WORIOA :: Volume #4

#303: Will of the people Six Paths

orchid Jingtian sizes up, discovered that here has a road, without branch, and comes along the way, oneself have also induced the harmonious nature of strength of earth line carefully or not, had not found other mechanism secretly said, in other words, the Golden Horde warrior and Longevity Cult Shaman simply do not have the fascinated earth either, either already entered stone door. 兰惊天四下打量,发现这里只得一条路,没有分岔,并且沿途而来,自己也仔细感应过土行之力的和谐自然与否,没找到别的机关暗道,换句话说,金帐武士与长生教萨满要么根本没入魔土,要么已经进了石门。 Nine Serenities, in the legend the place of Evil Demon malicious ghost origin, has Innate Evil God, has the lord of nether world, world rule law principle is entirely different from the world, arrived there, will rouse Exterior World by Interior World becomes difficult, 42 no longer can skid thousand jin (0.5 kg), will obtain to destroy the city to break the strength of river vibration land, will be corroded by Exterior World, will gradually degenerate fascinated, loses the spirit wisdom...... to think of these, orchid Jingtian will a little be hesitate to press forward, the Nine Serenities terrifying evil different will be the continuation, can stop the young child morbid night crying. 九幽,传说里邪魔恶鬼发源之地,有天生邪神,有幽冥之主,天地规律法理与自身世界截然不同,到了那里,以内天地勾动外天地将变得艰难,四两不再能撬动千斤,获得毁城断江震动大地的实力,甚至会被外天地侵蚀,逐渐入魔堕落,失去灵智……想到这些,兰惊天就有点畏缩不前,九幽的恐怖邪异代代相传,能止小儿夜啼。 At this time, Gao Ganyuan said one lightly: Entered this gate, is the demon earth.” 这时,高乾元淡淡道了一句:“入了此门,才算魔土。” Entered this gate, is the demon earth? orchid Jingtian is shocked slightly, truly, gets down, except that the chill in the air is getting more and more abundant, the jet black and dark green mist is getting more and more thick, in the soil the dark red near black blood plasma are getting more and more, does not have other demon earth characteristics, for example quiet ghost, for example the air/Qi of contamination, for example a little variation origin energy sea. 入了此门,才算魔土?兰惊天略微震惊,确实,一路下来,除了寒意越来越盛,漆黑和墨绿的雾气越来越浓,泥土里暗红近黑的血浆越来越多,并没有别的魔土特征,比如幽鬼,比如污秽之气,比如有点变异的元气大海。 It seems like Longevity Cult and Impermanence of Life and Death Sect constructed stone door especially, isolated the demon earth and normal world, orchid Jingtian suddenly realize, at the same time raised the deep doubts, these nine fingers of blue blood people seemed like to understand here, was the captive who he caught a higher level? 看来是长生教生死无常宗特地修建了石门,隔绝了魔土与正常世界,兰惊天恍然大悟,同时升起深深的疑惑,这九指蓝血人似乎比自己更了解此处,他抓到的俘虏属于更高层次? Among the thought phonographs, orchid Jingtian reveals one to grin fiendishly, has gate well, doesn't Crazy Blade want action of driving away two people to explore the way? Waits to close it through stone door, if he does not pursue, will definitely lose oneself two people trail, if he hurries to close up, lost that calm oppression to overlook own imposing manner, did not make one dread. 念头电转之间,兰惊天露出一丝狞笑,有“门”就好,狂刀不是要“驱赶”自己两人探路吗?等通过石门就将它关上,若他不追赶,肯定会失去自己两人的踪迹,如果他慌忙靠拢,就失了那份从容压迫俯视自身的气势,再不让人畏惧。 His right hand finds out, assumes to seize the potential of dragon , the invisible strength will entrain stone door to open fiercely in the future slowly, as if has void curvingly. The dim ray also passes. 他右手探出,呈擒龙之势,猛地往后一拉,无形之力拽着石门缓缓打开,就连虚空都仿佛有所弯曲。黯淡的光线随之流转。 , stone door opens heavily, the cold air heads on, the little ice crystal fills the air to flutter. Let startled day exude the feeling that the blood ossification wants to freeze. 扎扎扎,石门沉重打开,寒气扑面而来,一点点冰晶弥漫飘荡。让兰惊天自身都泛起血液僵化欲要冻结的感受。 During his induction, nine fingers of blue blood Gao Ganyuan skins become translucent, is glittering the bright gloomily blue ray, as if must congeal the ice, therefore shows a faint smile. Holds up the head to step into stone door. 他的感应之中,九指蓝血高乾元皮肤变得半透明,闪烁着剔透的幽蓝光芒,似乎要凝结成冰,于是微微一笑。昂首踏入石门。 In the Gao Ganyuan bloodlines, one trivial small invisible sword qi thrives, is crushing freezing, restored the strength of action, follows enters. 高乾元血脉内,一丝微小又无形的剑气勃发,击碎着冰冻,恢复了行动之力,跟随进入。 One stone door, two people nearly at the same time has turned around, or draws or pulls, tries to close up this gate, isolates Crazy Blade the oppression of Su Meng. 一过石门,两人近乎同时转身,或拉或扯,试图合拢此门,隔绝“狂刀苏孟的压迫。 to bind! stone door rubs back and forth, probably held on by the invisible hand. How whatever two people make an effort , can only shake in very small range shivers. 扎!石门来回摩擦,像是被无形之手拉住。任凭两人如何用力,也只能在很小范围内震荡颤抖。 „The strength of Yuan magnetism!” Gao Ganyuan and orchid Jingtian also feels the arrived terrifying the suction. “元磁之力!”高乾元与兰惊天本身亦感受到了恐怖的吸力。 The former non- is the average man structure, the latter refine to melt many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, has changed the physique, was quite clear to the strength of feeling Yuan magnetism. 前者非是常人结构,后者炼化了诸多天材地宝,早已改变体质,对元磁之力感受相当清晰。 orchid Jingtian the eyes stare in a big way, thrives draws stone door full power, nearby as if curving to become ball, the jet black lump, Gao Ganyuan sword qi invisible does not have to have nothing the division of Yin-Yang void, prepares to deduct an isolation Yuan magnetism the domain. 兰惊天眼睛瞪大,勃发全力拉动石门,附近虚空都似乎弯曲成球,漆黑一坨,高乾元剑气无形无相无有阴阳之分,准备演绎隔绝元磁的界域。 Two people divide the work to be clear. The oath must Su Meng make trouble to Crazy Blade, does not make him accumulate the imposing manner. 两人分工明确。誓要给“狂刀苏孟制造麻烦,不让他积累气势。 Fought already evilly over the past two months, various news like mushroom growth, spread vigorously. orchid Jingtian and Gao Ganyuan had naturally heard a Meng Qi blade cuts to kill Crying Old Man, the matter that Touch of Karma in the unparalleled not right, accurate Dharma Body strengths, Half-Step Dharma Body and many Grandmaster capture alive Hass Wula, alerts really deeply to him, such as near entire life rare archenemy. 正邪大战已经过去两个月,各种消息如雨后春笋,蓬勃流传。兰惊天和高乾元自然听说过孟奇一刀斩杀哭老人,“沾因果”无双无对,准法身战力、半步法身、诸多宗师中生擒哈斯乌拉的事情,对他戒备甚深,如临生平罕见之大敌。 Suddenly, strength of change Yuan magnetism. stone door receives orchid Jingtian and Meng Qi joint effort, the mighty force is unable to stop hits by the imposing manner and speed that to doorframe. 忽然,元磁之力改变。石门受到兰惊天与孟奇合力,以千军万马无法阻挡的气势与速度撞向“门框”。 Bang!...... stone door, although has the forbidden technique protection, but has exceeded the limit that oneself withstood, splits rapidly, collapsing piles in heaps, was frozen by the chill in the air, gives birth to layer upon layer frost. 砰!喀嚓……石门虽有禁法保护,但已然超过了自身承受的极限,迅速裂开,垮塌成堆,然后被寒意冻结,生出层层冰霜 orchid Jingtian and Gao Ganyuan cannot bear look at each other in dismay, oneself dreaded that Crazy Blade Su Meng, was oppressed by him step by step, led by the nose, strength of Yin-Yang change even/including Yuanci the can transfer drawing to push this simple general knowledge has not responded. 兰惊天与高乾元忍不住面面相觑,自身太忌惮“狂刀苏孟,遭他步步压迫,以至于被牵着鼻子走,连元磁之力阴阳变化能转拉为推这简单的常识都未反应过来。 At this time, the edge that two people induce, that exuberant tumbles to soar to the heavens like the scalding hot Great Sun vitality as before, blade intent is cold and gloomy, stabbing pain Primordial Spirit. 此时,两人感应的边缘,那旺盛如同灼热大日的气血依旧翻滚冲霄,刀意森冷,刺痛元神 Good Crazy Blade Su Meng! Cannot this way...... two people be Grandmaster for many years, forcefully various restraining unnecessary mood, pure brightness spiritual platform, the body and mind situated in relaxing with does not relax, as if forgot behind has Crazy Blade the oppression of Su Meng, then sizes up demon earth. 好一个“狂刀苏孟!不能再这样下去了……两人都是积年宗师,强行收敛各种不必要的情绪,清明灵台,身心处于放松与不放松之间,似乎忘记了背后有“狂刀苏孟的压迫,转而打量起“魔土”。 About by the mist of dull green nearly freeze was all covered with the front, the spirit cannot spread the hundred zhang (333 m), the ground is completely jet black, probably ten million years blood coagulum accumulates layer upon layer, it is breaking surface one smoothly to the extreme cold ice, once in a while inks the green moss long, has the nose to have the mouth has eyes, sends out giggle the moss of laughter! 左右与前方皆被惨绿近乎冻结的雾气笼罩,精神蔓延不出百丈,地面全部漆黑,像是千万年鲜血凝块层层累积,其上浮着一层光滑到极点的寒冰,间或长着墨绿色苔藓,有眼有鼻有嘴,发出咯咯笑声的苔藓! Nine Serenities from the hidden over 100,000 years, the Main World inheritance broke several times, orchid Jingtian and Gao Ganyuan only know that in the most famous thing, does not recognize this strange moss, but they through the observation moss and change of the world inner qi, discovered that it can send out a colorless and tasteless gas, making one have the illusion, is unable to lock in the essence vitality, was taken by it quietly, dry old perishes gradually. 九幽自隐十万年以上,主世界传承又断了几次,兰惊天和高乾元只知道里面最出名的事物,并不认得这怪异苔藓,但他们通过观察苔藓本身及天地气机的变化,发现它能散发一种无色无味的气体,让人产生幻觉,无法锁住精气生机,被它悄然吸食,渐渐枯老而亡。 Two Grandmaster seemingly relaxed, true altitude alert, when some crises, then can immediately the thriving strength, like Dawning Enlightenment „a feather cannot add, the housefly cannot fall, a person sways sword qi, a person foot treads the soil, is split up the dark green moss. 两位宗师看似放松了下来,实际高度戒备,一旦有些许危机,立刻便能勃发力量,就像开窍时的“一羽不能加,蚊蝇不能落”,一人挥洒剑气,一人脚踏泥土,将墨绿色苔藓四分五裂。 Cautious vanguard, orchid Jingtian hears forming into a hard crust suddenly the clear sound, some probably people are chewing the bone. 小心翼翼前行一阵,兰惊天忽然听到“嘎巴嘎巴”的清脆声音,像是有人在嚼着骨头。 He looks subconsciously to Gao Ganyuan, discovered that the opposite party also floated the dignified color, understood not own illusion, therefore hung single-handedly in the body side, before is putting in the heart horizontally, was ready, toward sound whence in the past. 他下意识看向高乾元,发现对方亦浮上了凝重之色,明白并非自己的幻觉,于是一手垂在身侧,一手横着放于胸前,蓄势待发,向着声音来处过去。 This could find the Golden Horde warrior and whereabouts of Longevity Cult Shaman! 这或许能找到金帐武士与长生教萨满的行踪! The mist separates, the thick smell of blood sneaks into two people Nose Aperture. 雾气分开,浓浓的血腥味窜入两人鼻窍 The line of sight institute , the place of front grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, by the man who sitting Longevity Cult Shaman dresses up, the whole body is the blood, the belly ballooning. 视线所及,前方怪石嶙峋之处,靠坐着一位长生教萨满打扮的男子,浑身是血,肚皮鼓胀。 The inner qi hauling, this Longevity Cult Shaman turned the head to look to two people, in the vision is completely greedy, the expression was stereotypical. 气机牵引,这位长生教萨满转头望向了两人,目光之中尽是贪婪,表情呆板木然。 Suddenly, his corners of the mouth bring back, exude a dull smile, then the right hand made an effort, tore down the ear, squeezed in the mouth, sends out resounding that formed into a hard crust, wolfed down. 突然,他嘴角勾起,泛起一丝呆呆笑容,接着右手用力,撕下了耳朵,塞入了嘴中,发出嘎巴嘎巴的脆响,狼吞虎咽。 His left hand, his both legs, his lip. The muscle skeleton of his chest, all does not see, covered with blood, seemed to be eaten by he himself. Changed to tall Zhang the belly, but hungry does not have any alleviation. 他的左手,他的双腿,他的嘴唇。他胸口的肌肉骨骼,全都不见,血肉模糊,似乎都被他自己吃了下去。化作了高胀的肚子,但饥饿没有任何缓解。 Hungry ghost took possession......” Gao Ganyuan to narrow the eye. “饿鬼附体……”高乾元眯了眯眼睛。 orchid Jingtian even more alerts, this Longevity Cult Shaman strength is not weak, only misses one step to enter Grandmaster, what hungry ghost is so fierce? 兰惊天愈发戒备,这位长生教萨满实力不弱,只差一步就入宗师,什么饿鬼这么厉害? Sound indicating resentment. This Longevity Cult Shaman flies, charges into two people completely greedily, laid out by orchid Jingtian a palm, the body is split up strangely, in the belly departs also calculates the complete lip, both legs and internal organs. 荷荷。这名长生教萨满飞起,满是贪婪冲向两人,被兰惊天一掌拍出,身体诡异地四分五裂,肚子内飞出还算完整的嘴唇、双腿和内脏。 Must be Impermanence of Life and Death Sect and Longevity Cult nether world Evil God has problems, has not closed up promptly Nine Serenities Slit, making certain Evil Demon malicious ghosts flee in all directions.” Gao Ganyuan looks that pulls out the corpse that had not discovered that hungry ghost leaves, guess was saying. “应当是生死无常宗长生教的幽冥邪神阵出了问题,没有及时合拢九幽缝隙,让某些邪魔恶鬼流窜了出来。”高乾元看着一抽一抽的尸体,没发现有“饿鬼离开”,“揣测”着说道。 orchid Jingtian intentionally cold snort/hum: Covertly, stealthy. It seems like not fierce Evil Demon, happen to makes the spoils of war, refines the treasured armament utensil!” 兰惊天故意冷哼一声:“偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟。看来并非什么厉害邪魔,正好做战利品,炼制宝兵器物!” All around restored peacefully, no sound spreads again. 四周恢复了安静,再没有一点声音传出。 Proceeds again, could find the Nine Serenities unique thing.” Gao Ganyuan ponders sword gu rune/symbol Ling in the hand, does not meet Dharma Body to escape is not a problem, proposed that continues thoroughly. “再往前走,或许能找到九幽特有之物。”高乾元自忖剑蛊符令在手,不遇法身逃脱不成问题,提议继续深入。 His double pupil blooms little scalding hot, seems hopeful about some Nine Serenities unique thing. 他的双眸绽放少许灼热,似乎对某件九幽特有之物充满渴望。 orchid Jingtian spreads out with him slightly, shows neither approval nor disapproval, follows thoroughly. 兰惊天稍微与他拉开距离,不置可否,跟随深入。 More walks is cold. The mist shape with the freeze, they have to various, excavate the channel. 越走越是寒冷。就连雾气都形同冻结,两人不得不各施本身,开凿出通道。 . The front broadcasts the sound, the at the same time spirit that two people alert inspires, one on the left and other on the right, circled an arc to close up. 啪啪啪,啪啪啪。前方又传来声音,两人戒备的同时精神一振,一左一右,绕了一个弧线靠拢。 ...... Also is a man of Longevity Cult Shaman appearance takes in the hand the saber, digs the tread diligently, probably wants to dig out a channel. Goes to the Nine Serenities channel. 啪啪啪……又是一个长生教萨满模样的男子拿着手中马刀,孜孜不倦地挖着地面,像是想挖出一条通道。前往九幽的通道。 Before his body , the pothole of digging out had the hundred zhang (333 m) fully deeply, the bottom blood yellow fluctuation, the as if ground water will soon gush out. 他身前挖出的坑洞足有百丈深了,底部一层血黄浮动,仿佛地下水即将涌出。 „The water of Yellow Springs......” Gao Ganyuan trod the previous step, the body and Dharma Idol at the same time breaks up, integrates slightly revealed the variation the origin energy sea, from rushed to that matter blood in all directions yellow. “黄泉之水……”高乾元踏前一步,身躯与法相同时崩解,融入了略显变异的元气大海,从四面八方涌向那层血黄。 orchid Jingtian does not enter instead draws back, only thinks that all are not normal, at this moment, his front presented another orchid Jingtian, dirty, whole body soil, but in the foreheads does not have the fierce air/Qi. 兰惊天不进反退,只觉一切都不正常,就在这时,他面前出现了另外一个兰惊天,脏兮兮、浑身泥土,但眉宇之间没有凶恶之气。 Malicious ghost!” orchid Jingtian is exceptionally calm, cannot have a thought that the right hand lays out, hits in this transforms, but orchid Jingtian left chest. “恶鬼!”兰惊天异常冷静,一念不起,右手拍出,打在这幻化而出的“兰惊天”左胸。 Malicious ghost left chest deeply is hollow, the rib separates, but orchid Jingtian also thinks that the chest has the fierce ache to raid. 喀嚓,“恶鬼”左胸深深凹陷,肋骨断开,但兰惊天亦觉胸口有剧烈疼痛袭来。 This palm resembled to hit unexpectedly on oneself! 这一掌竟似打在了自己身上! How can like this? orchid Jingtian cannot have a thought forcefully, is not flurried, dodges the malicious ghost who transforms, the left leg makes an effort to tread, the land vibrates, the crack makes a debut a slit, making the malicious ghost fall, at once closes up. 怎么会这样?兰惊天强行一念不起,不慌不乱,闪避掉幻化出来的恶鬼,左脚用力一踏,大地震动,裂出道道缝隙,让恶鬼掉落进去,旋即合拢。 Hehe...... the laughter transmits, orchid Jingtian does not need to look back, looks at arrived „”. 呵呵……笑声传来,兰惊天不用回首,亦看到了“自己”。 He changes several means continually, even makes malicious ghost throw itself, but except for being injured, does not have other situation to appear again. 他连变几种办法,甚至让“恶鬼”扑中自己,但除了受伤,再无别的情况出现。 , The shadow of death covered his heart gradually, keeping him again from staying quiet. 渐渐的,死亡的阴影笼罩了他的心头,让他再无法保持平静。 At this moment, in his line of sight were many pair of black riding boots, as well as a giant wound long blade. 就在这时,他视线之中多了一双黑色快靴,以及一口巨大伤口般的长刀。 Crazy Blade Su Meng......” orchid Jingtian muttered, probably the person of drowning grabbed the last straw, no matter both sides were a moment ago hostile. “‘狂刀苏孟……”兰惊天喃喃自语,像是溺水之人抓住了最后一根稻草,不管刚才双方还是敌对。 Comes out.” He hears the arrived Meng Qi calm sound. “出来吧。”他听到了孟奇沉稳的声音。 Good, already few people can resist this place Six Paths big hand imprint.” The light sound resounds together. “不错,已经很少有人能抗拒本座的‘六道大手印’了。”一道平淡的声音响起。 orchid Jingtian looks back to look, sees only the distant place to have dozens zhang (3.33 m) high palatial stone Deng, the above sits well one giant, wears the black robe, by a right hand chin, on the face is without nostril not to have the mouth not to have the ear, has one to be divided into six color eyes. 兰惊天回首望去,只见远处有一张几十丈高的巍峨石凳,上方端坐一名“巨人”,身披黑袍,正以右手支颔,脸上没有鼻孔没有嘴巴没有耳朵,只得一只分成六色的眼睛。 In not the far place, Longevity Cult Shaman is still unearthing laboriously, the Gao Ganyuan body week has rune/symbol to make to circle, both eyes slightly reveals lifeless. 在不远之处,长生教萨满还在辛辛苦苦挖掘,高乾元身周有块符令旋绕,双眼略显呆滞 Six Paths big hand imprint?” Meng Qi selected the eyebrow. 六道大手印?”孟奇挑了挑眉。 Greedy does not know that controls for the hungry ghost, the evil and cruel hate is unable to dispel then falls into the hell, Six Paths not in Nine Serenities, only saves the will of the people.” In this hundred zhang (333 m) high Evil Demon happy expression said in a tone with, this is under the Maheśvara place Six Paths Heavenly Demon.” “贪婪不知节制是为饿鬼,歹毒怨恨无法消解便堕入地狱,六道不在九幽,只存人心。”这名上百丈高的邪魔语带笑意说道,“本座是大自在天子座下‘六道天魔’。” Six Paths Heavenly Demon...... has the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation contrast, Meng Qi has the opposite party to compel the standard very low feeling, bears the impulsion of unstated criticism, tranquil say/way: Maheśvara?” 六道天魔……有六道轮回之主对比,孟奇顿生对方逼格很低的感觉,忍住腹诽的冲动,平静道:“大自在天子?” This abandoned Demon Lord that Evil God. 这是背弃了魔主的那位邪神 Longevity Heaven is one of the Maheśvara Incarnation, fills greatly with Impermanence of Life and Death Sect colludes, with the aid of nether world Evil God, tries to awaken the deep sleep Maheśvara, what a pity he and Longevity Heaven at the same time falls from the sky, is hard to continue, beforehand Shaman inherit his will, here holds the ceremony, but can only summon this.” Six Paths Heavenly Demon hehe said with a smile, the least bit did not mind to show one's true colors, does not know that is thinking anything.( To be continued.) 长生天大自在天子化身之一,大满与生死无常宗勾结,借助幽冥邪神阵,试图唤醒沉睡的大自在天子,可惜他与长生天同时陨落,难以继续,之前的萨满们继承他的意志,在这里举行仪式,但只能召唤出本座。”六道天魔呵呵笑道,半点也不介意漏底,不知在想些什么。(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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