WORIOA :: Volume #4

#296: Gets married not to enter

In Guangling City, Meng Qi resides temporarily in the Wang Family guest institute, waits for the Maiden Path news to feed. 广陵城内,孟奇寄居于王家客院,等待着素女道的消息传回。 This first-grade is enough two months, strided in grand summer by the spring, but Meng Qi does not have the least bit to be irritable, calm, as if already forgot this matter, because to him, the matter that must handle are many, does not rely on sensibility Overlord's Extreme Blade, regardless of One Dao Seal, is Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter the Dharma Body general outline, 8-9 Profound Art Dharma Body, Heaven Overturning Seal, Wuji Seal, at has not comprehended many degree, only dislikes idle insufficiently many, will not think that the waiting is boring. 这一等便是足足两个月,由阳春跨入了隆夏,而孟奇没有半点急躁,心平气和,似乎已经遗忘了这件事情,因为对他来说,要做的事情很多,并不依赖于感悟“霸王绝刀”,无论“道一印”,还是“元始金章法身总纲,八九玄功法身篇,翻天印,戊己印,都处在没领悟多少的程度,只嫌空闲不够多,不会觉得等待无聊。 What is more important, with Hass Wula war, Meng Qi discovered the sensibility Six Chops of the Overlord belt/bring crooked own Splitting Heaven and Earth, therefore before must reexamine , the style that achieved mastery through a comprehensive study, pondered the Corporeal and Incorporeal oversight again. 更为重要的是,与哈斯乌拉一战中,孟奇发现感悟的“霸王六斩”带歪了自己的“开天辟地”,所以得重新审视之前融会贯通的招式,再次思考有无疏漏。 In the past thought that did not have the issue, with the present experience and experience, is not necessarily able to draw the similar conclusion. 过去觉得没问题的,以现在的经验和见识,未必会得出同样的结论。 Martial Dao practice, is so spiral paces back and forth forever the rise, if satisfied the past, satisfied the past comprehension, can only be conservative and complacent, bogs down. 武道修行,永远是这般螺旋式徘徊上升,如果满足于过去,满足于以往的领悟,就只能固步自封,停滞不前。 When wears Wang Siyuan of turban kerchief steps into the guest institute, visible then has illusory indistinct feeling Meng Qi, he seems to be connecting in the institute all things, if he leaves, all will not exist. 戴着巾幘的王思远踏入客院时,看见的便是有虚幻缥缈感的孟奇,他似乎连接着院内所有事物,他若离开,一切将不复存在。 Maiden Path feeds in the news, only if you join Dark Maiden lineage/vein truly, and with on reason manifestation Dark Maiden Incarnation Body dual cultivation, will otherwise not make you sense Overlord's Extreme Blade, if accepts the above condition, not only senses , can wield directly.” king thought « is built on the institute under Bodhi Tree, the tone does not bring mighty waves. 素女道传回消息,除非你真正加入玄女一脉,并与应缘显化玄女应身双修,否则不会让你感悟霸王绝刀,而如果答应上述条件,不仅仅是感悟,咳咳,可以直接执掌。”王思《远立于院中菩提树下,语气不带一丝波澜。 He can always choose a cardinal in side world to locate, as if can evolve „the Grandmaster domain ahead of time. 他总是能选择一方天地的枢机处,仿佛能藉此提前衍化“宗师领域”。 Meng Qi knits the brows: This condition was too harsh.” 孟奇皱了皱眉:“这条件太苛刻了。” Almost and a Dark Maiden lineage/vein bundle! 几乎将自己与玄女一脉捆绑! With Dark Maiden Incarnation Body dual cultivation, does not raise the wish the issue, the hidden danger is enormous, was planted the mind shadow easily, but joins Dark Maiden lineage/vein definitely is not simple joining, signs the contract and so on to be unavoidable, in the future oneself are unable to revolt against Maiden Path again! 玄女应身双修,不提自身意愿的问题,隐患本身就极大,容易被种下心灵阴影,而加入玄女一脉肯定不是简单的加入,签订契约之类在所难免,日后自己再无法反抗素女道 „The Maiden Path attitude seems firm. Leeway that has not regressed, what at least feeds from our communication channels is this.” As qualified Divine Stick, Wang Siyuan never said definitely the words. 素女道的态度似乎很坚定。没有退步的余地,至少从我们的沟通渠道传回的是这样。”作为一个合格的神棍,王思远从来不把话说死。 The Meng Qi intention revolve like lightning, laughs suddenly: That passed on to them, Overlord's Extreme Blade to some chatted is more does not have, Overlord was strong, Extreme Blade was fierce, from exploding tragic death, didn't the lover subordinate have the result of dying a natural death, wanting what uses?” 孟奇心念电转,忽然哈哈大笑:“那就转告她们,霸王绝刀对某聊甚于无,霸王再强,绝刀再厉害,亦不过是自爆惨死,爱侣下属无一善终的结局,要之何用?” This is retreats in order to advance! 这是以退为进! Recently several important matters were making clear to oncoming of Great Tribulation. Maiden Path looks at Peerless Divine Armament, but is unusable, is very also anxious! 最近几次大事的发生昭示着大劫的来临。素女道看着绝世神兵而不能用,恐怕也很焦急! Wang Siyuan has not raised „the past all sorts, vanish like smoke in thin air, as if forgot itself to remind Meng Qi, the cough has turned around, goes out of the guest institute. 王思远并未提“过去种种,烟消云散”,仿佛遗忘了自身曾经提醒过孟奇,咳嗽转身,走出客院。 This time, over half a month, Maiden Path fed in the news merely, the genteel words saying one pile. Meng Qi summarizes four characters: Do not knock it off! 这一次,仅仅大半个月,素女道就传回了消息,文绉绉的话说了一堆。孟奇总结成四个字:不要拉倒! Maiden Path should not be so unyielding, perhaps has to take advantage.” Divine Stick Wang Siyuan resembled made up one unknowingly. 素女道不该如此硬气,或许另有依仗。”神棍王思远状似不经意诌了一句。 Meng Qi is also such idea, Overlord's Extreme Blade puts cannot with being equal to the scrap iron, brings to receive in exchange from having the help of limit always exceeds not to have. Maiden Path is impossible to know that past all sorts, vanish like smoke in thin air to own function, why so assured, felt will oneself certainly submit? 孟奇亦是这样的想法,“霸王绝刀”放着不能用等于废铁,拿来换取自身有限度的帮忙总胜过没有。素女道又不可能知道“过去种种,烟消云散”对自己的作用,凭什么这么笃定,觉得自己一定会屈服? don't tell me they really have other taking advantage. Had other means preliminary controls Overlord's Extreme Blade? 难道她们真有别的依仗。有其他办法初步掌控“霸王绝刀”了? Therefore is so unyielding? 所以才这么硬气? The train of thought that Meng Qi had the general idea numerous, first inquires to be clear about the matter in this aspect. Has the energy of negotiations. 思绪纷呈间,孟奇有了大概的想法,先打探清楚这方面的事情。如此才有谈判的底气。 Where as for inquires, Meng Qi already had the object, that is Dark Maiden successor Liu Shuyu! 至于从哪里打探,孟奇已经有了对象,那便是玄女传人柳漱玉 She was coerced by Gu Xiaosang, handled many disadvantageous Maiden Path things, is equal to the handle in own hand, so long as is not excessive, compelling her indiscriminate destruction, an inquiry news to not be a problem. 她被顾小桑要挟,做了很多不利素女道的事情,等同于有把柄在自己手中,只要不过分,逼得她玉石俱焚,打探点消息应当还是不成问题的。 Naturally, first can find her. 当然,首先得能找到她。 Since Liu Shuyu is Dark Maiden successor, Purple Peng Divine Constable Liu Shengming and Maiden Path definitely have the complicated relations, can, since he began......” Meng Qi then to draw up the plan quickly. “既然柳漱玉玄女传人,紫鹏神捕柳生明素女道肯定也有千丝万缕的关系,可以从他着手……”孟奇很快便拟定了计划。 Merely several years pass by, in the past in the eyes powerful fearful cannot provoke at will Purple Peng Divine Constable already can cope average person, this then grows, this then promotes! 仅仅几年过去,以往自己眼里强大可怕不能招惹的“紫鹏神捕已经是随意能对付的“普通人”,这便是成长,这便是提升! Thinks then does, Meng Qi sets out fiercely. 想到便做,孟奇猛地起身。 In the Wang Siyuan eye, inexplicable connections also break, the guest institute feels returns to normal, has not left not to exist with Meng Qi. 王思远眼中,一条条莫名连线随之而断,客院给人的感觉恢复正常,并没有随着孟奇离开而不复存在。 ............ ………… Divine Capital, Purple Peng Divine Constable mansion. 神都,“紫鹏神捕”府邸。 Putting on weight middle-aged beautiful male Liu Shengming shoulders both hands, paces slowly, the leisurely and carefree trend bedroom, is enjoying the midsummer night rare cool wind. 发福的中年美男柳生明背负双手,缓缓踱步,悠闲走向卧室,享受着盛夏夜晚难得的凉爽之风。 The servant nods along the way, respectful, oneself master seemed deep the emperor to believe recently heavily, the position of divine constable is even more sturdy. 沿途仆人颔首,毕恭毕敬,自家老爷最近似乎深得皇上信重,神捕之位愈发牢靠。 The induction spreads, after confirming does not have the danger, Liu Shengming just now shoves open the door, steps into the sound. 感应蔓延,确认没有危险后,柳生明方才推开房门,在吱呀声中踏入。 The closing up door, Liu Shengming counts on the fingers conveniently a ball, the silver candle calm self-ignition, illuminates the ice-cold painted screen. 随手合拢房门,柳生明屈指一弹,银烛无风自燃,照亮冰冷的画屏。 Whom tonight asks to wait on the bedroom......” Liu Shengming to stroke the waist sword for purple Great Peng of wing, in the mind is flashing through sweet and pretty concubines, that is the object who he picks to make up. “今晚找谁侍寝……”柳生明抚摸着腰间刀剑为翼的紫色大鹏鸟,脑海里闪过一位位娇美的小妾,那都是他采补的对象。 Suddenly, the Liu Shengming vision straightens, the forehead a little bit cold sweat condenses fast, because opposite of the silver candle sits cross-legged to sit a azure garment man, young delicate and pretty, the smile ponders. 突然,柳生明的目光发直,额头一滴滴冷汗飞快凝聚,因为银烛对面盘腿坐着一位青衫男子,年轻俊美,笑容玩味。 He as if continuously there, but oneself had not detected slightly, after lightens the silver candle, neglected him, if not he carried the teacup , oneself will also neglect him gently! 他似乎一直在那里,而自己丝毫没有察觉,就连点亮银烛后,也忽视了他,若非他端起了茶杯,轻轻品了一口,自己还会忽视他! This is what kind of terrifying! 这是何等的恐怖! Power gap arrived this situation of both sides? 双方的实力差距到了这种地步? For a long time has not seen, Uncle Liu is even more hale and hearty.” Meng Qi is swaying the teacup, the vision has a smile. “许久未见,柳伯伯愈发老当益壮。”孟奇摇晃着茶杯,目光含笑。 Liu Shengming made many year of divine constable, has seen many ferocious generations, the experience is quite rich, heard that the word touched the forehead beads of sweat, hehe said with a smile: Su virtuous nephew arrives my humble home, is really you honor my humble home.” 柳生明做了许多年神捕,见过不少穷凶极恶之辈,经验相当丰富,闻言摸了摸额头汗珠,呵呵笑道:“苏贤侄驾临寒舍,真是蓬荜生辉。” He sits cross-legged to sit another side of the square table, deliberately sighs with emotion: Then 34 years do not see, the virtuous nephew from the potential remarkable later generation growth is one generation of Grandmaster, the old man wastes time for 27 years, did not have the means to step over second Heavenly Stairway as before.” 他盘腿坐于方桌另外一边,刻意感慨道:“这才三四年不见,贤侄已从潜力惊人的后辈成长为一代宗师,老夫蹉跎二十七年,依旧没办法迈过第二层天梯。” Meng Qi has not met this thread of conversation: Why does Uncle Liu not curious little nephew come?” 孟奇没接这个话茬:“柳伯伯不好奇小侄为何而来?” Hope hears Qixiang.” A Liu Shengming matter not worse calm appearance. “愿闻其详。”柳生明一副事情不会更坏的沉稳模样。 Child pleased often talks incessantly Elder Sister Shuyu to fall, the little nephew has to come to ask.” Meng Qi teacup gathering mouth. “子悦时常唠叨漱玉姐姐下落,小侄只好前来问一问。”孟奇将茶杯凑到嘴边。 Liu Shengming sighed: Daughter Innate is insufficient, Martial Dao is hard to bring about, continuously in depressed heart, but the Heaven never seals off all exits, has roaming the four corners of the world god nun to help her Nirvana, but requests her far away from the glory, splendor, riches and honor, the ascetic practices bitter Zen 20 years, this matter pleased niece must know, she wants to ask whether Shuyu does mail a letter to go home?” 柳生明叹了口气:“小女天生不足,武道难成,一直苦闷心中,但天无绝人之路,有位游方神尼能助她涅槃,只是要求她远离荣华富贵,苦行苦禅二十年,这事子悦侄女应当知晓,她是想问漱玉有否寄信回家?” Small nephew front section date and time has seen younger sister Shuyu.” Meng Qi smile opens the mouth. “小侄前段时日见过漱玉妹妹。”孟奇微笑开口。 The Liu Shengming pupil contracts slightly, resembles the tranquil say/way: Does not know that sees her where? My this is the father particularly thought of that does not know she can bear painstakingly otherwise?” 柳生明瞳孔微微收缩,状似平静道:“不知在何处见到她?我这做父亲的分外想念啊,不知她受得了苦否?” In Prime Fairy Realm.” Meng Qi puts down the teacup, stroked the front piece. “在素女仙界。”孟奇放下茶杯,拂了拂衣襟。 Liu Shengming said with a smile dry/does: What Immortal Realm......” 柳生明干笑道:“什么仙界……” Finishes barely the words, his both feet ball, the body flies fiercely, resembles Great Peng, but the escaping light downward, tries to drill into the ground together quietly. 话音未落,他双脚一弹,身体猛地飞起,状似大鹏,而一道遁光悄然往下,试图钻入地面。 At present is dim, bang, Liu Shengming only thinks that ground to become Gang, hits badly beaten, sways to stand up, sends the cash candle painted screen as before, azure garment Su Meng as before, motionless slightest. 眼前昏暗,砰的一声,柳生明只觉地面成钢,撞得头破血流,摇摇晃晃站起,才发现银烛画屏依旧,青衫苏孟依旧,不动分毫。 Realized profoundly the disparity of arrived both sides, Liu Shengming also smiles compares to cry the ugly say/way: What does virtuous nephew want to make?” 深刻体会到了双方的差距,柳生明笑得比哭还难看道:“贤侄想做什么?” younger sister Shuyu is Dark Maiden successor, Uncle Liu feared that is also in Maiden Path the person?” Meng Qi maintains composure to say. 漱玉妹妹是玄女传人,柳伯伯怕也是素女道中之人?”孟奇不动声色道。 Liu Shengming heaved a deep sigh, sat down: Before was, but afterward looked through by first sovereign and chief constable, has severed completely with Maiden Path, invested the royal government thoroughly, the virtuous nephew can ask chief constable.” 柳生明长叹一声,重新坐下:“以前是,但后来被先皇与总捕头看破,已是与素女道一刀两断,彻底投入朝廷,贤侄可以去问总捕头。” Meng Qi Origin Heart Seal holds secretly, detected that Liu Shengming has not lied, therefore knits the brows, the smile asked: How can Uncle Liu know found younger sister Shuyu?” 孟奇元心印暗持,察觉柳生明没有说谎,于是皱了皱眉,微笑问道:“那柳伯伯可知晓如何找到漱玉妹妹?” She is Dark Maiden successor, how can contact with my rebel?” Liu Shengming is shrewd and crafty, understands the Meng Qi goal, hesitates saying that virtuous nephew, if looks for Maiden Path, the old man knows some access actually.” “她是玄女传人,岂会与我这叛徒联系?”柳生明何等老奸巨猾,已是明白孟奇目的,沉吟道,“贤侄若要找素女道,老夫倒是知晓些门径。” Hope hears Qixiang.” Meng Qi smiles to cup one hand in the other across the chest. “愿闻其详。”孟奇笑眯眯拱手。 Liu Shengming said: Eastern Sea three Xiandao Island Master Six Ocean Crazy Traveler Wu Jizhen and Maiden Path relate significantly, the wife who he passed away must then be Dark Maiden on the person of reason manifestation, but he is clear about this mostly, therefore defends present age Dark Maiden painstakingly.” 柳生明道:“东海三仙岛岛主六洋狂客吴季真素女道关系匪浅,他过世的夫人应当便是玄女应缘显化之人,而他多半清楚这点,所以苦守当代玄女。” Six Ocean Crazy Traveler?” Meng Qi asked seriously. 六洋狂客?”孟奇郑重问道。 This is not ordinary Exterior Scenery, now Earth List ninth Great Grandmaster! 这位可不是普通外景,如今地榜第九的大宗师 The Liu Shengming nod said: Right.” 柳生明点头道:“对。” Has not lied...... Meng Qi inwardly to ponder over. 没有说谎……孟奇暗自思忖。 At this time, had the servant incoming telegram, the emperor asks the master to enter the palace. 这时,有仆人来报,皇上请老爷入宫。 Uncle Liu must the emperor believe now heavily.” Meng Qi spoke thoughtlessly one. “柳伯伯很得当今皇帝信重啊。”孟奇随口说了一句。 The Liu Shengming forced smile said: He hopes that with picking the technique of making up assists the strength of all living things refining up, the old man also calculates that excels.” 柳生明苦笑道:“他希望用采补之术辅助众生之力的炼化,老夫还算擅长。” Gazes after Liu Shengming to depart, Meng Qi sits alone in boredom, vanishes in Liu Residence suddenly. 目送柳生明离去,孟奇枯坐一阵,忽地消失在柳府。 Gradually on the night path, Meng Qi is thinking good sees Old Fifth Zhao, sees Su Ziyue and Gu Changqing, Crying Old Man already except in the situation, can go home to have a look, but thinks arrived Gu Xiaosang that words suddenly, as fish, if not law-abiding, relatives and friends each and every one died, immediately lost the interest, only wants to be far away from them, carries off the source of trouble. 缓步行于深夜道路上,孟奇原本想着见见赵老五,见见苏子悦顾长青,哭老人已除的情况下,可以回家看看了,但忽然想到了顾小桑的那番话,作为鱼,若不安分,亲朋好友一个个身亡,顿时就失去了兴致,只想远离他们,带走祸水。 Sighed, Meng Qi escaped Divine Capital, went to Eastern Sea.( To be continued......) i1292 叹了口气,孟奇遁出了神都,前往东海。(未完待续……)i1292
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