WORIOA :: Volume #4

#104: The matter of Jade Void

After the world is chaotic, surname don't gradually fuzzy, arrived now, mixes one, therefore Duke Qi Huan this and other years ago old fogies deliberately reported the surname. 自天下纷乱后,姓氏之别渐渐模糊,到了如今,更是混一,故而齐桓公这等几百年前的老家伙刻意将姓氏都报了出来。 Hears such self introduction, in the team others will perhaps not have anything to respond, because did not know from the start, but Meng Qi is not so, the ancestors read the Spring and Autumn Period related books time, always ridiculed that solemn Duke Qi Huan had a name that made one burst out laughing: Xiaobai! 听到这样的自我介绍,队伍之中其他人或许不会有什么反应,因为压根儿不认识,但孟奇不然,上辈子看春秋战国相关书籍的时候,总是嘲笑堂堂齐桓公有个让人捧腹的名字:小白 Afterward discovered when their family/home also had called ignorantly, various Er the member, gradually was numb, although God Sealing World Duke Qi Huan is called anything, Meng Qi does not know, but discovered Jiang, Lu Clan, Xiaobai the person appeared in the front, the association/will guesses! 后来发现他们家还有叫无知、诸儿的成员时,就渐渐麻木了,虽然封神世界齐桓公叫做什么,孟奇并不知道,但发现“姜姓,吕氏,名小白”之人出现在面前,总会这么猜一猜! Mo Fei/could it be that Qi Country Senior face to face?” Meng Qi restrains surprisedly, salutes submissively. 莫非齐国吕前辈当面?”孟奇收敛惊讶,拱手行礼。 Because six tyrants or stay or disappear, no longer reveals in front of the world, therefore often has posthumous name and other thing, compared with as ever, village, but the living person face to face, Meng Qi the non- coordinated status, will also not call Huan after all directly. 因为六霸或避居或消失,不再露于世人面前,所以往往都有谥号等物,比如恒、庄等,可毕竟活人当面,孟奇又非对等身份,自不会直接称呼桓公。 Duke Qi Huan said with a smile: With is Jade Void Disciple, does not need is so overly courteous, moreover Old Daoist also has the matter to ask you to help.” 齐桓公笑道:“同为玉虚门下,无需如此多礼,而且老道还有事请你帮忙。” The words turn over to the main story, Meng Qi to say immediately: Does not know that what matter the younger generation does have to be able to help?” 话归正传,孟奇当即道:“不知晚辈有什么事能帮上忙?” Duke Qi Huan stroked white Xu: Minor matter, after you change, along with Old Daoist sees Chu Zhuang, recognizes him from Jade Void Palace that item, since you are predestined friends, could see the origin.” 齐桓公捋了捋白须:“小事一桩,你变化之后随老道去见楚庄,辨识一下他得自玉虚宫的那件物品,你们既然有缘,或许能看出来历。” Mo Fei/could it be that can't junior uncle know?” Duke Qi Huan always said that with is Jade Void Disciple, Meng Qi hits the snake simply along with the stick on, cried out junior uncle. 莫非师叔识不得?”齐桓公老说同为玉虚门下,孟奇干脆打蛇随棍上,叫起了师叔 Duke Qi Huan white eyebrows slightly wrinkle: Non- is that that I estimate, as if there is origin.” 齐桓公白眉微皱:“非是我预想的那柄,似乎别有来历。” He is not repugnant about the junior uncle name. 他对师叔称呼并无反感。 Sees his not agrees to relate in detail, Meng Qi does not closely examine, then said: junior uncle, does not know that what rule Jade Void Palace does appear has?” 见他不肯细说,孟奇也不追问,转而道:“师叔,不知玉虚宫出现有什么规律?” He most cares about this matter, inside perhaps has Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter complete inheritance! 他最关心此事,里面或许有“元始金章”的完整传承! Appear and disappear from time to time. It‘s nothing rule, but presents the previous period of time each time, the world association/will a little changes. The average men are unobservable, but arrived Old Daoist and Chu Zhuang their levels. Actually can feel clearly, especially recently this time, River of Time had the mutation, as if no longer turned round in the past slow, cannot return to the original condition, it seems like could not go back......” speaking of this matter, Duke Qi Huan somewhat talked incessantly, was not worried that has not arrived at the Dharma Body level Meng Qi to find Jade Void Palace. Acting swiftly to get there first. “时隐时现。没什么规律,但每次出现前一段时日,天地总会有点变化。常人难以察觉,但到了老道楚庄他们这个层次。却能清晰感受,尤其最近这次,时光长河都有了异变,似乎不再复以往的‘迟缓’,至今也未能恢复原状,看来回不去了……”说到此事,齐桓公有些唠叨,也不担心还未到法身层次的孟奇藉此找到玉虚宫。捷足先登。 Meng Qi calmly is listening, just right interrupts: Therefore can find forthcoming Jade Void Palace by this world change?” 孟奇静静听着,恰到好处插言:“所以能透过这种天地变化找到即将出现的玉虚宫?” Duke Qi Huan nods said: After the front several failure, we fished out the rule slowly, finally at the final moment looks for arrived Jade Void Palace, what a pity goes is ejected shortly, only Chu Zhuang obtains item, Old Daoist makes you identify its origin, then wants to seek for the multithreading, enters or the next many points of harvests by the chart forcefully.” 齐桓公颔首道:“经过前面几次的失败,我们慢慢摸出了规律,终于在最后时刻找到了玉虚宫,可惜进去没多久就被抛出,只楚庄得到件物品,老道之所以让你辨认它的来历,便是想藉此寻找更多线索,以图强行进入或下次多点收获。” At this point, he sighed: At the Old Daoist age. At most again Jade Void Palace appeared, yeah, the family ancestor has nothing Immortal Destiny. The life cannot prove to result in Dharma Body, the ancient place Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter not Dharma Body, Old Daoist can have today's cultivation base, many and becomes the world hegemon by other fortuitous encounter......” 说到这里,他叹了口气:“以老道的年纪。顶多再等到一次玉虚宫出现了,哎,家祖无有仙缘。一生未能证得法身,故所得‘元始金章’没有‘法身篇’,老道能有今日的修为,多靠别的奇遇和成为天下盟主……” He did not have to say this matter again, looked up the sky, continued saying: After War of Gods, the world is broken, has strange and restraint, arrived Old Daoist this level. Indistinct can detect that anything, willing does not halt in this. Therefore has the anticipation to Jade Void Palace, hopes that can be inherited with the Kunlun Mountains not dead medicine completely.” 他没再说这事,抬头望了望天空,继续道:“自封神之战后,天地残破,多有诡异和约束,到了老道这个层次。隐约能察觉到点什么,不甘心止步于此。所以对玉虚宫多有期待,希望能得到完整传承和昆仑不死药。” Not dead medicine? Meng Qi inspires lightly. It seems like God Sealing World Dharma Body also only remained about 300 longevity! 不死药?孟奇轻吸口气。看来封神世界法身也只剩三百左右寿元了! The restraining thoughts, he asked the so-called strangeness and restraint, but Duke Qi Huan attended to about him, not agrees stated clearly, added the Meng Qi's doubts. 收敛心思,他问起所谓的诡异和约束,但齐桓公都顾左右而言他,不肯明说,更添孟奇的疑惑。 It is not good to ask again, Meng Qi puts down this matter temporarily, asked the matter of another care: „Can junior uncle, why know Heavenly Lord and other Jade Void Lineage Immortal Being does not see?” 不好再问,孟奇暂时放下此事,问起另一件关心的事情:“师叔,可知天尊玉虚一脉其他仙人为何不见?” Hears this issue, the Duke Qi Huan facial expression becomes dignified: Grandfather leaves leeway to lose the letter/believes, after saying the world is broken, various teach loses seriously, achieved the peace talk, gave up Shang Dynasty, supported King Wu completely, three Heavenly Lord and Buddhism two ancestors turned over to various places respectively.” 听到这个问题,齐桓公神情变得凝重:“家祖留有遗信,言天地残破后,诸教损失惨重,达成了和议,放弃殷商,全部支持武王,三位天尊佛门二祖各归各处。” This inquired with Immortal Vestige the situation of conforms to...... Meng Qi to nod the head gently. 这与仙迹打听到的情况符合……孟奇轻轻颔首。 „After however the world is broken , the third year, Heavenspan Sect Master vanishes, Emerald Jade Floating Palace disappears without a trace, the fifth year, the remote antiquity and Tushita Palace at the same time vanishes, the ninth year, Heavenly Lord vanishes, Jade Void hides away, Kunlun Mountains control self, the disciple remains mediocre, the 11 th year, the Buddhism pure land does not appear.” Mentioned this past events, Duke Qi Huan has the surprised color, walking that the later dozens years, several Exalted Immortal walked, fleeing the world of fleeing the world, even some by discovery already died during meditation.” “然天地残破后第三年,通天教主消失,碧游宫不知去向,第五年,太上与兜率宫同时消失,第九年,天尊消失,玉虚隐遁,昆仑自禁,徒留凡俗,第十一年,佛门净土不再现于世间。”说起这件往事,齐桓公颇有惊疑之色,“之后几十年,几位上仙走的走,遁世的遁世,甚至有的被发现已然坐化。” Walked walking?” The Meng Qi doubts asked. “走的走?”孟奇疑惑问道。 Duke Qi Huan slightly nod: Because before they do not see, once left behind few words, the meaning sums up to only have one: Returns!’ 齐桓公微微点头:“因为他们不见之前,都曾经留下只言片语,意思归结起来只有一个:‘归去!’” Returns?” Meng Qi is vacant, which several Exalted Immortal had to return?” “归去?”孟奇茫然不解,“有哪几位上仙归去了?” Is the object of common purpose goes to Immortal Realm? Real world, non- Universe Fragment? 是指归去“仙界”?还是“真实世界”,非宙光碎片 Old Daoist only knows Jade Void Palace Guang Cheng Immortal Venerated and Tushita Palace Southern China Immortal Venerated.” Duke Qi Huan said, also had other to be unknown.” 老道只知玉虚宫广成仙尊兜率宫南华仙尊。”齐桓公道,“还有没有其他就不得而知了。” Meng Qi inwardly takes down this matter , to continue to ask, but Duke Qi Huan wants to say does not conceal, being watertight that does not want to say that making Meng Qi quite depressed, arrived final, consults the Primordial Beginning Golden Chapter content simply, for example Jade Void Divine Deduction. 孟奇暗自记下此事,继续发问,而齐桓公想说的不隐瞒,不想说的滴水不漏,让孟奇好生郁闷,到了最后,干脆请教起元始金章的内容,比如玉虚神算 In this regard, the Duke Qi Huan attainments deeply do not know many times compared with Meng Qi, often a language cut through the dense fog of Meng Qi with hardship thinking. 在这方面,齐桓公的造诣比孟奇深不知多少倍,往往一语就拨开了孟奇苦苦思索的迷雾。 Sees the matter of that side Mohists almost to arrange appropriately, Meng Qi said with a smile immediately: junior uncle, does not know whether to make the Mohists hide Qi Country?” 见那边墨者之事差不多安排妥当,孟奇当即笑道:“师叔,不知能否让墨者躲去齐国?” Where Duke Qi Huan can not know his wishful thinking, hey: Old Daoist can restrain lineage/vein, no matter, as for can convince now King Qi, all looked at you, yeah, the Qi Country erosion for a long time, the deterioration could not withstand, truly needs to transform.” 齐桓公哪会不知道他的小心思,嘿了一声:“老道可以约束道脉不管,至于能不能说服当今齐王,就全看你们自己了,哎,齐国糜烂已久,衰败不堪,确实需要变革了。” Finally half a word words expressed the support in disguised form. 最后半句话变相表示了支持。 Meng Qi apologized to junior uncle, arrived at Jiang Zhiwei that side them, the expression solemn and respectful said to Mohists: 孟奇谢过师叔,走到江芷微他们那边,表情肃穆对诸位墨者道: Matter of little bon voyage world, does not pass through the twists and turns, does not undergo the misery, does not see really gold/metal.” “世间之事少一帆风顺者,不经波折,不历苦难,不见真金。” Naturally, the world situation will not change, the road ahead is bright, but the journey has the ups and downs, but also looks at everyone to grasp itself, the heart defends the universal love, do not improperly belittle oneself.” “当然,天下大势不会改变,前路是光明的,只是路途多有曲折,还望各位秉持自身,心守兼爱,不要妄自菲薄。” Together the erosion, is our opportunity, everyone may under Bai Song and Zhao Bai lead to go, to keep Chen Country, gets up to command by the king.” “齐地糜烂,正是我们用武之地,各位可在白松赵柏率领下前往,若想留在陈国,则由王起统领。” Bai Song, Zhao Bai and king get up after prohibiting to relieve had met with Meng Qi and the others. 白松赵柏和王起在封禁解除后已与孟奇等人会合。 Yes, Juzi!” Mohists replied respectfully. “是,矩子!”一位位墨者恭敬回答。 The Bai Song doubts looked at Meng Qi one: Juzi, where do you want toward?” 白松疑惑看了孟奇一眼:“矩子,你们欲往何方?” We still had the incident to manage, coming to day to arrive in full meet with you.” Meng Qi is without turning a hair saying that Bai Song can support the present Mohists reluctantly, is only the prestige is insufficient. “我们尚有一事需办,来日到齐地与你们会合。”孟奇面不改色道,白松勉强能支撑起如今的墨者,只是威望还不够。 As for Chen Mohists, the king has martial arts, although is high, but the control is bad, is unable to be competent the leader, only has outwardly on status, but the true president, Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei they decides Tian Kuo. 至于陈地墨者,王起武功虽高,但统御较差,无法胜任首领,仅具备明面上的身份,而真正的主持者,孟奇江芷微他们都属意田括 ............ ………… The weather is late gradually, the stratus cloud completely burns, Meng Qi gets makes the mouse, hid into the Duke Qi Huan sleeves, only around sleep/felt dark, as if fell into the chaos, but can detect outside indistinctly. 天色渐晚,层云尽烧,孟奇变做老鼠,躲入了齐桓公的衣袖,只觉四周幽幽暗暗,仿佛身陷混沌,但隐约能察觉外面。 Suddenly, simultaneous/uniform Henggong under footsteps, the clear and resonant voice said with a smile: In years past you looked about complacently, does the tyrant world, how reveal only part of the truth certainly now, makes the small children spirit?” 忽然,齐恒公顿下脚步,朗声笑道:“昔年你顾盼自豪,霸绝天下,如今怎藏头露尾,做小儿女情态?” Huan face to face, the younger generation does not dare to look straight ahead.” The dignified sound resounds together, the tone is seemingly modest, is calling posthumous name directly. “桓公当面,晚辈自不敢直视。”一道威严的声音响起,语气看似谦虚,却直接叫着“谥号”。 The Meng Qi centralized mind telepathy, found that front is setting up a tall man, wears the royal robes robe, wears the royal crown, the complexion golden yellow, the heavy features, under the chin keep the black to steadily, sacred grave. 孟奇集中精神感应,发现前面立着一位身材高大的男子,穿衮袍,戴王冠,脸色金黄,浓眉大眼,颔下留着黑色长须,神圣庄重。 He stands there, as if stuffed the entire world. 他站在那里,似乎就充塞了整个天地。 Originally is Huan meddles, no wonder ran away...... King Chu Zhuang to continue to say by Su Mo. “原来是桓公插手,难怪被苏墨逃走……”楚庄王继续道。 Meng Qi follows the prompt of Duke Qi Huan, induces the King Chu Zhuang waist is hanging that item full power. 孟奇则顺着齐桓公的提示,全力感应着楚庄王腰间悬挂着的那件物品 That is Jade Ruyi, is exuding the purple white golden yellow color, is all over the body bright, dignified quiet and peaceful, as if can suppress heart demon, suppresses the life and death, suppresses the years to pass! 那是一柄玉如意,泛着紫白金黄之色,通体剔透,庄严清宁,似乎能压住心魔,压住生死,压住岁月流逝! But its aura is slightly weak, is not in the legend that Three Treasures Ruyi. 但它气息稍弱,绝非传说中那柄三宝如意 What may make Meng Qi surprised is, this Jade Ruyi to oneself unusual familiarity, non- is familiar on cultivation technique, but is one type is unable with familiar of language description, as if saw that it looks at arrived! 可让孟奇惊讶的是,这柄玉如意给自己奇特的熟悉感,非是功法上的熟悉,而是一种无法用语言描述的熟悉,似乎看到它就看到了自己! No, has slight unlike oneself! 不,与自己又有些微不同! During the doubts, Duke Qi Huan and King Chu Zhuang blame each other, takes various groups respectively. 疑惑之中,齐桓公楚庄王互相指责完毕,各走各路。 The arrived distant place, Duke Qi Huan emits Meng Qi, inquired his Corporeal and Incorporeal discovery. 到了远处,齐桓公放出孟奇,询问他有无发现。 Meng Qi said own feeling honestly, end say/way: Younger generation cannot see the origin.” 孟奇老老实实将自己的感受说了一遍,末了道:“晚辈也看不出来历。” Duke Qi Huan crosses the hands behind the back to pace, hesitates half sound: At least the proof really has strangely......” 齐桓公负手踱步,沉吟半响:“至少证明确有诡异……” At this time, Meng Qi and the others the time limit has arrived, does not want to spend the time to go to proselytize together, so as to avoid presents the return gap, creates a bigger incident, therefore after packing off Duke Qi Huan, paid 2500 hundred Virtuous Merit respectively, forcefully return! 此时,孟奇等人时限已到,不想多花时间去齐地传道,免得出现回归间隔,造成更大事端,于是在送走齐桓公后,各自支付了两千五百善功,强行回归! I will also come back!” When vanishes, Meng Qi looked back to look to Chen place, in the heart emitted this famous saying inexplicably. ( to be continued ) “我还会回来的!”消失之际,孟奇回首看向陈地,心中莫名冒出了这句名言。(未完待续) ... ...
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