WORIOA :: Volume #4

#126: ...

When do I give oneself away? When the vibration is panic-stricken, Meng Qi has this idea subconsciously, own excelling in the change, can hide the truth from Heaven's Mystery, minored in Jade Void Divine Deduction, without Grandmaster realm, even if meets White Lotus Divination, attending to demoness is impossible to calculate obtained own status, action and plan! 我什么时候露出马脚的?震动惊骇之余,孟奇下意识就冒出这个想法,自己的擅于变化,能瞒天机,又兼修了玉虚神算,没有宗师境界,即使会白莲神算,顾妖女也不可能推算得出自己的身份、行动和计划! Indistinct, he thought that drops the blood of Demon Saint to be related with Wu Hengjian residual that but this can only show that Poison Hands Demon Monarch killed Wu Hengjian, in the surface is uninterested with Crazy Blade Su Meng, but when breaks open formation, own alert and vigilance in highest level that is unable for a long time to maintain, by profound arts to the induction of danger, not possible by Gu Xiaosang to spy on, but is unconscious, is those words, only if she has Grandmaster realm! 隐隐约约,他觉得与乌横剑残留的那滴魔圣之血有关,可这只能证明毒手魔君杀了乌横剑,表面上与狂刀苏孟毫无关系,而破开阵法之时,自己的戒备和警觉处于无法长久保持的最高水准,以玄功对危险的感应,不可能被顾小桑窥探而不自觉,还是那句话,除非她有宗师境界 since came, then settle it, since already were looked through by Gu Xiaosang, rapidly the difficult situation that Meng Qi also represses the innermost feelings, inspired lightly, restored the state of mind, the alert was hidden, turns around to look to restoring Gu Xiaosang of its appearance. 既来之,则安之,既然已经顾小桑看破,孟奇也就迅速按捺住内心的惊涛骇浪,轻吸口气,恢复了心境,戒备暗藏,转身看向恢复了本身容貌的顾小桑 …… …… She is still clear to be spotless, fine to difficult to be a worthy opponent, the makings are elusive, the happy expression recited, but this under appearance that inverted all living things covered ruthlessly was chats the murder spicy, is unable to ascertain personality fission. 她依旧清纯似一尘不染,精致至难有匹敌,气质空灵,笑意吟吟,可这副颠倒众生的模样掩盖下是谈笑杀人的狠辣,是无法捉摸的“人格”分裂。 How do you recognize my?” And satisfies itself to have doubts for plug up the leaks, the Meng Qi sinking sound asked. “你怎么认出我的?”为了查漏补缺和满足自身疑惑,孟奇沉声问道。 Gu Xiaosang is joining hands behind the back, holds to smile, the footsteps lively walked around Meng Qi, high and low sizes up, appears handsome and lovable, end the ancient spirit demon said with a smile: Poison Hands Demon Monarch results in the Buddhism fortuitous encounter, melts Buddhist Law to make up the demon base, this matter to magnificence Dao is not the secret, you used that boy exactly ‚the blood of Demon Saint, this mistress unavoidably a little interest, therefore the observation, went bad Lian Yu to be puzzled in secret conveniently your matter with day female formation.” 顾小桑背着手,含着笑,脚步轻快绕着孟奇走了一圈,上下打量,显得俏美又可爱,末了才古灵精怪笑道:“毒手魔君佛门奇遇,化佛法补魔基,这件事情在离华岛不是秘密,恰好你又动用了那小子的‘魔圣之血’,妾身难免有点兴趣,于是暗中观察,顺手坏了怜欲用天女大阵惑你之事。” For although does not alarm you, without formation how seeing you to break through, but under the ray overflows to cover, this mistress discovered the traces, Poison Hands Demon Monarch has not fled, but sinks to mountain forest. Changed to the mouse, then descends the mountain, changes the beggar, finally replaced the male disciple under this mistress place.” “虽然为了不惊动你,没看到你怎么突破的阵法,但在光芒四溢掩盖下,妾身还是发现了蛛丝马迹,‘毒手魔君’并没有逃离,而是沉入‘山林’。化作了老鼠,接着一路下山,变化成乞丐,最后更是替换了妾身座下的男弟子。” „ The hopeful Black List powerhouse deliberately plans to replace a male disciple, this mistress is really unreadable, ponders, thought that the male disciple only has a place to be worth the powerhouse coveting, that then senses the Overlord's Extreme Blade opportunity. „ “有望黑榜的强者处心积虑为了替换一名男弟子,妾身委实难以理解,左思右想,觉得男弟子只有一个地方值得强者觊觎,那便是感悟霸王绝刀的机会。“ Meets Buddhist Law, excels at changing, is interested in Overlord's Extreme Blade. this mistress first thinks naturally is your harboring intentions enemy. ” ”会佛法,擅变化,对霸王绝刀感兴趣。妾身首先想到的当然是你这个心心念念的冤家。” During the speeches, she glances the circulation, compared with it Bodhisattva Lian Yu charming has insufficient slightly, has a charmingly angry intoxicant flavor. 说话间,她眼波流转,比之怜欲菩萨等的妩媚稍有不足,却自有股娇嗔醉人的味道。 The Meng Qi eyelid jumped jumping: „Was this determination I?” 孟奇眼皮跳了跳:“这就确定是我了?” Meets Buddhist Law, excels at changing, is interested, satisfies these three conditions absolutely not possibly in Overlord's Extreme Blade, only then oneself! 佛法,擅变化,对霸王绝刀感兴趣,满足这三个条件的绝对不可能只有自己! Gu Xiaosang sipped the powder lip, the big eye of being in sharp contrast looks at Meng Qi with a smile, the wave light was graceful. Hidden intelligent and crafty, self-satisfied small fox that probably catches the arrived prey: 顾小桑抿了抿粉唇,黑白分明的大眼睛含笑看着孟奇,波光盈盈。暗藏慧黠,像是一只抓到了猎物的得意小狐狸: Naturally cannot affirm, therefore first shouted Su Meng a moment ago, to observe your response. But husband you like having a fit of bad temper the tiger, this mistress thinks that does not recognize difficultly.” “当然不敢肯定,所以刚才先喊苏孟,以观你的反应。而夫君你就像炸毛的老虎,妾身想不认都难。” I go, was cheated by demoness! The Meng Qi eye opens, wants ashamed and resentfully. Was widely traveled experienced to defeat under simplest bluffing unexpectedly! 我去,被妖女诈了!孟奇眼睛睁大,羞愤欲死。走南闯北经验丰富的自己居然败在了最简单的诈唬之下! However in this environment, was drunk the broken original status suddenly, thinks that has not stuck out suddenly the response to be difficult! 不过这种环境里,陡然被人喝破本来身份,想没有暴起反应都难! Strategy never simple and complex division. Must suit, the difference of effective! 计策从来没有简单与复杂之分。只得适不适合、管不管用之别! this mistress assumes the guise Shangshui, originally is husband you senses Overlord's Extreme Blade to pave the way, cannot think that met you directly, is really predestined friends the thousand li (500 km) to meet, a red thread holds two.” The Gu Xiaosang facial expression, the complexion is joyfully crimson, is charming and happy, as for somewhat real, Meng Qi really cannot look. 妾身扮作商水,本就在为相公你感悟‘霸王绝刀’铺路,想不到直接遇上了你,真是有缘千里来相会,一根红绳牵两手。”顾小桑神情欣然,脸色绯红,又娇羞又高兴,至于有几分真,孟奇实在看不出来。 Appears to demoness to magnificence Dao, turns into the matter of Dark Maiden lineage/vein Shangshui fairy maiden, Meng Qi is also filled with the doubts, seizes the chance to ask: Senses Overlord's Extreme Bladeto pave the way for me ‚? Did you assume the guise Shangshui recently?” 妖女出现在离华岛,变成玄女一脉商水仙子之事,孟奇亦是满心疑惑,趁机问道:“为我感悟‘霸王绝刀’铺路?你是最近才扮作商水?” He remembered the matter of Shangshui fairy maiden husband dying suddenly, in the heart had clearly to become aware newly, if did not remove near the pillow that the Shangshui fairy maiden was constantly together the person, where Gu Xiaosang can practice trickery! 他突然想起了商水仙子夫君新死之事,心中有所明悟,若不除掉商水仙子朝夕相处的枕边人,顾小桑哪能瞒天过海! Looking from the death time, Gu Xiaosang assumes the guise the Shangshui fairy maiden not over two months. 从死亡时间看,顾小桑扮作商水仙子不超过两个月。 Gu Xiaosang the back of the hand after behind, the head lifts: Thunder God that husband previous time obtains inherits incompletely, can understand 12 type cultivation technique is the limit, but the Thunder God inheritance that world can seek explicitly only has Overlord's Extreme Blade, will be husband the cultivation technique idea, this mistress must certainly seek for husband to be able in the future to sense Overlord's Extreme Blade not to need to be said the small wave hooves will pick the means of making up.” 顾小桑将手背在身后,脑袋微抬:“相公上次得到的雷神传承残缺,能悟出一两式功法便是极限,而世间能明确寻到的雷神传承只有霸王绝刀,为相公日后功法计,妾身当然得寻找相公能感悟霸王绝刀又不用被道小浪蹄子们采补的办法。” Finally, this mistress after the troubles, stopped up leaving behind Shangshui, later depends on Six Paths there exchange the rare treasure, camouflages her, returns to magnificence Dao, lives in seclusion, while gathers the male disciple, the attempt delivers them to sense Overlord's Extreme Blade, if this group of smooth, can look for husband to come, mixes in the later male disciple, obtains the inheritance quietly.” “终于,妾身历经周折,堵住了落单的商水,之后靠着六道那里兑换的秘宝,伪装成她,返回离华岛,一边深居简出,一边招揽男弟子,尝试送他们去感悟霸王绝刀,若此路顺利,就能找相公前来,混入之后的男弟子中,悄然获得传承。” She had not said that actually how to stop up the Shangshui fairy maiden, how also to take her, age limit and other inferences that but Meng Qi breaks through from her, she feared that was stepped over first Heavenly Stairway, even only had 4th Heavenly Layer, still swept away most Top-Class Expert sufficiently! 她没说究竟是怎么堵住商水仙子,又是如何拿下她的,不过孟奇从她突破的年限等推断,她怕是迈过第一层天梯了,即使只有四重天,也足以横扫大部分绝顶高手 At this point, she, the powder rosy cloud has spread the neck, results to beautiful charmingly cannot look straight ahead: this mistress one then killed that boy, has not made him touch a finger, the body of this mistress only has husband active......” 说到这里,她顿了顿,粉霞一直蔓延到脖子,娇羞到美得不可直视:“妾身一来便杀了那厮,没让他碰一根手指头,妾身的身子只有相公能动……” You to eliminate a potential informant to...... look to give a thought to the performance of demoness genuine and fake, Meng Qi feel quite reluctantly, moreover attended to demoness working ruthless spicy truly not being able to compare, for example Guo Xi, the best choice killed threw into Mountain and River Country Chart again, but he did not have the enmity without the injustice, has not seen him to do the wicked matter, really did not have the heart, traded Gu Xiaosang, no psychological burden, the name of Unorthodox Path demoness was definitely worthy of the reputation! 你是为了灭口才对……看着顾妖女真真假假的表演,孟奇颇感无奈,而且顾妖女做事之狠辣确实远非自己能比,比如郭喜,最好的选择是杀了再扔进山河社稷图,可自己与他无冤无仇,又没见他做过恶事,实在于心不忍,换了顾小桑,肯定毫无心理负担,左道妖女之称名副其实! Actually you why want......” Meng Qi suddenly feeling, unable to ask that difficult why must be good to me so, felt that turned into the dog blood romance dialog, he inspires lightly , to continue saying that why deliberately plans to make me sense Overlord's Extreme Blade?” “你究竟为什么要……”孟奇顿觉难以启齿,总不能问“为什么要对我这么好”,感觉变成了狗血言情对白,他轻吸口气,继续道,“为什么处心积虑要让我感悟霸王绝刀?” Gu Xiaosang seems shocking: Thunder God was antiquity famous Supreme, Overlord is Medieval Era didn't the great person who a few achieved the boundary of legend, the inheritance of Extreme Blade Yun Han(contain) compared with many Martial Dao Great Sect guarding the faction cultivation technique difference, the so good thing, how could give husband you? What reason is the wife good to need to husband?” 顾小桑似乎很震惊:“雷神是上古有名大能,霸王中古时代少数达到传说之境的大人物,绝刀蕴含的传承不比诸多武道大宗镇派功法差,如此好的事物,岂能不给相公你?妻子对相公好需要什么理由?” „The logical expression......” Meng Qi cannot hold in said. “说人话……”孟奇憋不住道。 Gu Xiaosang throws smiles, the look becomes positive, as if no longer sexually harasses, a little sighed sadly sigh with emotion: Because we are the same people.” 顾小桑扑哧一笑,神色变正,似乎不再调戏,有点忧伤感慨地叹了口气:“因为我们都是同样的人。” Same person?” The Meng Qi doubts knit the brows. “同样的人?”孟奇疑惑皱眉。 Cracks a joke.” Gu Xiaosang looked at Meng Qi one with a smile, actually for the matter of 9th Heavenly Layer ruins, has qi of immortal spirit and Heavenly Court boundary stone, although can enter inside, but is unable to step in uppermost three, there has the Thunder God seal and other arrangement. Needs Thunder God successor or the Celestial Emperor closely related lineage/vein can open.” “开玩笑的。”顾小桑笑吟吟看了孟奇一眼,“其实是为了九重天废墟之事,有仙灵之气天庭界碑虽然能进入里面,但无法涉足最上面三层,那里有雷神的封印和别的布置。需要雷神传人天帝嫡脉方能打开。” Really is this...... some Meng Qi unexpectedly relaxing feelings, compared with attending to demoness husband husband randomly calls, the unpredictable thoughts, clarify the carriages and horses now, the matter of discussion Heavenly Court vestige, oneself adapt on the contrary, at least knows that her goal, the chaos are no longer unclear. 果然是这样……孟奇居然有种松了口气的感觉,比起顾妖女相公夫君乱叫,难测心思,如今摆明车马,讨论天庭遗迹之事,自己反倒适应,至少知道她的目的,不再混沌不明。 Unknown and measures is not scary! 未知和莫测最是吓人! „Am I also Thunder God successor, what Xu take risk to sense Overlord's Extreme Blade now reluctantly?” Returns to the familiar rhythm, Meng Qi to point to the issue core immediately. „The Celestial Emperor closely related lineage/vein also do not lack, ties up the Profound Heaven Sect true line to use a period of time casually then.” “我现在也勉强算是雷神传人,何需冒险感悟霸王绝刀?”回到熟悉的节奏,孟奇当即直指问题核心。“天帝嫡脉亦是不缺,随便绑个玄天宗真传用段时间即可。” For example Qing Yu that boy. 比如清余那厮。 „It is not good.” Gu Xiaosang shakes the head saying that „the Celestial Emperor closely related lineage/vein refer to the bloodlines, disappeared in the antiquity in the world, was untraceable, but how Thunder God successor must grasp three types Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation, did you tally?” “不行。”顾小桑摇头道,“天帝嫡脉是指血脉,在上古就泯灭于人世,难以寻找,而雷神传人怎么都得掌握三式‘神霄九灭’,你符合吗?” When speech, she arrives at the table, turns two cups. Gives Meng Qi one. 说话时,她走到桌边,翻起两个杯子。递给孟奇一个。 Then oneself pour water to drink, hints in the pot the water non-toxic, is Meng Qi pours tea, whole set movement passing clouds and flowing water. Quite has the good wife and loving mother style. 然后自己倒了杯水喝,示意壶里之水无毒,接着为孟奇斟茶,整套动作行云流水。颇有贤妻良母风范。 Meng Qi has inspected the teacup, swept the tea, sees Gu Xiaosang to drink the safe/without matter, therefore sipped the tastes slightly: I cannot grasp the full three types.” 孟奇检视过茶杯,又扫了扫茶水,见顾小桑喝下无事,于是稍微抿了口道:“我没能掌握满三式。” Therefore. We cooperate! this mistress helps husband sense Overlord's Extreme Blade, husband helps this mistress open 9th Heavenly Layer final three.” Gu Xiaosang glances like the water, has the full hope. If not knows her essence, the normal men are unable to reject. “所以。我们合作吧!妾身相公感悟霸王绝刀,相公妾身打开九重天最后三层。”顾小桑眼波如水,含着满满的期盼。若非知晓她的本质,正常男人都无法拒绝。 Meng Qi remains unmoved: I am untrustworthy you.” 孟奇不为所动:“我信不过你。” husband so has a heart of stone unexpectedly.” The Gu Xiaosang vision pours down, this mistress was husband did such many matters, repeatedly by the husband injury, but the heart did not change, couldn't Mo Fei/could it be that result for one point to trust?” 相公竟这般铁石心肠。”顾小桑目光泫然,“妾身相公做了这么多事,屡次被相公伤害而心不改,莫非得不来一分信任?” Will really act in a play! Meng Qi a little clenches jaws saying: Verbal statements are no guarantee, draws up a document, no, covenant!” 真会做戏!孟奇有点咬牙切齿道:“空口无凭,立字据,不,立契约!” Good.” Gu Xiaosang turns hostile compared with flipping through the book looked, immediately shows the smile of elf brightly, in the hand does not know were when many a contract, has written all over the content, the Six Paths product, is trustworthy. “好。”顾小桑变脸比翻书看,立刻露出灿烂又精灵的笑容,手中不知什么时候多了一张契约,早就写满了内容,六道出品,值得信赖。 Swept the content, determined before leaving the 9th Heavenly Layer vestige, both sides cannot hurt and other main points mutually, Meng Qi take the bull by the horns, signed the contract, but Gu Xiaosang also not hesitant. 扫了扫内容,确定有离开九重天遗迹前双方不能互相伤害等要点,孟奇当机立断,签下了契约,而顾小桑亦是没有犹豫。 The fire is luminous, the contract burns through, during is dark has the restraint to drop to two people, familiar Six Paths aura. 火光亮起,契约燃尽,冥冥之中有约束降至两人身上,熟悉的六道气息。 You assume the guise the Shangshui fairy maiden, can meet her cultivation technique?” After riding the same strip ship, Meng Qi was a little worried that Gu Xiaosang gives oneself away. “你扮作商水仙子,可会她的功法?”坐上同一条船后,孟奇有点担心顾小桑露出马脚。 The Gu Xiaosang eye narrows crescent moon: Many thanks husband cared, this mistress truly not, but there is a treasured sword of Shangshui, can stimulate sword qi to be scary, but here does not need to fight, enough used.” 顾小桑眼睛眯成弯月:“多谢相公关心,妾身确实不会,但有商水的宝剑,能激发剑气唬人,而这里又不用打斗,足够用了。” At this point, her pair clear such as the beautiful eye of gem decides to look at Meng Qi: husband you have had the greed is not but big to Overlord's Extreme Blade, why does this time sweet Maoqi danger, want to mix to become a lay priest? Should better tell the this mistress reason, exempts lives the unnecessary knottiness.” 说到这里,她一双晶莹如宝石的美目定定看着孟奇:“相公你对霸王绝刀一直有贪欲但不大,为何这次甘冒奇险,欲混入道?最好告诉妾身缘由,免生不必要枝节。” Meng Qi hesitates evil ways: I used Adhibit Karma to kill Nine Heavens Thunder God, took on karma that sensed Overlord's Extreme Blade.” 孟奇沉吟一下道:“我用粘因果杀了九天雷神,担下了感悟霸王绝刀因果。” Disclosed intentionally oneself meet Adhibit Karma to also shock Gu Xiaosang, so as to avoid she has the non- good intention to think. 故意透露自己会“粘因果”也是为了震慑顾小桑,免得她起不好心思。 Gu Xiaosang first stares, at once smile bright say/way: Congratulates husband to realize Adhibit Karma, but, this matter present age does Dark Maiden know?” 顾小桑先是一愣,旋即笑容灿烂道:“恭喜相公练成粘因果,不过,此事当代玄女知道吗?” Knows that kills the matter of Nine Heavens Thunder God with Adhibit Karma, does not know that I took on what karma......” Meng Qi more to say more did not think right. “知道用粘因果九天雷神之事,不知我担下了什么因果……”孟奇越说越觉不对。 Gu Xiaosang faint smile: „Did husband have problems? Nine Heavens Thunder God biggest karma are not many ; first, Overlord's Extreme Blade ; second, a mirror of Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein said Bodhisattva, three involved the myth, if this mistress were Dark Maiden , pretended surely unknown, guarded Overlord's Extreme Blade personally, was dark the alert mirror to say Bodhisattva, waited for husband to deliver.” 顾小桑似笑非笑道:“相公也品出问题了?九天雷神最大的因果不多,一是霸王绝刀,二是欢喜一脉的镜言菩萨,三则涉及神话,若妾身玄女,必定装作未知,亲自看守霸王绝刀,暗里戒备镜言菩萨,等待相公自己送上门来。” So long as Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein Exterior Scenery is Bodhisattva, below Exterior Scenery is a day of female, but only outstanding person in Grandmaster and Top-Class Expert can enter eight big. 欢喜一脉只要外景便是菩萨,外景以下则是天女,但只有宗师绝顶高手中的佼佼者才能入八大之列。 Un, cannot look down upon Dark Maiden .” Meng Qi sees Gu Xiaosang to be unhurriedly, knows her to have the means to deal, therefore is also calm. “嗯,不能小视玄女。”孟奇顾小桑不慌不忙,知她有办法应对,于是也气定神闲。 Gu Xiaosang smiles to look at Meng Qi: „Before husband, doesn't have the technique of doppelganger? If can the disaster mirror say that side Bodhisattva quietly, inspires the Dark Maiden main body, trades to do cannot surpass the Incarnation Body guarding extremely, other matter this mistress then somewhat grasped.” 顾小桑笑眯眯看着孟奇:“相公之前不是有分身之术吗?若能悄然祸乱镜言菩萨那边,引动玄女本尊,换做不能超过绝顶的应身看守,其余事情妾身便有几分把握了。” Self-confidence that she said that does not see disturbedly, as if had to take advantage, making Meng Qi follow to eliminate many worries, nodded the head gently. 她说的自信满满,不见一点忐忑,似乎另有依仗,让孟奇跟着消除了不少担心,轻轻颔首。 This place is one of the Immortal Realm several entrances, husband waits for several days then to have the opportunity patiently.” Gu Xiaosang was saying to be saying, suddenly eats to smile, the cheek is red and moist, annoys the person daydream, husband, did not think that the tea did have the issue?” “此地是仙界几处入口之一,相公耐心等待几日便有机会。”顾小桑说着说着,忽然吃吃笑了起来,脸蛋又红又潮,惹人遐思,“相公,不觉得刚才的茶水有问题吗?” What issue?” Meng Qi has a scare, revolution true energy inspects itself. “什么问题?”孟奇吓了一跳,运转真气检视自身。 Inside influential Primordial Spirit spring * medicine.” Gu Xiaosang depended just like the boneless, breathes scalding hot, but Sinking Fragrance. “里面有影响元神的春*药。”顾小桑宛如无骨靠了过来,呼吸灼热而沉香 „Didn't yourself eat?” Meng Qi angry say/way, but the body as if has nothing unusually responded, the toxicant does not have the truth to hide the truth from own inspection! “你自己不也吃了?”孟奇恼怒道,可身体似乎没什么异常反应,毒药没道理能瞒过自己的检查! this mistress has anything not to dare to eat, in any case husband here.” The Gu Xiaosang look such as wants the water drop. 妾身有什么不敢吃,反正相公在这里。”顾小桑眼神如要滴水。 You!” The Meng Qi complexion blushes, the air/Qi to/clashes the forehead. “你!”孟奇脸色发红,气冲脑门。 Gu Xiaosang with the Meng Qi wrong body, has arrived at the gate suddenly, exudes such as the laughter of oriole clearly: 顾小桑突地与孟奇错身而过,走到门边,发出清脆如黄鹂的笑声: Deceives your!” “骗你的!” Meng Qi is bashful and angry, turns around to look at the Gu Xiaosang back, wishes one could to give her a blade. 孟奇又羞又恼,转身看着顾小桑的背影,恨不得给她一刀。 Turns away from Meng Qi, Gu Xiaosang lowers the sound saying: husband can maintains one's moral integrity under the Lian Yu cheap person and Ying Ning this Joyous Bodhisattva direct legacy seduction, this mistress very Huanxi(joyous).” 背对孟奇,顾小桑压低声音道:“相公能在怜欲贱人和婴宁欢喜菩萨嫡传诱惑下守身如玉,妾身很是欢喜。” Is Ying Ning Joyous Bodhisattva direct legacy? Meng Qi quite rejoiced own strength in meditation is excellent, has not noticed Gu Xiaosang relieves the isolation, gets returns to Shangshui, opened the door, outside has the girl student to be evasive to peep. 婴宁欢喜菩萨嫡传孟奇颇为庆幸自己定力过人,没注意到顾小桑已是解除隔绝,变回商水,拉开了房门,外面有女弟子躲躲闪闪偷看。 Suddenly, Gu Xiaosang has turned head, the appearance presents the originally again, the smile concealment is intelligent and crafty, several steps close to Meng Qi, caress the face quietly and beautifully, the warm fragrant soft jade, the powder lip is bright. 忽然,顾小桑回过头,面貌再次呈现原本,笑容隐含慧黠,几步靠近孟奇,清幽扑面,温香软玉,粉唇剔透。 Shoves open her! This is the Meng Qi subconscious response, may see spying on outside girl student, fears to give oneself away! 推开她!这是孟奇下意识的反应,可看到外面女弟子的窥探,又怕露出马脚! Struggles hesitant, he only thinks that a lip heat, the ball sliding soft wadding, drills into the tip of the nose compared with quiet and beautiful thicker point fragrance. 犹豫挣扎之间,他只觉嘴唇一热,弹滑软绵,比清幽更浓一点的香味钻入鼻端。 This is the reward.” The Gu Xiaosang sound sound with a smile in a little dull his ear, this mistress read the books of Shangshui, will not compare them to be bad many.” “这是奖励。”顾小桑含笑的声音响在有点呆愣的他耳中,“妾身看了商水的书籍,不会比她们差多少。” In the laughter, she has changed returns to the Shangshui fairy maiden, the steps goes out, clear and melodious such as the sound of water transmits from afar: 笑声之中,她已变回商水仙子,踏步出门,清越如水之声远远传来: Tidies up item to my cave mansion.” “收拾物品到我洞府。” Meng Qi feels the lip, has a purely tarnished feeling.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 孟奇摸了摸嘴唇,有种清白被玷污的感觉。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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