WORIOA :: Volume #4

#121: Also without starting on plan of being shattered

The ancient and evil thought seemed to be awakened little, lowers from the inexplicable high place, the blue and purple demon has the feeling of congealing reality gradually, hot dark eyes tooth, contamination surroundings. £ ∝ 古老又邪恶的意念似乎被唤醒了少许,从莫名高处降下,青紫魔相渐有凝实之感,火眼黑牙,污秽着周围。£∝ With this at the same time, Wu Hengjian storage ring invested the demon directly, inside all item and return this turns over to the Yuan, changes to the demon blood and meat! 与此同时,乌横剑芥子环直接投入了魔相,内里所有物品和自身返本归元,化作魔相的“血”与“肉”! Short instantaneous, demon just like substantive, clearly discernible, is interweaving law principle, is degenerating the world, builds the demon deep pool, had almost to step over the first Heavenly Stairway prestige after of Dharma Idol! 短短瞬间,魔相就宛如实质,清晰可见,交织着法理,堕落着天地,营造出魔渊,几乎有迈过第一层天梯后的法相之威! This is Wu Hengjian combustion blood essence Primordial Spirit, discards item longevity, the final unique skill of shedding jet black demon mark! 这便是乌横剑燃烧精血元神,舍弃物品寿元,脱落漆黑魔痕的最后绝招! Blue and purple demon both arms one thick one thin, has the bucket shape thickly, the palm is jet black, like the dust pan, sends out greatly is swallowing day of a suction that bites the place, thin that only grasps the long sword that demon qi is condensing, causes origin energy sea jet black as black ink between world, if the normal expiration and inspiration, the mortal body and Primordial Spirit definitely will be poisoned or the contamination. 青紫魔相双臂一粗一细,粗有水桶状,手掌漆黑,大如簸箕,散发着吞天噬地的吸力,细的那只握着魔气凝聚的长剑,使得天地之间的元气大海漆黑似墨,若正常吐纳,肉身和元神肯定会中毒或污秽。 The Wu Hengjian expression is fierce, a both arms show/unfolds, the demon departs from the back, holds the sword to fire, hits to Meng Qi. 乌横剑表情狰狞,双臂一展,魔相从背后飞出,掌剑齐发,打向孟奇 demon qi tumbles, suction fearsome, before pursued the soul Demon Monarch arrangement black light formation to sway, was about to stave. 魔气翻滚,吸力可怖,之前追魂魔君布置的乌光阵法摇摇晃晃,行将破碎。 But at this moment, Wu Hengjian discovered that Poison Hands Demon Monarch of not far away becomes indistinct uncertain, azure shadow as if already in infinite distant place, ** between distance draws enormously with the demon, making the demon as if probably span the long and trying journey to overrun to him! 可就在这时,乌横剑发现不远处的毒手魔君变得飘渺不定,青影仿佛已在无穷远处,将**与魔相之间的距离拉得极大,使魔相仿佛要跨越千山万水才能攻到他! By illusion movement technique that Only I Am Venerated promotes! 以“唯我独尊”推动的幻觉身法 The demon sword cuts, black qi condenses, changes to the long and pure sword light, such as the sharp knife cuts the tofu to delimit layer upon layer void, the pursuit goes, but the evil clutches suction is more abundant, as if must azure figure of that vicissitudes scholarly from infinite distant place direct drawing! 魔剑斩出,黑气凝聚,化作长而纯粹的剑光,如快刀切豆腐般划过层层“虚空”,追击而去,而魔掌吸力更盛,似乎要将那道沧桑儒雅的青色身影从无穷远处直接拉过来! All around suddenly becomes dark, sword light as if shuttles back and forth in the vast starry sky, but how unable to arrive in Pāramitā, sees Meng Qi. 四周陡然变得幽幽暗暗,剑光仿佛穿梭于浩瀚星空,可怎么都抵达不了“彼岸”,见到孟奇 Close at hand, in horizon! 近在眼前,远在天涯! Suddenly, the Wu Hengjian vision condenses, is difficult to cover the startled color. Poison Hands Demon Monarch of dark starry sky end appeared the body of Two Heads Four Arms, but two face four eye at the same time are looking at itself! 突然,乌横剑目光凝聚,难掩惊色。幽暗星空尽头的毒手魔君现出了两头四臂之身,而两张面孔四只眼睛正同时望着自己! His head face present mercy, pities like Buddha, head surface contains indifferently, the callous as demon, four arm at the same time lift up high, various knot hand imprints, having fully are feeling of slaughtering gloomy and cold, has degeneration that mortal world sways back and forth, there is scalding hot of burning down world. Does not have in this shore not in Pāramitā not in the profound zen of average. 他一个脑袋脸现慈悲,怜悯如佛,一个头颅面含漠然,冷酷似魔,四臂同时高举,各结手印,有满是杀戮之感的阴冷,有红尘打滚的堕落,也有焚烧人世的灼热。更有不在此岸不在彼岸不在中流的高深禅意。 The former three unify the fusion under finally that Buddha intent hand imprint, becomes the whole continually, simultaneously knocks down. 前三者都统一融合在最后那佛意手印之下,连成整体,齐齐打落。 The sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, my demon mercy, extinguishes the world to cross Buddha! 苦海无边,我魔慈悲,灭世渡佛! Bang! 轰隆! The dull thumping sound spreads, because of bridging over layer upon layer void the blue and purple demon that but the imposing manner has faded can only defend strongly, forces to block the first three palms, but demon qi has blasted out, falls jet black. The light of guard crushes completely. 闷响传开,因跨过层层“虚空”而气势已衰的青紫魔相只能竭力防御,勉强将前三掌挡住,但魔气已然炸开,漆黑掉落。护身之光全部粉碎。 Sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, my demon mercy, extinguishes the world to cross Buddha!” Two at the same time opens the mouth, exude the sound of great weakening. Last palm restrains the profound mystery that everywhere also did not have mysteriously, regards the remainder defense without the thing, patted directly in the demon the top of the head! “苦海无边,我魔慈悲,灭世渡佛!”两头同时开口,发出宏大淡漠之声。最后一掌神奇收敛了无处不在又无一存在的玄奥,视剩余防御于无物,直接拍在了魔相头顶! ! 啪! The blue and purple demon the head disrupts, probably watermelon that crashes from the upper air. The body appears extremely deep cracks, cracks rapidly the innumerable scraps, is unable to maintain again concentrates solid status! 青紫魔相脑袋碎裂,像是从高空坠落的西瓜。身体现出一道道极深的裂缝,迅速裂成无数小块,再无法保持凝实的状态 origin energy sea immediately between world clarifies. Without the feeling of pollution! 天地之间的元气大海顿时澄清。没了污染之感! Meng Qi receives the changes of double headed four arms, counts on the fingers a ball, the silver white sword light departs together, changes to the innumerable sword light in the midair, whiz whiz falls in the radiant dreams, circles to strangle to death, resembles the control that various intelligent or are under exquisitely and alone is, Dharma Idol that will disrupt hits to extinguish all. 孟奇收起双头四臂的变化,屈指一弹,一道银白剑光飞出,于半空化作数不清的剑光,于璀璨梦幻间嗖嗖而落,盘旋绞杀,似各有灵性或得到精妙又独属的控制,将碎裂的法相尽数打灭。 Seeing that the Wu Hengjian face despairs presently, the Primordial Spirit accelerated combustion, chose from exploding! 见状,乌横剑脸现绝望,元神加速燃烧,选择了自爆! Bang! 轰隆! In the fierce explosive sound, transmits his final curse: 剧烈的爆炸声中,传来他最后的诅咒: They will revenge for me!” “他们会替我报仇的!” The Meng Qi left hand makes extremely heavily, probably is shouldering a mountain range, before pressing holds darkly, seems the jet black needle-shaped eyelet, explosion power all things tending one way that spreads threw all, quick on world at peace. 孟奇左手极其沉重打出,像是担负着一座山脉,压得掌前幽暗,似有漆黑针状小孔,蔓延开来的爆炸威力百川归海般尽数投了过来,很快就海晏河清。 With this at the same time, his vision is profound, points to Wu Hengjian residual Primordial Spirit, planned that holds the opportunity use to cloud over strikes. 与此同时,他目光幽深内敛,直指乌横剑残留的元神,打算抓住机会使用变天击地。 Suddenly, the high vast zither music makes a sound for the first time, Meng Qi energetic slightly shakes, cultivation technique revolution slow, looks at Wu Hengjian radical withering away helplessly. 突然,高渺琴音乍响,孟奇精神微震,功法运转迟缓了一下,眼睁睁看着乌横剑彻底消亡。 Ruan does third master play a qin? Sounds no might......” Meng Qi not annoyingly, doubts thinking. “阮三爷抚琴?听起来没什么威力……”孟奇没有懊恼,疑惑思索。 Crash-bang! The ocean waves surge, the large ship fluctuates, dark blue clear. 哗啦!海浪涌起,楼船起伏,深蓝晶莹。 Meng Qi inspires lightly, resembles to become aware: This aims at zither song of blue blood person? Ruan Family also really deeply concealed, next time asks Little Glutton carefully......” 孟奇轻吸了口气,似有所悟:“这是针对蓝血人的琴曲阮家还真是深藏不露,下次得仔细问问小吃货……” Looks back looks at to Wu Hengjian from exploding place, the meaning of Meng Qi quite Corporeal and Incorporeal, oneself have not killed people the heart, only then trigs the meaning of inquiry, who knows Wu Hengjian so to renounce goes all out. 回首望向乌横剑自爆的地方,孟奇有无奈之意,自己没有杀人之心,只有制住询问之意,谁知乌横剑如此决绝拼命。 Perhaps is success that quite the beforehand big demon image sets up, moreover he to own hidden secret regards as important to exceed the life...... Meng Qi to congeal the eye to look, discovered the ground condenses drop of azure purple blood, fills demonic nature that swallowed evilly. 或许是之前大魔头形象树立的比较成功,而且他对自身秘辛的看重胜过性命……孟奇凝目看去,发现地上凝聚出一滴青紫色的血液,充满了邪恶吞噬的魔性。 Grasps the hand, Meng Qi absorbed this drop demon blood, the innermost feelings remembered Wu Hengjian to talk to oneself suddenly a moment ago the word. 将手一抓,孟奇摄起了这滴“魔血”,内心霍然想起乌横剑刚才自语之词。 Demon returns to world, the saint again along with!” The Meng Qi palm holds the demon blood, whispered to ponder over. “魔回世间,圣者再随!”孟奇掌托魔血,低语琢磨。 Under hearsay Demon Lord has ten two Demon Saint, after he falls from the sky defeated dead one after another, the flesh integrated the land, the thought fans into void, aroused the thought and borrowing a moment ago is one of their? 传闻魔主麾下有十二魔圣,在他陨落后接连战败身亡,血肉融入大地,意念散入虚空,刚才唤起和借用的意念就是他们之一的? In other words, this drop of blood is the blood of Demon Saint refines ‚’, does not know is which......” Meng Qi looks at this drop of obvious already dim weak many blood, uses the technique of prohibiting to include, then received storage ring. “也就是说,这滴鲜血是提炼出来的‘魔圣之血’,不知是哪位的……”孟奇看着这滴明显已经黯淡微弱了许多的血液,施展封禁之术包括,然后收入了芥子环 Then he knits the brows to think: They can revenge...... the saint to return to world...... to feel like supports Demon Lord ’ the secret organization along with...... the demon again ‚, finds time to ask that the person of Immortal Vestige, looked whether they had encountered.” 然后他皱眉思索起来:“他们会来报仇……圣者再随……魔回世间……感觉像是一个‘拥护魔主’的隐秘组织,抽空问问仙迹之人,看他们是否曾经遭遇过。” Zither sound even more tall Miao and rapid, the Meng Qi restraining mind, escape the large ship, sneaks to wish the mansion, does the matter of conclusion. 琴音愈发高渺和急促,孟奇收敛心神,遁出楼船,潜回祝府,做收尾之事。 Then will present anything to change, he can guess correctly 12 probably! 接下来会出现什么变化,他大概能猜到一二! ............ ………… In Yun Family mourning hall. 云家灵堂内。 The cloud nine masters deeply inspire, before the mind flashes before, has deliberated the plan and excuse, suddenly feel confident, Family Lord is in sight. 云九爷深吸口气,脑海内闪现出之前推敲过的计划和说辞,顿觉成竹在胸,家主在望。 He looks at cloud two master one eyes that was a little also ready to make trouble, looks to cloud ten third master, discovered that this younger brother facial expression is calm, the non- good omen anger, as if all are completely grasping. 他看了同样有点蠢蠢欲动的云二爷一眼,又瞄向云十三爷,发现这位弟弟神情沉稳,不见喜怒,似乎一切尽在掌握。 Awful, is ten Third Brother calm? Does Mo Fei/could it be that have other victory to cross the hands behind the back? The cloud nine master innermost feelings thump, looked finally to the cloud six masters. 糟糕,十三弟怎么如此镇定?莫非有别的胜负手?云九爷内心咯噔了一下,最后望向云六爷。 The Sixth Brother is a little low and indifferent...... the cloud nine masters even more thought that the matter is not right. 六哥有点低落和淡然……云九爷愈发觉得事情不对。 In he prepares to start talking, sees the cloud six master cross previous steps, the sinking sound said: „The position of Family Lord. I withdraw automatically, wholly-absorbed Martial Dao!” 就在他准备开口说话之际,看见云六爷跨前一步,沉声道:“家主之位。我自动退出,专心武道!” What? Does the Sixth Brother choose to withdraw? How can like this! The cloud nine masters in great surprise, ten years had not seen the sign that he withdraws from slightly before! 什么?六哥选择退出?怎么会这样!云九爷大惊,之前十年可没见他丝毫退出的迹象! He cannot bear looks at other two again, seeing cloud ten third master is still calm, maintains composure, the cloud two masters obviously also show the startled color. 他忍不住再看其他两位,看见云十三爷依旧沉稳,不动声色,云二爷则明显也透出惊色。 Is ten Third Brother acts bashful Sixth Brother's handle, compelling him to withdraw? Cloud nine master hearts sink slowly, felt the matter does not have the imagination was so simple, but oneself have 50% odds of success. 是十三弟拿捏住六哥的把柄,逼他退出?云九爷一颗心缓缓下沉,觉得事情没想象的那么简单了,不过自己还是有50%胜算。 Holds on a minute!” The Yun Family people thoughts vary, He Jiu opens the mouth suddenly. “且慢!”云家众人心思各异的时候,何九突然开口。 Few manor did lord have what must say?” The cloud six masters a little have doubts. Eastern Sea Sword Villa always interferes with the matter of Yun Family interior rare, this is the attachment happy foundation. “少庄主有何要说?”云六爷有点疑惑。东海剑庄向来少有干涉云家内部之事,这是依附愉快的基础。 The He Jiu both hands sagging, the vision is profound, observes the situation mourning hall, the sinking sound said: „Related to Yun Family to collude with the rebel of blue blood person, is related to the Human Clan safety, this village is on good terms for many years with Yun Family, cannot look on that the position of Family Lord trusts the wrong person.” 何九双手下垂,目光幽深,环视灵堂一圈,沉声道:“事关云家内部有勾结蓝血人的叛徒,事关人族安危,本庄又与云家交好多年,不能坐视家主之位所托非人。” His voice raises suddenly, treats a matter seriously: 他声音突然拔高,郑重其事: Even shoulders the infamy. I, He Jiu, Eastern Sea Sword Villa few manor lord, wants the generation of sword villages to meddle this matter!” “即使背负骂名。我,何九,东海剑庄少庄主,也要代剑庄插手此事!” The stance is heroic. Powerful, the Yun Family people by its imposing manner the fear, unexpectedly no one were dared to open the mouth . Moreover the matter of blue blood person is true. Yun Family most people are just terrified, does not know how should determine Family Lord, has over attachment Eastern Sea Sword Villa. They are glad. 姿态豪迈。威风凛凛,云家众人被其气势所慑,竟无人敢于开口,而且蓝血人之事属实。云家绝大部分人正惶惶不安,不知该怎么确定家主,有依附的东海剑庄出头。他们正乐意至极。 The cloud nine masters and cloud two masters some were not suddenly good to have a premonition, but clouds that ten third master also changed the color slightly, this and estimates differently! 云九爷和云二爷忽然有了不好预感,而云十三爷也略微变了颜色,这和预想得不一样! Played the role of the black face, He Jiu relaxed the look, promised saying: Before the Yun Family true security, Eastern Sea Sword Villa will provide nursing, and will not meddle the Yun Family specific matter.” 扮完黑脸,何九缓和了神色,许诺道:“在云家真正安全之前,东海剑庄会提供看护,且不会插手云家具体事宜。” This is pledged in disguised form blessed with does not accept for the dependency, immediately settled many Yun Family person's heart, they were frightened arrived by the blue blood person. 这是变相承诺庇佑和不纳为附庸,顿时安了不少云家人之心,他们都被蓝血人吓到了 Therefore, has Supreme Elder to say submissively: Please under few manor Zhushi.” 于是,有太上长老拱手道:“请少庄主示下。” He Jiu looking straight ahead cloud nine masters and the others, direct authorities: 何九直视云九爷等人,直截了当道: My intent cloud Sixth Uncle.” “我意云六叔。” What?” The cloud two masters and cloud nine masters said with one voice, the cloud ten third master breath become loud, wants to express opposed, is not glad Eastern Sea Sword Villa to meddle. “什么?”云二爷和云九爷齐声道,云十三爷呼吸变得粗重,都想要表达反对,不乐意东海剑庄插手。 They have the feeling that a happy anticipation is shattered! 他们有种美好期待破灭的感觉! He Jiu looks that the cloud two masters and cloud nine masters said: „The matter of blue blood person, you have the suspicion.” 何九看着云二爷和云九爷道:“蓝血人之事,你们都有嫌疑。” The cloud nine masters have prepared the excuse, will speak, actually looked at one by He Jiu lightly, puts out four characters: Wish the mansion backyard.” 云九爷早就准备好说辞,正要说话,却被何九淡淡看了一眼,吐出四个字:“祝府后院。” immediately, the cloud nine master complexions become pale, this, is this matter known by Eastern Sea Sword Villa? 顿时,云九爷脸色变得苍白,这,这件事情怎么会被东海剑庄知道? Then He Jiu is looking at cloud ten third master by the similar look, gentle say/way: Some things are perhaps muddled for a while, so long as can thoroughly rectify misdeeds, does not fall Evil Path, and does not murder to kill villain of Mr. cloud, we do not go into one's past.” 然后何九以同样的眼神望着云十三爷,平和道:“有的事情或许只是一时糊涂,只要能痛改前非,不坠邪道,且非弑杀云老爷子之凶徒,我们都既往不咎。” Slurred that he said that keeps the escape route to Yun Family several expert. 他说的模糊不清,给云家几位高手留出退路。 Cloud ten third master do not know that actually he arrived anything information, does not dare to take risk, clenches teeth saying: Little brother is willing to present the Sixth Brother is Family Lord.” 云十三爷不知道他究竟得到了什么情报,不敢冒险,咬牙道:“小弟愿奉六哥为家主。” Suddenly, he and cloud nine master at the same time look to He Xiu, remembered the matter of that day child delivering a letter, some don't tell me people provided the secret message to Eastern Sea Sword Villa? 忽然之间,他和云九爷同时看向何休,想起了那日小孩送信之事,难道是有人给东海剑庄提供秘密消息? At that time they had to notice this matter, because the opposite party did too frankly and uprightly, too on a grand scale, was instead fooled, feared that was Eastern Sea Sword Villa fishing the plan, under had ulterior motives does not dare to press for payment and investigate. 当时他们都有注意到这件事情,但因为对方做得太光明正大,太大张旗鼓,反而被唬住,怕是东海剑庄“钓鱼”之策,心怀鬼胎下不敢追索和调查。 At this time recalled, they hated and regretted, but thinks that the opposite party dares to do, definitely also had the subsequent hand, did not fear tracing, even counterattacked. 这个时候回想起来,他们又痛恨又后悔,不过想想对方敢做,肯定还有后手,不怕追踪,甚至反制。 The mask of calm multi- wisdom disintegrates from the cloud ten third master faces, his low head, the dangling view, covers up the unwilling look by this, plans so many laboriously, actually unfathomable mystery failure! 沉稳多智的面具从云十三爷脸上瓦解,他低下脑袋,垂下眼帘,以此遮掩住不甘心的神色,辛辛苦苦谋划那么多,却莫名其妙失败! The cloud nine masters and cloud two masters understand what has to be done, a wise man does not fight against impossible odds, expressed the support with one voice. 云九爷和云二爷都识时务,好汉不吃眼前亏,齐声表达了支持。 The cloud six masters are dizzy, a little does not clarify the condition, repeated a not going into one's past excuse until He Jiu, he breathes a sigh of relief long, is grateful. 云六爷晕晕乎乎,有点弄不清楚状况,直到何九重复了一遍既往不咎的说辞,他才长舒了口气,感激涕零。 Makes the merit might as well cause! 使功不如使过! Completes all these, He Jiu looks to the cloud nine masters: Did not lead us to encircle to wish the person of mansion back garden!” 做完这一切,何九看向云九爷:“还不带我们围剿祝府后花园之人!” The cloud nine masters hit to tremble, then said callously: Yes!” 云九爷打了个寒颤,接着冷酷道:“是!” ............ ………… Wish the mansion back garden, is headed by He Xiu and He Jiu, the Exterior Scenery powerhouses encircled watertight, but during they induce, inside nobody left! 祝府后花园,以何休何九为首,外景强者们围了个水泄不通,但他们感应之中,里面空无一人! Comes late one step.” He Jiu aspirates. “来迟一步。”何九吐了口气。 Above the distant place street, a carriage goes slowly, the hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning look to wish the mansion, has the lingering fear and alarmed and afraid sentiment. 在远处街道之上,一辆马车缓缓行驶,百花夫人和婴宁回望祝府,多有后怕和惊惧之情。 But opposite of them, Meng Qi wears the azure robe, the temple efflorescence, the stance is leisurely and carefree, sits well indifferently.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 而他们对面,孟奇穿着青袍,鬓角霜白,姿态悠闲,淡然端坐。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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