WORIOA :: Volume #4

#295: Has become Family Lord Wang Siyuan

Guangling initially became in the antiquity years, the bricks remnant beam as if years old person, was telling phases of inspiring history, common Confucian scholar everyone said that River East character style view place foot.... , 广陵初成于上古年间,砖瓦残梁仿佛岁月老人,讲述着一段段可歌可泣的历史,常有儒士大家言,江东人物风貌观此地足矣。…≦, Branches divide scattered about Guangling, horizontally is the street, vertical saying that the small bridge over the flowing stream, the graceful bearing is hidden, hangs Liu Bai qiang, the copper collar wooden door, the time as if solidifies in this. 一条条支流将广陵分割得七零八落,横为街,纵为道,小桥流水,风韵暗藏,垂柳白墙,铜环木门,时光似乎凝固于此。 Links up Guangling and the fine water of connection great river and little Nan Lake flows slowly, before peaceful building passes through, large ship gorgeous boat shuttle in , the green willow tree spring breeze complements both banks. 贯通广陵、连接大江与小南湖的嘉水缓缓流淌,从太平楼前经过,楼船画舫穿梭其中,绿柳春风掩映两岸。 In the peaceful building, many Jiang Hu person the delicacies of clear fresh taste beautiful, were discussing the world situation, is saying the change of the world Human List. 太平楼内,不少江湖人士品着清鲜味美的佳肴,议论着天下大势,说道着天地人榜的变化。 When their sputtering, sometimes often looks to out of the window, appreciates scenery that gladdens the heart fresh, sees under the willow tree, one group of little rascal take the wooden blade wooden sword, the minute/share help/gang ties the faction, plays delighted. 他们口沫横飞之际,时不时望向窗外,欣赏清新怡神的风景,看见杨柳树下,一群小鬼拿着木刀木剑,正分帮结派,玩得不亦乐乎。 That the lead child of pigtail, is conducting the arm the wooden blade upwards, looks at opposite the brocade wears jade contemporaries seriously: Fights does not fight, draws back does not draw back, why is actually?” 那扎着朝天辫的领头小孩,挎着木刀,一本正经看着对面着锦戴玉的同龄人:“战又不战,退又不退,却是何故?” My Su Wuming always not anti- argument.” Wears the little rascal of jade pendant to say proudly. “我苏无名向来不耐口舌。”戴着玉佩的小鬼傲然道。 to bind pigtail child immediately is pointing at the opposite party to say upwards: You act shamelessly! Previous time you lost, this you played the role of the bastard.” 扎着朝天辫的小孩顿时指着对方道:“你耍赖!上次你输了,这次该你扮坏蛋了。” Wears the little rascal of jade pendant to pour down to sob, is with great difficulty flat the mouth saying: Good good, you said that which bastard I do play the role of?” 戴着玉佩的小鬼泫然欲泣,好不容易才扁着嘴道:“好啦好啦,你说我扮哪个坏蛋?” Haha, Crying Old Man, you are at death's door, but also is so rampant!” One crowd of child at the same time fork waists laugh, haughty the sentiment can be seen in speech and appearance. “哈哈,哭老人,你死到临头,还如此嚣张!”一群孩子同时叉腰大笑,“狂傲”之情溢于言表。 Little rascal both hands to become claw who wears the jade pendant, the complexion is gloomy: Looks at my Bitter Soul 18 Strikes!” 戴着玉佩的小鬼双手成爪,脸色阴沉:“看我冤魂十八拍!” The child of hit/prick upwards pigtail blade one horizontal, coldly said: 扎朝天辫的小孩将刀一横,“冷冷”道: Your already died.” “你已经死了。” I Crazy Blade Su Meng have said that kills you only to use a blade.” “我‘狂刀苏孟说过,杀你只用一刀。” Looks on the Jiang Hu people who they play to hear to be able help laughing, sees the dark cloud gathering, the drizzle will fall, shouts at the top of one's voice saying: You have not gone home to take shelter from the rain, careful does Mister Lu Da pull out your buttocks?” 旁观他们玩耍的江湖人士们听得哑然失笑,见乌云汇聚,细雨将落,扯开嗓子道:“你们还不回家避雨,小心陆大先生抽你们屁股?” The child thumb of hit/prick pigtail is pressing the dimple upwards, is sticking out one's tongue. Is pulling the ugly face, returns with high voice said: Rests boisterously, some Touch of Karma is eager to try, can the world who keep off a blade?” 扎朝天辫的小孩拇指按着酒窝,吐着舌头。扳着鬼脸,尖声回道:“休得聒噪,某的沾因果正跃跃欲试,天下谁人能挡一刀?” Haha, this group of children, listening to the Mister Storyteller story to hear to overstate......” the Jiang Hu real man to shake the head to say with a smile. “哈哈,这帮孩子,听说书先生的故事听得走火入魔了……”江湖好汉摇头笑道。 Drop of rainwater falls, as if makes clear lightly, the dark cloud coping that will soon be coming, the weather becomes dim. 一滴雨水滑落,似乎昭示着即将而来的淅沥,乌云盖顶,天色变得昏暗。 The children receive the wooden blade wooden sword, is planning to go various home respectively. Suddenly the heart has a feeling, as if anything tows, turns head to look to the fine water enters city, the Jiang Hu real men is also involved by inexplicable inner qi, one after another sized up the past. 小孩收起木刀木剑,正打算各回各家。忽然心有所感,似乎什么牵引住,扭头望向嘉水入城处,江湖好汉们亦是被莫名气机牵扯,纷纷打量过去。 A large ship drives slowly, every time goes a step further, the dark cloud on a dissipation point, the man who a bow proud stand black vigor installs, is tying up the heroic turban. The right hand grasps a modeling unusually such as the wound long blade, the whole person martial-looking firm is passing several points of comfortable, sees him to come, then looks at remittance of arrived side world probably. Washed out the dark cloud, seized the sunlight. 一艘楼船缓缓驶来,每进一步,乌云就消散一分,船头傲立一位黑色劲装的男子,绑着英雄巾。右手握着一口造型奇特如伤口的长刀,整个人英武阳刚又透着几分闲适,看到他过来,便像是看到了一方世界的汇入。冲散了乌云,夺走了阳光。 Crazy Blade Su Meng!” Had saw the Jiang Hu person of Meng Qi storytelling to blurt out in the peaceful building. “‘狂刀苏孟!”有曾经在太平楼见过孟奇说书的江湖人士脱口而出。 Just a blade cut to kill Crying Old Man, surrounded seized the Golden Horde warrior leader Crazy Blade Su Meng to arrive Guangling in the numerous powerhouses unexpectedly! 刚一刀斩杀哭老人,于重重强者包围里擒走金帐武士首领的“狂刀苏孟竟然驾临广陵了! That each and every one child is excited to be red in the face, wells up the shore. Witnesses Crazy Blade the graceful bearing, thinks back on his all sorts of heroic deeds. 一个个孩子激动得面红耳赤,涌到岸边。争相目睹“狂刀”的风姿,遥想他的种种英雄事迹。 A oneself Elder Brother generation of age, his body becomes Grandmaster. Advanced into Earth List first 30, the hero had/left the youngster, it would be better if generally were! 还是自身哥哥辈的年纪,他就身成宗师。跻身地榜前三十了,英雄出少年,概莫如是! The large ship rolls by slowly, Meng Qi is suspending the modeling, makes every effort the Guangling well-known own arrival, passes to the Duan Rui ear. 楼船缓缓驶过,孟奇摆着造型,力求广陵人尽皆知自己的到来,传到段瑞耳中。 His previous time betrays Wang Siyuan not to have the effect, is definitely unwilling at heart, when Devil Master has entered Ananda Pure Land when Righteous Path cannot find way out, he will not necessarily not begin the thoughts, looks for itself. 他上次出卖王思远却没有效果,心里肯定不甘,当魔师入过阿难净土正道一筹莫展时,他未必不会再起心思,重新找上自己。 The fine water is broad, rushes to the great river, Meng Qi abandons a ship to disembark in the Guangling liveliest intersection, moves toward the peaceful building. 嘉水宽阔,涌向大江,孟奇广陵最繁华的街口弃船登岸,走向太平楼。 At this time, dīng dīng thump thump the zither music transmitted, spacious like Yuanshan, clear running water. 这时,叮叮咚咚的琴音传来,旷如远山,清似流水。 During the induction, the willow shore, the Xiaofeng remnant wave, a Wang Siyuan white clothing, ignites the incense burner, is caressing ancient zither, the maidservant holds is thinking the sword. 感应之中,杨柳岸边,晓风残浪,王思远一袭白衣,点着香炉,抚着古琴,身后丫鬟捧着三思剑。 Meng Qi smiles, walked with ease, sits to Wang Siyuan opposite at will, pats near the left hand the trees, the roar was singing: River flows to east......” 孟奇笑了笑,轻松走了过去,随意坐到王思远对面,拍着左手边树木,吼唱道:“大河向东流啊……” The ideal condition of playing a qin, the lofty atmosphere, immediately was destroyed completely, Wang Siyuan both hands stop, wait for Meng Qi to stop the straightforward singing sound. 抚琴的意境,高雅的气氛,顿时被破坏殆尽,王思远双手停下,等着孟奇止住粗豪的歌声。 That knowing well maidservant curls the lip, thought that Crazy Blade did not have the elegant bone more and more. 那名熟识的丫鬟撇了撇嘴,觉得“狂刀”越来越没有雅骨了。 I hadn't had business I wouldn't have come, had anything to say.” Wang Siyuan does not have the mood to fluctuate, has a relish to size up Meng Qi. “无事不登三宝殿,有什么就说吧。”王思远没有情绪波动,饶有兴致打量着孟奇 Meng Qi hēi hēi smiles: Some comes for the world martial arts world, for Human Clan prosperous......” 孟奇嘿嘿一笑:“某前来是为了天下武林,为了人族昌盛……” Wang Siyuan maintains composure to listen, has not interrupted, once for a while coughs two. 王思远不动声色听着,没有插言,时不时咳嗽两声。 Meng Qi is secret, if Senior Brother Qi, will definitely coordinate saying that said key, therefore was not in no mood, sincere say/way: Shaolin has the Monster Clan ambush, changes to the odd jobs courtyard deacon monk, previously eliminated when strictly Devil Master remains had not discovered, but some had seen in River East monster that changes to Human Clan, is really nothing flaw, therefore Mister Lu Da and Shaolin eminent monks suspected that Monster Clan has to melt shape secret technique, Dharma Body can also detect whole-heartedly melts shape secret technique.” 孟奇暗暗失望,若是齐师兄,肯定会配合地说“讲重点”,于是没了心情,正色道:“少林妖族潜伏,化作杂役院执事僧,先前严格肃清魔师残留时都未发现,而某曾经在江东见过化作人族妖物,真是没什么破绽,所以陆大先生少林高僧都怀疑妖族有化形秘法,法身亦得全力以赴才能察觉得化形秘法。” Expensive family/home inherits remote, regarding this doesn't know the Corporeal and Incorporeal understanding?” “贵家传承久远,对此不知有无了解?” This is Meng Qi to one of the Guangling reasons, conceals the good excuse of other goal. 这是孟奇广陵的原因之一,也是掩饰另外目的的好说辞。 Hearsay immemorial Monster Emperor once tried to eliminate the difference of transvestite.” Wang Siyuan to stops. “传闻太古妖皇曾经试图消除人妖之别。”王思远点到即止。 So that's how it is.” Meng Qi slightly nod, several expert plans inform various Sect aristocratic families, investigates rigorously each one, and many will communicate, strives soon to find to restrain this to melt the means of shape secret technique, does not know that Wang Family can be willing to help?” “原来如此。”孟奇微微点头,“几位高人打算告知各门派世家,严查各自,并多加沟通,争取早日找到克制这化形秘术的办法,不知王家可愿帮忙?” Inherent connotation.” The Wang Siyuan complexion is that pale, covered the mouth to cough several, should say your true goal.” “应有之义。”王思远脸色还是那么苍白,捂着嘴巴咳嗽了几声,“该说你真正的目的了。” Meng Qi: Some Grandmaster, has not known whether can bargain back and forth with Lust Path?” 孟奇啧了一声:“某已宗师,不知是否可与**道讨价还价了?” This is also one of the goals. 这也是目的之一。 Wang Siyuan looked at Meng Qi one, smiles to say suddenly: Yes, is requests you to look for Lust Path disciple dual cultivation mostly, likely is one of the Dark Maiden Incarnation Body, both sides had the entanglement, in the future easy to do matter.” 王思远看了孟奇一眼,忽地微笑道:“自是可以,多半是要求你找名**道弟子双修,很可能就是玄女应身之一,双方有了纠缠,将来才好办事。” The Meng Qi facial skin becomes stiff, this is the matter that most do not want to handle, had such dispute with Lust Path, the ghost knows that will present what consequence, especially Dark Maiden Incarnation Body, the funny big brother head flat crown feared that will become green and glossy, this matter will not may! 孟奇脸皮发僵,这是自己最不想做的事情,与**道有了这样的纠葛,鬼知道会出现什么后果,尤其玄女应身,逗比大哥头上的平天冠怕是会变得绿油油的,这事万万不可! Except dual cultivation, other things can discuss.” The Meng Qi serious say/way, Wang Family inherits remote, has had many social dealings with Lust Path, but also asked Siyuan brother to transmit.” “除开双修,其他事情都能商量。”孟奇一本正经道,“王家传承久远,与**道打过不少交道,还请思远兄代为传达。” Had on the next best matter, Meng Qi believes that was given up to magnificence island foothold already. 有了上次之事,孟奇相信离华岛这个据点已经被放弃。 When called my Siyuan brother?” Wang Siyuan selected the eyebrow, the right hand made a fist to resist the mouth. “什么时候叫我思远兄了?”王思远挑了挑眉毛,右手握拳抵住嘴巴。 Meng Qi ships out the modest appearance: Self- realm surpasses you to start, does not need the imposing manner to contend again, spiritual confrontation.” 孟奇装出谦虚模样:“自我境界超过你开始,无需再气势相争,精神交锋了。” Wang Siyuan has not deliberately concealed, Meng Qi can see that he just entered 6th Heavenly Layer. 王思远没有刻意掩饰,孟奇能看出他刚入六重天 Facing this weary shameless fellow, Wang Siyuan does not get angry instead smiles, calm: Pitifully could not find Duan Rui.” 面对这惫懒无耻的家伙,王思远不怒反笑,气定神闲:“可惜找不到段瑞。” Meng Qi innermost feelings thump, complexion invariable say/way: Duan Rui? He counter practices «Body Metamorphose Scripture», becomes Evil Demon, some thinks early, except that.” 孟奇内心咯噔了一下,脸色不变道:“段瑞?他逆练《易筋经》,成为邪魔,某早想除去。” Ananda Pure Land.” Wang Siyuan said four characters calmly. 阿难净土。”王思远平平静静说了四个字。 The Meng Qi train of thought rotation, said brazenly: „Does Siyuan brother, how teach me?” 孟奇思绪转动,厚着脸皮就道:“思远兄,何以教我?” Before Duan Rui gave you paper, said me to enter stone door , now Heaven List said that Devil Master stole into Ananda Pure Land, how I cannot calculate that you do want to look for Duan Rui?” Wang Siyuan that hidden demented morbid state appearance, few days ago, some people stole him, doubtful Devil Master.” “之前段瑞给你纸条,言我入过石门,咳咳,如今天榜魔师偷入阿难净土,我怎会算不到你要来找段瑞?”王思远还是那副暗藏癫狂的病态模样,“不过前些日子,有人将他劫走,疑似魔师。” Actually do you go to Ananda Pure Land to look for what?” Meng Qi slightly feels disappointedly, asked the litigant simply. “你去阿难净土究竟找什么?”孟奇略感失望,干脆问起当事人。 Wang Siyuan dialed a string: My family ancestor's cause of death, is Medieval Calculation Saint, he once left behind the teachings of the deceased, the word seeks for Ananda Pure Land, from now on will not return again, I know you to be clear, will therefore wait for you here.” 王思远拨了一下琴弦:“我家老祖宗的死因,也就是中古数圣,他曾经留下遗训,言寻找阿难净土,自此再无回返,我知你清楚,所以才会在这里等你。” „Was I clear?” Meng Qi being astonished different way. “我清楚?”孟奇讶异道。 This matter has nothing to know! 这事没什么知道! The Wang Siyuan pale face exudes to wipe the smile: Who I did not know am, but after you uses Touch of Karma to kill Crying Old Man, I was then clear, on the same day will destroy Ānanda woodcarving not to have others, true Touch of Karma considered realized at that time.” 王思远苍白的脸庞泛起一抹微笑:“我原本不知是谁,但你用沾因果杀死哭老人后,我便清楚了,当日破坏阿难木雕者不会有旁人,真正的‘沾因果’当是那时练成。” Said with saw with own eyes same...... Meng Qi hesitates evil ways: Expensive family/home ancestors die of Ānanda Touch of Karma under.” 说的和亲眼见到一样……孟奇沉吟一下道:“贵家老祖宗死于阿难的‘沾因果’下。” So that's how it is, so that's how it is......” Wang Siyuan look suddenly demented, as if ravelled a lot. “原来如此,原来如此……”王思远神色突地癫狂,似乎弄明白了很多事情。 What?” Meng Qi is hard to take the curious heart, to the matter of Ānanda, he quite pays attention. “什么?”孟奇难耐好奇之心,对阿难之事,他是相当关注。 Wang Siyuan all hateful Divine Stick restrained the smile likely, slowly stands up: You then know in the future.” 王思远像所有可恶的神棍般收敛了笑容,慢慢站起:“你日后便会知道。” As for the seal of stone door, although Duan Rui is robbed, but I the secret have looked for Body Metamorphose Scripture that person condemned to death practice he confesses ‚’, 1-2 years of times, then can apply again.” “至于石门的封印,虽然段瑞被劫走,但我已秘密找死囚修炼他交代的‘易筋经’,再有1-2工夫,便能派上用场。” Lust Path there, I can for your signalling.” **道那里,我会代你传信。” The language, he turns around to walk. 语罢,他转身就走。 The Meng Qi fist pinched pinching, wants to punch his, but the Wang Siyuan father has died of illness, he inherited the position of Family Lord, wields Peerless Divine Armament Book of Luo. 孟奇拳头捏了捏,很想揍他一顿,但王思远父亲已病死,他继承了家主之位,执掌绝世神兵洛书 ............ ………… A wisp of sunlight photo enters the dim room, the greasy fragrance of female, the perspiration taste of man, interweaves the flavor that is unable to describe. 一缕阳光照入昏暗的房间,女子的腻香,男人的汗味,交织成无法描述的味道。 The being correct person's shadow lies down under the window, looks indifferently morning sun raises slowly, the ear bank resounds the familiar sound suddenly: 有道人影躺于窗下,淡然看着朝阳徐徐升起,耳畔突地响起熟悉的声音: Temporarily mission, preventing Crazy Blade Su Meng to sense Overlord's Extreme Blade, succeeds to reward Samsara Talisman one, the failure deducts three item.”( To be continued......) “临时任务,阻止‘狂刀苏孟感悟霸王绝刀,成功奖励轮回符一张,失败扣除身上三件物品。”(未完待续……) ps: Third delivers, asks! ps:第三更送上,求! Monday asked recommendation ticket ~ 周一求推荐票~
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