WORIOA :: Volume #4

#130: The ginger is old spicy

** In Immortal Realm, the horizon void just like the solidification, fairy maiden Bodhisattva often soars to fly, the fearful thought sweeps away various places, the disciples atmosphere does not dare to have one, the confusion are not many, constrains heavily. » **仙界内,天际虚空宛若凝固,仙子菩萨不时腾空飞起,可怕意念横扫各处,弟子们大气都不敢出一口,混乱不多,压抑极重。》 Gu Xiaosang sees the Liu Shuyu back to appear before ** palace, the smile becomes pale, partly visible, has turned around rapidly, emitted the Shangshui fairy maiden directly! 顾小桑看见柳漱玉的背影出现在**殿前,笑容变淡,若隐若现,迅速转过身,直接放出了商水仙子! At this time, male disciples because also the Half-Step Dharma Body pressure is muddleheaded, the thought is slow, unmanned discovery is not right. 此时,男弟子们还因为半步法身的威压晕头晕脑,思维迟缓,无人发现不对。 Tilted the head sizes up the look slightly to reveal lifeless Shangshui fairy maiden one, the Gu Xiaosang faint smile with a sense of urgency pitch-black small bag, took a step to proceed to step, figure became transparent, unexpectedly some with the feeling of void fusing together, as if must return to True Emptiness Hometown! 歪头打量了眼神略显呆滞的商水仙子一眼,顾小桑似笑非笑抓紧深黑小袋,迈步往前一跨,身影变得透明,竟然有与虚空融为一体的感觉,仿佛要回归真空家乡 Her figure is getting more and more pale, gradually to invisible, „” entered void, in the palace only leaves behind the real Shangshui fairy maiden and real Guo Xi! 她的身影越来越淡,渐至无形,“化”入了虚空,殿内只留下真的商水仙子和真的郭喜 But before the Guo Xi foot, in the blue brick slit calmly is lying down a blue black hair. 而在郭喜脚边,青砖缝隙里静静躺着一根深黑色头发。 ............ ………… ** Before the palace, Liu Shuyu looks up three Immemorial Seal Characters on inscribed horizontal tablet, inspires lightly, restrains the mind, the under foot makes an effort, half step racing enters. **殿前,柳漱玉抬头看着匾额上的三个上古篆字,轻吸口气,收敛心神,脚下用力,快步奔入。 Through ** when palace front door, changes the deep stone Meng Qi only to think that across a fine gauze, had the feeling of process thick fog, during the breath, all return to normal, oneself have placed oneself the palace. 通过**殿大门时,变化成深色石头的孟奇只觉穿过了一层轻纱,亦有经过浓雾之感,呼吸间,一切恢复正常,自己已置身殿堂。 In dangerous spot, facing extreme fearful enemy, Meng Qi not slightly negligent, not spreads the energetic and spirit sleep/felt, the condition in induction palace. 处在龙潭虎穴之中,面对极端可怕的敌人,孟奇没有丝毫大意,未将自身精神与灵觉蔓延出去,感应殿堂内的状况。 Anything relative, oneself can induce the outside world, will naturally also leave the corresponding trace, when like congealing the eye looks to somebody, even he has not paid attention, can feel, but the Dark Maiden heart reflects void, the sense spirit exceeds average man far more than hundred times of thousand times keenly, careful can cause ten thousand years of ship! 任何事情都是相对的,自己能感应到外界,自然也就会留下相应痕迹,就像凝目看向某人时,即使他未曾注意,亦能有所感觉,而玄女心映虚空,感官精神之敏锐胜过常人何止百倍千倍,小心方能使得万年船! However, the condition in palace, Meng Qi does not know nothing. Because Liu Shuyu shared her line of sight, sense of hearing and sense of touch on own initiative! 不过,殿堂内的状况,孟奇并非一无所知。因为柳漱玉主动分享了她的视线、听觉和触觉! Liu Shuyu, the smooth conclusion was she strongest wish, crossed this checkpoint, then can become true Dark Maiden successor, was not immobilized by demoness, the dragon turned over to the sea, the tiger to leap mountain forest! 柳漱玉而言,事情顺利结束就是她最大的心愿,渡过这道关卡,便能成为“真正”的玄女传人,再不受妖女钳制,龙归大海,虎跃山林 Therefore, she actively coordinates, to make every effort absolutely safe. 所以,她积极配合,力求万无一失。 This palace is enormous, overspreads plain-colored stone tile/brick. The beam column has four, but haunched the palatial broad vault, as if supports fourth the columns day. 这处殿堂极大,铺满素色石砖。梁柱只得四根,但撑起了巍峨宽阔的穹顶,似乎撑天之四柱。 The vault is dark, has the little radiant ray twinkle, becomes up the sea continually, is just like the galaxy, the dream is charming. 穹顶幽暗漆黑,有一点点璀璨光芒闪烁,连成光海,恰似星河,梦幻迷人。 Dead ahead Liu Shuyu, is kneeling a male disciple, previously sensed Overlord's Extreme Blade that. On his face is completely depressed, loses and is unwilling, obviously has not become aware the Thunder God inheritance. 柳漱玉正前方,跪着一位男弟子,正是先前来感悟霸王绝刀那位。他脸上尽是沮丧、失落和不甘,显然并没有悟得雷神传承。 Because is rare, therefore called the fortuitous encounter! 正因为少见,所以才叫奇遇! This male disciple clenches teeth, is chaotic while the outside world. No one invited the opportunity that oneself went out, went forward again one step, both hands stretches out, touching consecrated on the stage is placing that long blade. 这名男弟子咬了咬牙,趁外界混乱。无人请自己出去的机会,再次上前一步,双手伸出,触摸供奉台上摆放着的那口长刀。 This blade luster is jet black. Rustically shaped, body huge, long also extends compared with Meng Qi's Wound of Heaven also thick. Appears the serious unusual feeling, is only placed there, as if presses the void contraction, the ray bend, making the environment dark. 这口刀色泽漆黑。造型古朴,“身躯”巨大,比孟奇的天之伤还长还宽还厚。显出沉重异常的感觉,光是摆在那里,就似乎压得虚空收缩,光线弯折,让周围环境变得幽暗。 Overlord's Extreme Blade! 霸王绝刀 Sees this first of blade, Meng Qi knows that it is Overlord's Extreme Blade, can arrange first ten existences in Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation Peerless Divine Armament List, in years past running amuck of Medieval Overlord weaponry, pressure first, the looking disdainfully world, was unrivaled! 看到这把刀的第一眼,孟奇就知道它是霸王绝刀,在六道轮回之主绝世神兵谱里也能排进前十的存在,昔年霸王仗之横行中古,威压一世,睥睨天下,无人可敌! This blade is representing a legend of fierce and ambitious overlord, is the Medieval powerhouse chief culprit on the wane, it has killed Dharma Body Grandmaster are more than Meng Qi has seen! 这口刀代表着一段枭雄霸主的传说,是中古强者凋零的祸首,它杀过的法身孟奇见过的宗师还多! But Meng Qi not, because its additional all sorts of prominent reputations shock excitedly, but since leaps a familiarity at heart inexplicably, as if this blade is own old friend, is thing that share the same roots, even is a part of body. 孟奇并没有因为它附加的种种显赫名头而震惊激动,而是从心里莫名腾起一股熟悉感,似乎这口刀是自己的老朋友,是自己血脉相连的事物,甚至就是自己身体的一部分。 Feeling from thunder mark?” Meng Qi has clearly to become aware. “来自雷痕的感觉?”孟奇有所明悟。 No wonder Lust Path must look for Thunder God successor, no wonder they must catch itself, once awakens this blade, in control during, big of the world, even Guerduo and Chong He must evade its point, even if non- Dharma Body has, so long as suppresses under the heart, with its again deep sleep over a hundred years is the price, has the possibility to cut to kill Dharma Body directly, like quality goods Mountain and River Country Chart, after surrounding Dharma Body, can bear for several hundred years not use, can enemy in dire straits. 难怪**道要找雷神传人,难怪她们要抓自己,一旦唤醒此刀,又处于掌控之中,天下之大,即使古尔多冲和也得避其锋芒,哪怕非法身持有,只要狠得下心,用它再次沉睡上百年为代价,亦有可能直接斩杀法身,就像正品山河社稷图,困住法身后,能忍得住几百年不用,也可以将敌人困死。 Naturally, all premises are, can cut, can be stranded, like quality goods Yin-Yang Mirror, same has the opportunity to avoid with the law of vertical land rent light. 当然,所有的前提是,能够斩得中,能够困得进,就像正品阴阳镜,一样有机会用纵地金光之法避开。 The male disciple goes all out to sense, Overlord's Extreme Blade was unresponsive, Liu Shuyu goes forward one step, bows to salute: 男弟子拼命感悟,霸王绝刀毫无反应,柳漱玉上前一步,躬身行礼: Teacher, Crazy Blade mixes, for against cheats, the suspension senses the matter of Overlord's Extreme Blade, does not know where this/should they arranges to be listed the Shangshui fairy maiden?” “师尊,狂刀混入,为防有诈,还是暂停感悟霸王绝刀之事,不知该把商水仙子她们安排在哪里暂居?” ** The Immortal Realm seal, four confusions, sense the matter of Overlord's Extreme Blade unable to continue obviously again, Liu Shuyu pretends ignorant, under the pretext of instruction, while searches everywhere, ** the palace guard weak opportunity, steps into on the contrary for the first time. **仙界封闭,四下混乱,感悟霸王绝刀之事显然不能再继续,柳漱玉装作懵懂,以请示为借口,趁到处搜索,**殿看守反倒薄弱的机会,首次踏入。 ............ ………… ** Behind palace, a similarly ancient pavilion. **殿后方,一座同样古老的楼阁。 It does not have the aura of slight person, as if silent spacious tens of thousands years, as the years pass, forgot by the world. 它没有丝毫人的气息,似乎寂静空旷了好几万年,随着岁月流逝,被天地所遗忘。 The void creeping motion, the person's shadow highlights, the Gu Xiaosang white clothing is floating, rises above worldly affairs elusively, falls to the ground just like fairy maiden Bodhisattva, the fine incomparable elegant face has one , if there is happy expression that resembles not to have. 虚空蠕动,人影凸显,顾小桑白衣飘飘,空灵绝俗,宛若仙子菩萨般落地,精致无匹的俏脸带着一丝若有似无的笑意。 She follows closely the footsteps of Dark Maiden search, after the opposite party is thinking firmly the unusual place, had not circled a great-circle, finally arrived here, then, looks all around about, on regards Cloud Sea, is calculating anything silently. 她紧随玄女搜索的脚步,经过着对方确认为没有异常的地方,绕了一个大圈,终于抵达了这里,然后,环顾左右,上视云海,默默推算着什么。 The footsteps step, before Gu Xiaosang arrives at the pavilion, under that deep green tall tree, this is this place has the life aura only living creature! 脚步一迈,顾小桑走到楼阁前那株碧绿高树之下,这是此地唯一有生命气息的“活物”! She the jet black small bag will lean, inside departs together the person's shadow again, besides the Shangshui fairy maiden, inside is also hiding the person unexpectedly! 她将漆黑小袋一倾,里面再次飞出一道人影,除了商水仙子,里面居然还藏着人! This is a 6 or 7-year-old little girl, the cheek is round, the powder carves the jade to carve, making one want to pinch, the head grips is soaring to the heavens the pigtail, is particularly lovable. 这是一个六七岁的小女孩,脸蛋圆嘟嘟,粉雕玉琢,让人想要捏一把,头上则扎着冲天辫,分外可爱。 The little girls have a drowsy look, shake, both hands stretch out: „Did mother, how long I rest?” 小女孩睡眼惺忪,甩了甩头,双手伸出:“娘,我睡了多久?” Gu Xiaosang grasps the little girl, smiles saying: Resting was very long, is really young lazybones, come, mother combs the braid to you again.” 顾小桑抱住小女孩,笑眯眯道:“睡了很久,真是个小懒虫,来,娘重新给你梳辫子。” She the little girl in turn, scattered soared to the heavens the pigtail, in the hand does not know that were when many comb that a sapphire made. 她将小女孩反过来,打散了冲天辫,手中不知什么时候多了一把青玉制成的梳子。 The little girls show the innocent smile, is enjoying combing of mother, while sizes up all around, suddenly, she gently well: Mother, how I thought that here is quite ripe, probably had come, probably. Probably goes home!” 小女孩露出天真烂漫的笑容,一边享受着娘亲的梳理,一边打量四周,突然,她轻轻咦了一声:“娘,我怎么觉得这里好熟,好像曾经来过,好像。好像回家!” Silly child, here is our families/home, but you were young at that time, is not quite clear.” Gu Xiaosang gently following the black hair of little girl, faint smile reply. “傻孩子,这里本来就是我们的家,只不过你那时候年纪小,记不太清楚。”顾小桑轻柔顺着小女孩的乌发,似笑非笑回答。 Originally is this!” The little girls cheer one, is pointing at the midair, I remember that those clouds! Remembers this tree!” “原来是这样!”小女孩欢呼一声,指着半空,“我记得那些云!记得这棵树!” ............ ………… ** In the palace, Liu Shuyu is asking for instructions present age Dark Maiden . **殿内,柳漱玉请示着当代玄女 Good, if makes them sense Overlord's Extreme Blade again, seems extremely unusual. They arrange the blue sky palace temporary reside Shangshui.” The Dark Maiden sound is simple and elegant, indistinctly like the song, making one unable to bear incline the head and listen attentively. “好,若再让他们感悟霸王绝刀,显得太过反常。将商水她们安排去碧落殿暂居。”玄女声音清雅柔和,飘渺如歌,让人忍不住侧耳倾听。 Meng Qi has not felt to have anything, the Liu Shuyu heartbeat speeds up suddenly, how unable to suppress, some stutter said: Teacher, you, you not outside?” 孟奇还没觉得有什么,柳漱玉心跳突然加快,怎么都抑制不住,有些结结巴巴道:“师尊,您,您不是在外面吗?” In outside? What do you mean? 在外面?什么意思? Meng Qi first has doubts, suddenly vibration. Is the meaning of Liu Shuyu the present sits well the simple and elegant fairy maiden by Overlord's Extreme Blade is the present age Dark Maiden main body? 孟奇先是疑惑,忽然震动。柳漱玉的意思是现在端坐于霸王绝刀旁的清雅仙子才是当代玄女本尊? That who „is Dark Maiden ? Does the tyrannical thought come from where? 那刚才的“玄女”又是谁?强横的意念从何而来? By the eye of Liu Shuyu, Meng Qi saw clearly Dark Maiden in palace, the appearance is fresh, five senses fine difficult word. As if can satisfy everyone to the happy highest anticipation. 透过柳漱玉的眼睛,孟奇看清楚了殿堂内的玄女,容貌清新脱俗,五官精致难言。似乎能满足每个人对美好的最高期待。 Her deportment is lofty, does not moisten uncouth, as if true fairy maiden, facing her time. In the heart is difficult to live fighting intent, does not want to blaspheme this happiness, cannot draw out the blade! 她仪态高雅,不沾俗气,仿佛真正的仙子,面对她的时候。心中难生战意,不想亵渎了这份美好,拔不出刀! Had/Left the dust to be refined by all around of her aura contamination. Ratio ** Immortal Realm also looks like Immortal Realm. 被她气息沾染的四周则出尘脱俗。比**仙界还像仙界 As if is really the present age Dark Maiden main body! 似乎真的是当代玄女本尊! This flash, Meng Qi has the feeling that Primordial Spirit ossifies. 这一瞬间,孟奇元神僵化的感觉。 She also here? 她怎么会还在这里? Felt surprised of Liu Shuyu, the Dark Maiden chuckle: Outside adds guarding the faction divine armament for master Incarnation Body, confuses falsehood with the truth sufficiently, Su Meng this person of craftiness, is good at using diversionary tactics, fishes in troubled waters, cannot treat lightly, facing this person, need the town/subdues to calmly, steady, if the mountain, his karma moistens the body in any case, will come surely, that is the master keeps cool, here waits for gains without pains, that side the mirror word gives Huanxi(joyous).” 感觉到柳漱玉的惊讶,玄女轻笑了一声:“外面是为师一具应身镇派神兵,足以以假乱真,苏孟这人诡计多端,善于声东击西,浑水摸鱼,绝不能等闲视之,面对这种人,需要镇之以静,稳若山岳,反正他因果沾身,必定会来,那为师就耐住性子,在这里守株待兔,镜言那边则交给欢喜。” No matter what his deceitful as ghost, is difficult to escape this tribulation.” “任他奸诈似鬼,也难逃此劫。” This patience, this calm...... Meng Qi and Liu Shuyu at the same time vibrates, only thinks the dark cloud furred ceiling, the meaning of danger compels successively. 这份耐心,这份镇定……孟奇柳漱玉同时震动,只觉乌云罩顶,危险之意节节逼来。 Really cannot look down upon these for many years powerhouse, have experienced matter have had the food are many! 真不能小视了这些积年的强者,经历过的事情比自己吃过的饭还多! The ginger is old spicy! 姜是老的辣! During the speeches, the Dark Maiden tyrannical thought adds on Liu Shuyu, is not she does not trust successor, but is Liu Shuyu comes in truly a little to make one suspect harebrainedly, moreover Dark Maiden sets the rule that must obey to oneself, is any enters ** the person in palace, except for oneself, must inspect, Joyous Bodhisattva comes is also the same! 说话间,玄女强横的意念加于柳漱玉身上,并非她不信任传人,而是柳漱玉冒冒失失进来确实有点引人怀疑,而且玄女给自己定了一个必须遵守的规则,就是任何进入**殿的人,除了自己,都必须检查,欢喜菩萨来也一样! If the immortal indistinct thought in the Meng Qi feeling is so fearful, Liu Shuyu also has this feeling, the both legs have the meaning of becoming tender unexpectedly. 如仙般飘渺的意念在孟奇感觉中是如此可怕,柳漱玉亦有此感,双腿竟有发软之意。 This instance, she makes a clean breast, thought of redeeming oneself through good works! 这个瞬间,她有和盘托出,戴罪立功的念头! Does not know that the teacher can defend the contract backlash? 就是不知师尊能不能防住契约的反噬 The danger added the body, death knell sound over of death, the Meng Qi spirit ties tight, seems to have no alternative, moves also dies, motionless also died, except for the surrender, became the Lust Path puppet, as if did not have his law again! 危险加身,死亡的丧钟一声响过一声,孟奇精神紧绷,似乎已无可奈何,动也是死,不动也是死,除了投降,成为**道傀儡,仿佛再无他法! At this moment, in main hall that an numerous male disciple is , the hair in azure brickwork joint is calm, fluttered instantaneously to ** the palace, turned into the Meng Qi's appearance in the secret place, the aura was completely consistent, flashes, tried to mix from one side ** palace. 就在这时,一众男弟子所在的大殿内,青砖缝里的头发无风自动,瞬间飘向了**殿,在隐秘处变成孟奇的样子,气息完全一致,扑闪之间,试图从侧面混入**殿。 The flesh has mystical powers, the technique of doppelganger! 血肉有灵,分身之术! Meng Qi all has not wanted to pin on attending to demoness, without anticipating her subsequent hand, but leaves behind a hair in secret, does attracts Dark Maiden attention finally! 孟奇并未将所有希望寄托在顾妖女身上,没有期待过她的后手,而是暗中留下一根头发,做最后吸引玄女注意之用! The powerhouses must depend upon itself firmly! 强者就得牢牢依靠自身! The person's shadow mixes in quietly, as if in the person will regard as Dark Maiden Incarnation Body. 人影悄然混入,似乎将里面之人视为了玄女应身 Dark Maiden has a feeling suddenly, the thought sweeps away, Meng Qi melts the stone to seize every opportunity, senses Extreme Blade while starts Samsara Talisman, karma does not involve to sense many in any case! 玄女突有所感,意念横扫过去,孟奇所化石头就要见缝插针,一边感悟绝刀一边启动轮回符,反正因果不涉及感悟多少! ............ ………… Mother, Sister Liu always said that what Dark Maiden successor Liu Luo before secretly I am ?” An appearance of little girl curious anticipation. “娘,柳姐姐之前总偷偷说我是什么玄女传人流罗,是不是真的啊?”小女孩一副好奇期待的样子。 The Gu Xiaosang left hand holds her black hair, the right hand to comb wonderfully gracefully, said with a smile: 顾小桑左手托着她的乌发,右手妙曼梳动,笑吟吟道: You naturally are not Dark Maiden successor Liu Luo.” “你当然不是玄女传人流罗。” Her smile restraining, other mocked: 她笑容收敛,余下浅浅一丝讥诮: You are Nine Heavens Dark Maiden.” “你是九天玄女。” Smile immediately of little girl solidifies, in eye innocent removes rapidly!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 小女孩的笑容顿时凝固,眼中的天真烂漫迅速褪去!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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