WORIOA :: Volume #4

#127: In years past Immortal Realm

The cave mansion arrangement of Shangshui fairy maiden light simple and elegant, Meng Qi at the back of baggage, in an numerous male disciple complex vision, they envied the hatred to have it, felt that Guo Xi change of status has it, does not know that should flatter it, mood particularly difficult word. 商水仙子的洞府布置的清淡素雅,孟奇背着“行李”,在一众男弟子复杂的目光中走了进去,他们嫉妒痛恨有之,感觉“郭喜”地位变化有之,不知该不该讨好有之,情绪分外难言。︽ „When tidies up item and moves toward the cave mansion, the Meng Qi train of thought fast is rotating, is thinking how then should deal with Gu Xiaosang to attend to demoness. “收拾物品”和走向洞府时,孟奇思绪都在飞快转动,想着接下来该怎么应对顾小桑妖女 Although seems like two people to pretend, once pierces, both sides will expose, is very dangerous, nonexistence Meng Qi was grasped the issue of handle by Gu Xiaosang, but in fact, Gu Xiaosang can lose, Meng Qi cannot lose. 虽然看似两人都为假冒,一旦戳穿,双方都会暴露,都很危险,不存在孟奇顾小桑拿住把柄的问题,但实际上,顾小桑输得起,孟奇输不起。 Gu Xiaosang discards 9th Heavenly Layer vestige final three at the worst, and does not know reaching the sky in a single bound of several tribulations by her current the inheritance of harvest and Luoism, did not say Dharma Body, Half-Step Dharma Body is at least hopeful, in the future many fortuitous encounters, but Meng Qi, trip, if exposes, present age Dark Maiden then can guess correctly karma that probably he glues on is actually anything, either submits to offer services to Lust Path, becomes their fight puppet, either the time limit approaches, the karma outbreak, dies without a sickness, other possibly minimal, nearly miracle. 顾小桑大不了舍弃九重天遗迹最后三层,以她目前的收获、罗教的传承和不知几劫的一步登天,不说法身,至少半步法身有望,日后还有诸多奇遇,而孟奇,此行若是暴露,当代玄女大概便能猜到他粘上的因果究竟是什么,要么屈服投效于**道,成为她们的“战斗人偶”,要么时限来临,因果发作,无疾而终,其他可能都微乎其微,近乎奇迹。 And the words of both sides at the same time exposition, the Lust Path priority target definitely is oneself! 并且双方同时暴露的话,**道的首要目标肯定是自己! Therefore, in giving a thought to the demoness goal is the 9th Heavenly Layer vestige, with the conflict not big situation , the cooperation is wisest, after this eliminates all sorts of mood disturbed the sane choice. 所以,在顾妖女目标是九重天遗迹,与自己矛盾冲突不大的情况下,合作最为明智,这是摒除了种种情绪干扰后的理智选择。 Since made the choice, do not go to regret annoyingly, like this no helps, considered safely later dealing is Righteous Path! 既然做出了选择,就不要去懊恼后悔,这样于事无补,安心考虑之后的应对才是正道 For example after entering the cave mansion, if attended to demoness looking at dual cultivation secret manual of Shangshui fairy maiden, what to do beastly nature did send greatly? Without tearing to pieces the facial skin, exposes the status, do oneself use Adhibit Karma or other fluctuation not big martial arts can deter her? 比如入了洞府后,若顾妖女看了商水仙子的双修秘籍,“兽性大发”怎么办?在不撕破脸皮,暴露身份的情况下,自己用粘因果或者其他波动不大的武功能不能震慑住她? Although knows that this is itself to think many, but beginning this whole life kissed is just won by Gu Xiaosang, the Meng Qi unavoidable thoughts were uncertain, the thought flew fast to fly. 虽然知道这属于自己想得太多,但这辈子初吻刚被顾小桑夺走,孟奇难免心思不定,念头翩飞。 In the cave mansion bedroom, Gu Xiaosang sits cross-legged to sit above in Yuchuang. Is maintaining the appearance of Shangshui fairy maiden, eye ajar half whole, the makings are chilly, precious image is dignified. 洞府卧室内,顾小桑盘腿坐于玉床之上。保持着商水仙子的容颜,眼睛半开半阖,气质清冷,宝相庄严。 That side has cultivation technique and books of Shangshui, yourself read.” Gu Xiaosang said faintly. “那边有商水的功法和书籍,你自己翻看。”顾小桑淡漠说道。 The attitude of her feel alienated makes Meng Qi be in a daze slightly, this and own guess is completely incompatible, dealing that oneself pondered a moment ago with hardship as if could not apply, has to plant to fight with the fists the feeling of vacancy. 她疏离的态度让孟奇略微发愣,这与自己的猜测完全不符,自己刚才苦苦思考的应对似乎派不上用场了,有种一拳打到空处的感觉。 Attending to demoness is really the happy anger is uncertain, the thoughts were difficult to predict...... the Meng Qi corners of the mouth to pull out pulling out, then moved toward nearby bookshelf. Inside 78 dual cultivation secret technique and 34 Exterior Scenery martial arts, cannot have a liking for by the Meng Qi current vision, may be able to trade Virtuous Merit. 妖女真是喜怒不定,心思难测……孟奇嘴角抽了抽,转而走向旁边的书架。里面七八种双修秘法和三四门外景武功,以孟奇目前的眼界不太看得上,可好歹能换善功 The wholly-absorbed association/will makes the time walk extremely quickly, Meng Qi glances through after the memory ends the cultivation technique secret technique, Great Sun already again raises, Gu Xiaosang is still sitting in meditation, the dawn penetrates, sprinkles on her face, making the skin white nearly transparently. Has a subtle vulnerability. 专心总会让时间走得极快,孟奇翻阅和记忆完功法秘术后,大日已经再次升起,顾小桑还在打坐,晨曦穿透进来,洒在她的脸上,让皮肤白得近乎透明。有种微妙的脆弱感。 Attending to demoness will be frail? Haha...... Meng Qi laughed in spite of trying not to shake the head, eliminated this idea, coughed lightly. 妖女会脆弱?哈哈……孟奇失笑摇头,摒除了这个想法,轻咳一声。 Gu Xiaosang opens the eye, the happy expression floats off. Wielded the hand, started cave mansion's ban, isolated the inside and outside: „Did you have the matter to say?” 顾小桑睁开眼睛,笑意重新浮起。将手一挥,启动了洞府的禁制,隔绝了内外:“你有事想说?” Meng Qi slightly nod, crosses the hands behind the back to look at Gu Xiaosang. Direct authorities: Our plans have the issue.” 孟奇微微点头,负手看着顾小桑。直截了当道:“我们的计划有问题。” What issue?” Gu Xiaosang does not think the pestle, asked back with a smile. “什么问题?”顾小桑不以为杵,笑吟吟反问。 Directs the mirror to say Bodhisattva there with doppelganger the Dark Maiden main body, trades to be some Incarnation Body and elder guards Overlord's Extreme Blade. Sounds good, may in fact rely on best the most ideal condition, if the mirror said Bodhisattva there to have an accident, the present age Dark Maiden main body's first response was the blockade ** Immortal Realm, did oneself assume the center, the distribution manpower hunts down?” The Meng Qi serious say/way, we cannot underestimate the present age Dark Maiden mind, thought that she cannot think also has the possibility of luring the enemy out of his stronghod, cannot pin the life safety in the most ideal change, must consider not good those.” “用分身玄女本尊引到镜言菩萨那里,换做某个应身和长老看守霸王绝刀。听起来不错,可实际上依赖于最好最理想的状况,若镜言菩萨那里出了事,当代玄女本尊第一反应是封锁**仙界,自身坐镇中央,分派人手搜捕呢?”孟奇郑重道,“我们不能小看当代玄女的心眼,觉得她想不到还有调虎离山的可能,不能将性命安危寄托在最理想的变化上,要充分考虑不好的那些。” Right, husband considers really completely!” Gu Xiaosang sets out slowly, falls in torrents because of the women's clothing that sitting cross-legged to stack, curls up thousand drifting snow, in the look is completely Chong adore/admire the vision. “对,相公思虑真周全!”顾小桑缓缓起身,因盘坐而堆起的衣裙倾泄,卷起千堆雪,眼神里尽是崇慕的目光。 demoness will really act in a play...... looks at the response of Gu Xiaosang, Meng Qi thought that she has the consideration early. 妖女真会演戏……看顾小桑的反应,孟奇觉得她早有考虑。 Under the Gu Xiaosang both hands ten fingers of junctions grasp, resist the chin, smiles reveals several clear white teeth: Big of husband progress makes this mistress hold in high esteem simply, praises to the heavens, just when understanding, you are also only ignorant rash young monk, again the reunion the intelligent machine has changed, now understands clearly the plan, the consideration is complete, sees merely slightly does not see in a big way, does not excel at being emotionally entwined in the layout.” 顾小桑双手十指交握,抵住下颔,笑得露出几颗晶莹洁白的牙齿:“相公进步之大简直让妾身刮目相看,叹为观止,刚认识时,你还只是个懵懂莽撞的小和尚,再重逢已聪明机变,如今更加洞悉计划,思虑周全,仅仅还见小不见大,不擅于布局绸缪。” Can meet husband in this place is a unexpected happiness, Adhibit Karma is the change of creating side issues, this mistress also expects less, the original plan no longer tallies suitable, the necessity that temporarily wants to come out is full of loopholes, not, if this, everyone sets forth arrange/cloth public, states views, plug up the leaks, striving to grasp is big.” “能于此地遇见相公是意外之喜,粘因果则是横生枝节的变化,妾身也所料不及,原本的计划不再符合适宜,临时想出来的必然漏洞百出,不若这样,大家开陈布公,各抒己见,查漏补缺,力争把握较大。” This is the reasonable attitude...... Meng Qi nods gently: Has not pondered to win the forethought defeat, we must first consider that the direct exposure and matter develop do not press the estimate and other situation under handling.” 这才是合理的态度嘛……孟奇轻轻颔首:“未虑胜先虑败,我们先要考虑直接暴露、事情发展不按预想等情况下的处置。” Words that matter exposes, only if present age Dark Maiden stimulates completely ** Immortal Realm, otherwise Samsara Talisman available.” Gu Xiaosang replied with a quite affirmative tone, but without saying why, „, moreover ** Immortal Realm was a small part of antiquity Heavenly Court, if this mistress opened the gate of 9th Heavenly Layer in inside, can create the confusion and shake, change that appearing is unable to forecast, this was also our opportunities.” “事情败露的话,除非当代玄女完全激发**仙界,否则轮回符可用。”顾小桑用一种相当肯定的语气回答,但没说为什么,“而且**仙界原本便是上古天庭的一小部分,若妾身在里面开启九重天之门,能造成混乱和震荡,出现无法预测的变化,这也是我们的机会。” Samsara Talisman available then good.” Meng Qi hear of Wang Siyuan raise from now on the surface matter, but says from the Gu Xiaosang mouth makes him feel strangely, demoness Mo Fei/could it be that is still hitting ** idea of Immortal Realm? 轮回符可用便行。”孟奇王思远提过后面的事情,但从顾小桑口中说出却让他感觉怪怪的,妖女莫非还在打**仙界的主意? This also was too rather bold! 这未免也太胆大包天了吧! Matter develops does not press the estimate to have several situations, husband, do you kill Guo Xi?” Gu Xiaosang asked towering. “事情发展不按预想有几种情况,相公,你杀郭喜没有?”顾小桑突兀问道。 No, is stranded in rare treasure along.” The Meng Qi subconsciousness wants to conceal, but putting that considering that Gu Xiaosang will not have loses, therefore talked ambiguously. “没有,困在随身的秘宝内。”孟奇下意识想隐瞒,可考虑到顾小桑不会无的放失,于是含糊其辞。 Spirit beast bag?” The Gu Xiaosang beautiful eye circulation, looked at Meng Qi one, but without closely examining, so well.” “灵兽袋?”顾小桑美目流转,瞄了孟奇一眼,但没有追问,“如此就好。” During the speeches, she put out a map, above is drawing the crude graph, writes the small character: This is ** the Immortal Realm internal general arrangement, has general Cardinal formation and important palace pavilion, you remember firmly, when seeks for the mirror word becoming lost.” 说话间,她拿出了一张地图,上面画着简陋的图形,书写着蝇头小字:“这是**仙界内部的布置图,有大概的阵法枢机与重要殿阁,你牢牢记住,免得寻找镜言时‘迷路’。” Is so detailed?” Meng Qi concentrates the eye to look, the brow cannot bear wrinkle, attending to demoness is unexpectedly right ** the Immortal Realm internal condition knows from A to Z! “这么详细?”孟奇凝目看去,眉头忍不住皱起,顾妖女竟然对**仙界内部的状况了若指掌! This not several months and even for a long time enter one time ** the Immortal Realm Shangshui fairy maiden can know! Mo Fei/could it be that attended to demoness in ** Immortal Realm also has the partner? 这绝非几个月乃至更久才入一次**仙界的商水仙子能够知晓!莫非妖女在**仙界内部还有同伙? Associates to the inexplicably stopped up Shangshui fairy maiden again, when raised the head looks to Gu Xiaosang, Meng Qi even more feels her to be as deep as a well, inverting all living things, is subject to changing moods, under the ancient spirit demon is deep plans and distant thoughts, the machine becomes full. 再联想到莫名被堵的商水仙子,抬头看向顾小桑时,孟奇愈发觉得她高深莫测,颠倒众生、喜怒无常、古灵精怪之下是深谋远虑,机变百出。 husband?” Gu Xiaosang shook the right hand fairly, the five fingers symmetrical, shows several points of fine. The corners of the mouth bring back, said with a smile, what you do stare at others lips to make? Is Mo Fei/could it be that tasting a moment ago? Also wants to attempt?” 相公?”顾小桑晃了晃右手,五指白皙均称,透出几分精美。嘴角勾起,笑吟吟道,“你老盯着人家的唇瓣做什么?莫非在回味刚才?还想尝试?” My which......” Meng Qi looks subconsciously to her lip, swallowed these words, which make sense with demoness may say, looked but not see, turned a deaf ear, discussed the proper business with single-hearted devotion, „did you have the planted agent?” “我哪……”孟奇下意识看向她的嘴唇,生生咽住了这句话,和妖女有道理可讲,还是视而不见,听而不闻,专心讨论正事,“你有内应?” Yes.” Gu Xiaosang has not concealed, confident and poised acknowledged. „But who cannot tell you temporarily is, husband, you can control the Guo Xi spirit shortly, making his semblance not have the unusual condition to obey your instruction?” “是。”顾小桑没有隐瞒,大大方方承认。“但暂时不能告诉你是谁,相公,你能短暂控制郭喜的精神,让他外表没有异状又听从你的吩咐吗?” Meng Qi thinks that " Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter » Exterior Scenery spirit settlement, hesitates saying: Over 20 breath cannot accomplish.” 孟奇想到《元始金章外景篇的精神相关内容,沉吟道:“不超过二十个呼吸能够办到。” That was enough.” Gu Xiaosang cheers one, double palm tip, just like little girl. “那就足够了。”顾小桑欢呼一声,双掌轻击,宛若小女孩。 Yourself? How the matter of Shangshui conceals the truth to cross Dark Maiden , she should have Soul Lamp to be right.” The Meng Qi doubts said. “你自己呢?商水之事如何瞒过得玄女,她应该有魂灯才对。”孟奇疑惑道。 Gu Xiaosang purses the lips to say with a smile: husband, when this mistress had said that has killed Shangshui? Takes her. The critical moment also has the wondrous use.” 顾小桑抿嘴笑道:“相公,妾身什么时候说过杀了商水?只是拿下她。关键时刻还有妙用。” Meng Qi is startled, shows expression looking pensive, then two people talked, discussed carefully ** the matter of Immortal Realm. Is perfect the entire plan, arrived final, Meng Qi had thought that successful possibly big, especially Gu Xiaosang expressed indistinctly also has the subsequent hand! 孟奇一怔,露出若有所思的表情,然后两人你一言我一语,仔细商量起**仙界之事。完满着整个计划,到了最后,孟奇已觉得成功可能不小,尤其顾小桑隐约表示还有后手! The plan makes a final decision. Meng Qi relaxes quietly, some whole body comfortable feelings, in the mind flash through the incident suddenly. Asked straightforwardly: „Is the matter of Wu Hengjian you desirably for it?” 计划敲定。孟奇悄然松了口气,有浑身舒坦的感觉,脑海内忽地闪过一事。直截了当问道:“乌横剑之事是你刻意为之?” Gu Xiaosang is expected, tilts the head slightly, smiles reveals the dimple: Just looks for cultivation technique that this Demon Saint left behind to him, and sends him to do may to contact the related inheritance the matter, he can obtain one drop to swallow day of Demon Saint the blood also to make this mistress surprised.” 顾小桑似早有所料,微微歪头,笑得露出浅浅梨涡:“只不过找了本魔圣遗留的功法给他,并派他去做有可能接触相关传承的事情,他能得到一滴‘吞天魔圣’之血也让妾身惊讶。” Her ambiguous genuine and fake replied, Meng Qi tactful had not asked that when finds a place calmly to cultivate/repair, the waiting enters ** Immortal Realm opportunity, outside has the girl student to seek an interview suddenly. 她含含糊糊真真假假回答了一句,孟奇知趣没有多问,正待找个地方静修,等待进入**仙界的机会,外面忽有女弟子求见。 husband, our newly-married newlyweds, how could feel alienated unfamiliar?” The Gu Xiaosang makings are elusive, but in the tone full is the happy expressions. 相公,我们新婚燕尔,岂能疏离陌生?”顾小桑气质空灵,但语气里满满都是笑意。 What do you want to make?” Meng Qi vigilant say/way. “你想做什么?”孟奇警惕道。 Gu Xiaosang said with a smile: ” What does not make, the reveal love before them, husband, hasn't given this mistress to rub the frontal eminence? ” 顾小桑笑吟吟道:”不做什么,就是在她们面前露露恩爱,相公,还不来给妾身揉揉额角?” demoness is really difficult to serve! Meng Qi big such as fights, arrives at behind Gu Xiaosang, both hands according to her temples. 妖女真难伺候!孟奇头大如斗,走到顾小桑背后,双手按在她的太阳穴上。 Who knows Gu Xiaosang suddenly soft in the future one but actually, the back by the Meng Qi chest, the sound holds several points of charming: 谁知顾小桑突然软软往后一倒,背部靠在孟奇胸口,声音含着几分妩媚: Comes.” “进来。” The Meng Qi body first is one stiff, then relaxes. 孟奇身体先是一僵,接着才放松下来。 ............ ………… Crossed on several th, ** in Immortal Realm feeds in the news, making the Shangshui fairy maiden belt/bring hanger-on new move of male disciple go to sense Overlord's Extreme Blade. 过了几日,**仙界内传回消息,让商水仙子带门下新招男弟子前去感悟霸王绝刀 To magnificence Dao a secret mountain valley , the dense ascension, the dense fog is grave. 离华岛一处隐秘山谷内,氤氲升腾,迷雾深重。 Gu Xiaosang brings Meng Qi to step into the mountain valley with an numerous male disciple, meets Bodhisattva Lian Yu and Ying Ning exactly, they must see Joyous Bodhisattva, submits in person the matter of Poison Hands Demon Monarch. 顾小桑带着孟奇与一众男弟子踏入山谷,恰好遇见怜欲菩萨婴宁,她们要去见欢喜菩萨,面陈毒手魔君之事。 Shangshui younger sister, heard you to look for husband newly, even Nine Apertures?” Bodhisattva Lian Yu deep angry at that time impediment of Gu Xiaosang, opens the mouth to ridicule, she looked at Meng Qi one, even to look is also not much!” “商水妹妹,听闻你新找了个夫君,连九窍都没有?”怜欲菩萨深恼当时顾小桑的阻止,开口讥讽,她瞄了孟奇一眼,“连长得也不怎么样啊!” The Gu Xiaosang study Shangshui fairy maiden is cold stretch/open face: Green vegetables radish, to each their own.” 顾小桑学商水仙子冷着张脸:“青菜萝卜,各有所好。” Perhaps hēi hēi, has the special skill, cannot think that Shangshui younger sister is also in the personality the person.” Bodhisattva Lian Yu eats to say with a smile, the language is ambiguous. 嘿嘿,或许是别有特长,想不到商水妹妹也是性情中人。”怜欲菩萨吃吃笑道,语言暧昧。 The female hooligan...... three of Meng Qi to Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein observes already not to have any expectation. 女流氓……孟奇欢喜一脉的三观已经不抱任何期望。 Gu Xiaosang cold snort/hum, pretended saying that but, so as to avoid had the accident/surprise, was dark sound transmission Meng Qi: Your doppelganger can follow quietly Lian Yu they.” 顾小桑冷哼一声,装作说不过,免得发生意外,暗里传音孟奇:“你的分身可以悄然跟着怜欲她们。” „When they pass through, various formation will have corresponding weakening, so as to avoid you need to wait for every day cardinal's change or others' passing by.” “她们经过时,各种阵法会有相应削弱,免得你需要等待每日枢机的变化或者别人的路过。” Meng Qi slightly nods unreachable, the semblance is calm, the spirit is the high degree of concentration. 孟奇微不可及颔首,外表波澜不惊,精神已是高度集中。 Looks again to Gu Xiaosang, her god idle air/Qi decides, without the least bit is disturbed, probably goes home. 再看向顾小桑,她神闲气定,没有半点忐忑,像是回家。 At this time, the mist wriggled, the clear light presently, appears a leaf of palatial plain and dignified clear for the first time stone door. 这时,雾气蠕动,清光乍现,现出一扇巍峨古朴又威严昭著的石门。 Heavy stone door opens slowly, Meng Qi only thinks that all around environment lives to change suddenly, the white clouds raise, the multi-colored sunlight dangles, world origin energy as if with mixes one densely, divides to clean up muddy! 沉重石门缓缓打开,孟奇只觉四周环境突生变化,白云升起,霞光垂下,天地元气都似乎与氤氲混一,分清理浊! Does not need to cross the threshold, has entered, has the change on slight law principle. 不用入门,已是进入,有些微法理上的改变。 This is ** Immortal Realm! In years past part of true Immortal Realm!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 这便是**仙界!昔年真正仙界的一部分!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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