WORIOA :: Volume #4

#111: Buddhist Law Demon Art

Meng Qi thinks the face-to-face talk is exchange in secret, may discover the hundred flowers madame the situation choice in such Unorthodox Path Evil Demon meeting place, and after there are pursues soul Demon Monarch on the scene, to the provocation and probe that the possibility comes has prepared, the beforehand spoken language and graceful bearing, and aggressive attitude, to create a powerful self-confident immeasurably deep demon image, affects the opponent mind by this, making them have scruples and keep when take action, increases the odds of success! 孟奇原本以为面谈是私下里的交流,可发现百花夫人将场合选择在此等左道邪魔聚会之所,且有追魂魔君在场后,就对可能而来的挑衅和试探有所准备,之前的言语、风姿,以及咄咄逼人的态度,都是为了树立一个强大自信深不可测的魔头形象,以此影响对手心灵,让他们在出手时顾忌和保守,增加胜算! Therefore, after he sighed secretly, calm, sat well as before, the makings scholarly was reserved, having the faint smile expression to shoot a look at one to pursue soul Demon Monarch, as if waited for the powerhouse not to care muddily, the least bit has not cared. ± 故而,他暗叹之后,波澜不惊,依旧端坐,气质儒雅内敛,带着似笑非笑的表情瞥了一眼追魂魔君,似乎对此等强者浑不在意,半点没有放在心上。± Pursues the soul Demon Monarch ajar half whole eye to close, slightly is astonished, does the violent treachery really have the so powerful confidence to own strength? 追魂魔君半开半阖的眼睛闭上,略有讶异,毒手对自身实力真有如此强大的信心? unconsciously, he looked at a Meng Qi point high, north Linghu Tao and Duanmu and the others some similar feelings, are calm and meet the enemy not chaotic source lie in self-confident, the self-confident source is its strength! 不知不觉,他又高看了孟奇一点,就连令狐涛、端木北等人都有类似感觉,处变不惊和遇敌不乱的源泉在于自信,自信的源泉则是本身实力! His actually arrived what realm? 他究竟到了什么境界 Pursues soul Demon Monarch to slaughter for many years in Unorthodox Path, ominous broadcasts, is not the ordinary person, will easily retreat in fear, he who the white clothing Xiu gentleman dresses up inspires lightly, the eye does not open the eyes, smiles to hundred flowers husband Human Dao: Madame female fine like immortal, thrilling, this no talent, wants to be this cheap son-in-law.” 追魂魔君左道厮杀多年,凶名远播,绝非等闲之辈,会轻易被吓退,白衣秀士打扮的他轻吸口气,眼睛不睁,微笑对百花夫人道:“夫人之‘女’纯美如仙,动人心魄,本座不才,想做这便宜女婿。” This is six extremely real demons the place of Linghu Tao, the violent treachery is powerful, can result for many years Black List? Even if oneself are defeated, does not have the sorrow of life! 此乃“六极真魔”令狐涛之地,毒手再强大,又能强得过积年黑榜?纵使自家失败,也无性命之忧! Having the escape route is dynamic, why does not dare to try? 有退路有动力,为何不敢一试? The hundred flowers madame is comforting daughter, giggle smiles tenderly: Pursuing the soul mister seriously is fickle heartless, before also approved me to exceed shy young girl many, wants to be into the guest of curtain, now sees my family daughter, immediately then forgets my old lady?” 百花夫人安抚着“女儿”,咯咯娇笑:“追魂先生当真负心薄幸,之前还赞我胜过青涩少女许多,想做入幕之宾,如今见到我家女儿,立刻便忘了我这老太婆?” She have scruples does not flirt with one another, causes various Unorthodox Path Evil Demon to laugh in spite of trying not, slightly has the depressing atmosphere to be alleviated. 她毫不顾忌地打情骂俏,引得诸左道邪魔失笑,略有压抑的气氛得到缓解。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch to laugh: Fish and bear's paws, this place want. Under not Chiburi people's desires how?” 追魂魔君哈哈大笑:“鱼与熊掌,本座都想要。不知夫人意下如何?” When speech, his eye opens slightly, reveals the chaotic soul strange ray, looked to Meng Qi, had the meaning of provocation. 说话之时,他眼睛微微张开,露出纷乱魂魄般的奇异光芒,望向了孟奇,多有挑衅之意。 Meng Qi both eyes do not have the wave, shows a faint smile: Pursues the soul, was inferior that we cross two.” 孟奇双目无波,微微一笑:“追魂,不如咱们过上两手。” Finishes speaking, before his both hands extends, the right palm shakes lightly, left palm attracts. Has not said a word the threat, has not bid to ask to be willing, chose beginning straightforwardly! 话音刚落,他双手前伸,右掌轻震,左掌一吸。没有言语威胁,没有出价求肯,直截了当选择了动手! Regarding own strength, Meng Qi is clear, only then in erupting Heaven and Earth's Law Manifestation and in the Two Heads Four Arms short time has to contend with the 4th Heavenly Layer Top-Class Expert ability, if the opportunity is excellent, again with the Dharma Body style, but also defeats and kills hopefully, but under normal condition. First Heavenly Stairway as before is the gap, is hard to span! 对于自家的实力,孟奇非常清楚,只有在爆发法天象地两头四臂的短暂时间内才具备抗衡四重天绝顶高手的能力,若是机会极好,再用上法身招式,还有希望战胜和袭杀,而正常状况下。第一层天梯依旧是鸿沟,难以跨越! Now disguise as Poison Hands Demon Monarch, the strength is unable full, pursuing the soul stepped over first Heavenly Stairway Top-Class Expert through and through. If fights normally, possibility of no achievement. 如今自家假扮毒手魔君,实力无法全开,追魂又是货真价实迈过第一层天梯绝顶高手。若是正常交手,毫无获胜的可能。 The most important thing is, but must avoid exposing the actual situation before the Linghu Tao and other Unorthodox Path powerhouses, does not make beforehand being as deep as a well turn into the joke. Was despised and is perfunctory by the hundred flowers madame to deal, broke following. 最为重要的是,还得避免在令狐涛左道强者面前暴露出自身虚实,不让之前的高深莫测变成笑话。被百花夫人轻视与敷衍应对,断了后续。 Therefore, realm and strength do not occupy in the superior situation. Meng Qi must from fine weather and favorable geographical position wait for the aspect to look for the opportunity! 所以,境界和实力都不占优的情况下。孟奇必须从天时地利等方面寻找机会! This place is Ci'an Si that Linghu Tao hides, begins to let in the meditation room directly pursue soul Demon Monarch to have scruples, restrains Demon Art, so as to avoid affects the damage, 此地是令狐涛藏身的慈安寺,直接于禅堂动手能让追魂魔君有所顾忌,收敛魔功,免得波及损毁、 In this case, the strength of Dharma Idol can be counter-balanced enormously, therefore cannot pursue soul Demon Monarch goes out comparing notes the opportunity! 这种情况下,法相之力能被极大抵消,故而不能给追魂魔君出去“切磋”的机会! Said begins to begin to let always kill without batting an eye Unorthodox Path Evil Demon that to shock resolute slightly, the posture of violent treachery Demon Monarch, half a word idle talk does not have seriously! 说动手就动手的果决让向来杀人不眨眼的左道邪魔们微微震惊,毒手当真魔君之姿,半句废话都没有! They see only the Meng Qi right palm to shake lightly, the naked eye obvious gloomy and cold ripple is away from several feet distance to spread together rapidly to pursuing soul Demon Monarch, but before the left palm jet black, such as the congealing vortex, sends out the enormous suction, lets pursue the body of soul Demon Monarch hidden to have the incline, as if will be attracted the turning oneself in ripple momentarily. 他们只见孟奇右掌轻震,一道肉眼可见的阴冷波纹隔着几丈的距离急速蔓延向追魂魔君,而左手掌前漆黑,如凝漩涡,散发出极大的吸力,让追魂魔君的身体隐有倾斜,似乎随时会被吸得自投波纹。 Attracts shakes, coordinates to the peak wonderfully. 一吸一震,配合得妙到巅峰。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch not to get angry counter- happily, although the attack might of violent treachery is big, but also first Heavenly Stairway. 追魂魔君不怒反喜,毒手的攻击威力虽大,但还不到第一层天梯 However his heart has the alert, the suspicion is violent treachery desirably showing by weak, digs down the trap, therefore does not dare to neglect, acupoint simultaneously opened, the back appears Demon God, foot treads the black flood dragon, the ear puts on the color snake, the body assumes blue, the surface does not have five senses, only black multi- white less/small giant eyes, send out strange ray that attracts person soul Primordial Spirit. 不过他心有戒备,怀疑是毒手刻意示之以弱,挖下陷阱,故而不敢怠慢,窍穴齐开,背后现出一尊魔神之相,脚踏黑蛟,耳穿彩蛇,身呈青蓝,面无五官,仅得一只黑多白少的巨大眼睛,散发出一圈圈吸人魂魄元神的奇异光芒。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch to make a fist to make, back Demon God still, the actual situation coincides, law principle interweaves. 追魂魔君握拳打出,背后魔神依然,虚实相合,法理交织。 This fist is seemingly plain plainly, the azure blue light that swings actually tore the ripple instantaneously, disrupted the suction, takes the palace. 这一拳看似古朴无华,荡起的青蓝之光却瞬间撕裂了波纹,打乱了吸力,直取中宫。 At this moment, Meng Qi double palm suddenly one wrong, the gloomy and cold ripple of breakage suddenly becomes scalding hot, protrudes outward, probably small Sun with pursuing soul Demon Monarch erupts in him, the ray is eye-catching, the high temperature melts the body, attacks the terrifying, blocked a that plain plain fist! 就在这时,孟奇双掌突地一错,破裂的阴冷波纹猛然变得灼热,往外凸出,像是有一轮小太阳在他与追魂魔君之间爆发,光芒夺目,高温融身,冲击恐怖,挡住了那古朴无华的一拳! Takes Yin as Yang! 以阴为阳! But his left hand Dark Vortex even more gloomy and cold, forms the striking contrast with small Sun, both do not approach, the distant phase contrast, the void hermaphrodite, as if formed huge black and white millstone, is dispelling the blue fist vigor, is tearing the strength of law principle, stucks to pursue the right hand of soul Demon Monarch, puts in the millstone core him, squeezing wears down slowly! 而他的左手漆黑漩涡愈发阴冷,与小太阳形成鲜明对比,两者并不靠近,遥遥相衬,虚空半阴半阳,仿佛形成了一个巨大的黑白磨盘,消解着青蓝拳劲,撕扯着法理之力,黏住追魂魔君的右手,将他置于磨盘核心,缓缓压榨消磨! Sees this change, Linghu Tao nods slightly, the violent treachery has benefitted seriously, although the might is insufficient, but blackhole grasping to the Yin-Yang change and Great Sun and application of may be called excellent, several have the Grandmaster style, has words at fingertips and writes with facility, does not have the air/Qi of smoke and fire, one lets pursue the soul to fall the dangerous situation. 看到这个变化,令狐涛才微微颔首,毒手当真有所进益,虽然威力还是不足,但对阴阳变化与大日混洞的掌握、应用都堪称绝妙,几有宗师风范,信手拈来,毫无烟火之气,一下就让追魂落到险境。 As for matter that the might is insufficient, he thought that is the violent treachery has scruples itself, does not have but full power is, and shows some meaning indistinctly, pursues soul Demon Monarch not to match him to use the strength of Dharma Idol! 至于威力不足的事情,他觉得是毒手顾忌自己,没有全力而为,并隐约透出某种意思,追魂魔君还不配他用法相之力! Becoming half void black half white, millstone rotates slowly, pursues soul Demon Monarch slightly to have surprised, but is not flurried, if the violent treachery does not have this level, he will suspect! 虚空变得半黑半白,磨盘徐徐转动,追魂魔君略有惊讶,可并不慌乱,若毒手连这点水准都没有,他才会怀疑! Considering the current condition, his left hand finds out, the right fist changes the claw, back Demon God Dharma Idol blew up the muscle fiercely. 考虑到当前状况,他左手探出,右拳变爪,背后魔神法相猛地鼓起了肌肉。 Let the person of tooth acid in sound, his both hands make an effort slowly outward, rips open black and white millstone unexpectedly, the photographic paper rips open generally. 让人牙酸的吱呀声音之中,他双手缓慢往外用力,竟然将黑白磨盘撕开,像纸一般撕开。 But this is not the key point, his both eyes opens suddenly, the pupil is profound, just like the limitless abyss demon sea, sends out the strange ray jet black, with this at the same time, on Demon God face only that eye raised, is interweaving law principle, is changing nearby world! 但这不是重点,他的双眼陡然睁开,眸子深邃,漆黑宛如无边无际的深渊魔海,散发出奇异光芒,与此同时,魔神脸上仅有的那只眼睛凸了出来,交织着条条法理,改变着附近天地! All around Meng Qi suddenly feels becomes dark, gloomy and cold drills into Primordial Spirit, various types ** is numerous, the soul is murky, but the distant place appears being indomitable spirit Demon God, palatial magnificent. The body assumes blue, foot treads the black flood dragon, sends out torrential demon intent, making the person body and mind tremble, is hard to practice moderation. 孟奇顿觉四周变得幽暗,阴冷钻入元神,各种**纷起,魂魄昏昏沉沉,而远处现出一尊顶天立地的魔神之相,巍峨壮观。身呈青蓝,脚踏黑色蛟龙,散发出滔滔魔意,让人身心颤栗,难以自持。 In the inconvenient affect surrounding situation, pursued soul Demon Monarch to choose in several killing move pursued soul demon pupil, suppressed the opposite party soul by Demon God directly! 在不便波及周围的情况下,追魂魔君在几个杀招之中选择了“追魂魔瞳”,直接以魔神之相镇压对方魂魄! Demon God takes a step, stuffs the world, both hands stretches out downward, grasps absorbs the Meng Qi soul. 魔神迈步,充塞天地,双手向下伸出,抓摄孟奇魂魄。 Suddenly. In its eye azure robe figure of that scholarly vicissitudes increased rapidly, changed to a golden big buddha, the dignified mercy, it was full of the feeling of great purity, the big extrication, great wisdom and great bliss, exceeded the world, surpassed the limit, pushed the arrived corner Demon God. 突然。它眼中那儒雅沧桑的青袍身影急速变大,化作了一尊金色大佛,庄严慈悲,它充满大清净、大解脱、大智慧大极乐的感觉,超越了天地,超越了极限,将魔神之相挤到了角落。 Before it, this palatial big Demon God like an ant! 在它面前,这尊巍峨高大的魔神就像一只蚂蚁! From begins to start directly, Meng Qi waiting is this opportunity! 从直接动手开始,孟奇等待的就是这个机会! Puts together the strength. Puts together in the realm incorrect situation, he deliberately plans, fortifies at every step, when wants taking advantage of the day benefits with the place. Will pursue soul Demon Monarch to drag into the resistance of spirit, but Devil Path martial artist, practices Demon Art more or less to involve to slaughter **, takes degenerating others mind as happily. Many similar cultivation technique, in other method displays in the restricted situation, the subconsciousness will choose this path. As for pursuing soul Demon Monarch, Meng Qi has long known that he haspursues the soul demon pupil! 拼实力。拼境界都不行的情况下,他处心积虑,步步为营,就是想借天时与地利。将追魂魔君拉入精神的对抗,而魔道武者,所练魔功或多或少都涉及杀戮等**,以堕落别人心灵为乐。不乏类似功法,在别的手段施展受限的情况下,下意识都会选择这条道路。至于追魂魔君,孟奇早就知道他有“追魂魔瞳! Knows oneself and other side, is ever-victorious, mind cultivation base and all sorts of different techniques, Meng Qi self-examined that is pursuing above the soul, moreover there is Only I Am Venerated true intent to suppress Primordial Spirit! 知己知彼,百战百胜,心灵修为和种种异术,孟奇自问都在追魂之上,而且还有“唯我独尊真意镇压元神 Golden big buddha both hands tie seal, holds down Demon God, precious image is dignified, sound such as thunder sound: 金色大佛双手结印,按住魔神,宝相庄严,声如雷音: If sees me by the color, asked me by the airway, was person of line of Evil Path, cannot see Tathagata!” “若以色见我,以音声求我,是人行邪道,不能见如来!” The zen is intermittent, the reverberation mind, pursues soul Demon Monarch Primordial Spirit becomes moves fast. 禅意阵阵,回荡心神,追魂魔君元神变得飘忽。 He discovered that oneself lies in the favorite imperial concubine happy love, the time passes, under the body the favorite imperial concubine was gradually rotten **, flowed out the wealth, turned into white bone, no longer beautiful appearance ; 他发现自己在于宠妾欢爱,时光流逝,身下宠妾渐渐腐烂了**,流出了脓水,变成了白骨,不复美貌; He discovered that oneself is enjoying the good food, one after another, was full of the hunger, eating the belly ballooning is tattered, stops the non- lower jaw, just like the hungry ghost, is very painful ; 他发现自己在享受美食,一盘接一盘,充满了饥饿,吃到肚皮鼓胀破烂,也还是停不下嘴,宛如饿鬼,痛苦不堪; He discovered that oneself turns into the Mongolian gazelle, a blade insertion, the ache was been deeply ingrained, is divided into many, was chewed to eat the food by the different people ; 他发现自己变成黄羊,被人一刀插入,疼痛刻骨,然后分成多块,被不同之人嘴嚼啃食; He discovered that oneself encountered all sorts of misdemeanors, the anger of the heart, the hatred, is hostile, they like the flame, fire the mind, the eternal life can not extricate ; 他发现自己遭遇了种种坏事,发自内心的愤怒,痛恨,仇视,它们就像火焰,灼烧着心灵,永生不得解脱; Six Paths of Reincarnation, in the nether world, does not only save the world, the heart, if not net, everywhere hell! 六道轮回,不在幽冥,只存人世,心若不净,处处地狱! The human affairs is illusory, cursory, pursues soul Demon Monarch to have been through repeatedly samsara times, Primordial Spirit even more moves fast. 世事虚幻,浮光掠影,追魂魔君历经一次次轮回,元神愈发飘忽。 Suddenly, his ear bank resounds shakes penetrating Primordial Spirit Zen sound: 突然,他耳畔响起震彻元神禅音: All things of visible form and substance are empty, spatial is the color, puts down the butcher knife, namely sees Tathagata!” “色即是空,空即是色,放下屠刀,即见如来!” Has the Buddha view, the sound such as thunder sound! 有佛说法,声如雷音! Pursuing soul Demon Monarch is absent-minded, at present the golden big buddha earth-shaking transformation makes azure garment figure suddenly, five senses is profound, temple efflorescence, scholarly, but the vicissitudes, his right hand lifts, a palm pats gently. 追魂魔君恍恍惚惚,眼前金色大佛忽地变做青衫身影,五官深刻,鬓角霜白,儒雅而沧桑,他右手抬起,轻轻一掌拍来。 This palm is seemingly ordinary, investigates carefully the profound mystery that actually filled is unable to explain, it as if existed in the void each place, but as if where not. 这一掌看似普通,细究却充满了无法言喻的玄奥,它似乎存在于虚空每一个地方,但又仿佛哪里都不在。 Not in this shore, not in Pāramitā, not in average! 不在此岸,不在彼岸,亦不在中流! This palm was full of the zen, brings to wither to exterminate with ** the meaning of perishing, perfect unification of two contradictory feelings under zen! 这一掌充满了禅意,又带着肃杀灭绝与**沉沦之意,两种矛盾的感觉在禅意之下完美统一! Pursues soul Demon Monarch to lift the hand subconsciously, kept off spatial, then discovered that this pure white powerful palm does not know when stopped before oneself forehead! 追魂魔君下意识抬手,挡了个空,然后发现这只洁白有力的手掌不知什么时候停在了自身额头之前! This palm technique! North Linghu Tao and Duanmu the pupil contraction, does not dare to believe that if moves to locate, oneself feared that cannot block! 掌法令狐涛和端木北瞳孔收缩,不敢置信,若易地而处,自身怕也挡不住! The violent treachery is seriously immeasurably deep! 毒手当真深不可测! Meng Qi takes back the right hand, sits quietly like the bell, deep reserved, calm. 孟奇收回右手,稳坐如钟,深沉内敛,气定神闲。 Is centered on Only I Am Venerated Undying Seven Illusions that promotes which is so easy to keep off! 以“唯我独尊”为核心推动的不死七幻哪是那么容易挡的! This is Peerless Divine Art, this is space underground first palm technique, even if Meng Qi only comprehends the fur/superficial knowledge, but also has no way directly to use, may pursue soul Demon Monarch also the mind to fall into enemy hands, shows the enormous flaw! 这是绝世神功,这是天上地下第一掌法,即使孟奇仅参悟皮毛,还没法直接使用,可追魂魔君亦已心灵失守,露出极大破绽! The hundred flowers madame complexion changes, said with a smile: Originally the violent treachery mister entered Buddhism!” 百花夫人脸色微变,强笑道:“原来毒手先生入了佛门!” Meng Qi shows a faint smile: Some has a fortuitous encounter in Bomi, obtains an eminent monk legacy, initial snort disdainfully, glanced through afterward bored, knew yesterday not, awakened greatly finally, achieved mastery through a comprehensive study Buddhist Law and Demon Art.” 孟奇微微一笑:“某在播密有所奇遇,得到一位高僧衣钵,最初嗤之以鼻,后来无聊翻阅,才知昨日之非,终大彻大悟,将佛法魔功融会贯通。” Saying, he holds their palms together, the facial expression scholarly is dignified: 说着,他双手合十,神情儒雅庄严: World like the sea of bitterness, all living things perishes, all are illusory, not, if destroys entirely!” “世如苦海,众生沉沦,一切又是虚幻,不若统统毁去!” Unorthodox Path powerhouses think that absurd funny the feeling shocks the difficult word, looked was not full of the respectful fear to the Meng Qi's vision voluntarily. 一位位左道强者又觉荒谬好笑又感震惊难言,望向孟奇的目光不自觉充满了敬畏之情。 Easily is defeated to pursue soul Demon Monarch, did this have to be close to the Black List strength?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 轻松打败追魂魔君,这有接近黑榜的实力了吧?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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