WORIOA :: Volume #4

#287: Two stars

Gao Lan is built in the flight of steps leading to a palace hall, Emperor Northern Zhou the imperial jade seal lifts up high in the hand holds, Human Sovereign Sword pointed out slantingly, the pale gold/metal ray also does in a big way, becomes the entire palace resplendent in gold and jade green. 高览立于陛上,将手中托着的北周皇帝玉玺高举,人皇剑斜斜指出,淡金光芒随之大作,将整个宫殿变得金碧辉煌。 The stars float shadow in Dianding, the mountains rivers and mountains crowd all around sufficiently, a side palace evolves is a side world, is crawling many illusory images, has dignified noble Spiritual God, has Immortal Being of indifferent world, has Evil Demon that slaughters degenerates, there are all kinds of Great Monster. 日月星辰浮影于殿顶,山川河岳充塞满四周,一方宫殿衍化为一方天地,内中匍匐着诸多幻影,有庄严高贵的神灵,有漠然世间的仙人,有杀戮堕落的邪魔,也有各种各样的大妖 Human Sovereign Sword, stops Monster Chaotic Land, finished Mythological Era, opens Human Clan prosperous Peerless Divine Armament! 人皇剑,中止妖乱大地,结束神话时代,开启人族兴盛的一口绝世神兵 The sword blade stained the blood of immortal god evil spirit, concentrates back clan figure , the Human Clan powerhouse generations of remnant intent blood fusions, several tens of thousands of years a clan intention whets, arrives at certainly the summit, the pressure entire world, the kingly way first! 剑身沾满了仙神妖魔之血,凝成背面各族身影,又得人族强者代代残意鲜血融合,数万年一族心念磨砺,强到绝巅,威压寰宇,王道第一! In Changle City, the long time confusion makes many common people common people terrified, some seek help from gods and Buddhas, some attachment powerhouses, have to fall into Evil Path, but at this very moment, their at the same time mind shakes, in the mind resounds the dignified majestic sound: 长乐城内,多日的混乱让不少庶民百姓惶惶不安,有的求神拜佛,有的依附强者,有堕入邪道,而此时此刻,他们同时心灵一震,脑海内响起威严堂皇的声音: We am Gao Lan, the lord of Great Zhou, protects the subject, does not teach immortal god evil spirit unrestrained sweeping!” “朕乃高览,大周之主,守护臣民,不教仙神妖魔肆掠!” Common people only think that this sound is full of the prestige, cannot help but affected, as if looks for the arrived pillar, looks for arrived to lead the leader who oneself and the others support the avoidance disaster tribulation mutually, some of them kneel down, some have tears streaming down the face, some dance with joy, some unity is strength, invisible aura break in void. 一位位百姓只觉这道声音充满威信,不由自主感动,仿佛到了主心骨,找到了率领自己等人互相扶持躲避灾劫的首领,他们有的跪倒在地,有的泪流满面,有的欢欣鼓舞,有的众志成城,一股股无形气息冲入虚空。 We am Gao Lan, the lord of Great Zhou, protects the subject, does not teach immortal god evil spirit unrestrained sweeping!” + “朕乃高览,大周之主,守护臣民,不教仙神妖魔肆掠!”+ Accompanies Capital, Lulong, great original, Northern Zhou each city, each village, in each feudal official popular sentiment has similar sound to resound, at the same time resounds, without distance division far and near, without height difference in any case, their faith, their wills, their earnestly seeking, invisible in established contacts. 陪京,卢龙,巨原,北周每一座城池,每一个乡村,每一位臣民心中都有类似声音响起,同时响起,没有距离远近之分,没有高低贵贱之别,他们的信念,他们的意志,他们的渴求,无形之中串连了起来。 Outside county city. „The Six Annihilation Yama Demon resembles a palm racket fell, collapses extinguished Guarding City Formation, inside Jiang Hu real men and common people at the same time fell into desperately. 一座郡城外。“六灭阎魔像”一掌拍落,崩灭了护城大阵,里面江湖好汉和普通百姓同时陷入绝望。 At this moment, they hear the arrived Gao Lan sound, therefore grabbed the last straw stubbornly. 就在这时,他们听到了高览的声音,于是死死抓住了最后一根稻草。 , The ray soars suddenly, resembles of the emperor highlights above the city, clear(ly) Yellow Emperor robe, even day imperial crown, delicate and pretty indifferent. The lip is extremely thin, just like is Gao Lan oneself, he crossed hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) distance unexpectedly instantaneously, appear here. 霍然之间,光芒腾空,一尊帝者之像凸显于城池之上,明黄帝袍,平天皇冠,俊美冷漠。嘴唇极薄,俨然便是高览本人,他竟然瞬间越过了数十万里的距离,出现于此。 In the Gao Lan hand the pale gold/metal long sword wields, the immortal god evil spirit that the back carves simultaneously highlights, powerhouse's blood circulation that in years past integrated is immortal, finally framed in „the Evil Demon image on! 高览手中淡金长剑挥出,背面所刻的仙神妖魔之相齐齐凸显,昔年融入的强者之血流转不朽,最终定格在了“邪魔形象”上! Meaning of showing kingly way, the evil demon qi breath dissipates, Six Annihilation Yama Demon resembles like meeting the arrived difficult adversary. The movement is unexpectedly slow, the surroundings collapse to extinguish origin energy sea welcomed the blade to open, the destruction air mass tofu of explosion turned into two halves everywhere. 王道之意彰显,邪魔气息消散,“六灭阎魔像”就像遇到了克星。动作竟然迟缓,周围崩灭的元气大海迎刃而开,处处爆炸的毁灭气团豆腐般变成两半。 The pale gold/metal long sword cuts to fall, the Six Annihilation Yama Demon resembles divides into two. A regression evil different bone. 淡金长剑斩落,六灭阎魔像一分为二。复归一枚邪异的骨头。 Human Sovereign Sword leaves, Evil Demon gives the head! 人皇剑出,邪魔授首! Northern Zhou and prairie border, sky over a city, Gao Lan figure appears again towering. Leaps forward the high place, there is greatly full and He Qi battlefield. 北周与草原边境,一座城池上空,高览身影再次突兀浮现。跃入高处,那里正是大满与何七的战场。 His facial features are solemn, similarly shoulders the mountains rivers stars. Also is a sword wields. 他面容冷峻,同样背负山川河流日月星辰之相。又是一剑挥出。 Sees Gao Lan to attack itself, is quite astonished greatly completely, but quickly returns to normal, grasps the hand, the innumerable wish power luminous spots form an idol, is burning all over the body the golden yellow god fire idol. 见到高览攻击自己,大满颇为讶异,但迅速恢复平静,将手一抓,无数愿力光点汇成一尊神像,通体燃烧着金黄神火的神像。 This idol just appears plunges Gao Lan, behind also has strange insect that the vine that twines the body, dances in the air all over the sky, is witchcraft divine ability, makes every effort to prevent the moment. 这尊神像甫一出现就扑向高览,后面还有缠绕身体的藤蔓,满天飞舞的怪虫,皆是巫术神通所化,力求阻挡片刻。 Gao Lan both eyes are faint, the thin lips shut tightly, at oneself generation of days, the inversion position, immediately above the idols and all sorts of witchcraft divine ability, then chops Human Sovereign Sword vertical. 高览双目淡漠,薄唇紧闭,以己代天,颠倒方位,顿时就位于神像和种种巫术神通上方,然后竖直劈出人皇剑 The pale gold/metal circulation, the blood changes, the chart of Gao Lan back stars mountains rivers is invariable, but winding around all around immortal god evil spirit shrinks suddenly, only remains Spiritual God, honored high on Spiritual God. 淡金流转,鲜血变化,高览背后的日月星辰山川河流之图不变,但缭绕四周的仙神妖魔陡然一缩,只剩神灵之相,尊贵高上的神灵 The long sword chops that idol, the golden yellow flame dissipates, the wish power luminous spot dissipates, changes to the run all over the place rain, does not have the strength of least bit resistance unexpectedly, following witchcraft divine ability and Longevity Heaven same sword puts down, as if meets the arrived Innate difficult adversary. 长剑劈中那尊神像,金黄火焰消散,愿力光点消散,化作满天飞雨,竟无半点反抗之力,后面的巫术神通长生天界同样一剑而平,仿佛到了天生克星。 Sees this pale gold/metal long sword to carve the stars mountains rivers directly, the back has immortal god evil spirit figure to crawl, submitting a written statement of agriculture fish herd sword hilt, Human Clan hundred condition, greatly completely suddenly one startled, blurted out: 看见这口淡金长剑正面刻日月星辰山川河流,背面有仙神妖魔身影匍匐,剑柄之上书农耕鱼牧,人族百态,大满陡然一惊,脱口而出: Human Sovereign Sword!” 人皇剑!” Man will conquer nature, the enemy of immortal god evil spirit! 人定胜天,仙神妖魔之敌! Moreover as if regained consciousness the Earth Immortal level! Knows Human Sovereign Sword to be fierce greatly completely, does not have fighting intent again, hurries to display to maintain life divine ability, plans to escape. 而且似乎苏醒到地仙层次了!大满知道人皇剑厉害,再无战意,慌忙施展保命神通,打算远遁。 What a pity, if encounters Gao Lan one-on-one, his also life opportunity, at this very moment, when Human Sovereign Sword cuts off his substitute person, not far away blue color Spiritual God true body invisible did not have sword qi to compel, was caught up by Gao Lan. 可惜,如果只是单对单遭遇高览,他还有一线活命机会,此时此刻,当人皇剑斩断他的“替身”时,不远处青蓝色神灵真身却被无形无相剑气逼出,被高览赶上。 After several breath, looks at dumbly the midair greatly completely, on the blue Spiritual God true body has sword qi to spurt from inside to outside thinly, cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrate, that azure black strange vine stick was also trigged by Gao Lan. 几个呼吸后,大满呆立半空,青蓝色神灵真身上有一道道剑气从内到外喷薄,寸寸瓦解,就连那根青黑色怪异藤杖亦被高览制住。 Falls from the sky greatly completely, Longevity Heaven does not die, Incense Fire is enough, then can be born, but does not know that needed many years. 大满陨落,长生天不死,香火足够,便能重新诞生,但不知要多少年了。 At this time, He Qi raised the head suddenly, looks to the upper air, saw only a purple meteor to delimit the horizon, the immediately pupil has shrunk, the innermost feelings were astonished: 这时,何七忽地抬头,看向高空,只见一颗紫色流星划过天际,顿时瞳孔一缩,内心惊愕: Cui Qinghe fell from the sky!” 崔清河陨落了!” Gao Lan looked up, has turned around, facing the south, the flat crown was not chaotic, the bright yellow robe moved with the wind, dignified clear, is announcing eight sides gravely: 高览抬头看了看,转过身,面对南面,平天冠不乱,明黄袍随风而动,威严昭著,庄重宣告八方: We am Gao Lan, the lord of Great Zhou, every has people of place my Great Zhou, all has Us!” “朕乃高览,大周之主,凡有我大周之民处,皆有朕!” This is Human Sovereign Sword adds the wondrous use of emperor imperial jade seal! 这便是人皇剑加皇帝玉玺的妙用! Finishes speaking, Gao Lan comes to Northern Zhou and Great Jin border, then by the body about the sword, the pale gold/metal ray cuts void, hurries to toward some long-awaited old enemy. 话音刚落,高览就现身北周大晋边境,然后以身合剑,淡金光芒划破虚空,向着某个等待已久的宿敌赶去。 ............ ………… In Shaolin Temple, in Śarīra Pagoda, Buddhist Scripture Pavilion Kong Hui Divine Monk sits well the uppermost layer, before the body, is monk blade that stained the mortal world aura, Ānanda broken monk blade, but all around images of Buddha, under each image of Buddha are consecrating colored glaze sariputra, after is all previous eminent monk dies , many Arhat Śarīra, and even Dharma Śarīra! 少林寺内,舍利塔中,藏经阁空慧神僧端坐最上层,身前是一口沾满了红尘气息的戒刀,阿难戒刀,而四周有一尊尊佛像,每尊佛像下都供奉着一颗琉璃般的舍利子,乃历代高僧死后所化,不乏罗汉舍利,乃至达摩舍利 Because he carries the relations of internal injury, not only Bodhi Courtyard Chief Wu Si, the Dharma Courtyard elder does not have assists to control in this absurdly, during faces the wall ten years Dharma Courtyard Chief Kong Jian also to be allowed to go out shortly, in the inspection temple all parties, prevent the hidden danger, only before having fascinated really deep Monastic Discipline Courtyard, Chief Wu Jing was also detained lower level Śarīra Pagoda faces the wall. 由于他身负暗伤的关系,不仅菩提院首座无思,达摩院长老无妄在此协助控阵,就连面壁十年期间的达摩院首座空见亦被准许短暂外出,巡视寺内各方,预防隐患,唯有入魔甚深的戒律院首座无净还被关押在舍利塔下层面壁。 As for Bodhi Courtyard elder Xuan Bei, Abbot Kong Wen junior brother empties, sits the pass/test of Nirvana, sits the dry Zen, when has not arrived at the life and death, and defends impregnably, has not disturbed them. 至于菩提院长老玄悲,空闻方丈师弟空相,一坐涅槃之关,一坐枯禅,因为远未到生死存亡之际,且守得固若金汤,并未打扰他们。 But is most common in most neglected odd jobs courtyard, is thrusting out fat monk Xuan Xin of belly. Watched the weather, calculates the double-hour, suddenly stood up, put aside the fat good wine, facial expression with a laugh became dignified, was somewhat pleased and extrication. 而最不起眼最被忽视的杂役院中,腆着肚子的胖和尚玄心。看了看天色,算了算时辰,忽然站起,丢开了肥肉美酒,笑呵呵的神情变得凝重,又有几分快意和解脱。 He shakes the head, the body increases suddenly, nine chi (0.33 m), duplicate suffuse white hair fully all over the body, the on the back grows both wings. Unexpectedly is monster, monster that the technique of change covers! 他摇了摇头,身躯猛然变大,足有九尺,通体覆盖满白毛,背生双翅。竟然是一头妖物,以变化之术掩盖的妖物 Xuan Xin puts out a bottle gourd from the mouth, since hand one finger/refers, in the bottle gourd leaps a white light, in the white light is hanging a streamer, the color divides five-colors, sparkling thousand. 玄心从口中吐出一个葫芦,将手一指,葫芦中腾起一道白光,白光里悬挂一幡,色分五彩,光映千条。 Stuffy more than ten years, started finally!” His rocks gently, under back side of the mountain Śarīra Pagoda the immediately ten thousand monsters sound together. And the breath tyrannical terrifying, slightly is not all at once worse than Peacock Monster King, sways to Śarīra Pagoda, blossoms in radiant splendor to Śarīra. The color makes the colored glaze, in addition, aura of many Monster Venerable level. “闷了十几年,总算开始了!”他轻轻一个晃动,后山舍利塔顿时万妖齐鸣。其中一股气息强横恐怖,不比孔雀妖王稍差,冲得舍利塔摇摇晃晃,冲得内中舍利大放光明。色做琉璃,除此之外,还有不少妖尊级的气息。 „Hasn't White Lake Monster King that a Yuan spatial founder suppresses died?” Śarīra Pagoda vibrates, the Kong Hui slightly feeling is astonished. Although the Monster Clan life span always excels in Human Clan, but White Lake Monster King should the longevity completely perish early! “元空祖师镇压的白泽妖王还没死?”舍利塔震动,空慧略感讶异。虽然妖族寿命一向长于人族,但白泽妖王早该寿尽而亡了! The unable to deal with resolution reason, in his hand ties seal. Read aloud in a low voice reads the awe, sariputra flew, mounted into the tower various places, that Dharma Śarīra leapt forward the Kong Hui palm, enhanced one another's beauty with Ānanda broken monk blade, Wu Si and did not have hurries mountain-protecting formation that absurdly helped control to vacillate, there colored glaze embryo conceals that by not having several tens of thousands of characters and Prajñā Scripture and other scrip­tures were interwoven ties. 顾不得分辨缘由,他手中结印。低声诵念敬畏,一颗颗舍利子飞起,镶嵌入塔中各处,那枚达摩舍利跃入空慧手掌,与阿难戒刀交相辉映,无思和无妄则赶紧帮忙控制动摇的护山大阵,那里由无数万字符和般若经等经文交织成的琉璃胎藏结界。 At once, the Śarīra Pagoda colored glaze, assumes Vajra all over the body, suppresses tower bottom ten thousand monster firmly. 一时之间,舍利塔通体琉璃,呈金刚之界,牢牢镇压住塔底万妖。 Outside the Shaolin entrance, a middle-aged man of scholarly crosses the hands behind the back the waiting, the face is handsome, hair pitch-black, is gripping the wooden hairpin at will, has the god demon bewitching charm, is Devil Master Han Guang. 少林山门外,一位儒雅的中年男子负手等待,脸庞英俊,头发乌黑,随意扎着木簪,有种神魔般的妖异魅力,正是“魔师韩广 He has not gone to Profound Heaven Sect, but arrives at Shaolin Temple! 他没去玄天宗,而是来到少林寺 Side Han Guang follows Grandmaster of hoary hair, the face is ugly, just like evil spirit Evil Demon. 韩广身边跟着一位花白头发的宗师,脸庞丑陋,宛若厉鬼邪魔 Sees Shaolin formation to vacillate, Han Guang is expected, the right hand holds down easely, the time is slow, layer upon layer ten thousand character and scrip­tures of immediately shape circulation like solidification. 少林大阵动摇,韩广似早有所料,右手悠然按住,时光迟缓,层层流转的万字符和经文顿时形如凝固。 The flaw of disappearing was grasped accurate by him! 转瞬即逝的破绽被他精准把握住了! Attack Shaolin Temple, attacks Righteous Path! “进攻”少林寺,亦是攻击正道 The Han Guang left hand grasps, two figure vanish, colored glaze embryo conceals ties restores instantaneously, resembles not to have exceptionally. 韩广左手一抓,两道身影消失,琉璃胎藏结界瞬间恢复,似无异常。 The back side of the mountain somewhere, Han Guang figure flashes to pass, the penetration was void, entered secret say/way. 后山某处,韩广身影一闪而逝,穿透虚空,进入了秘道。 His speed is extremely fast, arrives in the road fork suddenly, there guard a Exterior Scenery eminent monk. 他速度极快,瞬息间抵达岔路口,那里守卫着一位外景高僧。 This monk is throwing over the red cassock, the facial features withered, as if rotten wood, induces to some people approaches, when shouts a question, had fallen into the slow time, was patted by a Han Guang palm, changes to the dust. 这位僧人披着红色袈裟,面容枯槁,仿佛一株朽木,感应到有人靠近,正待喝问,已是陷入了迟缓的时光里,被韩广一掌拍下,化作粉尘。 The Han Guang footsteps keep, continuously arrived ties of friendship and being benovelence, none shall enter this door place. 韩广脚步不停,一直到了情义善仁,莫入此门”处。 He has turned around, said to Grandmaster of that hoary hair: Revolution Demon Art, opens this door, after the matter becomes, your adopted son also you.” 他转过身,对那位花白头发的宗师道:“运转魔功,打开此门,事成之后,将你义子还你。” Yes, Sect Master.” The Grandmaster facial features of this hoary hair are ugly, the look is crazy, performing is evil different. “是,宗主。”这位花白头发的宗师面容丑陋,眼神疯狂,尽是邪异。 The Han Guang wide robe big sleeve, crosses the hands behind the back the waiting, the face edges and corners are distinct, the makings are mature, innermost feelings slightly smile: 韩广宽袍大袖,负手等待,脸庞棱角分明,气质成熟深沉,内心微微一哂: Now the potential, the chaotic world, is shifty, but the minor details, only have to promote is in itself a kingly way!” “当今之势,混乱天下,翻云覆雨,不过细枝末节,唯有提升自己才是王道!” ............ ………… Meng Qi does not know own breaking void arrived where, in any case is barren mountains and wild hills, the nearby does not have the powerhouse aura. 孟奇不知自己破空到了哪里,反正是个荒山野岭,附近没有强者气息。 He only thinks own sleeve robe soon explodes, hurries to fling, flings Golden Horde warrior leader Hass Wula, the right hand long blade engagement is extremely quick, follows cuts to the enemy. 他只觉自身袖袍快要爆炸,赶紧一甩,将金帐武士首领哈斯乌拉甩出,右手长刀衔接极快,跟随斩向敌人。 ............ ………… In Cleansing Sword Pavilion, Jiang Zhiwei is responsible for in the order, preventing some people while to act recklessly randomly. 洗剑阁内,江芷微负责门内秩序,防止有人趁乱胡为。 Suddenly, her heart has a feeling, looks to the upper air, sees only a purple meteor to delimit the horizon. 突然,她心有所感,看向高空,只见一颗紫色流星划过天际。 Cui Qinghe fell from the sky.” Her ear bank resounded the familiar sound. 崔清河陨落了。”她耳畔响起了熟悉的声音。 Master! Did you go out?” Jiang Zhiwei turns the head pleasantly surprised, looks at arrived master Su Wuming, a azure clothes, empty, resembles the altruism not to have the thing, his facial features are pretty, but both eyes are faint, as if had been through repeatedly several humans affairs, swayed back and forth many mortal world. “师父!你出关了?”江芷微惊喜转头,看到了自家师父苏无名,一袭青衣,空空荡荡,似无我无物,他面容俊秀,但双目淡漠深邃,仿佛历经了几番世事,打滚了诸多红尘 Su Wuming slightly nod, in the tone seems for several points to sigh with emotion: „The matter in world is always hard to achieve perfectly, the fifty 50, still Dunqi one, does not need to cross demanding again.” 苏无名微微点头,语气中似有几分感慨:“世间之事总是难以做到十全十美,大衍五十,尚遁其一,无需再过强求。” Finishes speaking, in his hand departs a mirror fragment, before the float body . 话音刚落,他手中飞出一块镜子碎片,漂浮身前。 This fragment does not have the light darkly, actually as if can shine upon all sort of illusory images, infinite universe. 这块碎片黑沉无光,却仿佛能映照出诸般幻影,无穷宇宙。 In the Jiang Zhiwei heart moves, remembers young monk the matter of saying, blurted out: 江芷微心中一动,想起小和尚所言之事,脱口而出: Clear Sky Mirror fragment!”( To be continued......) 昊天镜碎片!”(未完待续……) ps: Asked monthly ticket ~ ps:求月票~
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