WORIOA :: Volume #4

#292: Message in Emerald Jade Floating Palace

In Shaolin Temple, in Main Hall, sad and solemn and respectful atmosphere. 少林寺内,大雄宝殿中,一片悲伤而肃穆的气氛。 Kong Wen sits cross-legged to sit on praying mat, appears Dragon-Taming Arhat Golden Body as before, but a little point(s) gold/metal to fall off from, resembles the colored glaze like the lotus flower, winds around to flutter, gradually dissipation. 空闻盘腿坐于蒲团上,依旧现出降龙罗汉金身,但有点点金芒从上脱落,似琉璃如莲花,缭绕飘荡,渐渐消散。 Good, the body and mind Nirvana, Profound Entrance recasts, half-step is hopeful.” His long white eyebrow moves slightly, happily looks Xuan Bei that nearby whole face laments. “不错,身心涅槃,玄关再铸,半步有望。”他长长的白色眉毛微动,欣慰看着旁边满脸哀恸的玄悲 Ancestor Master......” Xuan Bei holds their palms together, the eye including wound intent, cannot be justified. 师祖……”玄悲双手合十,眼含伤意,说不下去。 Kong Wen hehe smiles: I and others cultivated/repaired Buddha to meditate, knowing ten thousand laws is all spatial, the human affairs is all spatial, the matter of life and death had completely understood why bother to make this mortal world children spirits?” 空闻呵呵一笑:“我等修佛参禅,知万法皆空,世事皆空,生死之事早就看透,何苦做此红尘儿女情态?” Abbot......” master......” sad sound at the same time resound. “方丈……”“师父……”一声声悲音同时响起。 Kong Wen has not paid attention, nine points of monk's staff in the hand gives Bodhi Courtyard Chief Wu Si: „The position of abbot pesters mortal world, is calamity non- Pok, you as the This Old Cassock disciple, are duty-bound.” 空闻没有理会,将手中九环锡杖交给菩提院首座无思:“方丈之位纠缠红尘,是祸非福,你身为老衲弟子,责无旁贷。” Yes, Master.” The shape such as dead wood Wu Si is also hard to conceal itself sorrowfully, both hands shivered slightly, received nine points of monk's staff. “是,师父。”形如枯木的无思亦难以掩饰自身悲痛,双手微微颤抖,接过了九环锡杖。 Kong Wen then looks to Kong Hui and Kong Jian: Two junior brother, the Shaolin inheritance is not easy, but also please take the trouble much.” 空闻转而看向空慧空见:“两位师弟,少林传承不易,还请多多费心。” Kong Hui and Kong Jian experienced to be many elder and matter of the same generation passing away, at this time was quite tranquil, acknowledged simultaneously. 空慧空见经历多了长辈与同辈圆寂之事,此时较为平静,同声应诺。 Kong Wen told one by one, finally looks at Xuan Bei saying: Crying Old Man has perished in your apprentice's hand, the gratitude and grudges past became as transient as fleeting clouds, This Old Cassock can feel relieved that gave you to manage finally Bodhi Courtyard.” 空闻挨个吩咐了一遍,最后看着玄悲道:“哭老人已亡于你徒弟之手,恩恩怨怨前尘往事都成过眼云烟,老衲总算能放心将菩提院交给你主持了。” Xuan Bei first stares, at once shows the little extrication facial expressions, the hatred of thorough marrow makes him unforgetable, the matter of revenging does not conform to the Zen true meaning, both pester the contradiction, is his Zen Heart biggest loophole, today suddenly must hear the Crying Old Man death news, has the people are no longer the same everything all imaginary feeling unexpectedly, has a sudden enlightenment. 玄悲先是一愣,旋即露出少许解脱神情,深入骨髓的仇恨让他难以忘怀,报仇之事又不符合禅宗真谛,两者纠缠矛盾,乃他禅心最大漏洞,今日突然得闻哭老人死讯,竟有物是人非事事皆幻之感,有所顿悟。 Kong Wen takes back the vision, both hands has Nirvana seal, on the face understands without needing to be told presently, read aloud the scrip­tures lowly: 空闻收回目光,双手结出涅槃印,脸上现拈花微笑,低诵经文: „A flowered world, Tathagata, spring spends from azure, is faded and fallen the autumn to the leaf, the infinite wisdom heart is comfortable, language silent sound body nature.” “一花一世界,一叶一如来,春来花自青,秋至叶飘零,无穷般若心自在,语默动静体自然。” Golden colored glaze flame emit from his within the body, calcine Golden Body. 一朵朵金色琉璃火焰从他体内冒出,煅烧着金身 After a little while, the flame is put out, has a sariputra trundle of grain of shining plump same place, appears the translucent shape, is reflecting the infinite glimmer, the shape , if no Bian Zhihui. 少顷,火焰熄灭,原地有一粒金灿灿圆滚滚的舍利子滚动,呈半透明状,反射着无穷微光,状若无边智慧。 ............ ………… Meng Qi lies down in the pothole, breathes air that the fill vacancy is coming, expiration and inspiration boundless origin energy sea, is restoring the strength fast. 孟奇躺于坑洞里,呼吸着填补空缺而来的空气,吐纳着磅礴的元气大海,飞快恢复着力量。 both eyes looks at the deep blue sky, Meng Qi was looking that the arrived purple meteor has delimited, looks at arrived all sort of phenomenon, in the heart moves, counted on the fingers, immediately turns over/stands up to sit up, startled and surprised: „Did Senior Chong He fall from the sky?” 双眼望着蔚蓝的天空,孟奇到了紫色流星划过,看到了诸般异象,心中一动,掐指一算,顿时翻身坐起,又惊又愕:“冲和前辈陨落了?” During vibration, thick sad emits from the heart, making him not dare to believe. 震动之中,浓浓的悲伤自心底冒出,让他不敢置信。 Did Senior Chong He of gentle atmosphere fall from the sky? 慈祥大气的冲和前辈陨落了? All sort of cultivation technique shares that will obtain do not have the selfishness „did Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure fall from the sky? 将得到的诸般功法分享而没有私心的“灵宝天尊”陨落了? Even the Righteous Path rout, Meng Qi still thinks that the Earth Immortal level Mister Lu Da and Daoist Chong He can survive, is the future changes the hope of situation. 即使正道溃败,孟奇也认为地仙级的陆大先生冲和道人能够残存,是将来改变局势的希望。 How can like this? Meng Qi calculates other things, discovered that the Righteous Path situation has not become worse, changes for the better on the contrary, zhang (3.33 m) two Vajra could not feel the mind. 怎么会这样?孟奇推算其他事情,发现正道局势没有变差,反倒好转,更加丈二金刚摸不着头脑了。 unable to deal with fully restores, he jumps to fly, goes to Huamei Villa. 顾不得完全恢复,他纵身飞起,前往画眉山庄 ............ ………… In Huamei Villa, Mister Lu Da is doing closes up shortly, restores the consumption and internal injury of beforehand fight. 画眉山庄内,陆大先生在做短暂闭关,恢复之前战斗的消耗和暗伤。 Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi is situated in side the reception room, before looking at the eave the water drop, the thick pitch-black hair lets fall at will, when the clear water has the cotton rose face to ripple the light sadness, Meng Qi comes, what seen is such a. 寒冰仙子叶玉琦立于花厅侧面,看着檐前滴水,浓密乌黑的头发随意垂落,清水出芙蓉般的脸庞荡漾着淡淡的悲伤,孟奇进来时,看到的正是这样一幕。 „Did Senior Chong He fall from the sky?” Meng Qi does not believe, blurted to ask one. 冲和前辈陨落了?”孟奇还是不太相信,脱口问了一句。 Ye Yuqi has turned around, slightly nod: His selective combustion Dharma Body to cause heavy losses to Guerduo.” 叶玉琦转过身,微微点头:“他选择燃烧法身以重创古尔多。” „Shouldn't they such distressed...... have other Dharma Body to enter the war jointly?” Meng Qi deeply inspires, depresses sorrowfully, exudes the doubts. “他们联手不该这么狼狈……有其他法身参战?”孟奇深吸口气,压下悲恸,泛起疑惑。 Ye Yuqi shakes the head saying: No, my brother-in-law does not have law principle to solve his choice.” 叶玉琦摇头道:“没有,我姐夫也无法理解他的选择。” Meng Qi frowns, slightly paces agitated, suddenly the miraculous glow flashes: Only if......” 孟奇皱起眉头,略显烦躁踱步,忽然灵光一闪:“除非……” Only if he has reason that has to do that.” Ye Yuqi meets to say. “除非他有不得不这么做的理由。”叶玉琦接道。 But can make Daoist Chong He this refine Immortal Executing Sword Formation Earth Immortal to choose the reason of death, Meng Qi can only think of one, Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation! 而能让冲和道人这炼成了诛仙剑阵地仙都不得不选择死亡的理由,孟奇只能想到一个,六道轮回之主 Reincarnator from starts small and weakly, was controlled by them, even if the growth is Earth Immortal, within the body feared that is still many hidden dangers, helping them control the hidden danger that can therefore control or force Daoist Chong He clearly. 轮回者从弱小开始,就被祂控制,即使成长为地仙,体内怕是也有不少隐患,便于祂控制的隐患,所以能真真切切控制或逼迫冲和道人 Two people look at each other one, understands that each other idea is similar, therefore Meng Qi sound transmission said: Fairy maiden, we returns to Emerald Jade Floating Palace to look, perhaps has the Heavenly Lord last words.” 两人对视一眼,明白彼此的想法类似,于是孟奇传音道:“仙子,我们回碧游宫找找,或许有天尊遗言。” Other Ye Yuqi movements, the sound has not raised: Prairie influence currently is the weakest stage, falls from the sky greatly completely, Guerduo survives True Spirit, does not know that many years can restore, just should strangle to death remaining Grandmaster, will cut off their future.” 叶玉琦没有其他动作,声音抬高:“草原势力目前处在最虚弱的阶段,大满陨落,古尔多残存真灵,不知多少年才能恢复,正该绞杀残余宗师,断绝他们的未来。” Meng Qi heard that the song sung to a stringed instrument accompaniment knows the noble affection, immediately said: Is willing to go north along with the fairy maiden together.” 孟奇闻弦歌知雅意,当即道:“愿随仙子一起北上。” Two people hand in hand, had/left Huamei Villa, first after the north toward east, nearby arrived Lulong reflects Yuetan, one of the Immortal Vestige entrances. 两人联袂,出了画眉山庄,先往北后往东,到了卢龙附近的“映月潭”,仙迹入口之一。 Puts on the mask respectively, Meng Qi and Ye Yuqi across the entrance, flies to Emerald Jade Floating Palace, looks at arrived piece of vacant Qu Jiuniang. 分别戴上面具,孟奇叶玉琦穿过入口,飞临碧游宫,看到了一片茫然的瞿九娘 „Is war disadvantageous?” Qu Jiuniang knows that evil war, sees Cold Ice Fairy Maiden and Crazy Blade Su Meng the arrives suddenly, but also thinks the war erosion, they come to evade the calamity. “战局不利?”瞿九娘知道外界正是正邪大战,见寒冰仙子狂刀苏孟突然到来,还以为战局糜烂,他们进来避祸。 She is rogue cultivator, not restricts by the aristocratic family and Sect, therefore the relative freedom, can be defended Immortal Vestige by the constant. 她乃散修,不被世家和门派拘束,故而相对自由,能经常值守仙迹 Wears Lady Mother of the Chariot Ye Yuqi of mask to say lightly: Finished, Righteous Path wins narrowly, what news can Heavenly Lord have in Emerald Jade Floating Palace leaves behind?” 戴着“斗姆元君”面具的叶玉琦淡淡道:“结束了,正道险胜,天尊可有在碧游宫内留下什么消息?” Qu Jiuniang breathes a sigh of relief, in the heart thinks, various battlefields just need cleaning mostly! 瞿九娘舒了口气,心中浮想联翩,各处战场多半正需要“打扫”! During thought fluctuating, her sudden is not right, Cold Ice Fairy Maiden and Crazy Blade Su Meng asked that what Heavenly Lord does leave behind the news to make? What matter has, by Huamei Villa and Pure Yang Sect friendship, by war just-concluded relaxing status, directly asked Heavenly Lord not on the line? 念头起伏间,她突然品出不对,寒冰仙子和“狂刀苏孟天尊遗留消息做什么?有什么事情,以画眉山庄纯阳宗的交情,以大战刚结束的缓和状态,直接问天尊不就行了? „Did Heavenly Lord have an accident?” The Qu Jiuniang concern asked. 天尊出事了?”瞿九娘关切问道。 Heavenly Lord fell from the sky......” Meng Qi unexpectedly some feelings of being able to open the mouth. 天尊陨落了……”孟奇竟有些开不了口的感觉。 The Qu Jiuniang body shook shaking, the eye of being in sharp contrast was staring at Meng Qi stubbornly: „Don't, you lie I? Heavenly Lord Earth Immortal, how cannot, how be able......” 瞿九娘身体晃了晃,黑白分明的眼睛死死盯着孟奇:“你,你可别诳我?天尊不都地仙了,怎么会,怎么会……” She as rogue cultivator, can live in the samsara now, the growth until now the situation, the direction of help and Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure of Immortal Vestige was the key aspect, has regarded Daoist Chong He is half master, learned suddenly the sad news, particularly was hard to accept. 她作为散修,能在轮回里活到现在,成长到如今地步,仙迹的帮助和灵宝天尊的指点都是关键因素,早就视冲和道人为半个师父,乍闻噩耗,分外难以接受。 Heavenly Lord combustion Dharma Body to cause heavy losses to Guerduo.” Lady Mother of the Chariot is repeating the beforehand words, is chilly faint is hiding the human affairs variable sorrow. 天尊燃烧法身以重创古尔多。”斗姆元君重复着之前的话语,清冷淡漠里藏着世事无常的悲恸。 That tortoise lamb, the old lady, the old lady......” Qu Jiuniang muttered, the vision was dim, is exuding tears. “那个王八羔子,老娘,老娘……”瞿九娘喃喃自语,眼光朦胧,泛着一层泪花。 Even Cold Ice Fairy Maiden said that that naturally is the real matter. 寒冰仙子都这么说了,那自然是真事。 She deeply inspires, has the nasal mucus sound unexpectedly, turns the head to rush to into Emerald Jade Floating Palace, runs while said: Heavenly Lord has to leave over an issue.” 她深吸口气,竟有鼻涕声,转头奔入碧游宫,边跑边道:“天尊有遗留一个问题。” Enters peaceful room that Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure often occupied, the jade pendant calmly lies down to be on record on together several. 进了灵宝天尊常居的静室,一块玉佩静静躺在案几上。 Lady Mother of the Chariot Ye Yuqi has not incurred to absorb, but was the half step in the past, took up gently, the stimulation kept the sound. 斗姆元君叶玉琦没有招摄,而是快步过去,轻轻拿起,激发留音。 mission that if Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation gives violates own conscience, for example kills the father to kill mother, abandons sect, should should do?” Indoor Daoist Chong He gently slightly dignified sound reverberation. “若六道轮回之主给予的任务违背自己的本心,比如杀父杀母,背弃宗门,该如何是好?”冲和道人慈祥又略显凝重的声音回荡室内。 In the Meng Qi heart moves, blurted out: Heavenly Lord to resist Six Paths mission dies!” 孟奇心中一动,脱口而出:“天尊是为了对抗六道任务而死!” Although he has long known that Reincarnator Six Paths toys, life and death It in an instant, may encounter truly, resentful hatred in heart, helpless as before surging forward. 虽然他早就知道轮回者不过六道的玩物,生死不过祂一念之间,可真正遭遇,心中的愤懑痛恨与无奈依旧汹涌澎湃。 Given mission conforms to the samsara camp, the difficulty gradually promotes, mission always has a slim chance of survival, exchanges the item profiteer to turn over to the profiteer, the quality to have the guarantee, all, are cruel above commending, lets the person opium poppy paralysis! 给予的任务符合轮回阵营,难度逐渐提升,任务总有一线生机,兑换物品奸商归奸商,品质有保证,一切的一切,都不过是残忍之上的表相,让人麻痹的罂粟! How like this, Six Paths mission will not always divide the camp......” Qu Jiuniang to shake the head to say by the tone that cannot believe. “怎么会这样,六道任务不是一向分阵营吗……”瞿九娘以不敢相信的口吻摇头道。 Meng Qi both hands get hold and open, open and get hold , the eye is a little bitter, the guess said: Perhaps is because Heavenly Lord is tracking down the Six Paths true body.” 孟奇双手握紧又张开,张开又握紧,眼睛有点酸涩,揣测道:“或许是因为天尊在追寻六道的真身。” This is...... Meng Qi jaw that instigate bites tightly, in the heart emerges rebukes oneself. 这都是自己怂恿的……孟奇牙关紧咬,心中涌现自责。 item by the Six Paths exchange, the injury by the Six Paths cure, cultivation technique and whets also depends on Six Paths, always depends upon them, naturally does not have the means to contend with them.” Ye Yuqi opens the mouth suddenly, in the calm sound has little self-ridiculed, each Reincarnator, so long as, has certain strength, is trying to get rid of Six Paths, Heavenly Lord also however, without you, he will also track down the Six Paths true body.” 物品六道兑换,伤势靠六道治愈,功法和磨砺也靠六道,始终依靠祂,自然也就没办法抗衡祂。”叶玉琦突然开口,冷静的声音里有少许自嘲,“每一个轮回者,只要还有自我,有一定实力,都在试图摆脱六道,天尊亦然,没有你,他也会追寻六道的真身。” Has been comforted, Meng Qi felt better a point, the mood returned to normal gradually, but thinks suddenly arrived Gu Xiaosang words, was fish, if were not obedient, if were not law-abiding, wanted to jump out, that waiting was Teacher relatives and friends' one by one will die. 得到安慰,孟奇好受了一点,心情渐渐平复,但忽然又想到了顾小桑的话语,身为“鱼”,若不听话,若不安分,想要跳出,那等待的就将是师长亲朋的一一身亡。 Just had the matter of Jade Void Palace, appeared compels mission that Senior Chong He died, was this warning of Six Paths? 刚有玉虚宫之事,就出现逼冲和前辈死亡的任务,这是六道的警告吗? Absurd, angry, hatred, doubts, confused, all sorts of mood wind around, Meng Qi is the mind is clear, again is the experience quite a lot, at this time also feels the breath to be difficult, the body shivers, does don't tell me accept fate like this? 荒谬,愤怒,痛恨,疑惑,迷茫,种种情绪缭绕,孟奇再是心灵圆润,再是经历颇多,此时亦觉得呼吸艰难,身体颤抖,难道就这样认命? Willing? Is unwilling! 甘心吗?不甘心! Heavenly Lord samsara many years, if accumulates Pāramitā Seal enough Virtuous Merit, should not be a problem?” Meng Qi stands firm the mood to ask forcefully. 天尊轮回多年,若要攒够彼岸符善功,应该不成问题?”孟奇强行稳住情绪问道。 The Ye Yuqi vision was profound, looked at Meng Qi one: Six Paths whatever Reincarnator is separated? Once established Immortal Vestige some senior with Heavenly Lord together, depended on the fortuitous encounter, accumulated enough Virtuous Merit, exchanged Pāramitā Seal, met arrived to be separated from mission, then, did not fall from the sky accidentally/surprisingly.” 叶玉琦目光幽深,看了孟奇一眼:“六道会任由轮回者脱离?曾经与天尊一起建立仙迹的某位前辈,靠着奇遇,攒够了善功,兑换了彼岸符,接到了脱离任务,然后,毫不意外陨落了。” That, that Heavenly Lord not subsequent hand?” Meng Qi pursues asks. “那,那天尊没点后手?”孟奇追问道。 Perhaps has the subsequent hand, but cannot hide the truth from Six Paths, has not played the role, Soul Lamp in Pure Yang Sect extinguishes thoroughly.” Ye Yuqi puts aside the eye, has the light sigh. “或许有后手,但没能瞒过六道,未发挥作用,纯阳宗内的魂灯彻底熄灭了。”叶玉琦移开眼睛,有淡淡的叹息。 Meng Qi is startled in same place, thinks arrived own Earth true body, if got rid by the death, shifts Primordial Spirit, perhaps was also not necessarily able to hide the truth from Six Paths, but must have other preparations...... 孟奇怔在原地,想到了自己的地球真身,若靠死亡来摆脱,来转移元神,恐怕也未必能瞒得过六道,还得有其他准备…… ...... Meng Qi to aspirate, calmed down forcefully: Primordial Monarch, Immortal Vestige caused heavy losses to by this, not a group of people without a leader, but also please take over Emerald Jade Floating Palace.” 呼……孟奇吐了口气,强行冷静下来:“元君,仙迹遭此重创,不可群龙无首,还请你接掌碧游宫。” Oneself are ominous the person, if Captain Immortal Vestige, feared that will implicate one crowd. 自己乃“不祥”之人,如果做仙迹首领,怕是会连累一群。 Ye Yuqi said silent for a long time: Only can so.” 叶玉琦沉默许久才道:“只能如此了。” Sees her to comply, Meng Qi felt relieved slightly, then thinks one matter, Overlord „the past all sorts, vanish like smoke in thin air must put on the agenda! 见她答应,孟奇略微放下心来,转而想到自家之事,霸王的“过去种种,烟消云散”得提上日程了!
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