WORIOA :: Volume #4

#107: Armor building

Maoling, words paper inkstone shop. 茂陵,笔墨纸砚铺。 This time, Meng Qi wanted seven True Dragon adding the finishing touch pens, the storekeeper also to maintain composure to ask that as before may have the custom make, if present, please show the copy. 这一次,孟奇依旧要了七支真龙点睛笔,掌柜亦是不动声色问可有定做,若是有,请出示印鉴。 Meng Qi smiles, the left hand stretches out, reveals a slit, sends out the misty silver light. 孟奇笑了笑,左手伸出,露出一条缝隙,发出濛濛银光。 Silver Chapter constable...... the storekeeper vision solidifies slightly, the breath becomes heavy, at once flatters to say with a smile: Originally is the honored guest, but also behind please go to take along with me.” 银章捕头……掌柜目光微微凝固,呼吸变重,旋即讨好笑道:“原来是贵客,还请随我去后面取。” arrived Silver Chapter this level of number, in the mortal eyes is to control a city, can the call the wind and summon the rain great person! 到了银章这一级数,在凡人眼里就是主宰一城,能呼风唤雨的大人物了! Steps into the following side building, the storekeeper salutes immediately: Pays a visit Silver Chapter, the news that you want has sent, directly from master to disciple, does not fall the writing.” 踏入后面厢房,掌柜立刻行礼:“拜见银章,您要的消息已送来,口耳相传,不落文字。” Meng Qi nods gently: Please say.” 孟奇轻轻颔首:“请讲。” Completes the matter of Nine Heavens Thunder God karma related to one of the Evil Demon Nine Daos, moreover relates Prime Fairy Realm this secret to be, Meng Qi currently is the least bit clue does not have, but this matter cannot delay, karma starts to affect itself gradually, will hinder the sensibility and interweaves the law principle practice process, reduces the speed of strength rise, two no one knows how long mediates this karma to need, not as soon as possible, when is finally urgent to do, how could it not be shape with suicide? 完成九天雷神因果之事涉及邪魔九道之一,而且关系素女仙界这隐秘所在,孟奇目前是半点头绪都没有,但这事不能拖延,一则因果渐渐开始影响自身,会阻碍感悟并交织法理修炼过程,降低自己实力提升的速度,二则谁也不知道了断这个因果需要多久,不尽早着手,等到最后才火急火燎去做,岂不形同自杀? The most important thing is, in the time abundant situation, needs to brave the choice of enormous risk to consider the rejection, attempts it slowly! 最为重要的是,时间充裕的情况下,很多需要冒极大风险的选择就可以斟酌舍弃,徐徐图之! For example looks for the matter of Gu Xiaosang cooperation, if there is other choice or the non- final moment, Meng Qi will not seek an impossibility, and she has entered the 9th Heavenly Layer vestige, only has the indirect relation with Prime Fairy Realm this Heavenly Court fragment, non- can definitely be able to help. 比如找顾小桑合作之事,若有别的选择或非最后关头,孟奇才不会与虎谋皮,并且她只是入过九重天遗迹,与素女仙界天庭碎片仅具备间接联系,非是肯定能帮上忙。 However she from starting to tell me the Overlord's Extreme Blade information, instigated me to deal with the person of Maiden Path, perhaps had this aspect early planned...... the train of thought to rotate, Meng Qi emitted such thought suddenly, naturally, as of Holy Maiden Evil Demon Nine Daos, how many looked for Gu Xiaosang and looks for the Prime Fairy Realm difficulty as if unable to miss, met each time is she desirably for it, can don't tell me wait for gains without pains, waits for her to walk in? 不过她从开始就告诉我霸王绝刀的情报,怂恿我对付素女道之人,或许早有这方面的谋划……思绪转动间,孟奇忽地冒出这样的念头,当然,作为邪魔九道之一的圣女,找顾小桑和找素女仙界的难度似乎也差不了多少,每次遇见都是她刻意为之,难道要守株待兔,等着她找上门? Therefore, Meng Qi plans first from contact Evil Demon Unorthodox Path to start, slowly the collection clue, is mainly Maiden Path, next is Gu Xiaosang, if in the former can sneak a peek at the opportunity, does not consider to look for the matter of demoness cooperation. 所以,孟奇打算先从多接触邪魔左道开始,慢慢搜集线索,主要是素女道,其次是顾小桑,若前者之中能窥见机会,就不去考虑找妖女合作之事。 Common in Jiang Hu Evil Demon Unorthodox Path is below Exterior Scenery, mingles among in Heijie, brothel, gambling work place and other places, but above Exterior Scenery, has to slaughter the deep hatred in the body, has more or less offended a big influence, the conduct is secret, except for happening to present, generally was very difficult to find.” The storekeepers are repeating the information from Six Doors headquarters. “常见于江湖邪魔左道多是外景以下,混迹于黑街、青楼、赌坊等地,而外景以上,多有杀戮血仇在身,或多或少得罪过不小的势力,行事都算隐秘,除了适逢其会,一般很难找到。”掌柜复述着来自六扇门总部的情报。 Regarding this, Meng Qi quite understood, if this is not the case, the Evil Demon Unorthodox Path powerhouse had been exterminated by the Righteous Path influence, the snake has the snake saying that the mouse has the rat-hole, can live and lives well has several points of truth! 对此,孟奇颇为理解,若非如此,邪魔左道的强者早就被正道势力剿灭了,蛇有蛇道,鼠有鼠洞,能活下来并活得好自有几分道理! If not Six Paths there eliminates karma price three ten thousand Virtuous Merit to get up, regarding the karma difficulty degree the charge is different, may to 1 million, Meng Qi rather spend to eliminate the risk high, is not so troublesome! 若非六道那里消除因果的价格三万善功起,视因果难易程度而收费不同,最高可至百万,孟奇都宁愿花钱消灾,不这么麻烦! What a pity, will not be definitely cheap related to Overlord's Extreme Blade and Prime Fairy Realm karma. 可惜,涉及霸王绝刀素女仙界因果肯定不会便宜。 Can have the doubtful Evil Demon Unorthodox Path powerhouse?” Meng Qi speaks thoughtlessly to ask, knows the Six Doors information only is not in this degree. “可有疑似邪魔左道的强者?”孟奇随口问道,知晓六扇门的情报不会只到这种程度。 The storekeepers have no ponder, very fluent say/way: Armor building River East building lord, all rivers run into sea north Duanmu.” 掌柜没什么思考,很是流利道:“铁衣楼‘江东楼’之主,‘海纳百川’端木北。” „Is the powerhouse in armor building Evil Demon Unorthodox Path?” Meng Qi slightly is astonished obviously. “铁衣楼的强者是邪魔左道?”孟奇略显讶异。 The armor building and great river help be the same, is one of the world six breaking by twisting in hands, is well-established, the powerhouse is numerous, but is relatively more secret, the total building position is unclear, it is said is hard to search the island that in some Eastern Sea, divides the building to be found across the country, for example River East building, for example Divine Capital building. 铁衣楼和大江帮一样,是天下六擘之一,根基深厚,强者众多,但相对更加隐秘,总楼位置不详,据说在东海某个难以寻觅的小岛,分楼则遍布大江南北,比如江东楼,比如神都楼。 Regarding the region importance is different, lord of the building or is ordinary Exterior Scenery, or for extremely, even Grandmaster, north Duanmu is the 5th Heavenly Layer powerhouse. 视地域重要性不同,一楼之主或为普通外景,或为绝顶,甚或宗师,端木北便是五重天的强者。 Their non- is not evil, with confraternity of beggars similar, on will not do to offend the matter of Righteous Path outwardly, but always some dirty, the hearsay they have one in secret mystically red belt/bring building, does the killer business specially, the level is next to No Benevolence Building. 他们非正非邪,与丐帮相类,不会明面上做触犯正道之事,但私下里总有些龌蹉,传闻他们有一座神秘的“红带楼”,专做杀手生意,水准仅次于不仁楼 But this faction's form big influence, the organizational structure and goal and Sect aristocratic family is different, many members are the halfway recruit, teach secret art, to maintain expansion need, mixing in Evil Demon Unorthodox Path is not strange, what is strange Six Doors had even suspected, the armor building has not made processing. 而这种帮派形式的大势力,组织结构和目标与门派世家都有所不同,不少成员乃半途招纳,传授绝学,以维持扩充需要,混入邪魔左道并不奇怪,奇怪的是连六扇门都有所怀疑了,铁衣楼还未做出处理。 Core „did disciplinary punishment building degenerate to this grade of situation? 核心的“惩戒楼”堕落到这等地步了? The storekeepers discovered oneself said that has the different meanings, hurries to shake the head: North Duanmu is not Evil Demon Unorthodox Path.” 掌柜发现自己说的有歧义,赶紧摇头:“端木北不是邪魔左道。” He, explained: „The person of Evil Demon Unorthodox Path plunders harvests oneself perhaps using that slaughters not on, but also does not have means public take action, received exchange to need, therefore each region has sits the tiger of dividing the booty, helping them dispose stolen goods and purchase the urgently needed thing, seizes massive advantage, this kind of person often well-born, the back has the influence support, the conduct is the secret low key, if the non- direct exposure, is unable to accuse.” 他顿了顿,解释道:“邪魔左道之人抢掠杀戮的收获自身或许用之不上,但又没办法公开出手,换取所需,因此各地都有‘坐地分赃之虎’,帮他们销赃和购买急需之物,从中攫取大量好处,这类人往往身家清白,背后有势力支撑,行事又是隐秘低调,若不直接暴露,根本无法指责。” North Duanmu is the local bully?” Meng Qi said suddenly. “端木北便是坐地虎?”孟奇恍然道。 The storekeepers flattered: Silver Chapter is far-seeing, in armor building non- are not evil, is dark many similar business, north Duanmu just does specially well, is large in the Unorthodox Path fame.” 掌柜奉承道:“银章明见万里,铁衣楼自身就非正非邪,暗里不乏类似生意,端木北只不过做得特别好,在左道名气颇大。” Evil Demon Unorthodox Path...... Meng Qi is thinking by this black and white two sweeping the decks character truly can contact truly looking pensive. 透过这种黑白两道通吃的人物确实能接触到“真正”的邪魔左道……孟奇若有所思想着。 The storekeepers added: North Duanmu outwardly lascivious insolent, but the conduct secret, our being well-known sound, is only hard to catch the actual evidence, only if it is said that has the acquaintance guarantee or is enormous in the Unorthodox Path reputation, he does not meet, saw that will also exhibit the repel and hatred complexion, coaxes directly, even takes.” 掌柜补充道:“端木北明面好色张狂,可行事隐秘,我们只闻名声,难以抓到实际证据,据说除非有熟人担保或在左道名声极大,他根本不会见,见到也会摆出排斥和痛恨的脸色,直接哄走,甚至拿下。” Then, can guarantee enormously the person of transaction is true Evil Demon, non- Six Doors or Righteous Path dark child! 如此一来,能极大保证交易之人是真正邪魔,非六扇门正道暗子! Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, this little is actually difficult. 孟奇微微皱眉,这倒是有点困难。 Temporarily opens one Unorthodox Path Sockpuppet is not definitely good again, because does not have the fame, cannot contact with Duanmu north familiar Evil Demon. 临时再开一个“左道马甲”肯定不行,因为没有名气,也接触不到和端木北熟悉的邪魔 ............ ………… Armor building River East divides the building to be located in Ying city, Meng Qi changes again makes the mouse, sneaks the inquiry, makes comes to visit the preparation. 铁衣楼江东分楼位于郢城,孟奇再次变化做老鼠,潜入打探,做“上门拜访”的前期准备。 This centrosphere is vermilion Zise two little building, is situated in the garden alone most central, four water buffalos had/left the big piece blank. 此地核心是一座朱紫色的二层小楼,孤零零立于园子最中央,四周留出了大片空白。 Has not approached it, some Meng Qi absolutely terrified feelings, immediately stands still suddenly, spiritual dispersing, the heart lake shines upon all around. 还未靠近它,孟奇忽然有种毛骨悚然的感觉,顿时停步不前,精神散开,心湖映照四周。 This induction, Meng Qi suddenly one startled, because this little building surrounding area in ten zhang (3.33 m) is vapid, the mouse insect does not save, the bird does not have the trace! 这一感应,孟奇霍然一惊,因为这座小楼方圆十丈内毫无生气,鼠虫不存,飞鸟无踪! The technique of special protection change? 专门防备变化之术? Said the master has the cleanliness/mysophobia, nearby the residence can't have any small creature? 还是说主人有洁癖,居所附近不能有任何小动物? During deliberately considers, a magpie flies from the outside garden, tries to pass here. 寻思之中,一只喜鹊从外面园子飞来,试图通过此处。 Just close, its sudden whole body was unbending, probably hit the arrived invisible wall , the glimmer flashed, the magpie changed into the flying ash silently. 刚刚靠近,它突然浑身僵直,像是撞到了无形之墙,紧接着,微光一闪,喜鹊无声无息化为了飞灰。 Now the world, understands that the technique of protection change, the armor building somewhat is really mystical...... Meng Qi inwardly to knit the brows, in the future, will inquire this garden other little building quietly. 当今之世,懂得防备变化之术,铁衣楼真有几分神秘……孟奇暗自皱眉,悄然往后,打探这处园子其他小楼。 First even/including looked at seven little building, Meng Qi discovered that north Duanmu lascivious name fruit non- false rumor, an age youngest pair of twin favorite imperial concubine was only 15-16 years old, was smaller than his grandson granddaughter, 一连“看”了七座小楼,孟奇发现端木北“好色”之名果不虚传,年岁最幼的一对双胞胎宠妾才15-16岁,比他孙子孙女还小, Well, the body flatters including, practices the corresponding technique.” Bird Meng Qi looks at this silently to the twin, detects little exceptionally! “咦,身含内媚,练有相应之术。”“飞鸟”孟奇默默看着这对双胞胎,察觉到少许异常! These two favor the this mistress material to be delicate and exquisite, the face contains immaturely, pretty charming, initially looked is not improper, but Meng Qi just asked for advice Jade Void Divine Deduction to Duke Qi Huan Xiaobai, but when this master prime of life similarly in the name of lascivious, always likes taking the female to be a case of guide, therefore under investigating carefully, Meng Qi saw that their bodies flatter including in ; half th, Innate half was Houtian(acquired) practiced some secret technique! 这两位宠妾身材娇小玲珑,脸含稚嫩,娇俏迷人,初看并无不妥,但孟奇刚向齐桓公小白讨教了玉虚神算,而这位爷盛年时又同样以好色为名,总爱拿女子做例指导,所以细究之下,孟奇看出她们身含内媚,半是天生半是后天习练了某种秘术! Has similar secret technique are not many, don't tell me is Maiden Path presents as a gift, picks for Duanmu north makes up Yin Yang, to maintain to relate, or gives to north Duanmu on the pretext of others, making him enter the jar, wallows the township of beautiful woman, in secret control? During the thinking, Meng Qi withdraws from the garden that the River East building is at quietly, plans to visit officially. 有类似秘术的可不多,难道素女道所赠,供端木北采阴补阳,以维持关系,或者是假托他人送给端木北,引他入瓮,沉迷美人之乡,暗中控制?思索之中,孟奇悄然退出江东楼所在的园子,打算正式拜访。 Some arrived secret place, he changes, changes to the middle-aged man who a temple sends the efflorescence, wears the azure robe, wears the soft hat, five senses is profound, makings scholarly vicissitudes. 到了某个隐秘处,他摇身一变,化作一位鬓发霜白的中年男子,身披青袍,头戴软帽,五官深刻,气质儒雅沧桑。 This was Unorthodox Path once the legendary character, Poison Hands Demon Monarch! 此乃左道曾经赫赫有名的人物,毒手魔君 He dies of Bomi, except for fighting and Meng Qi, no one knows, is suiting disguises as! 他死于播密,除了斗姆和孟奇自己,无人知晓,正适合假扮! But the Poison Hands Demon Monarch active age, Duanmu northern already is the armor building famous Exterior Scenery powerhouse, without seeing, this/should many hears, so ferocious generation, can it be that Righteous Path and Six Doors dark child? 毒手魔君活跃的年代,端木北已经是铁衣楼有名的外景强者,纵使没见过,也该多有听闻,如此穷凶极恶之辈,岂是正道六扇门的暗子? The Poison Hands Demon Monarch appearance that Meng Qi changes is quite young, after non- is he is suffered old with suffering, draws close to him to hide into the appearance before Bomi, so as to avoid north Duanmu does not know. 孟奇变化的毒手魔君容貌较为年轻,非是他饱受折磨和煎熬后的苍老,贴近他躲入播密前的模样,免得端木北不识。 ............ ………… Outside the River East building, several servants are looking that the little young lady plays cheerfully, she is north Duanmu the youngest daughter, six years ago is lived by a favorite imperial concubine, the to look powder carves the jade to build. 江东楼外,几名仆人正看着小小姐欢快玩耍,她是端木北最年幼的女儿,六年前由一位宠妾所生,长得粉雕玉砌。 The little misses pursue the butterfly to run, full head is the perspiration, suddenly, she sees the butterfly to fly to fall, collects in a pure white powerful hand. 小姑娘追逐着蝴蝶奔跑,满头是汗,忽然,她看见蝴蝶飞落,敛于一只洁白有力的手上。 She opens the eye, raised the head upward, the uncle who looks at a arrived natural scholarly, wears the azure robe, the temple efflorescence, the stance is calm, the face contains the smile. 她睁大眼睛,抬头往上,看到了一位潇洒儒雅的伯伯,穿着青袍,鬓角霜白,姿态从容,脸含微笑。 Uncle thank you.” Discovered that the butterfly was handed over, she expressed gratitude jubilantly. 谢谢伯伯。”发现蝴蝶被递过来,她兴高采烈道谢。 To her distant point!” At this time, the low and deep sound conveyed together, presented a hoary hair but not to have the old man of least bit wrinkle same place, just like was north lord of Duanmu River East building. “离她远点!”这时,一道低沉的声音传来,原地出现了一位花白头发但没有半点皱纹的老者,俨然便是江东楼之主端木北。 The Meng Qi smile takes back the right hand, loses to the back, looks at north Duanmu leisurely and carefree, did not say a word. 孟奇微笑收回右手,负于背后,悠闲看着端木北,一言不发。 You offended Righteous Path, offended Heaven Extinguishing Gate, Luoism and confraternity of beggars, but also dares to appear again?” Duanmu northern sinking sound said. “你得罪了正道,得罪了灭天门罗教和丐帮,还敢再出现?”端木北沉声道。 Actually knew that...... Meng Qi shoulders both hands, said with a smile self-confidently easely: 竟然认识……孟奇背负双手,自信悠然笑道: This for a while other for a while.” “此一时彼一时。”
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