WORIOA :: Volume #4

#131: Arrives at a day of tree

In the palace, Meng Qi flesh has mystical powers the doppelganger hidden air/Qi conceals the shape to submerge from one side, treats as Dark Maiden Incarnation Body to treat the person of inside assuming personal command, thought that has the possibility of practicing trickery, even the exposition, can still depend on Touch of Karma deterrent.: 3 w 殿内,孟奇“血肉有灵”所化的分身隐气匿形从侧面潜入,将里面坐镇之人当做玄女应身来对待,觉得有瞒天过海的可能,即使暴露,也能靠着“沾因果”威慑。:3wし Such attitude makes the Dark Maiden main body feel real obviously, the thought sweeps away, the air current solidifies, the void contraction, only depended on the spirit to have a shackles on manufacture unexpectedly, but the powerful pressure added the body, making the Meng Qi doppelganger thought stagnate, dumb as a wooden chicken, did not say that drew a sword the move, shocked difficultly! 这样的态度显然让玄女本尊觉得真实,意念横扫过去,气流凝固,虚空收缩,竟然仅靠精神就生生“制造”出了一个牢笼,而强大的威压加身,使得孟奇分身思维停滞,呆若木鸡,不说拔刀出招,就连震惊都难! „It is not right!” Small and weak of doppelganger makes Dark Maiden open the semi-closure eye suddenly, the wonderful eye of stars are radiant, each stars seem deducting a life. “不对!”分身的弱小让玄女陡然睁开半闭的眼睛,妙目星辰璀璨,每一个星辰似乎都在演绎着一段人生。 Similar to her, Meng Qi also knows that doppelganger cannot hide the truth from Half-Step Dharma Body present age Dark Maiden , pays attention to the shifted opportunity while her, must dash to Overlord's Extreme Blade, sensibility at the same time then starts Samsara Talisman, as for can understand what thing, immaterial, the main purpose is to mediate karma in any case! 与她相仿,孟奇也知道分身瞒不过半步法身的当代玄女,趁她注意被转移的机会,就要直扑霸王绝刀,感悟的同时便启动轮回符,至于能不能悟出什么东西,无关紧要,反正主要目的是了断因果 At this moment, the palace as if covers the dark rear palace to make squeak squeak giggle the sound forever suddenly, vicissitudes distant elusive aura leaps, direct impact Yun Xiao(Cloud Firmament). 就在这时,殿似乎永远笼罩着黑暗的后殿突然发出吱吱咯咯的声音,一股沧桑悠远的空灵气息腾起,直冲云霄 Its as if contaminated the dust of eternal accumulation, has decayed of being unable to put things clearly, the powerful feeling sweeps away one, Cloud Sea dispersing, gathers densely, void amber solidification automatic dissolution. 仿佛沾染了万古积累的尘埃,有着说不清道不明的腐朽,强大的感觉横扫一界,云海散开,氤氲聚拢,虚空琥珀般的凝固自动溶解。 Moreover, this type powerful all extant Dharma Body is not same as Meng Qi has seen, seems more real not empty, as if in the world only this one type, with he had induced Demon Lord remnant will and Overlord phantom and other similar. 而且,这种强大与孟奇见过的所有现存法身都不相同,似乎更真实不虚,似乎天地之间只此一种,与他曾经感应过的魔主残念霸王虚影相类 In Myriad Manifestations Heavenly Abode, is consecrating in various Xianshen the palace pavilion, is symbolizing Nine Heavens Dark Maiden the memorial tablet is calm. 万象洞天内,供奉着诸仙神的殿阁内,象征着“九天玄女”的牌位无风自动。 In God Sealing World, many Nine Heavens Dark Maiden temple all has the misty clear light to bloom. 封神世界中,诸多“九天玄女”庙皆有濛濛清光绽放。 In Journey to the West, highlights the little fragments void, the fairyism ascends. 西游内,虚空凸显少许碎片,仙气升腾。 Sword Sovereign Demon Empress world, Dark Maiden temple the idol as if shone much. 剑皇魔后世界,“玄女庙”的神像似乎亮了不少。 ...... …… Various are only, for legend! 诸界唯一,是为传说! Founder remains!” Dark Maiden main body thought hand. Presses downward, pressed the meat patty Meng Qi doppelganger, changed the hair, but her vision goes to the rear palace, the lofty simple and beautiful appearance revealed for the first time dignifiedly. “祖师遗蜕!”玄女本尊意念化手。往下一按,将孟奇分身压成了肉饼,变回了头发,而她的目光已是投向后殿,高雅清丽的容颜首次露出凝重。 Nine Heavens Dark Maiden does remains have the change?” Meng Qi is also follows to shock, this was antiquity Supreme, after Heavenly Court fell from the sky survived as before, once assisted the Human Sovereign achievement cause, actually her did remains change means what? 九天玄女遗蜕有异动?”孟奇亦是跟着震惊,这可是上古大能,在天庭陨落后依旧存活,曾经辅佐人皇成就伟业,她的遗蜕异动究竟意味着什么? In antiquity, only then achieves the legend boundary. Can be called Supreme, presently also continues this convention. 在上古时,只有达到传说境。才可以被称为大能,当前也延续了这个惯例。 Why does not know, the shock just got up, in the Meng Qi mind thinks arrived Gu Xiaosang instantaneously. 不知为什么,震惊刚起,孟奇脑海内瞬间想到了顾小桑 don't tell me attended to the demoness subsequent hand? 难道是顾妖女的后手? Actually does she want to make what? 她究竟想做什么? But Meng Qi unable to deal with thinks so many, the attention of Dark Maiden main body pulls out from the palace leaves, pulls out from Overlord's Extreme Blade leaves, this is the chance of a lifetime, how could to let off? 孟奇顾不得想那么多,玄女本尊的注意从殿堂抽离,从霸王绝刀抽离,这是千载难逢的机会,岂能放过? Said again, Nine Heavens Dark Maiden remains none of my business!” Meng Qi restraining mind. Like the ice, spiritual platform pure brightness, urged calmly Liu Shuyu depends in the Overlord's Extreme Blade direction. “再说,九天玄女遗蜕关我屁事!”孟奇收敛心神。冷静如冰,灵台清明,催促柳漱玉霸王绝刀方向靠。 Since this period of time, experience all sorts exceeded the Liu Shuyu past sum total difficultly. She also had the transformation, reached the arrived informed and experienced mature harvest, on the seeing that seven emotions, shock. Goes forward several steps, summoned in a low voice: Teacher, what happened? How founder remains can......” 这段时日以来,经历的种种艰难超过了柳漱玉以往的总和。她也算是有了蜕变,达到了历练成熟的收获,见状七情上面,震惊不已。上前几步,低声呼唤:“师尊,出了什么事?祖师遗蜕怎会……” After several . She already with the male disciple shoulder to shoulder, Overlord's Extreme Blade and Dark Maiden main body divides about, various difference two steps. 几步之后。她已与男弟子并肩,霸王绝刀玄女本尊分在左右,各差两步。 The Dark Maiden main body simple and beautiful appearance is a little dignified is a little astonished a little has doubts, felt that the complex difficult word, the clear light to flash, escapes directly into the rear palace, keeps the words spatially: 玄女本尊清丽的容颜有点凝重有点讶异有点疑惑,感觉复杂难言,清光一闪,直接遁入后殿,空留话语: Su Meng lures the enemy out of his stronghod, aiming at remains!” 苏孟调虎离山,意在遗蜕!” She guesses indistinctly obtains Meng Qi possibly to cooperate with others, remains and Overlord's Extreme Blade at the same time starts, was thrown into confusion by oneself, cannot attend to one thing without losing track of another thing, but compared with having more than enough Overlord's Extreme Blade, obviously founder remains is more important! 她隐约猜得到孟奇可能是与别人合作,遗蜕霸王绝刀同时下手,让自身手忙脚乱,顾此失彼,但比起用不了的霸王绝刀,显然还是祖师遗蜕更重要! Before is unable to transfer Dark Maiden to the palace, that is because had not found her to attach great importance to truly! 之前无法调动玄女离殿,那是因为没有找到她真正重视的! With this at the same time, her Incarnation Body and Dark Maiden lineage/vein two Grandmaster rush to the palace rapidly ; half th, the replace guards half is helps handle the matter of founder remains. 与此同时,她的应身玄女一脉两位宗师飞速赶往殿,半是替换镇守半是帮助处理祖师遗蜕之事。 But such time difference is the Meng Qi's opportunity! 而这样的时间差便是孟奇的机会! Liu Shuyu cross one step, the Overlord's Extreme Blade serious feeling has penetrated quietly again heads on void. 柳漱玉悄然再跨一步,霸王绝刀沉重之感已透过虚空扑面而来。 Suddenly, in some pavilion that corresponds with the palace behind, emits the ancient, faint, only and decayed elusive aura towering, has similar essentially with Dark Maiden remains. 突然,在与殿后方对应的某个楼阁,突兀冒出古老、淡漠、唯一、腐朽的空灵气息,与玄女遗蜕有着本质上的相似。 Bang! 砰! Together clear brilliant bright, dashes the palace pavilion and layer on layer/heavily forbidden technique, goes to that pavilion. 一道清光大亮,撞破殿阁和重重禁法,投向那处楼阁。 The Dark Maiden main body is caught off guard, slow a racket, but at this time Immortal Realm formation had been flushed chaotically, keeping her from drawing support from teleportation! 玄女本尊措手不及,慢了一拍,而此时仙界阵法已被冲乱,让她无法借助挪移 Meng Qi is in the dangerous numerous feelings under the Half-Step Dharma Body oppression throughout, seriously step by step alarmed, cautious, although has not fought, but actually, sees the hope exhaustedly now finally, takes the bull by the horns, the spirit shows, touches Overlord's Extreme Blade! 孟奇半步法身压迫下始终处在危险重重的感觉中,当真步步惊心,如履薄冰,虽然没有战斗,但却疲惫至极,现在总算看到希望,当机立断,精神透出,触及霸王绝刀 That dark heavy long blade! 那口黝黑沉重的长刀! ............ ………… Under the deep green slender tree, Gu Xiaosang is combing the little girl pitch-black bright and beautiful hair, another hand does not know when has been joined to refer to the sword, in the opposite party protrusion of the occipital bone hole next several branches, a unfathomable mystery place! 碧绿修长的树下,顾小桑一手梳着小女孩乌黑亮丽的头发,另外一只手不知什么时候已骈指成剑,点在了对方玉枕穴下几分处,一个莫名其妙的地方! The little girl cheek is fresh-faced, has to ask for the happy baby fertilizer, both eyes should be innocent, at this time actually the profound vicissitudes, as if after the baptism of years, looked at pale earthliness all sorts finally. 小女孩脸蛋粉嫩,有着讨喜的婴儿肥,双眼本该天真烂漫,此时却深邃沧桑,似乎历经岁月的洗礼,终于看淡了俗世种种。 But her aura changes under one finger/refers suddenly, is faint and decayed, probably died did not know many years the carrions, but retained a vitality strangely, the wind blows does not extinguish, drags does not extinguish! 而她的气息在一指之下陡然改变,淡漠而腐朽,像是死亡了不知多少年的腐尸,但又奇怪地保留了一丝生机,风吹不灭,摇曳不熄! You!” Her voice high vast is delightful, as if immortal sound, but took several points of gloomy and cold vicissitudes. “你!”她声音高渺悦耳,仿佛仙音,但带上了几分阴冷沧桑。 Gu Xiaosang looks at the little girl with a smile, the vision is gentle, as if is looking own daughter: I have not deceived Liu Shuyu, after encountering certain things, Liu Luo truly only remains half life, but these half life only refers, some qi of immortal spirit and remnant will, mixed in anything as for inside, I know you to know.” 顾小桑笑吟吟看着小女孩,目光柔和,仿佛在看着自家女儿:“我可没骗柳漱玉,遭遇了某些事情后,流罗确实只剩半条命,但这半命仅指、部分仙灵之气残念,至于里面混入了什么,我知你知。” When do you discover?” The little girl aura thought flashes through, non- is the normal conversation. “你什么时候发现的?”小女孩气息念头闪过,非是正常交谈。 The Gu Xiaosang comb takes back, manages to hang with a smile in the chest front hair, evades the question: Your remains flew, happy? Surviving lives on dishonorably is so long, isn't the waiting at this moment?” 顾小桑梳子收回,含笑理着自身垂在胸前的头发,避而不答:“你的‘遗蜕’飞来了,高兴吗?残存苟活那么久,不就是等待这一刻吗?” The clear light flies, inside seems like the ice myo- beautiful white skin female body, the women's clothing is complex, the fold is plain, elegant elegant, its vitality does not have, but the mortal body is not spoiled, each drop of blood each meat skin as if contains not the unimaginable fearful strength every inchs! 清光飞来,里面似乎有一具冰肌雪肤的女子身体,衣裙复杂,褶皱古朴,典雅飘逸,它生机全无,但肉身不腐,每一滴血每一块肉每一寸皮肤都似乎蕴藏着无法想象的可怕力量! Looks at this body, the little girl look shows several points of flurry, does not seem to prepared, if encounters remains ahead of time, will present what not good matter. 看着这具“身体”,小女孩神色透出几分慌乱,似乎还没有准备好,若提前遭遇遗蜕,会出现什么不好事情。 Her look sinks, the aura increases suddenly, displays to maintain life secret technique! 她神色一沉,气息陡增,施展出保命秘法 Nine fresh air run out, form a rays of light ten thousand auspicious clouds, tries to isolate remains, breaks Gu Xiaosang. 九道清气冲出,结成一朵毫光万道的祥云,试图隔绝遗蜕,冲开顾小桑 Suddenly, her mind pain, nine fresh air lose control, auspicious clouds dangles evenly white/in vain one zhang (3.33 m). 突然,她脑海一痛,九道清气失控,祥云平白垂下一丈。 During the induction, the Gu Xiaosang whole body white lotus flower petal falls gently, elusive indistinct, beautiful results is not mediocre. 感应之中,顾小桑周身白莲花瓣飘落,空灵飘渺,美得不似凡俗。 Is you!” The little girls lose one's voice slightly. “是你!”小女孩略微失声。 The Gu Xiaosang finger resists the little girl back of the head as before, the faint smile: 顾小桑手指依旧抵住小女孩后脑,似笑非笑道: „It is not I.” “不是我。” The view hangs down, blocks from the double pupil, seems teasing. 眼帘低垂,遮住双眸,似乎在调侃。 remains falls above auspicious clouds, erupts indistinct refined qi of immortal spirit suddenly, but two female launch the branches and leaves in bluish green Shuhu, absorbs crazily, the rapid growth, in a flash, it grows into the lofty tree, penetrated Immortal Realm white Cloud Sea, enters void! 遗蜕落在祥云之上,陡然爆发出飘渺超俗的仙灵之气,而两女所在碧树忽地展开枝叶,疯狂吸纳,迅速生长,转瞬之间,它已是长成参天大树,穿透了仙界的白色云海,伸入虚空! Gu Xiaosang lets loose to little girl's immobilization, the right hand according to approaching this lofty tree. 顾小桑放开对小女孩的钳制,右手按向这株参天大树。 The pure white slender palm just touched the skin of big tree, she disappears strangely, during the breath flashes before above Cloud Sea. 洁白纤细的手掌刚刚触及大树之皮,她诡异消失,呼吸间闪现在云海之上。 remains dashes auspicious clouds, falls to the little girl. 遗蜕撞破祥云,落向小女孩。 In the little girl eyes reveals for several points to renounce, the body fierce landslide is loose, a miraculous glow separates, with the aid of certain subtle relations, vanishes silently. 小女孩眼中露出几分决绝,身躯猛地崩散,一点灵光分开,借助某些微妙联系,无声无息消失。 remains loses the goal, clear light restraining, floats in the midair, the Dark Maiden main body rushes, frowns, sizes up all around. 遗蜕失去目标,清光收敛,漂浮于半空,玄女本尊赶至,微皱眉头,打量四周。 The Gu Xiaosang white clothing is floating, beautiful hair dances in the air with the wind, stands erect above Cloud Sea, looked back to look at a palace, then the corners of the mouth brought back, look at the position that miraculous glow vanished. 顾小桑白衣飘飘,秀发随风飞舞,屹立云海之上,回首看了一眼殿,接着嘴角勾起,瞄了瞄那点灵光消失的位置。 Then, she one step takes, before the Dark Maiden main body detected entered void from the top of the tree. 然后,她一步迈出,在玄女本尊察觉前从树顶进入了“虚空”。 ............ ………… The spirit touches Overlord's Extreme Blade, Meng Qi has the feeling of being as close as flesh and blood, as if lost person of the both arms to grow the limbs, obtained the new life. 精神触及霸王绝刀,孟奇顿生血肉相连之感,似乎失去双臂之人重新长出了肢体,获得了新生。 At present thunder mark for the first time presently, the purple drop, the Meng Qi surrounding feeling has the change, does not see the jet black heavy long blade, does not see Liu Shuyu and palace! 眼前“雷痕”乍现,紫滴,孟奇周围感觉顿生变化,再也不见漆黑沉重的长刀,不见柳漱玉与殿! Under the body the water of azure inundates, submerged the Meng Qi ankle area, has the feeling of paralysis, concentrates the eye to look, each water drop is condenses by the azure thunder, but jumps over looked toward the distant place, more looks toward the deep place, the color of thunder water is deeper, blue color, purple and black, without distinct boundary, but evolves clearly, shows the extreme terrifying the destruction feeling, light/only induces them, Meng Qi thinks one grasping to thunder blade technique a level higher. 身下青色之水漫起,淹没了孟奇脚踝,生出麻痹之感,凝目看去,每一滴水都是由青色雷霆凝聚,而越往远处看,越往深处望,雷水之色越深,蓝色,紫色、黑色,没有分明的界限,但又清楚衍变,透出极端恐怖的毁灭感,光是感应它们,孟奇就觉自身对雷霆刀法的掌握又更上一层楼。 The sky splits, dangles threatening thunder light , just like forest. 天空裂开,垂下一道道张牙舞爪的雷光,噼里啪啦,宛若森林。 In the thunder forest, a giant treads gradually, the muscle dragon knot, proliferates thunder mark, the appearance is unclear, was ancient times Thunder God. 雷霆森林之中,一位巨人缓步踏出,肌肉虬结,遍布雷痕,面目不清,正是远古雷神 In his hand is raising a lance, resembles to divide to cut brandishes, the azure electricity junction gathers, punished for the day line, broke out void, tore the sea. 他手中提着一根长矛,似劈砍似挥舞,青电交聚,代天行罚,劈开了虚空,撕裂了海洋。 Five Thunderstrikes of Heaven! 天打五雷轰 The lance receives, slanting on diagonal punctures, electric light restraining in one, showed to Yang arrive just meaning. 长矛一收,斜斜向上刺出,电光收敛于一,透出至阳至刚之意。 Bang! 轰隆! Condenses at 1 : 00 thunder highly blasts out, firm feels to sprinkle the world, demon qi vanishes, monster qi vanishes, gloomy and cold vanishes. 高度凝聚于一点的雷霆炸开,阳刚之感遍洒天地,魔气消失,妖气消失,阴冷消失。 Is evil to Yang Dang!” “至阳荡邪秽!” The lance collects, suddenly vanishes, later is outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted for the first time presently, lance point in silent and without interest within, behind emits from enemy, punctures reverse, thunder light series, such as the maggot of tarsal bone. 长矛一敛,突然消失,随后阴柔乍现,矛尖于无声又无息间,从“敌人”背后冒出,反向刺来,雷光连环,如跗骨之蛆。 Yin thunder Shi body god!” “阴雷蚀身神!” Meng Qi looks as if deluded, immerses in the profoundness of Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation. 孟奇看得如痴如醉,沉浸于神霄九灭的深邃之中。 The lance when deducts, suddenly has the overbearing incomparable aura to clash, changes to blade light, cut to extinguish Thunder God! 长矛正待演绎下去,突然有霸道无比的气息冲来,化作刀光,斩灭了“雷神”! The grand man who a body is high-spirited is raising the dark long blade, drowns oneself in the sea the flat wave to come, arrogant, looks disdainfully, ruling by force condition completely reveals. 一个身躯昂藏的雄伟男子提着黝黑长刀,踏海平波而来,高傲,睥睨,霸道之态尽显。 Overlord does brand mark prevent me to sense Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation?” Meng Qi from infatuated sober, is particularly strange. “‘霸王’烙印阻止我感悟‘神霄九灭’?”孟奇从痴迷中清醒,分外奇怪。 The Overlord long blade raises, arrogant opens the mouth: 霸王长刀扬起,傲慢开口: Some has six to cut, but the world who can resist?” “某只得六斩,但天下谁能相抗?” „The first blade, arrival Heavenly Court, the immortal god flinches.”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “第一刀,驾临天庭,仙神辟易。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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