WORIOA :: Volume #4

#307: Makes the good friends( Monday asked recommendation ticket)

Has entered the late autumn, the green grass yellowing, the big piece dry sea is magnificent, walks toward north again, the weeds were thin gradually, were many snow of coverage, were many trees of the thick Changqing, they linked up into a single stretch a virgin forest, the surrounding area all surpass the thousand li (500 km), extended broadly, the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, formed the boundless forest snowfield. ¤, 已入深秋,青草泛黄,大片枯海壮观无比,再往北走,野草渐稀,多了覆盖的积雪,多了一株株粗大的长青之树,它们连成一片片原始森林,方圆皆超过千里,广阔延绵,枝繁叶茂,形成了林海雪原。¤, A virgin forest edge, the ground white snow trod out the muddy feeling, seems frequently crowded. 一片原始森林边缘,地面白雪被踩出了泥泞感,似乎经常人来人往。 Here not did not have the place of habitation, has conceals in remote mountains and ancient forests and clan and tribe of icefield tunnel, even many Martial Dao cultivator, they often excel at ice cold cultivation technique, to going south does not have any interest, only likes exploring Extreme North, nearly isolates with the Central Plain martial arts world, if not the common Exterior Scenery powerhouse flies to the icefield Arctic Ocean and Extreme North place of searches the heavenly materials and earthly treasures and other thing of refiner refine the pill of immortality, feared that does not know their existences. 这里并非了无人烟之地,多有藏于深山老林、冰原地洞的部族,甚至不乏武道修士,他们往往擅长冰寒功法,对南下没有任何兴趣,只喜欢探索极北,与中原武林近乎隔绝,若非常有外景强者飞往冰原冰洋和极北之处寻觅天材地宝等炼器炼丹之物,怕是都不知晓他们的存在。 At this time, in the muddy white snow is standing ten imposing manner out of the ordinary men and women, they seem like that the foot steps in the spot, but if carefully observes, will discover that their soles and product snow ice dregs have the gaps of 2-3 papers, is nothing more or less, floats exactly spatially. 此时,泥泞白雪上站着十来位气势不凡的男男女女,他们看似脚踩实地,但若仔细观察,会发现他们的脚底与积雪冰渣有2-3层纸的间隔,不多不少,恰好浮空。 The leader is the position wears the mature female of lilac women's clothing, the facial features clear water has the cotton rose, the hair is thick, the stature selects high, is Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi, the surroundings have simple and elegant beautiful thousand Bodhisattva bright law, eyebrow sword grim rope soul causes He Xiu, is Grandmaster. 为首者是位身穿藕色衣裙的成熟女子,面容似清水出芙蓉,头发浓密,身材高挑,正是“寒冰仙子叶玉琦,周围还有清雅秀丽的“千手菩萨”明法,眉毛似剑的“冷面索魂使”何休,皆是宗师 Suddenly, their hearts have a feeling, at the same time look to the south side, sees only in the snowy area to walk the man who a black clothes vigor installs slowly, wears the heroic turban, shoulders the long blade, the stature is tall and straight, such as mountain Ruyue, the imposing manner sinking coagulation accumulates the feeling of increasing slowly. 忽然,他们心有所感,同时望向南边,只见雪地里缓缓走来一位黑衣劲装的男子,头戴英雄巾,背负长刀,身材挺拔,如山如岳,给人气势沉凝并缓缓累积攀升的感觉。 He leads the way step by step, gentle and heavy with saving, but is almost 2-3 breath, on the arrived people in front, slow, but is not slow, filled being out of sorts, causes several strength bad Grandmaster little dizziness. 他一步一步前行,和缓与沉重同存,但几乎是2-3个呼吸,就到了众人面前,“缓”而不慢,充满了违和,引得几位实力较差的宗师少许眩晕。 Crazy Blade Su Meng front section date and time ranking hurricane, really somewhat ability. Under the great reputation does not have the person with reputation but no real merit...... many to see the Meng Qi's Grandmaster innermost feelings to arise spontaneously initially such thought. 狂刀苏孟前段时日排名狂飙,果然有几分能耐。盛名之下无虚士……好些个初见孟奇的宗师内心油然而生这样的念头。 Person arrived in full. Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi looked at Meng Qi one slightly unreachable, the black eyebrow frowned, discovered that his imposing manner and passing had little different, was more self-confident, as if dared to face among the world any enemy. “人到齐了。寒冰仙子叶玉琦看了孟奇一眼,黛眉微不可及一颦,发现他的气势与过往有少许不同,更加自信,似乎敢于面对天下间任何敌人。 Except Great Grandmaster Ye Yuqi, altogether 13 Grandmaster on the scene, the personnel who can gather temporarily, other Grandmaster must track down other team, is unable to come. 除开大宗师叶玉琦,在场一共十三位宗师,是暂时能够聚集的人员,其余宗师还得追寻别的队伍,无法过来。 Salutes upon meeting submissively, after reporting the name, mutually. Meng Qi pulls out a thing directly, gives Eastern Sea Sword Villa grim rope soul to cause He Xiu. 拱手见礼,互报姓名后。孟奇直接掏出一物,递给东海剑庄“冷面索魂使”何休 This resembles the dark blue near black token of short-sword non- short-sword together, above draws is carving the vivid and lifelike strange insect, their as if is still wriggling. 这是一块似短剑非短剑的深蓝近黑令牌,上面绘刻着栩栩如生的诡异虫子,它们仿佛还在蠕动。 Sword gu rune/symbol Ling!” Always He Xiu of grim Lengkou blurted out, in vision hidden shock. “剑蛊符令!”向来冷面冷口的何休脱口而出,目光里暗藏震惊。 This is the thing of Eastern Sea Sword Villa with hardship pressing for payment, did not have part that sword gu lineage/vein carry off nameless sword on conceals in inside, the bystander is unobservable. 这是东海剑庄苦苦追索之物,被“无相剑蛊”一脉带走的部分“无名剑经”就藏在里面,外人难以察觉。 The sword after has obtained respectively, losing some scrip­tures is not big to various lineage/vein disciple practice issues, especially He this lineage/vein. cultivation technique improves gradually, does not need to absorb other thing from sword again, but was complete did not have, to the initial sword after manor lord He Qi that having deeply realized from experience. Conforms with sword of major branch veins again, returns this turns over to beginning, helping him explore the following path. 剑经各有所得,失去这部分经文对各脉弟子修炼问题不大,尤其何家这一脉。功法渐渐完善,无需再从“剑经”里汲取其他东西了,但于圆满了“无相”,对最初的剑经有了更深体悟的庄主何七而言。重新再整合各大支脉的剑经,返本归初,有助于他探索接下来的道路。 Moreover, sword gu rune/symbol Ling after many generations of cultivations. Only almost can degenerate is divine armament, becomes the thing of town/subdues village. 而且,剑蛊符令历经多代培育。只差一点就能蜕化为神兵,成为镇庄之物。 It far exceeds its surface value to the Eastern Sea Sword Villa hidden value absolutely, from village lord. Everyone then quick, but Gao Ganyuan is Grandmaster for many years, cultivation technique is special, grasps this might to exceed the divine armament principal thing, so long as does not bump into He Qi directly, others, could not be victorious can also escape, wants to capture this treasure, far more than difficulty two characters can describe. 它对东海剑庄的隐藏价值绝对远超它表面的价值,自庄主以下。人人得之而后快,可高乾元乃积年宗师,功法特异,又手持这威力胜过神兵主材之物,只要不直接碰上何七,其余人等,打不过亦能逃掉,想要夺取这件宝贝,何止“困难”二字能够形容。 Meng Qi nods gently: Gao Ganyuan has suffered extreme penalty.” 孟奇轻轻点头:“高乾元已然伏诛。” Dies under your blade?” He Xiu asked one subconsciously. “死于你之刀下?”何休下意识反问了一句。 He knows that the Gao Ganyuan strength and cultivation technique, learn suddenly his death news, a little cannot believe that if the speaker is Cold Ice Fairy Maiden is good, but this is also in the Grandmaster level Crazy Blade Su Meng, does not have the division of big realm with Gao Ganyuan. 他知道高乾元实力和功法,乍闻他的死讯,有点不敢相信,若说话者乃寒冰仙子还好,可这是还在宗师层次的“狂刀苏孟,与高乾元没有大境界之分。 He has the hidden danger, main dependence sword gu symbol command strength, has not had the relations that similar life junction cultivates with it, has the flaw, found the opportunity, is not difficult to exterminate.” Meng Qi briefly replied, said somewhat is very relaxed. “他身有隐患,主要依赖‘剑蛊符令’之力,又没与它存在类似性命交修的关系,多有破绽,找到机会,不难诛灭。”孟奇简短回答了一句,说得很有几分轻松。 Useless Touch of Karma?” He Xiu knows what Meng Qi is strongest is the blade of non-solution, at the beginning, thought that his weaponry this cuts Gao Ganyuan that kills, but listens to the meaning in opposite party words, was found the flaw to go well? “没用沾因果?”何休知道孟奇最强的是无解之刀,开始时,觉得他仗此斩杀的高乾元,但听对方话里的意思,是找到破绽得手? Meng Qi smiles: Kills his what needs Touch of Karma, braves risk that perishes together?” 孟奇笑了笑:“杀他何需沾因果,冒同归于尽的风险?” Only then, what other Grandmaster clarified two people to say was anything, Crazy Blade Su Meng exterminated nine fingers of blue blood Gao Ganyuan, cut to kill Grandmaster! 直到此时,其他宗师才弄清楚两人说的是什么事情,“狂刀苏孟诛灭了九指蓝血高乾元,又斩杀了一位宗师 Their thought fluctuates, unexpectedly some are unable to open the mouth, although arrived Grandmaster this level, who to own strength not confidence, when the bitter experience is unable to use the normal realm weight strength the anomaly, vibrates unavoidably. 他们念头起伏,竟有些无法开口,虽然到了宗师这个层次,谁会对自家实力没点信心,可遭遇无法用正常境界衡量战力的变态时,还是难免震动。 Grandmaster realm, cultivation technique, experience, the Dharma Body style and Top Grade treasured armament wait/etc. all lacked, has beyond the domain, is various Great Sects props, will often continue for a long time to decide the half a loaf of Kung-fu victory and defeat with the fight of 1st Heavenly Layer very much, will want to strike to kill or capture alive the opposite party, will be difficult. 宗师境界功法、经验、法身招式和极品宝兵等无一不缺,更有身外领域,是各大门派的支柱,同一重天的战斗往往持续很久才会分出一招半式的胜负,想要击杀或生擒对方,非常困难。 Presents so many Grandmaster, has preys on Grandmaster experience other number of insufficiency five fingers one-on-one, the process is very either dangerous, is very either winding, basically only then such 1-2 times. 在场这么多位宗师,有单对单搏杀另外宗师经历的不足五指之数,过程要么很危险,要么很曲折,基本只有那么1-2。 But Crazy Blade Su Meng, since promoting Grandmaster, does not raise provokes the internal strife to profit the matter, light/only captures alive extremely wicked Heavenly Demon, a blade cuts to kill Crying Old Man, makes many Grandmaster look askance, now adds the score newly, exterminates with ease nine fingers of blue blood Gao Ganyuan. 而“狂刀苏孟,自晋升宗师以来,不提挑动内讧得利之事,光生擒“极恶天魔”,一刀斩杀“哭老人”,就让诸多宗师为之侧目,现在则又新添战绩,轻松诛灭九指蓝血高乾元 Now looks at Crazy Blade again, several have facing the feeling of Great Grandmaster! 如今再看“狂刀”,几有面对大宗师之感! They do not know sword gu symbol command value, otherwise surprised will not stop in this. 他们并不知道“剑蛊符令”的价值,否则惊讶不会止于此。 He Xiu looks at Meng Qi hands front sword gu symbol command, not hesitant, not modest, receives, said seriously: This must have the generous reward.” 何休看着孟奇递到面前的“剑蛊符令”,没有犹豫,没有谦虚,接了过来,郑重道:“本门必有厚报。” Meng Qi the treasure whole body, Virtuous Merit had not worried, divine armament will soon succeed in obtaining, what cared makes good friends, in the future when facing is unable easily take action Supreme, can many Human Immortal boost, can brave the huge dangerous help as for He Qi, that looked how purely he chose, oneself will not demand, only hits to relate with every effort, therefore shows a faint smile: Convenient matter, said that what returns? In the future some, if has difficult, the sword village will see somebody in danger and do nothing?” 孟奇早就宝物满身,善功不愁,神兵即将到手,在乎的是结个善缘,日后面对无法轻易出手大能时,能多个人仙助力,至于何七会不会冒天大危险帮忙,那就纯粹看他自身怎么选择了,自己不会强求,只尽力打好关系,因此微微一笑:“顺手之事,说什么回报?日后某若有难,剑庄会见死不救?” He Xiu said categorically: Your matter is the matter of sword village.” 何休斩钉截铁道:“你之事便是剑庄之事。” He as Grandmaster, resulted in the person to present sword gu symbol command, had the qualifications to replace sect to do this time answers. 他身为宗师,得人馈赠了“剑蛊符令”,自有资格代替宗门做此回答。 Onlooking Grandmaster peeps sword gu symbol command from the He Xiu attitude the value, could see what Meng Qi thinks is hits the friendship, obtaining enlightenment helps, but cannot bear dark to praise one voice, facing so precious treasure, whose not beginning greedy heart, moreover at that time also did not have the bystander to know, has sole possession of as if conforms to the human nature, Crazy Blade Su Meng can make this choice, is seriously frank, is generous in aiding others, does not lose the hero name. 旁观的宗师们从何休的态度窥出了“剑蛊符令”的价值,也看得出孟奇想的是打好交情,得道者多助,但还是忍不住暗赞一声,面对如此珍贵的宝物,谁不会起点贪婪之心,而且当时又无外人知晓,独吞似乎更符合人性,“狂刀苏孟能做此选择,当真光明磊落,仗义疏财,不负侠名。 Ye Yuqi nods quietly, opens the mouth saying: Had the icefield clan and tribe to discover in the nearby the Hass Wula and other Golden Horde warrior of the traces, at least five Grandmaster, they submerged the jungle, does not know where wants to flee.” 叶玉琦悄悄点头,开口道:“有冰原部族在附近发现了哈斯乌拉等金帐武士的踪影,至少五位宗师,他们潜入了密林,不知想逃往何方。” She talked about the matter briefly and to the point. 她言简意赅将事情讲了一遍。 The upper air has not covered up, many Top-Class Expert and Grandmaster divine ability is the mental perception and Heavenly Eye wait/etc., therefore escapes generally, except for pulling open the stage of distance, will choose to draw close to the ground, or the fire escapes, either the earth escapes, either flees from within the water the wood to escape, in brief, covered up the whereabouts with the aid of the terrain, forest, rock, so as to avoid took in everything at a glance by the opposite party, Hass Wula and the others example. 高空没有遮掩,不少绝顶高手宗师神通又是慧眼和天眼通等,所以大凡逃跑,除了拉开距离的阶段,都会选择贴近地面,或火遁,或土遁,或水遁木遁,总之,借助地形、林木、岩石等遮掩行踪,免得被对方一览无遗,哈斯乌拉等人正是例子。 Our 2-3 people of one group, nearby the search, searches the multithreading separately.” A Grandmaster proposition of Ge Zhou Cui Family said, Hass Wula and the others in escaping, is unsuitable to silence a witness of crime, that will leave behind more trails, could obtain more news from the people of mouth clan and tribe.” “我们2-3人一组,分头搜索附近,寻觅更多线索。”一位葛州崔家宗师提议道,“哈斯乌拉等人处在逃亡之中,不便杀人灭口,那会留下更多踪迹,或许能从部族之民口中得到更多消息。” Ye Yuqi observes the situation one saying: Prepares to contact and thing of praying for rescue, preventing Hass Wula and the others to counter-attack.” 叶玉琦环视一圈道:“准备好联络和求救之物,防止哈斯乌拉等人反扑。” When escaping turn around strikes is the common matter, cannot be careless. 逃亡时反身一击是常有之事,不能疏忽大意。 Has the contact and praying for rescue thing of does not raise, without preparation Meng Qi and the others of resulted in other Grandmaster to present, in any case is not priceless item. 有联络和求救之物的不提,没准备的孟奇等人得了其他宗师馈赠,反正也不是价值连城的物品 When grouping, Meng Qi thinks, said directly: Some custom handles affairs alone, a person is responsible for a side.” 分组之时,孟奇想了想,直接道:“某习惯独自行事,还是一个人负责一方。” Own cultivation technique secret are too many, after obtaining the Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter general outlines and nine seal five, their functions are already and Eight-Nine Mysterious Art keep pace, if not use, the strength display will be big to the discount, is no use to achieving mastery through a comprehensive study, unified whole, therefore, meets the danger situation, very difficult not to use, such being the case, is the independent person of comfortableness, the enemy can eliminate a potential informant, the teammate is not good. 自己功法隐秘太多,得到元始金章总纲和九印之五后,它们的作用更是已经**玄功并驾齐驱,若不使用,实力发挥将大到折扣,无助于融会贯通,浑然一体,所以,遇到危险状况,很难不用,既然如此,还是单独一人自在,敌人可以灭口,队友可不行。 Also, had in the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art situation, so long as careful, only if the opposite had Dharma Body to cover up Heaven's Mystery, otherwise was not quite easy to fall into a trap, but ran into the Dharma Body enemy, having the teammate was nondistinctive. 再说,身怀**玄功的情况下,只要自己小心谨慎,除非对面有法身遮掩天机,否则不太容易落入陷阱,而遇到法身敌人,有没有队友毫无区别。 Ye Yuqi knows his hidden secret to be extremely numerous, has not waited for others to open the mouth, immediately said: Ok.” 叶玉琦知他秘辛极多,没等其他人开口,当即道:“可以。” Quick, groups, rushes to the different virgin forests respectively. 很快,分组完毕,各自奔向不同的原始森林。 ............ ………… Was camouflaged the sunlight gloomy place by the lofty tree, Golden Horde warrior leader Hass Wula deep pool ting Yue Zhiban sat on a giant stone, injury already recovers, the right hand grips tightly the fist, looks to the surroundings: It is said Dharma Body is looking for the Great Khan whereabouts, has not come to chase down us.” 一处被参天大树遮蔽了阳光的阴暗之地,金帐武士首领哈斯乌拉渊渟岳峙般坐在一块巨石上,伤势已经痊愈,右手紧握成拳,看向周围:“据说法身在寻找大汗的下落,没来追杀我们。” This is an opportunity, to the opportunity of following that crowd of Central Plain watchdog lessons, making them know, the prairie hero is not waste that whatever they chase down!” “这是一个机会,给后面那群中原家犬教训的机会,让他们知道,草原豪杰不是任由他们追杀的废物!” Several escape the bearing calm Grandmaster warrior nod to be as before, the vision actually looked to side. 几位逃亡中气度依旧沉稳的宗师武士点头应是,目光却看向了旁边。 That is a coffin bier that is winding around the blood yellow mist! 那是一具缭绕着血黄雾气的棺柩! Hass Wula followed to look, sinking sound said: Emperor upholds justice take action, I and others was deeply grateful.” 哈斯乌拉跟着望了过去,沉声道:“帝君仗义出手,我等感激不尽。” In the coffin bier resounds the dignified and dark mute sound: I need fresh/live Grandmaster **, helping this gate extremely step over second Heavenly Stairway, everyone cooperation will benefit both sides.”( To be continued......) 棺柩内响起威严又暗哑的声音:“吾需要鲜活的宗师**,帮助本门绝顶迈过第二层天梯,大家合则两利。”(未完待续……) ps: Monday asked recommendation ticket ~ ps:周一求推荐票~
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