WORIOA :: Volume #4

#129: The interior has to accomplish

Brilliant purple electricity blade qi proceeds a stroke, ajar forbidden technique just like the fishing net, was ripped to draw the breakage, reveal had/left the condition in room, the mirror said Bodhisattva nakedly bare * the body, the beautiful white skin is hoodwinking sweat, the ray favor, hidden became pink, the smell was rich, as if spring * medicine, but in her two sides, the man, the expression was respectively infatuated, the body twitched, several had the prostration. 绚烂的紫电刀气往前一划,半开的禁法就犹如渔网,被撕拉破裂,“露”出了房内的状况,镜言菩萨赤身裸*体,玉肌蒙着一层汗水,光芒润泽,隐成粉红,气味浓郁,仿佛春*药,而在她的两边,各有一名男子,表情痴迷,身体抽搐,几有虚脱之相。 Facing this sudden blade, the mirror said the Bodhisattva right hand to direct, the left hand half arc, the faint trace supple air/Qi highlighted, had the trap in the midair, the stop, got sucked into blade qi layer upon layer. 面对这突如其来的一刀,镜言菩萨右手一引,左手半弧,丝丝阴柔之气凸显,于半空结出罗网,层层阻拦,深陷刀气 But at this moment, in her eye shone upon a blue black bead, the blooming extraordinary splendor, the jump arc light, the as if innumerable say/way thunder condensed, deeply is hiding the strength of fearful destruction. 可就在这时,她眼睛里映照出了一枚蓝黑色珠子,绽放异彩,跳跃弧光,仿佛无数道雷霆凝聚,深藏着可怕的毁灭之力。 Menstruation Yin thunder! 癸水阴雷! 5th Heavenly Layer rare treasure! 五重天秘宝! Meng Qi flesh has mystical powers doppelganger throughout low big realm, but the mirror said Bodhisattva is the real Exterior Scenery powerhouse, if fought truly, must be seen through, not only cannot play to inspire the role of overall situation, instead will let that side present age Dark Maiden more vigilant Overlord's Extreme Blade, therefore, he used the rare treasure directly, did not hate the child unable to wrap/sets of the wolf! 孟奇“血肉有灵”的分身始终比自己低一个大境界,而镜言菩萨是货真价实的外景强者,若真正交手,必被识破,不仅起不到引动全局的作用,反而会让当代玄女更加警惕霸王绝刀那边,所以,他直接动用秘宝,舍不得孩子套不了狼! Sees Yin thunder Feilai, the mirror to say the Bodhisattva pupil contraction like the needle-tip, feels the arrived enormous danger. 看见阴雷飞来,镜言菩萨瞳孔收缩如针尖,已是感觉到了极大的危险。 To similar Yin thunder, her not unfamiliar, knows, once were hit, such as the maggot of tarsal bone, is hard to get rid, moreover series reciprocation, disappears until the body ghost, therefore unable to deal with wears the law robe, the face suppresses the spicy, slender white hands one grasps presently toward the both sides, just also the incense burner of albizzia julibrissin altogether pillow flew one after another, keeps off before the body. 对类似阴雷,她并不陌生,知道一旦被打中,如跗骨之蛆,难以摆脱,而且连环往复,直到身亡魂消,所以顾不得穿上法袍,脸现狠辣,纤纤玉手往两侧一抓,刚刚还合欢共枕的炉鼎相继飞起,挡在身前。 Bang! 轰隆! The Yin caps and dynamite open, the thunder is near, like the fluctuating uncertain sea tide, forwards turbulently, extinguishes, kept off snort/hum is even exploded the flying ash in forefront male there's not enough time, the second man avoided strongly, but the Yin thunder tarsal bone, biting on his body, during the twinkles swallowed him ruthlessly. 阴雷炸开,雷霆近黑,如同起伏不定的海潮,汹涌向前,生生灭灭,挡在最前面的男子甚至来不及哼一声就被炸成了飞灰,第二名男子竭力躲避,可阴雷跗骨,狠狠“咬”在他的身上,闪烁之间就将他吞噬。 However, had this short hindrance, the mirror said the Bodhisattva both hands chaotic dance, had illusory image law seal, before the body, presented the each and every one tiny vortex, the suction that probably eyes, sent out was not strong, but there is an supple feeling bone to inter the body. 不过,有了这短暂的阻碍,镜言菩萨双手乱舞,结出一道道幻影般的法印,身前出现了一个个细小的漩涡,像是一只只眼睛,散发出来的吸力并不强,但有种阴柔入骨的感觉。 The Yin thunder blasts out unceasingly, becomes the blue black destruction sea continually, may after these vortex bump into, actually silent at the same time vanishes, presents the short stop, but the tide of subsequent galloping wells up to quickly, the vortex fundamental there's not enough time heavy new student/life achievement was submerged. 阴雷不断炸开,连成蓝黑色的毁灭海洋,可与这些漩涡相撞之后,却无声无息同时消失,出现短暂的停顿,但后续奔腾的浪潮很快涌至,漩涡根本来不及重新生成就被淹没。 The mirror said Bodhisattva to seize the opportunity of short stop, the Interior Scenery rotation, the both feet makes an effort, escaped fiercely to side, avoided the point, in any case in Yin thunder strike was not oneself, was far from the maggot of tarsal bone. 镜言菩萨抓住短暂停顿的机会,内景转动,双脚用力,猛地遁向旁边,避开锋芒,反正阴雷击中的不是自己,谈不上跗骨之蛆。 The speed that but her dodging spreads compared with the Yin thunder missed much, racing wells up the blue black tide only missed the frontline quickly, in imminent danger. 可她的闪避比阴雷蔓延的速度还是差了不少,奔涌的蓝黑色潮水很快就只差一线,岌岌可危。 Suddenly, the tyrannical thought transmits, presses the Meng Qi thought to stagnate, can only look helplessly a pure white symmetrical attractive palm drops from the clouds, covers the entire fish palace on the water. 突然,强横的意念传来,压得孟奇思维停滞,只能眼睁睁看着一只洁白匀称的漂亮手掌从天而降,将整个鱼水殿笼罩在内。 present age Joyous Bodhisattva? 当代欢喜菩萨 Come is not Dark Maiden , but is Joyous Bodhisattva! 来的不是玄女,而是欢喜菩萨 Really has the trap! 果然有陷阱! Silent , the Yin-Yang changes, the blue black destruction sea was extinguished by the palm pressure, has not played any impediment role. 无声无息之间,阴阳变化,蓝黑色毁灭海洋被手掌压灭,没起到任何阻挡作用。 Good this time this place is only Meng Qi's doppelganger, even the thought stops, will not affect the control of main body, otherwise he could not have withstood compared with Bomi the response of deep sovereign's under Lady Mother of the Chariot palm initially, because of even revolution cultivation technique, uses secret technique, has the blade to wield a sword unable to accomplish! 还好此时此地所在只是孟奇的分身,即使思维停顿,也不会影响本尊的控制,否则他比当初播密的冥皇在斗姆元君掌下的反应还不堪,因为连运转功法,使用秘法,出刀挥剑都办不到! Saw with own eyes that the pure white symmetrical palm falls, the Meng Qi's body vanishes suddenly, brings in Joyous Bodhisattva lightly well. 眼见洁白匀称的手掌落下,孟奇的身体突然消失,引来欢喜菩萨轻咦一声。 While also has the menstruation Yin thunder remaining opportunity, doppelganger goes to them on own initiative, changes the hair, was exploded the powder, does not have the trail again. 趁着还有癸水阴雷残余的机会,分身主动投向它们,变回头发,被炸成了粉末,再无踪迹。 The lotus throne sky over the fish palace on the water, the Joyous Bodhisattva fearful thought is covering nearby hell towering presently, cuns (2.5 cm) search, but where can also unable to find Meng Qi. 莲台突兀现于鱼水殿上空,欢喜菩萨可怕的意念笼罩着附近地狱,一寸寸搜索,但哪里还能找得到孟奇 ............ ………… Under a male disciple in the maidservant led to walk into Prime Maiden Palace, saw loftily, if present age Dark Maiden of immortal, the immediately stutter, the language non- definite agreement, salutes with great difficulty, looked consecrating a that dark long blade to the palace. 一名男弟子在侍女引领下走入了素女殿,看见了高雅若仙的当代玄女,顿时结结巴巴,语不成言,好不容易才行完礼,看向殿堂上首供奉的那口黝黑长刀。 Gu Xiaosang and Meng Qi stay in the original palace as before, safeguards the remaining male disciples. 顾小桑孟奇依旧留在原本殿中,看管剩下的男弟子。 Bang! The sound that the Yin thunder explodes conveys from afar, in Prime Maiden Palace immediately leaps one such as the indistinct thought of immortal god, is present age Dark Maiden . 轰隆!阴雷爆炸的声音远远传来,素女殿顿时腾起一个如仙似神的飘渺意念,正是当代玄女 But she according to Meng Qi and the others the most ideal plan conduct, has not left Prime Maiden Palace hasty, that side has Joyous Bodhisattva to be responsible, temporarily does not need to be worried excessively, presently most critical did not use diversionary tactics, did not run away by Crazy Blade. 但她并没有按照孟奇等人最理想的计划行事,急冲冲离开素女殿,那边有欢喜菩萨负责,暂时不用过分担心,当前最紧要的就是不被声东击西,不被狂刀逃走。 The midair white clouds gathering, becomes limitless Cloud Sea continually, dangle densely, Prime Fairy Realm turns into the translucent solidification around void, the access also closes. 半空白云汇聚,连成无边无际的云海,道道氤氲垂下,将素女仙界四周虚空化成半透明的凝固,出入口也随之关闭。 present age Dark Maiden is calm and composed even in press of work, in advance stimulated formation, seals up Prime Fairy Realm, catches a turtle in a jar! 当代玄女好整以暇,先行激发了大阵,封闭素女仙界,瓮中捉鳖! No matter you have what goal, entered Prime Fairy Realm, do not want to leave! 不管你有什么目的,进了素女仙界,就不要想离开了! This had discussed one of the responses, Meng Qi did not have the least bit to hesitate, according to the plan, with astonishment made noise: 这是曾经讨论过的反应之一,孟奇没有半点犹豫,按照计划,惊愕出声: What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Prime Fairy Realm how?” 素女仙界怎么了?” His astonishment drove the male disciples' chain reaction, loses presence of mind in perplexed flurriedly, in palace immediately chaotic piece. 他的惊愕带动了男弟子们的连环反应,在不明所以中慌乱失措,殿内顿时乱糟糟一片。 At this time, being correct person's shadow flew into, drank one tenderly: 这时,有道人影飞入,娇喝一声: Peaceful!” “安静!” Saw this person's shadow, Meng Qi's vision immediately to solidify, unexpectedly was an acquaintance! 看见这道人影,孟奇的目光顿时就凝固了,竟然是个熟人! The future oval face, the willow-leaf eyebrows, the almond eyes look about brightly, gentle hidden, is Purple Peng Divine Constable Liu Shengming daughter Liu Shuyu! 来者鹅蛋脸,柳叶眉,杏眼顾盼有神,温柔暗藏,正是紫鹏神捕柳生明的女儿柳漱玉 But she wears the elegant white skirt at this time, during was gentle were many lofty refined makings, obviously was simpler more and beautiful the dust, the strength as if also has Half-Step Exterior Scenery. 但她此时穿着飘逸的白裙,温柔之中多了高雅脱俗的气质,更显清丽出尘,实力似乎也有半步外景了。 She unexpectedly is the person of Maiden Path, moreover seems like the position is not low! She excelled in Divine Capital since childhood, Prime Fairy Realm when comes? The blister that the each and every one question boils probably, rumble emits in Meng Qi at heart, among the thought phonographs, he thinks arrived Shan Xiumei, both felt quite similar! 她竟然是素女道之人,而且看起来地位不低!她自幼长于神都,什么时候来的素女仙界一个个疑问像是煮沸的水泡,在孟奇心里咕噜冒出,念头电转之间,他就想到了单秀眉,两者感觉颇为相似! Is Liu Shuyu Dark Maiden successor Incarnation Body? 柳漱玉玄女传人应身 Meng Qi has clearly become aware, by Liu Shuyu such a is drunk, other male disciple already peaceful. 孟奇有所明悟的时候,被柳漱玉这么一喝,其他男弟子已经安静了下来。 Gu Xiaosang emerges wipes the faint smile: younger sister Liu Luo, they have not seen the world, but also looks should not be offended.” 顾小桑浮出一抹浅笑:“流罗妹妹,他们都没见过世面,还望不要见怪。” Shangshui elder sister, the mirror said that side Bodhisattva to be attacked, doubtful Crazy Blade, but today in has your two groups of people to enter, I worried that Crazy Blade accomplished, wants to inspect carefully, do not blame.” The Liu Shuyu vision looks at „the Shangshui fairy maiden complex. “商水姐姐,镜言菩萨那边遇袭,疑似狂刀,而今日只得你们两拨人入内,我担心狂刀是藉此成事,想仔细检查一番,勿怪。”柳漱玉目光复杂看着“商水仙子”。 Heart of immediately Meng Qi raised, but thinks suddenly Dark Maiden successor main body already folded on Gu Xiaosang, moreover she had the position not low planted agent in Maiden Path, two things seemingly had no relation, to always to think. 孟奇之心顿时提起,但忽地想到玄女传人本尊已经折在了顾小桑手上,而且她有地位不低的内应在素女道内,两件事情看似没什么联系,可总是让人浮想联翩。 Has a look to propose that facing Liu Shuyu again unhurriedly Gu Xiaosang, Meng Qi as if understood anything, the nervousness also disappears. 再看看面对柳漱玉提议不慌不忙的顾小桑,孟奇似乎明白了什么,紧张情绪随之消失。 at this very moment, Prime Fairy Realm formation is managing next one to stimulate in present age Dark Maiden everywhere, the oath wants Dharma Body to be difficult to escape, immortal god not hidden! 此时此刻,素女仙界大阵正在当代玄女主持下一处处激发,誓要法身难逃,仙神不隐! younger sister Liu Luo this is the discrete action, where had to say strangely?” Gu Xiaosang melts business female says with a smile lightly. 流罗妹妹此乃谨慎之举,哪有怪不怪之说?”顾小桑所化商女淡淡笑道。 Therefore, Liu Shuyu both hands tied the take action seal, the clear light covered male disciple, why did not know, kept outside Meng Qi. 于是,柳漱玉双手结出手印,清光笼罩了诸位男弟子,不知为何,将孟奇留在了外面。 Action.” Suddenly, Gu Xiaosang sound sound in the Meng Qi ear. “行动。”突然,顾小桑的声音响在孟奇耳中。 The critical moment, races against time, Meng Qi had not questioned, strict handles affairs as scheduled, Mountain and River Country Chart shakes, Guo Xi flew, the spirit hidden has the dispirited, was made the control in secret, but Meng Qi fly into the chart, is inducing the center brand mark, hiding in. 紧要关头,争分夺秒,孟奇没有质疑,严格按照预定计划行事,山河社稷图一抖,郭喜飞了出来,精神隐有萎靡,被暗中做了控制,而孟奇自身则飞入图内,感应着中枢烙印,藏身其中。 That side Gu Xiaosang also however, in the hand were many a jet black small bag, emits the look to seem the lifeless Shangshui fairy maiden, oneself hid in the small bag. 顾小桑那边亦然,手中多了一个漆黑小袋,放出眼神似有呆滞的商水仙子,自己躲进了小袋。 Mountain and River Country Chart, the jet black small bag, at the same time falls gently in the place, was picked up by Liu Shuyu quietly, conceals in bosom. 山河社稷图,漆黑小袋,同时飘落于地,被柳漱玉悄然捡起,藏于怀中。 She is the Gu Xiaosang planted agent! 她便是顾小桑的内应! Takes Dark Maiden successor as the planted agent, is really unprecedented! 玄女传人为内应,真是前所未有! After the replace, Shangshui fairy maiden and Guo Xi spirit, although was affected shortly, when facing the Dark Maiden main body, by her strength and realm, was discovered easily unusually, therefore needs outside some people to help cover up with secret technique, eliminates the indication, making them seem like with normal not different, practicing trickery, but this is Liu Shuyu mission. 替换之后,商水仙子和郭喜的精神虽然被短暂影响,但面对玄女本尊时,以她的实力和境界,还是容易被发现异常,故而需要外面有人用秘法帮忙遮掩,消除征兆,让她们看起来与正常无异,瞒天过海,而这便是柳漱玉任务 Without such planted agent, again the machine becomes full , is also difficult to escape the Dark Maiden discernment! 若没有这样的内应,再机变百出,也难逃玄女法眼! Is inducing in the bosom the small bag, the Liu Shuyu vision becomes extremely complex, has the flash even to present the color of ruthless burning, but thinks that the contract of signing, the flame in her eye extinguishes gradually, both hands move secretly, the hand imprint is strange, seems provoking a silk thread, the Shangshui fairy maiden and Guo Xi unusual condition immediately vanishes. 感应着怀中小袋,柳漱玉目光变得极其复杂,有一瞬间甚至出现狠辣之色,但想到签订的契约,她眼中的火光又渐渐熄灭,双手暗动,手印诡异,似乎在拨弄着条条丝线,商水仙子和郭喜的异状顿时消失。 Completes all these shortly , the Prime Fairy Realm thorough blockade, the Dark Maiden main body departs, periphery the tyrannical thought glance, first flies to sky over Shangshui fairy maiden one group. 做完这一切没多久,素女仙界彻底封锁,玄女本尊飞出,强横意念扫视周围,最先飞临商水仙子一行人上空。 Crazy Blade appears with them comes is the relations about the same time, will trade to be everybody to suspect! 狂刀出现与他们进来是前后脚的关系,换做谁都会怀疑! The fearful thought lowers, male disciple immediately just like the woodcarving, vision lifeless, withstands is sweeping the soul, but their item, the Dark Maiden main body has not let off, who knows that Su Meng can turn into the stone and gem? Can hide the spirit beast bag and in the space rare treasure? 可怕的意念降下,诸位男弟子顿时宛若木雕,目光呆滞,承受着扫魂,而他们身上的物品,玄女本尊也没有放过,谁知道苏孟会不会变成石头、宝石?会不会藏身灵兽袋和空间秘宝内? Numerous male disciple checkoff, the thought of Dark Maiden main body falls on arrived Guo Xi, a Liu Shuyu heart raises the arrived high place immediately, but rejoiced that Gu Xiaosang has not neglected, keeps two people the picture roll and bag, but gives itself to take care. 一众男弟子检查完毕,玄女本尊的意念落到了郭喜身上,柳漱玉一颗心立刻提到了高处,只是庆幸顾小桑没有疏忽,将图卷与袋子留在两人身上,而是交给自己保管。 With this at the same time, she begged secret technique to cover up in secret effective, do not make Dark Maiden discover that Shangshui and Guo Xi were controlled and affected the spirit in secret. 与此同时,她暗中乞求着秘法遮掩管用,不要让玄女发现商水与郭喜都被暗中控制和影响了精神。 Perhaps is Dark Maiden pays attention to the change and disguise emphatically changes costume the aspect, has not concentrated on too many energy to the spiritual control, quick, the thought leaves from Guo Xi, swept the Shangshui fairy maiden slightly, then said to Liu Shuyu: 或许是玄女着重注意变化与乔装改扮方面,对精神上的控制没投注太多精力,很快,意念从郭喜身上离开,略微扫了扫商水仙子,转而对柳漱玉道: Response is resourceful, does well.” “反应机敏,做得不错。” Liu Shuyu non-stop flies the response of this palace inspection, some of her slightly feelings, approved one. 柳漱玉直飞此殿检查的反应,她略有感觉,赞了一句。 Then, her thought pulls out leaves, starts to search for other Prime Fairy Realm places. 说完,她意念抽离,开始搜寻素女仙界其他地方。 Liu Shuyu breathes a sigh of relief quietly, only thinks that the heart bang bang jumps madly, the brain hyperemia, the thought is chaotic. 柳漱玉悄然舒了口气,只觉心脏砰砰乱跳,大脑充血,思维混乱。 While opportunity that the male disciples have not gotten back one's composure, she emits Gu Xiaosang and Meng Qi, received the Shangshui fairy maiden again, left behind Guo Xi, gave back to two people Mountain and River Country Chart and black small bag. 趁男弟子们还没回神的机会,她放出顾小桑孟奇,再次收起了商水仙子,留下郭喜,将山河社稷图与黑色小袋还给了两人。 Then you with younger sister Shuyu, no, younger sister Liu Luo.” The Gu Xiaosang eye narrows the eyes, the dimple appears intermittently, like only small fox. “接下来你就跟着漱玉妹妹,不,流罗妹妹。”顾小桑眼睛微眯,梨涡隐现,像只小狐狸。 Meng Qi nods, changes, changes to a deep stone, falls into the Liu Shuyu palm, was treated as the decorations to wear by her. 孟奇点了点头,摇身一变,化作一枚深色石头,落入柳漱玉掌中,被她当做饰物佩戴。 Liu Shuyu deeply inspires, takes a step to move toward Prime Maiden Palace, normally, she does not have the means to go, therefore cannot bring Meng Qi to mix in directly, but Prime Fairy Realm in the confusion, oneself also has certain excuse at this time! 柳漱玉深吸口气,迈步走向素女殿,正常情况下,她是没办法进去的,所以不能直接带孟奇混入,但此时素女仙界处于混乱之中,自己也有一定的借口! Full is burns down being struck by lightning trace Prime Maiden Palace to stand erect in central, as if calmly is waiting for two people. 满是火烧雷劈痕迹的素女殿屹立于中央,仿佛在静静等待着两人。 Gu Xiaosang looks that the Liu Shuyu back vanishes before the palace, the corners of the mouth bring back, the facial expression appears for several points to be joyful and intelligent and crafty. 顾小桑看着柳漱玉的背影消失在殿前,嘴角勾起,神情现出几分愉悦和慧黠。
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