WORIOA :: Volume #4

#288: To the answer of past question

Hass Wula was stranded when Universe Sleeve is not ignorant, understands clearly to own condition very much, encountered void kind of big divine ability clearly, but the following change, he can also guess 12, Crazy Blade Su Meng, since dares to come, that will have to hold the means that the short-lived opportunity will escape from, the prairie and Unorthodox Path alliance because were seized the short confusion, making Hidden Sword Manor catch one's breath.... , 哈斯乌拉被困在袖里乾坤时并非浑浑噩噩,对自家状况很是了然,明白遭遇了虚空类大神通,而接下来的变化,他亦能猜测一二,“狂刀苏孟既然敢来,那就有抓住转瞬即逝机会逃脱的办法,草原和左道联盟将会因为自己被抓走短暂混乱,让藏剑楼缓过气来。…≦, Thinks of these things, his blood upwells toward the face, some by the feeling of shame, was filled remorse ruthlessly, if not oneself proud, thought that keeps off that blade is not a problem, blocks Crazy Blade sufficiently, but is the choice flees to give way to traffic, finally completely will be different, did not say that can definitely sphere Su Meng, at least the matter will not become chaotic. 一想到这些事情,他就血往脸上涌,有被狠狠羞辱的感觉,充满了自责,若非自身骄傲,觉得挡下那一刀不成问题,足以拦住狂刀,而是选择遁走避让,结果将完全不一样,不说肯定能围住苏孟,至少事情不会变得混乱。 Damn boy! However depends the fortuitous encounter to be many, initially enters Grandmaster to dare so to handle affairs, waits for my break free, wants you to be attractive! Hass Wula decides secretly, is breaking the barrier diligently, therefore, dynasty break free, he is the heart has the definite opinion, was just ejected, turning around is a blade, the lightning that as if nighttime shines. 该死的小子!不过仗着奇遇多,初入宗师就敢如此行事,等我脱困,一定要你好看!哈斯乌拉暗下决心,努力打破着屏障,所以,一朝脱困,他是心有定见,刚被抛出,转身就是一刀,仿佛黑夜里亮起的闪电。 When! A blade that the Meng Qi one close behind the other comes was cut by him. 当!孟奇衔尾而来的一刀被他斩开。 Hass Wula is fierce the face, as if unites with the blade, changes to together the flowing light, to surpass the sound not to know that many time of speeds cut to Meng Qi, is quick nearly the sense and mind is unable to catch. 哈斯乌拉狰狞着脸孔,似乎与刀合一,化作一道流光,以超过声音不知多少倍的速度斩向孟奇,快得感官和心灵都近乎无法捕捉。 His Martial Dao faith and blade technique are quick, the Grandmaster domain is also quick, both superimpose, that must be above the imagination quickly, makes the normal person be separated from the land to fetter sufficiently, breaks in the vast starry sky, therefore there are fully self-confident when a Meng Qi blade chops, lightens the Universe Sleeve covering range. 他的武道信念和刀法是快,宗师领域也是快,两者叠加,那就快得超乎想象,足以让正常人脱离大地束缚,冲入浩瀚星空,故而有十足的自信在孟奇一刀劈来时,闪出袖里乾坤的笼罩范围。 World martial arts, only quickly broken! 天下武功,唯快不破! But does not represent the weak, quick thing quickly often can make a bigger injury, dislodges a bigger explosion. 而快并不代表弱,快的事物往往能制造更大伤害,撞出更大的爆炸。 The angry shame transforms after the strength as fast as possible, Hass Wula this blade displays arrived own limit, as the Exterior Scenery peak, realm, strength, the Dharma Body style and Martial Dao comprehension, his does not lack! 愤怒羞辱尽速转化为力量后,哈斯乌拉这一刀发挥到了自身的极限,作为外景巅峰,境界、实力、法身招式、武道领悟,他一个不缺! Meng Qi only thinks that luminous flashes, the eye has not winked. blade light to the near, the leaning head, has avoided the forehead problem merely with enough time slightly. 孟奇只觉光亮一闪,眼睛都还未眨动。刀光已到近前,仅仅来得及微微侧头,避开眉心罩门。 Thump! blade light cut after Meng Qi Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation had about ten zhang (3.33 m) body fully, cut arrives at the left shoulder place in the neck, the air current wave that blade light and pale gold/metal burst out the terrifying, produced the strong winds, then it tore the pale gold/metal, will be indomitable spirit the body hit toward the rear area, and closely is pasting, had not cast off. Cut open the texture distinct skin, cut open the congealing solid flesh that presents the pale gold/metal, cuts, in that was exuding above the colored glaze luster shoulder bone. 咚!刀光斩在了孟奇法天象地后足有十丈开外的身躯上,斩在脖子到左边肩膀处,刀光与淡金迸发出恐怖的气流波浪,生成狂风,然后它撕裂了淡金,将顶天立地般的身躯撞往后方,并且紧紧贴着,没被甩开。割开了纹理分明的皮肤,割开了呈现淡金的凝实血肉,斩在了那根泛着琉璃色泽的肩骨之上。 arrived here, the potential of blade light completely, was unable to lead the way again, is about to take back, comes a blade again, to tear Interior World, was actually being clamped by the shoulder bone. The wriggled flesh ties down firmly, the recycling is slow, the speed advantage one vanishes. 到了这里,刀光之势已尽,再无法前行,待要收回,再来一刀,以撕裂内天地,却被肩骨夹着。被蠕动的血肉牢牢缠住,回收缓慢,速度优势一下消失。 The saber was gripped by the mortal body, in Hass Wula heart one tight. Has not made the resolution with enough time, sees blade light to divide together ruthlessly, gathers the potential for a long time, by calmly is rotated. as if can break out all. 马刀被肉身夹住,哈斯乌拉心中一紧。还未来得及做出决断,就看见一道刀光狠狠劈下,蓄势已久,由静转动。仿佛能劈开一切。 Among fast, he spells to go all-out, finally withdrew oneself treasured sword. Borrowed potential moved to moving toward right , without the time to urge the round of Golden Horde warrior robe. 电光石火之间,他拼尽全力,终于抽回了自家宝刀。借势往右边移了移,没时间催发金帐武士袍了。 ! In the clear sound, Hass Wula saw the Golden Horde warrior robe shoulder place to split an opening, the mortal body one coolly, left hand simultaneous/uniform shoulder broke, the margin was smooth, has the charm of prodigious skill. 喀嚓!清脆响声之中,哈斯乌拉看见自家金帐武士袍肩膀处裂开了一道口子,肉身一凉,左手齐肩而断,切口平平整整,有种鬼斧神工的魅力。 Bang! He penetrates the sound of air current then to resound layer upon layer, but the blood just spout. 轰隆!他穿透层层气流的声音这才响起,而鲜血刚刚喷涌。 blade light is bright, Hass Wula draws back toward the upper air, sees only the Meng Qi right hand to raise is cutting the jade blade, the facial features are tranquil, have nothing the ache the expression, Primordial Spirit shake void, coldly said: 刀光再亮,哈斯乌拉退往高空,只见孟奇右手提着斩玉刀,面容平静,无有疼痛的表情,元神震荡虚空,冷冷道: „A blade changes a blade, again come!” “一刀换一刀,再来!” Comes me again is the fool! Hass Wula will not be certainly stupid to practice the Grandmaster level a fellow blade to change a blade with the mortal body hard training, that is dislikes the life is too long, his muscle wriggles, stops the arm place blood, coincides with the blade again, changes to the flowing light, cuts to Meng Qi. 再来我就是傻子!哈斯乌拉当然不会蠢得和肉身硬功练到宗师层次的家伙一刀换一刀,那是嫌命太长,他肌肉蠕动,止住断臂处鲜血,再次与刀相合,化作流光,斩向孟奇 This time, he drew the lesson, overflows , then overflows, had just broken, conservative, each blade is can only cut the white trace in the pale gold/metal ray the degree, then a blade goes well, immediately dodges. 这一次,他吸取了教训,过满则溢,过刚则断,留有余地,每一刀都是仅能在淡金光芒上斩出白色痕迹的程度,然后一刀得手,立刻闪避。 His plan is many a little makes a mickle, the deterioration is, in the situations of Su Meng many wounds, makes more wounds by the speed, making him virtually impossible to guard against, finally in cutting the means of same position, the overlay, deepens several wound expansions layer upon layer, until can make blade light drill into the five main internal organs (entrails) and head, destroys Interior World and Primordial Spirit. 他的打算是积少成多,积弱为强,在苏孟身上不乏伤口的情况下,靠速度制造更多伤口,让他防不胜防,最后用斩中同一位置的办法,层层叠加,将某几处伤口扩大加深,直至能让刀光钻入五脏六腑和头颅,破坏内天地元神 This copes with one of the mortal body hard training main means that always with seeking for the problem and said. 这是对付肉身硬功的主要办法之一,向来与寻找罩门并称。 The Meng Qi left shoulder is wounded heavily, the flesh wriggles is unable to restore for a while, grows two arms simply, holds Wound of Heaven and Genki sword, in not being able to keep up with the situation of Hass Wula speed, without can lock his, first evolves motionless golden lotus with the sword, 孟奇左肩受创较重,血肉蠕动一时无法恢复,干脆又长出两条手臂,持着天之伤与玄龟剑,在跟不上哈斯乌拉速度的情况下,在不能锁定他的前提下,先以刀剑衍化“不动金莲”, Deducts split open light lotus, the essence divine will through both feet acupoint, is downward connected with the land of dozens zhang (3.33 m) place, defends nearly airtight. 演绎出一朵朵绽开般的光莲,精气神意通过双脚窍穴,与往下几十丈处的大地相连,守得近乎密不透风。 When stands firm one wave, Meng Qi depended on the mortal body to resist hardly, attempted one time Vigorous Burial Galaxy, planned through the range attack, but wound Hass Wula, what a pity, his speed really went against heaven's will, after a blade divided, can the move escape unexpectedly more than ten li (0.5 km) distance before oneself, avoided the core of range attack, had not been affected by anything, changes made the might suitably everywhere Yang Leidang to be evil the current ability can maintain the surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) at most. 等稳住一波,孟奇又靠着肉身硬抗,尝试了一次“轰轰烈烈葬星河”,打算通过范围攻击而创伤哈斯乌拉,可惜,他速度实在逆天,一刀劈中后,竟然能在自己出招前遁出十几里的距离,避开了范围攻击的核心,没受什么影响,换做威力处处相当的“阳雷荡邪秽”则自身目前的能力顶多能维持方圆十里。 How long Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation could not continue, a Meng Qi thought revolution, unable to deal with hid contraband again, appeared Dharma Idol, launched the Grandmaster domain. 法天象地持续不了多久了,孟奇念头一转,再顾不得藏私,现出法相,展开宗师领域。 Hass Wula suddenly feels the sky to change, the half daytime half is dark, the daytime can see Great Sun and Golden Crow altogether dances, at night profound boundless, the stars arrive vastly the dense and numerous, cold months one after another, is hiding blackhole. 哈斯乌拉顿觉天空变化,半边白昼半边黑暗,白昼能见大日和金乌共舞,黑夜则深邃无垠,繁星浩瀚到密密麻麻,冷月一轮又一轮,其中隐藏着混洞 But under foot sphere turtle lost/carrying land, all around has the mountains rivers, the flame water spray, a two-pole Yuan magnetism, all things as if is completely one of them, deducts the single layer to have the world of universe seriously, deducts the each and every one vast profound universe, but side Su Meng has one dimly layer upon layer refined, beside them is the world. 而脚下似圆球似龟负大地,四周有山川河流,火焰水浪,两极元磁,万事万物仿佛尽在其中,演绎出一重重别有乾坤的天地,演绎出一个个浩瀚深远的宇宙,而苏孟身边有一层层朦胧脱俗之界,它们之外则是自身天地。 Hass Wula thought that sees the numerous universes, the different world, the world and refined Immortal Realm to collapse toward Su Meng as fast as possible behind, the material, energy, time and space are collapsing. 哈斯乌拉念头未起,就见重重宇宙、不同天地、自身天地、脱俗仙界尽速往苏孟身后坍缩,物质、能量、时间、空间都在坍缩。 All around one becomes chaos, many energy collapses in the minimum range, viscous is heavy Hass Wula speed to plummet, the confusion of space and time in addition, he has to plant is fettered the feeling in chaos, can only return to calculate that the good speed cuts to Su Meng. 四周一下变得混混沌沌,诸多“能量”坍于极小范围,粘稠沉重得哈斯乌拉速度直线下降,加上空间与时光的混乱,他有种被束缚在混沌里的感觉,仅能以还算不错的速度斩向苏孟 Since when Meng Qi stable Grandmaster realm, still first showed Grandmaster domain confrontation extremely wicked Heavenly Demon completely, uses Primordial Beginning chaos status to be able merely at present the shallow chaotic high and low around special characteristics, at this time only around the sleep/felt the boundless vast origin energy sea collapsed toward oneself Indestructible Primordial Beginning Idol, the surroundings energy condensed to by oneself is felt the fetter the situation, as if must be crashed, collapsing. 孟奇稳固宗师境界以来,尚是初次完完整整展现自家宗师领域对阵极恶天魔时,仅仅利用了目前“元始”混沌状态能粗浅混乱上下前后的特质,此时只觉四周无垠浩瀚的元气大海都坍缩往了自家不灭元始相,周围能量凝聚到让自身都感觉束缚的地步,似乎要被压垮,随之坍塌。 The Meng Qi back Daoist sits well. as if only then, collapsing of all around origin energy sea condensed soon reaches his limit, crossed again is mortal body and Primordial Spirit is pressed a small group and blasts out suddenly, returns to the original condition. 孟奇背后道人之相端坐。仿佛只有一点,四周元气大海的坍缩凝聚快要达到他的极限了,再过就是连肉身带元神被压成一小团并猛然炸开,恢复原状。 At this time, this/should Primordial Beginning opened eyes, Splitting Heaven and Earth, melted into world not to save, after my body saved alone, half Yin-Yang differentiation, from spreading out one and other changes Splitting Heaven and Earth. 这个时候,该元始睁眼,“开天辟地”了,化入了“天地不存,我身独存”后半截阴阳分化、自衍一界等诸多变化的“开天辟地”。 Meng Qi is the blade, suddenly the thought moves: 孟奇正待出刀,忽然念头一动: arrived final, that is the multi-dimensional universe singular point? 到了最后,那就是多元宇宙的“奇点”? Right. According to the constitution of own Interior Scenery, locates acupoint to be equal to the multi-dimensional universe respectively, on turns round the world and All Heavens, but they are born from Primordial Beginning. 对啊。按照自身内景的构成,各处窍穴等于多元宇宙,上覆自身世界与诸天,而它们都自“元始”之中诞生。 As the matter stands, Primordial Beginning not like singular point? 这样一来,“元始”不就像“奇点”吗? Since is singular point, „after Splitting Heaven and Earth, this/should meeting should not be the Yin-Yang differentiation, the Earth, Fire, Wind, Water birth and other changes, these changes should appear with the blade potential naturally, but after this blade potential should be Splitting Heaven and Earth, spurts naturally thinly! 既然是“奇点”,“开天辟地”后该接的不应该是阴阳分化、地火风水诞生等诸般变化,这些变化该随着刀势自然而然出现,而这刀势应是“开天辟地”后自然而然喷薄! Among fast, Meng Qi suddenly had the inspiration. To try the new idea. 电光石火间,孟奇忽然有了灵感。想要尝试一下新想法。 This then fights to whet with the powerful enemy can have the harvest that. 这便是与强敌交手磨砺才会有的收获。 Felt all around the condensation fetter of energy and material, Meng Qi has the idea, the eye has opened suddenly, Dharma Idol still. The long blade cuts fiercely. 感受到四周能量与物质的凝聚束缚,孟奇已有了想法,眼睛突然睁开,法相依然。长刀猛地斩出。 This is stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, does not leave a way out, a blade of destroying the hardest defenses. 这是孤注一掷,不留后路,无坚不摧的一刀。 Hass Wula's blade light is returning to calculate that the good speed cuts to front Su Meng and his back Daoist Dharma Idol, suddenly saw that wipes blade light to shine. Cut open the chaos, directly soars itself. 哈斯乌拉的刀光正以还算不错的速度斩向前方苏孟和他背后的道人法相,忽然看到一抹刀光亮起。切开了混沌,直奔自己而来。 He just about to the cutter back-off resistance, discovers that suddenly condensed collapsing the energy to be cut the fetter by this blade. Inflates fiercely, emanation not unimaginable explosion. 他刚要抬刀抵御,突地发现凝聚坍缩的能量被这一刀斩开了束缚。猛地膨胀,发出无法想象的爆炸。 After Splitting Heaven and Earth, considers the universe large explosion! 开天辟地之后当是宇宙大爆炸! In the large explosion, the Yin-Yang splits up, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water appears, the material is born, naturally! 大爆炸中,阴阳分化,地火风水出现,物质诞生,自然而然! Meng Qi by the content influence that in Six Chops of the Overlord becomes aware, almost falls into error, is able to discriminate with Interior Scenery, good today awakens. 孟奇霸王六斩中悟得的内容影响,差点误入歧途,与自身内景有别,还好今日醒悟过来。 Others the say/way can only refer, cannot completely believe! 他人之道只能参考,不能尽信! Two blades collide, Hass Wula's blade light powder, then compared with the strong winds monstrous waves turbulent does not know that many time of large explosions embezzle him instantaneously! 两刀碰撞,哈斯乌拉的刀光一散,然后比狂风巨浪汹涌不知多少倍的大爆炸瞬间就将他吞没! Bang! 轰隆! After incandescent ray, how long does not know, all around barren mountains and wild hills had been razed to the ground, probably vanished in the world directly, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) had the deep pothole, upper air cloud Qi are scattered, face directly Great Sun. 白炽光芒之后不知多久,四周荒山野岭已是被夷为平地,像是直接消失在了天地之间,方圆百里只得深深坑洞,高空云气被打散,直面大日 Bottom of the pothole, sways to stand up a person, is Hass Wula, his hair only remains less than half, whole body **, the skeleton is hollow, reveals the flesh the wound and burned black some countless, the right hand Top Grade treasured sword covers entirely the dust, the blade has a grain of rice size margin, on the blade has several motley scars. 坑洞底部,摇摇晃晃站起一人,正是哈斯乌拉,他头发只剩小半,周身**,骨骼凹陷,露出血肉的伤口和焦黑部分不计其数,右手极品宝刀布满灰尘,刀刃有一个米粒大小的切口,刀上有几处斑驳伤痕。 His final moment shows the skills, law of not the parsimonious pressure bottom method, treasure and autonomy, the make way the upfront, resisted the large explosion finally, lived, but the injury is extremely at present serious, was almost at being on the verge of death edge, was hard to act. 他最后关头施展浑身解数,不吝啬压箱底手段、宝物和自残之法,终于闪开了正面,抵御住了大爆炸,活了下来,但目前伤势极其严重,差一点就处在濒死边缘,难以行动。 Suddenly, his vision one cold, sees the midair to lower one person, is Crazy Blade Su Meng, although he is no longer indomitable spirit with Two Heads Four Arms, return normal body, but the imposing manner is still terrorist, will be sharp-eyed, will wield in take action to oneself the blade. 突然,他目光一凛,看到半空降下一人,正是“狂刀苏孟,他虽然不复顶天立地和两头四臂,回归正常身躯,但气势依旧恐怖,目光锐利,正要向自己挥出手中之刀。 Also come! Hass Wula heart and gall entirely to lose/die, blows up odd/surplus Jin, unites with blade light, to be slower than on 90% speeds to escape the peak in a panic, vanishes in instantaneously outside, then disappears quickly. 还来!哈斯乌拉心胆俱丧,鼓起余劲,与刀光合一,以比巅峰慢上90%的速度仓惶远遁,瞬间就消失在里许外,很快便不见踪影。 Until confirmed that he really ran away, Meng Qi falls, lies down in the pothole, moves does not want to move. 直到确认他真的逃走了,孟奇才直直坠下,躺在坑洞里,动也不想动。 Later did not experiment the new self-created style! 以后再也不临阵试验新的自创招式了! That struck the promotion a moment ago Splitting Heaven and Earth one found time all strengths, the large explosion did not divide the enemy and ourselves, oneself were at most core fortunately, from there upward under ** swept across in all directions, avoids suffering the impact directly, was still so, has to press out to do the last strength to urge round of Kunlun Dao Robe, full play Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, can maintain good of image, the forge imposing manner, roused Hass Wula heart to fear slightly, ran away in fear him. 刚才那一击升级的“开天辟地”一下就将自己所有力量抽空,大爆炸又不分敌我,还好自身处在最核心,是从那里往上下**四面八方席卷,避免了直接遭遇冲击,犹是如此,也不得不榨干最后一份力气催发昆仑道袍,全力运转**玄功,才能保持形象的良好,伪造气势,略微勾动哈斯乌拉心头恐惧,将他吓跑。 If he remains, oneself not necessarily have the strength to use Heaven Heart My Will Art, when the time comes said can not probably depend the difference to expose the merit the mortal body to be hard, can cut to kill, the life and death general three vs. seven, is not worth taking risk, the ghost knows that this goods have what not surveyor section. 若他留下来,自己未必还有力量使用“天心我意诀”,到时候说不得要仗着差点破功的肉身坚硬,才能斩杀,生死大概三七开,不值得冒险,鬼知道这货还有什么莫测手段。 However this blade can one only be the minor wound, and has not consumed many Exterior Scenery peak cuts this ghost appearance, was truly worth proudly, but offended somebody also injures oneself, the commonplace do not use. 不过这一刀能将一位仅是轻伤且没消耗多少的外景巅峰斩成这幅鬼样子,确实值得自豪了,但伤人亦伤己,等闲还是不要动用。 Meng Qi puts out a blood, received the heavy internal injury, crazy turnover world origin energy. Is restoring the strength. 孟奇吐出一口鲜血,受了不轻内伤,疯狂吞吐着天地元气。恢复着力量。 ......... ……… The sky of surrounding area thousand li (500 km), the axe light vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, manifestation blackhole, presents the knocking down opponent realm stance from time to time from time to time, compels to be at leeward Mister Lu Da, but his sword technique is exquisite, the sword energy of light rouses the smallest structure, always inspires the origin energy sea with five lines and void strength, blocks Guerduo Heaven Punishing Hatchet. 方圆千里的天空,斧光纵横,时而化生混洞,时而呈现打落对手境界的姿态,将陆大先生逼得处在下风,但他剑法精妙,剑光能勾动最微小的结构,总是引动元气大海与五行、虚空之力,将古尔多天诛斧挡住。 Since Guerduo urges round of Power of Immortal Banishing, two people actually do not have sword and axe again the collision of a time. But Daoist Chong He already found the opportunity, integrated Immortal Executing Sword Formation two people at the same time, the scarlet azure black and white four sword light shoot down unceasingly, hit to Guerduo, is crashing Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, is twisting void, is chaotic the time, changes into the energy the material all, axe light destruction. 古尔多催发谪仙之力后,两人竟然再没有一次剑与斧的碰撞。而冲和道人已经找到机会,将两人同时纳入了诛仙剑阵,赤青黑白四道剑光不断射落,打向古尔多,崩塌着地火风水,扭曲着虚空,混乱着时光,将物质尽数化为能量,将斧光毁灭。 But often a Heaven Punishing Hatchet revolution. The Power of Immortal Banishing life, then the scarlet azure black and white four sword light will ask the price with no intention of buying realm, wears down. 但往往天诛斧一转。谪仙之力一生,便将赤青黑白四道剑光打落境界,消磨一空。 Daoist Chong He and Mister Lu Da joint effort, drops the wind unexpectedly slightly. The support, waits for Guerduo exceeding rank to use the divine armament limit to arrive agonizingly. 冲和道人陆大先生合力,居然还稍落下风。苦苦支撑,等待着古尔多越阶使用神兵的极限到来。 The right hand shakes, the red sword light knocks down, Chong He looked that the arrived purple meteor has delimited the horizon. Looks at the arrived north one secretly, understands that Cui Qinghe has fallen from the sky with full Jie greatly, two phenomenon with presently. 右手一震,赤色剑光打落,冲和到了紫色流星划过天际。看到了北方一暗,明白崔清河与大满皆已陨落,两种异象同现。 It is not each Dharma Body falls from the sky has the phenomenon. Was not every death way has the phenomenon, but the falling from the sky phenomenon appeared definitely represents that Dharma Body already dead! 不是每个法身陨落都有异象。不是每种死亡方式都有异象,但陨落异象出现肯定代表那位法身已经身亡! His vision becomes profound, in the mind recalls that winding around heart for a long time words suddenly: 他目光变得幽深,脑海里突地回想起那句缭绕心头许久的话语: Sixth Death Mission, in this war strangles to death Mister Lu Da Lu Zhiping, succeeds, rewards the Clear Sky Mirror fragment, the failure, eliminate.” “第六次死亡任务,此次大战中绞杀陆大先生陆之平,成功,奖励昊天镜碎片,失败,抹杀。” ............ ………… When Cui Qinghe by a Tai Li spear pierces, Kong Wen has grasped Shaolin sixth generation of founder Yuan spatial Divine Monk sariputra, colored glaze radiance sprinkles, winds around void, Arhat Golden Body also inflates, as if changes to a golden great Buddha that stuffs the world, but the indistinct Buddha airway sound reverberation, points to the conscience: 崔清河太离一枪刺中时,空闻已手持少林第六代祖师元空神僧舍利子,道道琉璃光华从中洒出,缭绕虚空,罗汉金身随之膨胀,仿佛化作一尊充塞天地的金色巨佛,而飘渺佛音声声回荡,直指本心: „All living things are pure, from this not fresh does not have to extinguish. Namely during this body and mind is lives imaginary, transforms the innocent luck.” “一切众生性清净,从本无生无可灭。即此身心是幻生,幻化之中无罪福。” White tiger Monster King innermost feelings shake, the thought leaps up, nearly blurts: Life Sacrification! Kong Wen doesn't bald donkey want to live?” 白虎妖王内心一震,念头蹿出,险些脱口:“舍身空闻秃驴不想活了?” Golden great Buddha on face is not not happily sad, resembles to pity all living things, resembles to comprehend Zen Heart, the right hand lifts, the thumb middle finger is pinching, makes the shape of picking flowers, the midair falls gently illusory golden Udumbara Flower, falls into between two fingers exactly. “金色巨佛”脸上无悲无喜,似怜悯众生,似开悟禅心,右手抬起,拇指中指捏着,做拈花之状,半空飘落一朵虚幻金色婆罗花,恰好落入两指之间。 This picture is full of the zen, as if elaborates all sorts of mysterious incomparable truth, but how is unable to explain, is unable to describe. 这幅画面充满禅意,仿佛阐述种种玄奥无比的道理,但怎么都无法言喻,无法描述。 White tiger Monster King and Kui Cow monster Wang Tong when face to face is startled, in the mind the Corporeal and Incorporeal number thought fluctuates, the idea lives to extinguish, as if understood what Weikong, what is four paid annual leaves gathers, what is 12 view wisdom, only thinks the body and mind to be carefree , dies out, great freedom to only have the one pace from great purity and big Huanxi(joyous) greatly. 当面的白虎妖王夔牛王同时怔住,脑海里有无数念头起伏,想法生灭,似乎悟出了何为空,何为四大假合,何为十二观智,只觉身心畅快,距离大清净、大欢喜、大寂灭、大自在只有一步之遥。 Compared with picking flowers with a smile, these even more draws close to the Zen original intention time. 比起刚才的“拈花一笑”,这一次的愈发贴近禅宗本意。 Kong Wen picks up the right hand of Udumbara Flower to wield, the show/unfolds refers to for the palm, the racket to white tiger Monster King head, probably to it severe warning. 空闻拈着婆罗花的右手挥出,展指为掌,拍向白虎妖王头颅,像是在给它当头棒喝。 Zen sound changes, even more spatial vast: 禅音一改,愈发空渺: Has all sorts of laws to live, the heart extinguishes all sorts of laws to extinguish!” “心生种种法生,心灭种种法灭!” In Zen sound, is void the purple electricity azure thunder, the gold/metal wind sharp weapon extinguishes all as one desires, Myriad Things All Emptiness! 禅音之中,虚空里的紫电青雷,金风利器尽数随心而灭,万般皆空 ! Head of injured heavy white tiger Monster King in until this palm racket, sobered quickly, oneself not comprehend. 啪!本就受伤不轻的白虎妖王直到这一掌拍中自身头颅,才幡然清醒,自身并无开悟。 „!” The tiger's roar sound resounds sad and shrill, pricks Yun Xiao(Cloud Firmament), white tiger Monster King head, although has not split, but is completely hollow, Primordial Spirit sways to want loose, the mind falls into the deathly stillness, at present nearly empty black, the heart extinguishes the god to extinguish! “哇呜!”虎啸声凄厉响起,刺入云霄,白虎妖王头颅虽未裂开,但完全凹陷,元神飘摇欲散,心灵陷入死寂,眼前近乎虚黑,心灭神灭! It flies upside down, depending the mortal body is tyrannical, had not died, but at being on the verge of death edge, lost the strength of fight. 它倒飞出去,仗着肉身强横,还未身亡,但处在濒死边缘,失去了战斗之力。 Kong Wen has not pursued, making it truly fall from the sky, but is one step takes, left hand five fingers even/including chose/point, Formless Tribulation Finger from void within grows, hits to Tai Li, because of this time, the colorless flame burnt down a cleanness Cui Qinghe Dharma Body, the world feeling changed to live the purple meteor phenomenon, the Tai Li very long spear/gun, a thorn, all phenomena on earth formation immediately by the boundless flame incinerator, the thunder and lightning became the flame fuel upward, the stars became the flame fuel, azure wood golds wind also however, formation quickly torn to pieces. 空闻并未追击,让它确实陨落,而是一步迈出,左手五指连点,无相劫指自虚空中生,打向太离,因为这个时候,无色火焰将崔清河法身焚烧了个干干净净,天地感变化而生紫色流星异象,太离挺起长枪,往上一刺,万象大阵顿时被无边火焰焚烧,雷电成为火焰燃料,星辰成为火焰燃料,青木风亦然,大阵很快就支离破碎。 Must while the Life Sacrification effect also maintains cause heavy losses to Peacock Monster King Tai Li! 必须趁舍身效果还维持的时候重创孔雀妖王太离 White tiger Monster King is dim at present, maintains a sobriety with great difficulty, seeing the Kui Cow Monster King rejection to besiege Daoist Yun He, comes the rescue, in the heart a loosen, after forming the monster pledge, everyone was really short of killing one another. 白虎妖王眼前昏暗,好不容易保持一线清醒,看见夔牛妖王舍弃围攻云鹤真人,过来救援,心中一松,结成妖盟后,大家果然少了自相残杀。 At this moment, was void stretched out a pure white nearly transparent finger, hit the mark its body. 就在这时,虚空里伸出了一根洁白近乎透明的手指,点中了它的身体。 The elusive sound makes a sound: Neverborn Matriarch, True Emptiness Hometown.” 空灵之声顿响:“无生老母,真空家乡。” White tiger Monster King within the body blood light flowed in this finger fast, the monster body withered rapidly, his stunned turned the head, saw a brutal eye. 白虎妖王体内一道道血光飞快流入了这根指头,妖身急速枯萎,他愕然转头,看见了一双无情的眼睛。 In the Ferrying Life Dharma King vision reveals to taunt, cannot absorb to sign the contract with Lifebane Finger Unorthodox Path Dharma Body. But Righteous Path and your crowd of suspicious Monster King! 渡世法王目光里露出一丝嘲讽,不能用无生指吸取签订契约的左道法身。但正道与你们这群偷偷摸摸的妖王可以! Now the potential, the most important thing is to promote itself! 当今之势,最重要的是提升自己! White tiger startled and anger, but fell into the eternal darkness in an instant. 白虎又惊又怒,但转眼就陷入了永恒的黑暗。 Kui Cow Monster King wielded the thunder and lightning great hammer, but white tiger Monster King had been attracted does not remain, mortal body Primordial Spirit all integrated Ferrying Life Dharma King vacuum Dharma Body, pushed up his aura. 夔牛妖王挥出了雷电巨锤,但白虎妖王已被吸得一点不剩,肉身元神皆融入了渡世法王的真空法身,将他的气息一路推高。 Ferrying Life Dharma King escapes into void, flashes before behind Kui Cow Monster King, two transparent short edges puncture, a person of monster fights. 渡世法王遁入虚空,闪现于夔牛妖王背后,两口透明的短刃刺出,一人一妖大战起来。 Daoist Yun He depends upon Primal Chaos Qi Supreme Purity Divine Talisman, again under low-quality cloth layer upon layer formation. With the Blood Sea Rakshasa fight well-matched. 云鹤真人则依靠混元一气上清神符,再次布下层层阵法。与血海罗刹斗得旗鼓相当。 Peacock Monster King Tai Li sees golden great Buddha to throw, including selecting Formless Tribulation Finger, sneers, back scarlet azure yellowish white black five Kuang Hua at the same time brushes falls. 孔雀妖王太离看见“金色巨佛”扑来,连点无相劫指,冷笑一声,背后赤青黄白黑五道同时刷落。 Although my great accomplishment, but your also not Gautama Buddha. 虽然我五色神光尚未大成,但你亦非佛陀 Five colors radiance brushes, golden great Buddha immediately was brushed to fall. 五色光华一刷,金色巨佛顿时被刷落进去。 Tai Li at present is the Monster King true body, two claws hold Monster Saint Spear, when exposes Kong Wen, duplication and a Cui Qinghe war. Back Five Colored Divine Light shivers suddenly fiercely, is separated, appears huge Golden Body Arhat that seems Gautama Buddha. 太离目前是妖王真身,两爪持着妖圣枪,正待把空闻抖落,复制与崔清河一战。背后五色神光突然剧烈颤抖,从中分开,显出一尊好似佛陀的巨大金身罗汉 Golden Arhat both hands extended, held two wings of Tai Li. The head hits fiercely downward. 金色罗汉双手一伸,抓住了太离的两只翅膀。头颅猛地往下撞去。 This is the Shaolin most common secret art iron first-class honor, but Kong Wen uses in this time, just right. 这是少林最普通的绝学铁头功,但空闻用在此时,恰到好处。 Bang! Tai Li was hit the back bend, the mouth spurts the blood. Hurries a Monster Saint Spear upward thorn, avoids golden great Buddha. 砰!太离被撞得腰背弯折,口喷鲜血。慌忙把妖圣枪往上一刺,避开“金色巨佛”。 After his Life Sacrification, really has to be close to the Bodhisattva level! 舍身之后,竟然有接近菩萨的水准! ............ ………… Outside Hidden Sword Manor. The prairie influence and Unorthodox Path alliance after the short consultation, decided that sends out five Grandmaster to go to rescue Hass Wula, the Golden Horde warrior three, Shaman two, other continues to besiege Hidden Sword Manor, strives to break through as soon as possible. 藏剑楼外。草原势力和左道联盟经过短暂的协商,决定派出五位宗师前去救援哈斯乌拉,其中金帐武士三,萨满二,其余继续围攻藏剑楼,争取尽快攻破。 We am Gao Lan, the lord of Great Zhou, every has people of place my Great Zhou, all has Us!” “朕乃高览,大周之主,凡有我大周之民处,皆有朕!” The dignified sound sound in the Cao Family Family Lord ear, is operating Earth Immortal remains Cao Family Family Lord, he worried that accompanies Capital to be sneak attacked, therefore left other Grandmaster to look after the house the purple plastics ruler. 威严的声音响在曹家家主耳中,操纵着地仙遗蜕曹家家主,他担心陪京老家被人偷袭,所以将紫电玉尺留给了其余宗师看家。 At this time, hears the familiar sound, Cao Family Family Lord flows off two lines of muddy tears suddenly, spills over an extrication and cruel happy expression, then directly urged to send Earth Immortal remains, making him from exploding! 此时,听到熟悉的声音,曹家家主忽地流下两行浊泪,泛出一丝解脱和残忍的笑意,然后直接催发了地仙遗蜕,让他自爆! According to the contract, the mutual attacker dies, but I die did not fear that what contract but also fears? 根据契约,互相攻击者死,但我连死都不怕了,还怕什么契约? Earth Immortal remains inflates, Joyous Bodhisattva and present age Huanxi(joyous) Buddha responded, performs all panic-stricken, some people try to escape, some people want to stop. 地仙遗蜕膨胀,欢喜菩萨、当代欢喜佛等反应过来,尽皆惊恐,有人试图远遁,有人想要中止。 Bang, the flame and radiance of tumbling embezzled surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km), the high and low several thousand zhang (3.33 m) place, the Blue Stem Temple shadow was also partly visible. 轰隆,翻滚的火焰和光华吞没了方圆几千里,上下几千丈的地方,兰柯寺的影子又若隐若现了。 The Cao Family Family Lord ache adds the body, at present after first shines black, Primordial Spirit dissipates, only then the thought survived much little: 曹家家主疼痛加身,眼前先亮后黑,元神消散,只有意念多残存了少许: The middle-level influence contrast of Northern Zhou and prairie, changes today! 北周与草原的中层势力对比,今日改变! Offers it, you die not injust! 献之,你死得不冤! Human Sovereign will look after Cao Family, will have peerless cultivation technique to give! 人皇”会照拂曹家的,会有绝世功法给予! Now the potential, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind! 当今之势,不进则退! ............ ………… Mister Lu Da is socializing with Guerduo strongly, when depending upon tyrannical divine armament powerfully is always weary, was inferior one consume quite few, so long as holds one's ground, fights steadily, can always drive back Guerduo, even causes heavy losses in him. 陆大先生正竭力与古尔多周旋,依靠强横神兵者总有力疲之时,不如自家消耗颇少,只要稳住阵脚,稳扎稳打,总能逼退古尔多,甚至重创于他。 At this moment, he only thinks that the space and time has changed, from familiar Daoist Chong He. 就在这时,他只觉时空有所变化,来自熟悉的冲和道人 Well?” After the sword light protects, Mister Lu Da unclear Bai Chong and intention, have not done to struggle, then discovered oneself had been emigrated Immortal Executing Sword Formation. “咦?”剑光护住自身后,陆大先生不明白冲和用意,没做挣扎,接着发现自己已被移出了诛仙剑阵 Then he sees Daoist Chong He to push the Daoist monk's cap, the Primordial Spirit combustion, Immortal Executing Sword Formation scarlet azure black and white four sword brilliant hold, and is centered on Guerduo contracts rapidly. 然后他看见冲和道人一推道冠,元神燃烧,诛仙剑阵赤青黑白四道剑光大盛,并以古尔多为核心急速收缩。 Guerduo only thinks Immortal Executing Sword Formation sword qi no longer only then destroys, derived the numerous changes, but each change is swallowing the energy substance and axe light to derive many changes, this trend life, presented is unable to reverse not the irrecoverable sign unexpectedly, the confusion is increasing, the out traveling energy is reducing, all toward final deathly stillness development, arrived final, perhaps oneself Dharma Body will also be dragged into! 古尔多只觉诛仙剑阵剑气不再只有毁灭,衍生出了重重变化,而每一个变化都在吞噬能量物质和自身斧光以衍生出更多的变化,这个趋势一生,竟然呈现无法逆转无法挽回的迹象,混乱在增加,游历的能量在减少,一切在往最终的死寂发展,到了最后,恐怕自家法身也会被拉入其中! He stimulates to movement Heaven Punishing Hatchet, chops Power of Immortal Banishing again and again, may only be able to delay, then joined the confusion quickly. 他催动天诛斧,连连劈出谪仙之力,可只能延缓,很快便加入了混乱。 „Is Chong He doing?” He looks to the upper air, although cannot see the Chong He shadow, actually as if can see a light gentle eye. 冲和在干什么?”他望向高空,虽然看不到冲和的影子,却似乎能看到一双淡薄平和的眼睛。 The Chong He consciousness integrates Immortal Executing Sword Formation, Dharma Body toward in adding details while telling a story, in the heart a tranquility, but flashes through past events suddenly. 冲和意识融入诛仙剑阵,法身往内添油加醋,心中一片平静,但忽然闪过一件往事。 Initially when enters the samsara, oneself are only a Pure Yang Sect ordinary disciple, are many child cloud brother to look, can live. 初入轮回时,自己只是纯阳宗一位普通弟子,多得子云兄照拂,才能活下来。 At that time, oneself and the others in the richness of wonderful and exchange of samsara, only the sleep/felt exceeded any fortuitous encounter joyfully, did not have too many confused, but the child cloud brother was first worried, raised a question, mission that if Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation gave violated own conscience, for example killed the father to kill mother, abandoned sect, should should do? 那时候,自己等人欣喜于轮回的神妙、兑换的丰厚,只觉胜过任何奇遇,没太多迷茫,而子云兄最先苦恼,提出了一个疑问,若六道轮回之主给予的任务违背自己的本心,比如杀父杀母,背弃宗门,该如何是好? At that time oneself were still ignorant, does not understand that this issue heaviness, without reply, but the child cloud brother has not faced similar test with enough time, fell from the sky in the samsara. 当时自身尚属懵懂,不明白这个问题的沉重,没有回答,而子云兄还未来得及面临类似考验,就陨落于轮回之中。 This time, oneself are through a lot, is finally transparent, can give the child cloud a brother answer. 今时今日,自己历经沧桑,总算明了,可以给子云兄一个答案了。 Immortal Executing Sword Formation greatly hold, Chong He Dharma Body and sword formation coincide, the consciousness flutters, is replying the past question: 诛仙剑阵大盛,冲和法身剑阵相合,意识飘荡,回答着过去的疑问: Eternity difficult only dead ear!” “千古艰难唯一死耳!” Chong He, lives simply gentle, modestly to defending positively.( To be continued......) 冲和者,淡泊平和,谦冲守正。(未完待续……) ps: More than 6200 the characters, two chapters unite, does not raise appetite, in the evening did not have, asked ~ ps:六千两百多字,两章合一,不吊胃口,晚上没有了,求~
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