WORIOA :: Volume #4

#110: „Enmity” person meets

According to the date of agreement, Meng Qi comes to the arrived River East building again. + 按照约定的日期,孟奇再次来到了江东楼。+ North Duanmu makes him enter the beforehand room, then boils water calmly steeps tea, but Meng Qi is not irritable, sits well opposite chair, is stroking gently the arm rest gently, the shape is extremely leisurely and carefree, half a word has not asked the matter of incense burner. 端木北引他进入之前的房间,然后气定神闲煮水沏茶,而孟奇也不急躁,端坐对面椅子,轻轻摩挲着扶手,状极悠闲,半句没问炉鼎之事。 Two people are conducting the patient contest, as if who first opens the mouth, who will lose the ordinary heart, becomes anxious, transaction declining of under and other in leeward. 两人在进行耐心的较量,似乎谁先开口,谁就会失去平常之心,变得急切,在等下的交易之中落于下风。 The mist curls, tea aroma dispersing, Duanmu north is raising the small pot, pours the green quiet green water fluid to front teacup slowly, the smile is stroking, the teacup flew to Meng Qi: Water assumes the azure of bamboo color, the bud micro leaf, drinks it to purify the mind to refresh one's spirits.” 水雾袅袅,茶香散开,端木北提着小壶,向面前茶杯缓缓注着青碧幽绿的水液,微笑一拂,茶杯飞向了孟奇:“水呈竹色之青,芽似微缩之叶,喝之清心宁神。” The Meng Qi right hand stretches out, average not wonderful one, the teacup falls into the palm, ripples. 孟奇右手伸出,平平无奇一摊,茶杯落入掌中,不起一丝涟漪。 Good tea! The entrance is impoverished, tastes sweetly, seriously in tea gentleman.” Meng Qi blew the tone, implied true energy, roused the world, inspected the toxicity by this, then sipped one, the closed eyes taste, long time opened the mouth saying that did not mention the matter of incense burner as before. “好茶!入口清苦,回味甘甜,当真茶中君子。”孟奇吹了口气,暗含真气,勾动天地,以此检视毒性,接着抿了一口,闭目品味,良久才开口赞道,依旧不提炉鼎之事。 North Duanmu sighed: This thinks that you live in distress Bomi in the past 20 years, to promoting the breakthrough to become to all things anxious, who would have thought you such as the old monk, the heart will really have the zen, gentle at will, will also be able to calm down compared with the old man unexpectedly.” 端木北叹了口气:“本以为你困居播密近20年来,对提升突破对一切事情都会变得急切,哪知你真如多年老僧,心有禅意,平和随意,竟比老夫还沉得住气。” He cannot endure, marches into the subject. 他忍不下去,步入正题。 Bomi is hard and dangerous, the eye is less far, sometimes to achieve the harvest, needed to be entirely still to wait for frequently same place on several th, even several months, the experience must be many, patient will not miss.” Meng Qi patted the arm rest, the facial expression does not have the wave. 播密艰险,目不及远,有的时候为了取得收获,常常需要在原地纹丝不动等待几日,甚至几月,经历得多了,耐心自不会差。”孟奇拍了拍扶手,神情无波。 When this is strikes to kill the Wolf King patience and will tempers, with old monk what does/works? 这是击杀狼王时的耐心和意志锤炼,与老僧何干? North Duanmu said suddenly: So that's how it is, the old man has not gone to Bomi, listening to others to incorrectly relay an erroneous message, unavoidably has biased.” 端木北恍然道:“原来如此,老夫未去过播密,听别人以讹传讹,难免有所偏颇。” , He hehe said with a smile: As for the matter of incense burner, the old man has asked the person concerned, she said the thing of wish to be many. The communication conveys a message troublesome, if really has the sincerity, can speak face-to-face.” 顿了顿,他呵呵笑道:“至于炉鼎之事,老夫已问过事主,她言想要之物不少。来往传话麻烦,若是真有诚意,可以面谈。” He does not have the matter of reaching an agreement incense burner from the start, only conveys a message, therefore first opens the mouth even if, will not fall in leeward truly, without how does the matter fall in leeward? 他压根儿就没谈好炉鼎之事,仅是传话,所以哪怕先开口,也不会真正落于下风,没有的事情怎么落于下风? Seriously is an old fox, made an affectation of a moment ago, probes the Meng Qi actual situation! 当真是只老狐狸,刚才不过惺惺作态,试探孟奇虚实! Criticizes several, the Meng Qi expression is invariable. Feels profoundly unpredictable: 暗骂几声,孟奇表情不变。给人的感觉还是幽深难测: If can speak face-to-face, is best.” “若能面谈,自是最好。” This is just right for his real motive, matter than expected smooth, the Poison Hands Demon Monarch reputation has the function! 这正合他的真实目的,事情比预想的顺利,毒手魔君的名声颇有作用! North Duanmu a little disappointed Meng Qi has not had the mood to fluctuate, decides said surely: „After three days, several Unorthodox Path powerhouses burn down the lake meeting to trade in red Fengshan, she toward, the old man will also lead you to go.” 端木北有点失望孟奇没出现情绪波动,定了定道:“三日之后,几位左道强者在红枫山火烧湖聚会交易,她亦会往,老夫带你前去。” Red Fengshan is located in some Ying city subordinate district, beautiful scenery. Is well-known by the full mountain maple tree, when the arrived autumn is high, the level forest completely dyes, the lake water shines upon the red. Like burning down, too beautiful to behold, attracts many tourists, but now was still spring. Has not arrived at it to show the beautiful enchanting season, unvisited, Tonamiyama is quiet. Is suiting the meeting of Unorthodox Path. 红枫山位于郢城下属某县境内,风景秀丽。以满山枫树闻名,到了秋高之时,层林尽染,湖水映照赤色。如同火烧,美不胜收,引来诸多游人,但如今尚是阳春。还未到它展现美丽妖娆的时节,人迹罕至,鸟鸣山幽。正适合左道之会。 Good.” The Meng Qi old god, is nodding the head complies, making north Duanmu rise unable to find out the feeling of his depth again. “好。”孟奇老神在在,颔首答应,让端木北再升摸不清他深浅的感觉。 He actually did not care that which how many Unorthodox Path powerhouses has? So is confident to oneself? 他竟然不关心有哪几位左道强者?对自己就这么有信心? ............ ………… Burns down the lakeside, in Ci'an Si. 火烧湖畔,慈安寺内。 In Buddhist Hall, is placing ten praying mat, sits cross-legged mostly the person, the end in previous is a big and fat monk, during the breath all has the fat to fluctuate, just like layer upon layer wave, his both eyes kind , the wrinkle is deep, both hands interlock up and down, the keep flat before the body, the body surface is throwing over the red cassock, just like is Ci'an Si abbot secure. 一间佛堂里,摆放着十来个蒲团,大部分盘坐有人,端于上首者是位胖大和尚,呼吸间皆有肥肉起伏,宛如层层波浪,他双眼慈和,皱纹深深,双手上下交错,平放于身前,体表披着红色袈裟,俨然便是慈安寺方丈“安法”。 praying mat left side of him, sits a white clothing Xiu gentleman, 30 years old is, the surface does not need, the appearance to be elegant white/in vain, the aura profound well, between both eyes ajar half whole is exuding the strange feeling, as if can cable/search Hunduo the mortal form, let present most people not to dare to look straight ahead. 在他左侧蒲团,坐着一位白衣秀士,三十来岁,面白无须,容貌俊雅,气息似幽深古井,双目半开半阖间泛着奇异之感,似乎能索魂夺魄,让在座绝大部分人不敢直视。 Ci'an Si abbot right side praying mat sits a middle-aged woman, the corner of the eye forehead does not see the wrinkle, compared with elegance of one's youth mature charm, although is far from too the beautiful appearance, but glances among the circulations always to enable the person mind to shake, indulges in fantasy. 慈安寺方丈右侧的蒲团则坐有一位中年妇人,眼角眉心不见皱纹,比年轻时的秀美多了成熟之魅,虽然谈不上太美貌,但眼波流转间总使人心神摇动,想入非非。 Others have out of the ordinary respectively, according to shadow gate Shen Yueyi is one of them. 其余之人各有不凡,“照影门”沈岳亦在其中。 You said that the violent treachery had/left Bomi, reappears Jiang Hu?” White clothing Xiu gentleman both eyes as before ajar half whole. “你说毒手出了播密,重现江湖?”白衣秀士双眼依旧半开半阖。 Shen Yue nods respectfully: Yes, pursues the soul senior discernment no discrepancy, the younger generation does not dare to deceive.” 沈岳恭敬点头:“是,追魂前辈法眼无差,晚辈不敢欺瞒。” This white clothing Xiu gentleman pursues soul Demon Monarch don't Tiange, heard that the word reveals wipes the gloomy happy expression: Many years of old friend, the flower opens the season to meet by chance in Jiangzuo, is seriously joyful.” 这白衣秀士正是追魂魔君莫天歌,闻言露出一抹阴沉笑意:“多年老友,花开时节于江左相逢,当真让人欣喜。” Other Unorthodox Path former one after another knit the brows, Poison Hands Demon Monarch didn't returns to Jiang Hu, fear chasing down of Luoism, Heaven Extinguishing Gate and confraternity of beggars unexpectedly? 其他左道前者纷纷皱眉,毒手魔君竟然重出江湖,不怕罗教灭天门和丐帮的追杀了? His present strength how? Pointed to the Black List domineering initially? 他如今实力如何?还有当初直指黑榜的强势吗? Bomi non- is the practice good place, the violent treachery to waste time for 20 years, with pursuing the soul you definitely had the disparity, this is really from behaving badly cannot live.” Ci'an Si abbot sighed, in years past his crest of wave vigor, then must bridge over first Heavenly Stairway shortly, hopeful Grandmaster, regardless of Righteous Path is our Unorthodox Path, who does not look askance three points, even if realm and strength are far higher than his person, must consider his potential and value......” 播密非是修炼的好地方,毒手蹉跎二十年,与追魂你肯定有了差距,这真是自作孽不可活啊。”慈安寺方丈感叹了一句,“昔年他风头正劲,眼看便要跨过第一层天梯,有望宗师,无论正道还是我们左道,谁人不侧目三分,即使境界和实力都远高于他之人,也要考虑他的潜力和价值……” During his conversations poses as Unorthodox Path Evil Demon, and kind and zen is incompatible with the red cassock. 他言谈之间以左道邪魔自居,与红色袈裟与慈和禅意格格不入。 The middle-aged beautiful woman covers the mouth to say with a smile: realm and strength are far higher than his person, does Mo Fei/could it be that refer to Linghu Senior yourself?” 中年美妇掩嘴笑道:“境界和实力远高于他之人,莫非是指令狐前辈你自己?” Ci'an Si is quite famous in River East, is the famous temple, the abbot unexpectedly is in Black List the person, six extremely real demons Linghu Tao! 慈安寺在江东颇有名气,算是名刹,方丈竟然是黑榜中人,“六极真魔”令狐涛 Linghu Tao hehe smiles, has not met this thread of conversation, then looks at Shen Yuedao: You put in an appearance with the violent treachery, can once peep his depth?” 令狐涛呵呵一笑,没有接这个话茬,转而看着沈岳道:“你与毒手照面,可曾窥出他的深浅?” All vision at the same time look to Shen Yue, is waiting for his reply. 所有的目光同时望向沈岳,等待着他的回答。 Was made really imaginary does not divide, where can the matter of spiritual almost collapse show in people? Shen Yue criticizes several, restrains the god color: Younger generation cannot see the Poison Hands Demon Monarch depth, can only from his stance, spoken language and Escape Technique and other sketchy judgments, feared that is still paces back and forth in 3rd Heavenly Layer.” 被弄得真幻不分,精神几乎崩溃的事情哪能示之于人?沈岳暗骂几声,收敛神色道:“晚辈看不出毒手魔君深浅,只能从他的姿态、言语与遁法等粗略判断,怕是还在三重天徘徊。” If did not say like this, how to provoke the battle! 若不这样讲,怎么挑动争斗! Really so.” Pursues soul Demon Monarch to sigh, violent treachery brother passing elegant demeanor, the words and deeds has the Demon Monarch potential, this place always admires, what a pity now......” “果然如此。”追魂魔君叹了口气,“毒手兄过去风采照人,言行举止都有魔君潜质,本座一向钦佩,可惜如今……” His words have not said, has the regret, as if present Poison Hands Demon Monarch already is not worth him comparing and attaching great importance, begins the shame interest in lack. 他话未说完,颇有遗憾之情,似乎现在的毒手魔君已经不值得他比较和重视,就连动手羞辱都兴致缺缺。 Except for Shen Yue, other Unorthodox Path Evil Demon one after another nod the head, since all previous generations, have hidden from into Bomi, can break through and returns to Jiang Hu rarely. 除了沈岳,其他左道邪魔纷纷颔首,历代以来,躲入播密者,少见能够突破和重出江湖者。 Pursues soul Demon Monarch to finish speaking, Linghu Tao launches the long eyebrow-hairs suddenly: Duanmu building master came, well......” 追魂魔君话音刚落,令狐涛忽然展开寿眉:“端木楼主来了,咦……” Meditation room entrance. North facial skin smooth gray-haired Duanmu appears figure, gradually walks into, his back follows a azure robe middle age, the double temple efflorescence, wears the soft hat, the makings scholarly, but vicissitudes, vision mighty waves, whole person profound reserved to just like vanishing. 禅堂门口。脸皮光滑头发花白的端木北现出身影,缓步走入,他的背后跟着一位青袍中年,双鬓霜白,头戴软帽,气质儒雅而沧桑,目光波澜不起,整个人幽深内敛至宛若消失。 Linghu Tao has not induced him just now, discovered until the vicinity, therefore well! 适才令狐涛就是没有感应到他,直到近处才发现,所以“咦”了一声! Violent treachery......” pursues soul Demon Monarch both eyes to open suddenly. Is exuding the bewitching ray, points to the Primordial Spirit soul. “毒手……”追魂魔君双眼霍然睁开。泛着妖异光芒,直指元神魂魄。 Poison Hands Demon Monarch? Unorthodox Path powerhouses then size up carefully. 毒手魔君?一位位左道强者回头细细打量。 Meng Qi to is pursuing soul Demon Monarch and six extremely real demons nods slightly, calm, without the least bit restricts the feeling and being one step below others, even sees self-confidently. 孟奇对着追魂魔君和六极真魔微微颔首,气定神闲,没有半点拘束和低人一等的感觉,甚至更见自信。 North Duanmu introduced slightly, brings Meng Qi is sitting in empty/sky praying mat. 端木北略略介绍了一句,带着孟奇坐于空着的蒲团 Originally is the violent treachery mister, many years ago then hears about the given name, today just now sees.” Linghu Tao restraining is astonished, opens the mouth with a smile. In the heart has mighty waves, because cannot completely understand the Poison Hands Demon Monarch depth. “原来是毒手先生,多年前便闻大名,今日方才见到。”令狐涛收敛讶异,含笑开口。心中却有所波澜,因为看不透毒手魔君的深浅。 The each and every one Unorthodox Path powerhouse all has similar feeling, is quite shocking and is astonished, Poison Hands Demon Monarch does not seem like by limiting of Bomi. Compared with the past graceful bearing , the strength feared also so! 一个个左道强者皆有类似感受,颇为震惊和讶异,毒手魔君似乎没受播密之限。比当年风姿更甚,实力怕也如此! Pursues soul Demon Monarch to close both eyes, with saying with a smile: Violent treachery your elegant demeanor as before, this heart is much relieved. If cannot depress you truly, the reality is regretting of life.” 追魂魔君闭上双目,跟着笑道:“毒手你风采依旧,本座之心甚慰。若不能真正压下你,实乃人生之憾。” In his words does not have the least bit to be polite, the personal enemy meets. Particularly eyes are red! 他话语之中没有半点客气,仇人见面。分外眼红! Meng Qi sits cross-legged praying mat, the ancient well without ripples, both eyes of hidden belt/bring vicissitudes looked to pursuing the soul, the chuckle: Some still thought during for 20 years you progress big, who knows......” 孟奇盘坐蒲团,古井无波,隐带沧桑的双目望向追魂,轻笑了一声:“某尚以为二十年间你进步不小,谁知……” He has no expression to shake the head, in the words meaning everyone can listen. 他没什么表情摇了摇头,话中之意人人都能听出。 Looks down upon to pursue soul Demon Monarch unexpectedly? Who gives him greatly is so self-confident! His strength arrived what degree? each and every one Unorthodox Path powerhouse one after another emits similar thought. 竟然瞧不起追魂魔君?谁给他这么大自信!他的实力到了什么程度?一个个左道强者纷纷冒出类似念头。 At this time, the Duanmu northern digression mediated saying: This is the hundred flowers madame, inviting you to speak face-to-face the person.” 这时,端木北插话打圆场道:“这位便是百花夫人,邀你面谈之人。” The people have doubts to speak face-to-face in anything, the hundred flowers madame shows a faint smile, pats both hands, never the distant place monk's room walks a female, the skin like the baby, the appearance is elegant, the makings are clear, put on conservatively, walks such as weak willow tree Fufeng, is leisurely moving. 众人疑惑面谈什么之中,百花夫人微微一笑,轻拍双手,从不远处禅房走过来一位女子,肤如婴儿,容貌秀美,气质清纯,穿着保守,行走之间如弱柳扶风,款款动人。 She looks at Unorthodox Path powerhouses, both eyes reveals the fear to fear Intent of Life, a as if fawn is fearful and apprehensive, does not bring slight charm intent, but is such performance, particularly brings back will of the people most deep place **, wants to devastate, wants to conquer, moreover this female sends out some unexplained men and women to mutually attract flavor, the women's clothing is conservative, fluctuating is uncertain, making one tear. 她看着一位位左道强者,双目露出害怕畏生之意,仿佛一头小鹿般胆战心惊,不带丝毫魅意,可就是这样的表现,分外勾起人心最深处的**,想要蹂躏,想要征服,而且这女子本身就散发着某种说不清道不明的男女相吸“味道”,衣裙保守,起伏不定,引人撕扯。 At once, in the meditation room has the sound of serious breath, Linghu Tao, pursues north soul Demon Monarch and Duanmu cannot bear follow this figure, swallowed saliva quietly. 一时之间,禅堂内多有沉重呼吸之声,就连令狐涛、追魂魔君和端木北都忍不住追随着这道身影,悄然吞咽了一口唾沫。 Waits for the female to hide behind, the hundred flowers madame looks to Meng Qi: Violent treachery mister remains unmoved, resembling is not quite satisfied with the daughter?” 等着女子躲到身后,百花夫人看向孟奇:“毒手先生不为所动,似对小女不太满意?” Meng Qi looked at several this/should females then to take back the vision, horizontally viewed the front, the vision does not have the wave faintly, seemed extremely special. 孟奇只是看了几眼该名女子便收回目光,平视前方,目光淡漠无波,显得极为特殊。 hears word, he including saying with a smile: Various aspects are very good, some are very satisfied, when can have the big use.” 闻言,他含笑道:“各方面都很不错,某很满意,当能派上大的用场。” At this point, he observes the situation Linghu Tao, to pursue north soul Demon Monarch and Duanmu and the others, the sound is full of the magnetic character: Beauty, although is moving, but the thing of using, why bother is everyone rude? Mr. Linghu is old, delays in enjoying, can still understand, pursued the soul your Mo Fei/could it be that not to have the great ambition?” 说到这里,他环视令狐涛、追魂魔君和端木北等人,声音充满磁性道:“美色虽然动人,不过所用之物,各位何苦失态?令狐先生年岁已大,耽于享受,尚能理解,追魂你莫非已没了雄心?” He the language of saying falls into Unorthodox Path Evil Demon ear, except for angry, fearing intent that the one type exudes inexplicably, thing of such beauty also using in the Poison Hands Demon Monarch eye, no mood fluctuation, seriously cool thin! 他所言之语落入诸位左道邪魔耳中,除了恼怒,更有一种莫名泛起的惧意,此等美色在毒手魔君眼中也不过“所用之物”,毫无情绪波动,当真凉薄自我! Except for oneself, other things again happily again attractive, in his eyes also is only uses? When no use, ruins conveniently? 除了自身,其他事物再美好再诱人,在他眼中也仅是“所用”?没什么用处时,就随手毁掉? Slaughters compared with the chase ** Evil Demon, this is the true demon! 比起追逐杀戮等**的邪魔,这才是真正的魔头! The temple of that efflorescence vicissitudes, the scholarly reserved makings, even more serve as contrast this feeling! 那霜白沧桑的鬓角,儒雅内敛的气质,都愈发衬托出这种感觉! Linghu Tao and pursues soul Demon Monarch not to speak, the hundred flowers madame said with a smile tenderly: Violent treachery mister seriously out of the ordinary, but my family daughter is always precious, the custom compares goods, does not know that presents which to have an intent to move?” 令狐涛和追魂魔君还未说话,百花夫人就娇笑道:“毒手先生当真不凡,不过我家女儿向来珍贵,习惯货比三家,不知在座哪位有所意动?” Pursued soul Demon Monarch to look immediately to Meng Qi, the new hatreds on top of old well uped. 追魂魔君当即看向了孟奇,新仇旧恨涌上心头。 This is probes the strength depth...... Meng Qi to sigh forcefully, the superficial mood is invariable, sits well as before deeply.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 这是强行试探实力深浅啊……孟奇叹了口气,表面情绪不变,依旧深沉端坐。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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