WORIOA :: Volume #4

#304: Despised Heavenly Demon

Six Paths Heavenly Demon sits well the front, on a as if hill, in comparison, Meng Qi has to plant small like the feeling of dust, natural oppression just like essence. 六道天魔”端坐前方,就仿佛一座小山,与它相比,孟奇有种自身微小如同尘埃的感觉,天然的压迫宛若实质。 However Meng Qi seems to be confident, the old god was saying: Shaman investment that you will hold the ceremony Six Paths, divulges the relations of Longevity Heaven and Maheśvara, doesn't seem to see It to regain consciousness?” 不过孟奇似乎胸有成竹,老神在在道:“你将举行仪式的萨满投入‘六道’,又泄露长生天大自在天子的关系,好像不想看到祂苏醒?” Six Paths Heavenly Demon immediately laughs, the right hand lifts, feels the head that bright and clean not sends: Without whom hopes the head many lords, Human Clan so, Evil Demon Evil God similarly so.” 六道天魔顿时哈哈大笑,右手抬起,摸着光洁无发的脑袋:“没谁希望头上多个主子,人族如此,邪魔邪神同样如此。” It stands up slowly, almost fully occupies the Meng Qi line of sight, oppression really: Great Tribulation, Nine Serenities will reappear in the world slowly, the great person of deep sleep also over time but regains consciousness little, will slaughter and degenerate and destruction disseminates each place......” 它缓缓站起,几乎将孟奇视线占满,压迫更甚:“大劫将至,九幽会慢慢重现天地之间,沉睡的诸位大人物亦会随着时间推移而一点点苏醒,将杀戮、堕落和毁灭散播到每个地方……” Really, Nine Serenities will return, the Evil Demon malicious ghost will also revisit the world, only then this conforms to Wang Family to say eternal Great Tribulation that”...... Meng Qi is listening to the Six Paths Heavenly Demon description in the future Armageddon scenario, neglected the words of exaggerating threat automatically, refines the most important content, takes for ten years as the unit, the crack to lead to Nine Serenities will increase gradually, coming out Evil Demon malicious ghost slowly become stronger, this is a methodical process, is the long-time hidden danger, but is not imminent. 果然,九幽将会回归,邪魔恶鬼亦将重临人间,只有这样才符合王家所言的“万古大劫”……孟奇听着六道天魔描述将来的“末日景象”,自动忽略了夸大恐吓的话语,提炼出最重要的内容,以十年为单位,通向九幽的裂缝将渐渐增多,出来的邪魔恶鬼会慢慢变强,这是一个循序渐进的过程,是长久的隐患,但并不迫在眉睫。 „When...... final end, was turned into the great person by oneself, passed the disaster hopefully, welcomed the new era, but this needs to seize each opportunity to promote itself.” The Six Paths Heavenly Demon towering demon earth, several have the potential of brace day. “……最终末日之时,只有让自身变成大人物,才有希望度过劫难,迎来新的纪元,而这就需要抓住每一个机会提升自己。”六道天魔耸立魔土,几有撑天之势。 It is overlooking Meng Qi: „When you resist the Six Paths big hand imprint of this place, making the this/Ben place induce some arrived thing.” 它俯视着孟奇:“你抗拒本座的六道大手印时,让本座感应到了某件事物。” All make idealist, degenerate from this beginning, all came from at first most ancient that heart. But your path is incompatible, cannot achieve it trillion effects, not, if shares with this place, obtains other advantage.” “一切唯心造,堕落由此始,所有的所有都源自最初最古老的那颗‘心’。而你道路不符,根本发挥不出它亿万之一的效果,不若与本座分享,得到别的好处。” This is Heavenly Demon that is good at seducing...... the Meng Qi long blade hangs slantingly, said with a smile slightly: What advantage can you give me?” 这是一个擅长诱惑的天魔……孟奇长刀斜垂,微微笑道:“你能给我什么好处?” Suspects the meaning, despising and despising to be seen in speech and appearance. Is attempting the anger of rousing Six Paths Heavenly Demon, inquires more news. 怀疑、轻蔑和鄙视的意思溢于言表。尝试着勾动六道天魔的愤怒,打探到更多的消息。 However, this is also the Meng Qi real idea, oneself have Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter and fifth nine seal, 8 in 9 Mysterious Art Dharma Body first several, Tathagata Divine Palm general outline and first type. A Truncating Heaven 7 Swords sword, some Six Chops of the Overlord and Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation, surpass most top sect, small what thing under the Maheśvara place can Heavenly Demon put out to touch itself? 不过,这也是孟奇真实的想法,自己拥有“元始金章”及九印之五,*玄功法身前几篇,如来神掌总纲和第一式。截天七剑其中一剑,部分霸王六斩神霄九灭,超过绝大多数顶尖宗门,“小小”的大自在天子座下天魔能拿出什么东西打动自身? Maheśvara once your majesty was my good brothers, you also missed the long distance! 就连大自在天子曾经的“主公”都是我的好兄弟,你还差了十万八千里! experienced and knowledgeable Meng Qi non- had seen that Heavenly Demon, heard the secret excited excited child. Facing Six Paths Heavenly Demon, has an insipid feeling. 见多识广孟奇早就非见到天魔、听闻秘事就激动兴奋的小孩子了。面对六道天魔,有种索然无味的感觉。 Six Paths Heavenly Demon sits down, pushes gold mountain, pours the jade column, the right hand is stroking gently the chin, said meaningfully: Although this place looks is not clear, but discovered sufficiently your karma is encumbered, the destiny is not normal. Feared that is some or certain Supreme board game pieces, when is normal, you do not have the least bit opportunity. But at Great Tribulation, various great people regains consciousness, the demons and monsters present world, the confusion and involves, when there is a slim chance of survival, but this needs to precipitate many years of wisdom to give you to instruct.” 六道天魔重新坐下,推金山,倒玉柱,右手摩挲着下巴,意味深长道:“虽然本座看得不太真切,但足以发现你因果缠身,气运不正常。怕是某位或者某些大能的棋子,正常之时,你没有半点机会。但适逢大劫,各种大人物苏醒,妖魔鬼怪现世,混乱和牵扯中,当有一线生机,而这就需要沉淀多年的智慧给你指导。” Excels in Heavenly Demon that degenerates attractively worthily. Can see own mind loophole in...... the appearance of Meng Qi calm no wave, with type insipid language gas channel/angrily said: On one tries to give some guide friend. already not dies the skeleton to save, some karma has Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, Ānanda, Sweeping Demons Heavenly Lord, Thunder God and Overlord. And some mysterious existence, you thought that you can compare favorably with them, doesn't fear their eliminate?” 不愧是擅于诱人堕落的天魔。一眼就能看出自己心灵漏洞所在……孟奇还是沉稳无波的模样,用种索然无味的语气道:“上一个试图给某指导的‘朋友’。已经死得尸骨无存,某身上的因果元始天尊阿难荡魔天尊雷神霸王。以及某位神秘的存在,你觉得自己能和他们媲美,不怕他们的抹杀?” Thinks that the interrogative sentence you did fear! 就想问句你怕不怕! Meng Qi is happy to see Six Paths Heavenly Demon to be fearless actually, then can judge Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation or back Supreme can personally take action, where take action can personally the eliminate range...... 孟奇倒是乐见六道天魔无所畏惧,然后就能藉此判断六道轮回之主或背后大能到底能不能亲自出手,亲自出手能够抹杀的范围在哪里…… Six Paths Heavenly Demon partly makes a sound speechless, sits well dull, as if present Meng Qi is the monster is Heavenly Demon, so many terrifying karma where this annoys? After being possible be called the antiquity, most exaggerating situation! 六道天魔”半响无语,呆呆端坐,似乎眼前的孟奇才是怪物才是天魔,这从哪里惹到的如此多恐怖因果?堪称上古以后最夸张的情况! For a long time later, it opens the mouth slowly, the sound changed low: Precipitates many years of wisdom to refer to the Maheśvara flesh, non- is this place instructs personally......” 许久之后,它才缓缓开口,声音变低了许多:“沉淀多年的智慧是指大自在天子的血肉,非是本座亲自指导……” Instigates the goods! Meng Qi innermost feelings deep is despising. 怂货!孟奇内心深深的鄙视着。 Nearby orchid Jingtian and Gao Ganyuan as if also falls in mind Six Paths, has not gotten back one's composure. 旁边的兰惊天与高乾元仿佛还陷在心灵六道中,没有回神。 Maheśvara flesh?” Meng Qi spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 大自在天子的血肉?”孟奇随口问道。 Six Paths Heavenly Demon seems like the already organization good following language, said gradually smoothly: Right, Maheśvara flesh.” 六道天魔似乎已经组织好后续语言,渐渐说得流畅:“对,大自在天子的血肉。” I and other Evil Demon, experience, wisdom and strength brand mark in flesh, once obtains, has not taken possession to seize the shed danger, the shape such as Maheśvara is alive, but It is the head of Heavenly Demon, is good at grasping the mind, arranges the clever trick plot, in the not possible creation opportunity, to be suiting your condition.” “我等邪魔,经验、智慧与力量都烙印在血肉里,一旦获得,没有附身夺舍危险,形如‘大自在天子’在世,而祂乃天魔之首,擅长把握心灵,布置诡计阴谋,于不可能中创造机会,正适合你的状况。” This, because the True Spirit life fire was swallowed by It, once close to Its demon body, the strength will all lose, can only look for the helper, seizes Its flesh essence, making It the deep sleep get down forever, this is the matter of cooperation will benefit both sides, naturally, as the exchange and each other first step of trust, this place will give you Maheśvara cultivation technique ahead of time, you need to sense to this place that most ancient mind.” “本座因为真灵命火被祂吞噬,一旦靠近祂的魔身,就会力量全失,只能寻找帮手,夺走祂的血肉精华,让祂永远沉睡下去,这是合则两利的事情,当然,作为交换和彼此信任的第一步,本座会将大自在天子功法提前给你,你则需要把那颗最古老的心灵给本座感悟。” Its vision is staring at Meng Qi profoundly, as if thought that own excuse and condition are impeccable, particularly touches the will of the people. 它目光幽深地盯着孟奇,似乎觉得自身的说辞和条件无可挑剔,分外打动人心。 Meng Qi sighed, unexpectedly turned around directly, turns away from Six Paths Heavenly Demon to walk toward demon earth outside, walked while shook the head to say with a smile: 孟奇叹了口气,居然直接转身,背对“六道天魔”往魔土外走去,边走边摇头笑道: You felt I who carry so many top inheritance will be have a liking for Maheśvara cultivation technique?” “你觉得身负如此多顶尖传承的我会看得上大自在天子功法?” It in Nine Serenities first ten can only reluctantly, the so-called experience wisdom be able to compare favorably with continually Thunder God, Sweeping Demons Heavenly Lord and Great Arhat Ānanda, can compare favorably with Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning?” “祂在九幽连前十都只能算勉强,所谓的经验智慧能比得上雷神荡魔天尊大阿罗汉阿难,能比得上元始天尊?” In the insipid tone is fluttering light despising. 索然无味的语气里飘荡着淡淡的鄙视。 Six Paths Heavenly Demon again silent, the intention by the demon body isolation, is not known is thinking anything, is glittering various one-eyed mood fluctuating of six color rays, has the dismal atmosphere overflow indistinctly. 六道天魔”再次沉默,心念被魔躯隔绝,不知在想些什么,闪烁着六色光芒的独眼各种情绪起伏,隐约有种悲凉的气氛外溢。 Saw that Meng Qi will soon go out of the demon earth, it sinking sound opens the mouth: You thought that this place will make you easily leave?” 眼看孟奇即将走出魔土,它才沉声开口:“你觉得本座会让你轻易离开?” Because compels the standard is too low, was the seduction inadequate, recasts the threat? Meng Qi not only does not feel afraid, instead has the funny feeling. 因为逼格太低,诱惑不成,改做威胁了?孟奇不仅不觉得害怕,反而有好笑的感觉。 To be honest, the experience and experience of Maheśvara truly seduce enormously to oneself, but oneself clearly know clearly, so long as moves, had does not know that limited greedy, had involving with Evil Demon, will be tempted to degenerate slowly, therefore rejected neatly, did not save the lucky heart. 老实说,大自在天子的经验和见识对自己确实诱惑极大,但自己清楚明白知道,只要动心,有了不知节制的贪婪,与邪魔有了牵扯,就会被慢慢引诱堕落,所以干脆利落拒绝,不存侥幸之心。 At this time, Meng Qi haha smiled one: „Do you dare to begin? Since you can see some is a board game piece, chessgame that dares to destroy the great people?” 此时,孟奇哈哈笑了一声:“你敢动手吗?你既然能看得出某是棋子,那敢破坏大人物们的棋局吗?” Six Paths Heavenly Demon is silent, the wind rustlings to blow, deep suction port gas channel/angrily said: „The board game piece of great people cannot, only then, unqualified no matter what only it runs its own course.” 六道天魔再次沉默,风瑟瑟吹过,深吸口气道:“大人物们的棋子不会只有一颗,不合格的只会任其自生自灭。” Does not raise you, only then the projection arrives, the strength is insufficient, at most obligation mind hoodwinked orchid Jingtian begins, is only your discretion, makes you not dare to begin.” Meng Qi turns away from Six Paths Heavenly Demon as before, the step is firm. “不提你只有投影降临,实力不足,顶多驱使心灵被蒙蔽的兰惊天动手,光是你的谨慎,就让你不敢动手。”孟奇依旧背对六道天魔,步伐坚定从容。 Does not peep this, in situation that some people explore the way, oneself will not come in! 不窥出这点,有人探路的情况下,自己根本不会进来! What discretion?” Six Paths Heavenly Demon cannot help laughing. “什么谨慎?”六道天魔哑然失笑。 Meng Qi walks the arrived demon earth edge, hehe said with a smile: Longevity Heaven is Maheśvara Incarnation, summon will secret technique that It gives summon the wrong person?” 孟奇到了魔土边缘,呵呵笑道:“长生天大自在天子化身,祂给予的召唤秘法会召唤错人?” Maheśvara, you are not always known as Evil Demon Sage, most discrete? The seduction of Origin Heart Seal is furious compared with the great person who resulting in did come from this? Are you willing to take risk?” 大自在天子,你不是一向号称邪魔智者,最为谨慎吗?元心印的诱惑比得了由此而来的大人物震怒吗?你愿意冒险吗?” Six Paths Heavenly Demon right hand knocks the left hand back of the hand gently, without speech. ( to be continued ) 六道天魔”右手轻轻敲动左手手背,没有说话。(未完待续) ps: This chapter of number of words are quite few, the next chapter makes up. ps:这章字数比较少,下一章补上。 Slowly found to feel ~ 慢慢找到感觉了~
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