淡蓝,迅速凝聚成冰雕,再无一丝生气。 Oh no, this silver python just degenerates!” The experience richest hunter turns around without hesitation, is raising the lance single-handedly, is drawing the daughter single-handedly, planned that flees this place with the aid of the giant trees. “糟糕,这条银蟒刚好蜕化!”经验最为丰富的猎人毫不犹豫转身,一手提着长矛,一手拉着自家女儿,打算借助巨大的树木逃离此地。 At this moment, the silver python exudes the dragon roar cry, the mouth opens, all around air current tumbles, the investment in the past, the trees simultaneous/uniform root broke, the hunters also body lord backed up, a piece flurried the scene of cataclysm. 就在这时,银蟒发出龙吟般的叫声,嘴巴张开,四周气流翻滚,投入过去,树木齐根断折,连带的猎人们也身不由主倒退,一片慌乱又灾变的场景。 Both sides already had the day and place disparity! 双方已经有了天与地般的差距! In the 15 or 16 years old boy heart terrified exceptionally, only thinks the fishy smell to greet the nostrils, snake mouth is fierce, cannot bear the whole body tremble. 十五六岁的男孩心中惶恐异常,只觉腥味扑鼻,蛇口狰狞,忍不住浑身发颤。 Is this Desolate Beast after to exuviate? Simply was the snake god! The desperate sentiment arises spontaneously in him. 这就是蜕化后的荒兽?简直是蛇神了!绝望之情在他心里油然而生。 At this time, he saw opposite to walk the man who a black clothes vigor installed, the back is losing an exaggerating long blade. 这时,他看见对面走来一位黑衣劲装的男子,背后负着一口夸张的长刀。 He draws out the long blade, proceeds to cut slowly, all around becomes dim, if there is a distortion, the silver python flies immediately, threw, welcomed on own initiative to the long blade. 他拔出长刀,缓慢往前一斩,四周变得昏暗,如有扭曲,银蟒当即飞起,投了过去,主动迎向长刀。 Silent, the silver python divides into two, in the flesh is jumping the electric light. 无声无息,银蟒一分为二,血肉里跳跃着电光。 „Can you once see these people? Discovery unusual trace?” The young boy is dull, listening to the black clothes man to question, has not recovered. “你们可曾见过这些人?或者发现异常的痕迹?”小男孩呆呆傻傻,听着黑衣男子问话,尚未回过神来。 The opposite party appearance is delicate and pretty, has the significant difference from people of the clan and tribe, is Mo Fei/could it be that the powerhouse who in south ancient empire the elder said? Can the powerhouse of flying escaping place? 对方容貌俊美,与自己部族之人有着明显区别,莫非是长老说的南方古老帝国的强者?能飞天遁地的强者? The relaxed blade massacred that fearful silver python! 轻松一刀就杀掉了那可怕的银蟒! The hunter leader is breathing heavily, quite the lingering fear, first apologized to the Meng Qi life-saving efforts, recalled: In early morning, we discovered that path nearby prey to north ice lake was all exposed.” 猎人首领喘着粗气,颇为后怕,先谢过孟奇救命之恩,才回忆道:“就在清晨,我们发现通往北边一处冰湖的道路附近的猎物全都跑光了。” Right, the child discovered that the northwest ice valley once had the person's shadow to flash through, but also thinks that is haunted.” “对了,还有孩子发现西北的冰谷曾经有人影闪过,还以为闹鬼。” Two traces, don't tell me not only then Hass Wula one group?” Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, where calculates is first going. “两处痕迹,难道不仅仅只有哈斯乌拉一伙?”孟奇微微皱眉,盘算着先去哪里。 Thinks, the custom elects left, comes him who to prepare first to go to the northwest ice valley by south. 想了想,习惯选左,由南而来的他准备先去西北冰谷。 Looks that the tall and straight black back vanishes in the forest, the boy and girls are clenching teeth, are being in a daze, can oneself become such powerhouse, sways pleasant except fearful Desolate Beast? 看着挺拔的黑色背影消失在森林里,男孩和女孩都咬着牙,发着呆,自己能不能成为这样的强者,挥洒如意就除去可怕荒兽 don't tell me treats for a lifetime in the clan and tribe, never dares to penetrate the icefield, doesn't dare to go to other places to have a look?( To be continued......) 难道一辈子就待在部族里,永远不敢深入冰原,不敢去其他地方看看?(未完待续……) ps: Today first, second before dawn, will start to make up tomorrow, asked recommendation ticket ~ ps:今天第一更,第二更还是凌晨,明天开始补更,求推荐票~ Right, the cuttlefish that beyond WeChat public number already Ao Shufan Chapter 2, the search likes diving can see. 对了,微信公众号已经奥术番外第二章,搜索爱潜水的乌贼就能看到。
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