WORIOA :: Volume #4

#125: ...

Above mountain peak that the guest institute is located , the surface welcomed the sea, looked into the island, was only lower than two prominent peaks, was scenic, native of Jingning , Angola. 客院位于的山峰之上,面迎大海,眺望全岛,只低于两座主峰,风光秀丽,安静宁人。 …… …… Under Le Huan leads, Meng Qi and Ying Ning arrived guest institute entrance, at this moment, Ying Ning spits the tongue, embarrassed say/way: Mister, the slave was puzzled by Bodhisattva Lian Yu Dharma Idol a moment ago, is until now sober, actually forgot also to have in the faction the matter to need to report, you rested advanced, the slave urged to go faster comes.” 乐环带领下,孟奇婴宁到了客院门口,就在这时,婴宁吐了吐舌头,不好意思道:“先生,奴家刚才被怜欲菩萨法相所惑,直到现在才算清醒,却是忘了还有派中之事需要禀告,您先进去休息,奴家去去就来。” When Meng Qi nods, she turns around hurry, returns to greatly Le Gong, looks around Le Huan titter. 等到孟奇点头,她慌慌忙忙转身,重返大乐宫,看得旁边的乐环偷笑不已。 The guest institute is pure, Meng Qi sends Le Huan, sits cross-legged to sit on the bed, is thinking deeply about the following action, tomorrow then must see present age Joyous Bodhisattva, tonight must make violent treachery vanish, but the trade missing, the doubtable violent treachery will arrive to the goal of magnificence island rashly, looks for Grandmaster, under the arrange/cloth the unescapable net, cuns (2.5 cm) search. 客院清净整洁,孟奇打发走乐环,盘腿坐于床上,思索着接下来的行动,明日便要去见当代欢喜菩萨,今晚必须让“毒手”消失,可贸贸然“失踪”,会让人怀疑毒手到离华岛的目的,找来宗师,布下天罗地网,一寸寸搜索。 Faked is discontented with the probe, feared that the Bodhisattva Lian Yu intention was illegal, therefore promptly fled from this island? 假作对刚才的试探不满,怕怜欲菩萨心怀不轨,故而当机立断逃离此岛? This can convince...... Meng Qi both eyes ajar half whole reluctantly, none is reserved, but „after violent treachery is missing, oneself first change makes mouse and other lives, avoids the spirit beast, descends the mountain fast, changes to the street beggar. 这可以勉强说得通……孟奇双眼半开半阖,精光内敛,而“毒手”失踪后,自己先变做老鼠等生灵,躲避灵兽,快速下山,化作街边乞丐。 Only then they were not possibly picked to make up! 只有他们才可能不被采补! If turns into between-meal snack, when refers to being uncertain is incurred to wait on the bedroom, oneself are not the person of having fought many battles, among the bed is easy to give oneself away, but the beggar hides well, did not strive for on own initiative happy, in a short time worked as to be worry-free, then induced the small town, heard the news, sought the opportunity to sense the Overlord's Extreme Blade male disciple! 若变成“零嘴”,指不定什么时候就被招去侍寝,自己并非身经百战之人,床笫间容易露出马脚,而乞丐藏得好一点,不主动求欢,短时间内当能无忧,然后感应市镇,闻听消息,寻求有机会感悟霸王绝刀的男弟子! Exquisite link in broken bits, Meng Qi had not decided this simple plan rapidly, sometimes, more is linked together fine, is easier to have the accident/surprise. 没有细碎精巧的环节,孟奇迅速敲定了这个简单的计划,有的时候,越精致越环环相扣,越容易出现意外。 Shortly, Ying Ning returns, sees Meng Qi to sit in meditation in closed eyes, Suian calmly withdraws. Goes to other side building rest. 没多久,婴宁返回,见孟奇闭目打坐,遂安静退出。去别的厢房休息。 The dim light of night arrives, the gentle breeze unclouded moon, Meng Qi is waiting for fleeing the opportunity, suddenly, a careful moan transmits from the greatly happy palace, flatters intent bone to inter the body, bewitches to seize the mortal form, even the great distance is really far, may still hear fuzzily, as if yearning of oneself heart! 夜色降临,和风霁月,孟奇等待着“逃离”的机会,忽然,一阵细细的呻吟从大乐宫传来,媚意入骨,勾魂夺魄,即使相隔甚远,也模糊可闻,似乎自身心底的向往! Bodhisattva Lian Yu!” The Meng Qi heart jumps. Hidden Primordial Spirit is a little in a tumult, thinks. 怜欲菩萨!”孟奇心头一跳。隐有点元神骚动,浮想联翩。 This sound just fell, in the small town, various mountain peak places, the moan continuously, or chants in a low voice, either sang shallowly, either charming, either pain. Flutters, if flute sound, either sinks including the sand, directing the person blushing ear to be red, is hard to practice moderation. 此音刚落,市镇之中,山峰各处,呻吟声此起彼伏,或低吟,或浅唱,或妩媚,或痛苦。或飘若箫音,或沉似含沙,引人脸红耳赤,难以自持。 At once. Meng Qi as if places oneself the extremely happy sea, the fragrance that the tip of the nose is unable to describe intermittently, in the ear is full of the traces of spring continuous the female voice, the body seems to be heated the water of warm heat to soak. The warmth is comfortable, the whole body pore opens, from sole numb to sending tree top. 一时之间。孟奇仿佛置身极乐的海洋,鼻端是阵阵无法描述的香味,耳中是连绵不绝饱含春意的女声,身体似乎被温温热热之水浸泡着。暖洋洋非常舒服,周身毛孔张开,从脚底一直酥麻到发梢。 It is not right! 不对! This is not the simple bed moan! 这不是简单的床笫呻吟! When the mind slightly has the fuzzy ebullition. Meng Qi rises not to have a premonition steep well, revolution Ananda Blade core technique, the view thinks again Tathagata Divine Palm true intent, in does not extinguish Primordial Beginning obviously, suppresses the moving restlessly mortal body and Primordial Spirit. 心神略有模糊沸腾之际。孟奇陡升不好预感,再次运转阿难刀心法,观想“如来神掌真意,内显不灭元始之相,压住躁动的肉身和元神 Un, Mister, careful formation.” At this time, the next door transmitted the reminder of Ying Ning, but sound as if soaked completely the water, thin, if the feather scratching with the finger bone, sleek/moist such as the autumn waters lovingly, the extreme seduction, let the feeling of Meng Qi a little scalp tingles. “嗯,先生,小心阵法。”这时,隔壁传来婴宁的提醒,但声音仿佛浸满了水,细若羽毛搔骨,润如秋水含情,极端诱惑,让孟奇有点头皮发麻的感觉。 What formation?” Meng Qi controls strongly. “什么阵法?”孟奇竭力控制。 Ying Ning staggers along to open the door: Day female crosses world, non- is starts to the mister, only attracts the mister by the enjoyment that this brings, un, keeping you from dominating, wallows in the happy love.” 婴宁跌跌撞撞开门过来:“天女渡世阵,非是对先生发动,仅是以此带来的欢娱魅惑先生,嗯,让你无法把持,沉迷于欢爱。” She breathes becomes rapid, as if was also affected by formation, is seeking the consolation, a both eyes eyeball is black and bright, confused attractive. 她呼吸变得急促,仿佛也被阵法影响,寻求着慰藉,一双眼睛又黑又亮,迷茫诱人。 Meng Qi deeply inspires, the right hand stretches out suddenly, counts on the fingers in the Ying Ning forehead, she recited one lightly, the faint in the past, was prohibited Primordial Spirit. 孟奇深吸口气,右手突然伸出,屈指点在婴宁眉心,她轻吟一声,昏厥了过去,被封禁住了元神 This formation seduction compared with former Bodhisattva Lian Yu Dharma Idol, if the side also has the beautiful appearance female to be moved, oneself are not necessarily able to dominate! 阵法诱惑比之前怜欲菩萨法相更甚,若身边还有美貌女子动情,自己未必能把持得住! During his mind telepathy, the small town avenue, the mountain peak rock road, all has the person of sexual intercourse, the whole person changed to the carnal desire to the magnificence island probably pure land, brings one type evilly different great bliss feeling! 他精神感应之中,市镇大街,山峰石路,皆有交合之人,整个人离华岛像是化作了肉欲的“净土”,带来一种邪异的“大极乐”感觉! „Doesn't violent treachery, try?” Voice penetration layer upon layer rock impediment of Bodhisattva Lian Yu, clear sound in Meng Qi ear bank, sound. “毒手,不来试试吗?”怜欲菩萨的嗓音穿透层层山石阻隔,清晰响在孟奇耳畔,动静至极。 Meng Qi only thinks that a tailbone hemp, the steam ascends, with great difficulty maintains. 孟奇只觉尾椎骨一麻,热气升腾,好不容易才保持住。 Is this opportunity! Meng Qi deeply inspires, planned that seizes this opportunity to flee to magnificence Dao, then, Bodhisattva Lian Yu thinks at most oneself extremely tempt, in a panic however escapes! 就是这个机会!孟奇深吸口气,打算抓住这个机会逃离离华岛,如此一来,怜欲菩萨顶多认为自己不堪引诱,仓皇而逃! Suddenly, the radiant sword light flies together from other prominent peak, will brush one cliff near greatly happy palace to truncate, clear and melodious such as the female voice of water will transmit distantly: 突然,一道璀璨剑光从另外主峰飞来,刷得一下将大乐宫附近的悬崖削断,清越如水的女声遥遥传来: Late at night, harasses a person of clear dream!” “三更半夜,扰人清梦!” Moan continuously vanishes immediately, Bodhisattva Lian Yu restrained the strength, the extremely happy sea, the Mingyue(bright moon) low photo, the cool breeze held the post suddenly, all were such pure peaceful. 此起彼伏的呻吟声当即消失,怜欲菩萨收敛住了力量,极乐海洋陡然一空,明月低照,清风扶岗,一切是那样的清净安宁。 Shangshui younger sister, why so angry, Mo Fei/could it be that defends the vacant room alone, hears the elder sister happy, the sentiment is difficult to control self, tossing and turning, is sleeping alone difficult to sleep?” Bodhisattva Lian Yu with pitying the sound of sympathy said that but Meng Qi can hear the resentfulness that she hides, your husband dies in any case newly, does not need to maintain moral integrity for whom, not, if comes the elder sister, there are all categories man to choose, they you have had been eyeing the younger sister, meet you every day, always cannot bear size up your careful waist......” “商水妹妹,为何这般恼怒,莫非独守空房,听到姐姐这边欢乐,情难自禁,辗转反侧,孤枕难眠?”怜欲菩萨用怜悯同情的声音说道,但孟奇能听得出她潜藏的愤懑,“反正你夫君新死,无需为谁守节,不若来姐姐这边,有各类男子挑选,他们早就对妹妹你垂涎已久,每日遇见你,总是忍不住打量你细细的腰肢……” Snort!” Shangshui fairy maiden cold snort/hum, interrupted the insult of Bodhisattva Lian Yu language, no longer spoke. “哼!”商水仙子冷哼一声,打断了怜欲菩萨语言的侮辱,不再说话。 Bodhisattva Lian Yu returned to normal the mood, then said with a smile to Meng Qi: Late at night enjoys, disturbs arrived you, but also please do not mind, this is we to the custom of magnificence island.” 怜欲菩萨平复了情绪,转而对孟奇笑道:“深夜享受,打扰到了你,还请勿要介意,这是我们离华岛的风俗。” Only uses fortunately for night.” Meng Qi deliberately disclosed a anger. “还好只用一夜。”孟奇刻意透露出点怒意。 Bodhisattva Lian Yu shouted one lowly: Forgot to tell you a moment ago, the Immortal Realm reply, Sect Master Bodhisattva closes up, must have half a month to come out, but also be please patient.” 怜欲菩萨低呼一声:“刚才忘了告诉你,仙界回信,宗主菩萨闭关,得有半月才能出来,还请稍安勿躁。” Real false? Learns suddenly the matter of Immortal Realm, Meng Qi hidden is a little excited, but thinks at once possibly is Bodhisattva Lian Yu intentionally conceals, leaves the enough much time to seduce for oneself. 真的假的?乍闻仙界之事,孟奇隐有点激动,但旋即想到可能是怜欲菩萨刻意隐瞒,留出足够多的时间供自身诱惑。 Cannot be negligent! 不能大意! Snort!” Meng Qi had not said, decided to handle affairs as scheduled, the seduction increased the chip! “哼!”孟奇没有多说,决定还是按照原计划行事,刚才的诱惑又增加了筹码! Had interruption of Shangshui fairy maiden, Bodhisattva Lian Yu continued inconveniently again, night finally peaceful, only hears noise of insects. 有了商水仙子的打断,怜欲菩萨不便再继续,夜终于安静了下来,唯闻虫鸣。 Meng Qi the Ying Ning back next door, sits cross-legged to sit in meditation again, waiting night. 孟奇婴宁送回隔壁,再次盘腿打坐,等待夜深。 Three just crossed, since figure flies from Meng Qi together, but he disappears instantaneously, was shattered just like the bubble. 三更刚过,一道身影孟奇头上飞起,而他则瞬间消失,宛若泡沫破碎。 This person's shadow wears the azure robe, two temple efflorescences, the scholarly vicissitudes, just like Meng Qi change Poison Hands Demon Monarch! 这道人影身穿青袍,两鬓霜白,儒雅沧桑,俨然还是孟奇自身变化的“毒手魔君”! Poison Hands Demon Monarch concealment aura. Melts enters void, dives quietly toward the midair, attempts leaves the island. 毒手魔君”隐匿气息。化入虚空,悄然往半空潜去,试图出岛。 When exceeding the prominent peak ten zhang (3.33 m) is high, the Meng Qi sudden anchorage, detected arrived , if there is dangerous hidden that resembles not to have, has probably bunch of fearful undercurrents. 超过主峰十丈高时,孟奇突然定住,察觉到了若有似无的危险隐藏,像是有一团团可怕的暗流。 Lian Yu really opens secret formation, preventing me to escape, but perhaps is feared that I discovered ahead of time, formation does not reveal, has not revolved completely. When can rouse breaks it!” Meng Qi deeply inspires, foot treads the somersault step, is waiting for the opportunity. 怜欲果然将隐秘阵法开启,防止我逃脱,不过或许是怕我提前发现,阵法含而不露,没有完全运转。当能一鼓破之!”孟奇深吸口气,脚踏筋斗步,等待着机会。 Suddenly, by him dark splits void, departs together bright blade light, cuts on formation that arrived hidden directly! 忽然,他旁边的幽暗虚空裂开,飞出一道明净刀光,直接斩到了隐藏的阵法上! ! 啪! formation highlights, the sharp shake, the ray overflows, reveals a slit. The Meng Qi both feet steps on, flew directly. 阵法凸显,剧烈震荡,光芒四溢,露出一道缝隙。孟奇双脚一踩,直接飞了出去。 Just departed, Meng Qi's figure vanished suddenly, presented a hair same place. The calm self-ignition, turns into the ashes instantaneously, this is flesh has mystical powers doppelganger, true, Meng Qi of blade also in formation. 刚刚飞出,孟奇的身影陡然消失,原地出现一根头发。无风自燃,瞬间化成灰烬,这是“血肉有灵”的分身,真正的、出刀的孟奇还在阵法内。 After half breath . Bodhisattva Lian Yu throws over white muslin figure to appear here, on the face pities does not save, performing is the anger. 半个呼吸后。怜欲菩萨披着白纱的身影出现在这里,脸上怜悯不存,尽是怒意。 She sizes up. The discovery does not have the clue again, breathes immediately becomes heavy, like suppressing the flame that is soon erupting strongly. 她四下打量。发现再无线索,呼吸顿时变得沉重,像在竭力压制着快要爆发的火焰。 You are extremely anxious, ran away in fear!” The sound resounds by Bodhisattva Lian Yu together, non- is the Shangshui fairy maiden, Ying Ning that but was prohibited! “你太过急切,把人吓跑了!”一道声音在怜欲菩萨旁边响起,非是商水仙子,而是被封禁住的婴宁 Lian Yu turns the head suddenly, said angrily: Isn't you visits him? Whose proposition concealing for half a month is?” 怜欲霍然转头,恼怒道:“不是你看着他吗?隐瞒半个月是谁的提议?” How I know that you can't bear tonight? For does not make him suspect, I was really prohibited! Moreover he takes the bull by the horns, is not loathsome, even if I had not been prohibited, there's not enough time stop!” Ying Ning honk mouth, an angry suffering appearance. “我怎么知道你今晚就忍不住?为了不让他怀疑,我是真的被封禁住了!而且他当机立断,毫不拖泥带水,纵使我未被封禁,也来不及阻拦!”婴宁嘟着嘴,一副气恼委屈的样子。 But while formation fluctuation noticeable time, Meng Qi falls quietly, falls to mountain forest, changes to the mouse, is avoiding the spirit beast, dives not so fast but so slow neither to the small town. 而趁阵法波动引人瞩目的时候,孟奇悄然下坠,落到山林里,化作老鼠,躲避着灵兽,不快不慢潜向市镇。 All are smooth, the spirit beasts are lived by the honored fear that formation blooms, are incapable of preying on, whatever Meng Qi arrives smoothly, the beggar who changes the whole face silt, pretends the dying appearance, hides in the arrived corner, was not seen as far as possible. 一切还算顺利,灵兽们都被阵法绽放的光彩慑住,无力捕食,任由孟奇顺利抵达,变化成满脸淤泥的乞丐,装作垂死模样,躲到了角落里,尽量不被人看到。 Later, to the magnificence island in the depressing atmosphere, each disciple and incense burner knows that on several th Bodhisattva Lian Yu in violent anger, already vented anger to kill several people, therefore without whom had the mood to donate the beggar again. 之后几日,离华岛处在压抑的气氛里,每个弟子和炉鼎都知道怜欲菩萨处在暴怒之中,已经迁怒杀了好几个人,故而没谁再有心情布施乞丐。 But the Meng Qi spirit sleep/felt covers nearby street, listens secretly the disciples to talk, screens the useful news, for example Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein which male disciples have the talent, possibly senses Overlord's Extreme Blade, do not pick to make up extremely, for example the Shangshui fairy maiden gathered many aptitude good young men and children trains ; first, to send to sense the Overlord inheritance, wins the nature at the quantity ; second, under the girl student for the place chooses the right dual cultivation object. 孟奇灵觉笼罩附近街道,偷听弟子们交谈,从中筛选出有用的消息,比如欢喜一脉哪些男弟子较有天赋,可能去感悟霸王绝刀,不要采补太过,比如商水仙子招揽了不少资质较好的年轻男子和小孩培养,一是送去感悟霸王传承,以量胜质,二是为座下女弟子挑选合适的双修对象。 It seems like, mixes in Shangshui fairy maiden there comparison security, the opportunity is also big, so long as is common, will not be selected by the girl student.” In the Meng Qi heart had haggling over, when under a Shangshui place the male disciple leaves behind collected, knocked down directly, threw into Mountain and River Country Chart, even if did not start this rare treasure, by his Six Apertures strength is unable break free! “这么看来,混入商水仙子那里比较安全,机会也大,只要不太起眼,就不会被女弟子挑中。”孟奇心中有了计较,在一位商水座下男弟子落单的时候凑了过去,直接打晕,丢进了山河社稷图,即使不发动这件秘宝,以他六窍的实力也无法脱困 Changes, Meng Qi changed to this man of undistinguished appearance, over 20 years old is, are thin and weak, are happy the white clothing, are raising purchasing item, on a Shangshui lineage/vein mountain peak. 摇身一变,孟奇化作了这位其貌不扬的男子,二十多岁,身材瘦弱,喜着白衣,提着采买的物品,上了商水一脉的山峰。 After these days listening secretly, he knows which position probably the male disciples live , the arrived Banshan(half mountain) waist, shifts directly, steps into a piece of blue brick black tile the courtyard. 经过这几日的“偷听”,他大概知道男弟子们居住在哪个位置,到了半山腰,直接转向,踏入一片青砖黑瓦的院落。 The nearby has many male and female 22 doublings, the affection exercises martial arts continuously, stirs up in the institute many leaving behind male disciples to envy and envy looks, hates unable body generation of it, often criticizes several. 附近有不少男女两两成对,情意绵绵练功,惹得院内诸多落单男弟子又羡慕又嫉妒地看着,恨不得以身代之,不时暗骂几声。 Sees Meng Qi to come, some immediately people said with a smile: Brother Xi does, go to the small town to be possible once to seek the female Bodhisattva donation today?” 孟奇进来,顿时有人笑道:“喜哥儿,今日去市镇可曾求到女菩萨布施?” Yeah, female Bodhisattva are sad, where has the interest.” Meng Qi assuming an air of self approbation said with a sigh, listened secretly from before he knows that this body is called Guo Xi, often the vapor must go to the small town to look for the female Bodhisattva donation, but he shrank timidly, feared, therefore shut out by Dark Maiden lineage/vein, paid lip service, each time some different excuses. “哎,女菩萨们心情不好,哪有兴致。”孟奇摇头晃脑叹息道,从之前偷听里他知道这具身体叫做郭喜,常夸言要去市镇找女菩萨布施,但他畏缩胆小,怕因此被玄女一脉嫌弃,都只是嘴上说说,每次都有不同借口。 Was yacketed by outside love exciting each and every one male disciple immediately, felt the mood well many, really the happiness of person by comparison! 被外面恩爱刺激的一个个男弟子顿时哄堂大笑,感觉心情好了不少,果然人的欢乐是靠比较的! Meng Qi rises red the face, the nose is attracting, distinguishes was „” that from the void flavors, takes a step to move toward it the richest room, 孟奇涨“红”着脸,鼻子一吸,从虚空一股股味道里分辨出了属于“自己”的那股,迈步走向“它”最浓郁的房间, Pulls out the key, opens the door unmistakably, Meng Qi does not have mighty waves, this is the natural matter. 掏出钥匙,开门无误,孟奇没起一丝波澜,这是理所当然的事情。 While he plans closed eyes to induce, when finds out this place condition, outside is suddenly peaceful, falling the needle may hear. 正当他打算闭目感应,摸清楚此地状况时,外面突然安静,落针可闻。 „The male disciples who all had not found the dual cultivation object come out.” The female voice spreads to each room together clearly. “所有未找到双修对象的男弟子都出来。”一道女声清晰传入每个房间。 Meng Qi frowns, felt that outside has the aura of Shangshui fairy maiden, in the heart surprised uncertain, opens the door, gradually takes. 孟奇微皱眉头,感觉外面有商水仙子的气息,心中惊疑不定,打开门,缓步迈出。 At this time, several that male disciples passed by, was difficult to cover talks pleasantly surprised in a low voice: 这时,几名那男弟子路过,难掩惊喜地低声交谈: Fairy maiden comes personally, Mo Fei/could it be that wants,......” “仙子亲自前来,莫非是要,是要……” Her husband perishes newly, certainly must look for the new dual cultivation partner, rumble......” “她夫君新亡,肯定是要找新的双修对象,咕噜……” Fairy maiden the beautiful appearance is also powerful and has the feminine qualities, if can become her husband, that is really the good fortune that ten lifetime cultivate/repair, reaches the sky in a single bound!” “仙子又美貌又强大又有女人味,若能成为她的夫君,那真是十辈子修来的福分,一步登天!” Haha, those has the fellow affirmation of dual cultivation object to regret dead!” “哈哈,那些双修对象的家伙肯定后悔死!” Listens to their happy illusions, Meng Qi to curl the lip, the Shangshui fairy maiden is Top-Class Expert, about record/native place dual cultivation husband should be Exterior Scenery, only if she can endure the temper to train from the beginning? 听着他们美好的幻象,孟奇撇了撇嘴,商水仙子是绝顶高手,合籍双修的夫君怎么都该是外景,除非她耐得住性子从头培养? The arrived courtyard, the male disciples are all assembleds, front is setting up three females, but all line of sight all brilliance were attracted by middle that. 到了天井,男弟子们已是聚齐,前面立着三名女子,但所有的视线所有的光彩都被中间那位吸引住了。 Her appearance is young, 20 over, oval face, skin fair young tender, playing musical instruments to break, the nose is not tall and straight, but somewhat is quite pretty lovably, neutralizes the feeling of overall chilly being above mundane thoughts, both eyes nimble and resourceful watery, the white skirt has no time elegantly, the chest is bulging, may be called outstandingly beautiful. 她容貌年轻,也就二十出头,瓜子脸,皮肤白皙幼嫩,吹弹可破,鼻子不算挺拔,但颇有几分俏丽可爱,中和了整体清冷绝尘的感觉,双目灵动含水,白裙无暇飘逸,胸口鼓鼓囊囊,堪称绝色。 All male disciples chin up and chest out, does not say a word, vision full contain anticipates and implores. 所有男弟子昂首挺胸,不发一言,目光满含期待和祈求。 The Shangshui fairy maiden observes the situation chilly, the water current murmur the voice resounds: „Others draw back, Guo Xi stays here.” 商水仙子清冷环视一圈,水流潺潺般的嗓音响起:“其他人退下,郭喜留在这里。” I?” Meng Qi such as in the falling dream, the security suddenly has, is that is ready to begin and run away. “我?”孟奇如坠梦中,警戒顿起,已是做好动手和逃遁的准备。 Will the Shangshui fairy maiden select „”? 商水仙子怎么会挑中“自己”? Guo Xi?” Sound simultaneously that suck in the cold air sends out, without whom believes that the Shangshui fairy maiden will select Guo Xi! 郭喜?”一道道倒抽凉气的声音齐齐发出,没谁相信商水仙子会挑中郭喜 In the don't tell me Shangshui fairy maiden did an evil of Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein, like pitying the person of donation feeling sorry for? 难道商水仙子中了欢喜一脉的邪,喜欢怜悯布施可怜之人? In vision that cannot believe that they also do not dare the disobey orders, one after another retreat. 不敢相信的目光里,他们同样不敢违抗命令,纷纷退去。 Goes to your room.” The Shangshui fairy maiden glances the circulation, is chilly shows several points of shyness. “去你的房间。”商水仙子眼波流转,清冷里透出几分羞涩。 This......” Meng Qi is dumbfounded, does big of don't tell me world, the fellows of how many aesthetic rare and beautiful flowers always have? “这……”孟奇目瞪口呆,难道世界之大,总有几个审美奇葩的家伙? After going, begins? The young masters do not want to give a widow! The Meng Qi train of thought complex difficult word, to guide the arrived room entrance, opens the door, making the Shangshui fairy maiden advanced. 进去以后动手?小爷可不想给个寡妇!孟奇思绪复杂难言,带路到了自己房间门口,推开门,让商水仙子先进。 He lowers the head with entering the room, turns around to close the door, has not turned head with enough time, the sound of Shangshui fairy maiden resounds suddenly coldly: 他低头跟入房间,转身合上房门,还未来得及回头,商水仙子的声音突然冷冽响起: Su Meng!” 苏孟!” What? The Meng Qi immediately fine hair raises up, several have the feeling of being frightened out of one's wits, immediately then must stick out suddenly launches an attack. 什么?孟奇顿时汗毛竖起,几有魂飞魄散之感,立刻便要暴起发难。 At this moment, the sound of Shangshui fairy maiden is transfers softly, full is the happy expression and familiar: 就在这时,商水仙子的声音已是转柔,满是笑意和熟悉: Husband, we are predestined friends the thousand li (500 km) to meet.” “夫君,咱们真是有缘千里来相会。” The Meng Qi's pupil contracts the needle-tip immediately, seems to be in a dream. 孟奇的瞳孔当即收缩成针尖,恍然如梦。 Gu Xiaosang attended to demoness!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 顾小桑妖女!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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