WORIOA :: Volume #4

#122: Maiden Path

seaside harbor, in a large ship that suits the oceangoing voyage.... 临海港口,一艘适合远洋航行的楼船内。… The hundred flowers madame and Meng Qi are away from the case several to sit facing each other, Ying Ning partly hides in mother as usual behind, only disburses a head of acme of beauty and deportment. 百花夫人与孟奇隔着案几相对而坐,婴宁照例半躲于“母亲”身后,只支出一颗千娇百媚的脑袋。 This next best matter thanks to having mister, otherwise the consequence is dreadful.” The hundred flowers madame will feel grateful to double empty boasting to display, both eyes completely look up to with Chong adore/admire, trades to be the ordinary man here, definitely inflates self-confidently, arrogant, the vanity shades the eye. “这次之事多亏有先生,否则后果不堪设想。”百花夫人将感激加倍又浮夸地表现了出来,双目尽是仰望和崇慕,换做平常男子在此,肯定自信膨胀,自高自大,虚荣蔽眼。 Right, without me, you will almost not be stressed...... the Meng Qi stance to be leisurely and carefree, the facial expression indifferently, the unstated criticism, looked but not see that pair of autumn waters eye lovingly, opens the mouth slowly: „The matter of seaside, the madame has been possible to say the matter of your Sect in detail.” 对,若是没有我,你们根本不会差点被抓……孟奇姿态悠闲,神情漠然,腹诽了一句,对那双秋水含情目视而不见,缓缓开口:“临海之事已了,夫人可详细说说你们门派之事了。” The hundred flowers madame corner of the eye jumps, criticizes this old monster heart like the iron stone, the oil salt does not enter, then the corners of the mouth rake out the happiest curve: Big of the world, has the sufficient weight/quantity to reduce and solve are not many, Ying Ning that the mister and Heaven Extinguishing Gate, Luoism hate excels at the Yin-Yang the technique of aid, couldn't Mr. Mo Fei/could it be that have guessed correctly?” 百花夫人眼角微跳,暗骂这老怪物心如铁石,油盐不进,然后嘴角勾出最美好的弧度:“天下之大,有足够分量化解先生与灭天门罗教仇恨的可不多,婴宁又擅长阴阳相济之术,莫非先生还猜不到?” Lust Path?” Meng Qi facial expression one congealing. **道?”孟奇神情一“凝”。 In his heart inwardly sighed, no wonder Bomi that help/gang old monster went all out to break through realm, only then showed the sufficient strength, enough use value, had the big influence on bless, or the protection or reduced and solved the matter of chasing down, otherwise definitely ascended the sky enters roadless impossible! 他心中暗自叹息,难怪播密那帮老怪物拼命想突破境界,只有表现出足够的实力,足够的利用价值,才有大势力庇佑,或保护或化解追杀之事,否则肯定上天无路入地无门! If oneself have not massacred the blue blood person wait/etc. thought by Huang Taichong and He Jiu is Grandmaster, the attitude feeds back hundred flowers madame here through the cloud nine masters, they are not definitely willing for the ordinary Top-Class Expert consumption favor, even offends Luoism, Heaven Extinguishing Gate and confraternity of beggars directly. 若自身没杀掉蓝血人,被黄太冲何九等认为是宗师,态度通过云九爷反馈回了百花夫人这里,她们肯定不愿意为普通绝顶高手消耗人情,甚至直接开罪罗教灭天门和丐帮。 Mister discernment no discrepancy.” The hundred flowers madame covers the mouth to say with a smile, among the facial expressions has the pride, the vision is carefully examining the Meng Qi's expression change. “先生法眼无差。”百花夫人掩嘴笑道,神情之间多有自傲,目光审视着孟奇的表情变化。 Meng Qi brings back the corners of the mouth, the faint smile, vision revolutions coldly: Madame Mo Fei/could it be that works as the old man is three -year-old young child, Lust Path picks to make up the man to be well-known, incurs the old man to cross the threshold, is to make that incense burner or the dregs of medical decoction?” 孟奇勾起嘴角,似笑非笑,目光转“冷”:“夫人莫非当老夫是三岁小儿,**道采补男子人尽皆知,招老夫入门,是做那炉鼎还是药渣呢?” In order to express discontentedly. Some said that transfers the old man. 为了表达“不满”。将某的自称转为老夫。 This is the normal Unorthodox Path powerhouse's normal reaction, the hundred flowers madame is not accidental/surprised, giggle smiles tenderly, before smiling , after bending down supine, the flowering branch shivers all over, the wonderful completely show/unfolds of thoroughly ripe body without doubt. 这是正常左道强者的正常反应,百花夫人毫不意外,咯咯娇笑起来,笑得前俯后仰,花枝乱颤,将熟透身躯的美妙尽展无疑。 Also is really always with flattering the technique...... the Meng Qi vision is invariable, is still callous. 还真是无时无刻不用媚术……孟奇目光不变,依旧冷酷。 „The world incorrectly relayed an erroneous message, how could did the mister completely believe?” The hundred flowers madame stops the laughter finally, the eye wave flow road for grain shipment, Lust Path is divided into two lineage/vein. An lineage/vein inheritance from antiquity Nine Heavens Dark Maiden, cultivated/repaired the cause, walked the men and women about record/native place dual cultivation path, was always both sides profits, not picked making up saying that this point, believes that the mister should also hear.” “世人以讹传讹,先生岂能尽信?”百花夫人终于止住笑声,眼波流转道,“**道分为两脉。一脉传承自上古九天玄女,修因缘,走男女合籍双修的路子,向来是双方受益,从无采补之说,这一点,相信先生也该有所耳闻。” Naturally has listened, moreover I also know that «** after " in core is the cause because of share manifestation dual cultivation should movement technique, present age Dark Maiden and elder disciple outside Dark Maiden successor is the normal men and women gathers record/native place dual cultivation. Refining up « ** after» outside! Meng Qi bears the impulsion of twitching corners of the mouth, nods gently: This is actually not false, then, is the wife Dark Maiden lineage/vein?” 当然听过,而且我还知道《**经》的核心内篇是因缘因份显化双修的“应身法”,当代玄女玄女传人之外的长老弟子才是正常的男女合籍双修。炼《**经》的外篇!孟奇忍住抽搐嘴角的冲动,轻轻颔首:“这点倒是不假,这么说来,夫人是玄女一脉?” No. We are Joyous Bodhisattva lineage/vein.” Hundred flowers madame confident say/way. “不。我们是欢喜菩萨一脉。”百花夫人坦然道。 Meng Qi anger instead does not smile, the vision deeply collects, as if will launch an attack momentarily the murder: Madame in pastime old man?” 孟奇不“怒”反笑,目光深敛,似乎随时会发难杀人:“夫人是在消遣老夫?” The hundred flowers madame loses says with a smile: Mister is patient, loses one's temper not by any means. And can this mistress explain things.” 百花夫人失笑道:“先生稍安勿躁,切莫动怒。且能妾身分说。” She restrains the obsequious attitude slightly, sincere say/way: „A our Joyous Bodhisattva lineage/vein inheritance from infinitely merciful Goddess Bodhisattva, takes the mortal body to donate the action of the world. Takes delight to transport the reality of double emptying, picks the matter of making up to really have, can congealment Huanxi(joyous) Bodhisattva Golden Body, but if still further, sublimates Dharma Body from Great Mercy And Great Sorrow Lokeśvara Bodhisattva Golden Body, then needs to understand completely all things of visible form and substance are empty spatially is the color, and returns nurturing to parents the groom's family, the Seventh world......” 她略微收敛媚态,正色道:“我们欢喜菩萨一脉传承自大慈大悲观世音菩萨,取肉身布施世人之举。行乐运双空之实,采补之事确有,能藉此凝结欢喜菩萨金身,但若要更进一步,升华法身自‘大慈大悲观自在菩萨金身’,则需要彻悟色即是空空即是色,并反哺男方,普渡世人……” Is listening to the hundred flowers madame self introduction, Meng Qi hidden is a little dumbfounded, does not know that who Joyous Bodhisattva lineage/vein Sect Founder is, can find out such method to depend in the Guanyin Bodhisattva direction, is really rare and beautiful flowers, no wonder Water Moon Small Temple and Dark Maiden lineage/vein relations are close, with a Joyous Bodhisattva lineage/vein potential with the water and fire, this is actually smearing the Guanyin clear reputation simply, how making their group of sign successor not hate to clench jaws! 听着百花夫人的“自我介绍”,孟奇隐有点目瞪口呆,不知欢喜菩萨一脉的开派祖师是谁,能想出这样的法门往观音菩萨方向靠,真是一朵奇葩,难怪水月庵玄女一脉关系密切,却与欢喜菩萨一脉势同水火,这简直是在污观音清誉,让她们这帮正牌子传人怎么不恨得咬牙切齿! As for content that behind the hundred flowers madame said that Meng Qi has not cared from the start, was not the issue that believed that even if really had its matter, after returning nurturing to parents still Huanxi(joyous) Bodhisattva Golden Body great accomplishment, so far, present age Joyous Bodhisattva has not congealed Dharma Body, sublimation utmost Bodhisattva Golden Body was in the water in the presbyopic glasses the moon/month, other had the powerhouse of Bodhisattva title to be away from also far compared with her, anticipated to return nurturing to parents, might as well anticipated own graceful bearing was outstanding, was talented, caused the opposite party to move the sincerity, is not willing to pick to make up, making no difference is having a dream! 至于百花夫人后面所言的内容,孟奇压根儿就没放在心上,不是信不信的问题,就算真有其事,反哺也得欢喜菩萨金身大成之后,目前为止,当代欢喜菩萨法身都还未凝结,升华至大菩萨金身更是水中花镜中月,其他有菩萨称号的强者比她距离还远,期待反哺,还不如期待自己风姿出众,才华横溢,引得对方动了真心,不愿采补,反正一样是在做梦! Sees Poison Hands Demon Monarch not to have the least bit joyful and yearns for the meaning, the hundred flowers madame knows that this excuse cannot touch the opposite party, including saying with a smile: Mister is the guest official who we invited, non- was the incense burner that grasped, according to our Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein regulation, if you were not seduced, did not yield with a show of reluctance, without whom will pick to make up you forcefully, but other skills were shallow are unable to shake your vital essence Exterior Scenery following disciple, needed the opposite party to agree except for a those true line, other picked as you like, hehe, inside just started the practice pure virgin many.” 毒手魔君没有半点欣喜和向往之意,百花夫人知道这番说辞打动不了对方,含笑道:“先生乃我们请的客卿,非是抓的炉鼎,根据我们欢喜一脉的规条,若你不被诱惑,不半推半就,没谁会强行采补你,而其他功力较浅无法撼动你精元外景以下弟子,除了那些个真传需要对方同意,其他随你采撷,呵呵,里面不乏刚开始修炼的清白处子。” Meng Qi facial expression ancient well without ripples: This is your idle talk vernacular, if went to your den rashly, by the Joyous Bodhisattva strength, the old man hasn't allowed to be oppressed?” 孟奇神情古井无波:“这不过是你们空口白话,若贸然去了你们老巢,以欢喜菩萨的实力,老夫还不是任人宰割?” Mister said rational, even if this mistress distributed Primordial Spirit to pledge, signed the secret contract, still was only restricted in this mistress, believes that the mister will also not believe.” The hundred flowers madame understood very much, not, if this, first leads the mister to go to this faction some foothold, at the same time has Huanxi(joyous) and Dark Maiden two lineage/vein footholds, if appears picks the matter of making up forcefully, the mister from may invest Dark Maiden lineage/vein, with their disciples about record/native place dual cultivation, when Sect Master Bodhisattva agreed, makes the pledge, the mister can feel relieved.” “先生所言有理,可即使妾身发下元神誓言,订下隐秘契约,也只限于妾身,相信先生亦不会信。”百花夫人很是理解,“不若这样,先带先生去本派某个据点,同时欢喜玄女两脉的据点,如果出现强行采补之事,先生自可投入玄女一脉,与她们的弟子合籍双修,等到宗主菩萨同意,立下誓约,先生就能放心了。” They to the name of Joyous Bodhisattva are Sect Master Bodhisattva, powerhouse who is different from other Bodhisattva titles. 她们对欢喜菩萨的称呼为宗主菩萨,有别于其他菩萨称号的强者。 Said so many, I not on and other these words? What Meng Qi untold hardships want to contact is Dark Maiden lineage/vein rather than Joyous Bodhisattva lineage/vein, heard that the word nods: Such old man felt relieved, but also asked the madame to lead the way.” 说了这么多,我不就等这句话?孟奇千辛万苦想接触的是玄女一脉而不是欢喜菩萨一脉,闻言颔首:“这样老夫就放心了,还请夫人引路。” this mistress wants the business of host Ying city Linhai, cannot leave.” She has turned the head, looks to Ying Ning, Ying Ning, you make the violent treachery mister go to leave magnificence Dao.” 妾身要主持郢城临海一线的事务,抽身不得。”她转过头,看向婴宁,“婴宁,你引毒手先生前去离华岛。” Yes, mother.” The Ying Ning small head hangs down. “是,娘亲。”婴宁螓首低垂。 If the mister wants to turn directly you, you go along with him, already calculated his person in any case.” The hundred flowers madame teased. “若先生想直接拐走你,你就随他去,反正已经算他的人了。”百花夫人打趣了一句。 The Ying Ning whole body turns randomly, tender snort/hum thin Chen, restrains the mood with great difficulty, is red stretch/open face to say to Meng Qi: Is good to teach the mister to know, one hidden reveals to magnificence Dao and diving offshore islands . With in place, is one of the lineage/vein eight Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Lian Yu Dao Temple, at the same time lives in Dark Maiden lineage/vein ‚the Shangshui fairy maiden, her husband perishes newly, is remaining a widow in the mansion.” 婴宁浑身乱扭,娇哼薄嗔,好不容易收敛住情绪,红着张脸对孟奇道:“好教先生知晓,离华岛与潜离岛一隐一显,一正一副。同在一地,乃本脉八大菩萨之一的‘怜欲菩萨道场,同时住着玄女一脉的‘商水仙子’,她夫君新亡,正守寡在府。” Meng Qi maintains composure the nod, is maintaining the appearance of being as deep as a well, actually relaxes at heart secretly, at present own change is seen through in front of Grandmaster that the alert guards against easily, is not everyone looks like Huang Taichong to be confused by the false appearance, is thinking first sees through the aura that oneself go into hiding. Was shaken by Touch of Karma, had not discovered that the concealment is only the surface, the essence is the change. 孟奇不动声色点头,保持着高深莫测的样子,心里却暗暗松了口气,目前自己的变化在戒备提防的宗师面前还是容易被看穿的,不是人人都像黄太冲般被假象迷惑,想着先看穿自己隐匿的气息。被沾因果震住,未发现隐匿只是表面,实质是变化。 However at that time was discovered even, Su Meng status reveal, He Jiu and He Xiu calculate has the sentiment of Incense Fire, is insufficient to have something go wrong. 不过那时候就算被发现,苏孟的身份一露,何九何休都算有香火之情,不至于出岔子。 But this time, Bodhisattva Lian Yu and Shangshui fairy maiden is only the outstanding person in Top-Class Expert, first is lucky, did not need to find after the magnificence island discarded the status. Changes makes in the island the person to submerge again, seeks difficultly ** traces of Immortal Realm. 而这次,怜欲菩萨与商水仙子都只是绝顶高手中的佼佼者,第一步算是幸运,不用找到离华岛后就舍弃身份。变做岛上之人再潜入,艰难寻找**仙界的蛛丝马迹。 As for seeing Joyous Bodhisattva becomes the matter of guest official, that is at all not possible to realize! 至于见欢喜菩萨成为客卿之事,那是根本不可能去实现的! Ten thousand bring, Meng Qi curls up Ying Ning. Flies to escape ten several days, looks at the arrived diving offshore islands in the vast deep blue sea finally. 有万手带着,孟奇卷起婴宁。飞遁十数日,总算在一望无际的蔚蓝大海上看到了潜离岛。 Mister, then before must travel by boat to be able ‚,’ toward to magnificence Dao.” Ying Ning gazes after ten thousand to turn over to the island, they are the Lust Path cooperation influences. Similar to Yun Family and Eastern Sea Sword Villa. “先生,接下来得坐船才能‘前’往离华岛。”婴宁目送万手归岛,他们算是**道的合作势力。类同于云家东海剑庄 ............ ………… The sea is vast, the water color is nearly black blue, has the feeling of blowing up for rain. 大海辽阔,水色近乎黑蓝,有种山雨欲来风满楼的感觉。 A large ship spins around the diving offshore islands with the unique line of march. Does not go far away does not approach, does not know that is waiting for anything. 一艘楼船以独特的行进路线绕着潜离岛打转。不远去也不靠近,不知道在等待什么。 Meng Qi had not asked, walks into the cabin in the dim light of night, discovered that Ying Ning lies on the bed, binds the quilt merely, on the floor is sprinkling the women's clothing underwear, strange fragrant who the sending out selling person vitality tumbles. 孟奇没有多问,在夜色里走入舱房,发现婴宁躺在床上,仅仅裹住被子,地板上洒落着衣裙亵衣,散发出让人气血翻滚的奇香。 What do you make?” Meng Qi crosses the hands behind the back to be built on near the gate. “你做什么?”孟奇负手立于门边。 The Ying Ning blushing ear is red, the eye shuts tightly, the long eyelash trembles: Slave is the person of mister, comes to be the mister warm bed, sharing is extremely happy.” 婴宁脸红耳赤,眼睛紧闭,长睫毛一颤一颤:“奴家已是先生之人,来为先生暖床,共享极乐。” According to agreement, after maritime affair, the transaction is closed even. 根据约定,临海事了后,交易就算完成。 The Meng Qi eyelid jumps, crosses the hands behind the back to take a step, said with a smile slightly: Temporarily does not use, your virgin's body must use in the essential place, the old man the distance breaks through at present also almost, needs self-cultivation, when all things all prepare, the foundation is consolidated, is fond of you again well.” 孟奇眼皮微跳,负手迈步,微微笑道:“暂时不用,你处子之身得用在关键处,老夫目前距离突破还差一点,需得修身养性,等到万事皆备,根基巩固,再好好疼惜你。” Said is fond , the tone does not contain the least bit to be ambiguous. 说是疼惜,语气却不含半点暧昧。 This goods are unidentified, the ghost knows that practice has what secret technique, trades to be the qualitative not strong person to come, feared that will be picked to make up the adult to do. 这货身份不明,鬼知道修炼有什么秘术,换做定性不强之人来,怕是会被采补成人干。 Mister said that what is what?” Ying Ning also is a little as if anxious, hears Yanchang breathes a sigh of relief. “先生说什么就是什么?”婴宁似乎也有点紧张,闻言长舒了口气。 Meng Qi recalled the dialogue, including saying with a smile: Mentioned the matter of male and female albizzia julibrissin, didn't you as if have the shy sentiment?” 孟奇回想刚才的对话,含笑道:“说起男女合欢之事,你似乎不太有羞涩之情?” Ying Ning said tenderly gruffly: Male and female albizzia julibrissin, human relations does Grand Dao, what have to be worth shyly? Because the slaves are primary, will blush.” 婴宁娇憨道:“男女合欢,人伦大道,有什么值得羞涩?奴家因为是初次,才会脸红。” Moreover world many sons depressed in not this happy, just needs me and others leniency, donates the mortal body, consoles them.” “而且世间多少男儿苦闷于没有此乐,正需要我等慈悲为怀,布施肉身,慰藉他们。” At this point, she somewhat made an indiscreet remark voluntarily, spits the pink small tongue quietly: Slave is the person of mister, will only donate the mister.” 说到这里,她自觉有些失言,悄然吐了吐粉色小舌:“奴家已是先生之人,只会布施先生。” Worthily is the disciple who Huanxi(joyous) lineage/vein teach, three views are completely different from the average man...... Meng Qi bear the impulsion of twitching corners of the mouth with great difficulty, chatted, to find out to the actual situation of magnificence island. 不愧是欢喜一脉教出来的弟子,三观完全不同于常人……孟奇好不容易才忍住抽搐嘴角的冲动,借此叙话,以摸清楚离华岛的虚实。 „...... To magnificence island formation outward not internal, does not forbid the incense burners to leave, but none of them wants.” Ying Ning somewhat innocently introduced, „, but the Bodhisattva Lian Yu incense burner is divided into elixir and to make up greatly and slightly makes up and dregs of medical decoction and between-meal snack five steps.” “……离华岛大阵对外不对内,不禁止炉鼎们离开,但他们无一愿意。”婴宁有些天真烂漫地介绍道,“而怜欲菩萨的炉鼎分为‘妙药’、‘大补’、‘小补’、‘药渣’、‘零嘴’五个品阶。” Finishes speaking, has the hurricane to raid suddenly, the volume results in the large ship to spin. 话音刚落,忽有飓风袭来,卷得楼船打转。 Mister should not be tense, patient waiting.” Ying Ning hurried to remind one. “先生不要紧张,耐心等待。”婴宁赶紧提醒了一句。 The ocean waves surge upward, let the fluctuate of large ship in the wave, soon tilts. 海浪高涨,让楼船在波浪上起起伏伏,快要倾覆。 Regarding this degree of disaster, Meng Qi does not fear, crosses the hands behind the back to look at the out of the window jet black and deep nighttime sky. 对于这种程度的天灾,孟奇早就不惧,负手看着窗外漆黑又深沉的夜空。 Has not known how long, the hurricane ceased, beginning dawn reveals, the blue sky such as washes, green and luxuriant islands appear in Meng Qi at present, around the sea level all has the dense fog, cannot see other islands! 不知过了多久,飓风停息,晨曦初露,碧空如洗,一座郁郁葱葱的岛屿出现于孟奇眼前,海面四周皆有迷雾,看不到别的岛屿! To magnificence island arrived!” Ying Ning puts on the clothes, cheerful opens the mouth, sound like bell.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “离华岛到了!”婴宁披上衣裳,欢快开口,声如银铃。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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