WORIOA :: Volume #4

#291: Fights the last act

The Śarīra Pagoda sharp shake, ties collapse leisurely/scatter, sariputra recoils, the escaping light of devils run out, leader white hair, the shape like the sheep, the on the back grows both wings, the eye is glittering all over the body the ray of wisdom, the aura is most boundless, almost reaches the arrived Monster God level, was in years past the strongest monster, White Lake Monster King Zhu Wu, but downs on one's luck, with the arrived card Kasyapa Dharma Body Shaolin sixth generation of founder Yuan spatial, suppression, until now. 舍利塔剧烈震荡,结界崩散,舍利子弹回,一道道凶神恶煞的遁光冲出,为首者通体白毛,形如绵羊,背生双翅,眼睛闪烁着智慧的光芒,气息最为磅礴,几乎达到了妖神层次,乃昔年最强之妖,白泽妖王朱吾,但时运不济,遇到了证得“迦叶法身”的少林第六代祖师元空,惨遭镇压,直至今日。 The Xuan Xin both eyes blooming extraordinary splendor in odd jobs courtyard, hidden has the tears twinkle, the pleasant surprise whispers: Ancestor!” 杂役院内的玄心双眼绽放异彩,隐有泪光闪烁,惊喜低语:“老祖宗!” He changes to the flowing light, invested the Monster Clan team, will incur the monster streamer to give Zhu Wu. 他化作流光,投入了妖族的队伍,将招妖幡给了朱吾 At this time, in escaping light that White Lake Monster King follows behind has hydra body, has the surface not to have five senses, four wing six leg, have outside the taking the form of tiger, the skin such as hedgehog, all was the antiquity Monster God Great Saint descendant, and concise source blood, the aura was also powerful. 此时,白泽妖王身后跟着的一道道遁光内有九头蛇身者,有面无五官,四翅六腿者,有外形似虎,皮如刺猬者,皆是上古妖神大圣后裔且凝练了源血,气息同样强大。 A their dynasty takes off/escapes the freedom, or is Ying Ti, either sends the thunder clap, makes Shaolin just like the hell. 它们一朝得脱自由,或做婴啼,或发雷震,弄得少林宛若地狱。 bald donkey, die!” Several Monster Venerable have turned the head, tries to attack Śarīra Pagoda and Shaolin this institute, suppresses many years of enmity by the report. 秃驴们,都去死!”几位妖尊转过头,试图攻打舍利塔少林本院,以报镇压多年之仇。 At this time, Kong Hui in Śarīra Pagoda made the careless mistake clearly, sighed, read aloud buddhist name lowly, inwardly confesses: 这时,舍利塔中的空慧明白出了纰漏,叹息一声,低诵佛号,暗自忏悔: Disciple must grasp feels emotion to refrain from killing the monster to protect the temple bountiful.” “弟子要秉持饶益有情戒杀妖护寺了。” Behind him appears one Acala Vidyārāja, oneself , then the whole body is exuding the light of pure colored glaze, like Vajra, the motionless as land, holds that Ānanda broken monk blade that firmly stains mortal world, proceeds to wield. 他背后现出一尊“不动明王相”,自家则周身泛着清净琉璃之光,坚固如金刚,不动似大地,持起那口沾满红尘阿难戒刀,往前挥出。 blade light empties Mongolia, disperses with the enemy, but several Monster Clan misfiring self-ignitions, the red lotus blooms suddenly layer upon layer, is karma strenght accumulates the arrived limit. 刀光空濛,遇敌则散,但几位妖族突地无火自燃,层层红莲绽放,已是业力到了极限。 They sent out the pitiful yell, during the breath turned into the flying ash. 它们发出惨叫,呼吸间就化成了飞灰。 But when Kong Hui has not realized Ānanda Breaking Vow Blade truly, transporting causes this divine armament. The style engagement has the stop, was seized the opportunity by Nine Yuan Monster Venerable of Xiangliu clan to arrived Shaolin this institute, plans to slaughter, is good because of the Dharma Courtyard Chief Kong Jian protection in this, appears Mahākāśyapa. Ten fingers of even/including Dan, referring to wind is inexhaustible, from each direction makes, at most utmost to victory, hits to extinguish the venom of Nine Yuan Monster Venerable blowout all. 空慧并没有真正练成阿难破戒刀法,运使这口神兵时。招式衔接有停顿,被相柳一族的九元妖尊抓住机会冲到了少林本院,打算大开杀戒,好在达摩院首座空见守护于此,现出“摩诃迦叶相”。十指连弹,指风似无穷无尽,从每一个方向打出,至多至大至胜,将九元妖尊喷出的毒液尽数打灭。 But Han Guang has not stayed slightly, draws Grandmaster of hoary hair to lighten secret say/way. Flies side White Lake Monster King, sound transmission said: This place is not suitable stays for a long time.” 韩广丝毫没有停留,拉着花白头发的宗师闪出了秘道。飞到白泽妖王身边,传音道:“此地不宜久留。” At this moment, in Śarīra Pagoda has intermittent Zen sound to resound: 就在这时,舍利塔内有阵阵禅音响起: „After today, in 1100 ages, should have the world. All hells, and three evil paths, various crime bitter all living things, I vowed to rescue, to hell wicked interest, domestic animal hungry ghost. And this crime report and the others, perform to achieve Buddhahood unexpectedly, I then become the true enlightenment.” “今日之后,百千亿劫里,应有世界。所有地狱,及三恶道,诸罪苦众生,我誓愿救拔,离地狱恶趣,畜生饿鬼。及此罪报等人,尽成佛竟,我然后方成正觉。” Hell is not spatial. The oath does not achieve Buddhahood ; All living things completely, proves Bodhi.” “地狱未空。誓不成佛;众生度尽,方证菩提。” Bodhisattva in the midair, sits well the golden lotus throne presently. The hand holds the black and white life and death circulation, fights with the fists, all sort of monster qi were completely crossed, the hell scene suddenly becomes pure. 一尊菩萨相现于半空,端坐金色莲台。手执黑白生死流转,一拳打出,诸般妖气尽被渡化,地狱般的景象猛然变得清净。 Center this fist side Nine Yuan Monster Venerable , the life and death passes, black and white manifestation method * wheel. One covers it falls, Kong Jian catches up. The right hand index finger middle finger bends, the yellowish pink removes. Presents the colored glaze azure red color, gets bigger and bigger, knocked on directly above some Nine Yuan Monster Venerable head. 这一拳正中九元妖尊侧面,生死流转,黑白化生法*轮。一下将它罩落,空见赶上。右手食指中指屈起,肉色褪去。呈现出琉璃般的青红之色,越变越大,直接叩在了九元妖尊某个头颅之上。 , By this finger/refers is hit to explode the head for Monster Clan that the mortal body was famous tyrannicalally directly, but the remainder eight heads all were the dizziness, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva a fist withered by midair, the vitality completely lost. 啪的一声,以肉身强横著称的妖族被这一指直接打爆了脑袋,而剩余八个头颅皆是眩晕,被半空“地藏菩萨相”一拳枯萎,生机尽丧。 Sees that White Lake Monster King shouted: Walks!” 见状,白泽妖王喝道:“走!” How does not know the war, how does not know the situation, keeps this place non- wise electing! 不知战局如何,不知情况怎样,留在此地非明智之选! Other Monster Venerable looked that the companion has not asked, by mind immediately that the indignation enmity hoodwinks for a it clear, follows closely White Lake Monster King, vacillates while Śarīra Pagoda, colored glaze embryo conceals ties has the opportunity of loophole, escaped from Shaolin. 其余妖尊看同伴没讨到好,被忿怒仇怨蒙蔽的心灵顿时为之一清,紧随白泽妖王,趁舍利塔动摇,琉璃胎藏结界出现漏洞的机会,逃出了少林 Bodhi Courtyard Chief Wu Si and other Grandmaster were worried that Shaolin this institute is damaged, is restoring stable embryo conceals to tie strongly, has not leapt take action to pursue. 菩提院首座无思宗师担心少林本院受损,正竭力恢复稳固胎藏结界,没腾出手来追击。 Gives a written guarantee, the clear weather, White Lake Monster King and many suppressed Monster Clan have take off/escape the shackles and regression natural carefree feeling. 一出结界,天朗气清,白泽妖王和诸多被镇压的妖族都有得脱牢笼、复归自然的畅快感。 Haha, Great Tribulation is also the big chance!” White Lake Monster King long said with a smile. “哈哈,大劫亦是大机缘!”白泽妖王长笑道。 Suddenly, the side radiant sword is together luminous, the change is uncertain, is hard to ponder over indistinctly, then divides into two, at the same time cuts to White Lake Monster King and Han Guang. 突然,旁边一道璀璨剑光亮起,变化不定,飘渺难以琢磨,然后一分为二,同时斩向白泽妖王韩广 This sword light appears does not have the indication, White Lake Monster King is the body of being poor for a long time, actually there's not enough time responded, can only move out of the way the body slightly. 这道剑光出现得毫无征兆,白泽妖王又是久困之身,竟然来不及反应,只能稍微挪开了身躯。 Silent within, his left shoulder was cut to fall together with the less than half monster body directly, the blood of viscous as mercury sprays. 无声无息间,他左肩连同小半个妖身被直接斩落,粘稠似汞的鲜血喷洒。 But some Han Guang actually as if expectations, the long blade cuts early, the sword light is slow, then hearty laughter, the left hand makes a fist, hits to the ground. 韩广却似乎早有预料,长刀一斩,剑光为之迟缓,然后朗笑一声,左手握拳,打向地面。 The ground splitting, reveals the world that piece of demon qi tumbles suddenly, Han Guang jumps to leap, invests. 地面忽地“裂开”,露出一片魔气翻滚的世界,韩广纵身一跃,投入其中。 Crack closes up, Han Guang vanishes without the trace, unexpectedly has not managed White Lake Monster King completely. “裂缝”合拢,韩广消失无踪,居然完全没管白泽妖王 The sword light begins, White Lake Monster King looks at a arrived facial features pretty faint azure clothes man, in the heart the meaning of raising extreme danger. 剑光再起,白泽妖王到了一个面容俊秀的淡漠青衣男子,心中升起极端危险之意。 Did many years have not trod on world, have such character unexpectedly? 多年未履世间,竟有此等人物了? White Lake Monster King unable to deal with other, white hair emits trillion rays of light again, binds other Monster Venerable and descendants, then detonates that less than half monster body, sword light impediment outside. 白泽妖王顾不得其他,白毛放出亿万毫光,把其余妖尊和后裔裹住,然后引爆那小半个妖身,将剑光阻隔在外。 With this at the same time, in his hand were many a bottle gourd, just like is incurs the monster streamer, radiance leaps, carries them to penetrate void, where did not know. 与此同时,他手中多了一个葫芦,俨然便是招妖幡,光华腾起,载着它们穿入虚空,不知去了哪里。 After several breath, colored glaze embryo conceals ties completely duplicate/restores, Bodhi Courtyard Chief Wu Si just now some thoughts look to that melancholy handsome Grandmaster that in Śarīra Pagoda are many: „Did Xuan Bei, how have the Nirvana Zen?” 几个呼吸后,琉璃胎藏结界尽复,菩提院首座无思方才有心思看向舍利塔中多出的那位忧郁俊朗的宗师:“玄悲,怎得出了涅槃禅?” Xuan Bei exudes a forced smile: Disciple feels Śarīra Pagoda to vacillate, knows this temple to have difficult, for a while forgot oneself are sitting the Nirvana Zen, then take action help.” 玄悲泛起一丝苦笑:“弟子感舍利塔动摇,知本寺有难,一时忘记自己在坐涅槃禅,遂出手帮忙。” Nearby Kong Hui said with a smile suddenly: Forgets well, forgets well!” 旁边的空慧忽然笑道:“忘得好,忘得好!” Xuan Bei lives fiercely, suddenly realize, echoes saying: Forgot also well, forgot well also!” 玄悲猛地顿住,恍然大悟,附和道:“忘了也好,忘了也好!” Golden flame emit from his within the body, his thorough package. 一朵朵金色火焰自他体内冒出,将他彻底包裹。 Xuan Bei sits cross-legged to sit down, pats the knee, read aloud again reads: 玄悲盘腿坐下,轻拍膝盖,再次诵念: Hell is not spatial, vows does not achieve Buddhahood ; All living things completely, proves Bodhi.” “地狱未空,誓不成佛;众生度尽,方证菩提。” Sees this situation, after Bodhi Courtyard Chief Wu Si is first happy worries, said to Kong Hui: Wu Jing escaped......” 见此情状,菩提院首座无思先喜后忧,对空慧道:“无净逃了……” Outside Shaolin Temple, in some jungle, a black wool queer bird of plump appears figure, glances right and left, the short wing fans, the fish mouth opens, laughs: Escaped from that damn Śarīra Pagoda finally! Thanks to us vigilant, seizes the opportunity to sneak off, the dead turtle and smelly bird have not responded!” 少林寺外,某片密林内,一只圆滚滚的黑毛怪鸟现出身影,左顾右盼,短小翅膀扇动,鱼般的嘴巴张开,哈哈大笑:“总算逃出那该死的舍利塔了!多亏咱机警,抓住机会就开溜,死乌龟和臭鸟都还没反应过来!” I, noble Kunpeng descendant. Wisdom unparalleled Chui Yizi, will soon return to Monster Clan......” “我,高贵的鲲鹏后裔。智慧无双的‘垂翼子’,即将回归妖族……” Finishes barely the words, treads the tread to stare the footsteps sound, huge Cold Turtle sharply sharply broke through, steps on it turns in the place. Leaves full back the footprint. 话音未落,蹬蹬瞪脚步声响,一头巨大的寒龟急急冲过,将它踩翻在地。留下满背的脚印。 Does!” Chui Yizi sets out difficultly, looks to the place that Cold Turtle leaves, talking endlessly, dead turtle also escaped...... is really a face does not give, when we went to Monster Sovereign Palace, obtained the ancestor to inherit. Asks you to say again well......” “干!”垂翼子艰难起身,望向寒龟离开的地方,喋喋不休,“死乌龟也逃出来了啊……真是一点面子都不给,等咱去了妖皇殿,得到祖先传承。再找你好好说道……” ............ ………… Neverborn Matriarch shortly after thorough Northern Zhou, dissipates suddenly, Gu Xiaosang leaps, wields the hand: Respective powder.” 无生老母相”深入北周不久,忽地消散,顾小桑跃出,将手一挥:“各自散了吧。” Feng Dian Apostle, Apostle Zhang Deng wait/etc. were perplexed, but Holy Maiden told. Only can comply with, some hurry along the entrance, returns to True Emptiness Hometown, some bring upon oneself the place to hide. 奉典神使掌灯神使等不明所以,但圣女吩咐。只能遵从,有的赶路去入口,返回“真空家乡”,有的自找地方隐藏。 ............ ………… The world achromatic color, the pale piece, time as if solidifies, this is Hidden Sword Manor nearby scene. 天地无色,惨白一片,时光仿佛凝固,这便是藏剑楼附近的景象。 The freezing storm that sweeps across had been extinguished by Blue Stem Temple Moonlight Bodhisattva, but from exploding a core dozens li (0.5 km) place. By her strength , the there's not enough time protection, the mountain range water current greatly surface-to-air breathes one's last is frozen. The each and every one lives and Grandmaster coagulations at the scene, are covering the cold ice, like ice sculpture. 席卷的冰冻风暴已被兰柯寺月摩尼菩萨消弭,但自爆核心几十里的地方。以她的实力,也来不及保护,山脉水流大地空气尽被冻结。一个个生灵、一位位宗师凝固当场,覆盖着寒冰,如同冰雕。 Here complete deathly stillness, Hidden Sword Manor formation was also frozen, in lose the sword also however, only remains the snow and ice the paradise. 这里完全死寂,就连藏剑楼大阵亦被冻结,内中的一口口遗剑亦然,只剩冰雪的乐园。 The wind has blown. The sunlight sprinkles, freezes to start to dissolve. Gasifies with the thing together. 风吹过。阳光洒落,冰冻开始溶解。连人带物一起气化。 Only then, three figure appear. Is hitting present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha of trembling respectively unceasingly, sits well Joyous Bodhisattva of lotus throne pale, the coffin bier is covering gloomily blue Impermanence of Life and Death Sect Sect Master nether world Emperor. 直到此时,才有三道身影显现。分别是不断打着寒颤的当代欢喜佛,脸色发青端坐莲台的欢喜菩萨,棺柩覆盖着一层幽蓝的生死无常宗宗主“幽冥帝君”。 They are the strongest, responded quickly, almost escaped from the core, and all urged to send the strength of divine armament, this from in exploding was damaged seriously, some divine armament damages, needed certain time restoration. 他们实力最强,反应最快,几乎逃出核心,且全力催发了神兵之力,这才在自爆中只是受损严重,就连神兵都有些损伤,需要一定时光恢复。 „Was Cao Family insane? From exploding Earth Immortal remains, this is the foundation of their establishing a family! What advantage did Gao Lan give their?” Joyous Bodhisattva barely escapes, the elegant face is hard to maintain the happy expression. 曹家疯了吗?自爆地仙遗蜕,这可是他们立家之本!高览到底给了他们什么好处?”欢喜菩萨险死还生,俏脸难以保持笑意。 As Unorthodox Path Great Grandmaster, the Jiang Hu experience is rich, slightly a recollection, then understands before the Cao Family standpoint and disguising turns, full belly doubts and indignant fire. 作为一名左道大宗师,江湖经验何等丰富,略一回想,便明白了曹家的立场和之前的假装投靠,满肚子疑惑和忿火。 Without the advantage of essence, how Cao Family to do that!” In three people, present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha cultivation base is weakest, was worried that was eaten black black, said on the restraining aura, escapes in a panic, then mixes in inside and outside hundred remote mountains and ancient forests to leave, is indiscoverable. “没有实质的好处,曹家岂会这么做!”三人中,当代欢喜修为最弱,担心被黑吃黑,说了一句就收敛气息,仓惶远遁,然后混入百里外的深山老林离开,让人难以发现。 The nether world Emperor lies down in the coffin bier, thinks that Impermanence of Life and Death Sect dies Grandmaster, only remains itself and takes care of the household that only child, is really on the taste completely heart, pain and hate, therefore has not spoken, the blood red mist exudes, binds the coffin that is soon melting to flee. 幽冥帝君躺在棺柩内,想到生死无常宗又死一位宗师,只剩自己和守家那位独苗,真是万般滋味尽上心头,又痛又恨,故而没有说话,血红雾气泛起,裹着快要消融的棺材遁走。 Joyous Bodhisattva looked at destroyed Hidden Sword Manor formation, weighed remnant forces, the unwilling heart turns head, escapes toward Eastern Sea, returns to * Immortal Realm. 欢喜菩萨看了看被摧毁的藏剑楼大阵,衡量了一下自身残余势力,略带不甘心地扭头,遁往东海,返回*仙界 In Hidden Sword Manor, Li Sinong grasps not fresh sword, nearly takes off/escapes the strength, if not mountain-protecting formation were cut off most might, oneself also urged to send divine armament promptly, today Hidden Sword Manor exterminates an entire family. 藏剑楼内,李思浓手持无生剑,近乎脱力,若非护山大阵阻隔了大部分威力,自家亦及时催发了神兵,今日藏剑楼就灭门了。 Looks to all around, seeing the horse roaming is complete, other disciples are the frostbite, the leeway of treatment, she relaxes finally, under the clothing/taking medicinal pill, restores itself strongly. 看向四周,见马游完好,其余弟子多是冻伤,还有救治的余地,她总算松了口气,服下丹药,竭力恢复自身。 How she does not know at present the war, therefore plans to lead the disciple to shift as soon as possible goes to nearby prefectural city avoidance. 她不知目前战局如何,所以打算尽快带着弟子转移去附近州城躲避。 ............ ………… Kui Cow Monster King by Su Wuming from besieging, was made exceptionally, to find the opportunity in all directions distressedly with great difficulty, was leapt the Yun He stop of take action, but ten come the breath the time, it of sword Without Self Sword spike the forehead Su Wuming, twisted to break to pieces True Spirit and Dharma Body. 夔牛妖王苏无名从四面八方“围攻”,弄得狼狈异常,好不容易找到机会,又被腾出手云鹤阻拦,不过十来息的工夫,早就中了一剑的它惨遭苏无名剑出无我”钉入眉心,绞碎了真灵法身 Another Monster King falls from the sky! 又一位妖王陨落! But Blood Sea Rakshasa depends Dharma Body is not restrained the characteristics that is very difficult to kill, stops the Kui Cow Monster King opportunity while Yun He, distressed south leaps up, but Su Wuming is everywhere, the sword sword adds the body. 血海罗刹仗着“自家法身”不被克制很难杀死的特性,趁云鹤阻拦夔牛妖王的机会,狼狈南蹿,但苏无名无处不在,剑剑加身。 Beginning him the fashion can give-and-take, retreat fighting, after crossing ten came the breath, starts injured, was being cut Dharma Body by the long sword, if not cultivation technique is special, has fallen from the sky, but can only support by strenuous efforts. 他初时尚能有来有往,且战且退,过了十来息后,开始受伤,被长剑切割着法身,若非功法特殊,已然陨落,但只能苦苦支撑了。 ............ ………… Peacock Monster King Tai Li smells there is something wrong, all urges to send Monster Saint Spear, the limitless five colors flame separates Kong Wen, oneself fan the wing, spells is cut by Su Wuming, puts forth from the God Sealing World rare treasure, changes to the golden light to flee together. 孔雀妖王太离见势不妙,全力催发“妖圣枪”,无边无际的五色火焰将空闻隔开,自家扇动翅膀,拼着被苏无名斩中,使出得自封神世界的秘宝,化作一道金光遁走。 When the golden light flies to escape, Su Wuming is everywhere, the sword light cuts into unceasingly. 金光飞遁之时,苏无名还是无处不在,剑光不断斩入其中。 When escapes to Eastern Sea, if not Monster Saint Spear protects the body, Five Colored Divine Light can brush the sword light, Tai Li does not die will also lose the strength. 逃到东海时,若非妖圣枪护体,五色神光能刷开剑光,太离不死也会失去战力。 He retreats fighting, sneaks the seabed, offers a sacrifice to a thing suddenly, radiance passes, binds the figure investment sea eye, vanishes thoroughly. 他且战且退,潜入海底,突地祭出一物,光华流转,裹住身影投入海眼,彻底消失。 Before a plain obscure palace, Tai Li appears, the whole body wound, the aura is weak, but after seeing this palace, it understands that oneself was safe. 一座古朴晦涩的宫殿前,太离出现,浑身创伤,气息微弱,但看到这座宫殿后,它明白自己安全了。 Above the palace has the inscribed horizontal tablet, the book three monster articles: 宫殿上方有匾额,书三个妖文: Monster Sovereign Palace!” 妖皇殿!” At this time, White Lake Monster King brought to escape monster also to appear in this, surprisedly in the Tai Li pitiful condition. 这时,白泽妖王带着脱逃妖物亦出现于此,惊讶于太离的惨状。 First passes Monster Sovereign Palace to go to God Sealing World.” Tai Li sinking sound said. “先通过妖皇殿封神世界。”太离沉声道。 ............ ………… Pale gold/metal Jianguang passes through Great Jin to be layer upon layer void, arrived in the battlefield, but this place only bodies start transparent Kong Wen with receiving Kui Cow remnant body Yun He. 淡金剑光穿过大晋层层虚空,抵达了战场,但此地只余身体开始透明的空闻与收起夔牛残躯的云鹤 Monster Saint Spear?” Callous Gao Lan is a little vacant at this time. 妖圣枪呢?”冷酷的高览此时都有点茫然。 ............ ………… Blood Sea Rakshasa falls into the hopeless situation, was cut to extinguish the blood shades, will soon reach the limit, is unable rebirth again from blood sea. 血海罗刹陷入绝境,被斩灭了一个又一个血影,即将达到极限,再无法从血海中“重生”。 When his heart despairs filled with grief, the sword light vanishes suddenly, does not see Su Wuming. 他心头悲怆绝望之时,剑光忽地消失,再不见苏无名 Blood Sea Rakshasa gawked staring, ejects Blood Melting Divine Blade, Dharma Body hides into the blade Blood Sea World. 血海罗刹愣了愣,抛出化血神刀,法身躲入刀内血海世界 Only then, he relaxes, clenches jaws saying: 直到此时,他才松了口气,咬牙切齿道: Should be my......” “本该是我的……” In Cleansing Sword Pavilion, Su Wuming figure fell, was short the indistinct uncertain feeling of residing in the inexplicable high place. 洗剑阁内,苏无名身影落下,少了居于莫名高处的飘渺不定感。 His complexion is usual, the innermost feelings did not have the accidented ground to talk to oneself: 他脸色如常,内心没有起伏地自语了一句: 20 breaths.” “二十息。” Then has turned around, walks into the peaceful room, stable Dharma Body, leaves behind the Clear Sky Mirror fragment and a few words gives Jiang Zhiwei: 然后转过身,步入静室,稳固法身,留下昊天镜碎片与一句话给江芷微: You are receiving, uses not arrived for the master.” ( to be continued ) “你收着吧,为师用不到了。”(未完待续) ps: The cold and cough were quick, tomorrow strives ~ ps:感冒和咳嗽快好了,明天争取加更~
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