WORIOA :: Volume #4

#290: Only the hand can the overturning the heavens down-surging

An axe sword, in tandem, two rays are intertwined from time to time, from time to time is separated, to pass through the numerous void speeds to pass over gently and swiftly the prairie, passed over gently and swiftly the snow gleams white land, the under foot is the mighty waves fluctuates, everywhere iceberg, or glittering and translucent carving, either a piece of white is vast. 一斧一剑,一前一后,两道光芒时而交缠,时而分开,以穿过重重虚空般的速度掠过了草原,掠过了白雪皑皑的大地,脚下已是波涛起伏,处处冰山,或晶莹剔透,或一片白茫。 Suddenly, the sword light falls from the day together, beyond as if space graceful, wonderful peerless, did not cut accidentally/surprisingly above Heaven Punishing Hatchet, cut it stops, cut the misty ray, cut to extinguish the flame thunder most. 突然,一道剑光从天而落,仿佛宇外惊鸿,美妙绝伦,毫不意外地斩在了天诛斧之上,将它斩得停顿,将濛濛光芒斩开,将火焰雷霆斩灭大半。 The Mister Lu Da twinkling catches up, sword light/only one bright, splits up to induce the difficult knowledge the slight sword glow, in an instant has infiltrated the remainder defense mysteriously, said to cut the Heaven Punishment treasure body of Guerduo. 陆大先生瞬息追上,剑光一亮,分化成感应难知的细微剑芒,刹那间就神奇地渗透过剩余防御,道道斩中古尔多天罚宝体。 Silent within, the Heaven Punishment treasure body starts to break up from the quite small structure, the Guerduo aura dissipates fast. 无声无息间,天罚宝体从相当微小的结构开始崩解,古尔多的气息飞快消散。 At this moment, the Heaven Punishing Hatchet ray is greatly bright, nine say/way marks depart again, form vortex dark blackhole, in oneself will attract integrates, the terrifying suction makes Mister Lu Da have to return to the sword to defend, so as to avoid Dharma Body was torn to crash. 就在这时,天诛斧光芒大亮,九枚道痕再次飞出,形成漩涡般的幽暗混洞,将自身吸纳入内,恐怖的吸力让陆大先生不得不回剑守住,免得法身被撕裂压垮。 Then, blackhole has the feeling of raising, becomes empties Mongolia indistinctly, probably escaped into the place of higher level, for example 9th Heavenly Layer, making a sword light that followed closely to come cut spatial. 然后,“混洞”有拔高之感,变得飘渺空濛,像是遁入了更高层次的地方,比如九重天,让紧随而来的一道剑光斩了个空。 blackhole vanishes, Heaven Punishing Hatchet also vanishes. 混洞消失,天诛斧亦随之消失。 Mister Lu Da raised the head slightly, saw the midair everywhere pretty man, as soon as he raided the azure clothes, calm, the both eyes faint vicissitudes, were Su Wuming. 陆大先生微微抬头,看见了半空似无处不在的俊秀男子,他一袭青衣,波澜不惊,双目淡漠沧桑,正是苏无名 Guerduo also survives True Spirit.” Mister Lu Da has not diverted attention, is saying the matter. 古尔多还残存一点真灵。”陆大先生没有分心,说着刚才之事。 Su Wuming vision suddenly profound, is staring at Mister Lu Da, said indifferently: Dharma Body has destroyed, the medicine and stone acupuncture needle is useless.” 苏无名目光忽地幽深,盯着陆大先生,淡然道:“法身已毁,药石无用。” He always the anti- argument, then did not say: 他向来不耐口舌,转而道: You also slightly had Legendary Characteristic.” “你亦略具传说特征了。” Ten years later, I challenge you.” “十年之后,我挑战你。” Mister Lu Da said with a smile slightly: Good.” 陆大先生微微笑道:“好。” As first under heaven swordsman, the heart of Mister Lu Da also many theory sword. 作为天下第一剑客,陆大先生亦不乏论剑之心。 When Su Wuming figure vanishes, Mister Lu Da sighed: Pitifully.” 等到苏无名身影消失,陆大先生才叹了口气:“可惜了。” Su Wuming should do well is more complete, for this war , to promote ahead of time, not completely entire merit. 苏无名本该做得更好更圆满,为了此战,提前晋升,未尽全功。 However the human affairs is difficult to predict, if really wants to achieve the pinnacle, unavoidably wears down the conscience, by innumerable projection the memory and character affect, turns into the lunatic. 不过世事难料,若真想做到极致,难免消磨本心,被无数“投影”的记忆与性格影响,变成疯子。 Does the blessing in disguise know non- Pok? 塞翁失马焉知非福? ............ ………… Heaven Punishing Hatchet knocks down some forbidden technique level, then cuts with ease, escapes into. 天诛斧打落某层禁法的位阶,然后轻松斩开,遁入进去。 This is the dark green azure world, is fluttering everywhere the wish power luminous spot, crawls is revering the grandfather spirit and devout warrior, the stars in, 这是苍青色的世界,处处飘荡着愿力光点,匍匐着尊尊祖灵与虔诚武士,日月星辰同在, Day and night. 不分昼夜。 Heaven Punishing Hatchet proceeds fast, across numerous palace error and tents, arrived in the place of core. 天诛斧飞快往前,穿过重重宫阙和帐篷,抵达了核心之处。 The wish power luminous spot condenses the fluid here, flame liquids, then form the broad sea, the pray sound and praise reverberation midair. 愿力光点在这里凝聚成液,一朵朵火焰般的液体,然后汇成宽广的海洋,祈祷声和赞美声回荡半空。 The sea of center Incense Fire is floating a blue translucent bead, it gives person of god Saint Venerable expensive/noble and high vast powerful, to control all feelings. 香火之海中央漂浮着一颗青蓝色半透明珠子,它给人神圣尊贵、高渺强大、掌控一切的感觉。 In the ray of Heaven Punishing Hatchet sending out, True Spirit flutters, changes to the Guerduo appearance, he is nearly transparent, in aura as if wind remaining years of life. 天诛斧散发的光芒内,一点真灵飘出,化作古尔多的容貌,他近乎透明,气息仿佛风中残烛。 Concentrates the eye to look, Guerduo light well: Longevity Heaven? This is Longevity Heaven God Essence Bead?” 凝目望去,古尔多轻咦一声:“长生天界?这是长生天的‘神髓珠’?” Incense Fire wish power gathers the certain extent, then can evolve God Essence Bead during the long time slowly, Yun Han(contain) Divine Power and Spiritual God represent the rule God Essence Bead. 香火愿力聚集到一定程度,便能在漫长时光之中缓慢衍化出“神髓珠”,蕴含神力神灵代表规则的“神髓珠”。 Then, after some time, in God Essence Bead the birth Spiritual God true body, will be controlling the Spiritual God true bodies of the world little authority again. 然后,再经一定时间,神髓珠内将诞生神灵真身,掌控着天地少许权柄的神灵真身。 Even if the Spiritual God true body the longevity completely perishes, or was killed, if God Essence Bead, Incense Fire as before, several years in more than ten years then can be born, if God Essence Bead were still ruined, light/only by Incense Fire wish power, that several thousand tens of thousands years can evolve. 神灵真身即使寿尽而亡,或者被人所杀,神髓珠若在,香火依旧,几年十几年内便能重新诞生,如果神髓珠也被毁掉,光靠香火愿力,那就几千几万年才能重新衍化出来了。 After short surprised, Guerduo as if understands the meaning of Heaven Punishing Hatchet, is lost in thought. 短暂的惊疑后,古尔多似乎明白了天诛斧的意思,陷入了沉思。 Oneself only remain True Spirit, is impossible to restore Dharma Body directly, must seize the shed to cultivate/repair again is likely to remount Earth Immortal realm, dozens years of time is impossible to succeed, moreover seizes the body and True Spirit of shed has the repel, proves the hope of Dharma Body is not big again! 自己只剩一点真灵,不可能直接恢复法身,必须夺舍再修才有望重登地仙境界,没几十年的工夫不可能成功,而且夺舍的身体与真灵有排斥,再证法身的希望并不大! But if the Spiritual God true body were extinguished while Longevity Heaven, when God Essence Bead only mark, without consciousness, fuses with it True Spirit, how many years more than ten years later, oneself can obtain a Spiritual God true body, according to Longevity Heaven the accumulation and belief population, not necessarily cannot spend the time, advances the Earth Immortal level, Gu Insect God is good, let alone Longevity Heaven? 但如果趁“长生天神灵真身被灭,神髓珠只印记,没有意识时,将真灵与它融合,那几年十几年后,自己就能获得一具神灵真身,依据“长生天”的积累和信仰人数,未必不能花费工夫,推到地仙级,蛊神都行,何况长生天 Then, oneself change over to Divine Dao, without was so free and unrestrained! 只是如此一来,自己就转入神道,没那么逍遥自在了! Guerduo is also one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, then sets firm resolve quickly, clenches jaws saying: 古尔多亦是一代枭雄,很快便下定了决心,咬牙切齿道: Longevity Heaven holds Heaven Punishing Hatchet is also appropriate!” “‘长生天’掌天诛斧也算恰当!” Chong He this lunatic, has the chance, what sacrificed itself to make? His mother, was really but actually eight lifetime blood mildew, bumped into a lunatic!” 冲和这个疯子,又不是没有胜机,牺牲自己做什么?他娘的,真是倒了八辈子血霉,碰到一个疯子!” His True Spirit goes to God Essence Bead, in the mouth shouts: Axe brother helps me!” 他一点真灵投向神髓珠,口中呼道:“斧兄助我!” Without the Heaven Punishing Hatchet help, light/only wants to fuse the God Essence Bead simply wishful thinking by True Spirit, without Grandmaster cultivation base, will only degenerate into the God Essence Bead nutrient! 没有天诛斧帮忙,光靠一点真灵就想融合神髓珠简直痴心妄想,没宗师修为,只会沦为神髓珠的养分! ............ ………… In Shaolin Temple, the sound of monster roar is intermittent, but the Śarīra Pagoda colored glaze light revolutions, suppresses slowly them. 少林寺内,妖吼之声阵阵,但舍利塔琉璃光转,将它们慢慢镇压下去。 white hair Xuan Xin changes the human appearance, received the move of monster streamer, is waiting for the time, if continued to maintain the monster body, quick will then induce by Kong Jian or formation, but fell into colored glaze embryo conceals to tie, escaped do not want to escape. 白毛玄心变回人类模样,收起了招妖幡,等待着时机,若继续保持妖身,很快便会被空见大阵感应到,而身陷琉璃胎藏结界内,逃都不要想逃掉。 Worthily is perfect hominization law that Monster Emperor your majesty leaves behind ‚’, does not have the specific method, only if Dharma Body face to face, revolves the full power, the careful inspection, could not discover.” Xuan Xin is patting the leg, the innermost feelings praised without cease, at the same time curls the lip, treated for more than ten years in Shaolin, does not dare to eat the person not to dare to fight, suffocated us simply quickly!” “不愧是妖皇陛下遗留的‘完美人化法’,没有特定法门,除非法身当面,运转全力,仔细检视,根本发现不了。”玄心拍着腿,内心赞叹不已,同时撇了撇嘴,“在少林待了十几年,不敢吃人不敢战斗,简直快闷死咱了!” Han Guang steals into, did not seem to been discovered, when the formation protection foreign enemy, Śarīra Pagoda suppresses monster strongly, secret say/way unavoidably has an oversight, had not discovered including falling from the sky of Exterior Scenery elder, but Soul Lamp is, corresponds Colored Glass Lamp not one to extinguish, but is the slow tarnish, as if by time slow, making the guard disciple not detect for a while. 韩广的偷入,似乎并没有被发现,在大阵防备外敌,舍利塔竭力镇压妖物时,秘道难免有所疏漏,连一位外景长老的陨落都未曾发现,而魂灯所在,对应琉璃灯并非一下熄灭,而是缓慢变暗,仿佛被时光所迟缓,让看守弟子一时察觉不了。 When Kong Hui with the aid of sariputra and Śarīra Pagoda, will soon suppress floor Monster King Monster Venerable , ties of friendship and being benovelence, none shall enter this door place, the ray flashes, Grandmaster of Han Guang and hoary hair comes. 空慧借助舍利子舍利塔,即将把底层的妖王妖尊们重新镇压时,“情义善仁,莫入此门”处,光芒一闪,韩广与花白头发的宗师重新现身。 Really so, really so.” Always gets angry Han Guang that does not show a little is also sigh with emotion happily at this time, the tone is passing several points of joy. “果然如此,果然如此。”向来喜怒不形于色的韩广此时亦有点感慨,语气透着几分欣喜。 The auto resulted in antiquity hidden secret, discovered that derivation Ananda Pure Land in Universe Fragment, discovered, because the legend was only, there had Ānanda broken monk blade inheritance of true intent and little item, after when the uppermost was most precious is also true Ananda Pure Land has the Shaolin back side of the mountain had, he plans were many, after setback, finally success. 自偶得上古秘辛,发现宙光碎片内的衍生阿难净土,发现由于传说唯一,那里只得阿难戒刀真意传承与少许物品,最上面最珍贵也是真正的阿难净土只得少林后山才有后,他谋划多时,历经挫折,终于成功。 Han Guang hair pitch-black, is gripping the wooden hairpin, resembles the Daoist Confucian scholar, the wide robe was floating, said that not natural, but his vision was deep, in the left eye pupil had one to wear the black armor fully, is destroys the aura six arm Evil Demon, the right eye was lords over on most, overlooks ten thousand side and honored dignified indistinct emperor, the forehead showed golden ten thousand characters, from time to time the clockwise, reversed from time to time, as if put through colluded the two sides bridges. 韩广头发乌黑,扎着木簪,似道人似儒士,宽袍飘飘,说不尽的潇洒,而他目光深沉,左眼瞳孔内有一尊穿着黑色盔甲、满是毁灭气息的六臂邪魔,右眼则是高踞最上、俯视万方、尊贵威严的飘渺帝者,眉心则透出一个金色万字符,时而正转,时而逆转,仿佛架通了勾连两边的桥梁。 He is the rare talent who the Unorthodox Path Demon Sect non- world has, practice Six Annihilation Yama Demon Body ten thousand li in a day, after entering the samsara, cruel and merciless, the strategy profound characteristics displays incisively, and obtains «Celestial Emperor Jade Book» on, then depends on the intelligent wisdom, the will perception, mixes two Sects peerless cultivation technique is one, from operating the path, the card resulted in Yan Demon Emperor body. 他乃左道魔门不世出的奇才,修炼六灭阎魔身”一日千里,入轮回后,更是将自身心狠手辣、智谋深远的特点发挥得淋漓尽致,并得到《天帝玉册》上,然后靠着自家聪明智慧,毅力悟性,生生将两门绝世功法糅合为一,自开道路,证得了“阎魔帝身”。 But Six Annihilation Yama Demon Body is Nine Serenities is, Celestial Emperor is the 9th Heavenly Layer symbol, both mutually are the mortal enemies, clearly is nearly opposite, by the Han Guang wisdom and perception, the say/way of mixing also met with the hindrance unavoidably, after the card results in Dharma Body, cultivation base starts to stagnate, to make up for the hidden danger and mixes thoroughly, he tried many means that but something that hidden secret and Ananda Pure Land that derivation within the body that time obtains sees make him suddenly see the light at present, look for the arrived direction, looks for the arrived path. 六灭阎魔身九幽之属,天帝九重天象征,两者互为死敌,近乎截然相反,以韩广的智慧与悟性,糅合之道亦难免遭遇阻碍,证得法身后,修为开始停滞,为了弥补隐患和彻底糅合,他尝试了诸多办法,而那次得到的秘辛阿难净土衍生体内见到的一些事情让他眼前豁然开朗,找到了方向,找到了道路。 Connects Nine Serenities by Buddhist Law and 9th Heavenly Layer! 佛法来连接“九幽”与“九重天”! After Han Guang single-handed lost/carrying, the right hand is grasping a sparkling lake long blade, recited easely: 韩广单手负后,右手握着一口波光粼粼的长刀,悠然吟道: Non- demon non- god also not Buddha, in this in other in average.” “非魔非神亦非佛,在此在彼在中流。” Only the hand can the overturning the heavens down-surging, brutally actually feel emotion.” “只手能翻天下浪,道是无情却有情。” The long blade cuts, blade light empties Mongolia, following secret path, cuts some arrived Śarīra Pagoda gate. 长刀斩出,刀光空濛,顺着密道,斩到了舍利塔某层之门。 The colored glaze is decayed, the front door mud, said Vajra, but the thing of the world how can there be eternal not rubbing, the person also however, Buddha also however, the time washout, Śarīra Pagoda ties breaks up for a while. 琉璃腐朽,大门化泥,佛说金刚,但天下岂有永恒不磨之物,人亦然,佛亦然,时光冲刷,舍利塔结界一时崩解。 Roar! 吼! The Monster King aura seizes the opportunity of disappearing, ran out of Śarīra Pagoda, the behind escaping light follows! 妖王气息抓住转瞬即逝的机会,冲出了舍利塔,后面道道遁光跟随!
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