WORIOA :: Volume #4

#113: Initially to seaside

seaside, the whole city white mourning garment, is difficult to cover the spring day hundred flowers, the gentle breeze is warm. ¥ f 临海,满城缟素,却难掩春日百花,和风暖阳。¥f The carriage across the long and wide street, changes over to north city that the aristocratic family gathers, seven turned eight to turn, stops before a quite luxurious inn, Meng Qi and hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning three were also admitted to subscribe the good guest room. 马车穿过长而宽的街道,转入世家聚集的北城,七拐八拐,停在了一间颇为奢华的客栈前,孟奇和百花夫人、婴宁三者随之住进订好的客房。 arrived late at night, under the hundred flowers madame leads, they dive some arrived place to extend the broad mansion front quietly, passed the unlatched door, ajar formation, under in quiet servant's leadership entered a back garden embroidery building. 到了深夜,在百花夫人带领下,他们悄然潜到了某座延绵广阔的府邸前方,通过了虚掩的小门,半开的阵法,于某位沉默寡言仆人的带领下进入了后花园一栋绣楼。 This period of time we then hide here.” Tidies up readily, the hundred flowers madame charming smile looks at Meng Qi, Ying Ning stands in her behind. “这段时日我们便躲于此处。”收拾停当,百花夫人媚笑看着孟奇,婴宁站在她的身后。 Meng Qi nods slightly, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 孟奇微微颔首,不置可否。 Come on the way, Ying Ning has no action of enticing, lady, is evasive on the contrary likely, shy, being neither friendly nor aloof, resembles to feel emotion the conservative feeling, the criterion discretion grasps extremely appropriately, does not have coldly, if frost, everywhere avoidance, will not fawn on warmly, lets anticipate to depreciate. 前来的途中,婴宁并没有任何勾引的举动,反倒像个大家闺秀,躲躲闪闪,羞羞涩涩,给人一种若即若离,似有情似保守的感觉,尺度分寸把握得极其恰当,既没有冷若冰霜,处处躲避,也不会热情逢迎,让期待贬值。 Regarding this, Meng Qi only has the vision appreciation of carefully examining, does not have any driving behavior, lets the hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning action air drop empty place that conceals the profound meaning much. 对此,孟奇仅是带着审视的目光欣赏,没有任何主动的行为,让百花夫人和婴宁不少隐含深意的举动空掷虚处。 The hundred flowers madame stands near the window, looks at various colors to struggle the colorful parkway: „Can violent treachery mister know this is which family/home dwelling?” 百花夫人站到窗边,望着各彩争艳的花园道:“毒手先生可知这是谁家宅院?” Hope hears Qixiang.” Meng Qi crosses the hands behind the back to pace before the window. “愿闻其详。”孟奇负手踱步至窗前。 Giggle, we hide here, no one can think, even if makes anything in seaside, so long as did not catch in the act or presses for payment on, no one will suspect here.” The hundred flowers madame smiles the body to shake, is to the utmost happy, it is the Zhu Family home.” “咯咯,我们躲在这里,无人能够想到,即使在临海做点什么,只要不被当场抓住或追索上,没人会怀疑此处。”百花夫人笑得身体微晃,极尽美好,“它是祝家的祖宅。” Zhu Family......” Meng Qi has not concealed own being astonished. 祝家……”孟奇没有掩饰自己的讶异。 When Yun Family has not gained fame and fortune, Zhu Family and Tie Family ancestor is a domestic servant, later these two all previous generations follow, loyal and devoted, rise and fall together, even if were bestowed also the free body. Established own family, still poses as the domestic servant, is always being the Yun Family secret health/guard about leader, only listens to the life of Family Lord, does not mix in the family the matter, is always considered one of the Yun Family props. 云家还未发迹时,祝家铁家先祖就已是家仆,之后这两家历代相随,忠心耿耿,兴衰与共,即使被赐还自由身。建立了自己的家族,也依然以家仆自居,始终担任着云家秘卫的左右首领,只听家主之命,不掺合家族内事,向来被认为云家支柱之一。 This Yun Family dispute, they are aloof outside, is important goal that all parties compete to win over. 此次云家纷争,他们超然于外,是各方争夺拉拢的重要目标。 Did such family collude with the Evil Demon outlet? 这样的家族都与邪魔外道勾结起来了? When Meng Qi is sighing with emotion the flower not to have the hundred days are red, the hundred flowers madame explained one: Zhu Family the secret has offered services to the cloud nine master clouds to fly upwards, we are he arrange conceals here. Zhu Family does not know the concrete status.” 孟奇正感慨花无百日红时,百花夫人解释了一句:“祝家已秘密投效了云九爷云飞扬,我们是他安排藏于此处。祝家不知具体身份。” ...... Meng Qi said so that's how it is suddenly: What we support is the cloud nine masters?” 原来如此……孟奇恍然道:“我们支持的是云九爷?” Has the Yun Family juniors who the qualifications compete with is actually not Mr. cloud son grandchildren, but is the heavy grandchildren, he lived too for a long time, almost boils two generations, accurate the name in home was Sir cloud child. 有资格竞争的云家诸位子弟其实已不是云老爷子的儿孙辈,而是重孙辈,他活得太久,差不多熬死了两代人,在家中准确的称呼是“云老太爷子”。 But clouds nine masters is in this generation of juniors the extremely substantive contender, the son of first wife status, about 60 years old, 5th Heavenly Layer cultivation base, if not he still had the blood relative elder brother to say two master Yunfei tigers. Feared that is the Family Lord side good candidate. 而云九爷便是这一代子弟里极有分量的争夺者,嫡子身份,六十岁左右,五重天修为,若非他尚有位嫡亲兄长云二爷云飞虎。怕是家主的极佳人选。 Besides two brothers, cloud six master and cloud ten third master two contender, former is 70 years old 6th Heavenly Layer, once Human List first ten. Has big possibly promotes Grandmaster, grandfather that generation is also the son of first wife, the status not compared with the cloud two and cloud nine difference many, but strength and potential. To Yun Family of closer Eastern Sea custom, this is the best candidate. 除了他们兄弟俩,还有云六爷和云十三爷两位争夺者,前者七十岁六重天,曾经的人榜前十。有不小可能晋升宗师,爷爷那代也算嫡子,身份并不比云二与云九差多少,但实力和潜力更甚。对更贴近东海习俗的云家而言,这才是最好的人选。 Cloud ten third master are the cloud seven young ladies' fathers, because in the family/home has an excess of Yang and not enough Yin. The daughter are extremely few, the cloud seven young ladies result in arrived Sir cloud the child to love, he loved it and everything that comes along with it to attach great importance, but he also quite makes every effort to succeed, handles matters fairly, the method is smooth, oneself strength is not also bad, 50 over had stepped over first Heavenly Stairway, recently ten years were in the family/home the actual president of general affairs, were considered as Old Master cloud desirably the Family Lord candidate of cultivation. 云十三爷是云七小姐的父亲,因为家中阳盛阴衰。女儿极少,云七小姐得到了云老太爷子宠爱,他被爱屋及乌重视,而他也颇为争气,处事公正,手段圆滑,自身实力亦不差,五十出头就已迈过第一层天梯,最近十年乃家中庶务的实际主持者,被认为是云老爷子刻意栽培的家主人选。 Hears the Meng Qi's issue, the hundred flowers madame eats to say with a smile: Cloud nine masters are the straightforward natural, heavy affectionate righteousness, to female friend especially so.” 听到孟奇的问题,百花夫人吃吃笑道:“云九爷为人豪爽大方,重情重义,对红颜知己尤其如此。” All has been said that is not no need to say much! 言尽于此,不必多说! Later, the hundred flowers madame and Ying Ning went out on several th frequently, the whereabouts secret, Meng Qi watched critically, was not irritable is not curious, wholly-absorbed practice. 之后几日,百花夫人与婴宁常常外出,行踪隐秘,孟奇冷眼旁观,不急躁也不好奇,专心修炼 The biggest advantage of reaching the sky in a single bound pondered the path initially, Interior World and Exterior World certain regular resonances induces abundantly, is closest law principle, this when revolution Dharma Idol, interweaves or melts law principle initially can save many patient and persistent work, little takes many tortuous paths, is insufficient to present the bottleneck, therefore, can twice the result with half the effort when stepping over first two Heavenly Stairway! 一步登天的最大好处就是初步思考了道路,内天地外天地某些规律共鸣感应最盛,也就是最贴近法理,这在运转法相,交织或初融法理时能省诸多水磨工夫,少走许多弯路,不至于出现瓶颈,所以,在迈过前两层天梯时能让人事半功倍! acupoint simultaneously opened, Interior Scenery transports/fortunes secretly, in Dharma Idol reveals, the Meng Qi nearby becomes dark, is particularly scary, through oneself Interior World to the change that the external interference has, the resolution induces that as if invariable rule, realizes from experience Yun Han(contain) Law and Truth. 窍穴齐开,内景暗运,法相内显,孟奇附近变得幽幽暗暗,分外骇人,通过自身内天地对外界干扰产生的变化,分辨感应那仿佛不变的规律,体悟蕴含其中的法与理 Four in the future, the hundred flowers madame brought Ying Ning to sound the Meng Qi's door. 四日后,百花夫人带着婴宁敲响了孟奇的房门。 Violent treachery mister can calm down, also did not ask the development of matter of seaside, did not ask that we had anything to arrange, is making anything.” Hundred flowers madame hidden bitterness looks at Meng Qi that opens the door calmly, the efflorescence vicissitudes that he disclosed slightly made him as if forever unflustered, are calm. “毒手先生真是沉得住气,既不问临海之事的发展,也不问我们有什么布置,在做什么。”百花夫人“幽怨”看着气定神闲开门的孟奇,他略微透露的霜白沧桑让他似乎永远从容不迫,处变不惊。 Meng Qi looked at their one eyes, said with a smile lightly: Yun Family various people with some does not have the connection, who can become Family Lord to some immaterial, does not need to worry.” 孟奇看了她们一眼,轻笑道:“云家诸人与某毫无瓜葛,谁能成为家主对某而言都无关紧要,没必要操心。” As for the madame you, this important matter surely not wanting to pin on my bystander, believes that also has other helper, some only needs the matter that completes you to tell to be able, does the Ying Ning miss, the old man say right?” “至于夫人你们,这种重要的事情必定不会将希望寄托在我这外人身上,相信还有着别的帮手,某只需要做好你们吩咐的事情便可,婴宁姑娘,老夫说得对吧?” His saying transforms between some and old man, regards the object to decide, immediately was bashful Ying Ning red a face. 他的自称在某与老夫间转换,视对象而定,顿时臊得婴宁红了一张脸。 The hundred flowers madame handles anything to lead her, this miss is not simple...... Meng Qi to put aside the vision, looks to the hundred flowers madame. 百花夫人做什么事情都带着她,这姑娘不简单啊……孟奇移开目光,看向百花夫人。 Violent treachery mister melts Buddhist Law in Demon Art, temperament is seriously splendid.” The hundred flowers madame does not know that the sincerity or the hypocrisy approved one, today has the matter to invite mister take action.” “毒手先生融佛法魔功,心性当真出色。”百花夫人不知真心还是假意地赞了一句,“今日正是有事请先生出手。” What matter?” Meng Qi has turned around, allowing two females to enter the room. “何事?”孟奇转过身,让两女进入房间。 The hundred flowers madame said with a smile: That boy who pursuing the soul must look for made an appearance.” 百花夫人笑道:“追魂要找的那小子露面了。” He?” Meng Qi crosses the hands behind the back to pace near the window. “他?”孟奇负手踱步到窗边。 Right, although he is Unorthodox Path, but the wicked mark does not reveal, makes friends broadly, with many Righteous Path Exterior Scenery powerhouse some friendship, therefore does not know when the secret sneaks seaside, in the weaponry this is dark has seen Tie Family and Zhu Family Exterior Scenery, said death of Mr. cloud non- dead in bed of old age, was killed secretly, requested that on them reported Eastern Sea Sword Villa, investigated thoroughly this matter, later decided Family Lord.” The hundred flowers madame restrains the smile, is quite serious. “对,他虽为左道,但恶迹不显,交游广阔,与诸多正道外景强者有些交情,故而不知什么时候秘密潜入临海,仗此暗里见过铁家祝家外景,言云老爷子之死非寿终正寝,乃被人暗害,请求他们上禀东海剑庄,彻查此事,之后再定家主。”百花夫人收敛起笑容,颇为郑重。 Old Master cloud was killed secretly, non- died in bed of old age/be exhausted?” Meng Qi seems like the surprise, is actually curious, oneself this „the medicinal pill vender can detect the issue to be simple, did this unfathomable mystery boy know from where? “云老爷子被人暗害,非寿终正寝?”孟奇看似诧异,其实好奇,自己这“丹药售卖者”能察觉问题简单,这莫名其妙的小子从何得知? Mo Fei/could it be that had the obvious trace at that time, but such being the case, why haven't others seen? 莫非当时有明显痕迹,可既然如此,其他人为何没看到? The hundred flowers madame draws the careful eyebrow to frown: He said when the Grandmaster first-level powerhouse has the quite clear assurance to own longevity, the limit approaches will have a premonition, for example builds the tomb ahead of time, for example makes the funeral arrangements, but Old Master cloud this grade of character why sudden longevity completely died during meditation, will not have assigned Family Lord, making Yun Family be mired in the dispute?” 百花夫人画得细细的眉毛颦起:“他说宗师一级的强者对自身寿元都有着比较清楚的把握,大限来临时都会有所预感,比如提前修筑坟墓,比如安排好后事,可云老爷子这等人物为何会突然寿尽坐化,没指定家主,使得云家陷入纷争?” Perhaps some people deliberately destroy these, because to oneself disadvantageous?” Meng Qi proposed the questionable point. “也许是有人刻意毁去这些,因为对自己不利?”孟奇提出疑点。 But in his heart the biggest doubts are, sounds no one to know that Old Master cloud bought two grains of Prolonging Life Medicine Pill, does not have certainly possibly in recent long-lived completely died during meditation! 而他心中最大的疑惑是,听起来没人知道云老爷子买了两粒延寿丹药,绝没可能在最近寿尽坐化 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Ying Ning interrupted in side: He said that he takes the arrived strong evidence, only waits for the critical moment to eject, therefore lord of Tie Family and Zhu Family is half believing and half doubting.” 婴宁在旁边插嘴道:“他说自身拿到了有力的证据,只等关键时刻抛出,所以铁家祝家之主将信将疑。” What do you want the old man to make?” Meng Qi looks at Ying Ning to say. “你们要老夫做什么?”孟奇看着婴宁道。 Asked violent treachery mister take action to cope with Wu Hengjian.” The hundred flowers madame piles up with the smile again, „, but do not kill him, best the misconception that gives he himself to do utmost escapes from finally.” “请毒手先生出手对付乌横剑。”百花夫人再次堆满笑容,“但不要杀了他,最好给他自己竭尽全力终于逃脱的错觉。” Wu Hengjian? Do not kill him?” Meng Qi crosses the hands behind the back to turn back. 乌横剑?不要杀了他?”孟奇负手走回。 Ying Ning said: He always says Wu Hengjian, whether the real name was unknown.” 婴宁道:“他向来自称乌横剑,是否真实姓名就不得而知了。” The hundred flowers madame flatters to say with a smile: Kills this type to enter the Exterior Scenery boy to be useful initially, frightens him, making him think that some people cannot calm down to eliminate a potential informant then, mixed up the water to be good.” 百花夫人则媚笑道:“杀这种初入外景的小子有什么用,吓一吓他,让他以为有人沉不住气想要灭口即可,搅混了水才有好处。” „Is this directs toward several other on?” Meng Qi said with a smile slightly, not surprised, and did not care. “这是往另外几位身上引?”孟奇微微笑道,没有惊讶,并不在意。 The hundred flowers madame looks at Meng Qi suddenly: Violent treachery mister said that is that then.” 百花夫人眨眼看着孟奇:“毒手先生说是那便是吧。” Meng Qi has not closely examined, hehe said with a smile: Wu Hengjian can avoid to pursue the soul their pursuing to take, how could it not be not the careful generation, will his whereabouts where easily expose?” 孟奇没有追问,呵呵笑道:“乌横剑能躲避追魂他们的追拿,岂非不小心之辈,他的行踪哪会轻易暴露?” The begun premise can find the person! 动手的前提是能找到人! Has the person to disclose his place of concealment.” The hundred flowers madame smiles very charmingly. “自有人透露他的隐匿之处。”百花夫人笑得很是妩媚。 Does not know that is which?” Meng Qi spoke thoughtlessly asked. “不知是哪位?”孟奇随口一问。 Cloud ten third master.” The hundred flowers madame looks at Meng Qi with a smile, seems waiting for his surprised. “云十三爷。”百花夫人含笑看着孟奇,似乎在等待着他的惊讶。 Meng Qi smiles, clouds that the poor business conditions are light: Really is unexpected.” 孟奇笑了笑,云淡风轻:“真是意想不到。” The Ying Ning this group of doubtful Lust Path fellow outcome and have Yun Family how many people involved? 婴宁这帮疑似**道的家伙究竟与云家多少人有所牵扯? ............ ………… The heavy rain is boundless, first month of summer. 大雨磅礴,初夏将至。 Wu Hengjian wears the black robe, the line under both sides eaves, like the ghosts and demons, flashes to pass quickly, from time to time displays Escape Technique, the change position, preventing some people to track. 乌横剑穿着黑袍,行于两旁屋檐下,快如鬼魅,一闪而逝,时而施展遁法,改变方位,防止有人跟踪。 Crash-bang, the rainwater hits the long street flagstone anxiously, brings a peace of isolation world. 哗啦啦,雨水急打长街石板,带来一种隔绝天地的安宁。 Wu Hengjian slows down the footsteps slightly, remembers own plan spontaneously, when the matter spreads, secret mastermind cannot sit still surely, will ask itself to eliminate a potential informant, when the time comes, deliberately spreads the wind sound/rumor, supposes to ambush, then can catch a turtle in a jar, had better be able pursuing soul Demon Monarch their one group of introductions, taking advantage of the strength solution! 乌横剑稍微放缓脚步,油然想起自身的谋划,等到事情传扬开去,幕后黑手必定坐不住,会找自己灭口,到时候,刻意放出风声,设下埋伏,便能瓮中捉鳖,最好能将追魂魔君他们一伙引入,借力解决! Then, solves the matter of Yun Family, except oneself sleepiness! 如此一来,既解云家之事,也除自身之困! Suddenly, he noticed that in the waterfall rainwater walks one person slowly, wears the azure robe, two temple efflorescences, in the hand are lifting an oiled paper umbrella, probably is in a poetic mood the middle-aged scholars that because of the heavy rain strolls, but that vicissitudes scholarly makes one glance unforgettablily. 忽然,他看到瀑布般的雨水里缓缓走过来一人,身穿青袍,两鬓霜白,手中举着一把油纸伞,像是因大雨而诗兴大发漫步的中年士子,但那种沧桑儒雅让人过目难忘。 Just saw this person, in the Wu Hengjian heart the sound of security rings out, only thought the rainwater to remove, the dark cloud vanished, the long street did not see, in the world only and front this azure robe man who has the strange charm! 刚看到这人,乌横剑心中警戒之声大作,只觉雨水褪去,乌云消失,长街不见,天地之间只余自己和面前这位有着奇异魅力的青袍男子! Secretly person? 幕后之人? Unorthodox Path great demon?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 左道巨魔?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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