WORIOA :: Volume #4

#306: Hone

Mist slit that because must exit|to speak through the road, hiding away of Gao Ganyuan cannot keep constant, understands one were truly discovered, non- Crazy Blade Su Meng bluffed deceives people, therefore appeared figure, the right hand is grasping the token of that sword non- sword, the thriving imposing manner, is staring at Meng Qi's both eyes in the boundless nighttime. 因为要通过甬道出口的雾气缝隙,高乾元的隐遁并没能保持始终如一,明白自家确实被发现了,非“狂刀苏孟诈唬骗人,于是现出身形,右手握着那块似剑非剑的令牌,勃发气势,在茫茫黑夜里盯着孟奇的双眼 In immediately, is void as if to have four electric light impact excitations, the spark four shoots. 顿时,虚空里仿佛有四道电光碰撞激发,火花四射。 Gao Ganyuan steps the previous step, the alert discrete and calm such as Yue say/way: 高乾元迈前一步,戒备谨慎又沉稳如岳道: You are truly strong, but to not regarding Grandmaster without the level of thing, the old man also had sword gu rune/symbol Ling in the hand, the victory and defeat still expected difficultly, let alone left behind the old man?” “你确实很强,但还没强到视宗师于无物的层次,老夫又有剑蛊符令在手,胜负尚难预料,何况留下老夫?” He witnessed Meng Qi facing Maheśvara calm natural, knew many secrets, to the strength and mind of enemy had the brand-new cognition, eliminated the pride and negligent of hidden innermost feelings thoroughly, understands that rumor not empty, Crazy Blade Su Meng truly already grows into the powerhouse who to let Grandmaster feels the fear, but he is Grandmaster for many years, there is a sword gu rune/symbol Lingbang body of divine armament nearly, even meets Half-Step Dharma Body, aware some maintains life the hope that leaves, let alone Su Meng? 他目睹了孟奇面对“大自在天子”的从容潇洒,知晓了不少隐秘,对敌人的实力和心灵有了全新的认知,彻底消去了暗藏内心的骄傲和大意,明白传言非虚,“狂刀苏孟确实已经成长为让宗师们都感觉害怕的强者,但他乃积年宗师,又有近乎神兵的剑蛊符令傍身,即使遇上半步法身,都自觉有保命离开的希望,何况苏孟 Meng Qi or the sitting cross-legged tent peak, the right hand grasps at a anxious solid slow speed to the hilt, the feeling of oppression, mountain Yuyue comes to Fengmanlou to the utmost, tranquil say/way: 孟奇还是盘坐帐篷顶端,右手以一种似急实缓的速度握向刀柄,极尽压迫之感,山雨越来风满楼,平平静静道: Did not ask oneself body, will want to pin above foreign object, this issue also ¤.” “不求己身,将希望寄托在外物之上,此问题一也¤。” Has the hidden danger, does not excel at protracted battle, this issue two.” “身有隐患,不擅久战,此问题二也。” Outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, has to draw back intent, this issue three.” “色厉内荏,已心生退意,此问题三也。” The Meng Qi right hand built above the hilt, vision profound backsight Gao Ganyuan: 孟奇右手搭在了刀柄之上,目光幽深回视高乾元: Has this three, some kills you, if butchers the chicken dog ear.” “有此三者,某杀你如宰鸡狗耳。” Execute the heart, such as the sledgehammer strikes a gong, after Gao Ganyuan first laughs shocks, the body rocks slightly, the complexion sinks to congeal, only thinks own all issues surfaced in the opposite party eyes, then did not have the secret. 句句诛心,如大锤敲钟,高乾元先嗤笑后震惊,身体微微晃动,脸色沉凝,只觉自身所有的问题都暴露在了对方眼里,再无秘密可言。 Oneself have the hidden danger. Has to make to achieve with the aid of sword gu rune/symbol not to have the sword gu high level, this can pass beforehand fight to judge slightly, but oneself intention, the preparation to attack the generation to defend, after striking, immediately spreads far and wide, how said so understands clearly? 自己身有隐患。不得不借助剑蛊符令才能达到无相剑蛊的较高层次,这点可以通过之前的交手略微判断,但自己心念所动,准备以攻代守,一击之后立刻远扬,怎么会被说的如此清楚明白? Is this most ancient heart that he and Maheśvara in mouth said? 这就是他和“大自在天子”口中所言的最古老之心? The Gao Ganyuan restraining mind, does not show weakness saying: Being at variance with beast person, good fake in thing , the old man uses sword gu rune/symbol Ling to be open and aboveboard, perfectly justified. Has what issue?” 高乾元收敛心神,毫不示弱道:“人之异于禽兽者,善假于物也,老夫使用剑蛊符令堂堂正正,天经地义。有何问题?” Its might out of the ordinary, only almost then can degenerate divine armament, can deter Great Grandmaster, why doesn't use?” “它威力不凡,只差一点便能蜕化成神兵,能威慑大宗师,为何不用?” One word at a time, the imposing manner begins gradually, is in sharp opposition with Meng Qi. 一字一顿,气势渐渐再起,与孟奇针锋相对。 Friendly false in thing right, but can also control, otherwise is the thing causes the person, inhumanity causes the thing. Can three -year-old child use thousand jin (0.5 kg) great hammer otherwise? Some beats sword gu rune/symbol Lingnan, but strikes you who kill use sword gu rune/symbol Ling to be easy as pie.” Meng Qi gripped the long blade hilt, purple electricity azure thunder as if running water, tight fitting knife. “善假于物没错,但也得自身能够驾驭,否则便是物使人,非人使物。三岁小孩能用千斤巨锤否?某击败剑蛊符令难,但击杀使用剑蛊符令的你易如反掌。”孟奇握住了长刀刀柄,紫电青雷仿佛流水,紧紧贴合着刀身。 After some time mentality adjustment. Oneself had been clear the matter that currently needs to handle which two has ; first, covers up with the aid of the surface, the secret looks for the opportunity of getting out of ; first, by fighting spiritual cultivation. In order to fight to raise the blade, through victories, to the victory of powerhouse. The casting invincible blade, establishes the invincible faith, by often the heart of temperance essence divine will victory, only by doing so, opportunity arrival, has the confidence to brandish a sword, can by the best status most peak imposing manner sharpest long blade, cuts off involves, cuts off karma, obtains the great freedom big free and unfettered! 经过一段时间的心态调整。自己已清楚目前需要做的事情有哪两件,一是借助表面遮掩,隐秘寻找摆脱的机会,一是以战养心。以战养刀,通过一次次的胜利,对强者的胜利。铸造无敌之刀,树立无敌的信念,以常胜之心锤炼精气神意,只有这样,机会到来时,才有信心挥刀,才能以最好的状态最巅峰的气势最锋锐的“长刀”,斩断牵连,斩断因果,求得大自在大逍遥! But casts the invincible blade, establishes the invincible faith, from the Gao Ganyuan beginning! 而铸就无敌之刀,树立无敌的信念,就从高乾元始! Zheng! 铮! The knife vibrates, like dragon roar, the Meng Qi body leans forward, the right hand drew out the long blade, the thunder light overflowed, a as if lightning, shining person line of sight. 刀身震动,如同龙吟,孟奇身体前倾,右手拔出了长刀,雷光四溢,仿佛一道闪电,耀人视线。 The first blade! 第一刀! The inner qi hauling, Gao Ganyuan grasps sword gu rune/symbol Ling, the back appears deep blue great insect Dharma Idol, breaks up with the body together, the shape such as the sand sculpture collapses grains of sand, each grain of sand is light blue Gu Insect, the turnover sword qi, rapid transparent, integrates the origin energy sea between world. 气机牵引,高乾元手握剑蛊符令,背后现出湛蓝巨虫法相,与身体一起崩解,形如沙雕坍塌成一粒粒沙子,每一粒沙子便是一只浅蓝蛊虫,吞吐着剑气,迅速透明,融入天地间的元气大海。 , The surrounding area in dozens li (0.5 km) covers entirely the murderous intention suddenly, has the place of origin energy then to have the sword gu, they or from spurt the thin sword air/Qi in all directions, or tries to enter the Meng Qi's body following the expiration and inspiration silently, but a few only Gu Insect walk randomly quietly, the preparation escapes. 霍然之间,方圆几十里内布满杀机,有元气之处便有剑蛊,它们或从四面八方喷薄剑气,或试图无声无息顺着吐纳进入孟奇的身体,而少数几只蛊虫悄悄游走,准备远遁。 At this time, Wound of Heaven cut from bottom to top, bridged over several hundreds of zhang (333 m) the distances, with the stance of thunder, by the extremely sharp point, cut open the air current, did not have a wind sound/rumor. 这时,天之伤由下往上斩出,跨过几百丈的距离,以电闪雷鸣的姿态,以极其锐利的锋芒,切开气流,不带一丝风声。 Beginning this blade when quick, has to plant to be separated from the fetter, rushes to the comfortable uninhibited feeling, but more proceeds to cut, the speed is unexpectedly slower, but the speed is slower, the world is even more dim, toward the long blade contraction, the representative of boundless energy „the origin energy sea also contracts in the tumbling void, becomes overall Meng Qi collapsing toward the blade and person continually, as if must concentrate, around does not know one's place, will not have a passing future point. 这一刀初时很快,有种脱离束缚,奔向自在的不羁感,但越往前斩,速度竟然越慢,而速度越慢,天地愈加昏暗,虚空向着长刀收缩,磅礴能量的代表“元气大海”也在翻滚收缩,向着刀与人连成一个整体的孟奇坍塌,仿佛要凝成一点,不分上下前后,没有过往将来的一点。 The world is dim, the energy overlapping compression, concentrates like the essence rapidly, changes to imprison the amber of bug, nearby the Gao Ganyuan only sleep/felt void blocks from this, cannot run away, spurts the thin sword qi difficult penetration vanguard, the might dispels rapidly, shares everything with the origin energy sea again, including sharing everything that oneself are unable to control, the domain and blade technique of opposite party unify flawlessly! 天地昏昏暗暗,能量层层叠叠压缩,迅速凝如实质,化作囚住小虫的琥珀,高乾元只觉附近虚空由此封锁,根本逃遁不出,喷薄的剑气艰难穿透前行,威力迅速消解,与元气大海再也不分彼此,连自身都无法操控的不分彼此,对方的领域与刀法结合得天衣无缝! Cannot make this blade evolve again! The Gao Ganyuan Primordial Spirit stabbing pain, the meaning of danger does in a big way, understands the current condition, unable to deal with loses, condenses the body, all urged to send sword gu rune/symbol Ling. 不能再让这一刀衍化下去了!高乾元元神刺痛,危险之意大作,明了当前状况,顾不得损耗,凝聚出身体,全力催发了剑蛊符令。 Short instantly, collapsing really concentrates to highlight thoroughly toward point origin energy sea, deep blue one piece, each water drop is the sword gu, with the aid of the strength of contraction, to exceed the stance that ten thousand sword returned to the birth family, to destroy all vitalities sharpness, whiz must rush to Meng Qi. 短短刹那,坍缩凝实往一点的元气大海彻底凸显出来,蔚蓝一片,每一滴水都是剑蛊,借助收缩之力,以超越了万剑归宗的姿态,以毁灭一切生机的锋锐,嗖得涌向孟奇 Had this change, a Meng Qi that decreasing knife like the suicide! 有了这个变化,孟奇那先快后慢的一刀形如自杀! The both feet steps on the tread, he who pulls off the deep gully, already evades not to be possible to evade, must hard anti- this nearly divine armament strike sword gu sea! 双脚踩着地面,拖出深深沟壑的他,已经避无可避,必须硬抗这近乎神兵一击的“剑蛊大海”了! At this moment, in Gao Ganyuan eye Crazy Blade Su Meng vanished, from deep blue „the origin energy sea in vanished, to his locking, with his relation, interrupts strangely! 就在这时,高乾元眼中的“狂刀苏孟消失了,从蔚蓝的“元气大海”里消失了,对他的锁定,与他的联系,诡异中断! Bang bang bang the sound continually becomes together, the innumerable sword gus spurt say sword qi that is thin innumerably, hit continuously in core no one locates, dislodges one piece to flaming white, making the world change colors, making the land cover entirely the crack, a depth of dozens zhang (3.33 m) innumerable say/way crack, the as if flat land grew a giant spider web. 砰砰砰之声连成一道,无数只剑蛊喷薄出的无数道剑气,连绵撞在核心无人处,撞出了一片炽白,让天地失色,让大地布满裂缝,深达几十丈的无数道裂缝,仿佛平地长出了一张巨大的蜘蛛网。 If some people in the core, will be cut the naked eye the small flesh that absolutely is difficult to see, twists to break to pieces all vitalities. 若有人在核心,绝对会被切割成肉眼难见的微小血肉,绞碎所有生机。 Which did Crazy Blade go? Which did Crazy Blade go?” This strikes to Gao Ganyuan consumes enormously, but the enemy actually disappears strangely, cannot produce the results, in the heart has the mighty waves production. 狂刀去哪了?狂刀去哪了?”这一击对高乾元消耗极大,但敌人却诡异消失,没能产生效果,心中自有波澜产生。 Suddenly, the serious fetter added the body, the land as if grew the invisible hand, fell the ground Gao Ganyuan. 突然,沉重的束缚加身,大地似乎长出了无形之手,一把将高乾元拉落地面。 Full is the crack ground spurts has Great Sun shone blade light thinly, bright, magnificent, crowds the Gao Ganyuan field of vision sufficiently. 满是裂缝的地面喷薄出了大日普照般的刀光,灿烂,辉煌,充塞满高乾元的视界。 Wuji Seal, escapes the law! Meng Qi has not chosen the flight, but is the both feet steps on, then to draw support from the land and One Dao Seal fur/superficial knowledge, avoids sword gu rune/symbol Ling to strike full power, the Israel , Turkey to subdue|grams water, the conceals gold/metal, the strong weapon strong treasure, hitting is not useless! 戊己印,遁地法!孟奇没选择飞行,而是双脚踩地,便是为了借助大地和“道一印”皮毛,躲开剑蛊符令全力一击,以土克水,以土藏金,再强的兵器再强的宝物,打不中也是无用! The second blade! 第二刀! blade light adds the body, Gao Ganyuan only grips sword gu symbol command with enough time, the sword gu that collapse Sancheng invisible does not have, integrates nearby void, tries to avoid the point, prevents the blade light wound and Primordial Spirit by withering away of most sword gus. 刀光加身,高乾元只来得及握住“剑蛊符令”,崩散成无形无相的剑蛊,融入附近虚空,试图避开锋芒,以大部分剑蛊的消亡阻挡刀光伤及元神 dāng dāng dāng dāng! The frequency that sound of gold/metal Tiejiao the calling is hard to distinguish by the ear sends out, blade light as if is also comprised of innumerable small blade qi, the hurricane sweeps across upward, embezzled surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) void, cut to break to pieces sword gus. 当当当当!金铁交鸣之声以耳朵难以分辨的频率发出,刀光似乎也是由无数微小刀气组成,飓风般席卷往上,吞没了方圆几十里的虚空,斩碎了一只只剑蛊。 Beside blade light, dozens shallow blue sword gus highlight, swiftly condenses Gao Ganyuan, binds the body by the sword gu rune/symbol Ling ray, the preparation escapes. 刀光之外,几十只浅蓝剑蛊凸显,迅速凝聚成高乾元,以剑蛊符令的光芒裹住身体,准备远遁。 Two blades, rely on and believe sword gu symbol command he was hit lost the confidence, but had previously also asked for advice Crazy Blade the Su Meng body Great Sun scalding hot high temperature, knows itself to attack nearly uselessly, therefore is putting together the severe wound, seizes the opportunity, escapes the war, prepares to run away. 只是两刀,依赖并相信“剑蛊符令”的他就被打得失去了信心,而先前又领教过“狂刀苏孟身化大日的灼热高温,知晓自身攻击近乎无用,于是拼着重伤,抓住机会,遁出战局,准备逃走。 The escaping light just presently, Gao Ganyuan saw the Su Meng left hand to be many suddenly a long sword, blade light shone as before upward, the sword potential is extremely serious, cuts faintly, collision to long blade. 遁光刚现,高乾元突然看见苏孟左手多了一口长剑,刀光依旧“普照往上”,剑势却极其沉重,淡漠斩出,碰撞向长刀。 Light! 光! Limitless light! 无边无际的光! Quick all, the scalding hot incandescent light instantaneous tumbling has swung, Gao Ganyuan Primordial Spirit one tight, wants to accelerate to escape the range, how could but to compare favorably with the light? But Crazy Blade Su Meng this strikes seems like early deliberate, formed the whole with complementary waves of front blade, constructs to jointly attack, the might is not too big, but has not cost the troubles and time, lets the person there's not enough time response! 快过一切、灼热白炽的光瞬间翻滚荡开,高乾元元神一紧,想要加速遁出范围,但岂能与光媲美?而“狂刀苏孟这一击像是早有预谋,与前面一刀的余波形成了整体,前后构出合击,威力不算太大,但没有耗费周折和时间,让人来不及反应! Third strikes! 第三击! Bang! 轰隆! When the loud sound erupts, the incandescent ray has tumbled the sea, embezzled Gao Ganyuan, gasified the ground and tent in core place, lit the surrounding area dozens vestiges, a sea of fire. 巨响爆发时,白炽光芒早就翻滚成大海,吞没了高乾元,气化了核心处的地面和帐篷,点燃了方圆几十的残迹,一片火海。 The ray subsides, the deep blue ray is wrapping Gao Ganyuan light Primordial Spirit together, wants to rush to Yun Xiao(Cloud Firmament), but the heavy long blade has cut to fall, chops above, chops dustfall Egypt it. 光芒平息,一道蔚蓝光芒包裹着高乾元的淡淡元神,想要冲上云霄,但沉重的长刀已然斩落,劈在上面,将它劈落尘埃。 The long sword extends, Meng Qi has not tried to interrogate and torture anything, feared that provokes anger certain exists, twisted to break to pieces Gao Ganyuan Primordial Spirit directly. 长剑一伸,孟奇没试图拷问什么,怕惹怒某些存在,直接绞碎了高乾元元神 The consciousness is dim, Gao Ganyuan listens to arrived a few words finally: 意识昏暗,高乾元最后听到了一句话: You do not match to be called Grandmaster.” “你不配称为宗师。” Yes, I do not match to be called Grandmaster, takes sword gu symbol command unable to block three blades...... he to exude the final forced smile, oneself imposing manner was pressed, the mind has the loophole, urging round of sword gu rune/symbol Lingtai to be hurried, the time grasps makes one regret! 是啊,我不配称为宗师,拿着“剑蛊符令”都挡不住三刀……他泛起最后的苦笑,自己气势被压,心灵出现漏洞,催发剑蛊符令太匆忙,时机把握得让人后悔! Takes back the vision, Meng Qi absorbs sword gu rune/symbol Ling and storage Wudai, in the heart said silently: 收回目光,孟奇摄起剑蛊符令与储物袋,心中默默道: First.” “第一个。” At this time, had the bird to come, falls in the Meng Qi left shoulder, above is tying up the paper. 这时,有飞鸟过来,落于孟奇左肩,上面绑着纸条。 Does not need to disassemble, the spirit naturally induces, inside writes one line of characters: 不用拆开,精神自然感应,里面写着一行字: Discovered Hass Wula and other Golden Horde warrior trails in the icefield edge.”( To be continued..) “在冰原边缘发现了哈斯乌拉等金帐武士踪迹。”(未完待续。。) ps: Second in early morning. ps:第二更在凌晨。 Welcome everyone to add my WeChat public number, the cuttlefish that likes diving, has V, inside has Ao technique the peripheral outside content, the setting of Worthy of Respect in One Age wait/etc. 欢迎大家加我的微信公众号,爱潜水的乌贼,有加v,里面有奥术的周边番外内容,一世之尊的设定等等。 ... ...
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