WORIOA :: Volume #4

#294: Heaven List and Earth List renewal

Be responsible for world Human List the Golden Badge Constable knowing chief constable to come, to smile happily from where said submissively: Has Heaven List to get up, this is changes biggest one time, politics hall Zhu feared that is also unexpected.” 负责天地人榜的这位金章捕头知晓总捕头喜从何来,笑眯眯拱手道:“自有天榜起,这是变动最大的一次,政事堂诸公怕也始料未及。” Sima Shi wears the turban kerchief, hair color pale black yellow, the bearing is calm, not occupying the high ground, does not shrink, said confidently: „The Pingjin marquis falls from the sky accidentally/surprisingly the hand of Monster Clan, is also unfortunate to the Imperial Family good fortune, unfortunately, when the world of this big struggle, the aristocratic family Duke clan was short of the mainstay, if no promising youth, how in the future to deal with Northern Zhou Gao Lan that eyes covetously? Sect has reading of Central Plain, the division of no promote week, Su Wuming meddled is extremely possibly low.” 司马石头戴巾幘,发色淡黑偏黄,气度从容,不居高临下,亦不畏畏缩缩,坦然道:“平津侯意外陨落妖族之手,对皇族幸也不幸,不幸者,当此大争之世,世家公族少了中流砥柱,若无后起之秀,日后怎么应对虎视眈眈的北周高览门派有中原之念,无晋周之分,苏无名插手可能极低。” Fortunately, several big top aristocratic families understand the world situation, knows the Great Jin urgent matter to have Dharma Body again, therefore relaxed the regulation to Imperial Family, King Qin may refine the strength of all living things calmly, lays the foundation, attacks Dharma Body.” “幸者,几大顶尖世家都明白天下形势,知晓大晋当务之急是再出一位法身,故而放松了对皇族的监管,秦王可从容炼化众生之力,奠定根基,冲击法身。” King Qin is octupole octopole Heavenly Dragon Zhao Jingshi. 秦王便是“八极天龙”赵警世 Half-Step Dharma Body of Great Jin aristocratic family department has Western Liang Sima Clan Family Lord Sima because, Langya Ruan Clan Old Master Ruan and King Qin Zhao Jingshi and Six Doors chief constable Sima Shi, although does not remove currently has Grandmaster and even powerhouse extremely catches up, the card said Dharma Body, for example various Exterior Scenery peaks, Zhou County Wang Clan Wang Wenxian, River East Wang Clan Wang Siyuan, Divine Capital Su Family Su Meng Su Ziyuan and the others, but was most hopeful their four in a short time. 大晋世家一系的半步法身只得西凉司马氏家主司马因、琅琊阮氏阮老爷子、“秦王”赵警世六扇门总捕头司马石,虽然不排除目前只得宗师乃至绝顶的强者后来居上,证道法身,比如各家外景巅峰,周郡王氏王文宪,江东王氏王思远,神都苏家苏孟苏子远等人,但短时间内最有希望还是他们四位。 And: Old Master Ruan is oldest, the accumulation is deepest, but has lost the sharp qi, was short to endure thoroughly the heart ; 其中:阮老爷子年纪最大,积累最深,但已失锐气,又少了堪透之心; Sima because of being the youngest Half-Step Dharma Body potential, sharp qi and mentality is very at present perfect, but Han Guang, Gao Lan and Su Wuming in this stage polishes are many, just now enters the step, he how could exceptional, was short of an accumulation eventually ; 司马因乃目前最年轻的半步法身潜力、锐气、心态都很完美,但韩广高览苏无名都在这个阶段打磨多时,方才进阶,他又岂能例外,终究少了点积累; Sima Shi immerses for many years in Half-Step Dharma Body realm, Martial Dao reaches a high degree of proficiency, is not also old, various aspects do not have the weak area, but the family background is poor and lowly. Initial cultivation technique is not good, can only times seek for the similar better cultivation technique replace, until joining in Zhao Clan's Divine Capital, was truly had cultivation technique that pointed to Dharma Body, although was insufficient Profound Entrance to have the regret, but changed repeatedly majors in the cultivation technique hidden danger always to exist, must spend more times, mind realm promoted high, to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, fills the good foundation. Before then, he himself has not expected Dharma Body ; 司马石半步法身境界沉浸多年,武道炉火纯青,年纪亦不算大,各方面没有短板,可出身寒微。初始功法不好,只能一次次寻找相似的更好功法替换,直到投身神都赵氏,才算真正有了直指法身功法,虽然不至于玄关有悔,但屡次更改主修功法的隐患始终存在,必须花费更多工夫,心灵境界提升得更高,方能融会贯通,填补好根基。在此之前,他自己都没奢望过法身; But Zhao Jingshi once lost to the hand of Devil Master, leaves behind the mind loophole, defends the imperial tomb 30 years just now to cut the trouble of mind dry, stepped over third Heavenly Stairway, but can break then stands, the mind and will definitely are the top picks, this experience can become wealth that” he is most precious on the contrary, in addition refining up the insufficient making up of strength of all living things to accumulating. Within ten years, he enters one of the step Dharma Body candidates hopefully, therefore, after the major top aristocratic families measure . Let loose the regulation to Imperial Family. 赵警世虽然曾经败于魔师之手,留下心灵漏洞,枯守皇陵三十载方才斩掉心灵之患,迈过第三层天梯,但能破而后立,心灵和意志都肯定是上上之选,这段经历反倒能成为他最宝贵的“财富”,加上炼化众生之力对积累不足的弥补。十年之内,他是最有希望进阶法身的人选之一,所以,各大顶尖世家权衡之后。放开了对皇族的监管。 Golden Badge Constable heard that the word smile is more abundant: Congratulates King Qin, congratulates the emperor, congratulates Imperial Brother, congratulates chief constable.” 金章捕头闻言笑容更盛:“恭喜秦王,恭喜皇上,恭喜皇太弟,恭喜总捕头。” Sima Shi had not said. Backward slightly supine, by the chairback, no longer talks too much the matter of deliberation hall. Is tapping the arm rest, said slowly: Huamei Villa Mister Lu Da has proven the fruit of Earth Immortal, and slightly has Legendary Characteristic, the world has nothing the anti- hand, the Heaven List first name will follow reality.” 司马石没有多说。向后微仰,靠在椅背上,不再多言朝堂之事。轻敲着扶手,缓缓道:“画眉山庄陆大先生已证地仙之果,且略具传说特征,天下无有抗手,天榜第一实至名归。” He starts to plan Heaven List ranking again. 他开始重拟天榜排名。 Slightly has Legendary Characteristic?” Golden Badge Constable is bewildered, what thing is this? Where does chief constable know? “略具传说特征?”金章捕头一脸茫然,这是什么东西总捕头从哪里知道的? Sima Shi hehe said with a smile: Understood nature understands these six characters the terrifying, does not understand wants to break the head not to think clearly, if not that secret investigator proposed specially, the old man also does not know Mister Lu Da arrived this level, Only I Am Venerated, controls Minute Subtlety, Only I Am Venerated, controls Minute Subtlety......” 司马石呵呵笑道:“懂的自然懂这六个字的恐怖,不懂的想破脑袋都想不明白,若非那位捕风密探特意提出,老夫亦不知陆大先生到了这个层次,唯我独尊,掌控入微,唯我独尊,掌控入微……” Was he says?” Golden Badge Constable at present one bright. “是他说的?”金章捕头眼前一亮。 Crazy Blade Su Meng many Dharma Body expert favors, know many secrets. 狂刀苏孟得诸多法身高人青睐,知晓很多隐秘。 Un, he exposes this matter, considers, for the potential of stable world, so as to avoid the ganef has ulterior motives.” The Sima Shi experience is rich, sees the Meng Qi's goal. “嗯,他点破此事,当是为了稳定天下之势,免得宵小心怀鬼胎。”司马石经验何等丰富,一眼就看出孟奇的目的。 Golden Badge Constable was startled being startled, sighed: „The Mister Lu Da many years have not trod on Jiang Hu, the person all say the death of his heartache madame, dispiritedly from abandoning, the strength back up, cannot think that instead go a step further, really make one sob......” 金章捕头怔了怔,感叹道:“陆大先生多年未履江湖,人皆言他心伤夫人之死,颓废自弃,实力倒退,想不到反而更进一步,真是让人唏嘘……” Sima Shi continues saying: „The Northern Zhou Gao Lan ascended to imperial throne, the control trillion subjects, all living things treasure body goes a step further inevitably, could not say that in the future Earth Immortal will be hopeful, but at present Human Sovereign Sword recognizes Lord, and regains consciousness the Earth Immortal level, strikes to kill greatly fully, most likely (80%) merit in him.” 司马石继续道:“北周高览登临大位,统御亿万臣民,众生宝体必然更进一步,说不得日后地仙有望,而目前人皇剑认主且苏醒到地仙层次,击杀大满,八成之功在他。” Under Mister Lu Da, he for eminent, therefore lists as Heaven List second, the nickname is recast Mad Sovereign by Mad King.” 陆大先生之下,他为翘楚,故列为天榜第二,绰号由疯王改做疯皇。” Although Heaven List mainly looks at the score, but both sides, if has on realm the irreparable disparity, will take the consideration key, relative fairness that to guarantee strength ranking, therefore Golden Badge Constable not accidental/surprised Sima Shi arranges Gao Lan at second, even a Su Wuming dynasty breaks through, kills the four directions greatly, the score dumbfoundedly, but does not have divine armament and the striking power Earth Immortal level eventually. 虽然天榜主要看战绩,但双方若有境界上无法弥补的差距,还是会作为考量关键,以保证战力排名的相对公正性,所以金章捕头并不意外司马石高览排在第二,即使苏无名一朝突破,大杀四方,战绩让人目瞪口呆,但终究没有地仙级的神兵和攻击力。 At this point, Sima Shi hesitated saying: Monster Clan has wanted to remain in limelight, in recent years stirs up trouble repeatedly, stands in line Heaven List them, makes well-known, they are not invincible, above also has the expert suppression, so as to avoid being flustered.” 说到这里,司马石沉吟了一下才道:“妖族已不甘寂寞,最近几年屡屡惹事,还是将它们排上天榜,让世人皆知,它们并非无敌,上面还有高人镇压,免得人心惶惶。” Peacock Monster King has Five Colored Divine Light to greatly, wields to regain consciousness Monster Saint Spear of Earth Immortal level, when arranges in order Heaven List third.” 孔雀妖王大离身具五色神光,执掌苏醒到地仙层次的妖圣枪,当列天榜第三。” Golden Badge Constable records fast, the smile said: Heaven Punishing Hatchet does not know the trace, Guerduo survives True Spirit, feared that can't be on the list?” 金章捕头飞快记录,微笑道:“天诛斧不知所踪,古尔多残存真灵,怕是不能上榜?” Mister Lu Da later naturally discusses weaponry Peerless Divine Armament, but strong Dharma Body. 陆大先生之后自然是论仗绝世神兵而强的法身 Sima Shi nods slightly, approves subordinate opinion, then said: Cleansing Sword Pavilion Su Wuming results in Supreme Dao Body by the Earth List first name card, has Legendary Characteristic, everywhere, the sword cuts Great Asura Meng Nan and Kui Cow Monster King, defeats Ferrying Life Dharma King, causes heavy losses to Blood Sea Rakshasa, and intercepted Guerduo, repels Peacock Monster King with Kong Wen Divine Monk jointly, full power however to could win Mad Sovereign and Peacock Monster King, but not actually to fighting the deeds, is listed as Heaven List fourth.” 司马石微微颔首,认同属下的意见,接着道:“洗剑阁苏无名地榜第一之名证得太上道体,具有传说特征,无处不在,剑斩大阿修罗蒙南夔牛妖王,击败渡世法王,重创血海罗刹,并拦截了古尔多,和空闻神僧联手击退孔雀妖王,全力而为或许能胜疯皇孔雀妖王,但无实际对战事迹,暂列天榜第四。” Has Legendary Characteristic, everywhere? Although Golden Badge Constable knows the victory, but the special details must first hear, for a while is curious and surprised. 具有传说特征,无处不在?金章捕头虽然知道战果,但具体情况还是初次得闻,一时又好奇又惊讶。 Devil Master Han Guang, myth Celestial Emperor, has both Celestial Emperor and Yama Demon inheritance, the wisdom is exceedingly high, is shifty, control time and destruction, and has harvested in Shaolin back side of the mountain Ananda Pure Land, when is Heaven List fifth.” Sima Shi recalled information that Meng Qi gives. 魔师韩广,神话天帝,兼具天帝阎魔传承,智慧通天,翻云覆雨,掌控时光与毁灭,且在少林后山阿难净土有所收获,当为天榜第五。”司马石回想孟奇给的情报。 Golden Badge Constable stunned said: Shaolin back side of the mountain Ananda Pure Land?” 金章捕头愕然道:“少林后山阿难净土?” What thing is this? 这又是什么东西 Content that Crazy Blade Su Meng requests to add on specially.” Sima Shi did not understand that the specific situation, in Shaolin Temple monk of concurrent job secret agent has not fed in the news. 狂刀苏孟特意要求加上的内容。”司马石并不了解具体的情况,少林寺内兼职密探的僧人尚未传回消息。 Golden Badge Constable shakes the head at a loss, actually record. 金章捕头茫然摇头,照实记录。 Ferrying Life Dharma King swallowed white tiger Monster King, the strength must have the enormous promotion, Heaven List sixth, Sword Mad He Qi did not have completely, cut to kill jointly greatly fully with Gao Lan, Heaven List seventh, White Lake Monster King originally Human Immortal peak, but was suppressed for many years, caused heavy losses by Su Wuming, the surviving strength was difficult to predict, Heaven List eighth.” Sima Shi thinking said that Myriad Manifestations Gate Daoist Yun He was talisman cultivator, initially proved Sun God, was equal to Dharma Body, had Primal Chaos Qi Supreme Purity Divine Talisman in the hand, can make up all phenomena on earth formation instantaneously, Heaven List ninth, Blood Sea Rakshasa caused heavy losses to by Su Wuming enters Dharma Body is not long, Heaven List tenth.” 渡世法王吞噬了白虎妖王,实力必有极大提升,天榜第六,剑狂何七无相圆满,与高览联手斩杀大满,天榜第七,白泽妖王原本人仙顶峰,但被镇压多年,又遭苏无名重创,残存实力难料,天榜第八。”司马石边思索边道,“万象门云鹤真人符篆修士,初证阳神,等同法身,有混元一气上清神符在手,瞬间能补万象大阵,天榜第九,血海罗刹苏无名重创且入法身未久,天榜第十。” Heaven List is ten, but already the people are no longer the same.” Golden Badge Constable said after a sigh again, compared with the past, this time were many five fresh faces, traded half! 天榜还是十名,但已经物是人非。”金章捕头再次感叹道,和以往相比,这次足足多了五张新面孔,换了一半! Then, he received the Heaven List record, turned said to Earth List: „The Su Wuming promotion, Hidden Sword Manor Qiu Wansheng falls from the sky, Cao Family Family Lord falls from the sky, the prairie many Earth List famous powerhouses fall from the sky, Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi stepped over third Heavenly Stairway, day remnant sword Nangong hates the Exterior Scenery peak strength, will not see peach blossom Li Sinong to wield not fresh sword, Crazy Blade Su Meng and Demoness of Luoism Gu Xiaosang promotes Grandmaster, the change of Earth List will also be very big......” 然后,他收起了天榜记录,翻到地榜道:“苏无名晋升,藏剑楼邱万生陨落,曹家家主陨落,草原多位地榜有名的强者陨落,寒冰仙子叶玉琦迈过第三层天梯,天残剑南宫恨有外景巅峰实力,不见桃花李思浓执掌了无生剑,狂刀苏孟大罗妖女顾小桑晋升了宗师,地榜的变动也会很大……” The Sima Shi nod said: Profound Heaven Sect Shou Jing Earth List first, Lulong Xiahou Clan Xiahou swallow, rotation Living Buddha and nether world Emperor and True Martial School profound loom is placed two to five, behind ranks each one to rise gradually upward two, until tyrant spear/gun king Hangkong, Cold Ice Fairy Maiden is listed under him, ranks the 13 th.” 司马石点头道:“玄天宗守静地榜第一,卢龙夏侯氏夏侯燕、轮转活佛、幽冥帝君与真武派玄机子分列二到五位,后面排名各自往上递升两位,直到霸枪王行空,寒冰仙子列于他下,排名第13位。” Dominates spear/gun king Hangkong except Sima Shi, only one by one position rogue cultivator Half-Step Dharma Body. “霸枪”王行空是除开司马石,唯一一散修半步法身 Golden Badge Constable changes fast, and is listening to the chief constable judgment strength height. 金章捕头飞快更改,并听着总捕头判断实力高低。 „After Half-Step Dharma Body, ranked toward premise one step, Cui Qingyu wielded to the dagger-axe sword, filled the Ye Yuqi position, ranked 23, un, Crazy Blade Su Meng ranked 24, before Feng Dian Apostle.” Sima Shi slightly does to hesitate. 半步法身之后,排名往前提一步,崔清羽执掌了至戈剑,填补叶玉琦位置,排名二十三,嗯,狂刀苏孟排名二十四,在奉典神使之前。”司马石略作沉吟。 24?” Golden Badge Constable has a big shock, he knows Crazy Blade Su Meng to promote Grandmaster, thought that he can enter Earth List first 100, but how unable to think that chief constable ranks the 24 th him! “二十四?”金章捕头大惊失色,他知晓狂刀苏孟已晋升宗师,觉得他能进地榜前一百,但怎么都想不到总捕头将他排在第24位! What concept is this? First 23 overwhelming majority are top influence steerage, a side great person, when „was Crazy Blade Su Meng this level? 这是什么概念?前二十三位绝大部分是顶尖势力掌舵者,一方大人物,“狂刀苏孟什么时候达到这个层次了? Sima Shi said with a smile: According to the news that the Hidden Sword Manor secret agent gives, Su Meng, in three accurate Dharma Body and three Earth List first 24, and takes in front of the divine armament powerhouse, rushes to 20-30 Grandmaster teams hardly, seizes top 50 Hass Wula, departs calmly, un, some people noticed that north Hass Wula severe wound turns over, but Crazy Blade Su Meng is safe and sound.” 司马石笑道:“据藏剑楼密探给的消息,苏孟在三位准法身、三位地榜前二十四且拿着神兵的强者面前,硬闯20-30位宗师队伍,擒下排名前50的哈斯乌拉,从容离去,嗯,有人看到哈斯乌拉重伤北归,而狂刀苏孟安然无恙。” Right, he has also captured alive extremely wicked Heavenly Demon.” “对了,他还生擒过极恶天魔。” This......” Golden Badge Constable felt this world already no law principle solution. “这……”金章捕头觉得这个世界已经法理解了。 Less than four years ago, Su Meng or Dawning Enlightenment Stage young man younger generation! 不到四年前,苏孟还是开窍期的后生晚辈! ............ ………… River East Guangling, Meng Qi goes by boat into the city. 江东广陵,孟奇乘船入城。 He through Immortal Vestige, catches up with arrived River East, then went to Changchuan, knew that Feng Yuanjing plundering was walked by Duan Rui early, several years have not returned to the home, calculate them to fall, were covered up by expert, chaos. 他通过仙迹,赶到了江东,然后去了长川,得知冯元静早被段瑞“掠”走,几年未曾返家,推算他们下落,又被高人遮掩,混混沌沌。 At this time, Meng Qi thinks that arrived previous when Guangling, some people to oneself the paper, said Wang Siyuan to go to the Shaolin back side of the mountain, entered stone door, then guessed that was Duan Rui, Wang Siyuan used him to open the door! 这时,孟奇到了上次自己在广陵时,有人给自己纸条,言王思远去过少林后山,入了石门,遂猜测那是段瑞,王思远利用他开门! Therefore, Meng Qi to the Six Doors news, making them enter the matter of Ananda Pure Land to make it is well known Devil Master, making Duan Rui see, feels to hoard as a rare commodity, jumps will come out.( To be continued......) 所以,孟奇六扇门消息,让他们将魔师进了阿难净土之事弄得人尽皆知,让段瑞看到后觉得奇货可居,跳将出来。(未完待续……) ps: This chapter of renewal ranks, therefore more than 2900 characters, do not write all over 3000, the unnecessary character gives to everyone. i1292 ps:这章更新排名,所以两千九百多字,不写满三千,多余字送给大家。i1292
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