WORIOA :: Volume #4

#114: Demon mark

The azure robe man left hand lifts the oiled paper umbrella satisfied, a little bit rainwater is stringing together the line to fall from, probably the bead curtain of dispersing, camouflaged his facial features slightly, only has two temples pale brings the vicissitudes that the years are precipitating vividly. <- 青袍男子左手惬意举着油纸伞,一滴滴雨水串成线从上滑落,像是散开的珠帘,略微遮蔽了他的面容,只有两鬓的苍白才带着岁月沉淀的沧桑跃然而出。← But at this very moment, during the Wu Hengjian line of sight shines with other senses, except for this umbrella, this person, in the world does not have the otherness again, the rainstorm that falls boundless removes suddenly, in the as if mirror surface wiped off water stain, the dark cloud and long street at the same time vanish, degenerate into void, only dark. 此时此刻,在乌横剑视线与其他感官映照之中,除了这把伞,这个人,天地之间再无他物,磅礴而落的暴雨陡然褪去,仿佛镜面上被擦掉的水渍,乌云与长街同时消失,堕落入虚空,只余幽暗。 Thump thump thump, thump thump thump, the Wu Hengjian heartbeat cannot help but speeds up, just like beating a drum, raises the dangerous feeling that is unable to explain. 咚咚咚,咚咚咚,乌横剑的心跳不由自主加快,宛若擂鼓,升起了无法言喻的危险之感。 The present azure robe man is very fearful! 眼前的青袍男子很可怕! Extremely fearful! 极其可怕! Similar thought crazy reverberates in the Wu Hengjian mind, only thinks that this is the entire life has encountered most powerful enemy person! 类似的念头疯狂在乌横剑脑海内回荡,只觉这是自己生平遭遇过的最强敌人! In the past he had to meet Grandmaster, but was never hostile, does not know that facing the oppression of Grandmaster whether was also such feeling, in brief, compared with had encountered one time, nearly by pursuing soul Demon Monarch that oneself lost one's life, at present this stronger to the pressure that oneself the mind results on many. 过去他不是没遇见过宗师,但从未敌对,不知面对宗师的压迫是否也是这样的感受,总之,比起曾经遭遇过一次,险些让自己送命的追魂魔君,眼前这位给自己心灵造成的压力要强上很多。 The blood wells up the heart rapidly, was gushed out, the Wu Hengjian hidden feeling hands and feet becomes tender, the innermost feelings steep the negative thought that rises unable to contend with, cannot live least bit fighting intent. 血液急速涌回心脏,又被喷薄而出,乌横剑隐感手脚发软,内心陡升无法抗衡的消极念头,生不起半点战意 Only is the suppression of imposing manner and mind by oneself situated in the failure edge? The Wu Hengjian good and evil is Exterior Scenery, the experience is also rich, is breaking out of this influence strongly. 光是气势和心灵的压制就让自己处于失败边缘吗?乌横剑好歹也是外景,经验丰富,竭力摆脱着这种影响。 Suddenly, azure robe figure in his pupil increases rapidly, stuffs the line of sight, probably in an instant floats the body, then the left hand holds the umbrella, the right hand throat. 忽然,他瞳孔之中的青袍身影急速变大,充塞视线,像是刹那间就飘来身前,然后左手持伞,右手前探。 This palm is pure white, sparkling lives the splendor, slender powerful, such as the sword chops slantingly. 这只手掌洁白,莹莹生辉,修长有力,如刀剑般斜斜劈出。 As this chops, the sense strange restoration of Wu Hengjian, crash-bang the sound hears, splashes the heavy rain of mist to be dazzling, the wide and long street is flowing a water. Is cleaning the flagstone, is colluding the both sides houses. 随着这一劈,乌横剑的感官奇怪恢复,哗啦啦的响声入耳,溅起水雾的大雨照眼,宽而长的街道流淌着一层积水。清洗着石板,勾连着两侧房屋。 But all these are so slow, the old man who the heavy rain probably viscous honey, the little landing, mist as if is on the verge of death, some is inflating, but crash-bang the gap of sound draws is long, urging the person to go to sleep. 但这一切是如此缓慢,大雨像是粘稠的蜂蜜,一点点降落,水雾仿佛行将就木的老者,些许些许膨胀着,而哗啦啦声音的间隔拉得很长,催人入眠。 Slow nature, slow world, slow body and feeling. They are so harmonious, Wu Hengjian is unable to distinguish improper, but that chops the right palm that comes to keep the normal speed slantingly, serving as contrast slow is conspicuous and strange. 迟缓的自然,迟缓的天地,迟缓的身体和感受。它们是如此融洽,以至于乌横剑本来无法分辨不妥,但那斜劈而来的右掌保持着正常速度,衬托得“缓慢”显眼和诡异。 Through observing and emulating, simulates a palm that the Sword Twenty-Three surface dispelling symptoms such as bloating route comes! 通过观摩,模拟剑廿三表面行气路线而来的一掌! Naturally, is only the Jiang Zhiwei improvement attenuation version. 当然,只是江芷微改良弱化版。 Naturally, is only the superficial status resembles. 当然,只是表面状态像。 clear(ly) was slow, the reality was the illusion, the essence derives palm technique by Undying Seven Illusions that” Ānanda Breaking Vow Blade core true intent promoted! 明是迟缓,实是幻觉,本质是以阿难破戒刀法核心真意推动的“不死七幻”衍生掌法 How can like this? How to have such palm technique? The Wu Hengjian thought is slow. As if can only sit waiting for death, looks helplessly this palm chops in the top of the head, in the heart the feeling of writings danger, the reality is the entire life only meets. Feeling present azure robe man such as being an excellent likeness demon! 怎么会这样?怎么会有这样的掌法乌横剑思维迟缓。似乎只能坐以待毙,眼睁睁看着这一掌劈在头顶,心中危险之感大作,实乃生平仅遇。感觉眼前的青袍男子如神似魔! He eventually non- is the commonplace, when the crucial moment, raised both hands forcefully, exhibited the potential of swallowing up. Opens the mouth, highlights darkly, extreme twist. 他终究非是等闲,在千钧一发之际,强行提起双手,摆出鲸吞之势。张开嘴巴,幽暗凸显,急速旋转。 Then. He deeply inspires. 然后。他深吸了口气。 immediately, world origin energy, the rainwater palm vigor, went to his mouth all, his body, his both hands, as if all things tending one way, incessant. 顿时,天地元气,雨水掌劲,尽数投向了他的嘴巴,他的身体,他的双手,仿佛百川归海,滔滔不绝。 The curtain of rain was torn, holds the vigor to be destroyed, the long street curled up the tornado probably, all things were involved, but Wu Hengjian is the core and source of tornado! 雨幕被撕裂,掌劲被破坏,长街像是卷起了旋风,所有事物都被卷入,而乌横剑就是旋风的核心和源泉! Vision vanish, Wu Hengjian saw clearly the world, saw clearly the scattered in disorder dark cloud and heavy rain, saw clearly distant place alley entrance to support the azure robe man of oiled paper umbrella, his year near middle age, the temple had white, five senses was profound, but the scholarly the vicissitudes, calmly stood there, did not seem to acted a moment ago. 幻觉消失,乌横剑看清楚了天地,看清楚了散乱的乌云和大雨,也看清楚了远处巷子口撑着油纸伞的青袍男子,他岁近中年,鬓角有白,五官深刻,儒雅而沧桑,静静立在那里,似乎刚才并未出过手。 At this moment, he sees Meng Qi to take leisurely and carefree one step, during the sounds gives the person to feel marvelously, as if one step surpasses the sea of bitterness, but to Pāramitā, appears in front of oneself directly, the light palm lays out, completely disregarded darkly suction that the potential of swallowing up and periphery spread. 就在这时,他看见孟奇悠闲迈出一步,动静之间给人奇妙的感觉,似乎一步超出苦海,一步而至彼岸,直接出现于自己面前,轻飘飘一掌拍出,完全无视了鲸吞之势和周围蔓延的“幽暗”吸力。 This palm has not brought the palm wind, without sending out palm vigor, even without rousing the world, falls light, probably a leaf. 这一掌没带掌风,没有发出掌劲,甚至没有勾动天地,就这么轻轻飘飘落下,像是一片树叶。 But the pupil of Wu Hengjian contracts rapidly, was unable to restrain compared with the sense a moment ago slowly, because this palm seemingly opens simply, but definitely is not in fact able to adhere to the rule, as if where, also as if where is not, does not know how should keep off how against how to hide! 乌横剑的瞳孔急速收缩,比刚才感官迟钝还无法克制,因为这一掌看似简简单单打开,可实际上完全无法把握住规律,似乎哪里都在,也仿佛哪里都不在,根本不知该怎么挡怎么防怎么躲! Among Heaven and Earth, Only I Am Venerated, all, nowhere obvious! 天上天下,唯我独尊,无一不在,无处可见! Even if to the person of Buddha, Wu Hengjian did not have the deep zen of palm intent inside Yun Han(contain), as well as that withering myriad things fearful with the contamination that degenerating to perish, they marvelously in zen continually as one, is not the other non not every other! 即使不是向佛之人,乌横剑也品出了掌意里面蕴含的深深禅意,以及那肃杀万物的可怕与堕落沉沦的污秽,它们奇妙地在禅意上连为一体,非彼非此非彼此! Palm and I also however! 掌与我亦然! When the heart has this thought that Wu Hengjian despairs, the feeling of danger compared with a moment ago, even if braces oneself, take action, cannot block this palm forcefully. 心中生出这个念头之时,乌横剑已然绝望,危险之感比刚才更甚,而且即使提起精神,强行出手,也根本挡不住这一掌。 It is not able to keep off! 根本无法可挡! Suddenly, his face is fierce presently, clenches jaws, does not do to retain, does not dare to retain, the forehead grows together the jet black trace steep, filled degenerated and slaughtered, the bloody flavor, one washed out the zen, condensed demon qi. 突然,他脸现狰狞,咬牙切齿,再不做保留,再不敢保留,眉心陡地长出一道漆黑痕迹,充满了堕落、杀戮、血腥的味道,一下冲散了禅意,凝聚了魔气 ! 啪! Pure white powerful palm restraining, after many defenses, to me idealist condition hit directly presently aloof and only in the Wu Hengjian forehead, hitting him is badly beaten, the head dizziness, Primordial Spirit shakes. 洁白有力的手掌收敛,直接现于诸多防御之后,以超然物外、唯我唯心之态打在了乌横剑额头,打得他头破血流,脑袋眩晕,元神摇动。 If not there is a strength protection that the jet black demon mark thrives, the consequence is dreadful! 若非有漆黑魔痕勃发的力量保护,后果不堪设想! Still is so, the jet black demon mark is also sparse, changes to the black ray, with the dreadful demon qi combination that Wu Hengjian within the body exudes, rises straight from the ground, escapes rapidly to the harbor. 犹是如此,漆黑魔痕也已寥落,化作墨色光芒,与乌横剑体内泛起的滔天魔气化合,拔地而起,急速遁向港口。 Well......” takes place accidentally, the Wu Hengjian subsequent hand surpassed the Meng Qi expectation, is half beat behind changes to the rainbow, goes through in the curtain of rain, pursued. “咦……”事出意外,乌横剑的后手超过了孟奇预料,慢了半拍才化作长虹,穿行于雨幕,追了上去。 Above the long street, accumulates the laundering the flagstone, the raindrop is asking the price with no intention of buying again, quickly then returns to the original condition, two Exterior Scenery fight has not appeared unexpectedly affects the destruction, the strength of control and fights can be inferred strangely! 长街之上,积水洗着石板,雨滴再次打落,很快便恢复原状,两名外景交手竟然没有出现波及破坏,控制之力和交手的诡异可见一斑! The black ink light falls in entering the sea silently, the crash quick dive, escapes fast, but Wu Hengjian dangerous feeling at heart does not reduce, as if the god demon azure robe man and only have a step difference, quick then can catch up, if seriously feels uneasy! 墨光无声无息落入海中,急速下潜,飞快远遁,但乌横剑心里的危险之感丝毫不减,似乎那神魔般的青袍男子与自己只有一步之差,很快便能追上,当真如芒刺在背! The danger is getting more and more near, is getting stronger and stronger, when the Wu Hengjian heart is unable to suppress the despair and fear, suddenly whole body one light, that type felt that unfathomable mystery vanishes. 危险越来越近,越来越强,乌横剑心中无法抑制绝望和害怕时,突然浑身一轻,那种感觉莫名其妙消失。 His stunned induces, discovered that the sea level of not far away is passing a large ship, reaches as high as seven, grand majestic. Has the flag streamer respectively, distinguishes the book the different characters: 愕然感应,发现不远处的海面透着一艘楼船,高达七层,宏伟雄壮。前后各有旗幡,分别书着不同之字: Eastern Sea Sword Villa ; 东海剑庄”; What! “何”! Originally meets the ship of Eastern Sea He, when the mandate of heaven should not certainly! Wu Hengjian aspirates, arises spontaneously to rejoice the sentiment, no wonder that fearful azure robe man does not dare to pursue again. 原来是遇到东海何家之船,当真命不该绝!乌横剑吐了口气,油然而生庆幸之情,难怪那可怕的青袍男子不敢再追。 At this time, a silk thread that brings the curved hook falls in his at present, following upward, can see the ship along standing a hair sparse yellowing old man, his aura was reserved, did not see the least bit to fluctuate. If not visual, feels nothing he here. 这时,一根带着弯钩的丝线落于他的眼前,顺着往上,能看到船沿站着一位头发稀疏泛黄的老者,他气息内敛,不见半点波动。若不目视,浑然不觉他在此处。 Saw with own eyes that the whereabouts were discovered, the back also has the extreme fearful enemy, Wu Hengjian does not dare to evade, on the little darling escaped, flew the deck. 眼见行迹被发现,背后又有极端可怕的敌人,乌横剑不敢逃避,乖乖上遁,飞上了甲板。 Few village lords make you go.” The hair yellowing old man said lightly , to continue to fish own fish. “少庄主让你进去。”头发泛黄的老者淡淡道了一句,继续钓着自己的鱼。 Wu Hengjian according to the direction, takes a step to enter the cabin, before seeing some people to sit well the window . 乌横剑按照指点,迈步进入舱房,看见有人端坐窗前。 He sits even. Also is higher than half head the average man, the eyebrow like the sword, an eye of deep pool, the stance is optional. Is self-confident is grasping, among the as if world nothing can puzzle him again, no enemy can make him sleep on pins and needles again. 他即使坐着。也比常人高半个头,眉如剑,目似潭,姿态随意。自信在握,仿佛天下之间再无什么事情能够困扰他,再没有什么敌人能让他寝食难安。 Sees too few manor lord.” Wu Hengjian knows that the present person is Invisible Sword He Jiu. “见过少庄主。”乌横剑知道眼前之人便是“无形剑何九 In the seaside city what happened, why sharply sharply flees?” He Jiu asked straightforwardly. “临海城中发生了什么事情,为何急急遁逃?”何九直截了当问道。 In the Wu Hengjian heart moves. Mentioned the matter from beginning to end, from oneself discovered that death of Mr. cloud talked about to have the mysterious fearful azure robe powerhouse to block the way strangely the interception, half a word had not said that possibly was because eliminated a potential informant. But being beyond control person does not think. 乌横剑心中一动。将事情原原本本讲出,从自己发现云老爷子之死诡异讲到有神秘可怕的青袍强者拦路截杀,半句没说可能是因为灭口。但由不得人不这么想。 He Jiu is striking at present the case gently several, hesitates saying: „The two palms of person of azure robe have the profound mystery respectively, is hard to estimate, the former imitates with Dharma Idol of Profound Heaven Sect, latter I have not seen similarly, is unable to see the origin, what clue do you have?” 何九轻轻敲打着眼前案几,沉吟道:“青袍之人的两掌各有玄奥,难以测度,前者与玄天宗法相仿,后者我还未见过类似,无法看出来历,你有什么线索?” Wu Hengjian shakes the head: Has also not heard similar powerhouse below.” 乌横剑摇了摇头:“在下亦未听说类似强者。” He Jiu puts out jade slip, above has the tally seal seal script, making Wu Hengjian see just now instills into in within/inner probably, thus according to aura and appearance character indentification. 何九拿出一根玉简,上面有符印篆文,让乌横剑将适才所见大概灌输于内,从而根据气息和外貌特征辨识。 If this is not the case, the light from the azure robe slow belt/bring, five senses is profound, the temple efflorescence, the makings scholarly, the vision vicissitudes, grasp the umbrella of oiled paper to think, entire day under does not have 10,000, 8000! 若非如此,光是从青袍缓带,五官深刻,鬓角霜白,气质儒雅,目光沧桑,手持油纸之伞来想,全天下没有一万,也得八千! Who Wu Hengjian also wants to know the person of beginning is, inspected slightly, pastes jade slip in the forehead, instills into the image. 乌横剑亦想知动手之人是谁,略微检视,将玉简贴于额头,灌输影像。 He Jiu looked, the facial expression is invariable, lost jade slip to out of the window, dragged away by the fishhook. 何九看了看,神情不变,将玉简丢向了窗外,被鱼钩拖走。 After a little while, has the old sound to transmit: Looks from the aura and appearance, was in years past Poison Hands Demon Monarch.” 少顷,有苍老声音传来:“从气息和容貌看,是昔年的毒手魔君。” He? The strength increases unexpectedly, cannot be underestimated.” He Jiu admitted one, the language including the interest, as if quite thinks weighing next present Poison Hands Demon Monarch. “他?竟然实力大增,不容小觑。”何九自言了一句,语含兴致,似乎颇想称量一下如今的毒手魔君 Far more than cannot be underestimated, is really such as being an excellent likeness demon! Wu Hengjian inwardly is thinking, then said: Is separated from Unorthodox Path below, was chased down by Evil Demon, always the whereabouts secret, self-confident non- casual can by the person of interception, Poison Hands Demon Monarch be able to block, some back people disclosed secret information surely!” 何止是不容小觑,真是如神似魔!乌横剑暗自想着,转而道:“在下脱离左道,被邪魔追杀,向来行踪隐秘,自信非随随便便就能被截杀之人,毒手魔君能够拦住,背后必定有人通风报信!” „Do you have the suspect?” The He Jiu smile asked. “你有怀疑对象?”何九微笑问道。 Wu Hengjian is thinking deeply about the reply: These has seen Zhu Family Tie Family as well as Yun Family several elders below on , if said discloses the one's manner while in office and in retirement, they are most likely, only but if they have track in secret secret technique, otherwise by below vigilance, should not be able to discover......” 乌横剑思索着回答:“在下这几日见过祝家铁家以及云家几位长老,若说走漏行藏,他们最有可能,但除非他们有暗中跟踪的秘法,否则以在下的警惕,不该发现不了……” That knows where you hide who?” He Jiu that self-confident calm appearance. “那知道你躲在哪里的都有谁?”何九还是那副自信沉稳的样子。 Yun Family ten third master, the cloud seven young ladies, the owner of local gunwale, he below best friend, is the place of hiding he arranges.” Wu Hengjian has not favored, knows the person said all. 云家三爷,云七小姐,本地船帮的一位堂主,他是在下的至交好友,是他安排的躲藏之地。”乌横剑没有偏袒,将知道之人尽数道出。 He Jiu asked slowly, helped Wu Hengjian clear off the train of thought. 何九缓缓发问,助乌横剑理清思绪。 ............ ………… The harbor shore, Meng Qi is lifting the oiled paper umbrella, is built on the rainstorm, looks the sea level large ship. 港口岸边,孟奇举着油纸伞,立于暴雨之中,远望海面楼船。 Interesting.” He talked to oneself in a low voice, has turned around, gradually steps into the curtain of rain, vanishes in the mist. “有趣。”他低声自语了一句,转过身,缓步踏入雨幕,消失在水雾里。 The Wu Hengjian final jet black demon mark looked like with Demon Lord that saw initially a moment ago very much! 刚才乌横剑最后的漆黑魔痕与当初见到的魔主很像! Although is not similar, but looks comes out to be all connected! 虽然绝不类同,但看得出来一脉相承! Is earlier than oneself and Gu Xiaosang enters demon grave to spread, has the secret facts? 是早于自己和顾小桑进入魔坟者传出,还是另有隐情? This next best matter, Meng Qi did not care to the result, is only thinking seeks the trust a bit faster, close to Lust Path, who knew presented the Demon Lord related matter, a little became the meaning!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 原本这次之事,孟奇对结果并不关心,只想着快点博取信任,接近**道,谁知却出现了魔主相关之事,变得有点意思了!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Came back, tomorrow's three make up ~ ps:回来了,明天三更补更~
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