WORIOA :: Volume #4

#132: Six Chops of the Overlord

„The first blade, arrival Heavenly Court, the immortal god flinches!” “第一刀,驾临天庭,仙神辟易!” The Overlord sound resounds through, the reverberation is void, penetrates three, the dark long blade that in the hand hangs down suddenly probably were many a scabbard, appears shortly absolute rest! 霸王的声音响彻雷海,回荡虚空,穿透三界,手中低垂的黝黑长刀突然之间像是多了一把刀鞘,出现短暂的“绝对静止”! Bang! 轰! The long blade comes out of sheath, ran out of the fetter, broke the absolute static, before erupting , all strengths of uniting, are struck by below, is about unable to imagine together, deducts to divide the day purple light, magnificent brilliant, fills aggressively, making the world shiver, the wind and cloud also changes color, the shape such as crawls. 长刀出“鞘”,冲出了束缚,打破了绝对的静止,爆发出之前凝聚的所有力量,由下击上,快得无法想象,演绎出一道分天紫光,辉煌绚烂,充满霸气,让天地为之颤抖,风云随之变色,形如匍匐。 Splits void, the heaven two break, the first blade, the type of drawing a sword, the immortal god flinches! 虚空裂开,苍天两断,第一刀,拔刀之式,仙神辟易! Meng Qi has restrained the strange feeling, with single-hearted devotion onlooking, drew a sword condensed the complete strength and law principle before, made absolute rest, concealed the abstruse change, making him link a fur/superficial knowledge unable to comprehend temporarily, relatively speaking, after having the blade quick and tyrant was in the reason following. 孟奇早就收敛住奇怪的感觉,专心致志“旁观”,拔刀之前凝聚了全部力量和法理,制造出“绝对静止”,暗藏了深奥的变化,让他暂时连一点皮毛都参悟不了,相对而言,出刀之后的“快”与“霸”就是情理之中的后续了。 If can unify the profound arts Dharma Body style Myriad Things Return Emptiness the core skill, could comprehend the profound mystery of this blade, even has...... in the Meng Qi heart to reappear wonderful suddenly this idea. “若能结合玄功法身招式‘万物返虚’的核心技巧,或许能参悟出这一刀的玄奥,甚至别有神妙……”孟奇心中忽地浮现出这个想法。 After cutting off ascends the sky, the Overlord long hair chaotic dance, the eyebrow must all open, the muscle blows up, full is the aesthetic sense of strength, treads the previous step, calls out one: 斩断上天后,霸王长发乱舞,眉须皆张,肌肉鼓起,满是力量的美感,踏前一步,暴喝一声: „The second blade, kills Spirit Mountain, various Buddha Nirvana!” “第二刀,杀上灵山,诸佛涅槃!” A long blade booklet, even Zhan, contains innumerably the change that is hard to distinguish, the as if together autumn wind, sweeps away the fallen leaf, full is withers the air/Qi of death, does not see supple, is verve! 长刀一折,平斩而出,蕴藏无数难以分辨的变化,仿佛一道秋风,横扫落叶,满是肃杀凋亡之气,不见阴柔,只有刚猛! The purple electricity prances, careful Minute Subtlety, is crushing every inchs void, is on the wane each life! 紫电腾跃,细致入微,击碎着每一寸虚空,凋零着每一个生命! Myriad things finally, various Buddha Nirvana! 万物之终,诸佛涅槃! Sees this blade, Meng Qi as if looks at arrived Jade Void Clear Source Knife Art and Five Thunderstrikes of Heaven shadow, looked that arrived Heavenly Blade essentials studied, has seen the blade technique shadow. Seemed it to include the essential meanings and changes of overwhelming majority blade technique, by Jane/simple Rufan, by complicated/many Guijian. Exhausts Heaven's Mystery! 看到这一刀,孟奇似乎看到了玉虚清源刀法天打五雷轰的影子,也看到了天刀纲要”等自己学过、见过的刀法的影子。就好像它囊括了绝大部分刀法的精义和变化,由简入繁,由繁归简。穷尽天机 By the Meng Qi present Blade Dao attainments, is unable to peep the concrete change. Only can realize from experience shadow as far as possible, withering of feeling autumn wind dies! 孟奇现在的刀道造诣,无法窥出具体的变化。只能尽量体悟“影子”,感受秋风之肃杀凋亡! The Overlord vision is arrogant, as if is despising all opponents, callous opens the mouth: 霸王目光高傲,仿佛在蔑视着一切对手,冷酷开口: „The third blade, the body enters Nine Serenities, the evil spirit gives the head!” “第三刀,身入九幽,妖魔授首!” The long blade shoots suddenly upward, then fierce underground chops, heavily to crashing void. To just like thunder light, the firm meaning to does not fold fast truly. 长刀突然往上弹起,接着猛地下劈,沉重到压破虚空。快速至宛如真正雷光,阳刚之意至强不折。 Bang! 轰隆! Overlord's Extreme Blade falls, becomes incomparably huge, condensation of all thunder in the world. 霸王绝刀落下,变得无比巨大,就像天地之间所有雷霆的凝聚。 Bang! 轰隆! In blade void, swings extinguishes Yin filthily, the thunder light blasts out, spread toward all around rapidly, embezzled the world. 刀中虚空,荡阴灭秽,雷光炸开,向着四周急速蔓延,吞没了天地。 Even if Exterior Scenery begins to affect very big place, this move is still the out-and-out range attack, is shattered besides the core place void collapse. thunder light who goes toward all around impact the might in very wide scope does not have the difference of strong and weak, can empty a piece of not weak enemy! 即使外景动手已能波及很大的地方,这一招也是不折不扣的范围攻击,除了核心处虚空塌陷破灭外。向着四周冲击而去的雷光在很大范围内威力没有强弱之别,能清空一片不弱的敌人! Moreover it utilizes saves ingeniously wholeheartedly, if the place in dividing is turned into the enemy void. Then tackles a blade. 而且它运用巧妙存乎一心,若劈中的地方由虚空变成敌人。则是攻坚一刀。 To Meng Qi, the third blade seems like some Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation style deduction and deepening, therefore, becomes him so far, can comprehend a fur/superficial knowledge the one by one move only! 孟奇来说,第三刀似乎是神霄九灭部分招式的演绎和深化,所以,成为他到目前为止,能参悟出点皮毛的唯一一招! To Yang Zhigang, the evil spirit gave the head! 至阳至刚,妖魔授首! The intention realized from experience and unifies is evil to Yang Dang comparison reference, Meng Qi immediately fell into wallowing of blade technique, but Overlord has not waited for its him, cried loud and long suddenly. Only is the meaning of looking disdainfully arrogant smiling. 用心体悟并结合“至阳荡邪秽”对照参考,孟奇顿时陷入了刀法的沉迷之中,但霸王没有等它他,忽地长啸一声。仅是睥睨傲笑之意。 Bang! 轰! All around fluctuates crazily, surging forward. After deducting to the extreme, had the chain explosion and shatter. Splits void, the chaos fill the air, the world collapses rapidly, as if must concentrate is a point! 四周雷海疯狂起伏,汹涌澎湃。演绎到极点后,发生了连环爆炸和破碎。虚空为之裂开,混沌弥漫,天地迅速坍缩,似乎要凝为一点! Overlord sets up the center arrogantly, looks that the void spread bursts to come, all encountered the destruction, becomes dark, chaos, the nihility, has almost not changed countenance, the long blade receives turning round to lean fiercely, has the solidification again. 霸王傲立中央,看着虚空蔓延破裂而来,一切都遭遇了毁灭,变得幽幽暗暗,混混沌沌,几近虚无,没有丝毫动容,长刀猛地收回身侧,再有凝固之相。 He informed to the extreme arrogantly: 他高傲到极点地昭告: „The fourth blade, the world does not save, my body saves alone!” “第四刀,天地不存,我身独存!” blade light shines for the first time, as if before is even white not wonderful cuts, but has the aggression that the stance of destroying the hardest defenses and sweeps away all obstacles, breaks open darkly, the chaos break open, during in big being disillusioned big destruction cut a slit, a path! 刀光乍亮,似乎就是平白无奇的前斩,但有着无坚不摧的姿态和所向披靡的霸气,幽暗破开,混沌破开,生生于大破灭大毁灭之中斩出了一道缝隙,一条道路! This...... Meng Qi as if looks at arrived own Splitting Heaven and Earth, both have similar to a certain extent! 这……孟奇似乎看到了自己的“开天辟地”,两者有着某种程度上的相似! The thought just got up, Meng Qi sees Extreme Blade to transfer softly, the anode lives Yin, two meter alternations, Four Symbols evolves, unexpectedly around Overlord short from opening one, making his in big be disillusioned like a crane among chickens, fearless survival! 念头刚起,孟奇就见绝刀转柔,阳极阴生,两仪交变,四象衍化,竟然在霸王周围短暂自开一界,让他于大破灭中鹤立鸡群,昂然存活! This is Splitting Heaven and Earth that” have not created following! Meng Qi looks dumbfoundedly. 这是自己还未创出的“开天辟地”后续!孟奇看得目瞪口呆。 Grand Dao 3000, side door 800, different way, but with turning over to! 大道三千,旁门八百,殊途而同归! One opens, returns to the original condition, the color grading variable depth, the Overlord facial expression becomes solemn and respectful, but without dignified, without dreading, without the fear, the right hand turns, the long blade does not know that cut to where, before , not in left, not in right , under on, was not at! 一界撑开,雷海恢复原状,颜色次第变深,霸王神情变得肃穆,但没有凝重,没有畏惧,没有害怕,右手一拐,长刀不知斩向了哪里,不在前,不在后,不在左,不在右,也不在上,不在下! In brief, Meng Qi cannot see the trend of this blade completely, the ear broadcasts the Overlord faint contemptuous sound: 总之,孟奇完全看不出这刀的走向,耳边传来霸王淡漠轻蔑的声音: „The fifth blade, in the past all sorts, vanish like smoke in thin air!” “第五刀,过去种种,烟消云散!” The world seemed to be clear, Overlord shows several points of free and easy, the dark long blade reappears in his hands. 天地似乎澄清了许多,霸王透出几分洒脱,黝黑长刀重现于他的手中。 This blade, Meng Qi is simply ignorant, does not have the clue, not like previous several blades, even cannot comprehend, cannot obtain the fur/superficial knowledge, but at least can see the blade light overall trend with the final effect. 这一刀,孟奇简直浑浑噩噩,毫无头绪,不像之前几刀,即使参悟不出,得不到皮毛,但至少能看出刀光整体走向与最后的效果。 At this time, Overlord deeply inspired, the body increased suddenly, is indomitable spirit, before the long blade lifted the body horizontally, by the stance of ruling by force to the extreme put out every single word or phrase: 这时,霸王深吸口气,身体陡然变大,顶天立地,长刀横举身前,以一种霸道到极点的姿态一字一句吐出: „The sixth blade, steps into the river, the life is not doomed!” “第六刀,踏进长河,命不注定!” Bang! Bang! Rumble! 轰!轰隆!轰隆隆! A sparkling lake illusory river highlights, does not see the whence, disappears without a trace, although has not caught the vicissitudes, to accumulate the dust, actually timeless, the feeling that the years pass, as if calmly is overlooking the mortal world earthliness old man. 一条波光粼粼的虚幻长河凸显,不见来处,不知去向,虽未染上沧桑、积满尘埃,却给人一种亘古不变,岁月流逝的感觉,仿佛静静俯视着红尘俗世的“老者”。 Various river places, depart each and every one figure, has the wear black armor Overlord, has the raising halberd man of bosom white clothing female, has both hands to hold the youngster of cauldron, as to these things, to mention just a few, is found in various void places, static hovering. 长河各处,飞出一个个身影,有穿着黑色盔甲的“霸王”,有怀抱白衣女子的提戟男子,有双手托鼎的少年,如此种种,不一而足,遍布虚空各处,静静悬停。 Dark heavy Overlord's Extreme Blade cuts slantingly, person's shadows also wielded oneself weapon from each corner each direction at the same time, the blade light sword shadow, dense and numerous, rainstorm that probably in all directions and high and low, the past present comes! 黝黑沉重的霸王绝刀斜斩而出,一道道人影亦从各个角落各个方向同时挥出了自己的兵器,刀光剑影,密密麻麻,像是四面八方、上下、过去现在而来的暴雨! Bang! 轰隆! The innumerable say/way rays connected, blocked all the possibilities of avoidance, all also vanished! 无数道光芒交汇,封死了所有躲避的可能,一切随之消失! Meng Qi eye is completely the brilliant ray. Does not see anything, the ear bank transmits Overlord not to act bashful the stance also to be full of the aggressive sound: 孟奇“眼”中尽是绚烂的光芒。再不见任何事物,耳畔传来霸王不拿捏姿态也充满霸气的声音: Inheritance brand mark cannot give you temporarily, except for general outline. Sensed many then to take many a moment ago.” “传承烙印暂时不能给你,除了总纲。刚才感悟多少便‘拿’多少。” The light shadow fluctuates, sixth style unites. Deducts the core general outline, appears indescribable Dao and Virtue, deducts layer on layer/heavily law principle. 光影浮动,六式合一。演绎出核心总纲,显现难以言喻的道与德,演绎出重重法理 Meng Qi is eyes cannot take it all, comprehends as far as possible, gradually to the Six Chops of the Overlord general outline, was the concrete practice method rather than the style had the preliminary understanding. 孟奇目不暇接,尽量参悟,渐渐对霸王六斩的总纲,也就是具体的修炼法门而非招式有了初步的了解。 Overlord from intent of set off thunder verve ruling by force, tries another method, no longer in ancient times Thunder God. Is centered on practice aggressively, the imposing manner, mentality, mortal body and Primordial Spirit all-around overbearing, the hearsay has the powerhouse in front of Overlord, lived in the mind by his overbearing imposing manner fear, the strength above great accomplishment Overlord, had not been cut to kill obviously at that time as before the scene. 霸王从雷霆刚猛霸道之意出发,另辟蹊径,不再同于远古雷神。以修炼“霸气”为核心,气势、心态、肉身和元神全方位的霸道,传闻有强者在霸王面前,被他霸道气势慑住心神,明明实力还在当时尚未大成霸王之上,依旧被斩杀当场。 General outline Enthralled, Six Chops of the Overlord has body to enter Nine Serenities, the evil spirit gives and world does not save, my body saves two types to be inherited alone, can comprehend the fur/superficial knowledge. Other four types, except for final two type Meng Qi not obtained, the remaining two types realized from experience. The can be regarded fur/superficial knowledge, may also be able to strengthen its blade technique with it. 总纲入神,霸王六斩只得“身入九幽,妖魔授首”与“天地不存,我身独存”两式得到传承,能参悟出皮毛。其余四式,除了最后两式孟奇毫无所得,剩下两式都有所体悟。算不得皮毛,可也能用之加强本身刀法 Aggressive......” Meng Qi wiped the nonexistence cold sweat, bore the impulsion of unstated criticism. “霸气……”孟奇抹了把不存在的冷汗,忍住了腹诽的冲动。 Overlord said a moment ago temporarily cannot to, him know except for the brand mark, a Extreme Blade intelligence. 刚才“霸王”说“暂时不能给”,他就知道除了烙印,还有一丝绝刀的灵性。 Why can't give temporarily? 为什么暂时不能给? What is guarding against and being worried about? 在防备和担心着什么? During the doubts, Meng Qi has the relaxed feeling, Primordial Spirit also slowly recovers gradually vividly, Nine Heavens Thunder God karma starts to abate, the world becomes clear and calm. All sorts of law principle reflect, breathes correspondingly with Dharma Idol. Especially, firm was most obvious by the thunder. 疑惑之中,孟奇身体有渐渐轻松之感,元神也慢慢恢复活泼,“九天雷神”的因果开始消退,天地变得澄静。种种法理凸现,与法相呼吸相应。尤其以雷霆、阳刚等最为明显。 In he immerses in this, the spirit was broken suddenly. The sense restores, takes a fresh look at the arrived palace, looked arrived calmly is placing the dark long blade, it slightly not the sign that follows oneself to leave. 就在他沉浸于此之时,精神突然被打断。感官恢复,重新“看”到了殿,看到了静静摆放着的黝黑长刀,它丝毫没有跟着自己离开的迹象。 Even divine armament, without obtaining it approving, if the suppression of no strength, could not use, Overlord's Extreme Blade took Peerless Divine Armament, so, it, if did not hope, among the world feared that was no one can take up it! 即使是神兵,在没有得到它认同的情况下,若无实力的压制,根本使用不了,霸王绝刀作为绝世神兵,更加如此,它如果不愿,天下间怕是无人能够将它拿起! Liu Shuyu draws back continually several steps, spread out with Overlord's Extreme Blade, sound transmission Meng Qi: Had Grandmaster to approach!” 柳漱玉连退几步,与霸王绝刀拉开了距离,传音孟奇:“有宗师靠近了!” She does not think the Meng Qi exposition, this will implicate itself! 她可不想孟奇暴露,这会连累自己! Meng Qi mediated karma, obtains the Six Chops of the Overlord general outline with four type Dharma Body moves, a level higher to grasping of Blade Dao, is well satisfied, is not greedy and does not abandon. 孟奇了断了因果,得到霸王六斩的总纲与四式法身招数,对刀道的掌握更上一层楼,已是心满意足,没有丝毫贪婪和不舍。 Before he prepared to find a way out with Samsara Talisman, places hopes in Dark Maiden to see itself to disappear, presses for payment himself outward, then returns again flees, but this relied on the time, non- can control, now Liu Shuyu has not exposed, can leave with the aid of her, naturally wished for earnestly! 之前他准备用轮回符是死中求生,寄希望于玄女见自己消失,追索往外,然后自己再回归潜逃,但这依赖于时机,非自身能够掌控,如今柳漱玉还未暴露,能借助她离开,当然求之不得! The Liu Shuyu delicate hands grasp, absorbs that male disciple, draws back again several steps, is the arrived palace entrance. 柳漱玉纤手一抓,将那名男弟子摄起,再退几步,已是到了殿门口。 At this time, Dark Maiden Incarnation Body and two Grandmaster entered, her hurriedly said: Teacher, I worried that he while schemes Overlord's Extreme Blade randomly, plans first to throw outside the palace him.” 这时,玄女应身和两名宗师进入,她赶紧道:“师尊,我担心他趁乱图谋霸王绝刀,打算将他先丢出殿外。” Dark Maiden Incarnation Body nods gently, hints Liu Shuyu to do well. 玄女应身轻轻点头,示意柳漱玉做得不错。 Her vision has swept, completed the inspection while convenient, but by the Grandmaster strength , does the useless auxiliary method, how see puts on the Meng Qi's change? 她目光扫过,顺便完成了检视,但以不到宗师的实力,又没用辅助手段,如何看得穿孟奇的变化? As for that two Grandmaster, even if position not under Liu Shuyu, who will idle is being all right to do with searching the way of whole body offends Dark Maiden successor? Has her master in any case in! 至于那两名宗师,纵使地位不下于柳漱玉,可谁会闲着没事干用搜查全身的方式得罪玄女传人?反正有她师父在! Liu Shuyu takes delivery by the Shangshui fairy maiden that male disciple, seized the chance to be separated from the palace. 柳漱玉将那名男弟子提回商水仙子旁边,趁机脱离了殿。 When she saw when the Shangshui fairy maiden changes the main body, the pupil contracts, knew the idea of demoness, but at this very moment, she only thinks own qi of immortal spirit increased rapidly, Primordial Spirit clarified, again not external hobbling, finally became real Dark Maiden successor main body! 当她看到商水仙子变回本尊时,瞳孔收缩,知道中了妖女之计,但此时此刻,她只觉自身仙灵之气急速攀升,元神澄清,再无外在牵绊,终于成为货真价实的“玄女传人本尊”! She keeps words actually, suffices ruthlessly spicy, asking her mother's little girl saying that killed kills......” came from the Divine Capital aristocratic family, where Liu Shuyu can with Demoness of Luoism compared with ruthless spicy. “她倒是守信,也够狠辣,叫她娘亲的小女孩说杀就杀……”出身神都世家,柳漱玉哪能和大罗妖女比狠辣。 ............ ………… By the thorough Cloud Sea lofty tree, present age Dark Maiden holds remains, soars upward, then must press for payment to go. 深入云海的参天大树旁,当代玄女一手托着遗蜕,一手往上飞腾,便要追索而去。 But at this moment, the big tree withers rapidly collapsing, changes to the deadwood. 可就在这时,大树迅速枯萎坍塌,化作枯枝。 Construction Wood?” The lotus throne flies, present age Joyous Bodhisattva knits the brows to look at the tread. 建木一枝?”莲台飞来,当代欢喜菩萨皱眉看着地面。 For did not lure the enemy out of his stronghod, in addition not the clear Nine Heavens Dark Maiden remains aura, she is when changes to catch up astonishingly. 为了不被调虎离山,加上也不清楚九天玄女遗蜕气息,她是等到变化惊人才赶过来。 Should be.” present age Dark Maiden restores the lofty indistinct stance. “应该是。”当代玄女恢复高雅飘渺的姿态。 „Doesn't this treasure, how have the strict protection?” Joyous Bodhisattva is quite puzzled. “这种宝物,怎么没有严密保护?”欢喜菩萨颇为不解。 Founder had not explained that this thing origin, only does ordinary.” The present age Dark Maiden vision becomes profound. “祖师并未说明此物来历,只做普通。”当代玄女目光变得幽深。 Joyous Bodhisattva asked inconveniently again, sized up Nine Heavens Dark Maiden remains, feels the tyrannical strength of arrived corpse embodiment conceals. 欢喜菩萨不便再问,打量了一眼九天玄女遗蜕,感觉到了尸体内蕴藏的强横力量。 For the antiquity the fight well-known female immortal, Spiritual God that Heavenly Court was the top position...... she takes back the vision worthily, another side returned. “不愧为上古以战斗闻名的女仙,天庭排在前列的神灵……”她收回目光,转回另外一侧。 ............ ………… Because Gu Xiaosang already escapes, Overlord's Extreme Blade is also safe and sound, present age Dark Maiden counts on the fingers dimly, is difficult to see the explicit result, therefore thought that Meng Qi has followed Gu Xiaosang to flee, is not how long Immortal Realm blockade then lets loose. 因为顾小桑已经逃脱,霸王绝刀又安然无恙,当代玄女掐指一算则朦朦胧胧,难见明确结果,所以觉得孟奇已跟着顾小桑逃离,并非封锁多久仙界便放开。 Under Liu Shuyu covers up, Shangshui fairy maiden one line of smooth rotations, the arrived cave mansion, Meng Qi escapes quietly. 柳漱玉遮掩下,商水仙子一行顺利回转,到了洞府,孟奇悄然远遁。 Left grotesquely and gaudily to magnificence Dao, adopts the maze that formed naturally, Meng Qi returns to the arrived mighty waves boundless sea, is breathing the air of slightly fishy smell tide, is feeling the cool sea breeze, warm, but not the hot sunlight, only thinks the body and mind to be relaxed, probably lived. 出了光怪陆离的离华岛,通过了天然形成的迷阵,孟奇到了波涛无边海上,呼吸着略显腥潮的空气,感受着凉爽的海风,暖而不热的阳光,只觉身心轻松,像是重新活了回来。 Is smooth at matter, but Half-Step Dharma Body and many powerhouses and become a deterrent, the pressure that the slightly good bad misstep one step will wither away thoroughly, attended to demoness strange measures the ancient spirit demon not, makes the Meng Qi spirit highly tight, trembling, only then, relaxes suddenly. 在道的事情还算顺利,但半步法身、诸多强者和自成一界的威慑,稍微行差踏错一步就会彻底消亡的压力,顾妖女的诡异莫测古灵精怪,都让孟奇精神高度紧绷,战战兢兢,直到此时,才陡然放松。 The gentle breeze rising sun, the world is happy, Meng Qi closes both eyes, felt that all sorts of law principle, rule and own Dharma Idol coordinate with each other across a great distance, the feeling of Primordial Spirit again not heavy stagnation. 和风旭日,天地美好,孟奇闭上双目,感觉种种法理、规律与自己的法相遥相呼应,元神再无沉重凝滞之感。 Empty reveals secretly, is inducing and touching law principle, hidden interweaves, especially thunder, firm and other aspects. 虚相暗显,感应和触摸着法理,隐有交织,尤其雷霆、阳刚等方面。 Meng Qi knows, oneself was away from first Heavenly Stairway to take very big one step, shoved open Banshanmen, spent 67 months of patient and persistent work again is the remaining half leaf of issues. 孟奇知道,自己距离第一层天梯迈出了很大一步,算是推开了半扇门,再花费六七个月的水磨工夫就是剩下半扇的问题了。 The sea fluctuates, the water line spreads together, Meng Qi flies to River East, the round of red glowing sun raises slowly. ( to be continued ) 大海起伏,一道水线蔓延,孟奇飞向江东,身后一轮红日冉冉升起。(未完待续) ... ...
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