WORIOA :: Volume #4

#128: Crosses the dangerous situation like the flat land

9th Heavenly Layer, when the antiquity also said that Heavenly Court, Immortal Realm and god territory, is occupying numerous Spiritual God and Immortal Being, hearsay origin energy abundantly and not muddy, endures immortal spirit the name, law principle highlights, nearly concentrates for the essence , helping induce, grasp and interweaves, but will not create the too tremendous pressure on the mortal body and Primordial Spirit, is practice great Holy Land, even some people of exaggerating to praise said, expiration and inspiration immortal spirit, prolongs life for ten years! 九重天,在上古之时又称天庭仙界、神域,居住着众多神灵仙人,传闻元气充沛而无浊,堪有“仙灵”之称,法理凸显,近乎凝为实质,便于感应、掌握与交织,但又对肉身与元神不会带来太大压力,是修炼的一等一圣地,甚至有人夸张赞曰,吐纳仙灵一口,延寿十年! Because of this, will have so many God and Immortal to choose 9th Heavenly Layer to open the cave mansion, even if not hold an office in Heavenly Court, slightly was controlled, but 9th Heavenly Layer part that Prime Fairy Realm, then vanishes it is said mystically. 正因为如此,才会有这么多神仙选择九重天开辟洞府,哪怕不在天庭任职,也略受节制,而素女仙界,据说便是神秘消失的九重天一部分。 The Meng Qi vision institute, only sees half blank clouds, camouflages the blue sky, but does not affect the ray, instead obviously bright favor, is refined the dust. 孟奇目光所及,只看见半空白云朵朵,遮蔽蓝天,但丝毫不影响光芒,反而更显明净润泽,脱俗出尘。 During the induction, all around dense air/Qi mixed fusion of origin energy sea as if between world with winding around, the foul air sinks, changes into „the place of solid cloud foot treads, the fresh air tumbles, is found in each corner, breathed among the expiration and inspirations all some Primordial Spirit mortal bodies to be washed a feeling, exceptionally neat relaxed. 感应之中,天地之间的元气大海仿佛与缭绕四周的氤氲之气混杂融合,浊气下沉,化为脚踏的“实云之地”,清气翻滚,遍布每一个角落,呼吸吐纳间皆有元神肉身被洗涤了一遍的感觉,异常清爽轻松。 All around law principle changes, seems more obvious, rather than hides in the stars revolves the back invisible no nature rule, but it like the place of Nine Serenities core, is not repelling the person of non- god non- immortal, keeping them from rousing the world, only average man strengths, Meng Qi even has the graces might to increase many inexplicable feelings! 四周法理微变,似乎更加明显,而不是藏在日月星辰运转背后的无形无质规律,但它也不像九幽核心之处,排斥着非神非仙之人,让他们无法勾动天地,只余常人力量,孟奇甚至有举手投足威力变大不少的莫名感觉! Has a look at Immortal Bird that dances to soar again, goes all around the spirit beast, Meng Qi cannot bear sighs one secretly: Really is the practice treasure trove!” 再看看起舞飞腾的仙禽,四处奔走的灵兽,孟奇忍不住暗叹一声:“真是修炼宝地!” In him, this is Martial Dao Great Sect should have the style that compared with Prime Fairy Realm, Shaolin entrance and other places really flows in the mediocrity! 在他心里,这才是武道大宗该有的气派,和素女仙界相比,少林山门等地方实在流于凡俗! However compared with 9th Heavenly Layer in legend, Prime Fairy Realm as if also no more than so, it seems like it was incomplete ruined did not know many ten thousand years of reason. 不过与传说里的九重天相比,素女仙界似乎也不过如此,看来是残缺破败了不知多少万年的缘故。 white jade Shop melts above the solid cloud in the foul air, extends to the different directions respectively, had last night map reference, Meng Qi almost knows fairly well, displays little anxious, putting out a hand shot the patch robe, above is moistening several fell sends falls gently with the dust in the place. 白玉铺于浊气所化实云之上,分别延伸到不同方向,有昨晚的地图参考,孟奇差不多心中有数,表现出少许紧张,伸手弹了弹衣袍,其上沾着的几根落发与灰尘飘落于地。 Failing to agree half a word are many, Gu Xiaosang plays the role of the Shangshui fairy maiden deliberately not to pay attention to Bodhisattva Lian Yu and the others, first takes a step, proceeds, goes separate ways with them. 话不投机半句多,顾小桑所扮商水仙子刻意不理睬怜欲菩萨等人,抢先迈步,直直往前,与她们分道扬镳。 Meng Qi follows, an numerous male disciple is sizing up in Lian Yu and Ying Ning secretly follows quickly. 孟奇紧随其后,一众男弟子在偷偷打量怜欲婴宁之中快步跟上。 Snort, pretend is aloof from worldly affairs, was not husband just died looks for the new dual cultivation companion flustered, in the bone was like us.” Bodhisattva Lian Yu looked at „the Shangshui fairy maiden back, does not conceal own dislike and despising. “哼,故作清高,还不是夫君刚死就急吼吼找新的双修伴侣,骨子里和我们是一样的。”怜欲菩萨看了“商水仙子”背影一眼,毫不掩饰自己的厌恶与鄙夷。 Ying Ning is cold the clear tender and beautiful face, in the attack that has not fled from Poison Hands Demon Monarch restores, according to her plan, so long as delays the violent treachery to see the Sect Master Bodhisattva time, when he complete cultivation base, faced with the breakthrough, oneself isn't is also picked to make up by him logically? When the time comes, in him unexpected, oneself revolve the beautiful female Huanxi(joyous) Zen, obtains wish all sufficiently! 婴宁冷着清纯娇艳的脸庞,还没有从毒手魔君走脱的打击中恢复,按照她的计划,只要拖延毒手见宗主菩萨的时间,等到他圆满了修为,面临突破,自己还不是顺理成章被他“采补”?到时候,在他猝不及防之下,自己运转姹女欢喜禅,足以得到想要的一切! Incense burner of Grandmaster level! Obedient incense burner! 宗师级的炉鼎!听话的炉鼎! Then, even if oneself non- reach the sky in a single bound, after stepping into Exterior Scenery, can still catch up with crest of wave vigor Crazy Blade Su Meng and Demoness of Luoism Gu Xiaosang and Absolute Sword Fairy Jiang Zhiwei and Invisible Sword He Jiu and the others, moreover they did not have the Grandmaster level servant! 如此一来,自己即使非一步登天,踏入外景后,也能追上风头正劲的狂刀苏孟大罗妖女顾小桑绝剑仙子江芷微无形剑何九等人,而且他们还没有宗师级的“仆役”! Finally, Lian Yu is extremely anxious, went bad own good deed, if not she is one of the eight Great Bodhisattva, a position in Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein also slightly is higher than itself, definitely makes her attractive! 结果,怜欲太过急切,生生坏了自己的好事,若非她是八大菩萨之一,在欢喜一脉内的地位还略高于自己,肯定让她好看! Later spoke certainly her malicious remarks in the master ear often! 以后一定常常在师父耳边说她坏话! Bodhisattva Lian Yu and various Ying Ning bosom thoughts shift to the right side, the distant place have a faintly visible big palace, completely has not paid attention to midair Immortal Bird to be many, the eagle appearance, the aura was quite strong, does not know that is what variety. 怜欲菩萨婴宁各怀心思转向右侧,远处有隐约可见的一大片宫殿,全然没注意半空仙禽多了一只,老鹰模样,气息颇强,不知是什么品种。 This is Meng Qi, but current nine get does not contain each big type of Immortal Bird spirit beast, can only turn into the ordinary bird, has to feel strange slightly the contour, sends out powerhouse aura, making one think that is the rare Immortal Bird variety, but Bodhisattva Lian Yu and Ying Ning non- raise their low rank disciples, definitely cannot detect exceptionally. 这正是孟奇所化,但目前的九变不包含仙禽灵兽的各个大种,只能变成普通飞鸟,不得不稍微奇怪了外形,散发出“强者”的气息,让人以为是罕见的仙禽品种,而怜欲菩萨婴宁非是豢养它们的低阶弟子,肯定察觉不出异常。 As for the mouse and so on, Meng Qi believes that in Prime Fairy Realm is to vanish, but ahead of time in the Shangshui fairy maiden cave mansion tried to find out the body of some kind of Immortal Bird spirit beast, explores the structure, most, only then five image formations, cannot obtain the essence, was seen through easily. 至于老鼠之类,孟奇相信素女仙界内是绝迹的,而提前在商水仙子洞府摸索某类仙禽灵兽的身体,探索结构,最多只有五成像,得不到精髓,容易被看穿。 Around other Immortal Bird flight, so as to avoid by them was mistaken is the outcomer robs the domain, Meng Qi a while rushes to Bodhisattva Lian Yu and the others the front, a while comes reverse, at times changes the contour and aura, making them not discover right. 绕着别的仙禽飞行,免得被它们误以为是外来者抢夺地盘,孟奇一会儿冲到怜欲菩萨等人前方,一会儿反向过来,时时变化外形与气息,让她们没有发现不对。 Perhaps is the Prime Fairy Realm many years does not have the reason that the foreign enemy sneaks, along the road the alert is not high, Meng Qi smooth with arrived continuous boundless palace community nearby. 或许是素女仙界多年没有外敌潜入的原因,沿路戒备都是不高,孟奇顺利跟到了连绵无边的宫殿群落附近。 This place rare Immortal Bird and spirit beast approach, Meng Qi has to restrain the wing, falls in the surroundings garden secret suddenly locates, about waited and saw, distinguished in the position, the hidden air/Qi concealed the shape, dived quietly arrived that linked up the palace group and has many branch veins Heaven River side. 此地已少有仙禽和灵兽靠近,孟奇不得不收敛羽翼,霍然降于周围花园隐秘处,左右观望,辨别了地所在位置,隐气匿形,悄然潜到了那条贯通宫殿群并有诸多支脉的“天河”旁。 The body structure changes, the Meng Qi skin shows the clear blue color, the whole person softens suddenly, dissolves into the water! 身体结构改变,孟奇皮肤透出晶莹蓝色,整个人忽然软化,溶解入水! Although turns into blue blood person only to have five image formations, cannot obtain the water essence, but Meng Qi can simulate the appearance reluctantly, who the normal person thinks that water is an enemy, they will only close the fish and shrimp crab shell in irrigation, but obtains the news that from Gu Xiaosang, Ying Ning for the goal, deliberately delayed the date and time, has not gone to to report Joyous Bodhisattva, in other words, all of seaside, Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein are also kept in the dark, will not deliberately guard against blue blood person! 虽然变成“蓝血人”只能有五成像,得不到化水精髓,但孟奇勉强能模拟出样子,正常人谁会想到“水”是敌人,他们只会关注水中的鱼虾蟹贝,而从顾小桑得到的消息,婴宁为了自身目的,刻意拖延了时日,没去禀报欢喜菩萨,也就是说,临海发生的一切,欢喜一脉还蒙在鼓里,不会刻意防备“蓝血人”! Without this points to blind spot one move, oneself definitely meet spending many many troubles 若没有这直指盲点的一招,自己肯定会多费不少周折 The water current murmur, swamps into the palace community, is moistening the strange flower and grass wait/etc. provided the water source to the core disciple and elder Bodhisattva, Meng Qi no longer is following Bodhisattva Lian Yu two people, but looks for a steed with the aid of its picture, changes over to the branch, turns says the Bodhisattva housing palace pavilion toward the mirror. 水流潺潺,涌入宫殿群落,滋润着奇花异草,给核心弟子、长老菩萨等提供着水源,孟奇不再跟着怜欲菩萨两人,而是按图索骥,转入支流,拐往镜言菩萨居住的殿阁。 Suddenly, the suction transmits, Meng Qi the water of speed of flow melting speeds up. 突然,吸力传来,孟奇所化之水流速加快。 He has a scare, concentrates eye to look, discovered the front searched into a big mouth, does not know that was which family/home favors the beast to drink water thirstily! 他吓了一跳,凝“目”看去,发现前方探入了一张血盆大口,不知是谁家宠兽口渴喝水! Turns into the water also to have the danger......” Meng Qi to display the change, the body makes the sea-monster, sinks downward, evaded that big mouth, in the heart inwardly sighed to sigh, world really did not have the matters of perfect nine beautiful!” “变成水也有危险……”孟奇施展变化,身作游鱼,往下一沉,避过了那张大口,心中暗自喟叹,“世间果然没有十全九美之事!” Enhances vigilance again, Meng Qi changes between the fish and river water back and forth, successfully passes formation that partly opened layer on layer/heavily, arrived in fish palace on the water, the mirror said Bodhisattva cave mansion! 再次提高了警惕,孟奇在鱼类与河水之间来回变化,顺利通过了重重半启的阵法,抵达了“鱼水殿”,镜言菩萨的“洞府”! ............ ………… Dark Maiden lineage/vein are also comprised of the palace community and garden medicine fields and many rivers, but in the core position, the flake filled the plain aura palace pavilion, upturned eave arch and other modeling all received the system of antiquity, revealed to span the eternal vicissitudes. 玄女一脉亦是由宫殿群落、花园药田和诸多河流组成,但在核心位置,有一小片充满了古朴气息的殿阁,飞檐斗拱等造型皆承上古之制,流露出跨越万古的沧桑。 Meng Qi and the others under Gu Xiaosang leads, stepped into the main hall in edge position directly, inside beam column luster is gloomy, the spoiled taste is difficult to cover, but stands erect not but actually, stable carrying/sustaining weight. 孟奇等人在顾小桑引领下,直接踏入了边缘位置的一座大殿,里面梁柱色泽暗淡,腐味难掩,但屹立不倒,稳固承载着重量。 Even has the formation protection, can undergo to be eternal and immortal, these beam column's material qualities are also out of the ordinary, even there are others to be used to refine the spirit wood of sharp weapon! 即使有阵法保护,能历万古而不朽,这些梁柱本身的材质亦是不凡,甚至有别人用来炼制利器的灵木! You here are patient the waiting to summon, if who can sense cultivation technique from Overlord's Extreme Blade, immediately then can become the core disciple, can choose dual cultivation Dao companion.” Gu Xiaosang maintains the Shangshui fairy maiden to be elegantly beautiful the dust the makings, the tone is light, the spoken language is direct. “你们在这里耐心等待召见,谁若能从霸王绝刀里感悟出功法,立刻便能成为核心弟子,可以自行挑选双修道侣。”顾小桑保持着商水仙子冷艳出尘的气质,语气平淡,言语直接。 Disciple is compliant!” Male disciple respectful sounds replied, is unable to conceal excitedly, in eye hopeful and zealous. “弟子遵命!”一位位男弟子恭声回答,激动无法掩饰,眼中充满期待和热忱。 Who does not want to obtain the fortuitous encounter, reaches the sky in a single bound? 谁不想得到奇遇,一步登天? Meng Qi is situated in the one side peacefully, diverts attention that side flesh Incarnation, does not dare to have neglects slightly, suddenly, in his hand one soft, are many a sprout/slender white hand, slides tenuously tenderly, just like boneless. 孟奇安静立于一旁,分心于血肉化身那边,不敢有丝毫怠慢,突然,他手中一软,已是多了一只柔荑,纤小嫩滑,宛若无骨。 This! Meng Qi raised the head, looks to Gu Xiaosang, but her also at the same time looked, vision circulation, in the Shangshui fairy maiden during is chilly refined shows for several points to be intimate with charmingly: That palace is places Overlord's Extreme Blade Prime Maiden Palace, the hearsay is also hiding Sect Founder, Nine Heavens Dark Maiden remains.” 这!孟奇抬起头,望向顾小桑,而她亦同时看了过来,目光流转,于商水仙子的清冷脱俗之中透出几分妩媚亲近:“那座殿堂便是摆放‘霸王绝刀’的‘素女殿’,传闻还藏着开派祖师,九天玄女遗蜕。” Her another hand is pointing at this piece of palace pavilion center. 她另外一只手指着这片殿阁中央。 Prime Maiden Palace, Overlord's Extreme Blade, Nine Heavens Dark Maiden remains...... these words make Meng Qi branch out the mind slightly, looks to this place, there has a broken palace, above covers entirely the trace that burnt down to be struck by lightning, long ago was needless, initially when why the color does not know, now is dark gray. 素女殿,霸王绝刀,九天玄女遗蜕……这些话语让孟奇稍微分出心神,看向该处,那里有座残破殿堂,上面布满了火烧雷劈的痕迹,久远不消,初时颜色不知为何,如今全是灰黑。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, he is not really good to throw off the hand of Gu Xiaosang. 众目睽睽之下,他实在不好甩掉顾小桑的手。 The Gu Xiaosang eye pulls, in the smile is pale and moving, is dark sound transmission: That side arrived?” 顾小桑眼睛挽起,笑容淡而动人,暗里传音:“那边到了吗?” arrived, is searching the opportunity.” Meng Qi maintains composure to say. 到了,正寻觅机会。”孟奇不动声色道。 Seeing usually to be chilly the dust such as Shangshui of true fairy maiden master to display the female spirit before Guo Xi this fellow of undistinguished appearance, the charm rises dramatically, male disciples look eyes cannot take it all, hating the tooth to send the type, only wants to displace. 见平时清冷出尘如真正仙子的商水“师父”在郭喜这其貌不扬的家伙面前表现出女子情态,魅力飙升,一位位男弟子看得目不暇接,恨得牙齿发样,只想取而代之。 At this time, had the maidservant to step into the palace pavilion, the sound clear say/way: each and every one goes to Prime Maiden Palace along with me.” 这时,有侍女踏入殿阁,声音清脆道:“一个个随我去素女殿。” The male disciples proceed enthusiastically, Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang looks at each other one, is playing to start! 男弟子们踊跃往前,孟奇则和顾小桑对视一眼,正戏开始了! ............ ………… Fish palace on the water, the intermittent moan spreads from the bedroom, the powder mist transpiration, forbidden technique is hidden, the bird vanishes, the insect does not enter, letting Meng Qi is unable to approach. “鱼水殿”,阵阵呻吟声从卧房传出,粉霞蒸腾,禁法暗藏,飞鸟绝迹,虫豸不入,让孟奇无法靠近。 The sound of women's graceful such as charming, the happiness that showing is unable to explain, without the least bit haze, listens to listen, Meng a little sympathizes with Nine Heavens Thunder God this dregs of medical decoction suddenly, the mirror says Bodhisattva as if not to care to his death. 女子之声婉如娇媚,透出无法言喻的欢乐,没有半点阴霾,听着听着,孟忽然有点同情九天雷神这药渣,镜言菩萨对他之死似乎没怎么放在心上。 When a girl student of Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein, to picking to make up the object to move the true feelings only consequence is the sexual intercourse is hard to defend, the lifetime skill returns nurturing to parents the groom's family, oneself overstated, the meridians were torn to pieces, living to might as well die, the mirror said the Bodhisattva good good work to explain all. 欢喜一脉的女弟子来说,对采补对象动了真情的唯一后果就是交合时难以守住,毕生功力反哺男方,自己走火入魔,经脉寸断,生不如死,镜言菩萨还好好活着就说明一切。 Saw with own eyes that side start makes the male disciple go to Prime Maiden Palace to sense Overlord's Extreme Blade according to the order, Meng Qi inspires lightly, does not dare to wait to pick to make up finished, forbidden technique opens, facilitates to mix, dives to a maidservant side straightforwardly, knocks down her, hides in the place of corner secret, oneself change, changes to this young girl, arrives around the bedroom quickly. 眼见那边开始让男弟子按照顺序前往素女殿感悟霸王绝刀,孟奇轻吸口气,没敢去等采补结束,禁法自行开启,方便混入,直截了当潜到一位侍女身旁,将她打晕,藏在角落隐秘之处,自己则摇身一变,化作这位少女,快步走到卧房附近。 Bodhisattva, Sect Master Bodhisattva sends people to look for you, making you pass immediately!” Meng Qi pinches the voice to shout. 菩萨,宗主菩萨派人找你,让你立刻过去!”孟奇捏着嗓音喊道。 The moan stops suddenly, forbidden technique becomes less crowded, has the spirit to spread, covers the entire fish palace on the water, but also brings the female voice hoarse say/way of several points of traces of spring: Person?” 呻吟声戛然而止,禁法松动,有精神蔓延而出,笼罩整个鱼水殿,还带着几分春意的女声沙哑道:“人呢?” Joyous Bodhisattva sends to transmit person of the news. 欢喜菩萨派来传递口讯之人。 The Meng Qi facial expression collects, the right hand changes to the palm blade, purple electricity winding: 孟奇神情一敛,右手化作掌刀,紫电缠绕: Person here!” “人在这里!” ! 啪! Ajar forbidden technique was cut directly broken by purple electricity blade qi! 半开的禁法被紫电刀气直接斩破!
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