WORIOA :: Volume #4

#289: Heaven Beyond Divine Sword

Matter happened when the moment, Mister Lu Da understands, at present is a deathly stillness. 事情发生在须臾之间,陆大先生明了时,眼前已是一片死寂。 The surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) midair after Immortal Executing Sword Formation contraction reaches the arrived pinnacle chaotic, does not have the energy of dissociation again, no material, as if did not have the feeling of space and time universe again, such just like solidification, taking the form of deathly stillness. 诛仙剑阵收缩后的方圆十来里半空混乱达到了极致,再无游离的能量,再无任何物质,仿佛也没了时空宇宙之感,就这么宛若凝固,形似死寂。 Its edge still in absorbing nearby energy and material, but also is spreading the confusion, can probably continue, until final final. 它的边缘还在吸收附近的能量与物质,还在蔓延着混乱,像是能一直持续下去,直到最终的最终。 This status just appears, the world changes loudly, seems repelling it, is loathing it, splits void, the origin energy sea gallops, might fill up to level it again, no longer spread. 这种状态甫一出现,天地就轰然大变,似乎在排斥着它,厌恶着它,虚空裂开,元气大海奔腾,像是要重新将它填满抹平,不再蔓延。 In the Mister Lu Da vision is puzzled is sad, does not understand why Daoist Chong He must make this choice, most will support tea again the time, Guerduo will be close to the limit, but oneself have not fallen into the hopeless situation. 陆大先生目光里是不解是悲伤,不明白冲和道人为何要做此选择,最多再支撑一盏茶的时光,古尔多将接近极限,而自身并未陷入绝境。 At this moment, nine say/way marks depart from the deathly stillness, the flash flame thunder blackhole and other phenomenon, they around a long axe, are changing various mysterious combinations. 就在这时,九枚道痕从死寂里飞出,闪速着火焰雷霆混洞等异象,它们绕着一把长柄斧头,变化着各种玄奥的组合。 Silent within, the axe broke out the deathly stillness difficultly, binds Guerduo to fall into the stupor Heaven Punishment treasure body incompletely, escapes toward the north rapidly. 无声无息间,斧头艰难地劈开了死寂,裹着古尔多残缺不全又陷入昏迷的天罚宝体,急速遁往北方。 Mister Lu Da both eyes is firm, grasps the long sword, is in hot pursuit, from time to time cuts distantly, from time to time fights hand-to-hand imminently, changes Minute Subtlety, connects the junction to strike with the axe light, makes the dīng dīng dāng dāng sound. 陆大先生双眼坚定,手持长剑,紧追不舍,时而遥遥斩出,时而迫近肉搏,变化入微,与斧光接连交击,发出叮叮当当的声音。 Escapes pursues, an axe person penetrated the prairie, passed over gently and swiftly the prairie, under is snow gleams white, the wood of Changqing. 一逃一追,一斧一人深入了草原,掠过了草原,下方已是白雪皑皑,长青之木。 ............ ………… Before Su Wuming body, is floating the Clear Sky Mirror fragment, all around shines upon world of side side different scene, their Corporeal and Incorporeal boundary universe, has the float mainland, overlaps in all. Also distinguishes right from wrong, mutual non-interference, in Cleansing Sword Pavilion becomes dim, from time to time has the light shadow to flash through. 苏无名身前漂浮着昊天镜碎片,四周映照出一方方不同景象的天地,它们有无垠宇宙,有漂浮大陆,重叠在一切。又泾渭分明,互不干涉,洗剑阁内变得昏昏暗暗,时而有光影闪过。 The scenes in these universe these world change fast, frames rapidly on together figure. 这些宇宙这些世界内的景象飞快变化,迅速定格在一道身影上。 By smoke wave vast great lake. Has swordsman to sit well near the cliff, overlooks the clear wave light, vision is drunk, right hand light shell long sword, suddenly, his eye presently suddenly. figure shows one point of indistinctness, said with a smile in a low voice: 烟波浩渺的大湖旁。有位剑客端坐崖边,俯视粼粼波光,目光似醉,右手轻弹着长剑,忽然,他眼现恍然。身影透出一分飘渺,低声笑道: Originally I am Su Wuming.” “原来我是苏无名。” The mountain top of white snow stack, the azure clothes man turnover livelihood essence, is quenching this life flying sword, together blue light before the body walks randomly. Jiao Ruo the startled rainbow, flies fast, if roaming dragon, suddenly, he takes back the flying sword, pats nearby snow, figure was somewhat indistinct, resembles had some inexplicable relation with the infinite high place, said generously: 白雪堆积的山头,青衣男子吞吐日月精华,淬炼着本命飞剑,一道碧光绕着身前游走。矫若惊虹,翩若游龙,突然,他收回飞剑,轻拍旁边积雪,身影有些飘渺,似与无穷高处有了某种莫名联系,慨然道: Originally I am Su Wuming.” “原来我是苏无名。” swordsman white clothing. Indifferent indifferent, in the eye has the sword, in the hand only has the sword. Is aloof like the god, suddenly, he raised the head, looks to the upper air, to is looking at somebody, the body moves slightly with the wind. tall Miao is aloof, in the mouth talked to oneself calmly: 剑客白衣。冷漠淡然,眼中只得剑,手中只有剑。超脱如神,霍然,他抬起头,望向高空,向在看着某人,身体随风微动。高渺超然,口中平静自语: Originally I am Su Wuming.” “原来我是苏无名。” ...... …… Originally I am Su Wuming!” “原来我是苏无名!” Invisible the inexplicable relation extends from these universe these world. Falls into azure clothes lonely Su Wuming within the body. 一道道无形又莫名的联系从这些宇宙这些世界里延伸而出。落入青衣冷清的苏无名体内。 His figure starts to inflate, sword qi are born from the nihility. Is deducting all kinds of sword technique, presents all kinds of natures, has the sword of raging fire, has the sword of menstruation, has the void sword, the sword of Corporeal and Incorporeal sentiment, has the sword of taking a life. 他的身影开始膨胀,一道道剑气从虚无中诞生。演绎着各种各样的剑法,呈现各种各样的性质,有烈火之剑,有癸水之剑,有虚空之剑,有无情之剑,有杀生之剑。 sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the Su Wuming back appears a vision faintly Supreme Dao Body, it is exactly the same as the Su Wuming appearance, but obviously lofty and indistinct, contained all kinds of rules and sword qi, as if is overlooking the world myriad things, without the thickness likes hating division, treats impartially. 剑气纵横,苏无名背后现出一尊目光淡漠的“太上道体相”,它与苏无名的容貌一模一样,但更显高远和飘渺,包含了各种各样的规律和剑气,仿佛在俯视着天地万物,没有厚薄爱恨之分,一视同仁。 Supreme Dao Body one step steps forward, * overlaps with Primordial Spirit with Su Wuming, sword qi fly into, lets their cuns (2.5 cm) fusion. 太上道体相”一步跨出,与苏无名*与元神重叠,剑气一道道飞入,让它们一寸寸融合。 This process is extremely quick, has not blocked astringently, Su Wuming as if accumulates really deeply, even has not met the bottleneck. 这个过程极快,没有阻涩,苏无名似乎积累甚深,甚至没遇到瓶颈。 Of bang, Jiang Zhiwei a flower, only thinks at present sword intent soaks the body, when careful looks again, Su Wuming is Supreme Dao Body, Supreme Dao Body is Su Wuming. 轰的一下,江芷微眼前一花,只觉剑意浸体,待仔细再看,苏无名就是太上道体,太上道体就是苏无名 That inexplicable relation entanglements, the resembles of Su Wuming azure clothes inflates again, fully about ten zhang (3.33 m), he stands there, makes Jiang Zhiwei feel that he here, on, complete 9th Heavenly Layer is not overlooking the mountains rivers numerous universes high likely, covers ten thousand sides, everywhere. 那一道道莫名联系纠缠,苏无名青衣之像再次膨胀,足有十丈开外,他立在那里,却让江芷微感觉他不在此处,高高于上,像完好九重天般俯视着山川河流重重宇宙,覆盖万方,无处不在。 Only then, the midair has the mutation, splits void, the chaos electric light chops to fall by static myriad things status together loudly. 直到此时,半空才有异变,虚空裂开,一道混混沌沌的电光以静止万物般的状态轰然劈落。 World as if solidifies, the electric light passes through the remote distance instantaneously, fell on Su Wuming. 天地仿佛凝固,电光瞬间穿过遥远的距离,落在了苏无名身上。 Su Wuming drew out the saber, purely the concise sword is together luminous, does not have other fancy again. 苏无名拔出了佩剑,一道纯粹凝练的剑光亮起,再无别的花俏。 Bang! 轰隆! Jiang Zhiwei ear one deaf, Primordial Spirit shakes, at present performs is the white light, then sees the chaos thunder and masters disappears. 江芷微耳朵一聋,元神一震,眼前尽是白光,然后看见混沌雷霆与师父都不见了。 She raised the head subconsciously, discovered that master situated in inexplicable high place, true 9th Heavenly Layer is likely ordinary, emptying Mongolia is indistinct, everywhere. 她下意识抬起头,发现师父位于莫名高处,像真正的九重天一般,空濛飘渺,无处不在。 The Su Wuming facial features were faint, lifted in the hand the long sword, bright such as the graceful sword light cut downward. 苏无名面容淡漠,抬起了手中长剑,一道灿烂如惊鸿的剑光往下斩出。 Three Heads and Six Arms Great Asura Meng Nan bypasses Cleansing Sword Pavilion, planned that the thorough Great Jin rich place, in the heart moves suddenly, raised the head upward, saw Su Wuming, saw that Heaven Beyond Divine Sword. 三头六臂大阿修罗蒙南绕过洗剑阁,打算深入大晋膏腴之地,忽然心中一动,抬头往上,看见了苏无名,看见了那口天外神剑 The sword light chops, Great Asura shakes the blood-color long spear/gun, not dreads moves forward to meet somebody. 剑光劈来,大阿修罗一震血色长枪,毫无畏惧迎了上去。 But at this time, he discovered that has the sword light attack in all directions, the altruism does not have him, will not have the future without the past. 可这时,他发现四面八方都有剑光来袭,无我无他,无过去无未来。 What's the matter? Is Su Wuming unexpectedly ubiquitous? 怎么回事?苏无名竟无处不在? Meng Nan in great surprise, Three Heads and Six Arms simultaneously makes, the hot bead black lotus, the sword long spear/gun, the tornado sweeps across left near, resisted the sword light. 蒙南大惊,三头六臂齐齐打出,火珠黑莲,刀剑长枪,旋风般席卷左近,抵御住了剑光。 He does not have in the fire to take the thoughts of chestnut, seeing Su Wuming status is strange, had drawn out the heart of retreat, after resisting the sword light, immediately uses the maintaining life method, one escapes tens of thousands li (0.5 km). 他没有火中取栗的心思,见苏无名状态诡异,已是起了退去之心,抵住剑光后,当即施展保命手段,一下遁出几万里。 Sky over some barren mountains and wild hills, Meng Nan appears figure, the true enlightenment got rid of Su Wuming, tries to gasp for breath, the pupil sudden contraction, the upper air will cut off the future sword light attack together! 某座荒山野岭上空,蒙南现出身影,正觉摆脱了苏无名,试图喘口气,瞳孔突然收缩,高空又是一道斩断未来的剑光来袭! Su Wuming still resides in high, does not move motionless, as if has been waiting for itself here. 苏无名依旧高居于上,不移不动,似乎一直在这里等着自己。 After the fee/spent goes all-out to block a round attack, Meng Nan had no other choice, urges to send precious talisman, split void, the Three Heads and Six Arms true body escaped, one flashed before above the desert, was far away from Great Jin. 费尽全力挡住一轮攻击后,蒙南不得已,催发了一道珍贵符篆,虚空裂开,三头六臂真身远遁,一下就闪现于瀚海之上,远离了大晋 At this time, he saw together purely to not having foreign object other sword light of feeling has not cut to fall again concise from the upper air, the Su Wuming facial expression was faint, the both eyes vicissitudes, are overlooking themselves high. 这时,他再次看见一道纯粹凝练到没有外物没有其他感觉的剑光从高空斩落,苏无名神情淡漠,双眼沧桑,高高俯视着自己。 Can this follow? Isn't this able to get rid? 这都能跟上?这都无法摆脱? Meng Nan has the chill in the air, can only retreat fighting. 蒙南心生寒意,只能且战且退。 ............ ………… With this at the same time, Great Jin and Southern Desolate intersection point, Kong Wen and Tai Li. Ferrying Life Dharma King and Kui Cow Monster King, Blood Sea Rakshasa and Yun He, are in the fierce battle. 与此同时,大晋南荒交界处,空闻太离渡世法王夔牛妖王,血海罗刹云鹤,正在酣战。 Tai Li is injured quite heavily, but depends on Five Colored Divine Light and Monster Saint Spear, stabilizes the aspect gradually. The Kong Wen Life Sacrification effect starts to remove slowly. 太离受伤颇重,但靠着五色神光妖圣枪,渐渐稳住局面。空闻舍身效果开始慢慢褪去。 In the latter two pairs, Ferrying Life Dharma King gets the winning side, but cannot win for a while , the stop Kui Cow Monster King fled, Blood Sea Rakshasa and Yun He were well-matched. 后两对中,渡世法王占据上风,但一时赢不下来,也阻拦不了夔牛妖王逃离,血海罗刹云鹤则旗鼓相当。 Suddenly, the midair radiant sword light cuts to fall together. Meets the day continually, meaningful faint, divides into two, two are divided into four, cuts with the stance without not feeling emotion respectively to Tai Li, Ferrying Life Dharma King and Kui Cow Monster King and Blood Sea Rakshasa. Supreme Indifference. 突然,半空一道璀璨剑光斩落。接天连地,隽永淡漠,一分为二,二分为四,以无别有情的姿态分别斩向太离渡世法王夔牛妖王血海罗刹太上忘情 Four Dharma Body at the same time unfathomable mystery are attacked, when is a little thrown into confusion, raised the head looks, seeing Su Wuming of azure clothes to float in the inexplicable high place, is swaying «Supreme Sword Scripture» carries sword technique. 四位法身同时莫名其妙遇袭,有点手忙脚乱,抬头仰望时,看见一袭青衣的苏无名漂浮于莫名高处,挥洒着《太上剑经》所载剑法 Did he become Dharma Body? Does he help unexpectedly such quickly? No matter Great Asura Meng Nan? 他成法身了?他竟然来援得这么快?不管大阿修罗蒙南了? Four swords light/only all are tyrannical, Su Wuming one received the war, sword light is everywhere, Kong Wen and Yun He are distressed as Tai Li and Blood Sea Rakshasa of immediately opponent exceptionally. Kui Cow Monster King and Ferrying Life Dharma King tacit understanding does not fight, the thunder blasts out, void teleportation. Blocks the sword light respectively, then plunges Su Wuming. 四道剑光皆是强横,苏无名一下就接过了战局,剑光似无处不在,还有空闻云鹤作为对手的太离血海罗刹顿时狼狈异常。夔牛妖王渡世法王默契不战,雷霆炸开,虚空挪移。各自挡住剑光,然后扑向苏无名 Kui Cow Monster King rapidly high, but is unable to approach Su Wuming, in the heart is beating a drum, suddenly vest one cool, the sword light has broken open the surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) thunder forest together. Pricks the vest. 夔牛妖王越飞越高,但始终无法靠近苏无名,心中正在打鼓,忽然背心一凉,一道剑光已破开方圆几十里的雷霆森林。刺入自家背心。 During it induces, the back presented Su Wuming. Probably continuously there. 它感应之中,背后又出现了一位苏无名。像是一直在那里。 Ferrying Life Dharma King is shocked, in the eye reveals the alarmed and afraid mood. Blurted out: 渡世法王愣住,眼中流露出惊惧情绪。脱口而出: Legend!” “传说!” He never imagined, to integrate immediately void, escapes in a panic, but feels uneasy, terrified, as if Su Wuming continuously in back, continuously there. 他想都没想,当即融入虚空,仓惶远遁,但芒刺在背,惶惶不安,似乎苏无名一直在背后,一直在那里。 The feeling of Ferrying Life Dharma King right, the sword light cuts together, nearly passes through him, but in his line of sight, Su Wuming appears in the front inexplicable high place! 渡世法王的感觉没错,一道剑光斩来,险些将他贯穿,而他的视线里,苏无名却出现在前方莫名高处! ............ ………… Great Asura Meng Nan retreats fighting, close to Asura Temple, after several has fought, when he kept abreast of some situations gradually, Su Wuming left the sword cut to oneself, shortly will lose that type unable to touch and is unable close, reside in the feeling of inexplicable high place, as if can attack. 大阿修罗蒙南且战且退,已是临近修罗寺,经过几番交手,他渐渐掌握了一些情况,苏无名出剑斩向自己时,会短暂失去那种无法触摸、无法靠近、居于莫名高处的感觉,似乎能够攻击。 But Meng Nan does not want to take risk, bears a sword, ran into Asura Temple, opened layer upon layer forbidden technique. 蒙南不想冒险,硬受一剑,逃入了修罗寺,开启了层层禁法 His both feet just fell to the ground, is sighing with emotion Su Wuming status to be strange, suddenly sees the sword light to sweep away together. 他双脚刚刚落地,正感慨苏无名状态诡异,忽然看见一道剑光横扫而来。 Is forbidden technique invalid? everywhere? 禁法无效?无处不在? Meng Nan is close to the strength using up at this time, carries the injury, the there's not enough time avoidance, can only very have the long sword, pounds the bead of profound fire to resist hardly. 蒙南此时接近力竭,又身负伤势,来不及躲避,只能挺起长剑,砸出玄火之珠硬抗。 A sword light booklet, the wonderful spin, the Meng Nan two head three arms fall. 剑光一折,美妙一旋,蒙南两颗头颅三条手臂掉落。 This pain he yelled, the indignation upwells, holds Su Wuming to have the instance of sword, black lotus flower disintegration, to depth to dark to quiet flame eruption, but forbidden technique layer upon layer, imprisons Su Wuming Dharma Body, making him be hard to avoid. 这痛得他哇哇大叫,忿怒上涌,抓住苏无名出剑的瞬间,将黑色莲花解体,至深至暗至幽的火焰喷发,而禁法层层,禁锢住苏无名法身,让他难以躲避。 Flame the Su Wuming package, silent combustion. 火焰一下将苏无名包裹,无声无息燃烧。 Su Wuming Dharma Body was burnt, the aura vanishes rapidly, falls from the sky at the scene. 苏无名法身被焚,气息迅速消失,陨落当场。 Meng Nan had not had the mood to appear, sways void, wears the azure clothes and facial features pretty faint man to highlight, Without Self Sword, the radiant ray directly soars his forehead, is Su Wuming! 蒙南还未有情绪出现,虚空摇晃,一个身着青衣、面容俊秀的淡漠男子凸显,剑出无我,璀璨光芒直奔他的眉心,又是苏无名 , the sword light pricked the Meng Nan forehead, the appearance that his eye reveal does not dare to believe that falls to the ground loudly, Dharma Body does not have the vitality again. 噗,剑光刺入了蒙南眉心,他眼露不敢置信的神彩,轰然倒地,法身再无生机。 Dead: Meng Nan 死者:蒙南 Status: Great Asura, Heaven List expert, Asura Temple management, the lord of Western Region 身份:大阿修罗,天榜高人,修罗寺主持,西域之主 Dead shape: Two the first three arms fall, in the last head forehead the sword, pours under layer upon layer the forbidden technique protection 死状:两头三臂掉落,最后一颗头颅眉心中剑,倒在层层禁法保护下 Cause of death: sword intent twists the broken vitality 死因:剑意绞碎生机 Slayer: Heaven Beyond Divine Sword Su Wuming 杀人者:“天外神剑苏无名 A dynasty enters Heaven List, the divine sword cuts Dharma Body! 一朝入天榜,神剑斩法身 ............ ………… Ferrying Life Dharma King was attacked from all around by sword light up and down once for a while, cuts exceptionally distressedly, wants to attack Su Wuming unable to project on, just like stray cur, if not Dao of Void, feared that is already is injured. 渡世法王被一道道剑光从前后左右上下时不时来袭,斩得异常狼狈,想攻击苏无名又打不到,犹如丧家之犬,若非虚空之道了得,怕是已经受伤。 He clenched teeth, offers a sacrifice to talisman, the ray leapt, the body package, flew to not in this inexplicable place, vanished instantaneously. 他一咬牙,祭出了一张符篆,光芒腾起,将身包裹,飞向不在此界的莫名之处,瞬间消失。 All around is empty, chaos, peaceful quiet, Ferrying Life Dharma King steps into this True Emptiness Hometown, relaxes finally, knows that Su Wuming is truly impossible to pursue here. 四周空空荡荡,混混沌沌,安宁静谧,渡世法王一踏入这“真空家乡”,总算松了口气,知道苏无名确实不可能追击到这里。 How possibly to have matter of the step legend! It is not right, only then Human Immortal striking power, moreover as if cannot lasting......” Ferrying Life Dharma King frown. ( to be continued ) “怎么可能有一步传说之事!不对,只有人仙的攻击力,而且似乎也不能持久……”渡世法王微皱眉头。(未完待续)
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