WORIOA :: Volume #4

#133: The wind and rain old friend comes

The ocean waves ripple, the flying fish goes to sea, the horizon revealed that winding waterfront, the land is in sight distantly. 碧波荡漾,飞鱼出海,天际显露曲折的岸线,大地已是遥遥在望。 Regarding the Gu Xiaosang real goal, Meng Qi is disinclined to guess, are too few because of the related clue, is used together deduce unable to accomplish, does not have the clue, even white wastes the time, moreover gives a thought to the feeling of demoness a little mysterious and unfathomable, probably knows a lot, can always first or just right, plays with many powerhouses in applauses, the news that the given clue and leaves behind is half real , half fake, guessed carelessly was misled extremely easily, falls into a trap. 对于顾小桑真实的目的,孟奇懒得去猜测,因为相关的线索太少,连用来推衍都办不到,毫无头绪,平白浪费时间,而且顾妖女有点神秘莫测的感觉,像是知道很多事情,总能抢先一步或者恰到好处,将不少强者玩弄于鼓掌之间,给出的线索和留下的消息半真半假,胡乱猜测极容易被误导,落入陷阱。 In the samsara is also so? Does not know that she does have the teammate, comes and goes freely like this? Actually does demoness want to make what? Meng Qi remembers the Gu Xiaosang matter subconsciously, but has not been worried about her unable break free, by the wrist/skill of demoness, how keeps thinking about Liu Shuyu to settle the comparison reality. 轮回之中也是如此?不知她有没有队友,还是这样独来独往?妖女究竟想做什么?孟奇下意识想起更多顾小桑的事情,但并没有担心她无法脱困,以妖女的手腕,还是惦记柳漱玉怎么善后比较实际。 Because the Immortal Realm blockade is not long, the Shangshui fairy maiden and Guo Xi are also in the short control, there is Liu Shuyu to cover up with the indirect influence, they have problems without the exposition, as oneself and Gu Xiaosang leave, they will restore sooner or later soberly, Guo Xi said fortunately, Dawning Enlightenment cultivation base, is from beginning to end ignorant, anything does not know, anything did not understand, slightly under the memory with the secret technique guidance would have no future trouble. 由于仙界并未封锁太久,商水仙子和郭喜还处在短暂的控制之中,又有柳漱玉遮掩和间接影响,他们没有暴露出问题,但随着自己和顾小桑离开,他们两人迟早会恢复清醒,郭喜还好说,开窍修为,从头到尾浑浑噩噩,什么都不知道,什么都不了解,稍微用秘法引导下记忆就没有后患了。 But the Shangshui fairy maiden is Top-Class Expert, Primordial Spirit and mortal body are also powerful, after restoring, will unable to detect that several points of clue, will endure many disappointing dual cultivation companions, knows that she reported her unusuality, present age Dark Maiden then can infer the cause and effect immediately. 可商水仙子乃绝顶高手,元神与肉身同样强大,恢复过来后会察觉不出几分端倪,会忍受得了多个差劲的双修伴侣,知道她禀告自身的异常,当代玄女立刻便能推断出前因后果。 Naturally, oneself and enmity already of Gu Xiaosang and say/way is extremely deep, does not miss such a , has not taken away Overlord's Extreme Blade and founder remains, exposes no influence, in any case now already sea extravagant depending on fish dive, sky Ren Niaofei! 当然,自己和顾小桑与道的仇怨已经极深,也不差这么一笔,又没带走霸王绝刀和祖师遗蜕,暴不暴露没什么影响,反正现在已经海阔凭鱼跃,天空任鸟飞了! But to Liu Shuyu, this is the fatal future trouble. Must solve, after all Dark Maiden successor non- anything unreplaceable role! 但对柳漱玉而言,这是致命的后患。必须要解决,毕竟玄女传人又非什么不可替代的“角色”! Does not know how she will make......” Meng Qi to knit the brows, in the mind appears silencing a witness of crime four characters. Not is only the Shangshui fairy maiden, Guo Xi. Liu Shuyu can not allow the least bit hidden danger, except that. “不知她会怎么做……”孟奇皱了皱眉,脑海内浮现出“杀人灭口”四个字。不仅是商水仙子,还有郭喜柳漱玉都会不留半点隐患地除去。 Thinks of here, he is a little slightly low-spirited, although Guo Xi non- kill, but also calculates that dies because of oneself, what a pity before nearly difficult insurance under the numerous oppressions, which also to attend to others? 想到这里,他略微有点黯然,郭喜虽非自己所杀,但也算因自己而死,可惜之前在重重压迫下自身都险些难保,哪还顾得上别人? I was not selfless great hero...... Meng Qi sighed eventually wholeheartedly, adjusted the mood, no longer thought this matter. Also was not worried how cultivation base was far lower than Liu Shuyu of Shangshui fairy maiden to settle, did not say Gu Xiaosang also did leave leeway other method on Shangshui? “我终究不是一心无私的大侠……”孟奇感叹了一句,调整心情,不再想此事。也不担心修为远低于商水仙子的柳漱玉怎么善后,说不得顾小桑在商水身上还留有别的手段呢? If she settles the failure, oneself will also not have the sense of pity. 若她善后失败,自己亦不会有怜悯之情。 He then recalled that savors two types that obtained a moment ago Divine Firmament Nine Annihilation with the Six Chops of the Overlord general outline, the third blade and fourth blade, especially latter, to the fumble and promotion help of own blade technique is enormous, after all the Nine Exterminations of the Divine Night main body is lance technique, although can also be used in blade technique, separated one eventually. 他转而回想品味刚才得到的两式“神霄九灭”与霸王六斩的总纲、第三刀、第四刀,尤其后者,对自己刀法的摸索和提升帮助极大,毕竟神宵九灭主体是矛法,虽然也能用于刀法,终究隔了一层。 Immortal god flinches with the skills of various Buddha Nirvana two blades also somewhat realizes from experience, can be used to promote blade technique.” Meng Qi in frowns looking pensive suddenly, kills Spirit Mountain. Can various Buddha Nirvana, how be Spirit Mountain?” “仙神辟易和诸佛涅槃两刀的技巧也有些体悟,可以用来提升自身刀法。”孟奇若有所思之中突然皱起眉头,“杀上灵山。诸佛涅槃,怎么会是‘灵山’?” As crossing over, he has no suspicion to Spirit Mountain on behalf of Buddhism. Therefore the least bit had not detected a moment ago right, but the careful recollection, actually has problems now. 身为穿越者,他对灵山代表佛门没有任何怀疑。所以刚才半点没察觉不对,但现在细细回想,却品出了问题。 Buddha Ancestor of own world in Sahā Pure Land, Amitabha Buddha in Western Paradise, these two is the Buddhism symbol, Spirit Mountain belongs to the Journey to the West world, why before Overlord does not use both, can use Spirit Mountain? 自身世界的佛祖婆娑净土,阿弥陀佛西方极乐世界,这两者才是佛门象征,灵山则属于西游世界,霸王为什么不用前两者,要用“灵山”? Overlord is the boundary of legend, various are only. Perhaps also leaves leeway the legend in the Journey to the West world, knows that Spirit Mountain also calculates is reasonable. Why may probably with Spirit Mountain that’ few manners know, rather than broadly by Sahā that’ own world does know? This does not conform to Overlord to appear externally and not fear the world anybody's working style aggressively.” Meng Qi thought many reasons. But somewhat is forced. 霸王是传说之境,诸界唯一。或许在西游世界也留有传说,知道‘灵山’还算在情理之中。可为什么非得用少为人知的‘灵山’,而不是广被自身世界强知晓的‘婆娑’?这不符合霸王霸气外露、不惧天下任何人的做事风格。”孟奇想了很多个理由。但都有些牵强。 At this time the continuous boundless land presents, he restrains the thoughts, lowers the escaping light quietly. 此时连绵无边的陆地呈现,他收敛心思,悄然降下遁光。 Thorough Eastern Sea has a period of time, after Meng Qi enters the harbor, immediately inquires the news, so as to avoid aimed at does not know. 深入东海已有段时日,孟奇进入港口后立刻打探消息,免得被人针对也不知晓。 Except that the matter of blue blood person makes noisily, in the restaurant is still spreading another matter: 除了蓝血人之事闹得沸沸扬扬,酒楼内还在流传着另外一件事情: Everflowing Blade Qi Yan Chong crossed Thunder Tribulation, reaches the sky in a single bound!” 刀气长河严冲渡过雷劫,一步登天!” Just before that generation of Human List, had six people to reach the sky in a single bound fully, since this has one that Human List has most gone against heaven's will, making many powerhouses hear that the arrived world changes, Great Tribulation approaches, turbulent time flavor! 之前那代人榜前十足有六人一步登天,这是有人榜以来最为逆天的一幕,让不少强者闻到了天地变化,大劫来临,风起云涌的味道! „Does Yan Chong cross Heavenly Tribulation to ascend to heaven time?” Hears this news, Meng Qi quite feels happily, Yan Chong family background door small school, although a little fortuitous encounter, but is not outstanding, when enters the Human List front ranks, in many eyes he can become Exterior Scenery then to calculate the limit, but he practices moderation impoverished, walks step by step, even if on the road must have the attachment power and influence on obtain the resources, cultivation technique and sensibility opportunity, has not lost the conscience eventually, difficult practice, looks for arrived own path, reaches the sky in a single bound, in the future Grandmaster period. 严冲渡一次天劫登天?”听到这个消息,孟奇颇感欣慰,严冲出身小门小派,虽然有点奇遇,但都不算出众,进入人榜前列时,在不少人眼里他能成为外景便算极限,可他清苦自持,一步步走来,即使路上少不了依附权势以获得资源、功法与感悟机会,终究没失本心,艰难修炼,找到了自己的道路,一步登天,将来宗师可期。 May be called in Jiang Hu the encouraging legend! 堪称江湖之中励志的传说! In the ordinary Jiang Hu person eyes, the Meng Qi good and evil has also entered Shaolin, has resulted in the inheritance, afterward used all might always has the good foundation, comparatively speaking, Yan Chong can represent them, practice is difficult, the Jiang Hu danger, the path thorn, may have the hope of vanguard eventually! 在普通江湖人士眼里,孟奇好歹也入过少林,得过传承,后来摸爬滚打总有好的基础在,比较而言,严冲更能代表他们,修炼艰难,江湖危险,道路荆棘,可终究有前行的希望! Perhaps at least they can similar thinks, I also be able in the future like Yan Chong! 至少他们能够肖想一下,或许将来“我”也能像严冲一样! He can arrive at these step is not seriously easy, the paid painstaking care and feared diligently wins in He Jiu, is really respectable.” Meng Qi turns around to leave the restaurant, had the interest, congratulated.” “他能走到这一步当真不容易啊,付出的心血和努力怕是更胜于何九,委实让人尊敬。”孟奇转身离开酒楼,起了兴致,“得去恭贺一番。” While the whim lasts, while night, but toward! 兴之所至,趁夜而往! ............ ………… State statical wave city, surface toward sea, latter according to Xiushan. 蓬州静波城,面朝大海,后依秀山。 Even Shanghai school is statical wave well known sect, but also is only restricted in the statical wave, called not making a sound words in Jiang Hu radically, did not have Exterior Scenery, without the treasured armament suppression, such Sect perhaps did not compare Ye Capital many Martial Hall! “平海派”乃静波名气不小的宗门,但也仅限于静波,在江湖里根本叫不响字号,没出过外景,没有宝兵镇压,这样的门派或许连邺都不少武馆都比不了! However this time, in the even Shanghai entrance were many many travel-worn teenage boys and girls, makes light or traveling thousands of miles, only to do obeisance to cross the threshold, formed the striking contrast with the lonely condition in the past, in several elders see many good the beautiful jade, almost smiles grins with ear to ear. 不过今时今日,平海派山门内多了不少风尘仆仆的少男少女,不远千里而来,只为拜入门中,与往昔冷清的状况形成鲜明对比,好几位长老看到里面不乏良才美玉,笑得差点合不拢嘴。 But all these because of Yan Chong, statical wave city in history first Human List first, even Shanghai first Exterior Scenery, few reaching the sky in a single bound, Grandmaster period! 而这一切都是因为严冲,静波城有史以来第一位“人榜第一”,平海派首位外景,寥寥可数的一步登天者,宗师可期! It looks like in many Jiang Hu people, so long as Yan Chong can offer services to the big influence, not deficient cultivation technique, can mount Earth List sooner or later, but his past style looked. This aspect is not stodgy, therefore goes to Major Faction and talents competes , the non- Tathagata draws Shanghai school acknowledges as teacher! 在诸多江湖人士看来,严冲只要能投效大势力,不缺乏功法,迟早能登上地榜,而他以往的行事风格看。这方面不算迂腐,所以去大派和天才们竞争,还不如来海派拜师! Yan Chong waist cross long blade. Shoulders both hands, looks at this distantly. The expression gentle has a smile, he is born and raised here, can the strength carry forward Sect by oneself compared with becoming Major Faction direct legacy also makes him happy. 严冲腰跨长刀。背负双手,遥遥看着这一幕。表情平和中带着一丝微笑,他生于斯长于斯,能以自身之力将门派发扬光大比成为大派嫡传还让他高兴。 Strict Young Hero.” “严少侠。” Strict elder!” “严长老!” First Senior Brother!” 大师兄!” Saw him to pass by, coming to acknowledge as teacher person peaceful Shanghai school numerous position disciple each face reveal to be respectful, opens the mouth to give regards, Yan Chong junior brother junior sister was more excited the cheek to become flushed, with having glory. 看见他路过,前来拜师之人和平海派众位弟子各个脸露恭敬,开口问好,严冲师弟师妹更是激动得脸蛋涨红,与有荣焉。 Yan Chong nods returns a courtesy, said with a smile slightly: Dark cloud gathering. The heavy rain drops, everyone first enters the main hall.” 严冲颔首回礼,微微笑道:“乌云汇聚。大雨降至,各位先入厅堂吧。” The rain of summer, always mentioned then comes, sky already pitch-black, the moisture condensed, the electric light appeared intermittently. 夏日之雨,一向说来便来,天空已经乌黑,水气凝聚,电光隐现。 Yan Chong looks at the people to enter the main hall, oneself cross the hands behind the back to pace to move toward from the thatched hut of body Yu Banshan waist, this is the place that he calmly cultivates. 严冲看着众人进入厅堂,自己则负手踱步走向自身位于半山腰的茅屋,这是他静修的地方。 Just stepped into, the sky shone for the first time, a lightning has delimited. Bang thunderous also erupts. 刚刚踏入,天空乍亮,一道闪电划过。轰隆雷鸣随之爆发。 In a while, the gale blows, rainstorm pouring. Outside becomes just like the night, can only in the thunder light flash see the mist that obsolete splashes fills the air. 没过多久,大风刮起,暴雨倾盆。外面变得宛如黑夜,只能在雷光闪过时看到溅起的水雾弥漫。 In the strong winds heavy rain, the thatched hut sways fluctuating, as if will carry off momentarily, but Yan Chong does not have the least bit to be anxious, sits on the chair, by a leisurely and carefree tranquil condition is appreciating such scenery. 狂风大雨之中,茅屋摇晃起伏,似乎随时会被带走,但严冲没有半点忧虑,坐于椅上,以一种悠闲宁静的状况欣赏着这样的“风景”。 Since resolving Exterior Scenery, he rare such relaxation. 从立志外景以来,他少有这样的放松。 Suddenly, his heart has a feeling. The vision looks to out of the window, sees only in the rainstorm. People along mountain road, gradually ascended to. 突然,他心有所感。目光看向窗外,只见暴雨之中。有一人沿着山路,缓步登临 This person wears the black vigor attire. The waist conducts the arm the long blade, the right hand is raising altar/jar liquor, the left hand takes thing that the oiled paper is wrapping, the appearance is delicate and pretty, the imposing manner is martial-looking. 这人身穿黑色劲装。腰间挎着长刀,右手提着一坛酒,左手拿着油纸包裹的东西,容貌俊美,气势英武。 He has not opened an umbrella, does not have manifestation to protect body astral aura, but after each drop of rainwater falls to his hair on, clothes on, skin, falls exactly right, as if the strength was counter-balanced completely, has not left behind the least bit wet mark. 他没有撑伞,也没有外放护体罡气,但每一滴雨水落到他的头发上、衣服上、皮肤上后,都分毫不差滑落,似乎力道被完全抵消,没有留下半点湿痕。 Rainstorm like note, he actually likely good in gentle breeze warm Yang weather. 暴雨如注,他却像行于和风暖阳的天气。 But with his appearance, thunder Xiaodian hidden, jet black. 而随着他的出现,雷消电隐,漆黑更甚。 Hears Brother Yan to reach the sky in a single bound, is extremely happy below heart, proposes a nice wine altar/jar especially, comes to congratulate.” “听闻严兄一步登天,在下不胜心喜,特提好酒一坛,前来恭贺。” The wind heavy rain is loud, cannot cover the sound that Meng Qi broadcasts distantly. 风大雨大,掩盖不住孟奇遥遥传来的声音。 Finishes speaking, he has appeared in the entrance. 话音刚落,他已是出现在门口。 Wind and rain old friend comes, a life big happy event.” Yan Chong opens the door with a smile. “风雨故人来,人生一大乐事。”严冲笑着打开房门。 Meng Qi not polite, enters heroically in uninhibited, disassembles the oiled paper package, reveals the soy beef, Yan Chong takes out two large bowl, full but actually two bowls. 孟奇没有客气,豪迈不羁入内,拆开油纸包,露出酱牛肉,严冲则取出两个海碗,满满倒了两碗。 Does!” Meng Qi first does for the respect, drank up one bowl, Yan Chong was also competitive, as if long swallowed up the water. “干!”孟奇先干为敬,一口喝掉了一碗,严冲也不落人后,仿佛长鲸吞水。 Brother Yan reaches the sky in a single bound, prosperity, is dry!” Meng Qi one bowl, rumble drank again. 严兄一步登天,前程似锦,再干!”孟奇再次倒了一碗,咕噜喝下。 Yan Chong is also the heroic feelings thrives, the big mouth drinks up said: Yan admired since childhood do not send Exterior Scenery, resolves not to fall after the person, in the present must recompense to hope finally, dry/does!” 严冲亦是豪情勃发,大口喝完才道:“严某自幼艳羡别派外景,立志不落于人后,今朝总算得偿所愿,干!” He has not concealed oneself happiness. 他没有掩饰自己的高兴。 Drinks up the third bowl, he sighs with emotion: We initially and said that the Human List double blade, has to compare notes the heart of contest repeatedly, actually just misses, today meets again, although with is Exterior Scenery, but the disparity is enormous, the contest has lost the significance, the sentiments of only comparing notes.” 喝完第三碗,他才感慨道:“我们当初并称人榜双刀,屡有切磋较量之心,却总是失之交臂,今日再逢,虽同为外景,但差距已是极大,较量已失去意义,只余切磋之情。” „When this blade, Yan waits to be many, finally has the opportunity to cut!” “这一刀,严某等了多时,总算有机会斩出了!” Finishes speaking, the blade of his waist suddenly shoulders, the hilt hits automatically in his palm. 话音刚落,他腰间之刀突然挑起,刀柄自动撞在他的掌心。 Taking advantage of this potential, he takes advantage of opportunity pulls out upward, the long blade reverses Meng Qi, the outside wind and rain connection, formed exceedingly high even/including place the column of vortex in the midair, probably True Dragon coils around, dark, contains the fearful strength, with the blade potential fusion is one. 借此之势,他顺势往上一抽,长刀逆转孟奇,外面风雨交汇,在半空形成了一道通天连地的漩涡之柱,像是真龙盘绕而成,幽幽暗暗,蕴藏可怕的力量,与刀势融合为一。 The Meng Qi smile looks at Yan Chong, the right hand does not know when has built above the hilt, the long blade presented a obvious solidification, as if static, strange. 孟奇微笑看着严冲,右手不知什么时候已是搭在刀柄之上,长刀出现了一个明显的凝固,仿佛静止,诡异非常。 Zheng! 铮! The long blade comes out of the sheath, makes the broken fetter, from bottom to top, one static moves, breeds quickly with magnificent blade light that the strength all prepares! 长刀出鞘,挣破束缚,由下往上,一静一动,孕育出快与力皆备的辉煌刀光 Meng Qi flinches the little skills of learning from immortal god! 孟奇从“仙神辟易”学到的少许技巧! When! 当! blade light sways, the column of midair vortex was divided into two sections, rapid collapse leisurely/scatter, without the influence wind and rain, no one detected. 刀光挥洒,半空漩涡之柱分成了两截,迅速崩散,没有影响风雨,无人察觉。 Yan Chong sits well the home position, takes back the long blade, aspirates: Your blade technique has exceeded me to be many.” 严冲端坐原位,收回长刀,吐了口气:“你的刀法已胜过我不少。” If not Meng Qi keeps the hand, his long blade already breaks. 若非孟奇留手,他的长刀已经断折。 Meng Qi's Wound of Heaven has inserted the scabbard, hehe said with a smile: Your blade is also not treasured armament, the victory the non- military.” 孟奇的天之伤早就插回了刀鞘,呵呵笑道:“你的刀还不是宝兵,胜之不武。” When spoke this saying, he particularly sighs with emotion rogue cultivator and difficulty of small Sect practice, arrived Exterior Scenery does not have treasured armament continually. 说这话时,他分外感慨散修和小门派修行的艰难,到了外景连把宝兵都没。 I am collecting the material, warm support breed, good and evil it with my nearly ten years.” Yan Chong said with a smile gentle, „from Tathagata Divine Palm general outline, you have appeared one time in River East, has gone into hiding, not like the Crazy Blade attitude.” “我正搜集材料,温养孕育,好歹它跟了我近十年。”严冲平和笑道,“自如来神掌总纲之事后,你就在江东出现过一次,一直销声匿迹,不像狂刀的作风。” Has not grasped time practice.” The Meng Qi smile said that „, therefore is friendless and unlearned to the matter of Jiang Hu.” “还不是抓紧时间修炼。”孟奇微笑道,“所以对江湖之事已孤陋寡闻。” What now Jiang Hu most causes a stir is the matter of blue blood person, appalling, particularly vigilant......” Yan Chong said that next was Poison Hands Demon Monarch returns to Jiang Hu, the strength is immeasurably deep, according to not being able to say Dharma Idol pursued soul Demon Monarch on the light victory, was said treated by the ritual of Grandmaster......” “当今江湖最轰动的乃蓝血人之事,让人毛骨悚然,分外警惕……”严冲缓缓道来,“其次是毒手魔君重出江湖,实力深不可测,据说不出法相就轻胜追魂魔君,被道以宗师之礼对待……” He said after one pile, said: Poison Hands Demon Monarch already includes Black List by various Great Sects and aristocratic families, 99 th.” 他说了一堆后道:“毒手魔君已被各大门派和世家列入黑榜,第九十九位。” Submerges Earth List, advanced Black List...... listened to others to say the matter of own Sockpuppet, Meng Qi felt quite complex, cocky also was a little a little ashamed. 没入地榜,先进黑榜……听别人说自己马甲之事,孟奇感觉颇为复杂,有点得瑟又有点羞耻。 In the matter of blue blood person, there is a law to prove the Grandmaster, the hearsay has the Grandmaster strength, but does not know that has secret technique to restrain the blue blood, temporarily was not approved by Six Doors.” Yan Chong continues to say. “蓝血人之事里,有位法证大师,传闻有宗师实力,但不知是不是有秘法克制蓝血,暂时不被六扇门认同。”严冲继续说道。 Was saying to be saying, he lowers the sound: Ruan Family contacts many Sect and aristocratic families in secret, as if intends the blue blood.” 说着说着,他压低声音:“阮家暗中联络不少门派和世家,似乎有意蓝血。” Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, Ruan Family also really cares to the blue blood. ( to be continued ) 孟奇微微皱眉,阮家对蓝血还真是在意啊。(未完待续) ... ...
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