WORIOA :: Volume #4

#105: Minute „loot”

The Immortal Bird divine beast statue surrounds around Reincarnation Square, without the emotion does not have both eyes of vitality to gaze at inside all sorts of changes timeless. 仙禽神兽的雕像环绕轮回广场四周,没有情感没有生机的双目亘古不变地注视着内里的种种变化。 At this time, the midair white clouds sway, the light beam dangles, five person's shadow reappearing in. 此时,半空白云晃荡,光柱垂下,五道人影浮现其中。 Meng Qi just restored the little dizziness, the ear bank broadcasts the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation great faint sound immediately: 孟奇刚恢复少许眩晕,耳畔立刻传来六道轮回之主宏大淡漠的声音: Chen upheaval, innovation, although saves, the universal love no longer, passing on the dao the failure, paid 2500 hundred Virtuous Merit to return respectively, does not have the appraisal.” “陈地变乱,新法虽存,兼爱不复,传道失败,各自支付两千五百善功返回,无评价。” Three months, Mohist School of Thought that pulls out, almost the success calculates that we were fierce! Meng Qi raised up the middle finger to Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation at heart. 三个月时间,还是抽的墨家,差点成功都算我们厉害了!孟奇心里对六道轮回之主竖起了中指。 However this are not harvestless, the light obtains the Jade Void Palace news, makes contact with the line with Duke Qi Huan Xiaobai, then does not know value many Virtuous Merit . Moreover the Exterior Scenery enemy who massacres are many, especially Gong Yangzeng is not only Top-Class Expert, is Family Lord, net worth not poor, total in addition, Virtuous Merit feared that is not only has not lost money, but also gained a big pen! 不过这一趟自己也不是毫无收获,光是得到玉虚宫消息,和齐桓公小白搭上线,便不知值多少善功,而且杀掉的外景敌人不少,尤其公羊增既是绝顶高手,又为家主,身家不菲,总的加起来,善功怕是不仅没有亏损,还赚了一大笔! Really, is willing to invest the rare treasure to save the life, receives the large return, places God Sealing World to adapt to the Titled/sealed God fighting method! 果然,舍得投资秘宝才能保住性命,获得丰厚回报,身处封神世界就得适应封神的打法! During the Meng Qi feeling, hears suddenly together spookily sound: „When Little Meng, you lectured before are three views that said actually what meaning?” 孟奇感慨之中,忽然听见一道“幽幽”的声音:“小孟,你之前讲学时说的三观究竟是什么意思?” ? Meng Qi turns head, saw the Zhao Heng slightly depressed expression, immediately hollow laugh two: 啊?孟奇回过头去,看见了赵恒略显郁闷的表情,顿时干笑两声: „Does Old Zhao, why care about this detail?” 老赵啊,何必在意这种细节?” Saw with own eyes that the Zhao Heng facial expression is helpless, Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu cast the curious vision, Meng Qi cough, elaborated outlook on life values world outlook with the ancient times language, quite beats a drum at heart, graduates after the 11 th grade, the peak of oneself no longer knowledge, where still remembers that the clear concrete definition, can only according to the impression, talk nonsense one. 眼见赵恒神情无奈,江芷微阮玉书都投来好奇的目光,孟奇咳嗽一声,用古代语言将人生观价值观世界观阐述了一遍,心里颇为打鼓,从高三毕业以后,自己就不复知识的巅峰,哪里还记得清楚具体定义,只能按照印象,胡扯一通。 Is good wait/etc. has not contacted because of Zhao Heng, was fooled by him smoothly. 好在赵恒等都未接触过,顺利被他唬弄了过去。 Chatted. Qi Zhengyan unemotional say/way: This harvest not poor, if trades to Six Paths, feared that meets little multi- Virtuous Merit.” 闲聊完毕。齐正言面无表情道:“这次收获不菲,若都换给六道,怕是会少许多善功。” These words like an advantage arrow, in stamp Meng Qi's mind, right, Six Paths is the out-and-out profiteer, is good at buying tall sells lowly! 这句话就像一枝利箭,戳中了孟奇的心灵,对啊,六道是不折不扣的奸商,擅长低买高卖! Attains Immortal Vestige to hang to sell? First, the expenditure time is long, Ruan Yushu and Qi Zhengyan are the breakthrough crucial phases, cannot delay ; second, oneself and the others only three hundred Virtuous Merit. mission will unable to accomplish including the most basic inquiry next time ; third, after to change into Virtuous Merit, must help them exchange cultivation technique item wait/etc., this will expose itself to join the Immortal Vestige matter indirectly, violates the contract. 拿到仙迹去挂卖?一是花费时间漫长,阮玉书齐正言又都是突破关键时期,耽搁不得,二是自己等人身上只三百善功。连最基本的查询下次任务都办不到,三是换成善功后,总得自己帮他们兑换功法物品等,这会间接暴露自己加入仙迹的事情,违背契约。 We can first choose item that needs from the harvest directly, according to the normal value calculates.” At this time, Ruan Yushu clear coldly said one. “我们可以先从收获里直接挑选需要的物品,按正常价值算。”这时,阮玉书清清冷冷道了一句。 hears word, Meng Qi first stares, at once joins the palms in greeting to laugh: Good way!” 闻言,孟奇先是一愣,旋即合掌大笑:“好办法!” Chose later item to change into Virtuous Merit not cheap Six Paths many again! 挑选之后的物品再换成善功就不会便宜六道多少了! Jiang Zhiwei and Zhao Heng also followed Meng Qi to praise Ruan Yushu one. Praised her thoughts to be nimble and resourceful, intelligent excellent. 江芷微赵恒也跟着孟奇赞美了阮玉书一句。夸她心思灵动,聪慧过人。 The Ruan Yushu complexion is invariable, lowers the head slightly, among the manners has the contented meaning. 阮玉书脸色不变,微微低头,神态之间颇有自得之意。 Thereupon. Five people put the arrived center the spoils of war, the idea include: 于是乎。五人将战利品放到了中央,计有: From far-sighted person and person who hears distant voices monster Mountain and River Country Chart, peach deluxe edition body, storage ring. Centipede eye and other heavenly materials and earthly treasures three ; 来自千里眼和顺风耳妖怪的“山河社稷图”一张,桃精本体一株,芥子环一枚。蜈蚣眼等天材地宝三件; The storage bag and Gong Yangbao storage ring from Gong Yangdeng, inside has treasured armament, rare treasure, heavenly materials and earthly treasures and medicinal pill respectively, but the quantities are the odd numbers. And the former the item step is not high ; 来自公羊登的储物袋和公羊薄芥子环,内里各有宝兵、秘宝、天材地宝丹药,但数量多为单数。且前者之物品阶不高; Two Exterior Scenery storage bags and treasured armament from guarding prison, compared with the thing of Gong Yangdeng also almost ; 来自看守大牢的两名外景的储物袋和宝兵,比公羊登之物还差一点; storage ring from Gong Yangzeng, Seventh-Gold Essence and other heavenly materials and earthly treasures and spirit grass medicinal pill ten, High Grade treasured armament broken clouds spear/gun and blood ghost sword, 5th Heavenly Layer five light stone and escaping land rent light symbol and 4th Heavenly Layer Four Symbols pipas and stamp eye of bead these four rare treasures. 来自公羊增芥子环,庚金之精天材地宝灵草丹药共十件,上品宝兵“破云枪”和“血煞剑”,五重天的五光石、遁地金光符和四重天四象琵琶、戳目珠这四件秘宝。 Grasped Gong Yangzeng, this mission, we feared that will slightly owe.” Swept sweeping, Zhao Heng was judging the value sketchily. “要不是拿住了公羊增,这次任务,我们怕是会小亏。”扫了扫,赵恒粗略判断着价值。 Slightly after owing refers to being counted failure Virtuous Merit that the consumption the rare treasure and deducts, might as well before mission starts, but differs not many. 小亏是指算上消耗的秘宝和扣除的失败善功后,还不如任务开始前,但相差不多。 Meng Qi smiles reveals a words tooth: But there is Gong Yangzeng, everyone at least gains over 5000.” 孟奇笑地露出一口白牙:“但有了公羊增,每人至少赚五千以上。” This is really a greatly fat sheep! 这真是一头大肥羊啊! He experienced so many mission, saw dead to live, in revenged after Chen king almost restored the mood, if intertwined in this matter for a long time, if did not leave the samsara, sooner or later collapsed or fascinated, this was each mind clear and determined Exterior Scenery powerhouse adjusts to own instinct, naturally, if encountered the calamity is the person of caring, was not necessarily able to go out of the haze! 他经历了这么多次任务,见惯了死生,在为陈王报仇后就差不多恢复了心情,若是长久纠结于此事,若不脱出轮回,迟早崩溃或入魔,这是每一位心灵圆润、意志坚定的外景强者对自身的本能调节,当然,如果遭遇厄难是在乎之人,就未必能走出阴霾了! After Ruan Yushu will also remain Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda puts in the center one time, looks to Meng Qi: You strive Virtuous Merit to be most, you first select.” 阮玉书将还剩一次的“天地玄黄玲珑宝塔”放入中央后,看向孟奇:“你出力出善功最多,你先挑。” She is expressing oneself opinion forthrightly. 她毫不避讳地表达着自己的意见。 Jiang Zhiwei, Zhao Heng and Qi Zhengyan are also such idea, one after another nod the head. 江芷微赵恒齐正言也是这样的想法,纷纷颔首。 Meng Qi honest is impolite goes forward one step, the vision has swept, grasps a thing directly. 孟奇老实不客气上前一步,目光扫过,直接抓起一物。 Rare treasure: Mountain and River Country Chart! 秘宝:山河社稷图 This was endures compared with the former Falling Soul Bell product Jie rare treasure, even can only use one time, the value still worked as about 6000, to Meng Qi, the attack and defense rare treasure did not lack in own world, but own secret art and style were not bad, full power however to endure compared with the 4th Heavenly Layer rare treasure, the latter was the long-term task, therefore, directly soared the effectiveness strange mysterious treasure, but. 这是堪比之前落魂钟品阶的秘宝,即使只能使用一次了,价值也当在六千左右,对孟奇来说,攻击和防御的秘宝在自身世界不缺,而自己的绝学和招式也不差,全力而为堪比四重天的秘宝,后者才是长久之道,所以,直奔效用诡异神奇的宝物而去。 Between the escaping land rent light/only symbol and Four Symbols pipa and Mountain and River Country Chart, Meng Qi has nothing hesitant, chose can the virtually impossible to guard against, critical moment be able to play overturned the role Mountain and River Country Chart, like this time coped with Gong Yangzeng, without this rare treasure, even if oneself were Top-Class Expert, there are Jiang Zhiwei and the others to assist, was impossible to kill him, had to delay and fluctuation slightly, Grandmaster Jin Guangdong comes! 在遁地金光符、四象琵琶与山河社稷图之间,孟奇没什么犹豫,选择了能让人防不胜防,关键时刻可以起翻盘作用的“山河社稷图”,就像这次对付公羊增,若没有这件秘宝,即使自身是绝顶高手,又有江芷微等人相助,也不可能杀得掉他,稍有拖延和波动,金光洞宗师就来了! Naturally, the Meng Qi choice Mountain and River Country Chart also has the most important reason: 当然,孟奇选择“山河社稷图”还有一个最重要的原因: Its value is highest! 它价值最高! Receives this ink picture roll, the Meng Qi smile looks to Jiang Zhiwei: This you, did not press the number of articles according to the value.” 收起这张水墨图卷,孟奇微笑看向江芷微:“该你了,不按件数按价值。” When Jiang Zhiwei onlooking, in the heart has haggled over, chose peach tree, the Seventh-Gold Essence same place, sword rosy cloud grass, general value about 5500. 江芷微旁观之时,心中已有计较,挑选了“桃树”一株,庚金之精一块,剑霞草一棵,大概价值在五千五百左右。 They can be used for the refiner, I want to sublimate the treasured sword.” After selecting, Jiang Zhiwei explained one. “它们都能用来炼器,我想升华宝剑。”挑完后,江芷微解释了一句。 She is 3rd Heavenly Layer, White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword is close to Mid Grade. 她已是三重天,白虹贯日剑接近中品了。 Meng Qi said with a smile: Should sublimate, my flowing fire already High Grade.” 孟奇笑道:“是该升华了,我的流火早就上品了。” This several Exterior Scenery, Meng Qi useful flowing fire blood sucking, but does not know that is the sword technique display function not big relations, fighting intent and faith attaches insufficiently, the growth has not anticipated quickly, is still so, scalding hot even more is also reserved. The scarlet jade semblance anode lives Yin, shows cool. 这次几名外景,孟奇都有用流火吸血,但不知是不是剑法发挥作用不大的关系,战意与信念附加不够,成长没预期得快,犹是如此,灼热也愈发内敛。赤玉般的外表阳极阴生,透出一阵清凉。 Then, Ruan Yushu selected four heavenly materials and earthly treasures, all before is her, trades to Six Paths several, because she breaks through Exterior Scenery to near, these can be used for practice, cannot also spread to begin to the elder to want when the time comes, after all just had given! 接下来,阮玉书挑了四件天材地宝,皆是她之前换给六道的几种,因为她突破外景在即,这些都能用来修炼,总不能到时候还摊着手向长辈要,毕竟“刚”给过! Qi Zhengyan had not looked, the hand extended, absorbs the escaping land rent light symbol. According to the appraisal of Six Paths, this rare treasure value in five thousand Virtuous Merit high and low, maintains life good electing. 齐正言没有多看,手一伸,摄起了遁地金光符。根据六道的鉴定,这件秘宝价值在五千善功上下,保命不错之选。 Zhao Heng looked dignifiedly, medicinal pill that finally takes up also remained time use Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda and a help purifies the mind to refresh one's spirits, the total value is also 5000 high and low. 赵恒凝重看了一圈,最终拿起了还剩一次使用次数的“天地玄黄玲珑宝塔”和一枚帮助清心宁神的丹药,总价值也是五千上下。 Selects the first round, Jiang Zhiwei said to Meng Qi with a smile: This you.” 挑完第一轮,江芷微笑吟吟对孟奇道:“又该你了。” Meng Qi knits the brows to look at the remaining thing, oneself Two Heads Four Arms truly also lacks a treasured sword, the High Grade treasured armament blood ghost sword seems appropriate, but it fills to slaughter, the bloody and cruel feeling. Is an ominous sword, does not gather with temperament, but five light stones and Four Symbols pipas have the use actually non- to respectively. 孟奇皱眉看着剩下之物,自己两头四臂确实还缺一口宝剑,上品宝兵血煞剑似乎很合适,可它充满杀戮、血腥和残暴的感觉。是一口凶剑,与自己心性不合,而五光石、四象琵琶各有用处却非必须。 Thinks thing that own this plan exchanges, Meng Qi light suction port gas channel/angrily said: I do not select. Waits for multi- precession of equinoxes Virtuous Merit is.” 想到自己这次打算兑换的事物,孟奇轻吸口气道:“我就不挑了。等下多分点善功便是。” Cannot Virtuous Merit be insufficient! 可不能善功不足! During the speeches, he discovered that the sale on commission to storage ring of attached squad still, understands Yuan Yang and the others feared does not have so many Virtuous Merit for a while. 说话间,他发现寄卖给附属小队的芥子环还在,明白元央等人怕是一时没那么多善功 Hears the Meng Qi's words, Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu and Zhao Heng sizes up remaining item. Qi Zhengyan hesitated the evil ways: Or this, the remaining complete appraisals, convert Virtuous Merit. On the paper surface apportions everyone, then Virtuous Merit redeems item that needs with this again, finally turns into true Virtuous Merit.” 听到孟奇的话语,江芷微阮玉书赵恒打量起剩下物品齐正言沉吟了下道:“要不这样,剩下的全部鉴定,换算成善功。纸面上分给大家,接着再用这个‘善功’赎取需要的物品,最后再变成真正善功。” Good, such convenience assigns.” Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi all approve, so as to avoid after some people do not choose , not good minute/share of Virtuous Merit. “好,这样方便分配。”江芷微孟奇皆是赞同,免得有人不挑选后不好分善功 Five people will have item to throw into the central light beam, in turn appraisal: 五人将剩下物品丢入中央光柱,依次鉴定: Five light stones( imitation), the 5th Heavenly Layer rare treasure, can send the five colors different light, being puzzled god fan, hits the person appearance, every shot hits the target...... value 5100 hundred Virtuous Merit, may receive in exchange for four thousand Virtuous Merit.” “五光石(仿制),五重天秘宝,能发五色异光,惑神迷目,打人面目,百发百中……价值五千一百善功,可换取四千善功。” „The Four Symbols pipa( imitation), the 4th Heavenly Layer rare treasure...... value 4300 hundred Virtuous Merit, may receive in exchange for 3200 hundred Virtuous Merit.” 四象琵琶(仿制),四重天秘宝……价值四千三百善功,可换取三千二百善功。” Pokes an eye of bead( imitation), the 4th Heavenly Layer rare treasure...... value 4200 hundred Virtuous Merit, may receive in exchange for 3100 hundred Virtuous Merit.” “戳目珠(仿制),四重天秘宝……价值四千二百善功,可换取三千一百善功。” ...... …… After the appraisal, Meng Qi and the others discovered Six Paths to rare treasure, spirit grass wait/etc. the price is high, the thing and storage ring peach fine remainder altogether may receive in exchange for 4600 hundred Virtuous Merit, thing of Gong Yangdeng and Gong Yangbao add to have 12,000 thousand Virtuous Merit, in prison two Exterior Scenery total 9000, but after being counted the Gong Yangzeng vestiges relic, total Virtuous Merit may reach 49,000 thousand Virtuous Merit! 经过鉴定,孟奇等人发现六道对秘宝、灵草等开的价格较高,桃精剩余之物和芥子环共可换取四千六百善功,公羊登公羊薄之物加起来有一万二千善功,大牢内两名外景共计九千,而算上公羊增残余“遗物”后,总的善功可达四万九千善功 Subtracts 100, with the past remaining 300 will be used to exchange the mission information, Meng Qi everyone can obtain 9780 ten Virtuous Merit next time, but Qi Zhengyan selected five light stones, finally will have 5780 ten Virtuous Merit, Ruan Yushu took the Four Symbols pipa, 6580 ten Virtuous Merit, Zhao Heng will take pokes an eye of bead, 6680 ten Virtuous Merit, Jiang Zhiwei will also be the same with Meng Qi, without choosing the 4th Heavenly Layer following rare treasure, will take away 9780 ten Virtuous Merit. 减去一百,和过去剩下的三百用来兑换下次任务的情报,孟奇每人能分得九千七百八十善功,而齐正言挑了五光石,最后只得五千七百八十善功,阮玉书拿了四象琵琶,得六千五百八十善功,赵恒取走戳目珠,得六千六百八十善功,江芷微也和孟奇一样,没挑选四重天以下的秘宝,拿走九千七百八十善功 „Do you have the plan to exchange?” The minute/share ends Virtuous Merit, Jiang Zhiwei looks with a smile to Meng Qi. “你有打算兑换的?”分完善功,江芷微含笑看向孟奇 He rather withstands the Six Paths exploitation, is not willing to choose item, definitely has the thing of urgently needed exchange. 他宁愿承受六道剥削,也不愿意挑选物品,肯定有急需兑换的事物。 Meng Qi hehe smiles: Yes, one set of sword technique.” 孟奇呵呵一笑:“是,一套剑法。” One set of sword technique?” Jiang Zhiwei eye one bright, does not know that which sword technique young monk did settle on? “一套剑法?”江芷微眼睛一亮,不知小和尚看中了哪门剑法 He can always dig up drawing from vast as the open sea cultivation technique good thing! 他总是能从浩如烟海功法里扒拉出来不错的东西 One set by Jane/simple Rufan Exterior Scenery sword technique, three types.” Meng Qi appears intermittently the expectation to look to the central light beam, „a sword conceals is spatial, hundred swords do not have finally, Ten Thousand Swords Return Origin!” “一套由简入繁的外景剑法,共三式。”孟奇隐现憧憬地看向中央光柱,“一剑藏空,百剑无终,万剑归元!” This is the long-awaited thing, in three blade three sword three Divine Skill three swords! 这是自己期待已久的事物,三刀三剑三神技中的“三剑”! Three blades are one set of blade technique, three swords are sword technique, three Divine Skill are the blade and sword combination strike Dharma Body styles, hence, Meng Qi started proceeding in an orderly way of blade and sword combination strike finally truly, but this can also the part offset insufficiency on the sword technique! 三刀是一套刀法,三剑是剑法,三神技则是刀剑合击法身招式,至此,孟奇总算真正开始了刀剑合击的循序渐进,而这也能部分弥补自身剑法上的不足! Jiang Zhiwei hears to be confused, according to the Meng Qi prompt seeks, looks at arrived to describe finally, discovered that three swords altogether value 8800 hundred Virtuous Merit, in Exterior Scenery is also good.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 江芷微听得一头雾水,根据孟奇提示寻找,总算看到了描述,发现“三剑”共值八千八百善功,在外景里面亦是不错。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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