WORIOA :: Volume #4

#305: News that disclosed

, , , Meng Qi steps on above the blood frozen earth, the sound of footsteps is far away gradually, soon across that shatter stone door. 哒,哒,哒,孟奇踩在鲜血冻土之上,脚步声渐渐远离,即将穿过那破碎的石门。 You enter the demon earth, to ridicule and satirize this?” At this time, silent Six Paths Heavenly Demon suddenly opened the mouth. “你进入魔土,就是为了嘲笑和讽刺本座?”这时,沉默的“六道天魔”突然开口。 If not holds the goal, why to speak big bunch of words? If wants to cut the monster to eliminate the demon, how also to have the sign that the least bit begins? 若非抱有目的,何必说一大堆话?如果想斩妖除魔,又岂会没半点动手的迹象? It is extremely accurate to the will of the people assurance, but was also equivalent acknowledged indirectly oneself was Maheśvara. 它对人心的把握极其精准,但也相当于间接承认了自己就是“大自在天子”。 The Meng Qi footsteps live, put on the black vigor figure that installs to turn away as before palatially Maheśvara, chuckle: This time, must see Legendary Level Supreme that jumps for joy for is not extremely easy, some unavoidable curious.” 孟奇脚步顿住,穿着黑色劲装的身影依旧背对巍峨的“大自在天子”,轻笑一声:“这个时代,要见到活蹦乱跳的传说级大能殊为不易,某难免好奇。” Jumps for joy......” Maheśvara to chew these four characters, as if is a little for a while speechless. “活蹦乱跳……”大自在天子嘴嚼着这四个字,一时似乎有点无言。 Antiquity several big riddles all involved Nine Serenities and Heavenly Court, with both had the relations are your excellency, therefore some also wants to listen to the secret, satisfied the curious heart.” Meng Qi has turned around slowly, faces directly Maheśvara, the look is tranquil. “上古几大谜团皆涉及九幽天庭,与两者都有关系的莫过于尊驾,所以某也就是想听一听秘闻,满足好奇之心。”孟奇缓缓转过身,直面大自在天子,神色平静。 Without knowing this matter involves Maheśvara, oneself enter the demon earth to extinguish the hidden danger, preventing the Nine Serenities Evil Demon malicious ghost to be the calamity world, but now, had other idea. 在不知道此事涉及“大自在天子”时,自己进入魔土是为了消弭隐患,防止九幽邪魔恶鬼为祸人间,但现在,有了另外的想法。 Supreme that own karma involves were the antiquity characters, understood that the antiquity secret to get rid of them indirectly did diligently! 自己身上因果牵涉的大能多是上古人物,了解上古隐秘就是间接为摆脱他们做努力! Destroying, creates fresh, heart demon and secret is the four faces of this place, you want to listen to the antiquity secret, was looks to Evil Demon. Maheśvara shows a faint smile, originally only then the face rotations of six color one-eyed, reveal one not to have not to have the jet black demon face of mouth no ear without the nose, probably hidden went to the stars nighttime sky, showing for several points profound, secret and strange, „, but, many secrets related to profound. If this disclosed, perhaps did not compare to massacre you to come safely, just to open the mouth, Executing Immortal Sword flew to from the past or the future, cancelled existence of this place directly.” “毁灭、创生、心魔和隐秘是本座的四张面孔,你想听上古秘闻,算是找对邪魔了。大自在天子”微微一笑,原本只有六色独眼的面孔转动,露出一张无眼无鼻无嘴无耳的漆黑魔脸,像是隐去了繁星的夜空,透出几分深邃、隐秘与诡异,“不过,很多隐秘涉及深远。本座若是透露,不比杀掉你来得安全,也许刚刚开口,就有一口诛仙剑自过去或者未来飞临,直接抹去本座的存在。” What flew to...... Meng Qi not to care about Maheśvara from the past or the future example was Executing Immortal Sword, because intended to suggest and disclose no difference directly, considered to speak thoughtlessly a great person to strengthen the persuasive power, but the following description was somewhat as deep as a well, was incomprehensible. 自过去或者未来飞临……孟奇并未在意“大自在天子”举例的是诛仙剑,因为有意暗示和直接透露没什么区别,当是随口拉一位大人物增强说服力,但后面的描述就有些高深莫测,让人不解了。 With the aid of Three Lives Hall. Tibet in the past Sun Divine Monarch can be away from eternal take action, is arrived Three Pure Ones this level of number momentarily? 借助三生殿。“藏”在过去的“太阳神君”能隔着万古出手,到了三清这一级数已是随时可以? Some has the discretion, the secret that wants to know are not many, which great person will also not provoke.” The Meng Qi look slightly becomes dignified, Demon Lord whether falls from the sky thoroughly in the hand of Celestial Emperor, not comes back to life the hope again?” “某有分寸,想知道的隐秘并不多,也不会惹恼哪位大人物。”孟奇神色略微变得凝重,“魔主是否彻底陨落在天帝之手,再无复生希望?” Demon Lord does not die, Maheśvara fears sleeps on pins and needles, regarding this, It will definitely do everything possible to confirm. 魔主不死,大自在天子怕是寝食难安,对此,祂肯定会想方设法确认。 Maheśvara right hand covers the jet black profound face, without the mood fluctuates. Tranquil say/way: Only if Celestial Emperor has the plan, otherwise Demon Lord will not have vitality surviving, the brand mark with coming back to life has nothing to do.” 大自在天子”右手捂住漆黑深邃的面孔,没有情绪波动。平静道:“除非天帝另有打算,否则魔主不会有生机残存,烙印与复生无关。” Demon Lord has not disembarked. Dares to get Heavenly Court unexpectedly, is really inconceivable.” Meng Qi seems like chatting with Maheśvara. 魔主还未登岸。竟然敢打上天庭,委实不可思议。”孟奇像是在与“大自在天子”闲聊。 Demon Lord resulted in some chances, after Zhenwu(True Martial) is missing, crossed completely the sea of bitterness, ascended to Pāramitā, naturally wants to attempt. Maheśvara in two characters stops at chance slightly, appears meaningful, but has not said in detail. 魔主得了些机缘,在真武失踪后,渡尽了苦海,登临彼岸,自然想尝试一番。大自在天子”在“机缘”二字上略微停顿,显得意味深长,但并没有详细说下去。 This and judgment of Zhenwu(True Martial) evil thought is the same. He does not believe that Demon Lord can ascended to Pāramitā...... Meng Qi in so short time think looking pensive. 这与真武恶念的判断相同。只是他不相信魔主能在如此“短”时间内登临彼岸……孟奇若有所思想着。 At this time, Maheśvara right hand put down, with the left palm clash, sighed: You looked like want to seek to flash the opportunity that the revolutions organized taking advantage of the antiquity secret, this already heard that the arrived danger the flavor, cannot say again, even if your both hands offered Origin Heart Seal is not good.” 这时,“大自在天子”右手放下,与左掌相击,叹了口气道:“你看来是想借上古隐秘寻找闪转腾挪的机会,本座已经到了危险的味道,不能再说了,哪怕你双手奉上‘元心印’也不行。” Meng Qi was startled being startled, the intention moved slightly. Turned around directly, treads the demon earth, unexpectedly not slightly hesitant, has not managed evil difficult minute/share of orchid Jingtian. 孟奇怔了怔,心念微动。直接转身,踏出了魔土,竟没有丝毫犹豫,也没管正邪难分的兰惊天。 Maheśvara hēi hēi smiles, full is taunts: Useless. The legend touches Grand Dao, oneself will have the sublimation of essence. With the aid of the karma relation, can know all your schemes all plans, the ascended to Pāramitā great person is past, present and future is more ubiquitous, your wishful thinking calculation had known from A to Z by them, do you jump out of the chessgame with what?” 大自在天子嘿嘿一笑,满是嘲讽道:“没用的。传说已是触摸大道,将自身有了本质的升华。借助因果联系,能知你所有图谋所有打算,登临彼岸的大人物更是过去现在未来无处不在,你的小心思小算盘早就被他们了若指掌,你拿什么来跳出棋局?” He as if must recompense Meng Qi's deeply to despise a moment ago. 他似乎要一偿刚才孟奇的深深鄙视。 Meng Qi has not paused has not turned around: Your excellency wants in some to plant the shadow at heart, lets depressing, desperately and dejectedly ferments the tasty fruit, thus has the irreparable mind loophole, isn't able to prove to say Dharma Body again?” 孟奇没有停步没有转身:“尊驾是想在某心里种下阴影,让压抑、绝望和沮丧酝酿出鲜美的果实,从而出现无法弥补的心灵漏洞,再也无法证道法身?” This is the trick that Heavenly Demon habitually uses, but is also very practical, because said is the fact. Maheśvara unexpectedly honest was impolite acknowledges. “这是天魔惯用的伎俩,但也很实用,因为说得是事实。大自在天子”竟然老实不客气承认了。 Meng Qi smiles: Pitifully, some have known this matter, after the adjustment and tempering, has gone out of the haze.” 孟奇笑了笑:“可惜,某早就知晓此事,经过调适与磨砺,已走出阴霾。” Universe numerous, the world is broad, how many can eternal life not extinguishing have? In the end, but dying character, but can also have a worse result? So long as does utmost to strive, some vertical dies regretless.” “宇宙重重,天地广阔,能永生不灭者有几位?到头来,不过‘死’字而已,还能有更差的结局?只要竭尽全力争取过,某纵死无悔。” This is the real idea, grasps current, by desperate, depressing and other influences, the person was not lived first, cannot have one dead for the future paces back and forth melancholily, forgot the happiness of life, takes in any case does not involve the Teacher relatives and friends for the premise , to promote itself diligently, seizes each opportunity, if successfully gets rid, the nature is extremely carefree happy, great freedom is greatly natural, if failed, there is the bright life and two lifetime experiences, the meteor is short, can actually illuminate the expansive sky! 这是自己真实的想法,把握当前,不被绝望、压抑等影响,人活一世,总不能为了将来必有一死就忧郁徘徊,忘记了生命的美好,反正以不牵连师长亲朋为前提,努力提升自己,把握每一个机会,若是成功摆脱,自然畅快极乐,大自在大潇洒,如果失败,也有灿烂的一生和两辈子经历,流星短暂,却能照亮长空! When this was once as the Earth mortal the mentality, because everyone was the same, can hundred -year-old be very few, now goes out of the haze, made spiritual platform pure, no longer paced back and forth, no longer a Corporeal and Incorporeal fly attempted to break through in all directions constraining that actually did not help matters. 这是曾经身为地球凡人时就拥有的心态,因为大家都一样,能过百岁者少之又少,如今藉此走出阴霾,重新让灵台清净,不再徘徊,不再有无头苍蝇般左冲右突却无济于事的压抑。 Maheśvara when ridiculed that did not fear the death boasted, the strength more lived for a long time more fears death, suddenly heard Meng Qi to continue saying: Moreover legend Supreme is not invincible, your excellency can only project this strength, the explanation has not regained consciousness completely, perhaps is the chance, ahead of time regains consciousness to meet the longevity completely to perish, perhaps which great person also was being suppressed?” 大自在天子正待嘲笑一句不怕死亡只是吹牛,实力越强活得越久越怕死,忽然听到孟奇继续道:“而且传说大能并非不可战胜,尊驾只能投影出这点力量,说明本身尚未完全苏醒,或许是机缘不到,提前苏醒会寿尽而亡,也或许是被哪位大人物镇压着?” You first lay I to capture Maheśvara flesh, perhaps also saved got rid of the heart of seal?” “你最先诳我夺取‘大自在天子’血肉,恐怕也存了藉此摆脱封印之心?” Therefore, lives present Supreme many barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, by the suppressor, some had the opportunity many absolutely!” “所以,活到现在的大能不乏苟延残喘者,不乏被镇压者,某绝对不是没有机会!” Meng Qi said is confident, but keeps silent about matter of Greystone Palace and Jade Void Palace, even does not shift to that aspect the thought that as if they not affect, can only find the opportunity by oneself. 孟奇说得自信十足,但绝口不提灰石大殿玉虚宫之事,甚至连念头都不转向那方面,似乎它们并无作用,光靠自身就能找到机会。 In the speaking voice, Meng Qi has left along the road, Maheśvara has not spoken, calmly visits him to vanish in the line of sight. 说话声中,孟奇已沿着甬道离开,大自在天子没有说话,静静看着他消失在视线内。 In road chill in the air, although hold, is enormous with the demon earth disparity, Meng Qi has not thought the least bit to be cold, step calmly upward, but he actually alerts really deeply. 甬道内寒意虽盛,却与魔土差距极大,孟奇没觉半点寒冷,步伐从容往上,但他心里却戒备甚深。 Since Maheśvara already were awakened little, is unable to arrive at more strengths, then it does keep the demon earth for what? Is always impossible to know in advance Origin Heart Seal will come, therefore waits for itself, has other goals surely! 大自在天子既然已经被唤醒少许,又无法降临更多力量,那它留在魔土是为了什么?总不可能预先知道“元心印”会来,所以等待自己,必定有其他目的! In without clarifying, in advance leaves is the best choice. 在没弄清楚,先行离开是最好的选择。 Moreover his last few words seem like that ridicules itself, to oneself the pressure, attacks itself to get out of the Supreme confidence, but in the words disclosed that some useful information, for example legend Supreme with the aid of the karma relation, can know oneself all scheme all plans, ascended to Pāramitā Being past, present and future is everywhere. 而且他最后一句话看似是嘲笑自己,给自己压力,打击自己摆脱大能的信心,但话语中却透露出一些有用信息,比如传说大能借助因果联系,能知道自己所有图谋所有打算,登临彼岸者过去现在未来无处不在。 If cannot imagine their terrifying, in the future must have the oversight! 若是不能想象他们的恐怖,将来必有疏漏! Maheśvara cannot endure patiently, covers up to mix this chess? 大自在天子还是忍耐不住,遮遮掩掩掺合这盘棋? ............ ………… In demon earth, Maheśvara face changes, changes to heart demon of six color one-eyed, is overlooking nine fingers of blue blood Gao Ganyuan. 魔土内,“大自在天子”面孔变化,又化作六色独眼的心魔相,俯视着“九指蓝血”高乾元 Confused disappearance in Gao Ganyuan eye, the least bit could not see the abnormality, pulled out a black wooden box from the bosom, handed over respectfully: Water Ancestor makes small delivers this thing to come.” 高乾元眼中的迷茫消失,半点也看不出刚才的失常,自怀中掏出一个黑色木盒,恭恭敬敬递了过去:“水祖让小的送此物过来。” Maheśvara hand one move, has absorbed this wooden box, is stroking the superficial years dust gently, said with a smile slightly: „The Deboin place gave regards to Daoist Brother.” 大自在天子将手一招,摄过这个木盒,轻轻抚摸着表面的岁月尘埃,微微笑道:“代本座向道兄问好。” The voice falls, the cold wind rises from all directions, Maheśvara figure becomes illusory, the ground splits is tumbling together the jet black demon qi slit. 话音一落,阴风四起,大自在天子身影变得虚幻,地面裂开一道翻滚着漆黑魔气的缝隙。 figure invests, the slit vanishes, the demon earth lost the extreme cold meaning, only Gao Ganyuan with also reveal lifeless orchid Jingtian. 身影投入,缝隙消失,魔土失去了极端寒冷之意,只余高乾元与还显呆滞的兰惊天。 Demon Realm is dim, the sludge swamp everywhere, Maheśvara figure reappearing midair, leaps directly high, penetrated the cloud layer, changes to round true Great Sun to burn the jet black flame, is passing feeling of seal Great Sun. 魔界昏暗,污泥沼泽处处,“大自在天子身影浮现半空,直接腾高,穿透了云层,化作一轮真正的大日燃烧着漆黑火焰,透着封印之感的大日 Below Demon Realm surface layer immediately steam raising, mountain range bulge, peak to upper air. 下方魔界表层顿时气化蒸发,山脉凸起,耸向高空。 This round does not know that many star size jet black Great Sun more rise to be higher, enters the vast universe, fell into a Milky Way, became Demonic Dragon continually jet black vast galaxy. 这轮不知多少个星球大小的漆黑大日越升越高,进入浩瀚宇宙,落入了一条银河,连成了漆黑“魔龙”的浩瀚星河。 Great Sun converges, Demonic Dragon no longer one-eyed, but the destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth strength is only partly visible. 大日归为,“魔龙”不再独眼,但毁天灭地般的力量仅是若隐若现。 Has informed Su Meng that words. Maheśvara the sound in some unreadable way reverberates, in light or knows in the galaxy that many years can walk, condenses in a star that is full of the contamination. “已将那番话语告知苏孟大自在天子”的声音以某种难以理解的方式回荡在光都要不知多少年才能走完的星河内,凝聚于一颗充满污秽的星球。 On the star high point, sits well together azure garment figure, is building up the strong contamination. 星球最高峰上,端坐一道青衫身影,正在炼化浓厚污秽。 He raised the head, reveals the ordinary face, just like is Qi Zhengyan. 他抬起头,露出平淡无奇的面孔,俨然便是齐正言 What did he ask?” Qi Zhengyan thought aloud that said. “他问了什么?”齐正言自言自语般道。 He asked whether Demon Lord falls from the sky truly, seizes shed possibility.” Maheśvara replied. “他问魔主是否真正陨落,有没有夺舍可能。”大自在天子回答。 The Qi Zhengyan silent half sound just now said: As my strength enhances, will gradually untie your seal.” 齐正言沉默半响方才道:“随着我实力提高,会逐渐解开你的封印。” ............ ………… Gao Ganyuan seizes the chance to massacre orchid Jingtian, escapes quietly the demon earth, returns to Golden Horde. 高乾元趁机杀掉兰惊天,悄然遁出魔土,返回金帐 He just had/left the road, suddenly lives, because top the opposite tent sits cross-legged Su Meng that the black clothes vigor is installing, a giant long blade inserts in the soil, towers before his body. 他刚出甬道,突然顿住,因为对面帐篷顶部盘腿着黑衣劲装的苏孟,一口巨大的长刀插在泥土里,耸立在他的身前。 You were very long.” The Meng Qi right hand reaches the hilt slowly, the imposing manner sinks to congeal. “等你很久了。”孟奇右手缓缓伸向刀柄,气势沉凝。 To the blue blood person, because of the relations of Ruan Family, he is eliminates it to be then quick!( To be continued.) 对蓝血人,因为阮家的关系,他是除之而后快!(未完待续。)
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