WORIOA :: Volume #4

#106: Heavenly Court fragment

Feeling is good, when you practice the meeting, we can compare notes.” The light described from the exchange, is unable to see a more substantive content, Jiang Zhiwei takes back the vision, expressed the anticipation with a smile. “感觉不错,等你练会,我们可以切磋一下。”光从兑换描述,无法看到更实质的内容,江芷微收回目光,含笑表达了期待。 Meng Qi not hesitant, before arriving central light beam that the fairyism ascends, chose the exchange. 孟奇没有犹豫,走到仙气升腾的中央光柱前,选择了兑换。 The ray flashes through, in his hand were many light dark blue secret manual, can feel that indistinctly swift and fierce sword intent, as if wrote sword technique each writing to contaminate on sharp! 光芒闪过,他手中多了一本薄薄的深蓝色秘籍,隐约能感觉到凌厉的剑意,似乎书写剑法的每一个文字都沾染上了锋锐! Read several pages conveniently, Meng Qi had not exchanged other item again, remainder 980 ten Virtuous Merit remains spare. 随手翻看了几页,孟奇没再兑换别的物品,剩余九百八十善功留着备用。 At this time, had said plan Jiang Zhiwei brings White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword and peach deluxe edition body, Seventh-Gold Essence and sword rosy cloud grass steps into the light beam that the mist winds around, conducts the sublimation of treasured armament. 此时,早已说过打算的江芷微带着白虹贯日剑、桃精本体、庚金之精与剑霞草踏入雾气缭绕的光柱里,进行宝兵的升华。 The bright bright ray eruption, reflects Meng Qi and the others the line of sight white piece, when all vanish, White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword in Jiang Zhiwei hand is even more swift and fierce, seems the meaning of soaring to the heavens, moreover were many several moment evilly the flavor that is difficult to invade. 灿烂明净的光芒爆发,映得孟奇等人视线白茫茫一片,等到一切消失,江芷微手中的白虹贯日剑愈发凌厉,似有冲霄之意,而且还多了几分阴邪难侵的味道。 Is close to High Grade, but must adapt to the adaptation.” Jiang Zhiwei Yanran(sweet) smiles, the mood is excellent. “已是接近上品,还得适应适应。”江芷微嫣然一笑,心情极好。 Although the expenditure of this refinement has 600, but is only the material close to 5000, properly speaking, might as well collects selects Virtuous Merit, exchanges High Grade treasured armament directly, may after all be her intention interlinked thing, only misses half-step from High Grade, when many about thousand Virtuous Merit eliminate the refinement risk of failure. 虽然这次炼制的花费只得六百,但光是材料就接近五千,按理来说,还不如凑点善功,直接兑换一件上品宝兵,可毕竟是她心意相通之物,距离上品也只差半步,多的近千善功就当消去炼制失败的风险。 Her closed eyes induced one, prettily like covering a brilliance, suddenly, the pleasant surprise said: Were many taking advantage of the energy of sword remote sensing!” 闭目感应了一阵,俏丽如同蒙上了一层光辉,突然,惊喜道:“多了借剑遥感之能!” Un?” Meng Qi expressed puzzled, but can guess correctly that probably refining up the mutation that the far-sighted person peach essence brought. “嗯?”孟奇表示不解,但大概能猜到是炼化千里眼桃精带来的异变。 Their far-sighted people and person who hears distant voices divine ability come from the talent most probably, should be very normal on the main body material. 他们的千里眼和顺风耳神通大半源自天赋,应在本体材料上很正常。 Jiang Zhiwei opens the double pupil, glances the fresh splendor: Can draw support from White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword, remote seeing thing liangsanbai miles away, but is unable to hear the sound.” 江芷微睁开双眸,眼波生辉:“可以借助白虹贯日剑,遥‘见’两三百里之外的事物,但无法听到声音。” „Very good!” Meng Qi and Zhao Heng praised simultaneously, this is equal to attenuating the far-sighted person of version, endures compared with Half-Step Dharma Body the strength of induction. “很不错啊!”孟奇赵恒同声赞道,这等于弱化版的千里眼,堪比半步法身的感应之力。 In addition, White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword also received the peach wooden characteristics. Were many to the restraint of Yin evil ghost thing, sharp is a cinch with the enhancement of sword qi as for itself. 除此之外,白虹贯日剑还秉承了桃木的特性。多了对阴邪鬼物的克制,至于本身锋利和剑气的增强更不在话下。 Restrains pleasantly surprised, Jiang Zhiwei looks again to the central light beam: arrived 3rd Heavenly Layer, must realize from experience Interior and Exterior World, touches law principle, interweaves in Dharma Idol, therefore learning from others cannot be few.” 收敛起惊喜,江芷微再次看向中央光柱:“到了三重天,又得体悟内外天地,触摸法理,交织于法相,所以他山之石不能少。” She always walks view hundred sword technique, raises the sword intent path, concise Dharma Idol is also „” Supreme Sword Monarch that Supreme Dao Body evolves. 她向来是走观百家剑法,养自身剑意的道路,凝练的法相也是“太上道体”衍化的“太上剑君相”。 Therefore plans to exchange Exterior Scenery sword technique?” Meng Qi asked with a laugh. “所以打算兑换外景剑法?”孟奇笑呵呵问道。 Un, before Dawning Enlightenment . Exchange Exterior Scenery sword technique is the general outline adds 12 types, is difficult to see the complete picture, must therefore make up neat.” Jiang Zhiwei nods said. “嗯,之前开窍时。兑换的外景剑法都是总纲加其中一两式,难见全貌,故而得补齐。”江芷微颔首道。 During the speeches, she spends four thousand Virtuous Merit blue Yue Luo(moon fall) immortal sword the remainder four types to make up neat, spent 5000 to receive in exchange six extinguished Sword Twenty-Three, made Holy Spirit Sword complete reluctantly, finally was only left over 180 ten Virtuous Merit. 说话间,她花费四千善功将“碧月落仙剑”剩余四式补齐,花费五千换取了“六灭剑廿三”,勉强让圣灵剑法完整,最后只剩下一百八十善功 „Does Senior Brother Qi, besides the dark chaos crystal stone, what you also plan to trade?” Sees Jiang Zhiwei to exchange. Meng Qi turns the head to look to Qi Zhengyan. 齐师兄,除了暗混沌晶石,你还打算换什么?”见江芷微兑换完毕。孟奇转头看向齐正言 He inside and outside will soon connect, Turbid Heaven Treasure Mirror sixth dark chaos must exchange, it is puts through Dawning Enlightenment and Exterior Scenery bridge, value two thousand Virtuous Merit. 他即将内外交汇,“浑天宝鉴”第六层“暗混沌”必须兑换了,它是架通开窍外景的桥梁,价值两千善功 Qi Zhengyan hesitated the evil ways: My master gate excels at sword technique. One are also so, before all sorts of styles of Turbid Heaven Treasure Mirror bringing had distinguished with sword technique, must think of every means to melt enters, until observing the tablet of "Wu" character has sensed has not hindered reluctantly. Therefore, preparing to exchange the strength of transformation muddy day is sword qi cultivation technique, to match this sword technique.” 齐正言沉吟了下道:“我师门擅长剑法。自身也是如此,之前浑天宝鉴自带的种种招式都与剑法有所区别,得费尽心思化入,直到观无字之碑有所感悟才勉强没有阻碍。所以,准备兑换将浑天之力转化为剑气功法,以搭配本门剑法。” If to Exterior Scenery. He has qualifications view «Immortal Conferring Eternal Life Sword», how could to waste! 若到外景。他就有资格一观《仙授长生剑》,岂能浪费! Muddy day evil sword?” Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi said with one voice. “浑天邪剑?”江芷微孟奇齐声道。 Muddy day that this is Turbid Heaven Treasure Mirror will realize the powerhouse who evolves completely use method, transfers sword qi each strength ingeniously, concise to become Jianjue, currently only involves first seven, decides, and seven decide simultaneous/uniform uses/gives the eighth type, although does not arrive at Dharma Body, but also calculates out of the ordinary in Exterior Scenery, because is rooted in Turbid Heaven Treasure Mirror, takes this as the premise, needs Virtuous Merit is not on the contrary high, had been approved by Jiang Zhiwei. 这是一位将“浑天宝鉴”完全练成的强者衍化出来的“浑天”使用法门,将每一层之力巧妙转为剑气,凝练成剑诀,目前只涉及前七层,一层一决,并有七决齐施的第八式,虽然不到法身,但在外景亦算不凡,因为根植于浑天宝鉴,以此为前提,所需善功反倒不高,曾经被江芷微赞过。 Qi Zhengyan slightly unreachable nod: „, I want to exchange always definitely and first five types.” 齐正言微不可及点头:“正是,我想兑换总决和前五式。” Muddy day evil sword always 1000, elaborated that transforms concise definitely the strength of muddy day is the sword qi method, various behind are the concrete sword secret arts, first sixth style each type 500, seven decide simultaneous/uniform uses/gives the eighth type 1000. “浑天邪剑”总决一千,阐述将浑天之力转化凝练为剑气的法门,后面各式是具体剑诀,前六式每式五百,七决齐施的第八式一千。 Good, through it can Turbid Heaven Treasure Mirror and Rinse Flower Sword Pavilion sword technique links, saves ever changingly wholeheartedly.” Jiang Zhiwei praised. “不错,通过它能将浑天宝鉴浣花剑派剑法联系在一起,千变万化存乎一心。”江芷微赞道。 Meng Qi also nods: In reality at the muddy day promotes sword technique, in the samsara to elaborate the muddy day by sword technique in secret, the commonplace cannot see your root foot.” 孟奇亦是点头:“现实之中以浑天暗中推动剑法,轮回里以剑法阐述浑天,等闲看不出你的根脚。” Had not said, Qi Zhengyan exchanged one not to have the crystal stone of brilliance directly chaos, and muddy day evil sword always definitely and first five types, the grand total spent 5500 hundred Virtuous Merit, remainder 280 ten Virtuous Merit. 没有多说,齐正言直接兑换了一枚混混沌沌没有光彩的晶石,以及浑天邪剑总决和前五式,总计花费五千五百善功,剩余两百八十善功 „The Exterior Scenery style that before I also plan makes up is uneven, exchanges, so as to avoid alone 12 moves of hard to bring about body.” Has the Jiang Zhiwei model before, Zhao Heng must calculate to oneself early. “我也打算补齐之前兑换的外景招式,免得孤零零一两招难成一体。”有江芷微范例在前,赵恒对自身所需早有盘算。 When Dawning Enlightenment , a type Exterior Scenery style is killing move, is presses the bottom the method, after may step into the Exterior Scenery boundary, light 12 are not the Exterior Scenery move of powerful insufficiently looked radically, is too alone, does not have the assistance, has not taken care , the enemy is extremely easy to defend, naturally, if there is Jiang Zhiwei sword technique realm, the selfenergy the moves of various type lonely Exterior Scenery into the sword technique system, has words at fingertips and writes with facility when just right, with around different cultivation technique sword move harmonious like one. 开窍时,一式外景招式便是杀招,是压箱底的手段,可踏入外景境后,光有一两式不算强力的外景招数根本不够看,太孤零零,没有辅助,没有照应,敌人极容易防御,当然,若有江芷微剑法境界,自能将各式孤单的外景之招化入自身剑法体系,在恰到好处之时信手拈来,与前后不同功法剑招融洽如一。 Before Exterior Scenery, Meng Qi's sword technique and blade technique realm results in the fortuitous encounter and direction, has almost tied Jiang Zhiwei, but after the breakthrough, Jiang Zhiwei view «Supreme Sword Scripture» has, cast off a section Meng Qi, but the Meng Qi key point is profound arts and Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter, perhaps the real strength still wins Jiang Zhiwei little, eruption in a short time is more fearful. 外景前,孟奇的剑法刀法境界得奇遇和指点,差不多已追平江芷微,但突破后,江芷微观《太上剑经》有得,又将孟奇甩开了一截,不过孟奇重点是玄功元始金章,真实战力恐怕犹胜江芷微少许,短时间内的爆发更为可怕。 Makes up the simultaneous/uniform Son of Heaven Sword method?” Meng Qi spoke thoughtlessly to ask, those that before paying attention not to add you, to exchange. “补齐天子剑法?”孟奇随口问道,很注意没加“还是你之前兑换的那些”。 About cultivation technique of past exchange, Zhao Heng had not talked too much, Meng Qi is also disinclined to ask inconveniently. 关于过去兑换的功法,赵恒一直没有多言,孟奇不便也懒得问。 Right, it is very suitable I.” Zhao Heng spent 4800 hundred Virtuous Merit to make up neat the Son of Heaven Sword method's second to the seventh type, respectively was heterogeneity the sword of True Dragon, only Dharmakaya Level eighth and ninth type has not traded. “对,它很适合我。”赵恒花费四千八百善功补齐了天子剑法第二到第七式,分别是不同性质的真龙之剑,只余法身级的第八和第九式没换。 He traded auxiliary True Imperial Seal practice item, value 1500 hundred Virtuous Merit, to speed up the concise acupoint progress, breaks through to 2nd Heavenly Layer as soon as possible. 紧接着,他又换了一件辅助“真皇玺修炼物品,价值一千五百善功,以加快凝练窍穴的进度,尽快突破到第二重天 The people all have an idea, only Ruan Yushu few digressions, peaceful onlooking. 众人皆是有所想法,只阮玉书很少插话,安静旁观。 What Yushu(jade book) do you want to exchange?” Meng Qi cares to say. 玉书你想兑换什么?”孟奇关心道。 Ruan Yushu pursing the lips lip of: Within several months, I then must break through to Exterior Scenery, the view more book of music for strings chaotic mind, practice heavenly materials and earthly treasures will instead have chosen again a moment ago, for a while does not lack, Perching Phoenix Zither also already is treasured armament......” 阮玉书抿了抿嘴唇:“几月之内,我便要突破至外景,再观更多琴谱反而会乱心神,修炼天材地宝刚才有所挑选,一时不缺,栖凤琴已经宝兵……” She as if a little worries, nothing can exchange. 她似乎有点烦恼,没什么可以兑换的。 Meng Qi when thinks, heard that Ruan Yushu continues saying: Therefore, I plan to exchange a zither music using skill, can promote the distance of function.” 孟奇正待思索,就闻阮玉书继续说道:“所以,我打算兑换一门琴音使用技巧,可以提升作用的距离。” You think that added what front makes...... the Meng Qi corners of the mouth to twitch, expression slightly embarrassed, at once has doubts saying that distance of promotion function?” 你都想好了还说前面做什么……孟奇嘴角抽搐,表情微窘,旋即疑惑道,“提升作用的距离?” I play the zither music at present, in 12 li (0.5 km) can affect the opponent, is not again good, after studying the skill of this Exterior Scenery level, affects the enemy in 45 li (0.5 km) sufficiently.” Ruan Yushu explained one. “我目前所奏琴音,一两里内可以影响对手,再远就不行了,学了这外景级的技巧后,足以在四五里内影响敌人。”阮玉书解释了一句。 Is so fierce?” Meng Qi and Zhao Heng are astonished. “这么厉害?”孟奇赵恒都是讶异。 The zither music itself/Ben is the long-distance attack, after having this skill, is exaggerating, could not say that in the future will present light hears Qiyin, is difficult to see that person the effect! 琴音本就是远程攻击,有了这技巧后,更是夸张,说不得日后会出现光闻其音,难见其人的效果! Ruan Yushu serious nod: Is such fierce.” 阮玉书一本正经点头:“就是这么厉害。” When speech, she in Exchange List the hand turns to the people looked, this skill is called thousand li (500 km) murder sound, is quite rare, value six thousand Virtuous Merit! 说话时,她将手中兑换谱翻给众人看,这门技巧叫做“千里杀人音”,相当少见,价值六千善功 Hears the reply of Ruan Yushu, Meng Qi and the others has nothing to say in reply unexpectedly, can only urge that she hurries to exchange. 听到阮玉书的回答,孟奇等人竟无言以对,只能催促她赶紧兑换。 Completes all these, four hundred Virtuous Merit that several people will have extracted will pay to Six Paths, the exchange next time the mission information. 做完这一切,几人将早就提取出来的四百善功支付给六道,兑换下次任务的情报。 In Six Paths of Reincarnation this treating both the young and old honestly, faint great Grand Dao: 六道轮回之中这次童叟无欺,淡漠宏大道: Journey to the West mission: on Five Fingers Mountain, will have the Heavenly Court fragment together to appear, preventing Monster Clan to obtain the thing of its core, succeeds to reward 3500 hundred Virtuous Merit, the failure deducts corresponding Virtuous Merit.” 西游任务:五指山上,将有一块天庭碎片出现,阻止妖族得到其核心之物,成功奖励三千五百善功,失败扣除相应善功。” Opening instant: A year later.” “开启时间:一年之后。” Journey to the West! Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei and the others the vision connection, all remembered not the glorious memory, Zhang Yuanshan, Fu Zhenzhen as well as Luo Shengyi...... 西游孟奇江芷微等人目光交接,皆是想起了不美好的回忆,张远山符真真以及罗胜衣…… Partly after making a sound, Meng Qi aspirates saying: „The Journey to the West danger was needless saying that this time also involved the Heavenly Court fragment, in this year everyone must prepare well.” 半响后,孟奇吐了口气道:“西游的危险不用说,这次还牵涉天庭碎片,这一年大家得好好准备。” Does not know that which only ripe monster this time will meet, obtains any familiar thing, whether the opportunity reenters Spirit Mountain...... 不知这次又会遇到哪只熟妖,得到什么熟悉的事物,是否还有机会再入灵山…… Jiang Zhiwei and the others nodded silent, lost the heart of chatting, planned to return. 江芷微等人沉默点头,失了闲聊之心,打算回归。 At this time, Meng Qi remembered the incident saying: Tathagata Divine Palm general outline in Blue Stem Temple, I can lead the person to sense at present, do you want?” 这时,孟奇想起一事道:“‘如来神掌’总纲目前在兰柯寺,我能带人去感悟,你们要吗?” Qi Zhengyan shakes the head: Buddhism cultivation technique is useless in me.” 齐正言摇了摇头:“佛门功法于我无用。” He rejects categorically, unexpectedly not slightly hesitant, with the past to seek life, had being reborn essentially including Qi Zhengyan that not adept hidden weapon wants to exchange. 他拒绝得斩钉截铁,竟没有丝毫犹豫,与过去为求活命,连不拿手暗器都想兑换的齐正言有了本质上的脱胎换骨。 Also yes, the muddy day added Huanhua to make you be hard to divert attention, moreover must concentrate on the breakthrough to the matter.” Meng Qi nods gently, expressed the support, suddenly, he floated off wipes smiles inexpensively, Senior Brother Qi, does not know that what your Dharma Idol can be, Nuwa true body?” “也是,浑天加浣花就能让你难以分心了,而且还得专注突破至事。”孟奇轻轻颔首,表示赞同,突然,他浮起一抹贱笑,“齐师兄,不知你的法相会是什么,女娲真身?” The Qi Zhengyan forehead blue vein jumped jumping, leaves forcefully goes excessively. 齐正言额头青筋跳了跳,强行别过头去。 Good, when I current sword technique will perceive through meditation to grasp, makes you make me sense again.” Jiang Zhiwei does not mind Buddhism cultivation technique actually, the manner is relaxed, regards, if often/common thing. “好,等我将目前的剑法参悟掌握完,再让你引我去感悟。”江芷微倒是不介意佛门功法,神态轻松,视若常物。 So long as relates sword technique, she wants to have a liking for looked, after all possibly senses more sword principles, creates own Exterior Scenery sword technique. 只要关系剑法,她都想看上一看,毕竟可能感悟出更多剑理,创出属于自己的外景剑法 I first break through with single-hearted devotion, then hears Foyin.” Ruan Yushu is also similar attitude, is inclusive, greatness out of generosity , there is nothing the heart of difference to the cultivation technique zither music. “我先专心突破,再闻佛音。”阮玉书亦是类似态度,兼容并蓄,有容乃大,对功法琴音无有差别之心。 Zhao Heng knitting the brows moment: Buddhist Law is contradictory with me, moreover cannot withdraw, is ok.” 赵恒皱眉片刻:“佛法与我矛盾极大,而且脱身不得,还是算了。” That is you do not know that crown prince Buddha sovereign the matter...... Meng Qi whispered, but this type is the exceptional case, Zhao Heng worry quite make sense, he does not want to look that does not force. 那是你不知太子“佛皇”之事……孟奇嘀咕了一句,不过这种是特例,赵恒的担心颇有道理,他不想看也不勉强。 Chatted several, when the respective return, Meng Qi sees outside blue sky, anxiously on again heart: 聊了几句,各自回归,孟奇看到外面蓝天白云时,一点忧虑再上心头: How the matter of Nine Heavens Thunder God karma settles......” 九天雷神因果之事得怎么了结……” This period of time, he has this karma to be getting more and more heavy, starts to affect own feeling!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 这段时日,他已有这份因果越来越重,开始影响自身的感觉!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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