WORIOA :: Volume #4

#123: To magnificence Chuwen

Blue sky washes, the large ship approaches shore to anchor, the harbor mast are many, without the Meng Qi imagination in is so unenlightened stern. 碧空似洗,楼船靠岸停泊,港口桅杆不少,没有孟奇想象中那么森严闭塞。↑ The wharf stands a 18 or 19 years old young girl, the hair is pulling along with cloud Ji, the facial skin is white and tender, the tip of the nose very curls upwards, the facial features are distinct. 码头站着一位十八九岁的少女,头发挽成随云髻,脸皮白嫩,鼻头挺翘,眉眼分明。 She wears the powdery white women's clothing, serving as contrast the flesh is exquisite, what in five senses is most outstanding is that both eyes eyeball, is combining tenderly gruff naive and such as charming of silk. 她穿着粉白衣裙,衬托得肌肤细腻光洁,五官之中最出众的是那双眼睛,混杂着娇憨般的天真和如丝的妩媚。 Bodhisattva has received diving offshore islands letter, understands the matter whole story, asking the violent treachery mister to go to Le Gong to meet greatly.” The young girls hired Tingting good a ritual. 菩萨已收到潜离岛‘来信’,明白事情原委,请毒手先生去大乐宫相见。”少女聘聘婷婷行了一礼。 Good.” The sea breeze recklessly, the Meng Qi azure garment also rock, flap flap makes noise, but the whole person is as stable as the rock of Gibraltar, collects the deep sea, gradually goes down the large ship. “好。”海风肆意,孟奇青衫随之晃动,猎猎作响,但整个人稳若泰山,敛似深海,缓步走下楼船。 The Ying Ning smile is bright, but also a ritual: Does not know the elder sister fine reputation.” 婴宁笑容灿烂,还了一礼:“不知姐姐芳名。” Girl Le Huan, in ordinary disciple to the magnificence island.” The young girls replied flustered confusedly, not seem to think Ying Ning is so warm. “小女子乐环,离华岛上普通弟子。”少女慌张错乱地回答,似乎没想到婴宁如此热情。 Ying Ning blinks to Meng Qi, pulls the arm of Le Huan, asked to magnificence matter of Dao and Bodhisattva Lian Yu kindly, Le Huan has nothing to conceal, replied honestly, making Meng Qi also many for several points to understand to here. 婴宁孟奇眨了眨眼睛,挽起乐环的手臂,亲切问起离华岛和怜欲菩萨之事,乐环没什么隐瞒,都老老实实回答,让孟奇对这里又多了几分了解。 Had/Left the wharf, is the street of spreading across, has the shop to have the stall keeper, there are all kinds of cargos, as well as everywhere, indistinctly floats ehm the sound, seriously the traces of spring bone to inter the body, making the person whole body give off heat, the body software is crisp, is hard to make the trip. 出了码头,是纵横交错的街道,有店铺有摊贩,有各种各样的货物,以及无处不在,隐隐约约飘来的嗯嗯啊啊之声,当真春意入骨,使人浑身发热,身软体酥,难以成行。 On the road the person does not calculate too, has the one person alone, but group young girl, has a man and a woman who stroll hand in hand, there are by several men are crowding around the female, once for a while can see that in the corner has the meat insect to tumble, skin burnishing powder arm, ** the taste flutters repeatedly. 路上之人不算太多,有孤身而行的少女,有携手漫步的一男一女,也有被几个男人簇拥着的女子,时不时能看到角落里有肉虫翻滚,肤光粉臂,**之味屡屡飘出。 Le Huan brings Meng Qi two people to cross the street, the goal points to the end the mountain, just crossed a crossroad, the street has the beggar to throw suddenly, in rags but clean, the facial expression fills to ask to be willing. Grasps the Le Huan slender calf firmly, summoned unceasingly: Female Bodhisattva, acts charitably, acts charitably.” 乐环带着孟奇两人横穿街道,目标直指尽头的高山,刚过一处路口,街边忽有乞丐扑来,衣衫褴褛但干净,神情充满求肯。牢牢抱住乐环纤细的小腿,不断呼唤:“女菩萨,行行好吧,行行好吧。” Also has the beggar...... Meng Qi all old monsters to maintain composure to magnificence Dao likely sizes up everywhere, discovered that under the eaves of this street is gathering dozens beggars. “离华岛也有乞丐……”孟奇像所有老怪物般不动声色四处打量,发现这条街的屋檐下聚集着几十个乞丐。 Le Huan knits the brows to kick the leg, works loose from this beggar hand, honk the mouth said: They are incense burner of Bodhisattva and elders and Senior Sisters, because progresses insufficient, even the effectiveness of dregs of medical decoction loses, does not have the special skill. Was not liked, could not become between -meal snack, can only degenerate into the servant, did some matters of doing odd jobs, but as the matter stands, their no one was intimate with, could not enjoy happy of men and women, in the skill big point enticing island other disciples, disappointing like them. Every day this place goes begging, seeks a next best happy.” 乐环皱眉踢腿,从这名乞丐手中挣脱,嘟嘴道:“他们都是菩萨和长老、师姐们的炉鼎,因为上进不足,连药渣的效用都失去,又不具备特长。不被喜爱,成不了零嘴,只能沦为奴仆,做些打杂之事,但这样一来,他们就无人亲近,享受不了男女之欢,本事大点的勾引岛中其他弟子,差劲的就像他们一样。每日来此地乞讨,求一次之欢。” Also can go begging this......, even if experienced and knowledgeable, Meng Qi also some feelings of wiping the cold sweat, Great Thousand World. Truly every possible strange thing, but this fellows reduced to this situation, has not been willing from go out to the magnificence island, fully explained the seduction of this place. The men and women happy made that seems like attracts * poison, is hard to extricate oneself. 还能乞讨这个……纵使见多识广,孟奇也有抹冷汗的感觉,大千世界。确实无奇不有,不过这帮家伙都沦落到这个地步了,还不肯从离华岛出去,足以说明此地的诱惑。把男女之欢弄得像是“吸*毒”,难以自拔。 During the Le Huan speeches swept this street, the vision solidifies suddenly. Mounted in some corner. 乐环说话间扫了一眼这条街道,目光突然凝固。黏在了某个角落里。 There also has a beggar, the clothing is tattered, sends out the odor, the both legs is not twisting normally, because as if going begging the struggle was broken by others. 那里同样有个乞丐,衣衫破烂,散发着恶臭,双腿不正常扭曲,似乎因为“乞讨”之争被其他人打断了。 His body is fragile, the face is delicate, but grew the malignant ulcer, seems quite disgusting, the lip does sheds skin, a both eyes eyeball shrinks and brings the facial expression that peeps the love looks to Le Huan. 他身体瘦弱,脸庞清秀但长了恶疮,显得颇为恶心,嘴唇干得脱皮,一双眼睛畏畏缩缩又带着偷窥迷恋的神情看向乐环 Really pitiful......” Le Huan whispered, the sound slightly had hoarse, can blow the color bones of most men. “真可怜……”乐环低语了一句,声音略有沙哑,能刮动大部分男人的色骨。 The Meng Qi corners of the mouth move slightly, the Le Huan vision in induction is blurred, is moist as if to want the water drop, the facial expression fills to pity and be fond. 孟奇嘴角微动,感应之中的乐环目光迷离,湿润得仿佛要滴水,神情充满怜悯和疼惜。 Really pitiful......” she repeated, looks suddenly to Meng Qi, the sentiment of plea can be seen in speech and appearance: „Can violent treachery mister, wait for the moment slightly? He is quite pitiful, waits for the girl to donate one time.” “真可怜……”她重复了一遍,霍地望向孟奇,恳求之情溢于言表:“毒手先生,能稍微等待片刻吗?他好可怜,等小女子布施一次。” Goes.” Meng Qi has had nothing to say in reply, can only maintain the old monster the calm. “去吧。”孟奇已无言以对,只能维持老怪物的波澜不惊。 Actually will be moved because of this, a guidance of Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein really makes the normal person praise to the heavens! 竟然会因为这个而动情,欢喜一脉的教导真是让正常人叹为观止! Le Huan moved toward that beggar gradually, the vision of beggar with her close to changing lifts high, reveals for several points to have doubts, several points shrank, several points of infatuated. 乐环缓步走向了那名乞丐,乞丐的目光随着她的靠近变高而抬起,露出几分疑惑,几分畏缩,几分痴迷。 Le Huan removed the powdery white women's clothing, reveals the fair delicate back, her stature is slender, the both sides curves draw in the waist, make the soul-stirring happy curve, then the hand lifted, scattered the chignon, the pitch-black as silk slippery waterfall fell suddenly, sprinkles on the shoulder, the back, is attracting many beggars faintly with one voice rumble. 乐环褪去了粉白衣裙,露出白皙细嫩的背部,她身材纤细,两侧的曲线在腰部收拢,制造出惊心动魄的美好弧度,然后手一抬,打散了发髻,乌黑似丝滑的瀑布陡然滑落,洒在肩上,半遮半掩着背部,引来众多乞丐异口同声的咕噜。 Her facial expression pities pure and holy, in that beggar pleasantly surprised and shocking in grateful vision, like true Bodhisattva, steps into silt step by step, sits down slowly, powdery white and black yellow will interlock, exudes the graciousness sound that tall and slender wadding will transfer. 她神情圣洁而怜悯,在那名乞丐惊喜、震惊又感激的目光里,如同真正的菩萨,一步步踏入“淤泥”,缓缓坐下,将粉白与黑黄交错,发出一声细长绵转的恩声。 Elder Sister Le Huan really has the heart of mercy......” the Ying Ning admiration to look at Le Huan, hides arrived Meng Qi slightly behind, avoids the numerous beggar flood red vision. 乐环姐姐真有慈悲之心……”婴宁敬佩地看着乐环,稍微躲到了孟奇身后,避开众乞丐泛红的目光。 The heart of mercy...... Meng Qi felt own already disregarded looking straight ahead mercy two characters, later some people said own mercy, can only scold „you mercy ruthlessly, your entire family mercy!” 慈悲之心……孟奇觉得自己已经无视直视“慈悲”两个字了,以后再有人说自己慈悲,只能狠狠骂回去“你才慈悲,你全家都慈悲!” He crosses the hands behind the back to look at the heaven, the vicissitudes, but the scholarly, may be only asked actually speechless. 他负手望着苍天,沧桑而儒雅,可实际只是无语相问。 Has the custom to magnificence Daopo, in the witness so live color unrefined resin one secretly, whom so many beggars actually does not have to dare coming up to push to join, can only look eagerly, was anticipating female Bodhisattva shows the kindness of heart greatly, consoles the entire street. 离华岛颇有规矩,在目睹如此活色生香一幕后,这么多乞丐竟然没谁敢上去强推加入,只能眼巴巴看着,期待着女菩萨大发善心,慰藉整条街。 In a while, the beggar exudes one to satisfy the unwilling moan, body soft, Le Huan is also the powder back flood red, the both arms become tight. 没过多久,乞丐发出一声满足又不甘的呻吟,身体软了下去,乐环亦是粉背泛红,双臂变紧。 She kissed a beggar, two move, helps his bonesetting, but the beggar the aura is weak, probably prostration. 她亲了一口乞丐,两手下移,啪的一声帮他正骨,而乞丐却已气息微弱,像是虚脱。 „Does this also pick to make up?” Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, pitying donation of reaching an agreement? “这样也采补?”孟奇微微皱眉,说好的怜悯布施呢? Ying Ning replied seriously: Has the donation also to consecrate, Elder Sister Le Huan the strength is not high, if light/only has the donation, does not receive to consecrate, immediately then meets the bloodlines ebullition, like the fiercest spring * the medicine, could not obtain to satisfy the internal heat to burn the heart to perish, consecration that actually she received a moment ago are extremely few, is equal to the normal men and wife and concubines has sexual intercourse 2-3 consumptions, but this beggar is injured for a long time, the body debt, this collapses.” 婴宁一本正经回答:“有布施也有供奉,乐环姐姐实力不高,若光有布施,不收供奉,立刻便会血脉沸腾,如同中了最烈的春*药,得不到满足就会内火焚心而亡,其实她刚才收的供奉极少,等同正常男子与妻妾交合2-3次的消耗,只是这名乞丐长久受伤,身体亏空,这才虚脱。” Said naturally...... the Meng Qi decision to be unalarmed by strange sights well, after all here is Lust Path Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein Dao Temple, is the exceptional case. 说得好理所当然……孟奇决定还是见怪不怪,毕竟这里是**道欢喜一脉的道场,是特例。 Le Huan wears the women's clothing, the elegant face exudes is wiping bright-colored thin red, the aura slightly has rapid, the wing of the nose both sides have several clear sweat, putting out a hand that drove back the each and every one beggar, returns to side Meng Qi, embarrassed say/way: Made the mister wait for a long time, the girl extremely the sentiment moved a moment ago, came xiong and anxiety happily. For a while a little cannot stand.” 乐环穿上衣裙,俏脸泛着一抹明艳的薄红,气息略有急促,鼻翼两侧有几滴晶莹汗水,逼退了一个个乞丐的伸手,回到孟奇身边,不好意思道:“让先生久等了,小女子刚才太过情动,欢乐来得又汹又急。一时有点站不起来。” Is this matter that can openly discuss? Meng Qi felt again arrived lives, but is the worries of three view normal people. 这是能公开讨论的事情吗?孟奇再次感觉到了生而为三观正常之人的烦恼。 His facial expression indifferently, slightly nod: That continues to guide.” 他神情漠然,微微点头:“那就继续带路。” Le Huan looked at Ying Ning one, spits the pink tongue, has turned around, if the weak wind holds willow -like to lead the way. 乐环看了婴宁一眼,吐了吐粉红舌头,转过身,若弱风扶柳般前行。 Crossed the small town, steps the stone steps, upward, Meng Qi diverts attention to observe to flowing and several obvious formation arrangement of magnificence island world inner qi. 过了市镇,踏上石阶,一路往上,孟奇分心观察着离华岛天地气机的流动和几处明显的阵法布置。 Here was inferior such only against foreign enemy who Ying Ning description, leaves, looks from the world inner qi concealed killing intent. Has the fearful ban to kill, but normal dregs of medical decoction incense burner, if leaves, the person of Lust Path feared that is also disinclined to prevent, to have this time, might as well looks newly, even if the effect and dregs of medical decoction differ as if, at least still calculates that changes the taste. 这里并不如婴宁描述的那样只防外敌,不禁离开,从天地气机隐含的杀意看。藏有可怕的禁制杀阵,只不过正常药渣炉鼎,若要离开,**道之人怕也懒得阻止,有这工夫,还不如去找新的,就算效果与药渣相差仿佛,至少也算换换口味。 Is losing both hands, gradually climbs up. Meng Qi is seemingly deep, is actually tumbling actually the train of thought that is deliberating the plan. 负着双手,缓步登高。孟奇看似深沉,实际却在翻滚着思绪,推敲着计划。 Oneself not possible to see Joyous Bodhisattva or other Lust Path Grandmaster absolutely, must after Bodhisattva Lian Yu reported not doubtable disappearance Poison Hands Demon Monarch this status. Then ambushes to magnificence Dao, observes those to have certain talent possible to sense the Overlord's Extreme Blade male disciple, waits for an opportunity to hold one, changes him. Enters ** Immortal Realm sensibility. 自己绝对不可能去见欢喜菩萨**道其他宗师,必须在怜欲菩萨上报后不让人怀疑的消失掉“毒手魔君”这个身份。然后潜伏在离华岛,观察那些有一定天赋可能去感悟霸王绝刀的男弟子,伺机抓住一个,变化成他。进入**仙界感悟。 This time must grasp, cannot be too early, because the male disciple will often be picked to make up. If the bride's side strength is not high fortunately, oneself can practice trickery with spurious version Heavenly Demon Le Hunjia illusion technique extremely, if the bride's side has the Exterior Scenery level, the status will be pierced, falls into the extreme danger, can only escapes by not necessarily effective Blue Stem Temple or Samsara Talisman, but the time also cannot be too late, when arrived soon senses, this disciple certainly some people monitor in secret. 这个时机必须把握好,不能太早,因为男弟子时常会被采补。若女方实力不高还好,自己可以用伪劣版天魔极乐混加幻术瞒天过海,如果女方有外景级,身份就会被戳穿,落入极端危险的境地,只能靠未必管用的兰柯寺轮回符逃亡,而时机亦不能太迟,到了快要感悟时,这种弟子一定有人暗中监视。 Dark Maiden lineage/vein and Joyous Bodhisattva lineage/vein relations are not harmonious, have in the situation of choice, the Shangshui fairy maiden definitely with not using Dao Temple...... Meng Qi will think of the incident with Bodhisattva Lian Yu suddenly, „, therefore, this place will definitely have the unique element, for example ** one of the Immortal Realm entrances?” 玄女一脉与欢喜菩萨一脉关系不算和睦,有选择的情况下,商水仙子肯定不会与怜欲菩萨同用一个道场……”孟奇忽地想到一事,“所以,此地肯定有特殊之处,比如**仙界的入口之一?” He narrowed the eye, the facial expression is invariable, before a Le Huan arrived resplendent in gold and jade green palace, above has inscribed horizontal tablet that stains the happy love filthy thing: 他眯了眯眼睛,神情不变,跟着乐环到了一座金碧辉煌的宫殿前,上面有沾满欢爱秽物的匾额: Greatly happy palace. “大乐宫”。 The entrance is standing a man, glances at the face 40 years old, may cover entirely the wrinkle, the hair is all white, seems quite withered, his forehead grows a dark-red slit, a as if covert eye, in the hand is grasping a blue black long bow, the waist is being hanging the arrow pot, is inserting seven gold lacquer long arrows. 门口站着一位男子,粗看脸部才四十来岁,可布满了皱纹,头发全白,显得颇为干枯,他眉心长着一条暗红色缝隙,仿佛一只隐蔽的眼睛,手中握着一张深黑色长弓,腰间悬挂着箭壶,插着七支金漆长箭。 Meng Qi sized up one up and down, in the heart moved slightly: This friend, but three arrow gods Li Wending?” 孟奇上下打量了一眼,心中微动:“这位朋友可是‘三眼箭神’李文定?” This male look slightly has the pollution and lifeless, looked at Meng Qi one, reveals for several points to guard and be hostile suddenly: Who are you?” 这名男子眼神略有浑浊和呆滞,看了孟奇一眼,突地露出几分提防和仇视:“你是谁?” Is Poison Hands Demon Monarch.” Le Huan introduced, horizontal male eyes, Li Wending, you ruined the foundation, from makes up falls for between -meal snack greatly, cares about others to do?” “是毒手魔君。”乐环介绍道,横了男子一眼,“李文定,你都毁掉了根基,从大补落为零嘴,在乎别人干嘛?” Really three arrow gods Li Wending, the Meng Qi innermost feelings had some mighty waves, this is dozens years ago the legendary character, first-class sect direct disciple, Naturally Gifted, is well-known by the archery, initially enters Exterior Scenery to be able an arrow to take the person life inside and outside 20, once was honored as hopeful Grandmaster, what a pity has not overstepped first Heavenly Stairway to be missing, does not have the news again, cannot think that today sees to magnificence Dao! 真是“三眼箭神”李文定,孟奇内心起了些波澜,这是几十年前赫赫有名的人物,一流宗门嫡传弟子,天赋异禀,以箭术闻名,初入外景就能一箭于二十里外取人性命,曾经被誉为有望宗师,可惜还未踏过第一层天梯就失踪,再无消息,想不到今日在离华岛见到! The Li Wending breath becomes rapid, depresses with great difficulty, the side opens the body, draws back toward side. 李文定呼吸变得急促,好不容易才压下,侧开身体,往旁边退开。 Meng Qi had not looked again, as in Le Huan enters. 孟奇没再多看,随着乐环入内。 He is Bodhisattva living in the incense burner longest, had Exterior Scenery 3rd Heavenly Layer, because had the true feelings, Bodhisattva has sexual intercourse with other incense burners each time, his jealousy flame commits suicide by fire, when oneself pick makes up cannot defend Primordial Spirit, the life double loses, finally from makes up to reduce greatly between -meal snack, if not Bodhisattva keeps old friendships in mind, has sent to be odd jobs him.” Le Huan mumbled said. “他是菩萨活着的炉鼎中最久的一个,原本有外景三重天,但因为动了真情,每次菩萨与其他炉鼎交欢,他就妒火焚身,自身采补时又守不住元神,性命双丢,最后从大补一路沦落到零嘴,若非菩萨念旧,早就将他打发去做杂役了。”乐环嘟嘟囔囔说道。 Hey, was picked to make up also to pick to make up the true feelings.” Meng Qi smiled one, stepped into the main hall, inside has the bed of gold, above is spreading the white flower petal, a female partly lies down partly depends on two muscle men, the body sides and both feet have the facial features pretty man to take care earnestly. “嘿,被采补还能采补出真情。”孟奇笑了一声,踏进了大殿,里面有黄金之床,上面铺着朵朵白色花瓣,一位女子半躺半靠于两名肌肉男子身上,体侧和两脚都有面容俊秀的男人殷切服侍。 She throws over white muslin, the flesh is sending fresh-faced, the appearance is solemn, often the belt/bring pities, body each place is sending out attracting that is unable to explain. 她披着白纱,肌肤粉嫩有致,容貌端庄,常带怜悯,身体每一个地方都在散发着无法言喻的魅惑。 Bodhisattva Lian Yu moves the fine ankle area, said with a smile slightly: Violent treachery, many years is not long, you are even more immeasurably deep.” 怜欲菩萨动了动精致的脚踝,微微笑道:“毒手,多年未久,你是愈发深不可测。” I go, person who the violent treachery knows! Meng Qi immediately was a little silly, could not bear pinch Samsara Talisman.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 我去,毒手认识的人!孟奇顿时有点傻了,忍不住捏了捏轮回符。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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