WORIOA :: Volume #4

#112: The incense burner of fishy

Not enchanted does not survive...... this is real demon intent grave...... looks at the Meng Qi precious image dignified appearance, the hundred flowers madame and other Unorthodox Path powerhouses has the indescribable feeling, the subconsciousness raises similar thought that even more believes firmly that Poison Hands Demon Monarch is immeasurably deep. 不疯魔不成活……这才是真的魔意深重……看着孟奇宝相庄严的模样,百花夫人等左道强者都有着难以言喻的感觉,下意识升起类似的念头,愈发确信毒手魔君深不可测。︾ He had not just exposed Dharma Idol defeats pursued soul Demon Monarch! 他刚刚连法相都未展露就战胜了追魂魔君 Not necessarily involves as for achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of Buddhist Law and Demon Art changes Dharma Idol fundamentally, Profound Entrance has the regret, possibly is an improvement, origination, goes out is different from the predecessor following practice new path, for example the inside and outside connect, after forming the hot flood dragon empty, certainly hot Qilin and water flood dragon and other paths, but can sublimate Fire Dragon the hot flood dragon. 至于佛法魔功的融会贯通未必涉及从根本上改变法相,玄关有悔,更可能是一种完善,一种发祥,走出有别于前人后续修炼的新的道路,比如内外交汇,形成火蛟虚相后,就绝了火麒麟和水蛟等道路,但可以将火蛟升华成火龙 Looks to sit well in praying mat, Linghu Tao looks like Meng Qi of cardinal virtue eminent monk compared with Ci'an Si abbot, in the meditation room a peace, in many Unorthodox Path powerhouse mind is only reverberating a sound: 看着端坐于蒲团,比慈安寺方丈令狐涛更像大德高僧的孟奇,禅堂内一片安静,不少左道强者脑海里只回荡着一个声音: Poison Hands Demon Monarch returns to Jiang Hu, the strength won in the past, immeasurably deep, perhaps has been close to Black List! 毒手魔君重出江湖,实力更胜往昔,深不可测,恐怕已接近黑榜 The hundred flowers madame and side daughter looked at each other one, piles up with the charming smile: Violent treachery first biochemical Buddha is the demon, may celebrate seriously encouraging, this mistress looks at the surging emotions to surge, wishes one could to pledge yourself, daughter who let alone my family has not seen the world.” 百花夫人与身边的女儿对视了一眼,重新堆满妩媚笑容:“毒手先生化佛为魔,当真可喜可贺,妾身都看得心潮涌动,恨不得以身相许,何况我家没见过世面的小女。” Her implied meaning seemed like the plan only with the Meng Qi transaction. 她言下之意似乎是打算只与孟奇交易了。 Other Unorthodox Path powerhouses are unobjectionable, although the female sexual attractiveness is moving, but is not worthwhile offends Poison Hands Demon Monarch for this reason, oneself and the others do not pursue the soul, the back has the big influence support, under eyelid truly did not fear when six extremely real demons, may probably leave here eventually, in years past was extinguished not only one two that kills by the Poison Hands Demon Monarch track? 其他左道强者并无异议,女色虽然动人,但犯不着为此往死里得罪毒手魔君,自己等人又非追魂,背后有大势力支撑,在“六极真魔”眼皮底下时确实不怕,可终究要离开此处,昔年被毒手魔君跟踪灭杀的岂止一个两个? Pursuing the soul Demon Monarch complexion is grayish white, the sufficient ear has not heard, not only seemed like also immerses in Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and as if is unable to accept the reality of disastrous defeat in enemy, oneself already left a moment ago goes all-out, the violent treachery has not actually revolved Dharma Idol, disparity of both sides was bitterly disappointing! 追魂魔君脸色灰白,充耳未闻,既像是还沉浸在刚才的六道轮回之主,又仿佛无法接受自身惨败于老对头的现实,刚才自己已经出尽全力,毒手却连法相都未运转,双方的差距让人心寒! Really can comprehend Buddhist Law to promote Demon Art? 真能参悟佛法以提升魔功 Recalled that golden big buddha, recalled mysterious palm that zen control contradictory demon read. He thought that the violent treachery said feared was not empty! 回想那尊金色大佛,回想那禅意驾驭矛盾魔念的玄奥一掌。他觉得毒手所言怕是不虚! Are oneself should also look to select Buddhist Scripture and Buddhism cultivation technique comes to see? 自己是不是也该找点佛经佛门功法来看看? Haha, the beautiful woman with the powerhouse, the violent treachery mister reveals these really praiseworthy, how could I does and others insert a blade horizontally?” Linghu Tao smiles the fat to shiver all over. “哈哈,美女配强者,毒手先生露得这几手委实让人钦佩,我等岂能横插一刀?”令狐涛笑得身上肥肉乱抖。 He and Duanmu Beiyue recalled Meng Qi that palm, more feels finally wonderfully, it as if exceeded law principle, is not found in each corner in the world, in any event cannot avoid, is full of the profound zen and fearful demon reads, even if had encountered Grandmaster. Feared that cannot make such a palm. 他和端木北越是回想孟奇最后那一掌,越感神乎其神,它似乎超越了法理,不在天地之间又遍布每个角落,无论如何都躲避不开,充满高深禅意和可怕魔念,即使曾经遭遇过的宗师。怕也打不出这样一掌。 Actually the violent treachery had what kind of spell of good or bad fortune in Bomi, what level now reaches arrived? 毒手在播密究竟有了怎样的际遇,如今又达到了什么层次? Meng Qi is calm, without the least bit proud meaning, with not two types, as if defeats to pursue soul Demon Monarch just now is only the insignificant minor matter, he smiled saying with a smile: Does not know that what the madame does want?” 孟奇气定神闲,没有半点骄傲之意,与适才并无二样,似乎战胜追魂魔君仅是微不足道的小事,他笑了笑道:“不知夫人想要什么?” Smiles to turn over to smile, his heart actually had doubts, before the hundred flowers madame made made a decision, with her daughter looked at each other one, this pure was the subconscious action. But reflects strangely some. 笑归笑,他心底却起了一个疑惑,百花夫人做出决断前与她的“女儿”对视了一眼,这纯净是下意识的举动。但更反映出些许诡异。 Properly speaking, this training trains „does cargo, sell, how to sell. Is uninterested with she, why does the hundred flowers madame want to look at each other one with her? What has to be worth looking at each other? 按理来说,这种培养调教出来的“货物”,卖不卖,怎么卖。与她自身都毫无关系,百花夫人为什么要和她对视一眼?有什么值得对视的? Mo Fei/could it be that she in questionnaire cargo opinion? 莫非她在征询“货物”的意见? If that is right, the relations of two worlds were quite worth pondering, incense burner feared the impure incense burner! 若是如此,两人间的关系就颇值得玩味了,“炉鼎”怕非纯粹的炉鼎! The hundred flowers wife is kneels to sit non- sits cross-legged. The body is slightly stiff, look steadily forward looks at Meng Qi, said with a smile tenderly: Violent treachery mister looks on as an outsider. The concrete matter under spoke in detail.” 百花夫人是跪坐非盘坐。身体略微挺直,目不斜视看着孟奇,娇笑道:“毒手先生真是见外。具体之事等下详谈。” Meng Qi nods gently, then observes the situation, said with a smile slightly: Presents does not know that which Fellow Daoist and Luoism have, therefore, whether to help some ask one, to rest the accumulated grievances, how deserves?” 孟奇轻轻颔首,转而环视一圈,微微笑道:“在座不知哪位同道罗教有故,可否帮某问一声,若想化解积怨,该当如何?” He said a word neither arrogant nor servile, even somewhat relaxed satisfied, the immeasurably deep strength that in addition exposed a moment ago, the Linghu Tao and other Unorthodox Path powerhouses had not thought that he is acting servilely to beg for mercy, had feeling of the reciprocal talk on the contrary, even also approved one secretly, compared with the past extremely arrogant ruthless spicy violent treachery, present he looks like Demon Monarch, has the distortion idea of insisting, had the cool thin self- personality, there is a sober mind! 他言语不卑不亢,甚至有些轻松惬意,加上刚才展露的深不可测实力,令狐涛左道强者都没觉得他在卑躬屈膝求饶,反倒有对等谈判之感,甚至还暗赞了一声,比起当年狂妄狠辣的毒手,如今的他才更像一个魔君,有坚持的扭曲理念,有凉薄自我的性情,也有清醒的头脑! Even if he pursues to slaughter, likes to destroy, wants seriously seriously happy, understood the resolution weight, knows when should handle anything, he and Heaven Extinguishing Gate enmity is unable to reduce and solve, and others actually still has room to maneuver with Luoism, confraternity of beggars, naturally must reduce and solve strongly, situation that the improvement is chased by all. 纵使他追逐杀戮,喜好毁灭,重欲重乐,亦懂得了分辨轻重,知道什么时候该做什么事情,他与灭天门的仇怨无法化解,和罗教、丐帮等却还存在转圜余地,当然要竭力化解,改善人人喊打的处境。 This is the 20 years ago violent treacheries does not have the means to achieve, he at that time only then hated, hatred, only thinks that the world all enemy, wanted to retaliate all enemies. 这是二十年前的毒手没办法做到,他当时只有痛恨、怨毒,只觉天下皆敌,想要报复所有敌人。 In the meditation room becomes peaceful, unmanned speech, but Meng Qi knows that this was enough, the news association/will goes through many places passes to the Luoism ear, will be to possibly look for Gu Xiaosang to spread the path in the future. 禅堂内变得安静,无人发言,但孟奇知道这足够了,消息总会辗转传到罗教耳中,算是为日后可能找顾小桑铺一下道路。 At this time, pursued soul Demon Monarch finally to return to normal, ajar half whole drew out the eye again, as if did not care to the matter, but Meng Qi can feel, if had the killing intent evil thought that resembled not to transmit from him. 这时,追魂魔君终于恢复了正常,重新半开半阖起眼睛,似乎对刚才之事也是不太在意,但孟奇能感觉到若有似无的杀意恶念从他身上传来。 Other transactions continue, the Meng Qi peaceful onlooking, does not say a word, but among the facial expressions does not see slightly agitated, somewhat is quite leisurely and carefree, is content with one's lot. 其他交易继续进行,孟奇安静旁观,不发一言,但神情之间不见丝毫烦躁,颇有几分悠闲,自得其乐。 Crossed one, Unorthodox Path powerhouse one after another said goodbye, escapes Ci'an Si, Meng Qi separates with Duanmu north, entered in the temple with the hundred flowers madame a peaceful room. 过了一阵,左道强者纷纷告辞,遁出慈安寺,孟奇则与端木北分开,跟着百花夫人入了寺内一间静室。 Daughter Ying Ning.” The hundred flowers madame fruit is the Exterior Scenery powerhouse, isolated inside and outside the peaceful room, smiling is Meng Qi introduced, she told this mistress a moment ago secretly, you defeats to pursue the graceful bearing admiration of soul to the violent treachery mister.” “小女婴宁。”百花夫人果是外景强者,隔绝了静室内外,笑眯眯为孟奇介绍,“她刚才偷偷告诉妾身,对毒手先生您战胜追魂的风姿钦慕不已。” Mother! How you can......” Ying Ning turn the sleeves of hundred flowers madame, partly hides after behind, the visible red raises from the neck place, covered the whole piece face quickly, is tenderer than the flower. “娘!你怎么能……”婴宁扭着百花夫人的衣袖,半躲于身后,肉眼可见的红色自脖子处升起,很快覆盖了整张脸,比花更娇。 Meng Qi including saying with a smile: Beautiful woman looks upon with favor, is honored.” 孟奇含笑道:“美人垂青,荣幸不已。” The hundred flowers madame looked at his one eyes secretly, discovers in his eye, only then pure appreciation and as if eternally unchanging indifferently, therefore swallowed many words, flatters to say with a smile, actually this mistress does not seek after the mister property, but has the matter worry, wants to ask the mister to help.” 百花夫人偷偷看了他一眼,发现他眼睛里只有纯粹的欣赏和似乎永恒不变的漠然,于是咽下了诸多话语,媚笑道,“其实妾身并不贪图先生财物,只是恰好有件事情烦恼,想请先生帮忙。” What matter?” Regarding this result, Meng Qi is quite satisfied, so can pull on the relations with the opposite party, if the hundred flowers madame proposed treasure and so on request, he will also twist in this direction as far as possible. “何事?”对于这个结果,孟奇较为满意,如此才能与对方多拉扯上关系,若是百花夫人提出宝物之类的要求,他也会尽量往这个方向扭曲。 Does not know that the mister can once hear seaside Yun Family?” The hundred flowers madame patted Ying Ning to draw the delicate hands of sleeves. “不知先生可曾听闻临海云家?”百花夫人拍了拍婴宁拉着自己衣袖的纤手。 seaside Yun Family? Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, not unfamiliar, seaside is the River East second largest harbor, is next to Langya, situated in Jiangzhou and state intersection point, the business is lively, is some Eastern Sea martial artist and item enters the Great Jin first stand, is Eastern Sea Sword Villa affects the deepest Central Plain city. 临海云家孟奇微微皱眉,并不陌生,临海是江东第二大海港,仅次于琅琊,位于江州和蓬州交界处,商贸繁华,是部分东海武者物品进入大晋的第一站,也是东海剑庄影响最深的中原城池。 Yun Family and Eastern Sea Sword Villa connection world all knows, therefore seaside nearly becomes a country, with top aristocratic family and Martial Dao Great Sect in it place almost. 云家东海剑庄的关联天下皆知,所以临海近乎自成一国,与顶尖世家和武道大宗所在之地差不多。 Old Master Yun Family is Grandmaster for many years, has reached to the peak, but cannot tread Half-Step Dharma Body that step again, Earth List ranks in 50 sways, is deterring seaside and nearby powerhouse, moreover his method, the seaside competent aristocratic family has the complicated relations with Yun Family now either, either becomes the Yun Family dependency, like the Yu Shijia of imperial family. 云家老爷子是积年宗师,早已臻至巅峰,可始终未能再踏出半步法身那步,地榜排名在五十来位晃荡,震慑着临海及附近强者,而且他手段了得,如今临海有实力的世家要么与云家有着千丝万缕关系,要么成为云家附庸,就像皇室之于世家。 „Did Yun Family have an accident?” Meng Qi that leisurely and carefree attitude, crosses the hands behind the back to ask at will. 云家出什么事了?”孟奇还是那种随意悠闲的态度,负手问道。 Hundred flowers madame complexion: Days before, Old Master Yun Family long-lived completely died during meditation, passed away.” 百花夫人正了正脸色:“前几日,云家老爷子寿尽坐化,驾鹤西归了。” Meng Qi losses in the back both hands fine motion, the eye narrowed narrowing the eyes subconsciously, then does not care to say muddily: At Mr. cloud age, possibly passed away momentarily, but in the family/home still many extremely, the back was standing Eastern Sea Sword Villa, non- is the bystander can think of a way.” 孟奇在背后的双手微动,眼睛下意识眯了眯,然后浑不在意道:“以云老爷子的年岁,随时都可能故去,但家中尚有诸多绝顶,背后站着东海剑庄,非是外人能打主意。” Old Master Yun Family unexpectedly long-lived completely died during meditation? Crack a joke! 云家老爷子竟然寿尽坐化?开什么玩笑! In the Meng Qi heart has big mighty waves, at the Old Master cloud strength, age and family situation, oneself auctions East Pole Longevity Pill meets does not invite? 孟奇心中有着不小的波澜,以云老爷子的实力、年龄和家族情况,自己拍卖东极长生丹时会不邀请? But oneself remember obviously Old Master cloud bought two different types of Prolonging Life Medicine Pill, prolongs life sufficiently for 25 years, when Yun Family presents Grandmaster again! 而自己明明记得云老爷子买了两颗不同类型的延寿丹药,足以延寿二十五年,等到云家再出现一位宗师 The Yun He old ghost fake medicine cheats, has the fishy? 云鹤老鬼假药坑人,还是另有蹊跷? But feeds back the Ruan Family situation that to look at from Little Glutton that batch of Prolonging Life Medicine Pill have no issue, the water is very deep! 而从小吃货反馈的阮家情况看,那批延寿丹药没什么问题,水很深啊! Right, passing away of Old Master cloud was not accidental, the tomb chamber just constructed to apply.” The hundred flowers madame smiled one, present River East various and Eastern Sea many influences prepare to come to offer condolences, many having ulterior motives, we non- subvert Yun Family, but lets some master high-rank, does carefully, what Eastern Sea Sword Villa fears?” “对,云老爷子的故去并不意外,墓室刚刚建好就派上了用场。”百花夫人笑了一声,“如今江东各家和东海诸多势力都准备上门吊唁,不乏心怀鬼胎者,我们又非颠覆云家,只是让某位爷上位,做得小心点,怕什么东海剑庄?” At this point, she as if remembered some interesting matter, giggle said with a smile: Hearsay Ruan Family sends out will be Ruan third master, with the violent treachery mister you, will hide away for many years, returns to Jiang Hu, but he will overstate, and in years past had entered Earth List, afterward was eliminated.” 说到这里,她似乎想起了某件有趣之事,咯咯笑道:“传闻阮家派出的将是阮三爷,与毒手先生你一样,隐遁多年,重出江湖,只不过他是走火入魔,且昔年已入地榜,后来才被消去。” Ruan did third master offer condolences? Can Ruan Family be too serious? Meng Qi is without turning a hair to ask other families' representatives, discovered that except for possibly is He Jiu that Eastern Sea Sword Villa comes, other family non- important personages arrive, after all Yun Family and relations of Great Jin this side might as well with the Eastern Sea influence. 三爷去吊唁?阮家会不会太郑重了?孟奇面不改色问着其他家族的代表,发现除了东海剑庄来的可能是何九,其他家族都非重要人物亲临,毕竟云家大晋这方的关系不如与东海势力。 Possibly is Old Master Ruan must train Ruan third master prestige...... Meng Qi so to think, then asked: „Do you support Yun Family which in secret?” 可能是阮老爷子要重新培养阮三爷的威望吧……孟奇如此想着,转而问道:“你们暗中支撑云家哪位?” The hundred flowers madame smiles: And other gentlemen were clear along with our arrived seaside.” 百花夫人笑了笑:“等先生随我们到了临海就清楚了。” Meng Qi has no particular preference the nod, then asked: Where can madame the knowledge pursue the soul to offer services to the influence now? Has what goal to River East?” 孟奇无可无不可点头,转而问道:“夫人可知追魂如今投效了何方势力?到江东有何目的?” The hundred flowers madame covers the mouth to say with a smile: Front this mistress does not know, behind was actually clear, pursues the influence that the soul offered services to have a rebel, was valued new generation of Exterior Scenery, finally curled some Demon Art to make a getaway. Pursuing the soul is please hold Mr. Linghu, making him help pay attention.” 百花夫人掩嘴笑道:“前面妾身不知,后面倒是清楚,追魂投效的势力出了个叛徒,乃是备受重视的新一辈外景,结果卷了某本魔功逃之夭夭。追魂是来请托令狐先生,让他帮忙留意。” She said: Boy it is said with Yun Family seven young lady a little connections.”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 她顿了顿道:“那小子据说与云家七小姐有点瓜葛。”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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