WORIOA :: Volume #4

#109: Imaginary? Really?

Knew?” Hears the Meng Qi's words, Shen Yue not only does not have the feeling of relaxing, instead the heart sinks, acupoint opens secretly, Interior Scenery transfers quietly, the entire god alerts, does not dare to have neglects slightly, was by oneself can momentarily take action status. “认识认识?”听到孟奇的话语,沈岳不仅没有松气之感,反而心一沉,窍穴暗开,内景悄转,全神戒备,不敢有丝毫怠慢,让自身处于随时能够出手状态。@ The present person is Evil Demon for many years, the ominous name above oneself, delayed nearly 20 years of time in Bomi even if, should strong in oneself, because in the past his realm and strength are high on present. 眼前之人是积年邪魔,凶名更在自己之上,纵使在播密耽搁了近二十年时光,也应该强于自身,因为当年他的境界和实力就比自己现在高。 Such demon presses for payment in secret, can the halfway interception, how know? 这样的魔头暗中追索,半途拦截,岂会只是认识认识? Looks at the azure robe scholarly figure, looks at the opposite party vicissitudes faint look, Shen Yuezhi thinks that mind such as mountain press/pressure, having an enemy is immeasurably deep, the feeling that is hard to resist with all one's strength. 看着青袍儒雅的身影,看着对方沧桑淡漠的眼神,沈岳只觉心灵如山压,有种敌人深不可测,难以力敌的感觉。 Meng Qi does not seem to detect that his mentality, has the light smile: Does not know that which gate the little friend does come where to send? Whether neighbor Fellow Daoist of boundary will introduce to the old man?” 孟奇似乎没有察觉他的心态,含着淡淡的笑容道:“不知小友出身哪门哪派?可否将附近地界的同道介绍给老夫?” The setting sun partly falls, scarlet cloud Ruhuo, caught the azure robe little golden-red, but the Meng Qi aura is dark, the sprinkled ray has not only brought brightly, seems like absorbed, even more serves as contrast figure dimly evil different. 夕阳半落,赤云如火,将青袍染上了少许金红,但孟奇气息幽暗,洒落的光芒不仅没有带来灿烂,反倒像是被吸纳,愈发衬托得身影黯淡邪异。 So under the sense, Shen Yue constrains , the tip of the nose quarrel/corners of the mouth as if can smell the meaning of danger, as if oneself reject, the opposite party will stick out suddenly launches an attack. 如此感官之下,沈岳压抑更甚,鼻端口角似乎都能闻到危险之意,似乎自己拒绝,对方就会暴起发难。 Snort, without the cross Heavenly Stairway big realm disparity, with is First-Class Expert, what having is good to fear? 哼,没有跨天梯的大境界差距,同为一流高手,有什么好惧怕的? Cannot be victorious, couldn't don't tell me have escaped? 打不过,难道还逃不掉? Shen Yue eyes narrowed narrowing the eyes, the corners of the mouth brought back wipe the smile: Demon Monarch feared that has not listened according to shadow gate this door small school......” 沈岳眼睛眯了眯,嘴角勾起一抹笑容:“魔君怕是没听过‘照影门’这小门小派……” Finishing barely the words, in his hand suddenly were many two stilettos, a blackness, a paleness, is the floating glimmer, glitters dead intent. 话音未落,他手中突然多了两口短剑,一口漆黑,一口惨白,皆是浮动微光,闪烁死意。 Under with this at the same time, the setting sun illuminates, the black shadow that the Meng Qi foot elongates wriggles suddenly, as if lived, is self-contained. Plunges Meng Qi suddenly! 与此同时,夕阳斜照之下,孟奇脚边拉长的黑色影子突地蠕动,仿佛活了过来,自成一体。猛然扑向孟奇 This jet black shadow aura and immeasurably deep feeling all kind in Meng Qi, but were many feeling of several points of bewitching, appears extremely dangerous, is according to shadow gate secret art shadow fluctuation, by own Interior Scenery, rouses the shadow of opposite party, if stepped over first Heavenly Stairway, law principle interweaves, then the shadow almost can duplicate/restores carve opposite party 70-80% strengths, sticks out suddenly in the situation of launching an attack. Extreme danger. 这漆黑的影子气息和深不可测的感觉皆类于孟奇,但多了几分妖异之感,显得危险异常,正是照影门的绝学“暗影浮动”,以自身内景,勾动对方之影,而若迈过了第一层天梯,法理交织,则影子几乎能复刻对方七八成的实力,暴起发难的情况下。极端危险。 Even now Shen Yue strength is insufficient, shadow does not allow slightly to peep, Exterior Scenery level, virtually impossible to guard against, kills the ceaselessness, continuously! 即使如今沈岳实力不够,“影子”也不容小窥,外景水准,防不胜防,杀之不绝,连绵不断! In addition his converging attack, commonplace First-Class Expert must suffer a loss! 再加上他本人的夹击,等闲一流高手都得吃亏! As Unorthodox Path Evil Demon, Shen Yuezhi believes itself, is completely alerts and guards to Fellow Daoist. Likes who strikes the first blow has the advantage! 作为一名左道邪魔,沈岳只信自己,对同道尽是戒备和提防。喜欢先下手为强! The shadow and Meng Qi both feet are connected, take action near body, seriously is just fearful. 影子与孟奇双脚相连,甫一出手就已近身,当真可怕。 Saw with own eyes that it ties down Meng Qi quickly, Shen Yue sword light will soon penetrate to cut void. The day suddenly becomes jet black, the setting sun vanishes, the hot cloud does not have the trace, does not have the least bit to be luminous again! 眼见它快缠住孟奇,沈岳的剑光即将透过虚空斩来。天忽然变得漆黑,夕阳消失,火云无踪,再无半点光亮! Does not have the light then not to have the shadow. Shen Yuezhi thinks that all around darkness is deep, pitch-dark, oneself separate with shadow involvement immediately! 无光便无影。沈岳只觉四周黑暗深沉,伸手不见五指,自身与影子的勾连顿时断开! By night generation of days! 以夜代日! During induction. Shen Yue detected that wears Poison Hands Demon Monarch of azure robe to step the previous step, the body suddenly becomes huge, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, fall just like the god demon day fully, stuffs in the world, the facial expression is faint, the meat palm to cover the stance that the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km), block the sky to press to fall, the five fingers separate, evolve the shackles, desperate! 感应之中。沈岳察觉身穿青袍的毒手魔君迈前一步,身体陡然变得巨大,足有万丈高,宛若神魔天降,充塞天地之间,神情淡漠,肉掌以笼罩方圆百里、遮天蔽日的姿态按落,五指分开,衍化牢笼,让人绝望! This...... Shen Yue suppresses the heart lake to fluctuate reluctantly, was not shocked by oneself, loses fighting intent, has the move to feel weak. 这……沈岳勉强压住心湖波动,不让自身被震慑,失去战意,出招乏力。 He the inside and outside connection, non- are the ignorant and inexperienced generations, has the strength and the law principle rule that world kind of Exterior Scenery rouses clearly is special, will not have fearful might that affects the surrounding area, but is to make to hoodwink the illusion of mind and sense, strange unpredictable, kills people in invisible, facing this enemy, so long as lost gentle, chaotic state of mind, must defeat without doubt. 他已内外交汇,非是孤陋寡闻之辈,明白有类外景勾动的天地之力和法理规律特殊,不会有波及方圆的可怕威力,而是制造出蒙蔽心灵和感官的幻觉,诡异难测,杀人于无形,面对这种敌人,只要失了平和,乱了心境,必败无疑。 At present the god demon azure shadow without a doubt is illusion technique, but must guard against the Poison Hands Demon Monarch hidden murderous intention! 眼前神魔般的青影毫无疑问是幻术,但必须防备住毒手魔君暗藏的杀机! The white of the eye grow darks, the both eyes as if vortex, Shen Yue distinguishes full power, but cannot find the real and illusory distinction, as if this stuffs the azure robe god demon of the world is real, covers the surrounding area giant palm is also real! 眼白变黑,双眼仿佛漩涡,沈岳全力分辨,可还是未能找到真实与虚幻的分别,似乎这充塞天地的青袍神魔是真,笼罩方圆的巨大手掌也是真! Cannot sit waiting for death, Shen Yue chose stupidly, but also the most effective way, the body revolves, the double sword swings or the remnant white or jet black sword light, with the tidal stance, is submerging and cutting the surrounding all places. 不能坐以待毙,沈岳选择了最笨但也最有效的办法,身体旋转,双剑荡出一道道或残白或漆黑的剑光,以潮水般的姿态,淹没和切割着周围所有地方。 The sword light and far, dead intent was deep, reaches as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) azure robe figure to be cut many scraps, presented wave rocking. 剑光及远,死意深深,高达万丈的青袍身影被斩成了诸多小块,出现水波般的晃动。 Really is the illusion! Shen Yue innermost feelings one happy. 果然是幻觉!沈岳内心一喜。 At this moment, figure that this divides change to the azure robe, each one temple efflorescence, after single-handed lost/carrying, the right palm lays out, at once, Shen Yue all has heavily such as the mountain dark palm vigor to raid in all directions, the sound of howling is unceasing. 就在这时,这分割出来的一块块身影都化作青袍,个个鬓角霜白,单手负后,右掌拍出,一时之间,沈岳四面八方皆有沉重如山的暗色掌劲袭来,呼啸之声不断。 Takes imaginary as the reality! 以幻为实! In Shen Yuexin thump, had the intense dangerous feeling, only thinks that the palm vigor tears itself and extrudes from each direction, lets ** about to disintegration! 沈岳心中咯噔了一下,有了强烈的危险之感,只觉掌劲从每一个方向撕扯和挤压自身,让**行将崩解! He deeply inspires, the double sword one circles in the side, jet black and pale continually circle of the black and white being intertwined, sword light as if ring-like ball wall, oneself will defend solid. 他深吸口气,双剑在身边一绕,漆黑与惨白连成了一个黑白交缠之圆,剑光仿佛环形球墙,将自身守得严严实实。 Bang bang bang! dāng dāng works as! 砰砰砰!当当当! The sound of sound and the sword cry palm striking is continuous, Shen Yue has to plant just like the small boat, in violent storm the feeling of sea level fluctuate, the vitality ebullition, the Interior Scenery revolution is obscure, will a blood have spat. 掌击之声与剑鸣之声连绵交杂,沈岳有种自身宛若小舟,在狂风暴雨的海面起起伏伏的感觉,气血沸腾,内景运转晦涩,一口鲜血将吐未吐。 Has supported this wave of attack with great difficulty, in his heart hates, to close tightly jaw secretly, the double sword interlocks to dispatch, the jet black and pale sword light head and tail is connected, the as if two flood dragons, are strangling to death all, unrestrained sweeping the surrounding area, this is being according to shadow gate unique skill graceful like flood dragon, what a pity does not have the shadow to coordinate, otherwise the might can also strengthen several tenths! 好不容易撑过这波攻击,他心中暗恨,咬紧牙关,双剑交错递出,漆黑与惨白的剑光首尾相连,仿佛两条蛟龙,绞杀着一切,肆掠着方圆,此乃照影门的绝招“惊鸿如蛟”,可惜没有影子配合,否则威力还能增强几成! The sword is only agile, unceasingly staggered, is strangling to death beside Shen Yue all things, each and every one azure robe figure was shattered, dark becomes irrelevant. 剑光矫捷,不断交错,绞杀着沈岳之外的所有事物,一个个青袍身影破碎,就连黑暗都变得支离。 Became! Shen Yue spirit inspires, when makes persistent efforts, breaks the illusion, suddenly the discovery revisits dark, azure figure highlights from together, the temple efflorescence, the makings scholarly, the both eyes vicissitudes, the right hand counts on the fingers to select, is heavy and slow. 成了!沈岳精神微振,正待再接再厉,打破幻境,忽然发现黑暗重临,一道青色身影从内凸显,鬓角霜白,气质儒雅,双目沧桑,右手屈指点出,沉重而缓慢。 Also all right? Shen Yue idea just got up, turned very quiet, the finger that because that selects although is unrelieved, but serious arrived certain limit, before referring, has the pinhole size dark point, is different from all around blackness, because jet black becomes the distortion contraction! 还没事?沈岳想法刚起,就屏住了呼吸,因为那根点来的手指虽然毫无变化,但沉重到了一定极限,指前有针孔大小的幽暗之点,有别于四周的漆黑,因为漆黑都变得扭曲收缩! The body lord, Shen Yuefei to this pure white slender just like the finger of god demon body, felt that the mortal body and Primordial Spirit will soon be torn. 身不由主,沈岳飞向了这根洁白修长宛如神魔躯体的手指,感觉肉身和元神即将被撕裂。 A good fearful finger/refers! Shen Yueqiang inspires, the double sword sudden junction strikes, the black and white sword light infiltrated mutually, makes the fearful explosion, the air wave tumbled, the ray such as water dispersing, rushed to the finger. 好可怕的一指!沈岳强吸了口气,双剑突然交击,黑白剑光互相打入,制造出了可怕的爆炸,气浪翻滚,光芒如水散开,涌向了手指。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying suction vanishes, the ray air wave also vanishes. 恐怖的吸力消失,光芒气浪亦是消失。 Shen Yue flies upside down several feet. Concentrates the eye to look at the distant place, hidden has the anticipation, but figure of light robe slow belt/bring remains, probably is timeless. 沈岳倒飞几丈。凝目看着远方,隐有期待,可轻袍缓带的身影依旧存在,像是亘古不变。 However Meng Qi has not pursued, faint smile: 然而孟奇没有追击,似笑非笑道: Your heart demon does not die, the old man also does not die.” “你之心魔不死,老夫亦是不死。” What? In Shen Yuexin one tight, has many ideas, but also cannot focus on the key. 什么?沈岳心中一紧,冒出诸多想法,但又抓不住关键。 Suddenly, he discovered that all around where has the darkness, oneself also stand in the remote mountain shadow. The opposite azure robe natural scholarly middle age crosses the hands behind the back the side as before to oneself, looks up to the setting sun, the efflorescence temple catches little golden-red, both eyes not only affection attachment and does not have the wave faintly, no take action trace! 突然之间,他发现四周哪有黑暗,自身还站在深山阴影里。对面青袍潇洒的儒雅中年依旧负手侧对自己,仰望夕阳,霜白的鬓角染上少许金红,双目既深情眷恋又淡漠无波,毫无出手的痕迹! Burns down the clouds proliferate the horizon, in the evening the cool breeze blows gently to come, just escaped the scene to here to be exactly the same when with him, as if fights intensely is the illusion! 火烧般的云朵遍布天际,傍晚凉风习习而来,与他刚遁到此处时的场景一模一样,似乎刚才的激烈交手全是幻觉! By night generation of days, took imaginary as the reality. Serious finger/refers, oneself arouse the shadow, the sword light interlocks and collides, is the illusion? 无论是以夜代日,以幻为实。沉重一指,还是自身唤起影子,剑光交错和碰撞,全都为幻觉? No. How is real can be the illusion! 不。那么真实怎会是幻觉! But the feeling of at this very moment told itself, that was the illusion! 此时此刻的感觉告诉自己,那就是幻觉! At this time is the illusion? 或者此时才是幻觉? At once, Shen Yuezhi thinks that genuine and fake difficult minute/share, the actual situation is difficult to distinguish. Does not know when is the illusion, when to happen truly matter. 一时之间,沈岳只觉真假难分,虚实难辨。不知何时为幻觉,何时为真正发生的事情。 The night breeze has caressed, he feels a coldness suddenly. Cannot bear shiver, the vest and forehead densely and numerously are the sweat, does not know when secretes. 晚风抚过,他突感一阵寒冷。忍不住打了个冷颤,背心、额头密密麻麻都是汗水,不知什么时候泌出。 According to the shadow gate is also the Unorthodox Path prestigious family, how the old man can not listen? Can your home grandson elder fortunately?” Meng Qi has not turned the head, leans as before right, asked indifferently, performed to reveal the posture of senior powerhouse. “照影门也算是左道名门,老夫怎么会没听过?贵门孙长老可还好?”孟奇没有转头,依旧侧对,漠然问道,尽显前辈强者之姿。 He recalled a moment ago according to the shadow gate material, chose one with the Poison Hands Demon Monarch age suitable Unorthodox Path powerhouse for the inquiry topic. 他刚才回想照影门资料,选择了一位和毒手魔君年岁相当的左道强者为询问话题。 After fight, which Shen Yue also has the lucky heart, only thinks that at present the demon is immeasurably deep, is not the aged ordinary man of air drop 20 years of time, several had in the past hopeful Earth List and Black List graceful bearing, no, was stronger than the past, the past was only noticeable, was praised, was honored as hopeful, the present gives oneself in clearly several points of Black List the feeling of person! 经过刚才的“交手”,沈岳哪还有侥幸之心,只觉眼前魔头深不可测,绝非空掷二十年光阴的老迈匹夫,几有当年有望地榜黑榜的风姿,不,比过去还强,过去只是引人瞩目,受人赞誉,被誉为“有望”,如今是真真切切给自己几分黑榜中人的感觉了! Currently Black List has first 63 to enter Earth List. 目前黑榜只得前六十三位能入地榜 Grandson elder was still good, but cannot break through first Heavenly Stairway, the temperament becomes somewhat hot tempered.” Shen Yue replied honestly. “孙长老尚好,只是始终未能突破第一层天梯,脾气变得有些暴躁。”沈岳老老实实回答。 He is always a bullying the weak and fearing the strong fellow. 他向来是个欺软怕硬的家伙。 Meng Qi has turned the head, reveals has five senses of strange charm profoundly, said with a smile slightly: 孟奇转过头,露出深刻有着奇异魅力的五官,微微笑道: „Can little friend introduce Fellow Daoist of nearby boundary for the old man?” “小友能为老夫介绍介绍附近地界的同道了吗?” In Shen Yuexin moves, the low eyebrow hangs the eye saying: Nearby boundary has knowing well of senior.” 沈岳心中一动,低眉垂眼道:“附近地界有位前辈的熟识。” Who?” Meng Qi asked careless. “谁?”孟奇漫不经心问道。 Shen Yuedao: Pursues soul Demon Monarch don't Tiange, he passed by Great Tribulation, went into hiding for many years, but stepped over first Heavenly Stairway now, the strength increased, the back seems standing the out of the ordinary influence.” 沈岳道:“‘追魂魔君’莫天歌,他过去遭了大劫,销声匿迹多年,但如今已是迈过第一层天梯,实力大增,背后似乎站着非比寻常的势力。” He induces the Meng Qi's mood to fluctuate secretly, two Demon Monarch are many years of enemy! 他偷偷感应孟奇的情绪波动,两位魔君可是多年仇家! „, He also calculates after the bitter comes the sweet.” Meng Qi did not care at all. “哦,他也算苦尽甘来。”孟奇毫不在意回了一句。 Actually does not have the least bit hatred and comparison meaning, as if pursues soul Demon Monarch is only the insignificant person! Shen Yuelve feels shocked and be astonished, does not dare to talk too much again this matter, then said: left near also has six extremely real demons Linghu senior, he is 93 in Black List now, the name moves a side, is I and other models......” 竟然没有半点痛恨和比较之意,似乎追魂魔君只是微不足道之人!沈岳略感震惊和讶异,不敢再多嘴此事,转而道:“左近还有‘六极真魔’令狐前辈,他如今在黑榜名列九十三位,名动一方,乃我等楷模……” ...... …… His each and every one said that Meng Qi static audit, until one person: 一个个介绍了下去,孟奇静静旁听,直到一人: Hundred flowers madame, among Ying Chengmou the procuress in brothel, the strength is unclear, because trains daughter good, calculates somewhat the reputation in Unorthodox Path.” “百花夫人,郢城某间青楼的老鸨,实力不详,因为调教的‘女儿’好,在左道还算有几分名声。” Non- is Ying city the brothel the person, is only a common procuress, Meng Qi nods secretly gently, suddenly opens the mouth: „Is the favorite imperial concubine who Duanmu building master received recently she presents as a gift?” 非是郢城青楼的幕后之人,仅是不起眼的一个老鸨,孟奇轻轻颔首,突然开口:“端木楼主新近收的宠妾是她所赠?” Shen Yue shakes the head at a loss: This matter younger generation too did not understand.” 沈岳茫然摇头:“这种事情晚辈就不太了解了。” Meng Qi no longer talked too much, making him continue, end waving, hinted him to depart. 孟奇不再多言,让他继续说下去,末了挥了挥手,示意他自行离去。 Shen Yueru veiled Dashi, cannot believe, the careful alert flees, arrived beyond hundred li (0.5 km) felt relieved, the body a little trembles unexpectedly. 沈岳如蒙大释,又不敢相信,小心戒备遁走,到了百里之外才放下心来,身体竟有点颤栗。 Meng Qi crosses the hands behind the back to visit him to leave, the corners of the mouth have the light happy expression, core true intent and skill, Ānanda Breaking Vow Blade Seal Heart with Heart can promote Undying Seven Illusions by Yin-Yang Seal with the Changing the Heaven and Striking the Earth Law fine mystical strength, somewhat is seriously mysterious, do not ask Shen Yue to experiment in vain specially! 孟奇负手看着他离开,嘴角含着淡淡笑意,以“阴阳印”核心真意和技巧、“阿难破戒刀法以心印心之能和变天击地**的精神异力推动“不死七幻”,当真有几分神奇,不枉自己专门找沈岳试验一番! The hundred flowers madame...... he knits the brows slightly, plans first to wait for the Duanmu northern reply.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 百花夫人……他微微皱眉,打算先等端木北的回复。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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