WORIOA :: Volume #4

#124: Trying of Lian Yu

The main hall is mounting the gold foil everywhere, reflects to dazzle the color the ray, even more serves as contrast the white flower petal holy with the Bodhisattva Lian Yu grief, shines upon favor attractively her talcum powder skin. ¢ £ 大殿处处镶嵌着金箔,将光芒反射出炫彩,愈发衬托出白色花瓣的圣洁和怜欲菩萨的悲悯,将她一身粉肤映照得润泽诱人。¢£ In the Meng Qi hand pinches Samsara Talisman secretly, shoulders after behind, the azure robe moves slightly, the stance is tall and straight, is proudly reserved, deep, but the vicissitudes, do not reveal the least bit to be surprised. 孟奇手中暗捏轮回符,背负于身后,青袍微动,姿态挺拔,傲然内敛,深沉而沧桑,不露半点惊讶。 This words cannot meet casually, oneself are not real Poison Hands Demon Monarch, does not know that perhaps what happened, Bodhisattva Lian Yu is cheating itself, if pretends to know that exchanged greetings several, immediately wraps! 这种话不能随便接,自己不是真的毒手魔君,不知道过去发生了什么事情,也许怜欲菩萨只是在诈自己呢,若装作认识寒暄几句,立刻中套! But if shows neither approval nor disapproval, the attitude is raw and cold, feared that both sides really knew, arouses suspicion. 但如果不置可否,态度生冷,又怕双方真的认识,引起怀疑。 Therefore, the at this very moment most normal way is ambiguous by right, did not express the understanding, did not show did not know! 所以,此时此刻最正常的方式是含糊以对,既不表示认识,也不透出不认识! The thoughts revolve like lightning, Meng Qi crosses the hands behind the back the vanguard two steps, the faint smile: Old man has been immeasurably deep.” 心思电转,孟奇负手前行两步,似笑非笑道:“老夫一直深不可测。” Bodhisattva Lian Yu immediately smiles tremblingly, eye-catching: Violent treachery you are such arrogant, what a pity, in the past round trip in a hurry, cannot with you arm with the roaming.” 怜欲菩萨顿时笑得颤颤巍巍,夺人眼球:“毒手你还是这么自高自大,可惜,当年来去匆匆,没能与你把臂同游。” Her both eyes looks at Meng Qi moistly, the wave light circulation, greed deep conceals, seems looking at Immortal Pill elixir. 双眼湿润地看着孟奇,波光流转,贪欲深藏,似乎在看着一颗仙丹妙药 According to ten thousand correspondence, violent treachery, even if no Grandmaster realm, still differs not far, can break through momentarily. 根据万手的“书信”,毒手即使没有宗师境界,也相差不远,随时能够突破。 Can't the arm with the roaming? In other words, actually and has no relations? Meng Qi inwardly relaxes, so long as is not the old friend, matter was easy to do, but thinks also this/should so, if Poison Hands Demon Monarch is the Bodhisattva Lian Yu old friend, feared that had been picked makes up outside the palace three arrow gods the appearance, where is capable of offending evil two, made that the world all enemy, does hide in Bomi? 没能把臂同游?也就是说,其实并没有什么关系?孟奇暗自松了口气,只要不是老相好,事情就好办了,不过想想亦该如此,若毒手魔君怜欲菩萨的老相好,怕是早就被采补成殿外“三眼箭神”的模样,哪有能力得罪正邪两道,弄得天下皆敌,躲进播密 So lucky in love, the old man feared that cannot enjoy.” The Meng Qi manner is relaxed, performs obviously the old demon elegant demeanor. “如此艳福,老夫怕是享受不起。”孟奇神态轻松,尽显老魔头风采。 Bodhisattva Lian Yu looked pinches two men who rub with a smile to the foot dedicated: Like this lucky in love, are you willing not to enjoy?” 怜欲菩萨含笑看向脚边专注捏揉的两名男子:“这样的艳福,你们舍得不享受吗?” Does not give up!” Not only kneels two men near foot, the Bodhisattva Lian Yu body sides and behind four men also said with one voice, the expression is excited and infatuated. As if arrived world great bliss. “舍不得!”不仅是跪在脚边的两名男子,就连怜欲菩萨体侧和身后的四名男子也异口同声道,表情激动而痴迷。似乎得到了人间的大极乐 Violent treachery, you looked, they do not think like this.” Bodhisattva Lian Yu sighed, the instantaneous colorful color was pretty, your I was one generation, but before you hid into Bomi, with those Fellow Daoist that we fought, now the good good work, was fearing that was ten less than one.” “毒手,你看,他们并不这样认为。”怜欲菩萨叹了口气,瞬间化艳色为楚楚动人,“你我算是一代,可你躲入播密前还与我们争锋的那些同道,如今还好好活着的,怕是十不足一。” 20 years of time to Exterior Scenery is not the vicissitudes, but Unorthodox Path exceeds Righteous Path brutally, suppressed present situation. The friend who the betrayal massacres, seizes the treasure to plunder the powerhouse of body, keeping cultivation technique easy intensive them always from accumulating the Exterior Scenery quantity the advantage, therefore, 20 years fall from the sky sufficiently a number of Exterior Scenery, naturally, will definitely not have ten not to save a degree, Bodhisattva Lian Yu refers to is living well, cannot break through realm. Sets the base in Exterior Scenery, the fellow who can only bully the Dawning Enlightenment rookie is not obviously well. 二十年时光对外景来说不算沧海桑田,但左道的残酷胜过正道,遭受打压的现状。背叛残杀的朋友,夺宝掠身的强者,让功法易速成的他们总是无法累积外景数量的优势,所以,二十年足以陨落一批外景,当然,肯定不会有十不存一的程度,怜欲菩萨所指是“好好”活着,不能突破境界。在外景里垫底,只能欺负欺负开窍新人的家伙显然算不上“好”。 To them, if Exterior Scenery of big influence, situated in organization backbone level. Is far from the high level, is unable to place on a par with Bodhisattva Lian Yu, if Exterior Scenery of non- big influence, is the Bodhisattva Lian Yu and other powerhouse of the plundering goals. Is often fearful and apprehensive. 对他们来说,若是大势力的外景,处于组织中坚层面。谈不上高层,无法与怜欲菩萨相提并论,如果非大势力的外景,则是怜欲菩萨等强者的掠夺目标。时常胆战心惊。 What's the big deal, world painstakingly, if no strength. Might as well extricate early.” Meng Qi is deliberately speaking the callous words with the mercy attitude. “那又如何,世间多苦,若无实力。不如早早解脱。”孟奇刻意用慈悲的态度说着冷酷至极的话语。 Bodhisattva Lian Yu tittered smiles, entire main hall immediately was brightly brighter: Ten thousand said that you melt Buddhist Law to make up the demon base, I did not believe that now knows to say not empty, this has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with my Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein actually, but we are in demon ask Buddha, you are turn Buddha into the demon, everyone is happen to supplementary.” 怜欲菩萨噗嗤一笑,整座大殿顿时灿烂光明了许多:“万手说你化佛法补魔基,我原是不信,如今才知所言非虚,这倒是与我欢喜一脉有异曲同工之妙,只不过我们是于魔求佛,你是化佛为魔,大家正好互补。” When speaking of supplementary, she blinks suddenly, occasionally appears made her in pitying to attract smart-alecky beside to be many several to distinguish clearly newly, added the charm. 说到“互补”时,她突然眨了眨眼睛,偶尔出现的俏皮让她在怜悯魅惑之外多了几分清新,更添魅力。 Meng Qi had the ancestors liquor table to listen to the feeling of yellow piece, restrained the heart lake ripples reluctantly, held the smile saying: Buddha is also good, demon, but is centripetal say/way, in brief, the say/way of road of non- old man Li Wending.” 孟奇顿生上辈子酒桌听黄段子的感觉,勉强克制住心湖涟漪,噙着微笑道:“佛也好,魔也罢,不过是求心中之‘道’,总之,李文定之路非老夫之道。” „Did you really awaken greatly?” Bodhisattva Lian Yu gawked slightly staring, quick, her expression becomes pities again, you thought that Li Wending is pitiful?” “你真大彻大悟了?”怜欲菩萨略微愣了愣,很快,她表情再次变得怜悯,“你觉得李文定可怜?” In the twenty years, falling from the sky Exterior Scenery there are numerous similar cases, has dead of the evil struggle, has to perish in forgetting honor at the sight of profits, the back holds the blade, when has the greed to play blindman's buff, enters the vestige opens the cave mansion did not understand that improves then receives, was seized the treasure the murder, has by the expert battle is affected, the inexplicable body falls, as for overstating is common, has dead hardship seriously anytime and anywhere.” “这二十年里,陨落的外景不知凡几,有死于正邪之争,有亡于见利忘义,背后捅刀,有贪欲蒙眼,入遗迹开洞府时不懂得见好便收,惨遭杀人夺宝,亦有受高人交战波及,莫名身陨,至于走火入魔更是常见,当真随时随地都有死厄。” Even if also living those, majority is still full of the pain, the origin of sad heavenly materials and earthly treasures, worries chasing down of enemy, the pain in the stagnation of cultivation base, is envying transcendence of successor, was afraid one day on the 1st old, terrified.” “即使还活着的那些,大部分也是充满痛苦,忧愁天材地宝的来源,烦恼仇家的追杀,苦痛于修为的停滞,嫉妒着后来者的超越,害怕一日老过一日,惶惶不安。” My demon mercy, world painstakingly, all things are much unreal, not, if destroys.” Meng Qi returned to one simply. “我魔慈悲,世间多苦,诸事虚幻,不若毁去。”孟奇简简单单回了一句。 On the Bodhisattva Lian Yu face exudes named a brilliance that pities pure and holy: Right, world painstakingly, is worried, most people life is light, once for a while suffers suffering of pain, the left worried, has parents' puzzled oppression, has others' discrimination to bully, has the love overwhelmed with sorrow, but not getting, can only hold a happiness accidentally, until longevity to the end, changes into white bone, such being the case struggles difficultly, why does not put down other, enjoying to be happy?” 怜欲菩萨脸上泛起一层叫做圣洁怜悯的光辉:“对,世间多苦,皆是烦闷,绝大部分人生活平淡重复,时不时遭受病痛的折磨,离别的忧愁,有父母的不解压迫,有别人的歧视欺负,有爱而不得的愁肠百结,只能偶然抓住一丝欢乐,直到寿元到头,化为白骨,既然如此艰难挣扎,为何不放下其他,享受极乐?” I donate the mortal body to give them, letting them at times to enjoy the male and female spirit meat sexual intercourse great bliss, forgets sadly, continuously immersion in, until the death approached, elapsed safely, compared with you who thinking of every means that the fight adventure not necessarily had, worried the pain many joyful you, does not know how many times enjoyed, you also thought that Li Wending was pitiful?” “我布施肉身给他们,让他们时时能享受男女灵肉交合的大极乐,忘记忧愁,一直沉浸其中,直到死亡来临,安然逝去,比费尽心机、战斗冒险而未必有成的你,烦恼痛苦多过快乐的你,不知享受多少倍,你还觉得李文定可怜?” Also is really good at the fallacies and absurdities...... considering that oneself are also the Evil Demon outlet, the Meng Qi being disinclined argument argued, but said with a smile easely: „Does child non- fish know the happiness of fish?” 还真是擅长歪理邪说……考虑到自己也是邪魔外道,孟奇懒得费口舌争论,只是悠然笑道:“子非鱼焉知鱼之乐?” Right?” Bodhisattva Lian Yu exudes the eye of extraordinary splendor to hoodwink a favor water glare, „, but you have not experienced the life junction to cultivate/repair great bliss that the spirit meat melts, how to know you happiness of needing?” “是吗?”怜欲菩萨泛着异彩的眼睛蒙着一层润泽水光,“但你都没经历过性命交修灵肉相融的大极乐,如何知晓非你所需之乐?” At this point, her chuckle, then said: Initially has wanted to compare notes with you, but does not realize, today meets by chance finally, how could to vary to taste the long-cherished wish?” 说到这里,她轻笑一声,转而道:“当初一直想和你切磋,但都未能如愿,今日总算相逢,岂能不一尝夙愿?” I lord your guest, is unsuitable to fight, so as to avoid you misunderstand us to renege on a promise, wants to pick to make up forcefully, not, if this, gives you to demonstrate I congeal Bodhisattva Lian Yu, so as to avoid you are ignorant about great bliss, and has a look whether can stir up you appears from movement technique.” “我主你客,不便交手,免得你误会我们反悔,欲强行采补,不若这样,给你展示一下我凝结的‘怜欲菩萨相’,免得你对大极乐懵懂无知,并且看看是否能激得你现出自身法相。” She to the opportunity of Meng Qi reply, quite a little flustered flavor has not sat cross-legged to sit, the surroundings white flower petal flies, voluminous. 她没有给孟奇回答的机会,颇有点急吼吼味道地盘腿而坐,周围白色花瓣飞起,洋洋洒洒。 Does not pick to make up forcefully is mainly the ability issue, but does not represent cannot seduce, lets violent treachery being willing, if can pick to make up Grandmaster or is close to Grandmaster Immortal Pill. Oneself then can break through many years of difficult position immediately, the Grandmaster period! 不强行采补主要是能力问题,但不代表不能诱惑,让毒手“心甘情愿”,若能采补一位宗师或者接近宗师的“仙丹”。自己立刻便能突破多年困境,宗师可期! Said so many a moment ago, for the heart of chaotic violent treachery, did not waver his faith! 刚才说了那么多,不就是为了乱毒手之心,动摇他的信念! On Bodhisattva Lian Yu spills over the clear light, the back congeals picture of the Bodhisattva, the white skirt is holy, the right hand holds the lotus, the appearance and Lian Yu have several phase splitting shapes, but pities pure and holy, she women's clothing half reveal. If the chest hidden as presently, flesh is interwoven by law principle, just like the essence, is extremely attractive, at the same time, show mouth slightly, the left hand places the chest, as if will undress, directs the person daydream. 怜欲菩萨身上泛出清光,背后凝结出一尊菩萨之像,白裙圣洁,右手托莲,面目与怜欲有几分相像,但更加圣洁更加怜悯,“她”衣裙半露。胸口若隐似现,肌肤似由法理交织而成,宛若实质,极其诱人,同时,秀口微张,左手放在胸口,似乎正要宽衣解带,引人遐思。 This Bodhisattva holy and charming both contradictory feelings strange fuse together. Attracting that showing is unable to explain, direct India enters Meng Qi's Primordial Spirit! 菩萨圣洁与妩媚两者矛盾的感觉奇异融为一体。透出无法言喻的魅惑,直接“印”入孟奇的元神 The white flower petal flutters, the pale red mist fills the air, if there is to resemble not to have recited lightly lowly snort/hum flutters. 白色花瓣飘飞,淡红雾气弥漫,若有似无的轻吟低哼飘荡。 Thump thump thump. Meng Qi discovered own heartbeat like drum, hot blooded racing wells up, the breath becomes loud, felt unable to practice moderation. 咚咚咚。孟奇发现自己心跳如鼓,热血奔涌,呼吸变得粗重,感觉无法自持。 This as if world regular attractive is hard to resist simply. As if she is the male and female albizzia julibrissin has presently, is the innermost feelings ** shape! 仿佛天地规律般的诱人简直难以抗拒。似乎她就是男女合欢的具现,是内心**的化形! Thump thump thump, male each and every one in main hall partly kneels in the place. The facial expression is demented, is not only quiet, and as if feared that tarnished pure and holy. 咚咚咚,大殿内的男子一个个半跪于地。神情癫狂痴迷,既想清静,又似乎怕玷污了圣洁。 Thump thump thump, Meng Qi supports reluctantly, revolves core technique of Ānanda broken monk blade, restraining yi read forcefully, maintained a purity. 咚咚咚,孟奇勉强支撑,运转起阿难戒刀心法,强行收敛旖念,保持一丝清净。 With this at the same time, in his forehead Ancestral Aperture becomes dark, no up no down, before not having has no children, does not have toward not having, in Indestructible Primordial Beginning Idol reveals, resists the inexplicable law principle influence. 与此同时,他眉心祖窍内变得幽幽暗暗,无上无下,无前无后,无往无来,不灭元始相内显,抵御莫名法理影响。 Both simultaneous/uniform uses/gives, was Meng Qi wins an opportunity, the Primordial Spirit deep place the view found out Tathagata Divine Palm immediately true intent, a golden big buddha above Sea of Mind, a finger day , in the mouth makes the great sound presently: 两者齐施,为孟奇争得了一丝机会,元神深处立即观想出“如来神掌真意,一尊金色大佛现于心灵大海之上,一手指天,一手直地,口中发出宏大之音: Among Heaven and Earth, Only I Am Venerated!” 天上天下,唯我独尊!” The Buddha sound like the thunder, I dominates above all sorts of desires, with does not extinguish Primordial Spirit to melt one, absorbed all sorts of desires. 佛音如雷,“我”凌驾于种种欲念之上,与不灭元神相融一,摄住了种种欲念。 The blood flows becomes slow, the heartbeat returns to normal, breathing long and wadding is thick, Meng Qi in impact that interweaves law principle to have gotten rid from that all around the induction, discovered that the Ying Ning and Ying Ning liangs famous female was actually also attracted, the complexion flushed, recited thin unceasingly, but Bodhisattva Lian Yu had not discovered that Meng Qi both eyes are limpid, but also is revolving Dharma Idol. 血液流淌变缓,心跳平复,呼吸悠长而绵厚,孟奇已从那种交织法理带来的影响中摆脱,感应四周,发现婴宁名女子竟然也被吸引,脸色潮红,细吟不断,而怜欲菩萨还未发现孟奇已双目清澈,还在运转着法相 Meng Qi when laughs, crosses the hands behind the back to turn around to go, performs to reveal the Unorthodox Path giant style, suddenly in the heart moved, had a better idea, previously did not obtain one drop „the blood of Demon Saint, happen to shook them, making them know that oneself Buddhist Law made up demon base to say not empty! 孟奇正待哈哈一笑,负手转身而去,尽显左道巨擘风范,忽然心中一动,有了更好的主意,先前不是得到一滴“魔圣之血”吗,正好震震她们,让她们知道自己“佛法补魔基”所言不虚! The blue and purple blood falls into the Meng Qi hand from storage ring, the aura that swallows evilly floods into within the body from the palm all, with ** the golden big buddha aura of simulation blends. 青紫鲜血从芥子环中落入孟奇手中,邪恶吞噬的气息从掌心尽数涌入体内,与**模拟的金色大佛气息交融。 Bodhisattva Lian Yu Dharma Idol completely unfolds , suddenly feeling evil demon qi is whole-heartedly dreadful, presses the mind to tremble, it fills to swallow the destruction and degenerates the evil different flavor, but is also unified in Buddha intent that the is not the other non 's blissful peace induced by meditation and mercy pity, combines one type to overlook the feeling of mortal world common people indifferently callously! 怜欲菩萨法相尽展,正待全力以赴,忽然感觉邪恶魔气滔天,压得自己心灵一颤,它充满吞噬毁灭和堕落邪异的味道,但又统一于非彼非此的禅味和慈悲怜悯的佛意,混杂出一种漠然冷酷俯视红尘苍生的感觉! In the main hall, buddhist light blacks, demon qi tumbles, the vicissitudes evil thought penetration is void, has probably true Evil Demon to come to the world, Meng Qi of two temple efflorescences crosses the hands behind the back to be built on, resembles Buddha like the god! 大殿之内,佛光染黑,魔气翻滚,沧桑邪念贯通虚空,像是有真正的邪魔要现身人世,两鬓霜白的孟奇负手立于其中,似佛如神! The Lian Yu vision solidifies, the heart has the mighty waves, back Bodhisattva hidden sways. 怜欲目光凝固,心起波澜,背后菩萨之相隐有晃荡。 The violent treachery has really become the Unorthodox Path giant! 毒手真的已成为左道巨擘! Oneself are unable to compel unexpectedly his Dharma Idol! 自己竟然连他的法相都无法逼出! Lian Yu, but can also demonstrate again?” Meng Qi said with a smile slightly. 怜欲,还要再展示吗?”孟奇微微笑道。 Such remarks, the main hall people recover, look to the Meng Qi's vision like looking at true Demon Monarch! 此言一出,大殿众人才回过神来,望向孟奇的目光就像看着一个真正的魔君 Bodhisattva Lian Yu receives Dharma Idol with a smile, had not revealed appearance that the least bit suffers setbacks: Violent treachery you do not lose the number of Demon Monarch, has the Black List strength, I, have rested today for the time being, when my to report Sect Master Bodhisattva, should then be able to meet with tomorrow to conclude an agreement.” 怜欲菩萨笑着收起法相,没显露半点受挫的模样:“毒手你已不负魔君之号,拥有黑榜的实力,我有所不及,今日暂且休息,等我禀报宗主菩萨,明天应该便能会面立约。” Tomorrow? In Meng Qi heart one tight, don't tell me must make violent treachery vanish tonight, trades the status ambush in the island, waits for the opportunity to turn has the opportunity to contact the Extreme Blade male disciple. 明天?孟奇心中一紧,难道今晚就要让“毒手”消失,换个身份潜伏于岛上,等待机会变成有机会接触绝刀的男性弟子。 What status but should trade to make? 可该换做什么身份呢? Said goodbye from Bodhisattva Lian Yu there, Le Huan is directing Meng Qi and Ying Ning goes to the guest institute. 怜欲菩萨那里告辞出来,乐环引着孟奇婴宁前往客院。 According to sees along the road, Meng Qi discovered that this place has the spirit beast of raising, they take the wild animal as the food, if oneself turn into the mouse, but must guard against their attacks, will not pay attention to expose slightly, but insect and other tiny lives, when will need the evil spirits number change will have. 根据沿路所见,孟奇发现此地多有豢养的灵兽,它们以野兽为食,若自己变成老鼠等,还得提防它们的攻击,稍不留神就会暴露,而虫豸等细小生灵,则需要地煞数变化时才有。 What should get makes? 该变做什么呢? Gave a pretext by what makes the violent treachery vanish, didn't make one suspect the goal, the hawser island?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 以什么借口让毒手消失,不引人怀疑目的,大索全岛?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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